The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 5: The power of love

Story by NewLegend1 on SoFurry

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#5 of The Spyro Chronicles

Here is the fifth installment of the series and is a very important chapter in the series. I hope you enjoy because I spent many a hour trying to get it right.

BEFORE YOU CONTINUE Please go to my profile or look at my update (Spyro Chronicles update) It has information on the transitioning used in this chapter. It will help you a lot if you read that before reading this.

Oh yea, if your under 18 this one has some inappropriate stuff so you probably should get out of here, NOW, or risk getting caught. Your choice.

Chapter 5: The power of love

Spyro was walking in a very similar temple to the one he was in earlier. Only this time he didn't Cynder nor did he see any apes. He saw dragons though.

"Hey where am I." They made no response. They walked into a room filled with humans and some other humanoid creature. He didn't get to see much but it was something important going on. He saw them moving large crystals into a door that resembled the one he was at earlier. They paid him no mind and continued what they were doing. He heard crying. He looked around. No one was crying. He then felt himself being jerked from the room and slowly came to.

Suddenly Spyro awoke. He lay there in immense pain. He slowly picked his head up but stopped and let it rest because his neck muscles exploded with pain. He saw Cynder in the corner. She was sobbing. He opened his mouth to ask what was wrong but nothing came out. He would have been yelling if his vocal chords worked but nothing came out. She got up and left the cave. He saw her return with a mushroom cap filled with berries. She still didn't notice that he was awake. She sat there moping and crying. He couldn't understand her. All of a sudden everything happens at once.

A large group of apes moved into the cave and attacked her. She fought back, but at such close quarters, with all these apes, she was soon overpowered. Spyro tried with all of his might to move his muscles. His legs twitched but didn't move. Apes surrounded her and started to beat her mercelessly. One held her and another punched her in teh stomach. They then grabbed her arms and legs and then lifted her into the air. He sat there helplessly as she was being killed. An ape grabbed her neck and started to choke her. After a little while she started to show less resistance and her gaze became more fixed every second.

"CYNDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!" His vocal chords blasted through the caves. His muscles suddenly moved and he attacked with renewed energy. He tore through the apes and completely massacred them. Many fell before they even realized what had hit them. He shot out a burst of enraged fire. It struck an ape in the chest and it fell over dead. The remaining apes ran into the mushroom forest. Cynder lay there not doing anything. He walked over to her and checked for a pulse. It was weak, very weak, but still there. He sighed and tried to stay standing, but exhaustion took over and he passed out.


Allison had awoken a few hours later. Wagner had let her stay behind until she felt battle worthy. She felt renewed after the long sleep and she was itching to join the fight for the temple. She saw a Nighthawk land on the balcony and Lt. Wagner emerged with wounded on board. She met up with him and saw a very worried look on his face.

"Lieutenant, what's wrong? Is the assault failing?" His head shot at her as if he didn't notice her until now.

"Allison, we have a problem."

"What's going on?"

"Neither Spyro or Cynder have reported in since I sent them on a recon mission in the temple."

"We have to go find them."

"That's where I am going."

"I'll go with you too." He nodded and they boarded the Nighthawk.


Spyro awoke very much later. He could move his legs but they still ached with extreme pain. He saw Cynder lying down next to him. He got up looked at her. He heard her grunt and her eyes slowly lifted open.

"Are you... alright?" Spyro gulped after his last word.

"Yea... I'm fine," She said a little weakly.

"Can you walk?"

She coughed and stood up.

"Yea, I can walk."

He was glad. He was glad that she was going to make it. She was his world, if he lost her, how would he go on? He then sobbed and grabbed her in a tight hug.

"Oh Cynder, I-I was worried about y-you." He started

"Spyro, I should be the one worried about you. You weren't moving; I thought you were going to die."

"Cynder I thought you were going to die. I couldn't do anything to help you and you almost died and it's all my fault! I can't let anything happen to you because..."

"Because what Spyro..." Cynder's heart stopped. She wanted to tell him she loved him, but her tongue was tied.

"Because I love you." And with that he tightened his hug. He expected her to trust him off, to reject him and never think of him the same way when the unexpected happened. She grabbed him and hugged him even tighter than before.

"Oh Spyro," He saw a gleam in her eyes.

"I could never bring myself to telling you this but... I love you too. I always have. Ever since you saved me from the clutches of the Dark master I couldn't help but like you."

Spyro felt a ping of happiness wash over him. He looked her in the eyes and she did the same. They both then locked in a long and very passionate kiss. They sat there like that for a while before finally breaking when Cynder began to cough. Blood splattered the ground and blood trickled from her nostrils.

"Cynder?! Are you alright?" Spyro held her while she coughed up more blood.

"We have to get you back to the temple before this gets worse." She managed to nod before coughing up more blood.


Karson ran/limped down the path. He turned his head to see if they were still trailing him. Four Lakadors rounded the corner and spotted him. They yelled in their language and they continued the pursuit. Karson ran as far as he could before he tripped and fell to the ground.

The Lakadors caught up with him and grabbed him.


UERNF Raven "Bravo 2" pilot Capt. Smith spotted a small cluster of Lakadors down in an open up path struggling to hold something. He went into a dive and nodded to Lt. Carmon, his gunner, who then in turn fired the .75 cal rotary machine gun mounted on the base of the aircraft.


Karson heard a sound and looked up. He saw a UERNF Raven closing in on their position. He felt over-joyed and extremely terrified at the same time. The way the aircraft was angled could only mean one thing: a strafing run. He saw flashes emanating from the .75 cal rotary MG and pockets of dirt were blasted up into the air as the heavy AI (Anti-Infantry) rounds hit the ground. Two of the Lakadors were hit by the strafing run and were literally torn in half by the heavy rounds. Karson took advantage of the situation and hit the other Lakador in the stomach. It doubled over and Karson followed it up with a series of punches to the face. It fell over and Karson made a grab for its gun.

The other Lakador saw this and made a grab for the same gun. They both grabbed it and then went into a struggle to take it. They fought there for a while before Karson managed to overpower it and hit it in the face with the gun. It fell over and either died or passed out.

Karson looked up in the sky when he heard a noise. He saw a Nighthawk fly overhead. He sighed as the drop ship kept going. He knew that they didn't see him but felt happy as he knew UERMC forces were in the area. He could have sworn he saw someone in the troop bay that looked familiar. He started walking. He had to find a nice peaceful place to rest. That last encounter had drained him.


Allison was in the troop bay of a Nighthawk. She saw a figure standing in the middle of an opened up path. He was surrounded by four dead Lakadors. Two of which looked like they had been hit by very large ammo for they were torn in half. She thought that the figure looked human. She had passed him off as a victorious marine. They speed along searching for Spyro and Cynder.

They hadn't seen or heard from them yet so they would patrol the skyline and have annual ground patrols to find them. The drop ship swooped downwards and began to follow the river as a guide. If they are still alive, they would probably be near the river so they could have water near by. Wagner thought to himself as he instructed the pilot where to go.


Spyro placed Cynder on his back and tried to fly back to the temple. Every time he tried to take off though, he was too weak. This time was no different. He groaned and decided to walk the rest of the way. He had carried her for a bit when Spyro saw a Lakador patrol. He quickly got into the brush as the patrol walked by them. They seemed to be looking for something, or someone. When they passed Spyro picked up Cynder and placed her on his back. As he did she coughed up some blood and they walked off. He had to get her back, somehow some way. She was so beautiful, so gentle, so caring. As he thought of her, he felt something at his tail base. This time it wasn't pain, it was a pleasurable feeling. He continued walking with her on his back.

Cynder lay there on Spyro's back. She thought of him. His wonderful wings, those beautiful eyes, those caring arms that held her when he told her he loved her. When she did she felt something at her tail base. Unlike the pains she had been having during the night, this one felt good. Very good. She soon felt herself fall into unconsciousness from her injuries.

After walking for a bit, one of Spyro's legs gave out. He hit the ground hard. This in turn caused Cynder to slide off of him.

A Lakador patrol near-by heard this and went into the brush to investigate. When they saw the dragons they attacked. Several balls of energy flew from their guns. They impacted a mushroom that Spyro was behind. The energy slowly was vaporizing the mushroom and Spyro would have to get to better cover. He grabbed Cynder and sprinted out of the brush and into the open. He was hoping this time he could fly and get away. He couldn't. He fell to the ground with a THUD. The Lakadors saw him and moved over to him.

Curiously they didn't fire.


Lakador Squad leader Hefe' led his men through the mushroom forest. They were on the look out for a human. He was supposedly wanted by the Supreme Commander and they were ordered to take him. They were also looking for someone else to. They had been told to find as many purple dragons as they could and capture them as well.

They heard a sound in the brush and went to investigate. They saw two dragons. They couldn't see much of there color so he ordered them to open fire. The dragons took cover behind a mushroom and they peppered it with their "zappers." (Marine nickname)

He saw them make a break for it into the clearing. It was then that he saw that one of them was purple. He ordered his men to hold their fire and capture them. They closed in on the pair.


Spyro saw them coming and with his very limited energy used his ice breath to freeze the two lead Lakadors. The one he presumed the leader. (For it had a tail and a more definite maw then the rest) made a grab for him. Spyro tried to use his ice breath but nothing came out. He tried to get up to engage the Lakador but his legs were too weak from carrying Cynder. He saw something on the ground near him. It was one of the Lakador energy rifles that one of them dropped. He picked it up and pointed it at the lead Lakador. He snarled something and reached for his own rifle. Spyro felt what he thought was a trigger on it and pressed it. Balls of energy erupted from the rifle. The Lakadors armor started to melt where the orbs of energy hit it. He screamed and fell over dead. The others, seeing what had just happened to there leader, snarled something into what Spyro thought was a microphone. He felt a chill run down his spine. If it was a microphone, then if what Wagner told him was true, every Lakador in the forest was going to be after them. Spyro quickly silence both Lakadors with the energy rifle he held.

He let the smoking rifle fall to the ground and tended to Cynder. She was breathing, but very labored and blood was flowing from her nostrils and some was leaking from her mouth. He had to get her to the temple and fast.


Karson had decided to follow the river so he might see if he could run into a marine filling up his canteen or something. After a while he decided to take five. He saw a cave in the face of a cliff. Having nowhere left to go, he ventured into the small cave. It was then he noticed something. There were small traces of blood along with several ape corpses. There were some scorch marks on the walls. There had clearly been a battle here, and obviously, these guys had lost. He moved the bodies outside and then turned his head to the sky as he saw a Nighthawk speed down the river. He was in the cover of a mushroom so they didn't see him. He cursed and went back into the cave and fell asleep.


Allison was getting worried. They hadn't seen either Spyro or Cynder and the sun was starting to set. The ground patrols only repotted increased Lakador and Ape patrols. She sighed and remembered the lone marine she had seen earlier. His face looked familiar. She didn't get a crystal clear view of his face but she did notice a similarity between someone she had met before. She sighed and then thought about Karson. She missed his handsome face and caring demeanor. She didn't even get to say goodbye. She did feel him though. She felt him calling out to her. She looked back out into the forest and spotted a downed Lakador drop ship.

Lt. Wagner was running out of options. They hadn't run into Spyro or Cynder. He was getting really worried. It's all my fault. I sent him and her on that recon. He sighed and looked back into the troop bay. Allison scanned the mushroom line for any signs of life. Next to her sat Private Jackie Mclowsky and Private First Class Drake O'Brian. They were both platoon medics. He had brought them along incase they were needed. He walked over and sat across from Allison.

"Seen anything yet?" She shook her head.

"Damn it. Well we might have to call it a night pretty soon."

"Yea. I haven't seen anything yet."

"Sir, the sun just set! It's night time." The pilot called out from the cockpit.

"Alright. Radio ground crews. Let's call it a night."

"Wait. I'm picking up a transmition. It's a Lakador transmition." The pilot called out.

"Patch it through." A Lakadors voice came through the speakers. A split second later a translated version came through.

"We've spotted a purple dragon. We need assistance capturing it."

"Isolate that signal. Where did it originate."

"Over there sir." The pilot pointed to a clearing just east of them.

"Take us there."

"Yes sir." The pilot nodded to the co-pilot and they veered toward the signals origination point.


Spyro ran with Cynder on his back. It was a radio that the Lakadors had used. They were swarming the area en masse. He only had the strength to fight so many. His right fore-leg gave out and he fell to the ground. His leg exploded whit pain as he tried to get up. He looked at Cynder. She was getting worse every minute. Her breathing had become more labored and she was bleeding from her mouth. He struggled to get up. He had to protect her. He fell back to the ground. His vision became a little blurred. He did manage to see several Lakadors surround them and prepare to capture him. He heard a loud whirling sound and saw an aircraft accelerate over the mushroom top. A bright flash came from its nose and many Lakadors fell to the ground screaming as the .50 cal rounds tore through their armor.

He saw four figures emerge from the aircraft. They ran up to him and Cynder. Two of them fired their assault weapons at the retreating Lakadors. The other two grabbed him and Cynder. The one that grabbed him had a white square on his armor and in it, there was a red cross. He was becoming dis-oriented but managed to keep awake. He saw them carry him and Cynder into the bay of the aircraft. They were later joined by the other two. He felt the aircraft flare to life and ascend. One of them was over him. It was saying something but he couldn't understand him. He felt himself getting weaker every second. Soon his vision became obscured then black. He then passed out.

End of chapter 5

Wow. I wonder if Spyro and Cynder are going to make it. I wonder if Karson is ever going to be found. I hope you guys enjoyed this one. The next one should be up by late monday, early tuesday. I'll say something if there is a delay.