The Story of Max, Part I - Waking Up

Story by Maxwell Kay on SoFurry

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#1 of The Story of Max

Max was warm. Not just warm, but cozy. He drifted in a sea of snug warmth, pulling the invisible fluffy softness around himself, purring happily as he glided along the clouds, rolling over and over as he floated through space, a toasty little bug among an endless sea of comfort.

Suddenly, an unpleasant sensation intruded, and Max was sent hurtling through the cuddly ether into a world of aches and cramps, of cold and a little headache, and an intense pressure on his bladder. Swearing silently, he leapt up and sprinted for the bathroom, not even turning on the light as he entered, and within moments the comfort had returned as he emptied his bladder, head lolling back as he tried to blink away the sleep.

Coming back into the bedroom, Max noted with some confusion that the clock

read it was almost ten o'clock. He snorted, having intended to spend most of the day asleep, but there was no way he was getting back to sleep now. Lifting his arms high above his head, stretching his muscles, his eyes flickered to the stirring form that was still underneath the cover, and a smile grew on his face. At least waking up wasn't all bad.

Climbing back into bed, Max snuggled against the form, his arms snaking around it, his wet nose poking into the covers to find the person within. A sleepy yawn indicated that his target was indeed awake, and another moment of search found her as Max pushed his face underneath her long ears, rubbing his nose on her cheek.

"Mmm, morning," a sleepy voice greeted him, and the figure rolled over to face him. A slender white face, framed by long, floppy ears, gazed at him from underneath her covers, half-open amber eyes twinkling in the morning light. "Sleep well?"

"Like a log," Max answered, burrowing underneath the sheets, cuddling up against her and drawing her into his arms. "You?"

"Wonderfully," the rabbit purred, pink nose twitching. "I always do."

Max's answer was muffled, as he pressed his face into the crook of her neck, nibbling at the short fur found there, razor-like teeth combing trails through the soft whiteness. The rabbit responded with a coo of pleasure, bunching her shoulders and lifting her chin. As she rolled onto her back, Max went with her, so he was halfway on top of her, one dainty leg trapped between the two of his. As she lifted that leg a bit, she giggled.

"What, you're ready to go already? How long have you been awake?"

"Can't help it, it's morning wood," the tiger purred, his kisses traveling farther down, to her collarbone. As he did, he pressed his groin forward a bit, letting her feel the pressure his already growing member was providing.

"You're an animal, Max," the female laughed. "At least give me time to wake up."

"There's no time for that, this is important," he replied. His left paw gently cupped her left breast, squeezing the furry mound, bringing a sigh of faux-resignation from the rabbit.

"I guess I have no choice, do I?"

"None at all."

"Then I should just make the best of it, I guess." With a giggle, she pushed him off a few inches, and, with great dexterity, wriggled around underneath so that her leg was no longer trapped undernetah him, but so she was directly under him, her own legs spread open, knees pointed outward, fuzzy crotch angled just enough to rub against his hardening cock.

Max shuddered as the tip of his emerging malehood rubbed against the damp space between her legs; underneather him, he could feel the female shudder as well. Max renewed his oral attack on her upper body, applying big, sloppy kisses to her chest and collar, rolling his hips as he did so their private parts would mesh, pressing against the other.

The female's apparent indifference was soon revealed to be a sham, as his movements were greeted by warm sighs and the gentle rocking of her own hips, lifting upward to press her warm cunt against him, a pleasant dampness beginning to spread throughout the fur of that region. Her slim fingers entwined themselves in his hair, her narrow chest rose and fell more quickly. She seemed content to just lie back and let the male take over.

"Felicia," the feline groaned, "mmm, Felicia." The thick, cloying scent of the lapine was wrapping his head in wet towels, mixing with his more musky odor to form an irresistable perfume. Rising to his knees, his upper body still on top of hers, he spread his legs, making the delicate aiming easier. His first gentle thrust missed its mark, sliding along the moist fur next to her sex, but his second found its target. His gasping moan drowned out hers as the tip of his cock slowly parted her, thickly lubricated walls opening as his weapon penetrated deeply.

Words were soon lost, personal awareness was soon lost, as Max began sliding his cock back and forth along the lapine's inners. Felicia's head rolled back, throat thrust upwards as if an offering, rumbling groans spilling forth as higher-pitched moans squeaked from her lips. Within moments, she had matched the roll of her hips to his, so that they moved with almost perfect timing.

Max had lifted his head so that he was now kissing and licking at her jawline, nibbling at the soft flesh of her throat, rough tongue making bristly furrows in her fur. One of the rabbit's paws pulled free from his hair and anchored itself in the middle of his back, tiny claws digging into his skin as if she needed them to hold on. Her eyes closed contentedly, but the furrowed brow gave testament to the intensity of sensation she was feeling.

For his part, Max was having a wonderful time. His thrusts was well-timed and smooth, a result of tremendous patience, but as time went on, he became faster, the thrusts of his hips more urgent and less carefully planned. He felt an almost painful pressure building up inside his balls, a heat that threatened to engulf him if he didn't do something. Planting both paws firmly on the bed, he lifted his torso off of the female and began really fucking her, pelvis slapping against the skinny rabbit's with each thrust, his eyes closed and mouth half open. Her moans no longer even reached his ears, as all he could hear was the blood rushing in his ears and his own grunts of indecent pleasure.

Pausing a moment, Max sat upright on his knees, taking Felicia by the hips and pulling her lower body upward to preserve the angle he needed. The bunny sagged beneath him like a doll, and with both paws on her hips, he began pounding her, almost snarling as he desperately built toward release.

Body bouncing like a ship in a storm, Felicia was past the point of even noticing, much less caring that her partner loving strokes had become a savage assault. One paw gripped his chestfur tightly, the other grabbed her own breast, digging into the pliable flesh before taking the nipple between thumb and forefinger and pinching tightly, twisting and pulling at the small nub. Her lips parted a little to reveal clenched teeth, her small pink nose twitching violently as it drank in the heady scent of their pheremones.

With a stilted gasp Max stiffened, and let loose a truly savage growl as his all control fled from his body. The fire that filled his balls was exploding outward in a rush, and his steaming cock unleashed what felt like a sea with each pulse and jump, buried deep within the smaller furre. As his orgasm began to subside, he thrust his hips forward again, coaxing the last few eruptions from his organ, and his tongue drooped from his mouth.

Ever the gentleman, or the animal, whichever you prefer, Max was hardly finished. After the merest of moments to regain his breath, and regain some control over his body, he wrenched his member from Felicia's tight hole, dripping now with tiger love, mixing with her own juices on the bed. Throwing himself onto his stomach, Max slipped his arms underneather her legs and, gripping her thighs, began a relentless attack on her very wet, very hot pussy.

The tiger's broad tongue parted the outer folds of her pussy easily, exposing the tiny pink clit, perfectly erect, to what was a devastating assault. As Felicia squealed above him, Max wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking hard at it, then lifted his head a few inches and began lapping at it with his powerful tongue.

A tongue meant to comb dirty fur and scrape meat from bones is more than a match for an overworked clit, especially when the tip laps at it rapidly, becoming a blur, too fast for the eye to see. Every few seconds, Max would lower his head and suck at the tiny bud, then return to the punishing maneuver.

While this wouldn't work on every female, Max knew from experience it worked on his bunny, and quickly her squeals of ecstacy leapt an octave and her whole body seemed to go rigid, her hips bucking against the tiger, who kept pushing her down with his paws, never letting up the pressure he was putting on her. As she rolled and squirmed in orgasm, Max began gradually slow down, releasing some of the pressure, and by the time he stopped entirely, the rabbit was exhausted, her chest inflating and deflating rapidly, her whole body limp.

When she was finally able to open her eyes, Felicia saw Max's face, the lower half soaked with sweat and fluids, grinning at her, smoldering eyes betraying the rush he had gone through. While her orgasm had lasted longer, there was no doubt that his had been just as intense.

"Little kitty," she put a paw on his cheek, "I love it when you do that."

Max's response was simply a tired laugh, then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Yes, perhaps waking up wasn't so bad after all.