Half-Blood Chapter XVII

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#18 of Half-Blood

Kay here we go folks! chapter 17! the last chapter before the 3-parter I've been talking about... Here we learn more about what happened with Xander during those years... editing is done by RuthofPern as usual =) and I also want to thank Newbie for helping me with the last 2 chapters...

Kay here we go folks! chapter 17! the last chapter before the 3-parter I've been talking about... Here we learn more about what happened with Xander during those years... editing is done by Ruth of Pern as usual =) and I also want to thank Newbie for helping me with the last 2 chapters...

Chapter 17: Xander's Tale Pt. 2 (Used)

"Wow." Was all Lucas could say. He had been listening to Xander's story for the last hour and he was shocked... "You mean you've been with Derrick since you were fifteen?" he asked in shock.

Xander just nodded sadly. "Yes, I spent two years under his 'care'..." he muttered bitterly. "He manipulated me; everything I loved about him was a lie..." Lucas wasn't sure if the fox was talking to him or to himself but he still listened curiously... "I was so stupid... he was twenty seven years old! A frieken paedophile... hell he was almost old enough to be my dad... and I still fell in love... I gave him my heart, my soul and even worse my virginity..."

Lucas just sighed and put a hand on his shoulder, "It's all over now Xander, you're out of Derrick's reach and you are surrounded by people who care for you. You're going back to school and I swear I will do my best to help you get back on your feet..."

"Why are you being so kind to me? Like you said, we just met not even a day ago..."

Lucas just shrugged and looked down, "Because I see a lot of me in you I guess. Neither of us has had an easy go at life... both of us fell in love with the wrong person. I fell in love with someone I thought would always have my back and got burned while you fell in love with the worst person possible... we have a lot in common." Lucas admitted with a small smile.

"Guess we do, but I still wonder why you keep on having those visions. No offense but having someone dreaming about my past is kinda creepy..." Lucas only nodded and stayed silent for a bit.

"I wonder why I have those visions myself. From what Mr Jordan said those visions aren't natural... I guess I truly am a freak?" he said sadly his ears dropping a bit, "Even amongst people who can control Elements at a whim I'm strange... a Dark Mage which according to Ian is one of the rarest kinds..."

Xander chuckled a bit at that, "Lucas, I'm a Changeling. I shouldn't even exist apparently. I can understand the whole being a freak thing; hell at least you're a full-blooded fur and not a half-breed..."

"True but both my parents are Mundane apparently... so I am a... Tahleno I think that's what Ian called it... Mage's who are born from a Mundane family? Yeah that's what they're called! I guess we're both freaks huh? A Tahleno and a Changeling who just happens to also be a Water-Mage..." Lucas joked a bit, but he quickly went back to the sombre look from earlier, "So, do you want to continue or do you want to stop?" he asked the other fox who just shrugged.

"I think I'll continue... might as well since you would probably find out anyway with those damn visions of yours..." He said but sighed when he saw Lucas' ears droop even further. "Sorry, but yeah I promised I would tell you my entire story and I will... I guess I'll start with my first 'client' the man who Derrick had set me up with..." he muttered bitterly before sighing and went back to his story.


Xander was silently sitting in Derrick's car. He'd had one of his bouncers drive Xander to where his client would be staying. From what Derrick had said, the man Colby Wilson was one of his big clients and he always paid top bidder for the newer boys. Apparently the man had a hard on for young foxes like Xander. The boy just sighed and couldn't believe what he was about to do... was he really going to sell himself for sex? The answer was of course yes... Derrick had made it very clear that Xander was nothing more than one of his fuck-toys any and all kindness he showed was fabricated and Xander felt the hatred fill his veins and he was amazed at how fast he had went from loving to despising someone so quickly...

"We're here!" the enormous German Sheppard barked at him. He was the very same bouncer who'd let Xander into the club, "Now, Colby Wilson has a fetish about being called daddy. Be sure to entertain him Kid, Derrick is very harsh on those who don't do their job and I think you are a bit too cute for that, plus I want a piece of that ass myself one day," he snickered.

Xander was very close to telling the man to fuck off but decided against it. He didn't want to piss the older canine off and finally looked up at where his first client would be. The hotel looked very swanky and Derrick had been sure to dress Xander up for the occasion. He was wearing a small Armani suit and tie so he wouldn't be out of place in the place. He was also to tell the desk people he was the man's son... the man was a wolf, so he would pose as his adopted son. He sighed as he got out of the car his stomach in knots...he still couldn't believe he was about to have sex with a complete stranger. But he had no choice... it was either screw or die as Derrick told him. Let yourself get fucked or get shot and thrown into the river.

Xander eventually found himself in the lobby of the building. It was exquisite. The walls were painted a bight gold and covered in many amazing works of art. The windows were covered by beautiful wine coloured silk curtains. The place was pretty crowded many furs in their evening finest stared at him making the boy uncomfortable. He ignored them and went up to the marble desk where a pretty young Cougar sat. She looked to be around twenty one or so and her uniform fit her body very well. She gave him a curious look her golden eyes shining brightly.

"Do you need anything Sir?" She asked the small fox who twitched in a slightly nervous manner. He looked around trying to figure out what to say while she looked at him a slight amount of annoyance filling those great gold eyes.

"Um yes, what room is Mr Colby Wilson staying in ma'am?" he asked her shyly.

"Mr Wilson is staying in room #335. Why do you ask dear?" she inquired causing him to silently gulp.

"I'm his son ma'am... we were supposed to meet here at that hotel," he told her. He had rehearsed this quite a bit on the way here so he managed it without a stutter thankfully.

"I believe Mr Wilson is a wolf..." she pointed out.

"I'm adopted ma'am..." he quickly replied and she just shrugged. Seeing that he was allowed to leave Xander quickly went towards the elevator. Thankfully the one he was in was empty and he pushed the button for the third floor and sighed as it started to move. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. He was really going to sell himself to a man he 'd never met. He had given up his virginity not even twenty-four hours ago and he was being forced into prostitution...

The elevator door eventually chimed and opened letting him into the 3rd floor. The hallway was just as opulent as the lobby the carpet a deep dark red and it felt so nice underneath his hind-paws. He quietly padded into the swanky hallway eventually finding himself outside room #335. Gathering up his courage he knocked on the door and waited for it to open. He was shaking somewhat and his tail was swishing back and forth behind him and he checked his paws and pads making sure they were clean as well as his claws.

The portal eventually did open and a huge wolf peered from behind the door. Xander could only see the man's face. He was a very handsome wolf with dark brown fur and piercing blue eyes but frowned a bit as he looked at Xander.

"You the boy I paid for?" he asked the Fox coldly.

Xander just nodded shyly looking away from the other man. He couldn't look the man in the eye the man smiled at that, "Well, Derrick was right you are a cute little thing. Come-on in kid, I've paid for the night so I expect to get money's worth." He said letting the door open fully and let Xander in. He was already completely nude but his penis was still dormant in his sheath. Xander gulped a bit seeing the thing... it looked pretty big. He didn't look as long as Derrick, but Xander was wary of the man's knot, "What's your name kid?"

"Xa-Xander sir," he said nervously.

The wolf just chuckled a bit at that and bent down face to face with Xander and kissed him. Xander gasped as he felt the other canine's tongue lick around his muzzle asking for entrance which Xander reluctantly gave. They kissed for a bit until the wolf broke it off before quickly leading Xander into the bedroom to continue.

"Take that suit off boy, I want to see you," he said and he sat down on the bed. His penis was peaking a bit out of his sheath and the dripping pink flesh shined obscenely.

Xander blushed a bit and slowly shook his hips as seductively as he could. He felt the Wolf's eyes burning into him as he took of his jacket and throwing it to the floor. He then undid the tie that had been choking him...Soon after came the shirt and finally the pants until Xander was in nothing but his boxers. The wolf was grinning lewdly his penis completely out of his sheath and glistening even more obscenely. He sighed as he then dropped his boxers leaving him completely exposed to this stranger. The man just kept on grinning and leaned back spreading his legs, "Suck me off boy!" He ordered.

"Yes daddy," Xander blurted out blushing somewhat. He was amazed at how blunt the man was but none the less he did as he was told and slowly knelt down the between the man's thick legs and took the man's penis into his hands observing it. It was maybe ten inches or so not counting the knot, and it was thick. He blushed as he let it slip into his muzzle and started sucking causing the wolf to gasp.

"Damn boy, you are a natural..." he moaned as Xander kept on sucking. He kept it going for several minutes until the man's knot began to swell and he jerked Xander away from his pulsing organ, "I want to cum in another hole so get into position."

"Yes, Daddy," Xander muttered as he got on his hands and knees in front of the man lifting his tail exposing his tail-hole to the man, "Mount me daddy, show me how a real man does it!" he said in his most seductive tone. He felt the bed creak a bit and he felt the man sit behind him. He was prepared for the man's penis but was shocked when he felt something soft and warm enter him. He couldn't believe the man was totally eating him out! He panted and whimpered as the Wolf's long thick tongue was slipping in and out of him. Once he felt Xander was opened enough he removed his muzzle from the fox's ass and led his throbbing manhood to Xander's tight entrance.

He quickly thrust inside and Xander gasped at the sheer force of it. He groaned and whined at that as the man kept a strong brisk pace thrusting in and out of Xander. He tried to tighten his hole, hoping it would end quicker and was rewarded with the loud gasp of the enormous wolf kept on thrusting into him, "Yes Daddy, harder... faster!" he groaned.

He felt ashamed he was actually enjoying this... the wolf just growled and Xander felt the man's fully formed knot press against his ass as the man was desperately trying to get into the smaller boy. After several more minutes of thrusting Xander heard a loud pop and felt his ass being spread far apart causing him to whine loudly as the man bent down and bit Xander hard on the shoulder sending the boy over the edge as he came, shooting his seed onto the fancy sheets as the Wolf kept on thrusting until he gave a loud howl which was dimmed somewhat as his muzzle still had a hold on Xander's shoulder. Xander gasped as he felt the steaming hot liquid fill his bowels.

"Damn, Derrick was right. You are a good fuck... damn I will enjoy this night..." he whispered in Xander's ear. They had done it again several times that night and by the time they drifted off to sleep Xander was wondering if he would be able to walk the next day...

Xander had slumbered for a bit longer until he felt the man shake him awake. He groaned and opened his bright green eyes and noticed the wolf was already dressed. Noting the fox was finally awake he grinned.

"Your payment is on the table. I had a good time boy and I hope Derrick will be willing to loan you out again... now it's best if we leave separately... get dressed. I'll call Derrick and have him send you a ride back to his place," he said walking away.

Xander sighed and got out of the bed. He was definitely a bit sore and his ass was dripping the man's seed. He felt awful... he had been used as some man's fuck-toy! He felt used as he slowly got dressed back into the suit he had arrived in. He would take a shower back at Derrick's he reasoned...

He walked outside the room and locked it and went back to the lobby he was relieved that the pretty cougar was no longer working as he walked outside and saw the same German Shepherd from yesterday sitting in the car. He got in and noticed Derrick was sitting in the back.

"The money," he said coldly his hand outstretched. Xander sighed and gave him the money the wolf had offered him, "Yup, three grand just the amount we agreed on. I do believe you might be my biggest money maker slut, be honoured."

Xander winced at that, hurt by how coldly the bull was regarding him. How could he have fallen for Derrick's act? Was he so blinded by love he was oblivious to the obvious? They drove in silence for a bit until they reached the club. Xander was shown through the back door so nobody would see him and he was shoved into the apartment while Derrick left to woo his guests.

Knowing he would be alone for a bit he drifted off into the bathroom and stripped out of his suit and turned on the shower and stepped inside the steaming water. He quickly started to clean out his tail-hole making sure he got all of the man's seed out of him. Once that was cleaned he started scrubbing his fur. He didn't know why, but then and there he started sobbing hard. He just leaned against the wall and cried. He felt so dirty right now. Cleaning himself after some stranger had fucked him all night...

Eventually he managed to calm himself and got dressed in a pair of shorts not bothering to put on a shirt. He eventually went to the living room and turned on the TV. It was on the news and he was shocked to see his face on it.

Xander Rose has been missing for over a month. The fifteen year old student was last seen running away from his home in Windsor Terrace in South Brooklyn presumably after a fight with his mother and step-father. He is a Student of Norbeh High-school and is a red fox with forest green eyes, standing at 5'2 and was born on November 16th 1994... he is fifteen years old. If you have seen this child please call the NYPD...

He was on the news? He watched as the pretty young tabby continued to talk before he heard a cold chuckling from behind. He quickly turned around and saw Derrick towering over him, "Looks like we will have to move, I have another club in D.C. We will leave in the morning... but first..." he said as he grabbed Xander by the scruff of his neck and slamming him against the wall, "But first I need some loving..." he said as he dragged Xander into the bedroom. This time had been very rough and he hadn't bothered preparing Xander for his girth. Once he had spilt his seed in Xander he threw the boy out and Xander fell asleep on the couch.

The next day they were both packed up and Derrick left the German shepherd (Xander believed his name was Allan) in charge of the club and they left. They had spent about a month in D.C. and they kept on moving around. Derrick had continued to sell him out to people. Some were pretty nice but others were pretty rough... one of his clients was majorly into S&M and when Derrick saw the scars he sent some of his bouncers to 'handle' him and he made it clear he didn't want damaged goods back.

Time passed and Xander had become to lose a lot of weight. It was a rule of Derrick's if he did a good job and made his client happy he got food. If he hadn't done a good job he got beaten and he didn't get food. So he quickly made sure to always leave his clients happy. However the food didn't offer much nutrition so the body he had worked so hard for had withered to just bone and fur. He had lost count of how many men had used him but he never forgot their faces... those faces haunted him every night as he went to sleep. However one of his clients had tried to get him out... he remembered it well.

The man was a tall Jackal...Very handsome and very buff. When he had been dropped off Xander had quickly started taking his clothes off but the Jackal stopped him.

"Wait, you don't want me to strip? Do you want to take my clothes off then? Some of my clients like to do that," he asked confused but the Jackal shook his head.

"No, I don't want you to take your clothes off period. I am Agent Troy Harper from the NCMEC... the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children. I have been following your case for over a year kid... how old are you now?" he asked the fox.

"I turned sixteen a few months ago Sir... how did you find me?" he asked.

"I've been tracking you across the country. Now I've got a safe-house for you set up... I have enough evidence to put Derrick Patterson away for a very long time... we've been trying to get him on kidnapping and child trafficking for years but nothing has ever stuck... Now come on we need to get you somewhere safe."

"I can't leave! He'll kill me!" Xander shouted freaking out.

The jackal just sighed and put a paw on his shoulder, "You will be fine. We will put you up in our safe-house and after Patterson is locked up you will be free to go..."

"If you say so... but where do I go? I can't go back home... my parents had made it quite clear they didn't want a faggot living with them..." he said sadly, "I literally have nowhere to go."

He jumped a bit when he felt the man's large paw on his shoulder. He looked up to see the man smile, "I will find you a good home kid, trust me on this, I'll get you out of this situation..."

Xander was a bit cynical, but he hoped the man would indeed be the ticket to his freedom... Xander could finally be out of Derrick's reach... He agreed to go with the agent and they made it to the car. Derrick had moved them to Chicago by this point and the house the Agent used was outside the city limits. They drove for a bit in silence neither of them really knowing what to say to one another. Xander wanted to thank the man for trying to get him out of his mess, but he was afraid this would all be a waste of time.

"So, Mr Harper... Are you sure this is a good idea? I know Derrick. He won't let me go that easily... He won't stop searching for me until he finds me... I'm his biggest money maker he says..." Xander said quietly. "Why are you trying to help a slut like me? I've slept with more men then I can even count... I've also been selling myself for years..."

The jackal just looked at him in shock, "You aren't a slut kid... you were forced into this. I say you are a good kid who just got swept up in something. You clean?" he asked the fox. Xander just tilted his head in confusion not really sure what that meant. Noticing this, the man sighed, "Are you one anything? Oxy, Cocaine, Meth... stuff like that?"

Xander quickly shook his head, "No sir, Derrick forbade any of his workers from getting high... said it would be bad for business if his workers kept on overdosing... besides I have no interest in getting high. Not my thing."

The Jackal just nodded, "That is good... very good..." He was about to say something else until they were driven off the road by another car. "What the hell!?" Agent Harper cried as they nearly driven completely off the road. They wound up crashing into a power-pole and the car was totalled. Xander managed to escape the crash unscathed but Agent Harper didn't look so good. He had a nasty looking head-wound and looked a tad bit out of it. He managed get both the Agent and himself out of the car until he saw someone he really didn't want to see...

"Well, well. Looks like we got a runaway..." Derrick muttered cruelly.

The Agent quickly regained focus and glared at the Bull, "You will not get away with this Patterson! We've got enough info to put you away for a long time!" he shouted at the other man before turning towards Xander, "Run boy! Get out of here!"

Xander was about to take off before one of Derrick's men grabbed him, "Where do you think you're going kid?" he growled at the small fox. He grabbed Xander tightly making sure the fox wouldn't get away while Derrick walked up to the fallen agent. He had a rifle in his hand and he stuck it right at the Jackal's face.

"I don't take kindly to those who steal my workers..." The Jackal just growled and spat at the bull's face.

"You'll get yours eventually Patterson! I might not be the one to do it, but I know someone will take you down!" Derrick just gave him a cold look before putting the gun in the jackal's mouth.

"Shut up," he said as he pulled the trigger. The jackal's head exploded and Xander and the bouncer was drenched in his brains. Derrick then grabbed Xander and tore of his clothes. "And you will learn to never run away!" he said slamming Xander down on the corpse, causing him to gag at the horrible sight. Derrick raped him right on top of that the dead man's body and eventually they wound up in Seattle. Derrick had thrown him into one of his brothels where Xander was kept under lock and key when he wasn't out whoring himself.

It was his birthday and he had just gotten back from a client when Derrick had come loudly into his room and said he had been short changed. That encounter had been the most painful one Xander had ever endured and by the end of it he knew he was bleeding. He tried to fall asleep but his tail-hole was burning. A few hours later he heard the door open and one of the bouncers came through.

"Come-on birthday boy, I've got a present for you!" the Rhino said in the sleaziest way possible. He had taken his dick out of his pants. Xander wasn't very impressed with his size... he had taken far bigger ones before. He didn't want to take t though his ass was still torn from Derrick's assault. He needed to get out... quickly he concocted a plan he bent down and took the man's length into his muzzle causing the man to gasp and groan. "Damn kid, I heard you were good but damn..."

Taking his chance Xander bit down on the man's dick and jerked. He winced somewhat at the nasty ripping noise and the Rhino cried in agony grabbing at the place where his dick used to be. Xander quickly spat the thing out and grabbed one of the pipes for his bed and slammed it upside the bastard's head, knocking him out. Xander then ran and he met no resistance since everybody in the harem was asleep. Once he got out of the building he ran, finally free for the first time in years.

~~~End Flashback~~~

"And that's my story..." Xander said after a few minutes of silence, "That's what happened to me throughout those years..."

Lucas just shook his head, "Wow, that's horrible..." was all Lucas could say.

"Yeah it was, I never thought I would escape... and the faces of all the men who used me still haunt me in my sleep," Xander said shivering. He was shocked when he felt Lucas embrace him tightly.

"I guess they would... but that is the past. You're with us now, and I promise you, I will keep you safe. We all will. So if you ever need to talk just ask."

Xander just nodded. Silently he moved his face up and without warning kissed Lucas right on the muzzle.

Lucas froze in shock and when he felt Lucas stiffen Xander quickly broke the kiss and looked away, "I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! I had no idea what came over me!" he said freaking out... what had possessed him to kiss the other fox? Sure he was cute but he was already taken... He was so afraid Lucas was going to yell and scream at him he looked away for a bit waiting for the tirade but he only felt Lucas' warm paw on his shoulder.

"Dude, you are hardly the first person to steal a kiss from me... Ian has done it so many times... and a guy from my school did so today as well..."

"Why are you kind to me? I'm a filthy slut!" Xander yelled sadly, "I'm just a slut... my life has been centred around sex for so long it doesn't mean anything anymore..." He said and winced as Lucas' grip tightened.

"You are not a slut! What happened was out of your control! I've had my own share of things I'm ashamed of," he said looking away, "Back in 9th grade things got pretty bad... I couldn't cope. I actually started cutting..." he said showing Xander the very faint scars on his wrists. Xander could barely make them out. "I know pretty pathetic but I had problems... I was always careful not to cut to deep, but sometimes it happened anyway... I actually attempted suicide once also... I swallowed a bunch of pills and was completely out of it... if Erin hadn't found me, I wouldn't be here right now..." He stated calmly.

"So you owe Erin your life?"

"Yes I do, but I'm grateful... I am glad I didn't die... I eventually got some help... and now I feel somewhat better... and I'm so grateful for Ian... he's the most amazing person I ever met... but please... don't tell him any of this... I don't want to worry him over nothing..."

"He'll find out eventually though Luc..." Another voice muttered making the foxes jump in shock. They quickly turned and saw Erin standing outside the door her expression blank.

"How long have you been standing there?" Xander asked her nervously.

"The entire time..." she answered, simply looking towards Xander sadly, "But Luc is right, we will keep you safe, trust me. Do I get a kiss to though?" she asked smiling slightly at the dark blush on both boys cheeks, "Kidding, kidding, but come-on Ian is going to show us how to use magic!" She said before running out, "Oh and I won't tell Ian you just kissed his boyfriend Xander," she told them with a wink. The boys just looked towards each other and shrugged getting up and walking out of the room together as friends...