Mellivespa's Gold

Story by BSting on SoFurry

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Thank you for reading!

I apologize for any and all errors.

Hopefully, this might spawn some fan art, or even a comic. That would be so AWESOME. /)^3^(\

Mellivespa's Gold

by BSting

In the middle ages, a now extinct type of insect used to roam in colonies deep within dense forests. The mellivespa, as it's latin name suggests, is a type of wasp that is capable of making honey in sizable quantities. Like bees, they are capable of making honey by collecting pollen and nectar. However, during the process of making the honey, the mellivespa secretes an enzyme in the mix that makes the honey almost irresistible after the first taste. Because of its highly addictive properties, it was made illegal and only sold in black markets and by back-alley traders. Addicts would pay through the nose to get jars of it and only a masochistic or desperate fool would track down a hive for the honey inside. The barbless sting of a mellivespa contains no venom or toxin that would be considered deadly. However, its half-inch long stinger can penetrate the thickest of hide, making protective suits utterly useless. Also, once it stings a part of the body, it releases a pheromone that signals the other mellivespas to attack the same general area around the sight of the first sting.

It takes true greed to devour as much of the honey as possible without giving up a single gold piece. Greed that consumed a rich dragoness thief that lived in a cavern where she stashes her hoard. This is her story.

"Hahahaha! So much gold! I've collected so much. Soon, I'll collect enough to own a palace, or a kingdom!"

She greedily sinks her hands into the piles of gold, grabbing a handful and letting it sink through her fingers. The shine of the gold sparkles in her azure eyes. She looks in a diamond as big as a baseball. Her reflection shows her face, covered with black scales and red hair. She examines herself from her small chest to her big backside. The thief is not wearing any clothing in belief that her thick scales are enough to protect her.

"Well, aren't you a sexy beast. You got it all, girl. A trove of treasures and a beautiful butt to boot. All those filthy males out there want a piece of you and your riches, but they will never get anything from me."

Her stomach growls in protest. If she could, she would spend her riches on food. However, she is wanted in a village that's near her home. She had no choice. She exits her cave and sets off for food. In the forest, she finds some plantlife that would be edible to humans. But, being a carnivore through and through, she sets her sight on wild game. She is in luck. She spots a rabbit foraging for food. She aims her bow to the rabbit and pulls the arrow back. Then, she spots another rabbit, bigger than the other one. She aims at the bigger rabbit and lets the arrow fly. Unfortunately, the arrow narrowly misses its target. It spooks off both rabbits and they run. Determined not to let her food get away, the thief chases after the rabbits until a sickeningly sweet smell fills her nostrils. She stops and looks around. She finds a gigantically wide tree with holes coming out of both sides. She follows the scent to the tree and finds the wide hollow of the tree to be filled with honey, pooling in the base of the hollow tree. She looks inside the tree to find that the honey is dripping from the roof of the hollowed out trees. She dips her fingers into the honey and puts the honey in her mouth. She swallows it up, letting the sweet taste dance on her tongue. But then, a funny feeling begins to swell in her mind. She suddenly craved the honey more and more. She greedily cupped her hands and started to eat scoop after scoop of the sweet liquid. She became hooked on mellivespa honey.

The thief climbed into the hole in order to stick her entire body in the hollowed tree. She wanted to swim in the ecstasy-bringing honey. However, she was not able to fit her backside in. She moved around in order squeeze out, but she was stuck inside with her plump hindquarters sticking out of the tree. She accepts her state and continues to devour the honey.

Meanwhile, a jewel-colored wasp whips around the forest with pollen attached to its back legs. It flies towards the giant tree only to discover the thief's butt sticking out of his home. Its instinct tells it to attack. It brandishes its stinger and flies towards the thief's right cheek. It lands and burrows its stinger into the mound of flesh.


Her cry of pain combined with the pheromones released by the wasp's first sting sends the colony, previously working on the roof of the tree, in a frenzy. They begin to swarm out the other end of the tree. The thief's heart jumped at the sight of the swarm. Outside, the swarm circles around her tail end and, one by one, sting her on her plump buttocks. She screams in pain as they sting her again and again, leaving behind small welts. She continues screaming until her eyes catch a glimpse of the honey once more. Submitting to her newfound addiction, she continues to gulp down the honey, even as the mellivespas continue to sting her backside. She cries out in short squeals and muffled gasps as the wasps continue to tear into her butt.

Meanwhile, a couple yards away from the thief, a burly red dragon with yellow hair and two straight horns clothed in heavy armor is walking towards the tree, carrying a basket of jars. He stops to hear the shrieks of the thief coming from the direction of the tree. He sprints forward to see the thief, her legs dangling and kicking as the swarm continues to dive into her cheeks.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing with my stash of honey!" the harvester yells out to the thief.

"Is -Ah!- someone -Yeow!- out there?! I can't get out and it -Ow!- hurts so much!" the thief shouts back with honey spilling out of her mouth.

"Hold on, I'll pull you out. I'll grab on to your legs." The harvester grabs on to her legs, ignoring the swarm buzzing around his head. He was in no danger. His heavy armor was protecting him and the mellivespas are prone to attack one place and won't stop to attack another. He pulls as hard as he can, trying to get her out, when his eyes come to contact with her nether regions. He stares at her perfect pink flower and the puckered hole above it. After a scream escaped the thief's mouth, the harvester breaks his hypnotized state and makes a final pull, getting her out of the tree. Despite her escape, the wasps keep the attack going.

"Come on, lady. Run!" commands the harvester as he takes her sticky hand and pulls her as he runs back to his camp. The eventually escape the wasps, but not before getting a few more stings in her.

At the campsite, the thief rubs her backside in an attempt to ease the pain. "Quite a predicament, huh. I've never seen so stupid to go in without clothing." laughs the harvester. "Shut up!" the thief exclaimed. After the pain wore down, she looks back to the forest, contemplating if she should return to the honey that tempts her so. She turns towards the direction of the forest and begins to walk. "Where do you think you are going?", the harvester asks. "Don't tell me you are going back to get some of that honey."

"I can't help it, I need some more!"

"Tch, another addict. Judging by your hands and mouth, you've gorged quite a lot of the stuff, eh?"

The thief turns to listen to the harvester. She realizes that he knows more about the mysterious honey than she does.

"Listen," said the harvester. "If you go over there again, you are only going to get hurt again. You were lucky to be stung on your ass. I've seen people get attacked repeatedly in the face. Not a fun experience. If honey is what you are looking for, I have some, a lot of it."

"What? You do? Then, give me some!"

"Ah ah ah." the harvester said with a smirk. "Everything come at a price, my dear. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Gladwin. I harvest honey to sell to desperate people like you. Also, no need to introduce yourself to me. I know who you are."

"Y-you do?"

"Aye, you are Amanda. Your posters are posted everywhere where I come from. It would be quite a shame to see such a magnificent specimen like you, wasted after a trip to the chopping block."

"Ok, so you know who I am. No matter. Give me the honey NOW."

"Tsk tsk tsk. You are not getting anything from me without some sort of payment. Oh, and don't attempt to rob me blind. I'm well armed."

"How much?"

"20 gold pieces a jar."

"That's ridiculous! I'm not going to pay that much."

"Then, may I offer an alternative? I know that you don't want to part with your "hard-earned" cash, so you may offer your body as payment."


"Two jars if I can do whatever I want to your body. Deal?"

Amanda's mind starts to race, she doesn't want to give up her perfect body to just anyone, but seeing as she had no money with her and was desperate for another taste of honey...

"Deal." She gets down on all fours and lifts her tail high into the air. Gladwin then wastes no time in stripping his armor and clothing until he is as naked as she is. He examines what caught his eye in the for the first time he met her, her butt. He grabs both cheeks and starts to roll his thumbs in a circular motion.

"Ah! Careful!" she pleads. "I'm still very sore."

"I think you will enjoy this, then." assured Gladwin.

He sticks out his long tongue and begins to lick her buttocks. The feeling of his tongue on the sores stings a little, but it follows with pleasure and relief. He continues to circle his tongue around each cheek, until eventually heading straight for the middle. He teases the lips of her labia with his tongue, slowly going deeper. Amanda starts to moan and her mind races on what a great deal she is getting, honey and pleasure.

As he continues to lick, his member starts to erect. Amanda looks back and catches a glimpse of what's to come, a penis about 7 inches long. She begins to reconsider as she imagines what that would feel like in her, but it was too late to argue as Gladwin adjusts himself to her level. He held his cock in his hand, gliding in gently. Amanda gasps as he slowly tears through her hymen. She lost the only thing that truly belonged to her, her virginity. Now, it was taken from her, never to receive again. Then, Gladwin begins to pump himself in her in a slow state, gradually picking up speed. Amanda moans and gasps as she reaches down her stomach to massage her clitoris.

The pumping starts to pick up to maximum speed, she screams in pleasure as she feels a warmness build up down below. "Oooh, ah, don't stop! I think I'm gonna- AAH!" she screams as she tightens her muscles and releases a warm liquid. Sensations swim through her head as she feels Gladwin slowing down. "Ahh, here we go." he sighs. A cool feeling runs through his testicles as he shoots wave after wave inside of her. After five shots, he slowly exits out as Amanda's pussy as it drips out Gladwin's abundance of seed.

Amanda collapses to the ground exhausted. Gladwin snickers and says, "You are quite the lay." He goes to his wagon at the campsite and returns to her with two jars of Mellivespa honey. "Here you are, feel free to come back her anytime you want more. I'm here every day. You may purchase with coin, or do this again."

"Th-Thank you." she says silently.

As she watches him leave and get dressed, her thoughts look to her newfound addiction. It was going to be a big adjustment, but as long as she keeps her gold, she was happy.

Days go by, and every day, Amanda performs sexual favors for Gladwin for free honey. But she seems to always come see him with a fresh batch of stings.

"Your wounds still haven't gone away?" he would say.

"What can I say? I can't get enough." she would reply.

"You are more of an addict then I thought."

What he said was far from the truth. She actually kept her addiction under control. After her first encounter with his tongue and her stings, she masochistically visits the hive now and then, catches a wasp and lets it sting her on her supple butt. Soon, the swarm does their work and gives her a new batch of wounds to give Gladwin to treat.

A month later, Gladwin informs her that he was moving to another town to deal his shady business. In a sudden twist, he offers his hand in marriage saying that, during his deals with Amanda, he started to fall in love with her. She accepts, gathers her treasures, and travels with Gladwin to a new life with another lawbreaker. Her addiction, however, continued to haunt her and she cared not for the gold of a coin, but the gold of the Mellivespa.

The End

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