FFFAF Story Part 2

Story by AltairFTB on SoFurry

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#2 of FFFAF Story

part 2 of Sherdain and Traitor's story

here we go with part 2, hope you enjoy it

*Sherdain gave Traitor a lick on the muzzle*

*Traitor murred and returned her lick*

*The door to the bridge hissed open and a feral tomcat with camouflage-colored pelt entered the bridge* "CAPTAIN ON DECK" *one of the human sailors called out, and all of the crew, whether human, anthro, or feral, except the steersman, who was actually an anthro bear, snapped to attention and saluted*

*Traitor saw Sherdain bow her head and raise her tail in salute, so, keeping his eyes on the tomcat, he did the same*

*The tom nodded to the crew* "as you were" * he said and jumped up onto the ledge as everyone went back to what they had been doing, and Sherdain stood back up and lowered her tail. * "Glad to see you in a better mood Lt." "Glad to be in a better mood, Sir" *Sherdain replied with a smile gracing her slim muzzle*

"Who is this guy? He's obviously a higher rank than Sherdain, judging by the reaction he got versus the reaction she got when we walked onto the bridge, yet they talk like they are equals." *Traitor thought to himself, as he stood up and looked questioningly at the tom*

*The tom looked at Traitor and looked him up and down, almost as though the tom were sizing him up* "And who is this, a new recruit?" *he asked Sherdain* "No, Sir, he's my new mate," *she said, blushing and moved to stand beside Traitor with her warm gray pelt gently rubbing against his*

*Traitor purred and lovingly licked the top of Sherdain's head, then looked back at the tom with a blank face, not knowing what kind of response the announcement would receive*

*The tom looked hard at Traitor with narrowed eyes for a few seconds and 'hmmed' before saying* "Come with me!" *and he jumped off the ledge and headed to the door*

*Traitor looked to Sherdain, who nodded in reassurance, then followed the tom, who led him to the Captain's cabin*

*Traitor stood nervously behind the tom, who was facing away from him, wondering if he was in some kind of trouble* "Who is he, a previous mate of Sherdain's? No, can't be, her previous mate is dead" *Traitor thought to himself as he became more and more nervous*

*The tom stood silently in the middle of the room for a few seconds, as these thoughts ran through Traitor's head, then said* "Name!" *In a commanding voice, quite unlike how he had spoken to Sherdain earlier*

*Remembering to call him 'sir' as Sherdain had Traitor, replied swiftly, "Traitor, Sir," not wanting to anger this tom, who seemed able to ruin his being with Sherdain*

*The tom nodded and turned around to face Traitor* "How far would you go to make Lt. Sherdain happy, Traitor?"

*Startled, Traitor looked at the tom* What kind of question is that? *he thought and then said* "I'd do anything to make her happy, I love her more than anything in the world"

*The tom smiled* "Good, she's been through a tough time, you know" *the tom said, as he padded over to a water bowl and took a drink*

"All I know about her situation is that her mate died and she's been trying for seven months to find a new one, Sir" *Traitor said to the tom*

*The tom lifts his head from his bowl and looks sadly at Traitor* "that's only the short, clean, version" *the tom sighs* "I'll tell you the full story of what happened. Seven months ago to this day Lt. Sherdain was standing on the stern of this ship, the stern is the back end of a ship" *the tom explained seeing Traitor's confused look at the unfamiliar word* "any way, she was standing on the stern of this ship talking to her mate who was on the stern of a different ship that was sailing next to us. Suddenly the stern of his ship was hit by a torpedo, killing him instantly right in front of her, his dead body got blown off his ship into our propellers. I'll never forget her anguished yowling as it happened" *the tom paused and lowered his head, in remembrance, for a second then looked back at Traitor with a sigh* "when we docked that night, I gave the Lt. leave to find a new mate but every night she came back to the ship in a foul mood with no mate. Until today that is" *the tom smiles at Traitor*

*Traitor sat looking down at the floor in wide-eyed shock* "I ... I never knew" *he said, then looked up at the tom with determination darkening his gaze* "I promise to be the best mate she has ever had, and to take care of her every need and want" *Traitor hissed*

*The tom pads past Traitor and lays his tail on Traitor's shoulder for a few seconds saying* "I'm sure you will" *then pads to the door saying* "come let's get you back to your mate"

"Yes, Sir, and thank you for telling me more about the situation" *Traitor said as he turned to follow the tom*

*The tom looks back over his shoulder* "anything to help one of my crew" *the tom smiled then led Traitor back to the bridge where Sherdain was pacing back and forth on the ledge. However she leaps off the ledge and runs over to Traitor when he walks back onto the bridge*

"I'll never leave you again" *Traitor purrs as he nuzzles her*

"Lt. Sherdain, may I speak to you for a second? Then I'll let you two be together". *The tom and Sherdain pad away, till they are out of hearing range but not visual range, and the tom whispers something to Sherdain and her eyes widen, in shock, then start to shine with happiness*

*Traitor strains his ears to try to hear what is being said but gives up as Sherdain gives the tom a salute and pads back to him, a mischievous glimmer in her shinning eyes*

"What are you planning, my dear Lt.?" *Traitor asks a little nervous at the look in her eyes*

"Something special for us" *she purred as she twines herself around him, getting him slightly aroused. She then pads out the door and, just before the door hisses closed, she lifts her tail giving him a glimpse of her dripping wet slit, and throws a sly, sexy grin at him over her shoulder while raising a questioning eyebrow. Once the door closed she runs through the ship getting things ready for her surprise. Finally she runs to the 'S-Room' to be ready for Traitor once he got there, she had left a very confusing trail for him to follow though so it would be a while till he got to her* "purrrrfect" *she purred as she spoke, thinking about what was going to happen*

*Traitor follows her scent trail throughout the ship. While doing so he finds out where certain important rooms on the ship are, like the cafeteria, the nursery, the medic bay, the guarderie, the crew's quarters, and the gym* "she's deliberately making the trail difficult" *he thinks as he backtracks for the third time. He finally reaches the 'S-Room'* "found ya" *he says under his breath as he smells that Sherdain had gone in but had not come out again, he opens the door and goes into the room*

The room stank of many creatures and humans mating. The scent got him horny again after his running about the ship trying to find Sherdain. All kinds of sex toys littered the right side of the room while the heavier sex machines were bolted to the floor in the center of the room. On the left side was a clear area and a door that led to a sauna room and a hot tub room. A large king-sized bed faced Traitor from the wall opposite him. But what caught his gaze, as he looked around the room, was the sight that awaited him beside one of the machines.