Hyperspace Love: Homecoming

Story by TaniTakira on SoFurry

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#2 of Hyperspace Love

The second part of the story rp by myself and PhantomFox

Korrin was feeling more nervous than he could recall in recent memory. They would be arriving at their home world soon and it was the day they'd agreed upon to wake the rest of the ship. The Wolgen got dressed in his jumpsuit, leaving his helmet off. It was the first time in months that he'd bothered to get dressed, as he saw no point to it when it had just been himself and Leena awake on the ship. The Wolgen home world had received his message and they were preparing a very warm greeting for the ship full of females once they landed. The whole planet eagerly awaited their arrival, hailing him and Leena as heroes. He was much less sure of how the other inhabitants on the ship would react... especially the ones that used to be males.

"So how are we going to do this? Is there a meeting hall or something where we can address everyone at once? I'd prefer seeing everyone face to face if it's possible. A ship wide announcement just won't do in this situation." Korrin said, his tail twitching nervously. He started pacing a bit, his boots clicking loudly on the floor. "Everyone should be waking up by now... and I'm sure the males in particular will have a lot of questions." He added, hugging Leena just to help steady his nerves. The sight of her belly made him smile though, it was proof that they'd been successful in their mating and that their two races could join together.

Leena pulled on her clothing, having to wear a skirt low on her hips, her pants not fitting any more. Her belly had rounded in the past months, showing the cubs that were no doubt growing healthy and strong in her belly. She'd had the computer scan her, and she was carrying 13 cubs, 6 females and 7 males, all healthy, and all a blend of Ochira and Wolgen. They didn't know how they would look when they were born, but she was certain her little ones would be cute. She smiled at her mate, looping her arm through his.

"they will be confused and probably frightened, but I am sure when they hear the news, they will be happy..." she said, leading him into a room, looking out the window, her people standing and talking, filling level after level of the ship, the females milling in confusion. She flipped a few switches and massive screens turned on, the throng quieting as the doors opened and they stepped out. She cleared her throats and motioned for Korrin to stay back, smiling at him, one hand on her belly, feeling the slight movements of her babies in her.

"people of Ochira... after a long flight and confusing awakening, we have reached our new planet... I know many of you are probably panicking, your bodies having been changed from male to female. 4 months ago while we were traveling to our new planet, our ship was apprehended by a male named Korrin, of a species called the Wolgen. He put a chemical into the air that prompted the change in the remaining males." She said. At this there were hissed and jeers and general unhappy grumblings, but she silenced them with a wave of her hands.

"4 months ago, Korrin found our ship searching for a compatible match for his people... much like our race, where our men were killed by disease, the females of his kind were killed off... they were as much a dying race as we were... on that night we mated... and I am carrying the first litter of both our kinds... in three months' time, I will give birth to the first healthy cubs of both our races... in a few hours we are landing on his planet... we will be welcomed and given homes, instructed in their language and them in ours... and in time our kinds will merge... without them, we would die, and without us, so would they..." she said. Now there were murmurs in the crowd one female pushing through to the front, looking up at her.

"how do you know if the children will be Ochira or Wolgen?" she called, others calling out and nodding. Leena rubbed her belly, looking at the white furred female. "they are not Ochira or Wolgen... they are a mix of the two.. after our generation, our people will be one... a combined race... if you have issues with this, you do not need to take a mate... but I think that in time, many of you will find love on this planet... in the arms of these kind males... as I have... for the many females who have conceived and lost children... you wont have to worry about your cubs being born still or too small to live... together our races will be whole again... and no more will we have to suffer the deaths of our young long before they have truly tasted life..." she said, stepping back and bringing her mate forward, her arm linked through his. "it is an odd fate for both our kinds, but our ship is being welcomed with celebration... we were the last hope they didn't think they would find... and they ours... together... we will not die... together we will thrive!" she said. Slowly, from the front, clapping began, paws beating together, feet stomping, cheers rising from the crowd as she smiled at her mate, leaning against him. All would be well. she knew it.

Korrin watched from just off stage as his mate gave her speech. Sure enough there was resentment in the air when she mentioned what he'd done to their males, his ears drooping. Yet Leena continued and soon changed the tune of the crowd. Before he knew it she was bringing him out in front of the crowd and he could see that most were a little alarmed at his sight, but soon enough they were cheering Leena and him with thunderous applause. He drew strength from his mate as she leaned against him, feeling very on the spot now but at least confident now that the Ochira would be willing to cooperate with his own race.

Korrin gave a tentative wave at the crowd, venturing a smile of his own. He could tell that most of the crowd was happy that their two races would merge as one, that they're kind would continue to live on and even prosper. There were still a few in the crowd that seemed reluctant to accept things though, and he figured that they were most likely former males. He could only give them space and time to figure out their feelings on this though, hopefully they'd accept what had happened and join with his race as well.

"Ochira, my race is preparing a celebratory feast to welcome you all to our world... our world." He seemed to rolled that word around a bit as if savoring it. "Yes, I say it is ours... mine and yours to share. It belongs to us all now." He said, feeling that he needed to make at least some comment to the crowd. The clapping and foot stomping continued and he felt like he made the right choice. He gave an affectionate squeeze to his mate then, draping a wing around her.

She smiled at her mate, kissing him on the cheek gently, leaning against him. Quickly her kind began walking up the stairs, purring and chatting to one another and to her. she was quickly surrounded by females cooing over her rounded belly, the whole group of 15 or more jumping when one declared they could feel movement. It had been a long time since any pregnancy had yielded strong enough cubs for the kicks to be felt not only by the mother, but by others. she beamed as more female surrounded her mate, stroking his courser fur and touching his wings, fingers toying with his spines.

She stepped over and shoed them off, especially a tan female with brown spots who was purring and making doe eyes at her mate. "now ladies, this one is mine... there will be many males on his planet who are just as eager to find love as you are..." she said, smiling at a few of her friends as they commented on how lucky she was to find such a strong and handsome and virile mate. She purred, leaning against him, rubbing her large belly, nuzzling her head against his shoulder. "yes we are lucky... very lucky to have one another... I am glad he found us... now soon you will all be able to find mates... big strong Wolgen males who will gladly love you..." she said, the females able to hear her cheering. A taller female stepped forward, black as night with white hair like Leena's, though it was short.

"sister... I have been talking to some of the other... used to be males... it will take us a while to open our minds to the idea of taking males as mates... there is no pressure to bond.. is there?" she said, looking at Leena. She smiled, hugging her brother, holding him close. "no.... there is no pressure Metta... you can take your time in adjusting to your new body... I am sure over time you will find someone who loves you... many males don't understand females.... it will be refreshing to many to have the body of a female and the mind of a male... some males might even prefer it..." she said, grinning at her now older sister, stroking back her short white hair, smiling at her mate. "Metta, this is Korrin... my mate..." she said. The taller female bowed her head to the male.

"I am glad you make my sister so happy, but if you so much as hurt one hair on her head, I will beat you into a bloody pulp..." she growled, hair sticking up. Leena just blinked and chuckled, putting a hand on the taller female's shoulder. "you might be female now, but you'll always be my older brother...." she said, the two females starting to chuckle as Leena leaned against her mate, rubbing her belly slowly.

Korrin was unsure how to react to all the attention he was getting from the Ochira that came up to greet him. They were much friendlier than he'd anticipated, perhaps a little too friendly as a couple managed to sneak in a grope on his taught rear. That was when Leena chased most of them off and laughed, and when the taller female arrived. Korrin quickly realized that this was used to be a male, and he felt that nervousness coming back. While this female was certainly taller than Leena, she was still shorter than Korrin. The threat about her beating him to a bloody pulp was surprising enough to the Wolgen that his ears laid back against his head. Luckily the two siblings started laughing then and the tension went out of Korrin. "I assure you Metta, I have nothing but respect and love for your sister." He said with a warm smile. "And like Leena said, there is no pressure to take a mate if you do not wish it. There will still be plenty to do to help rebuild, as right now we only have one real city on my world. As our numbers dwindled we consolidated what was left to help keep our supplies centralized." Korrin said, deciding to change the subject a little.

"Also it shouldn't take more than a day for everyone to learn each other's language. My computer taught me your language in only a few moments once it heard Leena speak... though I fear I'll have this accent forever when speaking your tongue." He said with a barking laugh.

Metta smiled at the male, her tail flicking back and forth. "perhapse I can aid in building... I was a builder back on our planet... This body is just as strong now as it was when I was a male..." she said, looking over, her ears pressing back as she locked eyes on a Calico female who was playing with her breasts. "I better go get Veyen... He... She can't seem to decide whether to be upset or play with her breasts..." she said, walking off, her body stiff, now swaying like the natural females.

Leena smiled and sighed, watching out the windows as they began to descend, the whole ship shuddering as they touched down. "now everyone... The male's will be excited at your arrival... Just know you don't need to take a mate right away... I encourage you to meet many of them and find one that calls to you before settling down..." she said, kissing her mates cheek, watching as the huge doors opened and light and warmth streamed into the ship. His kind had already learned their tongue, and many males stood all around the ship, watching the dark interior. Leena pulled on her mates arm, waking out into the light with him, pregnant belly proudly on display, the males cheering and howling with joy, watching as females started to exit the ship, their hope restored by the Ochira that had come to them.

The Wolgen started cheering even as the ship touched down, yet when it opened up and the female Ochira began to exit the cheering grew louder. The entire planet's population was here to greet them, though that wasn't saying much since they numbered about the same as the females they'd come to greet. When the first Wolgen spotted Korrin and his mate, and her pregnant belly, the noise grew to a fevered pitch. Some of the Wolgen even took to the air, their wings flapping strongly as they performed a few aerial maneuvers in a sudden show of emotion. Despite their obvious joy, they also made sure to keep their distance and let the Ochira come to them. They'd read the messages from the ship repeatedly, and knew about the promise that Korrin had made on their behalf that the females could choose their mate or even choose not to mate. They'd readily agreed since they really had no choice. Any females at all were better than none!

A large holographic display came to life over the gathered Wolgen, their leader showing up on the display large enough for everyone gathered to see. "Welcome to your new home!" The figure boomed, it's voiced amplified by the machinery. He was a rather muscular Wolgen, just like most of the males of their race. His fur was a dark blue with some white mixed in here and there, giving him a rather exotic look. "On behalf of all Wolgen, thank you!" He added, flashing a toothy grin. The short greeting done, the image flickered and vanished. The Wolgen population was too worked up to spend much time on pomp and ceremony, and by now Korrin and Leena had reached the bottom of the ship's ramp and touched foot on the planet. The other Ochira followed as well, a few running toward the males and leaping right into their arms. Apparently the heat inducing mist that Korrin released into the ship all those months ago was still affecting some of the females, and now that there were plenty of virile males around to help them scratch that itch they weren't wasting any time. They seemed to be the minority though as most of the others were more curious about their new world and the Wolgen in general than just breeding

Leena watched as the females moved, seeing some run into the arms of the males, smiling and purring, tail flicking with happiness. "do not be confused my mate... It is not the heat they feel... It is the pull of their souls to eachother... Had I not felt that pull to you, despite the need, I would not have mated with you..." she said. She watched the females who did move. They didn't scan the crowd of males, their eyes locked onto one. In that moment the felines knew that this male was made for them, and the need to be with their mate was overwhelming.

"watch their eyes... They do not scan the males to pick the best... They can sense a good match and are drawn to him..." she said, holding her mate close as she saw a white furred female cry out in happiness and throw herself into the arms of a male, having pushed past many to embrace the striped male who she was pulled to. She watched with a smile on her lips as the pair hugged tightly, embracing and rubbing against one another drawing in their scents and letting them mingle. "our females know when the right male is around... Part of the problem was the depression that formed in our pregnant females... They could not carry the babies of their mates, for their mates had died, and they were alone... No Ochira can become a mother with a sad heart..." she said, rubbing her rounded belly as she watched the new pairs embrace and caress one another.

Korrin's eyes widened at that realization, as Leena had never told him that before. These past months aboard the ship he thought that she'd only chosen him due to her being in heat and him being the only available male. To know that even with her lust clouded judgement that she'd chosen him... it made him smile and his chest puffed out just a bit with pride. By now the two crowds were mingling quite well, with talking and laughter filling the air. He laughed as he saw a tiger striped female run into the arms of a orange and yellow furred Wolgen. The Wolgen kissed his new mate and took off into the sky, carrying the happily squealing Ochira back toward the city... presumably to have a more private celebration. It was a huge relief that everyone was getting along so well! Well, almost everyone. Korrin noticed that Metta and a few around her seemed to be sticking to themselves a bit. Korrin mentally shrugged, Well at least they're not hostile. he thought to himself.

Before long the figure that had appeared as a hologram above the crowd came to meet Korrin and Leena in the flesh. The Wolgen was only an inch shorter than Korrin, but just as muscled. "Welcome home Korrin!" He exclaimed, wrapping Korrin into a hug and pounding the other male's back with one hand before pulling away. "I always thought it would be you that would discover a way to save our race!" He grinned and then turned his attention toward Leena. "So you must be Leena. A pleasure to meet you! I'm so glad that you and Korrin are getting along so well. After hearing the transmission of what he did on your ship I'm surprised that you didn't tear his throat out." The Wolgen shook his head and laughed. "Korrin was always a bit of a prankster back at the Academy... though that move with the gas certainly takes the cake!" Korrin coughed politely then.

"Leena, this is Commander Zhan. He's the leader of my people, and my best friend." Korrin said, introducing the other Wolgen.

"Oh my, please excuse my manners for not introducing myself. Haha! I guess I'm just a bit excited about today's events!" Zhan said with a heartfelt smile, patting Korrin on the back again. "Your transmissions didn't adequately describe how cute the Ochira are!" He said with a wink and elbowed Korrin in the side, laughing again.

She smiled as the male walked up, slightly distracted by the cries of joy that rang from the crowd as many females now found their mates. The former males mingled but did not leap upon the Wolgen, happy to meet them but unused to their bodies and unsure of their desires. She looked to the new male and then her mate, purring and squeezing his waist gently. "I was a bit preoccupied with bonding with him to care... Our males were mostly infertile anyway... They served little use as males, but will thrive here as females once they get used to their new bodies..." she said, rubbing her mates side slowly, looked as a mew of happiness sounded close to them, a white female with two blue stripes running down her body fixed on Zhan.

She stepped forward hesitantly, purring, her whole body trembling. She was tall and more muscular than most, and her hesitation marked her as a former male. She stepped close to the leader, sliding her arms around his neck, nuzzling her nose against his, purring and curling her tail around the base of the male's.

Leena watched, smiling. "be excited... It seems you too have been picked by one of our females..." she said. No need to tell the commander that this Ochira had once been male. The female smiled at her mate, stroking his dark fur, blushing pink on her cheeks. "hello..." she whispered, caressing his ears gently, pulling zhan's focus away from Korrin and Leena as his own mate wrapped her tall body around his.

"Well hello to you too!" Zhan said with a grin, his tail starting to wag a bit. "Aren't a lovely little thing, and so friendly too!" The Commander said with a grin, happy that one of the females had come to him. He happily returned the affection that the Ochira was giving him. "It looks like we're a matching pair." He added, commenting on their similar fur patterns. While his own was dark blue, with a few white streaks here and there along with his ivory colored wing scales, the female Ochira's fur pattern nearly a reverse of the same colors. The Wolgen murred happily, nuzzling his nose into the female's neck and inhaling her scent.

"So what's your name cutie?" He asked with a grin, his tail wagging a little more now and his emerald colored eyes gazing at the form that was seemed so eager to claim him as her mate. The Commander was already getting all sorts of naughty thoughts in his head just from being near the Ochira.

The female smiled and paused, snuggling into his arms. "I used to be Belfore... Just call me Belle" she said, curling into his dark arms, a perfect matching pair, her body curled with his, tail flicking and curling happily as his wagged. Leena could see the female was confused and yet drawn to the male, turning to her own mate and kissing him tenderly. "can we go home? I'm starving for some food... Your babies make me so hungry all the time..." she said, rubbing her belly happily, feeling her children move.

Soon the throng had moved into the city and the party had begun. Already mated pairs moved off to their homes and the still single ones danced and drank and sang for joy. It was a festival of love and life, the joining of their races for life. Forever this day would be remembered as the day they were all saved. Fireworks shot into the sky and everyone became drunk with party and happiness, laughing and celebration filling the night as the two races celebrated their union. Things would return to business soon, but this was a time of revelry.

"A pleasure to meet you Belle." Zhan said with a grin, taking the Ochira up into his arms and carrying her away. He paused for a moment to look back over his shoulder, grinning at Korrin and Leena. "See you two lovebirds later then! Enjoy the festivities!" He called out before he disappeared into the crowd as they started to move into the city proper. Korrin returned the kiss to his own mate, nodding to her when she asked if they could go home.

"It's been years since I've been home myself... it'll be nice to see the place again." He grinned mischievously at Leena then as an idea came to him. "Shall we take the express route?" He asked, and before she could answer him he whisked her up into his arms and started to flap his wings. After a few gusts from his wings he lifted them both into the air, hugging her against him. "Our home is on the top floor anyway. This will be quicker." He said with a laugh as he winged toward the city, letting Leena take in the sights from a new perspective.

The city was larger enough to house all the Wolgen and the Ochira, with room left to spare. The city had once held almost a quarter million, and some areas had fallen into disrepair. Yet Korrin kept to the more well maintained areas in his fly over, as it was were his home was anyway. Even if he'd flown over the other areas it still would have looked beautiful from their view up above. The glistening spires of metal and strange crystals made up practically all the buildings in the city, giving it a strange but lovely glow. Korrin winged between buildings and over decorative fountains and parks, and soon enough was flying toward the top of yet another tower. He shifted his weight some and slowed their flight, landing on top of the building.

"Welcome to your new home Leena." Korrin said with a smile, nuzzling his mate as he led her toward the doors that would lead them inside.

Leena gasped as he scooped her up, her dark arms wrapping around her mate's shoulders, long white hair falling into her face as they took to the air. She watched the city from above, holding on tight to her mate, their babies shifting and moving a bit in her belly, sensing their father close to them, kicking in happiness with their daddy close. Then again, the babies were used to their daddy being around, and it would be interesting if their movement changed if he had to go back and work. Already the city was filled with music and feasting and dancing, the fading light making the city glow.

She sighed as they landed, unused to that kind of flight, putting her feet down and rubbing her belly. "yes... Let's go see our home..." she said. After being alone in space for a few years, having a home was wonderful. She leaned against her mate, purring and snuggling into his arms, her tail curling around his. She couldn't wait to prepare rooms for her babies. Moreover, she couldn't wait to be the first mother of their kind. She had a 4 month head start on all the other females, and she knew they would be regarded with honor for finding hope for their two kinds.

Korrin led them inside, one arm constantly draped around his mate's shoulders as if he couldn't bear to be away from her for even a moment. As they entered the doors the lights inside instantly turned on and revealed the top floor living space. The doors they'd entered were large and wide, letting in what remained of the natural light from outside. The walls were white and decorated with a variety of art, mostly paintings of wildlife and nature scenes from around their world. There was also a strange little fixture that looked like a fountain on one wall that looked like a fountain, except the water was flowing upwards. The furniture in the room was all large and well cushioned, most having low backs so as to allow ease of movement for the Wolgen wings. A holo-viewer sat as the center of attention for the room.

Despite the several years of abandonment, the place was spotless with not a speck of dust to be seen. A couple of small roving machines that looked like large metal beetles scurried about, cleaning the surfaces without being told to. Once they were done they scurried out of the room with nary a sound. "Most of our buildings have entrances up high since we can all fly, luckily we also have more normal entrances on the ground floor as well so you won't have to worry about that." He explained with a grin.

"Anyway let me give you the tour! This is the living space, just a general room to sit, relax, entertain guests and such. The kitchen is over there, hopefully the food and drink replicators are still working so we won't have to worry about getting hungry. There's also a cold storage unit to store fresh, non-replicated, food.... there's the eating area. I think we'll need a larger eating area once the children are old enough to eat solid food." He said with a laugh, rubbing his mate's belly and feeling the children kick. Korrin led Leena back to the living space and down a hall. "There's the bathroom." He gestured at a door they passed not stopping, instead walking past it. "That's my study, just full of documents and my computers and junk for work... though I'm not sure what my job will be now." He stated, tapping his chin with a claw. He'd been a scout for his people, but that seemed like it was no longer needed at the moment since they'd found what they'd been looking for out in space. Perhaps he'd be reassigned to something else. He shrugged then, deciding to worry about it later and led Leena down the hall a little further.

"There's the guest sleeping quarters... and here's our sleeping quarters." The door opened as they approached, lights coming on. Inside was a very large and comfy looking bed, dominating the space. The sheets were a crimson color, contrasting nicely with Korrin's black fur. There was a mirror on one wall, and a window on the wall opposite the door. There were two other doors though. "That would be the closet, and the other door leads to the master bath." He leaned down toward his mate's ear with a grin, cupping one hand and whispering loudly, "I think you'll really like the tub. It's more than large enough for us both."

She smiled as he lead her through their home, leaning against him, chuckling every so often. She planned of having another litter when spring came, and they would need a much larger home to house and care for all their cubs. She was carrying 13 healthy babies in her, and this flat, as nice as it was, would never fit a family that large. "mmm I think before the babies are born we should move out of the city into a big house with a yard... somewhere the cubs will be able to play... they need space to run and play and have their first flight without having to worry about a long fall... could we move somewhere nice like that? I want to have many litters... we'll need a very big home after all..." she said, nuzzling against him as he led her into their bedroom.

She looked around, beaming and sighing, pulling out of his arms and jumping onto the bed with a cry of joy, falling back and stretching out, wiggling. "oh gods... this is a really fantastic bed..." she said, one hand rubbing her belly, the other rubbing the soft blanket and sheets. She smiled at her mate and patted the spot beside her, purring happily, black tail flicking. "come here love... I think we should christen our marriage bed..." she said, chuckling and purring, kissing him tenderly when he came to her, pressing her body against his, her belly round and full with their cubs. They would have to be gentle, but even gently it was surly the most amazing thing she had ever felt.

Korrin nodded his head at his mate's words. It was true that his 'bachelor pad' would be fine for just the two of them but they'd need a lot more space once their first litter was born. They'd definitely need a lot more space if they had a second litter after that, and he had every intention on having many children. He was snapped from his inner musings when Leena jumped onto their bed with a happy shout. When she beckoned him over he smiled, showing off all his teeth and started to disrobe. "Now how could I ever say no to you?" He asked rhetorically. Once he was nude he joined his mate on the bed, running one hand lovingly over her belly as they kissed. His hands went to work and helped her quickly shed her own clothing, tossing it to the side of the bed to join his own clothing.

"Mmmm, you look beautiful as always." Korrin said, his eyes drinking in his wife's form. He leaned over her and kissed her again, his large flat tongue playing with her rougher tongue. His strong firm hands started to slowly knead Leena's breasts, loving how they'd grown since that first time they'd mated on her ship. After a few more moments of foreplay he laid down on the bed on his back, his wings furled out to either side. Korrin lifted his mate by her hips and sat her on himself, with her straddling him but not being penetrated yet.

"I think this position will work well. Don't want to put any pressure on our children after all." He stated, his cock pulsing to it's full size as he looked up at his mate. When he was sure they were both ready he lifted his wife up a bit and positioned himself at her entrance, nudging his head into her tight folds and then letting her own weight press her down against him and slowly entering her inch by delicious inch. "Mmmm, that feels amazing!" He grunted as he sank a few inches into her.

she smiled and kissed him deeply and tenderly, her belly pressed between them as he worked her clothing off. She smiled as she lay naked beside him, feeling the small movements of their babies in her, purring happily as he lifted her so that she straddled him. She bent as best she could and kissed him, her tail wagging back and forth, rubbing his chest as she felt him swell against her ass, smirking. "mmm I do love our mating... you're so wonderfully big.. we have to be gentle now though... not like we were ever really rough..." she said, smiling as he lifted her.

she moaned as his massive cock spread her pussy lips, pushing into her, making her groan. She arched her back, curved belly pushing up a bit as she curled her hands into the thick fur on his chest. She sunk onto him, gasping and purring with happiness, panting softly, her large chest heaving. "oh gods... Korrin... you feel so much bigger now that I'm tighter..." she moaned, feeling his massive cock push into her womb, her babies shifting aside to make room for the huge member that got her so pregnant in the first place.

"Mmmm, you feel as exquisite as ever." Korrin moaned, his hands kneading his mate's rear end before moving them back to her hips. Getting a good grip he helped lift her up as he pulled out, then lowered her back down as he thrust upward slowly. He was letting his wife enjoy her position now without her really having to do any work but sit back and enjoy the ride. The Wolgen under her clenched his teeth, growling a bit as he felt her clench around him. "So tight!" He moaned, loving how she could take his whole cock and still feel as tight as the first time they'd mated.

Korrin continued to thrust up into her, leaning up a little so he could take one of her nipples into his mouth. He started to suckle on her lightly and was rewarded with a sudden gush of milk into his maw. It took him by surprise for a moment, but he continued to suckle even as he bred her. After drinking his fill he turned to her other nipple and started to drain that as well. His pumping was getting a little faster now, but he was still being gentle so as not to harm his unborn children. After a few minutes of suckling from his mate he pulled his greedy mouth away from her luscious orbs, licking his chops as he laid his head back down on the bed. "Mmmm, our children are lucky... you're milk is very tasty." Korrin smiled at Leena, his hands moving up to massage her breasts as he used just he continued to pump into his mate's stuffed womb.

She mewled as he lifted and lowered her, moving her slowly on his cock, letting her just bask in the pleasure. She knew how much he cared for her and how much he loved her. He practically worshiped her, the female who started the salvation of his race. It seemed that there was little he wouldn't do for her. she moaned as he caressed her ass and squeezed her, knowing he loved her curvy body, as most of the males of his kind would. The Ochira were a curvy bunch, but since they were the only females the Wolgen had, they were happy with what they had.

She moaned as she felt him deep inside her, all the way in her womb pushing into her slowly, making her body hum with pleasure, the cubs in her rocked to sleep by their rocking movements. She cried out as he sucked on her nipple and it gushed milk, her cream filling his mouth as he relived the pressure she didn't realize had been building in her breasts. "oh gods... Korrin... I...I'm gonna cum soon..." she mewled, panting as he slowly sped up, trembling above him, her hands on her large belly as they moved, head tipped back in ecstasy.

"Me too babe... I'm so close!" He said as he pumped a little faster, the ridges on his cock scraping the Ochira's inner walls in the most delightful fashion. His pre was practically oozing into her now, making her passage slipper and wet. Korrin couldn't believe his luck at acquiring such a loving and wonderful mate. He knew that she would be a fantastic mother for their children, and oh the children they'd have! The Wolgen was panting now, his tongue lolling out the side of his wolf like muzzle, his wings curling up to enfold his mate in a protective embrace. Then with a final thrust he hilted himself inside Leena and let loose the building torrent.

"Arrrrroooooooooooo!" He howled out as he pulled his wife down on his cock, filling her belly with more of his seed and giving his unborn children a cum bath. He watched as his mate's belly ballooned outward with his cum, one of his hands gently rubbing her form. "Oh you look so beautiful..." He said with a contented grin on his face, panting a bit from their exertions.

She mewled as he thrust into her, bouncing on his cock, her hands gripping the soft fur of his chest, her body trembling in pleasure. "Oh yes!!" she cried, yowling with happiness as he thrust into her, her release washing over her like a wave, sweeping from head to toes, her body twitching and jerking a little. she gasped as in the middle of her orgasm he wrapped his wings around them and pulled her close, starting to fill her with his seed as she came, clenching and milking his cock for all he had.

She panted as he howled, purring happily, her belly bulging out to make it look like she was well overdue with a full litter of cubs. She panted, rubbing her belly, smiling at her lover, her gaze tender as she reached down and stroked his face with one hand, sighing. "Thank you my love... I love you so much Korrin..." she purred, lifting herself off of him and moving so she laid beside him, rubbing her swollen belly and leaning over to kiss him. "Three months and our little ones will be born... you've made me the happiest female alive..." she said, nuzzling against him happily

Korrin nuzzled his mate in return, feeling truly content with his lot in life. "I love you too. I can't wait to meet our children, and get started on litter number two." The Wolgen said with a smile before kissing his mate and gently rubbing her belly. The lovely feline alien looked so beautiful to him, lounging on one of his wings like it was a blanket on the bed. He didn't mind at all though, curling the appendage around her slightly in a sort of protective hug. He knew that he'd always do whatever was necessary to protect his mate and their children, and the love he felt in return made him happier than he would have imagined ever being.

"We'll do a little house hunting tomorrow. Might as well start getting the new home set up before the kids arrive. So much to take care of, yet I'm so excited about it all! I still can't believe that I'm going to be a father! I'm so lucky to have found the sexiest mate in the universe." He added, kissing Leena again. He simply couldn't get enough of her body, and he doubted that he ever would get enough to sate him. "It will be a little odd... our two races merging as one, yet it's also exciting!" He nuzzled his mate's neck again and started to lick happily lick her, trying to express his joy to her.

she purred and yawned, snuggling against him, rubbing her large belly, smiling at her mate, chuckling. "mmm well I think we should give our cubs a couple years to grow before we start on another litter... we'll have many many children Korrin, and we have a long time to do it... we don't need to rush our family..." she said, smiling at him, nuzzling against him and relaxing in his embrace, smiling as his wing curled around him, nodding.

"uh huh... we'll need somewhere big... I plan on having at least three litters... that could be over three dozen children...." she said, chuckling at her mate, nuzzling against him. she yawned again, stroking his head gently, purring happily, chuckling. "mmm well there are females far prettier than I, but I'm glad I picked you... you are perfect for me..." she said, kissing him deeply and tenderly, snuggling against him and closing her eyes as he licked her neck, chuckling as she started to doze. "Tomorrow...we'll start our new life here tomorrow..." she mumbled as she fell asleep in the arms of her mate, their bodies curled together, the sun setting outside as they drifted off together