Chapter Three: The Next Day

Story by TenebraeVulpis on SoFurry

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I think I'm getting the hang of this story writing business. This is chapter three in the series and many things should start happening for our friend Matt. Lets just hope that he's ready for a few more 'slight' changes. You know the drill so I won't even bother saying that this story includes yiff, it should be implied. Have fun reading!


My vision slowly started to come into focus, and what I saw came as a shock to me. I thought I dreamt that Tera and I made love the night before, but there she was lying down next to me with her arms wrapped around me. I couldn't move, I was too afraid to. Thoughts kept flowing into my head: What if she wakes up? If she sees me, what will she do? Before I could think of what might happen her eyes started fluttering open. I was forced to think on my feet, which wasn't one of my better qualities.

"Mmmmm. . . . I had such a dream last night I. . . . Oh my God! Please tell me that I'm still dreaming! Oh, shit! I knew it was a bad idea to spend the night here!" Tera said fully waking up and realizing just how sensitive the situation was.

"No, Tera, it's okay." was the only thing I could think of.

"What? It's not okay! I took advantage of your kindness and raped you while you were asleep! How can you say that it's okay?"

"Tera, you didn't rape me while I was asleep. I thought that I was dreaming when we slept together. . . . so I guess I kinda sort of. . . . went along with it. I'm sorry if this offends you, but I was awake when it happened last night and, to tell you the truth, I really enjoyed it."

"Wait. . . . so I didn't rape you? And you enjoyed. . . . making love to me? Even though I'm a. . . . furry?" she started to tear up in the eyes as she spoke.

"Like I said yesterday, I think you're beautiful just the way you are. To be honest, I'm actually. . . . attracted to you. I'm being completely honest when I say this. Please believe me, you can trust me." I tried to give her the most serious look I could but tears kept getting in my eyes, blurring my vision.

"Oh, Matt! I have to be honest with you. . . . I. . . . I love you! I don't know how I can explain it, it's just something that I could tell since I first saw you! I want to be with you, I was just afraid that you were saying that because you were trying to comfort me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me!"

"Tera, you have nothing to be forgiven of. I was just as afraid to tell you how I felt about you. I thought I crossed the line when I said you were beautiful. And. . . . I love you too! I want to be with you just as much. If anybody needs forgiveness from someone else, it's me for making you so scared when you woke up."

"No, it was my fault for overreacting. Please, why don't we just agree to forgive each other? How about it, deal?"

By this time, we were both crying tears of joy. It was I could do to say "Deal." before we embraced each other in a loving hug that I wanted to last forever. After about a minute of hugging, I gently pulled away a bit before I lowered myself to kiss her. We locked lips for an even longer eternity that felt as though it really would never end. I started to tear up again when we pulled away from each other just to go back to passionately kissing her again.

It was then that Johnny, unknowing of just what exactly was going on, opened my bedroom door and started to walk in. It was also then that I took notice of the fact that Tera and I were naked, and just how much of a scene this would make. "Hey, Matt. I couldn't find Tera and I was wondering if you'd seen. . . . HOLY SHIT! Oh, man. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I'll just be on my way." although I swore I could've heard him mumble "Man, I'm gonna be scarred for life."

"Johnny!" both Tera and I yelled at the same time. I then found the comforter at the end of the bed and wrapped it Tera and myself. I then continued talking, "Johnny. I know what this looks like and, well, there is a perfectly good explanation. . . ."

"Dude, I know exactly what's going on. I heard your entire conversation from the living room. And don't worry, I don't mind. It's just the whole thing with seeing you naked. . . . it's just not right." Johnny added with his normal sarcastic tone.

"Good. At least we don't have to explain it to him." Tera said, surprising us both by turning under the comforter and hugging me tightly and kissing me.

A few moments of awkward silence ensued before my mind kicked back in. I realized that it was morning, that meant that I had to be at work sometime soon. Looking over at the clock, it was only 7:00. That gave me plenty of time to shower and get cleaned up. I motioned for Johnny that he might want to make his way out of the room, and he quickly complied. I then unwrapped Tera and myself from the comforter and grabbed a two towels from the (thankfully) nearby linen closet.

"I'm gonna go get a quick shower and get cleaned up a bit before I go to work. . . ." I paused for a moment, "I love you."

She only let out a murr as I went to the bathroom, turned on the water to the perfect temperature, took off my towel, and stepped in. I closed my eyes and let my mind drift while the warm water rushed over me. Then, while still floating around my mind, I could faintly felt a hand touch my hip. Slowly my mind came back a I realized that it wasn't just my imagination. Tera was standing in front of me when I opened my eyes looking at me with lust in her eyes.

"I guess I need to get cleaned up too." she said with seduction in her voice.

We then spent the next fifteen minutes making sure that every part of part of each other was clean. I made sure to pay specific attention to her moist sex, slowly rubbing the rough wash cloth over her lips with such intensity that she almost collapsed. She then let out a slight howl as I showed my index finger into her waiting depths. Sensually pumping my finger in and out of her made her squeal with pleasure, but it didn't even compare to when a second finger plunged in. She was like putty in my hands as I began to work her clit with my thumb, causing more and more moans to come up from deep within her. I sensed that she was close to climax, so with one motion I pulled my fingers out of her and waited until she gave me a moan of disappointment before I surprised her by pushing three fingers into her. That sent her over the edge as her cunt started sucking on my fingers, pulling them in even deeper as her juices started to pour out onto my fingers and down her legs. It took her a while before she calmed down enough for me to let her stand on her own. She looked at me, the lust in her eyes dissipating, and brought me close to kiss me. While in this lip-locked state, she started to feel all over my body with her fingers, making sure to hit every arousing spot. Although I enjoyed every minute of her soft fingers caressing me, I knew that I couldn't be late for work. There was something other than trying to make something to help Tera stop getting horny every half hour or so, not that that wasn't important, but this was much more important. . . .

When we finished, I grabbed our towels and gave one to her to dry herself with while I dried myself. It didn't take me long to see that she was going to need a bigger towel. I finished drying myself and grabbed another towel and went to her back while she worked on her own legs. She let out a gentle murr as I rubbed her back dry, slowly moving my towel covered hands lower and lower until I reached her tailbase. Her rear was soft and yet firm, and it was wonderful to get to gently caress even after it was dry. When she was completely dry, her fur puffed out a bit causing both of us to start to giggle. I reached out to one of the cabinets and grabbed a brush that I had for some odd reason and handed it to her, still giggling.

"It's not that funny ya know! I find it kind of offensive." she scolded, trying to make herself sound mad and obviously failing.

"Don't worry, I'm laughing with you, not at you. Besides, you have to admit that it is kinda funny the way you're all puffy looking." I tried to keep myself from busting out laughing.

"Point well taken." she said as she put the brush aside and pulled me down for a quick kiss on the lips. She then grabbed the brush and started fixing her fur. I stood there contemplating a bit before I hugged her and left the bathroom, heading towards my room. I grabbed a clean pair of boxers and put them on before continuing with dressing myself in proper business attire. I made sure to grab a pencil, pen, and small pad of note paper before leaving my room, heading back for the bathroom. Seeing how Tera wasn't even close to being done, I just made sure to catch her attention before waving to her showing that I was leaving. She grabbed my tie before I had the chance to turn around leave to pull me into another, this time much longer, passionate kiss. Finally letting me go, I walked out, gently shutting the bathroom door before I headed off to find Johnny. He was in the living room fast asleep. I was a bit reluctant to wake him, but I had to tell him something.

"Hey, Johnny, wake up." I gently shook his shoulder, hoping he was a light sleeper. I was wrong, I almost had to tip the couch he was resting on before he woke up.

He woke up a bit perturbed, showing how much so by bearing his sharp fangs. "What do you want? Can't you see that I'm trying to take a power nap?"

"I'm sorry Johnny, but I need to ask you a favor." I waited for his reply before stating my request.

"Sure. Whatever. Just make it quick." he said through clenched teeth.

"I want you to promise me that you'll watch Tera while I'm gone, and. . . . please. . . . don't let her seduce you. I don't want her to be taken advantage of when she can't even control her own urges." I wanted to make sure that I got my point across by adding, "Johnny, I'm counting on you. You're my best friend, and I don't want to come home to find out that my best friend slept with the love of my life." That definitely got his attention.

"Matt, I would never even imagine taking Tera. She's yours, not mine. And even though you're not even a furry and I am. . . . she's not my type." he had to end it with a joke of some sort to break the thick bit of seriousness in the room.

"Thanks, Johnny. I don't think I could leave her in better care. I'll be back sometime this afternoon. I'll see ya later." I said as I waved goodbye and walked out the door. I knew I could trust Johnny, ever since we promised each other before he moved away that we would be best friends forever.

The walk out to my car seemed lonely for once. Usually I was either too busy thinking about just how much my life sucked or wasn't thinking about anything at all, but this time I couldn't stop thinking about Tera. No matter what I thought about my mind always went back to her. I had to figure out how to make sure that it didn't happen to her. As I opened the door to my car, I noticed a piece of paper taped onto the steering wheel. All it said was, "I'm looking forward to seeing you at work toady. -Dr. Stark" When I read it, I couldn't help but wonder, "What the Hell? Why would she leave a note in my car instead of calling me like any normal person would?" I chose not to ponder those questions any more than need be.

The short trip to the lab took longer than I last remembered. For some odd reason I didn't want to go back, but I knew I had to. . . . for Tera. When I stepped through the same large double doors, I was greeted by a familiar accented voice.

"Hey there Mr. Furr, are you feeling any better?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm feeling much better today." I spoke as though I actually was sick the day before.

She pushed a button on her keyboard and I heard a clicking sound coming from the doors to the main hallway. I realized that she had just unlocked the door for me, nothing to get so jumpy about. Walking through the bleach white hallway, I found my 'office' which was actually just one of the many laboratories in the facility. I opened the door only to find Dr. Stark standing behind one of the tables apparently fiddling around with a few test tubes. She didn't seem to notice my entrance, so I casually strolled past her to the back to begin working on what I left off at two days ago. It wasn't until I almost tipped over a container of vials that Dr. Stark whipped around to see me standing there.

"Oh my, Mr. Furr, when did you get here?" she said, showing a smirk upon seeing who was behind her.

"I've been here for a few minutes. You looked busy, so I didn't bother you." I couldn't help but show my own smirk at startling her a bit.

"Good, then I guess I can leave you to finish what you were working on. Oh, and just wondering, but what was in the crate that was sent home with you?" her tone changed a bit to a more 'I already know the answer to this' tone.

I couldn't tell her about Tera. It was something about her tone that told me she was planning on me finding Tera in the crate. And I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of having her way. "Nothing." I spoke while suppressing the bit of anger at why she would do such a thing.

"WHAT?!" she yelled. She took notice of how loud she was and calmed down some before continuing, "What do you mean, you didn't find anything in the crate?"

This was getting to be too good. "All that was in it was some red and white hairs. . . . Weird huh?"

"Yes, very weird indeed." her annoyance showed through her clenched teeth. "Well, I guess that it was a joke or something. The scientists do like to play a good joke now and then." her mood completely shifted. She now sounded like her normal, perky self.

What she said caught my ears and I couldn't help but ask, "Um, why would the scientists want to send a crate home with me? It seems that all they like to do is stay cooped up in their labs doing tests."

"Oh. . . ." she stuttered, fighting for the right words to say, "I don't really know. . . . I guess they just thought it would be funny."

"Okay. That's all I was wondering. Thank you." I said before slowly tuning back to my work.

As soon as she had left the room and I turned around to check if anyone else was there, I pulled out my note pad and a pencil. I had everything I needed to find a serum that would stop Tera from dying, all I had to do was figure out how to make it. Progress seemed slow at first, but as the hours went by, more and more pieces of the puzzle were coming together. When I looked at the clock, it was 4:59. It was almost time to go home, and I was almost done with what I hoped would be the correct formula to correct the problem. I was done, and only 30 minutes left of work before I could go home to Tera. That gave me some time to work on a serum for Tera's 'other' problem. Finding the correct variables for the serum for that problem was even easier. I checked over every detail of my calculations to make sure everything was right. Everything was ready to go. All that I needed was one of the injection guns when. . . .

"Matt! You have to get back home quick! It. . . . it's Tera!" the voice came from the door which, halfway through it's swing, almost flew off it's hinges.

At the sound of her name I immediately began to panic. "Johnny! What's wrong with Tera? Is she hurt? I SAID WHAT'S WRONG WITH TERA!!"

"I don't know. She was fine one second, and the next she started screaming that she was in pain all over her body. I didn't know what to do so I came down to get you."

That was all I needed to hear. Although I hoped I would never have to find out if my serum worked, I was about to have to find out. I grabbed the vials that I had concocted and a nearby injector gun and grabbed Johnny as I headed out the door. All that I had on my mind was Tera and if she would be okay. Johnny instinctively handed me his keys as we walked out the front doors and got to his car. In seconds we were speeding off to the apartment. I had barley put it in park when I jumped out and ran into the apartment complex, right to room twenty-three. I could hear screams of pain from outside the door, and they were enough to make me start to cry as I opened the door to see her. She was in a writhing ball on the ground. The injector gun, already prepared to give the, hopefully, life saving dose of serum was in my hand. Before I knew it, Johnny had pinned her flailing body to give me a good shot. The needle came to her neck and, with the pull of the trigger, shot the serum into her system. I motioned for Johnny to stop holding her down and he complied. She lay there still slowly convulsing as tears swiftly ran from my eyes. What took seconds felt like eternity after eternity as her body slowed to a halt. I didn't breathe as I bent down to check for a pulse. . . . *bump*. . . . . . . .*bump*. . . . . . . .*bump*. . . .

Even though it was slight, it was enough to make me believe that she would make it. I wasn't too late. I sat down next to her and, as gently as I could, pulled her onto my lap. Even Johnny was starting to sniffle as I just held her close, feeling her chest rise and fall. When her pulse and breathing started to go back to normal, I lifted her up and moved her over to the couch and laid her down. . . . Johnny and I had almost fallen asleep watching her when I noticed her eyes start to slowly flutter open.

"Mm. . . .Matt? Is that you? Oh, I'm so glad to see you. I don't know what happened, all of the sudden I started hurting inside like. . . ." I pressed my finger to her lips before she could finish.

"Tera, you gave us quite a scare. But don't worry, everything is okay now. You just need to rest." my voice trembled with joy, and I started to cry again.

"Matt, why are you crying? Please stop, you're making me start to *sob*" she couldn't finish before she started to tear up.

"I. . . . I was ju. . . . just worried that I'd. . . .I'd lose you." I was struggling to get the words out. All I could do after that was hug her as she laid there.

After a minute or two of hugging, she asked, "Matt, do you know what happened to me?"

"Yes I do. My first day at the lab, I overheard some of the other scientists talking. They were talking about a side effect of the transformation. They said that, in very few cases, some patients actually died from the nanites injected into them. The nanites rejected there new hosts and ended up destroying everything around them, in other words, they were ripped apart from the inside out. . . . They said that chances were slim but. . . ." she cut me off.

"So the nanites inside me didn't like it there and decided to rebel? Then why am I not dead?" she seemed calm as she spoke.

"Because today at work I figured out how to combat the nanites' rejection. I didn't want to risk losing you, so instead of doing what I should've, I made the serum that saved your life. I'm just glad that it worked."

"Me too, Matt. Thank you. I owe you for saving my life twice now."

"No, I owe you more than anything. You gave me your heart and I gave you mine. That's more than anyone's ever given me and for that, I owe you my life an infinite number of times over." I didn't care that my sentences were becoming less and less intelligible, I just cared that Tera was alive. "Tera, I'm just so happy. . . . I just want to hold you forever."

"Then do." Her voice became more lustful as she spoke, "Hold me like you've never held me before."

I was then reminded of my second project, the one to help her with her 'other' problem. While still holding her close, I looked around for the injector gun. I spotted it not too far away and reached out to grab it. When I had it in my hand, I took the vial from my pocket and put it in place.

"Tera, I also figured out a way to help you with your, how shall I say, 'other' problem. Just be still and trust me. You might feel a bit of a sting, but it's perfectly natural."

"Matt, I trust you with my life. Just please. . . . be gentle." the lust in her voice still noticable.

With one hand, I held the injector gun and in the other I held her own hand. I pressed the needle to her neck once again and pulled the trigger. She gripped my hand tightly as the serum was shot into her. After it was all gone, I pulled it away and looked at her.

"It shouldn't take to long to come into affect. Probably only a minute or two tops. Then you'll revert to how you would be normally. . . . Is it working?"

"I don't know. I think it might be. How should I feel?"

"I guess you should feel unaroused. . . . Do you?"

She didn't even answer me. She just slowly started to get up, a bit shaky a first, and moved to the hallway, beckoning me to join her as her tail swished back and forth. I took her hints and did as she wanted, looking back at Johnny who just winked at me. The door to my room was opened just a crack. There wasn't any light coming from it, but I picked up on a familiar scent. . . . Tera's musk. I walked into the room and closed the door behind me, automatically moving forward to where my bed was. I heard a slight giggle coming from it, helping me find my way over. My eyes started to adjust to the almost pitch black conditions and I could see the outline of a certain vixen come into view, her legs spread and a hand moving between them. In record time, my clothes were off and I was on top of her. Her sex was already dripping from one orgasm that she was still coming down from. I grabbed for her firm cleavage and rubbed my fingers over her erect nipples. She moaned and brought her wet fingers up and licked off her fluids before licking her chops at me. Using another judo move, she pushed up and flipped me over and landed on top of me, my fully erect member jutting up in the air. She took her swollen mound and roughly rubbed it against my tip, making us both moan loudly. With no further incentive, she thrust herself down on me. Something about being dominated by Tera made me even more exited as I grabbed her hips and helped her move up and down. She was working so hard on getting me to climax, that she didn't even realize that she was about to as well. And with a loud growl her cunt began convulsing around my hard-on. That pushed me over the edge as I pulled her down on me all the way to my hips and started pumping spurt after spurt of my seed into her waiting sex. When we both calmed down, she pulled herself up and off of me and fell over, exhausted, beside me.

"I think I got it all out of my system. What do you think?" she said, still panting a bit.

"If not, I'm ready for more. . . ."

Within a few seconds, we fell asleep in each others' arms. It was the best sleep I had ever had before. The night passed by slowly and was filled with soft moans from Tera as she fingered herself in her sleep, apparently having a wonderful dream. . . .

I awoke the next morning with a very warm blanket of fur on top of me. I seemed Tera had a bit more fun while I was asleep. Although not wanting to wake her, I leaned down a bit to kiss her lightly snoring muzzle. She didn't seem to notice so I took a chance and tried to roll her off me so I could get up. That was too much movement for her as she woke with a start. Seeing me laying next to her, my hands still under her from moving, made her calm down. After about five more minutes of laying there looking at each other, we started to get up. I got up and took two towels from the linen closet and looked back at her as I tossed one in her general direction, her reflexes kicking in and grabbing it out of midair.

"Would you like to join me in a quick shower, Tera?" I said in my best take at a seductive voice.

"Mmmmm, I'd love to Matt." she said as she wrapped the towel around her body, her erect nipples partially showing from the top.

I brushed my cheek against hers and my hands across her breasts and, while pulling up the towel a bit, whispered in her ear, "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Tera, but you didn't quite put your towel on right."

She moaned slightly from the towel rubbing against her sensitive orbs. "Who said I was trying to put it on right?"

While we were still playing with each others' towels, we moved slowly towards the bathroom. Almost before the door was even closed her towel came off and she was tugging at mine. I turned the nobs on the shower making hot water start to pour out of the spout.

"Not too hot Matt, I'm very sensitive." she had warned feeling the steaming water hit her fingertips.

The water was then turned down a bit, making it just perfect. We stepped in together and were immediately swept away with warm pleasure. This time not feeling horny, Tera just washed herself as I did myself and soon enough we were both clean and ready for the new day.

"Do you want to try the puffy look today, dear?" I started to laugh as I remembered what happened last time she dried off.

"Actually, I think I might try it today. Just to see what Johnny thinks. He might just get a laugh out of it."

Trying to think if she was implying anything in that statement, I just stood there and watched her dry off a bit. She seemed to be somewhat surprised by the lack of hands and grabbed for mine to help out on her backside. When she was dry and starting to puff out, I put my towel on and headed out the door, implying for her to wait there. I came back minutes later with two sets of jeans, a belt, two shirts, two pair of boxers, and some socks for me.

"How would you like to try out some clothes? They may be a bit big, but that's why I brought a belt. . . . Go ahead, try them on. You can take your pick."

She went with a plain green shirt which accented her eyes nicely and the darker pair of jeans. She seemed reluctant to wear the boxers, but after a some persuasion, she gave in and put them on first. I was amazed by how beautiful she looked even when clothed. I then put on the other shirt, boxers, jeans, and the socks and put the towels in the hamper. We walked down the hallway to the living room, not surprised when we saw Johnny sprawled out on the couch in a deep sleep. We quietly decided on just how to wake him up. . . .

"Okay, on the count of three. . . . One. . . . Two. . . . THREE!!!"


The front door burst open, ripping the hinges off letting the door itself fall to the floor with a bang. Standing in the doorway was Dr. Stark and behind her were two fairly large men with what looked to be tranquilizer guns. Johnny's head flew up at the loud sound and peered over the couch to see what had woke him up. Only wearing his boxers, he stood straight up and found Tera and I standing nearby, a shocked look on our faces.

"Sorry to bother you, Matt, but I need to talk to those two friends of yours in private." Dr. Stark said in a cold, emotionless voice.

"What?" I said automatically. Then the three of us looked at each other and nodded, prepared to do whatever it took to get away.


(Sorry, I couldn't help but leave off at a cliffhanger!)

Chapter Two: The Unforseen

Well, this is number two in (hopefully) a long line of gradually improving stories. The characters (Matt Furr & Tera Benik) are owned by me, (Johnny Ornin) owned by his own person. WARNING: This chapter actually contains scenes of explicit yiffing. . ....

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Chapter One: Getting A Job

This story is my first and I was helped out a lot by a good friend of mine. The main characters (some not decided) are based on friends of mine and are copyrighted to their own personas. Other characters are just there for a sense of plot development....

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