Thoughtless Destruction

Story by Thunderdramon on SoFurry

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#5 of Personal Work

Another thing I wrote while I was gone. Features a sleepy macro eastern dragon we all know in his quest to find a place to sleep. Kinda short (hah!), but I may re-write this in the future.

With a satisfied rumble, the dragon stomped through the city without a care in the world. The tallest skyscrapers only reaching his calves, Thunder felt on top of the world. Normally most guys at his size would take any advantage to do what they wanted. Get off on the destruction, cause some of it or just screw around with the people. These were all valid thoughts.

Instead, he just decided to relax and take in the rays. As the tiny screams of the bystanders reached his ears, he ignored them in search to find a suitable place to relax. As he bounded through the city, car alarms rang wildly, people fled at the sight of his gigantic feet. His toes wiggled over the cars, crushing them without a moment's notice, silencing them. Thunder sighed as he continued in search for a suitable spot to nap.

As he continued, his tail led a path of destruction. The appendage seemingly had a mind of its own as it brought down a few buildings, even coiling along the random skyscraper and flinging the remains across the endless sea. If there were any people in there, he didn't know, care, or seem to notice. The massive eastern dragon let out a long yawn. The reverberating sounds caused some windows to break, and if the citizens were even more scared, they were now.

The sun beat down mercilessly upon the green furred dragon. As he continued, he found his perfect spot. A rather suitable section of buildings were circled around from each other, a few more in the distance. The sheer positioning of them beckoned to him like a giant tuna roll clamoring to be eaten. Licking and smacking his chops, the dragon made his way forward, leaning back on the biggest building -which didn't even reach up to his neck- and put his arms behind his head, his necklace situated near his left pectoral. Thunder spread his legs to get some full enjoyment, his dragonhood out in the open, the flaccid cockflesh laying still, the furred sac sitting on the streets. Before long, his tail accompanied it and soon obscured the length from view of the buildings. He had decided to take up their city for a nap, but that didn't mean he had to be rude.

With a rather content rumble, Thunder soon lolled off to blissful sleep. His muscles relaxed, all of his worries scattered off into the wind as he enjoyed his well deserved sleep under the sun. A few minutes into his nap, the city had gone silent, wondering if the random green behemoth was done terrorizing their city.

It didn't end there though.

For reasons seemingly unknown, the dragon's emerald necklace shone in the sun, his hair turning a marvelous shade of bright green. As he snored lightly, whoever stayed in the city limits would know this as the day the green behemoth soon crushed a city without even being conscious of it. Thunder's body began swelling slowly, his body expanding to accommodate the muscle and height being stacked on. His body grew to even more unnatural sizes as he snoozed the day away.

The only explanation for this growth would be that his necklace had a limited amount of energy it could hold from the sun. Once it hit that threshold, it had to offset it by dumping it straight into the owner, and so it did. Thunder snorted in his sleep, a rather cocky smile on his face as he grew. Soon, he grew past the city, effectively crushing it under his bottom in a matter of minutes. One would think that such a drastic change on body size would awaken the dragon, but they'd be wrong. He just snoozed on and on, letting the effects of the growth take him.

He continued past city limits and to the outstretched sea, all with a smile on his face, and a content growl here and there. He soon reached a few extra miles of height, the amount of muscle never changing past his regular physique. He'd abandoned his old sleeping position and slept with his legs together and on his front. His tail sat limp across from him, occasionally coming to life and thumping the sea (or land at this point) loudly. Within a few hours, Thunder had expanded past the island, reaching the mass expanses of land and showed no signs of stopping. His tail and legs alone had taken out a few good national landmarks and cities.

Night had finally fallen, the dragon awaking from his deep slumber. Smacking his lips, the moon shone upon the dragon as he looked around groggily. He righted himself to find his head quite literally in the clouds, the moon looking down at him. Looking around, he connected the dots and a blush rose up on his face. As he looked around, the dragon's tail swished around slowly, the fluff dragging itself across the land and causing a few trenches to be formed below. The thing seemed to have a mind of its own. Ignoring this, the eastern could only find one thing to say in a moment like this.


Thinking to himself, he figured there was only one thing he could do about this. Stretching and lying across a few states and still growing, the dragon figured he may as well take it in stride and keep on growing until he got either bored or his necklace ran out of juice. Not like it was a problem, right?

"Best. Day. Ever."

Sharing is Caring

"Come on twig, you're not gonna finish that roll, may as well hand it over." "Don't think so, fatass. You could stand to lose a few pounds, plus I paid for this." "So what? Its only polite you hand over the last of the food to your guest." ...

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Change of Pace

Flicking his tail left and right in a huff, the fox padded through the streets. A look of irritation was clear on his face, his muzzle contorted into a scowl as the memories replayed in his head with abandon. He sighed, stopping in the middle of the...

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