Half-Blood Chapter XIV

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#15 of Half-Blood

Here's 14 Folks! the usual RuthofPern thanks for editing and Xander is owned by Newbie.. yadayada let's get to the show!

Here's 14 Folks! the usual Ruth of Pern thanks for editing and Xaner is owned by Newbie.. yadayada let's get to the show!

Chapter 14- A new Vision

Lucas sighed as he lay down. Today had been pretty exhausting... things had gotten a bit crazier ever since Erin showed up with Xander... He still wasn't sure exactly what to think about the other fox... He was still wondering why he'd seen the other boy, let alone how? He had asked Mr. Jordan about it, but the man was as flummoxed as he was... from what he said something like this had never happened before. 'Great,' he thought sarcastically to himself. 'It seems even amongst Mage's I'm a freak... brilliant!'

Monet had come up with an interesting theory though. That possibly he and Xander were somehow connected on a spiritual level. He wasn't exactly sure what that meant however, but it was definitely better than nothing.

The rest of the day thankfully went by without much of an issue. Erin did indeed get to throw that party... Mr. Jordan and the others were all for it... Lucas had been put in charge of making the cake. Ian had volunteered to help, but it was very clear he had no idea what he was doing and wound up making a huge mess by 'accidently' dumped a large amount of flour on both of them. Lucas wasn't sure if it was really an accident or if Ian wanted an excuse to have them alone together nude... the shower was a lot of fun though and Ian had given him head again which was as amazing as the first time. He had wanted to return the favour for once, but Ian simply told him he got off on seeing him getting off... after the shower they went back to finished the cake, this time without any culinary disasters.

The cake was chocolate with strawberry filling which turned out quite well he was proud to admit. They had played several party games and Erin had promised the fox she would take him downtown to get him some clothes of his own since the shirt and shorts he wore when they met were ruined... he hadn't got to talk to the other fox much he really wanted to know more about the boy from his dream... he had however promised Xander that he wouldn't tell anyone what exactly had happened in the dream.

Xander himself was rooming with Greg tonight. Greg said it was to keep an eye on him just in case, plus Richard cheerfully refused to share his room and Mr. Jordan refused to allow him to stay in the same room as Erin... Allison had gone back to her own house shortly after the party. She explained it would be best since her parents were probably worried sick about her. He also figured it was to get away from Ian as they never seemed to stop bickering for whatever reason. His thoughts were broken when he felt a heavy shape lay next to him and Ian snuggled up to him naked as they day he was born.

"Today was fun wasn't it Kit?" Ian muttered in Lucas' ear.

Lucas shivered slightly at the feeling of Ian's hot breath on his black-tipped ear. He was also nude which made Ian quite happy for some reason. "Yeah it was fun... so what's on tomorrow's agenda?" he asked snuggling up to the wolf. He still wasn't exactly sure what he felt for the wolf, but he was absolutely amazing and he was funny, kind and supportive. But most of all, Ian gave him what he had craved for years honest sincere love... something missed from his parents and he had given up on after Thomas.

The wolf simply shrugged his broad shoulders and gave Lucas a sleepy smile, "I think we will start teaching you to use your powers... we'll start with the simple stuff right of the bat... you know telekinesis, summoning, locking and unlocking etcetera... as for how to use your element... I guess I can show you a few things but I don't know how my Light magic will give with your own being Dark. Richard can show you Water and Greg will show you Earth if you want... It always helps to know other elements. I could also maybe show you Fire... I'm very good with Fire Magic. Dad could show you and Erin how to use Air..."

Lucas just nodded at that trying to let it all sink in. He still didn't understand that much about Elemental Mages honestly. "So an Elemental Mage can use more than one element?" he asked.

Ian just nodded cheerfully his grin broadening, "Yup, well except there is one catch. An Elemental Mage absolutely cannot use the element the most opposite of their own... for example I would be hopeless using Dark Magic, and Richard is not going to set anything on fire anytime soon... now, let me take care of that hard-on." He muttered seductively, slowly turning Lucas onto his back and kissed him dead on the muzzle.

Lucas just let himself moan into the kiss as Ian played with his nipples. The wolf eventually broke the kiss off before he moved down to Lucas' already hard nipples with his lips. He however quickly began to panic remembering what Richard had said earlier that day. "Ian... Ian, wait! Silencing spell! Use a silencing spell! I don't want anyone to hear us..." he managed to gasp out through his moans.

Ian sighed and let go of his nipples leaving Lucas to melt into mush, "Your right, good thinking mate," he said before getting up and started to focus. He quickly mumbled a spell which Lucas couldn't make out before returning back to him. "There... that should reduce the noise," Before he returned to Lucas' nipples.

He eventually grew bored of the sensitive nubs before moving down some more. Lucas gasped as he felt Ian's paws on his crotch. He mindlessly began to thrust on the boys paw as Ian playfully nipped and licked at his belly, paying a good amount of attention to his bellybutton before finally making it to Lucas' dick. He licked it a bit before engulfing the engorged member.

Lucas wasn't very big down there... maybe 13cm or so when fully hard, but he guessed it was the right size considering his small frame. Ian lovingly suckled on it before starting he got faster and faster until Lucas' head was starting to spin. After about five minutes of this Ian decided to grab and play with the knot that had been forming on Lucas' shaft and Lucas could no longer hold it in and with an extremely loud moan he came into Ian's mouth for the third time since they met. Like those times before, Ian happily drank his seed, careful to not let a drop spill.

"Mmnn tasty," Ian stated as he came back to kiss Lucas. He could taste a bit of his own cum on Ian's mouth which made him even more aroused. He eventually felt satisfied but there was still something he wanted to do...

"Hey Ian, lay back okay?" he shyly asked the wolf. Ian just gave him an odd look before he asked.

"How come?" the wolf asked.

Lucas just blushed madly and looked away for a bit before he managed to find his voice. He eventually answered so softly Ian could barely make out what the fox said.

"I... um... I want to return the favour... you know suck you off. I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel..." he said. "I want to show you how grateful I am for you being so kind to me."

Ian looked a bit uncomfortable at that, his face was a little downcast and he couldn't look Lucas in the eye. Silence dropped between the two fellows until Ian finally decided to speak up. "Lucas, you don't have to do anything... I'm perfectly happy giving you pleasure. I don't need you to do it for me... I don't want you to think I'm just using you. I really love you Lucas and I don't want to force you into anything."

Lucas just blushed but persisted, "I want to return the favour... I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel... Please Ian, let me do it..."

Ian just sighed a bit before rolling on his back. Lucas took a moment to admire the wolf's body. His was pretty buff and had a much stockier build then Lucas' more slender one. He was a bit bigger down there then Lucas, maybe 23 or 25cm. The pinkish flesh contrasting greatly with his black fur and his dark green eyes were watching Lucas in a curious manner. Lucas blushed slightly before moving towards the boy. His hands were shaking slightly as he grasped Ian's hardened member. He smiled slightly when he heard Ian gasp in surprise.

Slowly he brought his face closer to it and admired it up close for a bit before licking the tapered head causing Ian to curse loudly, taking him by surprise. He continued licking Ian's penis, enjoying the salty taste of Ian's precum. After several minutes of licking, Lucas decided to take the entirety of the head into his mouth causing Ian to moan and swear even louder.

"Oh Lucas, you sure you never done this before?" he asked the fox. Lucas just shook his head still sucking on the wolf's penis causing him to throw his head back and moan. "Well you're a natural mate, trust me..."

Lucas didn't reply he kept on sucking until his jaw started to get tired so he started playing with Ian's knot which had been forming for a while now. After a few minutes Ian couldn't hold it back any longer and howled as his orgasm overtook him causing Lucas to nearly choke on his cum. He tried to swallow most of it but a lot if it spilled out of his mouth and onto Ian's fur. After Ian stopped cumming, Lucas let go and moved up so he could lie on Ian's chest.

"That was amazing Lucas," Ian muttered sleepily.

"See, glad I could return the favour," Lucas replied back.

Ian just chuckled and kissed Lucas before falling asleep. Lucas didn't last much longer and he himself fell into dreamland.


Xander couldn't sleep. He kept on having nightmares about Derrick finding him... what he would do to him if he got the chance. He was lying on a mat on the far side of Greg's room. He was somewhat surprised at how Spartan the room looked considering how nice everything was, but it did fit Greg's more practical nature quite well. He only really had a bed, a dresser and a whole bunch of plants... they were everywhere. He had asked Greg about it and he explained his mother had a green thumb and he kept the plants to remind him of her.

He sighed and stretched. He doubted he was going to be able to go to sleep for a while, he was far too jumpy. So he quietly got up and tried not to wake Greg up. The Tiger was snoring up a storm. He wasn't wearing a shirt so Xander could appreciate just how built the Tiger was... The guy had a freeking eight-pack. And his arms were nearly thicker than Xander's own body. He was huge, but sadly it really seemed like the other boy was straight which was pretty depressing. Erin seemed to fancy him a lot to. After realizing he was being a total creep by staring at the sleeping Tiger he sighed and walked out of the door. The room was dark and the TV was off and he could sense somebody was sitting in the dark.

"Hello?" he asked, but all he got was a tiny whimper. He walked towards the sound and noticed that Erin was balled up n the couch shivering. It was a shock to see the usually happy girl look so miserable. "Hey Erin, you okay?" he asked sitting next to her.

She jumped somewhat and opened her eyes. She looked terrified for a bit before seeing him, "Oh it's you Xander, I'm good! Doing great, never better I couldn't possibly be happier!"

Her voice sounded shaky and he could tell she was lying. "You're lying Erin, what's wrong?" he said confronting her.

She just shook her head a bit and sighed, "I had a nightmare... a very bad one. You see shortly before we found you, Luc and I got attacked by Angel's... They wanted the Codex we had. The Angel who ordered the attack later somehow forced me to go to where he was. He blackmailed me into getting the Codex for him... he tainted me.... He used me to get that damn book... I attacked my own brother trying to get it. Allison managed to get rid of the taint but I can still feel him... he's here somewhere in the city biding his time, attacking me in my sleep... he threatened he would hurt everybody I care about."

"Wait, you guys got attacked by Angels? I thought Angels were nice shiny and pretty, that's what my stepdad's pastor said... but then again that pastor was one of those brimstone and hellfire types. I stopped going when I was around ten."

Erin just chuckled, "They are shiny and they are beautiful, but they certainly aren't nice. Beautiful, graceful and terribly mean is what they are... or at least the one I've seen. His name was Ishmael. The other angels we saw... I believe they were called Messengers. They look like mutant bird things..."

"Wow," Was all Xander could say, "You okay? Do you feel alright? I could get Lucas for you..."

She just shook her head, "I'm good Xan, I'm pretty sure Luc and Ian, are asleep right now... in fact I should be heading to sleep myself..." She said with a yawn stretching a bit before getting up. "Got school tomorrow... but anyway thanks for talking to me." She muttered in a cheerful manner before bending down to kiss Xander on the cheek. "Tis' a shame your gay... you'd make a woman very happy, but what can you do? Maybe you can find a nice guy to treat you right?" She told him before sauntering off leaving Xander to dumbly rub his cheek where she kissed him.

He wasn't used to someone being so nice to him... well, without planning on using him for something at a later date. He noticed he felt very sleepy all of a sudden and he also yawned and decided to go back into Greg's room. The massive Tiger was still snoring loudly when he entered the room and he crawled onto the mat provided for him and fell right back asleep.


Lucas was having another weird dream... Xander was sitting in a large classroom just looking out of the window... he looked a bit younger maybe a year or two... his body seemed much healthier and he looked happy. He continued to look out the window when the usual morning announcements came on. The gravelly deep voice could only be the principle. Xander completely ignored the announcements having heard them a million times before.

However the very last thing was something Xander never thought he'd hear. "And in other news, Xander Rose is gay... who put that there?" The announcement quickly ended Xander's eyes went very wide and his heart began to sink... Lucas could feel the other boy's pain. It reminded him of just how he was outed... only it was Thomas who made the announcement... the entire class seemed to be drilling holes in Xander until one managed a cough.

"Fag," the voice coughed he couldn't tell who said it but the entire class burst out in raucous laughter. Xander only put his under his paws.

'This can't be happening!!!' rang over and over in the young foxes mind. Even the teacher was laughing at him. He was mocked mercilessly by students and teachers... but eventually school finally ended and he decided it was better not to chance the bus. Xander just walked through the very crowded streets of New York City... the only thought on his mind was getting home. But Lucas had a bad feeling that going home was not going to fix anything... when Xander finally reached the street he lived in he noticed there was a huge mess in front of his yard.

Confused the Fox quickly ran to the door but as soon as he got to the door a massive Doberman the largest Lucas had ever seen ran through the door and grabbed Xander by his shirt collar. A wave of terror and hatred came into Xander's mind and Lucas could only smell the liquor on the man's breath it made him gag

"FAGGOT!!!" The man shouted before throwing Xander off the porch onto the yard. Lucas gave a yelp of pain as he hit the ground hard but Xander didn't make a sound. The large man quickly jumped on the tiny fox and began to pummel him. Xander's body was completely pinned and he couldn't move. Both Xander and Lucas gave a whine as the Doberman slammed his huge fist into the foxes abdomen...

"Stop! STOP!!!" Lucas saw Xander plead but the drunk only continued with an icy chuckle. Anger grew stronger in Xander's veins and then... "I said get OFF!!!" the small fox roared and the punches stopped. Xander quickly opened his green eyes and saw the Doberman floating midair like a puppet. His arms and legs seemed to be stretched as far as they would go... a look of fear crossed the Dobermans eyes.

"W-what the fuck is this!? Stop this you piece of shit!" The older man cried anger and fear radiating from him. He felt a large amount of anger and rage spill through Xander's body tears spilling from those massive green eyes. Lucas could only watch in mute horror what Xander was doing felt wrong horribly wrong... the magic intensified and the man's body looked like it was pulling itself apart.

"Xander!!! Stop this! You're hurting him!" he heard a woman's voice scream... Xander's mother? The trance quickly broke and the Doberman just fell to the ground panting. The fox woman leaped from the porch and ran up to the fallen Doberman. Xander began to advance before the woman shouted. "Stay away from us!!" She yelled anger and fear filling her eyes. "You're a monster! How could you do this to him?" Something snapped in Xander and he felt the large amount of anger spill through his veins.

"How could I do that to him?! He's the monster mom! He's a drunk who comes home every day after doing what or who knows what then gets drunk! He abuses not only you but ME! How can you defend him?!"

"He's my husband, and I love him!" the Woman... Lucas refused to call her Xander's mother stated simply.

"What about me mom? Huh? I am your son!" He yelled. The woman just gave him an icy look before shouting.

"You're not my son! My son would never end up to be some Fag!" Something else broke in Xander and Lucas felt a massive amount of hurt fill Xander's heart.

"Fine! I don't want to be your son anyways! You're a horrible mother and I hope you rot in HELL!" With that the fox just ran. Ran far away and deep into the city. He had tried to call some of his friends but they all refused to talk to him Fag or queer had been thrown at him. Thankfully he had brought his backpack and had gotten his sweater from his locker. The night was very chilly... he found and alleyway and used his backpack as a pillow. He eventually feel asleep but Lucas could feel the bitter coldness of loneness fill his heart. And without knowing it Lucas snuggled up closely with Ian trying to get rid of that nasty cold...


Ian yawned and stretched loudly... or at least tried to as a large weight had prevented him from moving quickly alert he noticed it was Lucas balled up against him. This made Ian smile seeing the Kit next to him fast asleep. The boy's angelic face was set in a dreamlike state and he hated to wake the boy up but they had to go to school. So he nudged the Fox lightly.

"Wake up love, we got school," he whispered in the fox's ear causing him to give a miserable groan as he slowly started to wake up.

"I don't wanna..." The boy muttered turning over causing Ian to laugh. His love didn't seem like a morning person.

"You gotta love," he said trying to stifle his laughter. He eventually managed to get the fox out of bed. He himself got up and stretched somewhat before walking outside and seeing both his and Lucas' uniforms hanging on the door. Greg must have gotten up early to finish the wash... He quickly handed the naked fox his uniform but not before getting an eye full of his slender body. He started putting his own on. First was his underwear then his shirt then came the trousers and the jacket and finally the tie. By the time he was dressed he noticed Lucas was mindlessly fondling the buttons on his jacket and his face looked a million miles away. "What's up love?" he asked snapping Lucas out of his thoughts.

The boy shook his head slightly before speaking, "Oh it's nothing... I just had another vision... about Xander..."

"You want to talk about it?" Ian asked him kindly but the Kit just shook his head.

"No, it wouldn't be good... I'll talk to Xander during breakfast..." he said as they walked out.

Both of them smelled the bacon and eggs from upstairs. They quickly walked up the stairs and went into the massive kitchen. Greg was busying himself making tea while Erin and Xander were chatting at the table. Rich was listening to his music as usual. Erin, Rich and Greg were in their school uniforms while Xander was wearing the clothes from yesterday. He reluctantly began to walk towards the pair when Erin noticed him.

"Morning Bro," she told Lucas cheerfully before she greeted Ian in much the same way. "And hello Ian!"

"Hello to you to Erin," he answered her politely. He noticed Lucas walking up towards Xander.

"Hey, Xander... can we talk for a bit?"

The fox just gave Lucas a puzzled look before shrugging, "Sure man," before getting up and walking out the door.

Lucas gave Ian a small smile before following him out the room. He had no idea why but he felt a bit... jealous seeing his love walk off with another boy even if it was just to talk


Lucas quietly followed Xander until they found themselves in the sitting room. They sat down in silence for a bit before Xander spoke up, "So what do you want to talk about?"

Lucas just squirmed a bit before speaking, "Did your Step-dad ever hit you?" he blurted out catching Xander by surprise.

"What? Where did that come from? That's none of your business!"

Lucas just looked down a bit, "I saw another vision... how you got outed... I saw your stepdad hurt you... But you somehow forced him to get off of you..."

Xander visibly paled underneath his reddish fur, "You... you saw that?" Lucas just nodded. "Why do you keep on having these visions?! Why?" Xander yelled. "Keep your nose out of my past dammit!"

"I don't know... and I can't help seeing the visions, they just happen..." Was all Lucas replied. "I asked Mr. Jordan but he said he never heard of other Mages having these types of dreams... Monet however theorized that we might be connected spiritually though I don't know what that means..." he muttered softly. "I really have no idea why I'm having them."

They sat in silence before Lucas decided to try and change the subject. "I think I might be able to get you into my school... No sense in you not having an education..."

Xander blanched at that, "I haven't been to school in over two years Lucas, and after what happened the last time I went to school I have no desire to ever go back really..." He felt Lucas put a paw on his shoulder.

"I saw what happened and I can definitely understand why you wouldn't... but school's important man," he told him in a soft tone.

"But I heard about your school... Greenheart Academy right? That's supposed to be one of the most expensive schools in the country... it would take a crazy amount to get me in..." Xander muttered sullenly, "I don't want you guys to spend so much money on me..."

"Money isn't an issue kid," A deep voice said making the two foxes jump. They saw Mr. Jordan standing outside the door, "Lucas is right boy, education is very important. I have plenty of money and so does Lucas' father. I wouldn't mind at all to pay for you to get in... We will take you to the office later and see if we can get you accepted." He then looked towards Lucas. "Breakfast is done Lucas, you'd better hurry or you'll be late for school," he stated before walking out. The boys followed him both quite hungry.


Allison quietly got ready for the day. She had put on her uniform and grabbed her schoolbag. After she'd made sure she had everything, she exited her room and walked downstairs only to see her father waiting for her.

"Morning Allie," he told her softly. He seemed a bit upset about her coming in late.

"Hello Father, how are you this morning? Heading in early to the bakery?"

He glared at her for that, "Don't you try being casual with me missy! Your mother and I were worried sick about you! Why didn't you call me yesterday? I was about to go searching for you!"

"I am sorry for worrying you father. Yesterday was quite... distracting. I forgot to call in and tell you what happened. But I am quite fine and you have no reason to worry about me... I can handle myself."

The older coyote just sighed, "I know you can handle yourself Allie! But you are my daughter! I will always worry about you..."

Allison just nodded and sighed, a wistful look in her eyes, "I understand father, but I really need to get to school. Can we talk more about this later?" She told him softly.

He just nodded and let her leave, "Okay, have a good day Allie," he said half-heartedly as she walked out. "And we will definitely be talking about this..."

"I will father..." she said before walking out of the door.

She let her thoughts swirl in her head. Things had been quite interesting in the last few days... and she had a feeling things would only get crazier. She sighed. She was getting attached to those kids... she should know better. Getting attached to people would only make things so much harder and felt the burning of loneliness burn through her again. She had felt it for years... All her life she had been set apart from others her age. Training had been her main focus and she never had time for friends. Maybe it would be nice to have friends? They all seemed to like her for her, and not because of who she was... "What have I gotten myself into?" She asked herself, "I should not get attached... my enemies would only use them against me and I will not let anyone get hurt because of me..." 'But are you going to never get close to anybody?' A tiny voice replied in her head. She just sighed again this time frustrated.

She eventually made it to the school and went to her locker she had just got her stuff out before she heard somebody approach her.

"Hi Monet..."

She quickly turned and saw the younger Mansfield brother standing beside her.

"Good morning Mansfield," she responded back. She noticed him blush somewhat at that. "You okay Mansfield?"

He nodded slightly still blushing, "So... are you coming back over tonight?" he asked her shyly.

"I might, why do you ask?" She asked him curious.

He just shrugged, "I like hanging out with you, you're pretty cool Monet," he admitted. "But yeah you should definitely come over! Greg is going to fix some Cock-a-Leekie Soup..." he said awkwardly.

She smiled slightly, "Tempting, I will think about it Mansfield... Now let us get to homeroom as we are very close to running late," she said.

He only nodded, and followed in her wake.