Fertile Ground - Chapter 8

Story by Mr-Mau on SoFurry

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#8 of Fertile Ground

The continuing saga of Ricca and Ray's relationship as they try to understand the powerful life-form created by their love.

_ _

'Sweet Ricca. Dearest Ray. Thank you for showing me the way. Let me be your guide and show you a whole new way to conceive the world. Do not be afraid, everything you will see and experience is in your mind. It is real and not real, it can be re-shaped and remain the same, it is life and the possibility of life. Let me be a vessel for your minds, pour yourselves into me and take a journey into an uncharted realm.'

_ _

"Where are we?" Ricca asked.

_ _

'Your bodies are asleep next to my tree, but what you see is the realm of thoughts and emotions. Look around you, observe the points of light like stars in a midnight sky, they are the minds of others. You can reach out and touch them, experience their thoughts and feelings, and affect them in a variety of ways. It's the same way I see your minds in a sense, but your mind's light is dazzling and bright with colors. In time, you will be able to recognize individual minds by their color and brightness. You will see your parents, your friends and classmates, and your rivals. This is how the mind is represented in the world of thoughts, feelings and pure energy. This is how I see the world. I think it's beautiful, don't you?'

_ _

"It's... spectacular! What are those streaks of light in the distance?" Ray found it difficult for his mind's eye to focus on any one thing.

_ _

'I cannot be certain, I've never been able to touch them but I believe they represent the possibility of life. Those beams are full of potential and some shine far brighter than any mind in this realm. But they are doomed to wink out because a being cannot thrive on possibility alone. The brief flashes are manifested by minds of those who possess the same power as you Ray, and you Ricca. Minds with the ability to shape thoughts are rare, and yours are the rarest of all. You have the power to create and sustain a thought. I am your creation.'

_ _

"You are here? Where are you?" Ricca 'turned' her perspective instinctually and looked at the variety of lights around her.

_ _

I do not know. I believe that you cannot perceive your own mind's light in this place. Ricca, seek out Ray's light. You should feel his presence close by and his mind is open and known to you. Reach out and touch it, become one again.'

_ _

Ricca scanned the dots for a sign of Ray but did not see anything familiar in the scattered lights - some were large and colorful while others were distant and dim. She tentatively reached out to a nearby cluster of lights and felt her presence shift closer to that area. Upon inspection, each ball of light shone in varying intensity with wildly different colors and some pulsed like the beating of a heart. But where was Ray's? Ricca tried to shut out the view around her and focused on how she felt when connected to Ray; his strength, his love, and the way he thought about her. And there he was, his unique glow different from all the rest, welcoming her in, begging to be connected once again. Ricca reached out and felt the mental 'click' as she touched the light.

"Ricca... I feel you! You're here... so beautiful!"

The complexity of thoughts, feelings and emotions swirling in Ray's mind astounded Ricca as the full power of the mental link was finally revealed. Everything she thought she knew about how other minds worked was wrong, no one perceived the world the same as her, it was like trying to compare two works of art, both are beautiful for their own reasons. And Ray's mind was beautiful. He welcomed her presence and bared his soul for her to see. The spark of realization struck Ricca at how much he needed her, how he loved his parents, how he struggled to improve himself, and why he fought to protect those around him from harm. Ray was a good person; he would do anything for his friends, his family and for her. She could spend hours exploring the depths of his mind, no doubt he was finding just as much about hers as well. But his mind would always be open to her and there were others in this realm that held her interest.

"Desire, can I see the mind of someone else? Like my mother?"

'Yes, you can. But finding a mind that is unaware or unwilling to accept your presence will be very difficult, especially if they are not thinking of you at this moment. There are some minds reaching out to you, like Ray's, but for different reasons. Ray's mother, Lucy, is thinking about you right now. Try reaching for her, the same way as you reached for Ray's. You may try as well Ray. Your mother always keeps you close to her heart.'

_ _

"I'll try. Ricca, let's try together." Ray's voice echoed in her head.

Once again, Ricca ignored her surroundings and focused on finding the mind belonging to Ray's mother. Knowing that Lucy was thinking of her made the search easier, however the multitude of distracting lights broke her concentration on several occasions. A few minds in this realm were so bright they drowned out everything around them and Ricca felt compelled to touch them just to see what made them so special. But she maintained her focus and eventually found Lucy's mind amid the maze of flashing stars.

"I found her Ray. Can you see her too?"

"I think so... yes! I've been following your 'aura' around this place. You are a very distracting mind if I must say so myself." Ray's playful tone filled her with love.

"You go first Ray, she's your mother."

"Ok... how do I... ohhh!"

Ricca assumed that he had made contact and joined him by touching Lucy's spark. The overwhelming depth of another mind struck her breathless yet again. She fortified her soaring emotions by latching on to Ray's presence and was able to experience Lucy's mind from his perspective. It made things easier for both of them since this was the first time they linked to a mind not their own. The beauty of Lucy's complex personality was no different than what she felt in Ray's mind, only it was a different 'flavor' of sorts, a mental taste that Ricca could use to find this mind in the future.

"Mom... I never knew..." Ray's voice was full of emotion as he began to realize how little he really knew his mother. Ricca sensed his appreciation through the link they shared and tried to compare the image he had of his mother to the real thing. The most obvious difference was the extent to which she anchored herself to Butch, Ray's father. Everything Lucy did was measured against how Butch would perceive it, but not in a judgmental way, more like a reinforcement of their compatibility. It was a way of thinking that Ricca recognized in her, a way to make Ray happy whenever they were together.

"Mom? Can you hear me?"

'Intriguing. The link you established with your mother is different than the one you formed with Ricca. Lucy cannot hear you, at least not consciously, nor is she completely aware of your presence. She feels closer to you now than before, but she is unaware of your effect on her thoughts. I believe if you connected with other minds I could learn more about the links you create and your effects on how an individual senses your presence.'

So they continued to explore this realm and learned to hone their skills to find a specific mind. By maintaining the link between the couple, Ricca and Ray could use the power of their combined thoughts to make the search much quicker. They touched Butch's mind next and were startled to discover how emotional he was under his gruff exterior. He was absolutely devoted to Lucy, so much so that his perception of the outside world grew dim in her company. Even now while Butch was out buying groceries, each decision he made was subconsciously weighed against how Lucy would like it.

Ricca found her mother, Tansi, next and was both happy and sad for her. Happy to know how much Tansi loved her daughter and how much she respected her decision to be with Ray. But sad to find out her secret loneliness, and how often she thought of her deceased husband each day. Ricca's father had died in a car accident when she was still young and her mother hadn't remarried or even had a relationship with another make in all that time. Finding someone good enough for Tansi might be something they could do in this realm, to know for sure that a person is kind and worthy of Tansi's affections. It was a project to consider at least.

The extended voyage caused Ricca and Ray to continuously re-evaluate what actually mattered in the minds of others. Their outwardly strong and confident friend, Ulysses the bull, constantly underestimated his self-worth which hurt his self-esteem. Ray's running coach, Mr. Cook, had battled alcoholism in his youth and worked hard each day to fight off the urge to pick up a bottle. Mr. Henderson, the overweight hardware store owner, wanted nothing more than to live in peace out in the country away from his daily customers. The minds of Heather and Maggie, the high school cheerleaders, surprised Ricca and Ray as the motivation for their hyper-active libidos became known. Heather thought little of her chances of succeeding after high school and fought an eating disorder to compensate for her self-loathing. Maggie measured her accomplishments against her sister, who was studying to be a doctor, and relied too much on her good looks to get ahead rather than using her intelligence.

They avoided Dash's mind entirely. Ricca didn't want to feel like she did earlier today when she confronted Dash about his inappropriate feelings for her. Once they got used to finding familiar minds, it was hard to ignore the insistent pulsing of Dash's particular light. He reached for Ricca at every opportunity and Ray had to pull her away before an accidental connection was made. Not everything in this realm responded to their will, some lights sent out an invisible force pushing away nearby minds or their presence while others gathered together and emitted a gravity-well like pull in an area around them.

Time held no meaning in this realm and soon Desire's ethereal voice interrupted the couples' journey.

'Ricca, Ray, you've been exploring for a long time. The sun is setting and your physical bodies are getting cold. You may return here at any time so please, I implore you, leave this realm and live in your minds for a while.'

Ricca wrestled to regain her senses, to wake up from the deepest dream possible, to tear herself away from a place where thought ruled all. It took a considerable force of will to open her eyes and accept the lesser world of physical sensations. Ray groaned on the ground next to her, still not able to wake completely. She shook his shoulder and called his name, and at last he woke with a gasp of surprise.

"Where... oh, we're back here." The pink glow of Desire's tree illuminated the small grove. Neither Ricca nor Ray could stand after lying immobile for the better part of the afternoon.

"Yeah... maybe we shouldn't spend so much time in... whatever that place is." Ricca rubbed her bare legs to stimulate blood flow. They were still naked from their mid-afternoon escapades, but their main concern was getting up and walking. Ray looked to be in severe discomfort after having his left arm pinned under his body this whole time.

"Mind-space?" Ray suggested. "Or how about we call it: The thought-zone!"

"I like mind-space... Desire, what would you call it?" Ricca had gotten to her knees and faced the tree.

'I call it 'home', but mind-space is a clever name.'

"Well, there it is. Looks like you got a flair for words Ray!"

"Thanks... Ricca, can you help me up? My legs are a bit wobbly."

Ricca had recovered enough strength to take a few tentative steps and pulled Ray up to a standing position. The sun had settled behind the trees and a cool breeze whistled through the undergrowth that sent leaves floating around the unclothed couple. It would have made a romantic scene if not for the fact that both Ricca and Ray were cramped and sore. They found their clothes strewn about the grove mostly clean of dirt and leaves. Attempting to put on their shorts turned into a slapstick routine of falls and flailing limbs that had the couple laughing at their futility. Even Desire started to giggle softly in the back of their minds.

The digital chime of Ricca's ring tone cut their merriment short as the couple realized how late it had become. She picked up the phone while Ray checked his for any missed messages.

"Hi mom... Yes, I'm ok. I'm heading back now. Sorry about that. I'll see you in 5, ok? Love you!" Ricca saw Ray flipping through several screens on his phone and frowning at what he read.

"What's wrong Ray?"

"Uh... it's just my parents. There are wondering where I am." Ray pressed the button to shut off the phone before Ricca could see any details. He did receive a message from his parents to inform him that they were heading out for dinner and wouldn't be back until later that evening. What troubled him was the cryptic four word text from Dash: 'keep your eyes open'. Ray desperately wanted to ask Desire about what this could mean but needed some privacy to avoid frightening Ricca.

"We should go back and check in."

"Ya, my mother worries too much as it is. Lead on my handsome stallion." Ricca winked lovingly at the tall equine before they exited the clearing.

Ray tried to put on a friendly face as he led the contented wolf girl up the steep ravine path to the apartment complex in the distance. Dash was one of his closest friends since grade school. They had been in the same classes, the same sports teams and competed with and against each other most of their lives. Why was he so affected by Ricca and Ray's relationship? Was he so jealous that he could ignore years of fun and games to become a rival or maybe even an enemy? This whole situation had escalated way past the point of simple jealously, there must be another side to Dash's feelings that runs deeper than the value of friendship.

Single storey houses lined the narrow side street leading to two very tall, and very out of place, apartment buildings. Ricca lived on the 8th floor with her widowed mother and Ray lived two floors up with his parents. It was a nice enough building for sure and a good portion of the residents were young couples or families who tried their best to stay out of each other's way. Ray had once asked his parents why they didn't live in a house like his friends but got a mixed response that didn't entirely answer his question. Both of his parents worked and made a fair salary so a lack of finances wasn't an issue, it probably came down to preference.

Ray pressed the call button for the elevator as Ricca nuzzled his arm affectionately. He stood in silent contemplation unable to shake the anxiety stirring in his belly. The conflicting sensations of Ricca's show of love and the gnawing fear of Dash's mysterious message made him feel oddly detached. Thankfully the elevator doors opened before Ricca noticed his demeanor.

'Ray. I can help you with Dash, but our efforts will be contrary to Ricca's wishes.'

'I need to do something and soon. Ricca doesn't need to know.' Ray looked down into Ricca's trusting eyes and felt a twinge of guilt for the plan forming in his mind.

Ricca gave Ray a small kiss on the cheek and wished him a good night before exiting the elevator. He watched her bound away and once the doors closed he took out his phone to check the message once more. The new text icon flashed on the screen and a few quick touches showed yet another short, and menacing, message from Dash. 'i know your secrets. stop tricking her!' What secrets? What tricks did he think Ray was doing? The pit of anxiety in his belly grew into a lump of dread.

Ray opened the door to his home and entered into a dark and empty room that matched his mood. He walked to the fridge and took out a frozen dinner then noticed a note from his parents on the counter. It contained a short list of chores he was expected to do while his parents were out to dinner. Fortunately, they wouldn't be back until much later in the evening which meant there was plenty of time to finish his chores and have time to explore Dash's mind-space without interruption. He watered the plants and swept the kitchen as instructed before heading to his room for the night.

Chores completed and prepared for the task to come, Ray got undressed, laid down comfortably in his bed and gave the mental go ahead to Desire to enter mind-space.

'I must warn you Ray that coming into contact with Dash's mind may be dangerous. His emotions are in flux and he will be subconsciously pushing away any nearby presence. However, Dash's focus on Ricca can be used to our advantage if we can distract him enough to lower his defenses.'

'Thanks Desire. I want this whole mess between the three of us cleared up as quickly as possible.' Ray said silently.

'As you wish. Now relax and picture the light of my tree. Concentrate on how my leaves move in the breeze. Hear my voice. Feel my touch...'

An endless void of space and light filled Ray's vision as he returned to mind-space. The transition was easier this time around and he didn't feel the same confusion or mild panic like he did this afternoon. Navigating between the various minds was made effortless thanks to his earlier experience; he could avoid the pulling and repulsing fields from certain minds and even recognize identifying details like relative age and gender of others. But finding Dash's particular light would be a challenge. He wasn't actively reaching out to Ray, in fact he was trying to hide from everyone except Ricca. A distraction! This could work...

'Desire, could we use Dash's focus on Ricca to find him?'

'Yes. It will be difficult. You'll need to lightly touch Ricca's mind to see the direction of Dash's light. But you cannot reveal yourself to Ricca or else she will know what you are planning. She is sitting on the couch watching tv with her mother, so she might not notice you if you're careful.'

'Thanks. Uh... can you draw her attention away from my presence? Is that possible?'

'Maybe, but my involvement is against the rules you set with her. Are you sure you want to do this?'

'Please, this is important! You know how she felt this afternoon. You felt her fear. All I want to do is make this right, to fix whatever is making Dash act this way.'

_ 'Ok, for Ricca's sake, I'll do this. She'll fall asleep for a few seconds and be unaware of your presence. Go on the count of three. One... two... three.'_

Finding Ricca's mind was second nature to Ray, but rather than leaping into her thoughts and feelings he brushed the edges of her light to look out from her perspective. A swift scan of the horizon revealed a narrow beam of blinding dark red luminescence directed at Ricca. Ray followed the beam back to its source only to be met by an invisible wall of seething anger and distrust.

'I'm stuck here Desire. There's no way I can bypass this barrier. Do you have any other ideas?'

'Yes, you may not like it though. I can stimulate Dash's pleasure zones to lower his defenses. However, I cannot affect who he will think of and he may fixate on Ricca which will make your task more challenging.'

'Do it anyway. I'll tackle that problem when it comes up.'

The impermeable wall began to break down as Desire used her ability to touch Dash's mind. Ray inched his way toward the red hued ball of light trying to avoid undue attention. A constant flux of conflicting emotions emanated out from his friend's mind like waves crashing to shore during a storm. It was hard to not be caught up in the chaos and dragged into the depths of the mind ahead. He dodged and weaved in a random pattern always trying to move within range of touching Dash's thoughts. Suddenly, an opening appeared in the turmoil of sensations and Ray pounced at the chance to reach out to Dash.


Utter confusion wracked Ray's mind causing him to temporarily lose his sense of awareness and control. A multitude of feelings passed through Dash's thoughts every second, each one seemed to clash with the last in a battle for supremacy. Ray was able to determine three distinct states of being that fought for dominance of this space. The first was anger, or more precisely angst, directed toward Ray and surprisingly at Dash himself for losing out on the chance of dating Ricca. The second was a profound lust at Dash's perceived image of Ricca's body, a wildly exaggerated version of her that held only a mild resemblance. And the last state was jealously. A deep jealously that didn't seem to originate out of envy alone. There was something, some power, that fed and artificially grew Dash's jealously far beyond normal boundaries and into the irrational. What happened to his friend? What was this seed of inexplicable anger?


Absolute terror gripped at Ray's fragile presence and he was unable to escape this new terrible entity.

'I need you! We need you!'

Ricca woke from her light doze with a jump. Something was definitely wrong with Desire. Surges of intense fear and guilt permeated her mind and made her think of the worst. She got up from the couch, said a hurried good night to her mother and almost ran to her room in order to talk privately with Desire.

'What happened? I'm here. Are you ok?'

'It's Ray. He entered Dash's mind and got cut off from me. There's something in mind-space preventing me from finding him. I'm scared Ricca. We're not alone.'

Ricca's fears were not only justified, they were far worse than she'd thought. The fact that Ray entered into mind-space to find out more about Dash wasn't surprising, but to find another entity that rivaled Desire was unthinkable. Or was it? If Ricca and Ray could manifest a thought and bring it into the physical world, there must be other minds as powerful, or more so, as their own. Could Dash's mind have some sort of power too? How rare must it be for three minds to exist in the same town, and be friends, and be capable of such remarkable feats?

'I have to look for him, to rescue him if I can. What do you know about this other entity?' Ricca took off her clothes and put on a long shirt over her boxers. She tried to relax by lying in bed and slowing her breathing.

'I caught a small glimpse of something monstrous affecting Dash's mind. Its presence shattered my connection with Ray instantly. All I felt through the echoes of the link was a paralyzing terror. Whatever is out there is more powerful than anything I can conceive of. You can't go near it Ricca. You'll need to draw Ray out another way.'

'How? How can I reach him if I can't connect with his mind? How will he be able to hear my call?'

'Your love is strong. Use love as your anchor and call out into the void. If he is able to hear, he will reply and maybe we can figure out a way to bring him back.'

'Ok. I'm ready. Show me mind-space and pray we aren't too late.' Ricca closed her eyes and felt the soothing, hypnotic aura that Desire sent into her thoughts.

A mental click marked Ricca's entry into mind-space and her awareness shifted to behold the beautiful assortment of colored lights throughout a giant void. Her vision was blinded in one direction by a bright beam of intimidating red light that could only indicate Dash's presence.

'Is that Dash? Or is that the being influencing him?'

'It's a combination of the two. You cannot reach out to him or you will be trapped as well.'

'What now? How do I call without reaching out at the same time?'

'Feel the power within you. Focus it. Pour your love into it and let it build. Then release it outward like as you would a deep breath. Focus, hold, then release. You can do it!'

So she did. Ricca remembered the day when Ray told her his true feelings, recalled their first intimate moments, and concentrated on how he made her feel every day they were together. A tear of joy rolled down her cheek as love filled the recesses of her mind. She held it, felt the intensity of it and let it grow. When she couldn't bear the fullness anymore, she set her love loose into the void. Ricca repeated the process again and again calling Ray's name with each release. She strained to hear his reply but felt nothing. It wasn't working!

'He can't hear me! My poor Ray, he's lost! Help me Desire, you have to do something!' Ricca's desperate cries were amplified many times due to her heightened concentration. Desire had to shout for her voice to be heard.

'It's not enough, Ricca! Your love is strong but Dash's jealously is preventing it from being heard. Please, let me use my abilities to strengthen your calls. Open yourself to me. Let me be your muse.'

Desire, the entity of lust, did the only thing she knew how. Ricca and Ray's love was magnificent, but the addition of pleasure made it divine. Desire touched the special places in Ricca's mind and body to reinforce her calls. The color of Ricca's light changed into a bring pink and pulsed in tune with Desire's tree. Her body responded unconsciously to unseen caresses by squirming in her bed. Her chest heaved with each deep inhalation and her nipples stiffened and rubbed against the inside of her shirt. A spot of wetness seeped through her boxers and her legs parted as if to accept a lover's embrace.

Ricca's affect on mind-space was astounding. Balls of light drew closer to the pulsing pink star and each one felt invigorated by her calls. Ripples of pink mist battered against Dash's wall of anger and jealously, eventually boring a hole to his mind. Wave after wave of love and lust penetrated his defenses and beat down the entity that fed off his negative emotions. Yet the evil presence persisted and prevailed in opposition to Ricca's onslaught.

'Sweet Ricca. We are so close. I need to push a little harder. Please forgive me...'

The tender probing of Ricca's erogenous zones turned into urgent stimulation in one sudden rush of activity. The loose shirt covering her fur was pulled by a grasping hand at her breast. The other hand clutched her groin as if she was holding in the need to urinate. Ricca's body surrendered to the rampant pleasure coursing from her crotch to her head. Her hands and legs moved in an uncoordinated dance of lust and soft moans escaped her lips.

The first signs of the mysterious entity's retreat from Dash's mind could be seen from Ricca's perspective. The once misty lines of force had evolved into pressure waves which stripped away its remaining defenses. Dash's red star cooled under the barrage and reverted back to its normal gold and orange color. Ricca's repeated pleads to Ray were denied by the hateful force as its last act of retaliation. The entity hated her voice, hated her waves of love and, above all, hated her attempts to connect with its prisoner.

Ricca's boxer shorts were soaked through with her juices as her arousal reached ever increasing heights. The reason for Desire's request for forgiveness was clear; at this rate the sheets would need a thorough cleaning. The heat coming off her body was palpable and sweat made her shirt cling to her athletic frame. Her hand rubbed furiously at the nub of flesh at the top of her pussy, a far rougher manipulation to what she was used to.

An exquisite climax burst inside Ricca's head sending out a tidal wave of force toward Ray's hidden jailor. The wave hit the entity and carried it off into the void amid the scattered minds. It yelled incoherent curses back at Ricca but couldn't overcome her power.

'Ray! Please come to me, my love. Ray!'

The link between Ricca and Ray's minds snapped together in response to her call. 'You called me back from darkness... I love you!'

'I thought I lost you. What happened?'

'Dash's mind was infected by that... thing. I tried to push it away but got trapped by its aura of hate. All it knows is hate and fear and distrust. I found out one thing though, Dash did not create it.'

'Where did it come from? More importantly, where did it go?' Ricca asked.

'I can still sense it out there. Far away. But it will return and attach itself to another. That's what it was made to do. This realm is a danger for you both. I'm... sorry that I couldn't see this coming.'

'No need to apologize. We just need to be more careful. And we need to find out who can manifest an entity into mind-space and why they created such an evil being.' Ricca didn't want to berate Ray for being impulsive so soon after his rescue. She'll have time to talk to him later.

'Do you want me to come over Ricca? Or you can come here if you want. My parents will be gone for another hour at least.'

'Yes, I'll be right up as soon as I get up. Thanks for your help Desire. I couldn't have done this without you.'

'I am always here for you. And Ricca... I apologize again.'

'For what?'

'You'll see...'

Ricca regained consciousness and saw the disaster that was her bed. The orgasm she experienced in her mind was spectacular but it didn't prepare her for the physical results. Her shirt was damp with sweat and bunched up around her neck exposing her breasts to the cool night air. The loose boxers she liked to wear stuck to her groin and were saturated by her essence. A large pool of dampness spread out from between her legs that would take days to dry.

'You overdid it a bit, Desire. Was this all necessary?'

'I did apologize twice. Anything less wouldn't have been enough.'

'Thanks. I may use your branches to dry out this mess.'

'One would be delighted, Mistress.'

'It's impossible to be mad at you, Desire! Uh... can you let Ray know that I'll be a few minutes late?'

'As you wish.'

The dark entity floated through the void seething in anger and frustration. It was beaten by love. Love! How could such a weak feeling tear him away from a veritable bounty of nutrition? It was so easy to manipulate that boy's mind to produce just the right mix of anger and jealousy to feed him. Who were those meddling auras? He captured the one called Ray easily but couldn't understand the connection with the other entity. Was it like him? Did it feed off of this Ray's love? And who was this Ricca - the one with the powerful voice, that excruciatingly tender and loving voice? He hated it. Hated her. He would get his revenge. It was his purpose after all.