Quite a Buzz Pt2

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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And for part two!For those of you who are not so keen on the insect bits, heres something less creepy-crawly for you to enjoy ;P

This is a direct continuation of Quite a Buzz but you can read it stand-alone if you like, might be a little lost on some of the events if you do though.

In this one poor Royelle finds herself still in the thralls of the deviously evil Sargon who has more in store for her than just being an incubator.

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Want more? Check out my Stories for Bucks

" That's it." Sargon's voice seemed sharp in the ensuing silence. She hadn't even realized the creature left her back until she saw its still form laying sprawled out over half a bush. Not still... dead. Was it supposed to die? Had she killed it? Had he killed it...? " She fulfilled her purpose and now you carry her progeny within you." His paws caressed the swollen bulge of her belly causing her to growl.

But no sound escaped her lips. She tried to shift her head, tail, wings... anything... then cried in dismay- she was still trapped! How... that insect had been the reason, it had to be! And now it was not only off her back but dead on the other side of the courtyard... Fear gripped her; was this permanent?! Would she be like this for the rest of her life? Thoughts of Sargon's original statement returned, the gryphoness who had not survived the last generation; was this whole process fatal?!

" You needn't worry my dear, it is not permanent. I've just found a way to make it last as long as I want." He rumbled, answering her unspoken question by tugging the collar around her neck strapped just below the horns. The gryphoness from the last batch hadn't survived, not from the breeding or birthing process, but rather simply because he'd been quite hungry when she finished laying.

" I find these creatures ever-so fascinating." He spoke, just outside of her visual range, the voice circling slowly around behind her. " In nature they're an effective pollinator, they feed on fruit and nectar and yet are classified as parasites because they require a host to grow their young in." His voice carried to her ears in a tone that suggested he believed she were actually interested in any of this nonsense. He knew she didn't of course, but he couldn't help but enjoy reinforcing her helplessness as he explained her fate. " However, I have found that the relationship can actually be somewhat symbiotic as well."

" For example-" He continued sliding a cold flat metal rod against the curve of her slightly swollen belly. " -did you know the fluid coating an agodian's eggs acts like a natural hormone; one that induces an estrus-like state within their host?" She could feel her belly respond to the harsh touch of that metallic surface, the way it made her undertail warm and tense. Her reproductive system resonated to the device's commands in a way she couldn't even come close to in her current state. " And, with the right stimulation..." He paused, rubbing the bar at just the right spot to send a dizzying sensation through her entire body. " the host is in season, ready to be bred by her own kind as well." Her heart fluttered as he spoke, his voice ever-so soft and dripping with devious intent. He spoke directly into her ear, so close she could feel his warm breath upon it, as if making sure no one else could hear his lustful words.

" Such a perfect specimen." He purred, not at all referring to the agodian insect. Pressing his weight onto her back, his forepaws continued to stroke and roam over her supple form. The contact might have felt wonderful at any other time. " Would be a shame not to take advantage of all your... talents." His grin was wicked. She'd forgotten about the rod he held in his paw even after so short a time but Sargon took pleasure in reminding the poor girl, sliding across the lower curve of her belly sending rippling contractions through that lovely blue form. There was no doubt in her mind those healthy contractions were sprinkling a layer of unfertilized eggs across the field of already present insect young laying in wait within her belly. But what truly struck a chord of fear in her chest was the pair of fleshy iron-stiff rods suddenly being pressed firmly between her legs.

Her body was his plaything and watching the hivemaker work its magic into such a gorgeous fertile hen had brought Sargon's long thick grey hemipenes to bear. He had any number of pets and slaves of various species and genders that would offer their tail end for him without question but there was something alluring to leaving a clutch under the tail of one so pretty whether willing or otherwise. The blue drake rocked against her some, his eyes sweeping over her healthy young form and, sliding back to line himself up with her unprotected sex, there was a passing thought on just what color her eggs would be as he leaned in, burying himself into her deep wet vent in one firm reaching motion.

He needed no foreplay, further teasing or anticipation, her mind couldn't respond to it anyway. Krrr, oh but her body could! Her only outward response was a sudden exhale through her nostrils as she felt those puffy pussy walls being forced open around the generous log of dragonflesh. The enormous drake shoved aaaalll the way in nice and firm with one good rough motion, hammering his crotch against that pretty blue tail, forcing it up and to the side with a few short rough thrusts. She could feel him inside her, deep inside, enjoying her body, just reeeaching for the ripe eggs of her womb. If the humiliation of being raped a second time weren't enough, with his paws curled around her hips, every now and then that cold rod would slide across her belly and cause another dizzying wave of electric pleasure.

He held there for a moment, lifting himself up off her back some forcing her natural balance to push back, sandwiching his twitching cockflesh hard between those lovely thighs of hers while he began adjusting her body more to his liking. With a powerful grip at the back of her neck, he pushed her nose to the ground and curled her head down back toward her chest while shifting her forelimbs to accommodate the new posture. It was both infuriating and utterly embarrassing to be manipulated like this, her unmoving eyes staring straight down the barrel of his exposed hemipene, its healthy grey girth stiff against her belly as if showing off just how deep inside her he really was. She didn't need the visual cue, she could feel how deep he was. That thick tail of hers was forcibly flagged off to the side and her hind legs pressed tightly together, raised on the tips of her toes to give Sargon a straight shot down her already pregnant looking stomach.

And with his plaything primed and ready, the horny male wasted no time getting started, standing over the exposed dragoness and driving his bare shaft deep into her unprotected sex again and again. It was a grotesque sight, forced to stand there and watch herself being fucked raw with his twin shafts rubbing against her belly both inside and out. Beyond the feeling of having her tightly clenched pussy walls being forced open again and again to be used and bred like some sort of stock animal was the wobble of her already violated womb. Sargon hardly cared to consider her thoughts or feelings, the big male only mildly annoyed at having to restrain himself somewhat in order to protect the agodian eggs; he'd have liked to see how much this young hen could take. Slipping his paws down into the curve of her hips, the big male held tight as he went to town, rumbling his approval down at her.

She wanted to growl and curse and fight... but all she could do was rock against his ruthless motions and watch him work himself ever closer to driving another, more real clutch into her belly. A mental gasp and soft wheeze from her nostrils echoed as, if on cue, the resonating rod slid across her belly. The tension was so commonplace now, she could almost count the number of contractions as she was forced to ovulate for the devious male. Her health, her happiness was of no concern of his once he was finished with her, if she laid three or three-hundred eggs it made no difference. Their survival or her survival mattered not so long as he got what he wanted out of those deliciously swollen pussy folds- or rather got what he wanted into them. Each time the metal rod caressed the lovely hen's hide, she would tense up, tightening her slick breeding hole for just a moment while he plunged his very bare hemipene deep into those silken folds.

" Almost done." He teased. The tension was growing, the desire to leave a sticky wet mess deep under this glorious female's tail becoming harder and harder to resist when a thought occurred to him. With a snide smirk he slowed to a stop, his twitching leaking shaft buried somewhere in her gut. Royelle felt dirty, sore and used... but at least it was over. " Would you like to watch?" Her heart froze, the realization that he wasn't quite done with her catching up with the poor girl only a moment before a large scaly forepaw slid up under one of her hind legs and lifted it, not bothering to wait for a response.

The action was quick and powerful enough to overcome her instinctual balance and with a dizzying shift in vertigo the world swung to the side until she came down on her flank with a thump. The posture of her limbs remained relatively the same, the embarrassing stabilizing spread of her limbs leaving her wide and exposed. With a hind paw he stepped on and pinned one of her hind ankles to the ground while drawing the other up at a vivid angle to fully expose her sore swollen vent. With her body so open to attack by the spears of flesh he carried between his legs, the big male leaned over, taking hold of her horn and dragging her body back into an awkward and uncomfortable curl.

" You don't mind holding this for me while I finish up do you?" He asked as if sincerely expecting an answer. That devious smirk curled at the edge of his snout, taking her silence as consent. Even as the big blue male slipped the resonating rod between her lips, all she wanted to do was smack that grin off his face. The thought was beaten out of her mind, however, as Sargon's paw slipped away. The rod fell against her belly in just the right spot to give the poor girl's body continual dizzying stimulation. The brief jolts had been enough to make her tremble but this continual relaxation and contraction of her inner muscles was intoxicating. It was hard to even think with the overpowering sensation being forced upon her by the rod so when she felt her tight wet vent being wedged open again by that fat log of grey breeding flesh, she'd have whimpered in lust if given the opportunity.

None of this showed on her features, Royelle was locked in an unmoving, uncaring, unresponsive pose even as Sargon's thick shaft buried itself hilt-deep back within that tight wet little vent once again. With both paws free now the big male simply stood over her, her rump lifted as his hips gyrated against hers. The harsh wet smacking sound of her sticky crotch being nailed again and again echoing sharply in the crisp evening air of his courtyard. The tension in his loins grew as he hammered away at this young hen's body. He was getting close, krrr... so very close and the horny male made sure she knew it. Each thrust ended burred within that warm welcoming pussy of hers just in case it was the last, the big male wanting to make sure every drop of his sperm would hit its mark. By now there would be a minefield of hatchlings for him to claim, each thrust knocking fresh innocent eggs off the stalk of her life giving ovaries and he didn't want any of her unclaimed young to go without a... partner.

His claws dug gently into the blue dragoness beneath him as the flood of pleasure reached its peak, the first hot wet splatter of cum surging through his grey shaft with enough force that the lustlost female could feel it smacking against the weakened barrier to her womb. Again and again the thick rich male fluid thumped against her insides, the large male growling in utter satisfaction as he came hard within this simple-minded female. There was hardly a more satisfying sensation in the world than the rhythmic contraction of his hemipene pounding a healthy clutch into the belly of a fertile hen without concern or remorse. He hadn't cum this hard in a long time, his back and neck arched in pleasure as he filled her warm passage with his seed, the excess backwashing and drizzling out along the base of her tail.

The deep thrumming growl of satisfaction hung in the air as he laid into her, enjoying the satisfying squishing sounds as he teasingly pressed his freshly spent hemipene into her well used vent a few times as if trying to shove his seed toward the place it could do the most harm. It was unnecessary, even if gratifying, the millions of dragonsperm wasting no time racing toward the ripe eggs of her womb, finding and wedging into her unprotected eggs with a vigor shared only by their sire. The blue drake's eyes washed over her unmoving form, his sharp teeth flashing in the moonlight. It could be dozens of her young being ravaged at this very moment with dozens more yet to be hunted down and viciously raped just like their mother. New life sparked in her belly for no other reason than it pleased him to do so.

Sargon's satisfaction at the night's events held no bounds as he drew his spent shaft from her freshly fucked vent nice and slow before gently tilting her head up just enough dislodge the bar from her teeth. The poor dragoness had watched it all, a memory of being ravaged and bred burned into her mind as she lay there, leaking a torrent of thick white sperm from her poor abused vent and a second clutch of innumerable eggs being fertilized- helpless to stop it. He might just keep her, he thought, a pretty thing like that could have many uses before he tired of her. Besides, he grinned, with how big her belly was going to get, it wasn't like she was going anywhere anyway.

As fatigue turned to exhaustion and exhaustion to the sweet release of sleep, Royelle could only guess at what was still in store for her.

Quite a Buzz

" **You are truly lovely my dear.**" He purred softly, taking her forepaw in his own and bringing it to his snout to plant a tender delicate kiss upon. They were both large feral dragons, one male and one female, both extravagantly dressed and both...

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