The New House

Story by HybridKisses on SoFurry

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There's not much to really say about this xD Like most of my things... Enjoy <3

His moans bounced around in my head as his body gently pushed into mine, spreading pleasure throughout my body with his claws dragging down my shoulders. Tension building up inside me was pulsing as I held back the urge to let it go with my last moan. "Oh, God Andy. I love you." Darian pressed himself hard inside me and filled me with his seed. My breath was coming fast as I tried to calm myself while Darian's thrusts slowed.

A few hours later I lay beside him, stroking his chest fur while he slept. His embrace became tighter around me, as if he were protecting me in his sleep. It caused me to smile as I unwrapped his arms from my waist and grabbed a small lacey robe from off the floor. Sliding it over my shoulders, I scurried across the room to the bathroom, passing piles of boxes and scattered things that were unpacked. Darian and I had just moved into a small house in the country of our own. Peeking at my phone, it was almost 6:30 in the morning.

Sliding off the robe, I turned on the hot water and stepped under the showers stream. My fur was still slightly sticky from hours of rough sex. My arms, neck, and thighs were sore from Darian's teeth and claws, including my back as well. The feeling was enjoyable for me than most others although. The water was hot against me, relaxing the tension in my body. I scrubbed all the traces of sex from my fur and took good time to take care of my hair. Once I stepped out of the shower, I peeked out the door and saw Darian still sleeping. I towled off at the foot of the bed, drying off carefully with my favorite towel. Soft and purple, I've had it forever now. When I decided I was dry, I started picking around for clothes amongst the few that were in the dresser when I felt his arms wrap around me. A smile spread across my lips as he began sniffing my hair and neck. "Don't you smell purty?" There was a poking sensation in my lower back that cause me to shake my head and giggle. "I just showered, I'd hope I smell okay." He chuckled and covered my breasts with his paws. "Why didn't you wake me up? I could have joined you." He started to pull me back towards our bed, nibbling on my shoulder. "Because, unlike you, I wanted to relax."

I turned around in his arms and pushed him back about a step. "Go clean yourself, dirty boy." "Only if you come with me." With a sigh I pushed him back all the way into the bathroom, surprised he didn't put up a fight when I tried to shut the door. "Clean yourself!" He groaned then things were quiet for a moment. I waited to be sure the water came on.

Soon I was dressed in an open button-down shirt, and a long skirt. Something confy for once. No undies, because thats the way he prefers me. I was downstairs watching TV and munching cereal by the time he came hopping down the stairs, wagging his tail and sniffing the air. "Somebody's in a good mood this morning." I could hear him shuffling through cereal boxes. "Well, I had a very nice night with my beautiful mate." My cheeks turned pink at the word 'beautiful'. "Well, I'm a little sore this morning, thanks to someone special." He plopped down beside me and nudged my shoulder best be could without spilling something. "Not my fault a special someone likes to be roughed around." My cheeks reddened further as I smiled and hid my face in my bowl.

When the cereal was gone we snuggled close on the couch not really paying attention to the TV. "There's nothing to watch, I don't know why I turn the stupid thing on." He laughed and placed another kiss on my neck. "We could have sex again." He started laughing when I pushed him away giggling. "You jerk," I teased. "I was only kidding, Andy." He followed me upstairs and waited in the doorway as I sat on our bed patting his spot beside me. Another large grin spread across his muzzle as he jumped into the bed, pushing me back agaisnt the pillows. "I am one lucky dog." His paws plyed with my breasts, our lips meeting in strong passion. I hesitated and caused him to the break the kiss. "Whats wrong?" I sighed and tried not to smile up at him. "Oh, nothing. Just gonna have to take another shower, I guess." He chuckled against my neck and whispered into my ear, "You can take one with me." His paws found the waist of my skirt and we jumped into another hot morning together in the new house.