Elven Magic, Medicine and ... Furs? Oh My!

Story by Hunny on SoFurry

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Legal Jargen:

This story contains adult related material and sexual situations involving fictious characters. If you are under the age of 18 or the age of conscent in your nation, DO NOT READ THIS MATERIAL! You have been warned, and responsibility is no longer upon me.

Also, this is an original story created by myself. All characters, names and places mentioned in this story are creations of my own mind and please do not use them without my express conscent. Enjoy and please leave a rating or send me a comment, this is my first story and I want to improve!

Author's Note: Since I have had it up here, no one has rated it. I had someone read it and told me I should break it up into Two parts, and so that is what I have no done.

The subservient knelt down doubtlessly wondering why she had been called before the so-named "god" before her. Her limbs trembled as a hand was placed on her shoulder. "Rise" she heard, she stood and was silent. Seeing the man before her she trembled even more, she wasn't sure what to think. She was a lowly peasant who had always obeyed the law so why was she called here today. A brief thought passed through her mind and she began to undo the straps at her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" she heard from a strong voice. She fell to her knees out of terror at the sound. She tried to plead for forgiveness when she felt a warm gentle hand on her shoulder. She froze in terror, this is it she thought he is either going to kill me, rape me or who knows what else.

She heard a strange yet familiar sound, was he chuckling? She heard him sigh heavily, "Come on up on your feet, and try and relax. How am I going to talk to you if you are so scared you can't even hear me talk?" She looked up in amazement, what could he possibly want to talk to her about? He walked lightly over to a table and uncorked a large glass flask. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked her. She was so dumbfounded all she could do was nod. His next comment nearly sent her into hysterics at the irony of her situation. "Have a seat and get comfortable we have a lot to talk about."

I should probably introduce myself, first of all I am a so called god because I can do some more complex magic, not too hard considering I'm an elf, but anyway, My name is Larian Hopps. I'm a 25 year old huma.... Err ... elf. I was born a human but due to a freak accident at my college I got transported here, and turned into an elf. Now I know what you're thinking, huh? College, transported? Hear me out. I was born in Massachusetts in the year 1980. I was called a prodigy ever since I was young. I went to college at 12, med school at 15 and graduated at 18 as a doctor. I was bored with it; conventional medicine wasn't doing enough to help cure certain illnesses. I thought perhaps there was something I could find out by combining physics and medicine. So I went off and decided to learn about Physics, as I wanted to be able to combine the theorems in my mind rather than by collaborating, so I went back to college to become a physicist. I was doing a lab experiment with equipment that read the magnetosphere and created a smaller version of it in a room when a huge explosion from the floor below triggered a malfunction, at the same time a huge solar flare caused a shift in the earth's magnetosphere, the resulting clash I'm assuming created a trans-dimensional rift, which I got rocketed into by the explosion. When I woke up, I was in a soft bed being watched over by a beautiful woman. I thought I had died, it turns out the woman was an elf and she was a damned skilled healer. After spending roughly a year with her I had learned all about magic and how to use it. I even was able to create a few of my own spells before her home was attacked by orcs and I had to flee. After a week of wandering I ended up in the middle of a city of morphs (morphs by the way are anthromorphs, essentially an animal, [ex, dog, cat, wolf, squirrel, rabbit] with a humanoid body structure) infested with some kind of plague.

I was able to identify that the plague was a bacterial infection from the water and after some carefully placed spells, I was able to cure the whole city before it got too out of control. This was the first "miracle" I preformed for them. The next was when some huge lumbering lizard decided to make a nice meal of some of the villagers, including the head priest. I decided to try and help rather than run again and I was able to kill it by ramming a pike that I coated with bacteria through its eye. Then their head priest says that I Was a god unlike before where I was simply sent by the gods to help them. That's how I ended up in the situation I am currently in. Now as for the girl, well she has a strong magical presence to her, not to mention that she is one of the few people in the village who is humanoid.


She carefully stood up and moved to the couch and got as comfortable as she could. I walked over and handed her the drink. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Slender strong build with large breasts and the most gorgeously tanned skin and her ears were those of an elf, long pointed and thin, and she had the most beautiful amber eyes. She had a long thin tail and a short muzzle; her eyes had slitted pupils like those of a cat. Her father had been a feline, and her mother was an elf. She was visibly getting uncomfortable with the silence and with my staring at her beauty.

I tried to speak calmly and sound as wizened as I could, but my voice squeaked at first.

"Well you're probably wondering why you're here." I didn't wait for a response I knew the answer. "So I'll tell you, but first a question. Have you ever felt different from the other people, and I don't mean by your looks?"

She looked at me cautiously, and nodded.

"It's ok to talk, I don't bite." Which isn't exactly true but we'll leave that part out for now.

"Yes I have always felt different, whether it's just because of my looks or if it's something more I'm not sure."

She said questioningly.She's smart. She knows I know something and she is trying to get me to tell her without giving me any more information than she has too. I simply had to look into her eyes to know that she knows about her magic, a magically in tuned person has a glint in their eyes that non-magicers don't. I can't help but smile, which makes her nervous.

"You can't hide from me, so reply honestly next time and we can avoid a run around. You have an incredibly strong magical presence and I would like to teach you whatever I can and help you to take over for me."

This shocked her. I could see the hundreds of questions in her eyes. Why her, what did I mean take over, and how?I sat back and told her my story. I looked at her after I was done; she had more questions than ever. Then she yawned. I looked outside the windows only too see that it was very late out. I suggested that she retire to a special chamber I had had prepared for her. She reluctantly agreed and went off with a servant I called. I looked at the fire. Tomorrow was going to be a Loooooong day.

I awoke late that night to an almost too quiet. "I never wake up in the middle of the night, what the hell is going on?" I looked around to see no one in my room so I went for a walk to see how my guest was doing. I walked to her room to knock and saw that it was slightly open; I listened carefully to hear if she was sleeping. I heard the bed creak and some muffled sounds, something wasn't right. I looked in to see the high priest standing over her; she was gagged and tied to the bed. He then pulled out his erect penis and moved towards her. I burst into the room and flung out with the back of my closed fist connecting with the left side of his face. The look of shock and anger on his face as he looked up at me I screamed at him "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

He snarled out "How dare you strike me! I made you what you are today. It would be all too easy for me to..." I interrupted him with another shout of "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING? I don't give a shit who you think you are you sick fuck, Get outa here!" He glared at me and then began to get up. I didn't care about him anymore I was more concerned if she was okay. I quickly took off the gag and asked, "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?"

She looked behind me and yelled "LOOK OUT!"

I spun around to see the flash of a dagger, I managed to avoid his thrust but barely as I felt the skin on my ribs be slashed. I quickly hit him again and pounced on him grabbing for the dagger. He was stronger than he looked, but then again so was I, I used a small electrical spell to surge him it gave me enough of an advantage and I was able to push on the knife, which I thought was away from the both of us. A look of shock suddenly came over his face; he seemed to choke on the air, that's when I felt something warm and sticky on my hands. I looked down to see the dagger firmly imbedded in his ribs; I got up quickly as he began to cough up blood.

Someone must have heard the struggle because I heard a scream from the door. I looked up to see a heavy blade coming down towards me, and then darkness took me.

When I awoke I was in my bed with a splitting headache. The town doctor was looking at me and he said he should be fine. The young priestess who was standing next to him nodded quickly and dismissed him. I had to blink as light filled the room; a wolf morph was walked in wearing shackles. I had seen this man before he was one off the guard that the High Priest had demanded be put in place to protect me.

"What's going on here?" I asked. The priestess quickly explained that the man in front of me had struck me with the blunt of his sword when he saw the high Priest lying on the floor dying. The man had no fear, but he did show some remorse. He spoke suddenly "Sir I apologize for my hasty decision but it was la...Oooff" The guard holding him cut him short with a strong fist to the gut. "You will not speak until spoken to." the guard snarled to him. I quickly got up and barked out "Stop that! Let the man speak his peace."

When the wolf-morph could breathe again he said "Thank you sir. Now as I was saying..." He gave a sharp look to the guard at his side. "I apologize for injuring you but it was late and I couldn't see that it was you. I simply reacted upon instinct to subdue and protect. If these decisions were wrong than by all means sir I accept any punishment." I couldn't help but smile; this guy had some real balls to talk to someone in my position that way. "Enough, I would have done the same thing if I were our roles reversed. And so it if forgiven and forgotten." I give a strong look to the very shocked priestess, who instantly hides her face in shame at my look. "Guard release the captain, he is undoubtedly irritated enough without you adding more fuel to his fire by delaying his just release." The guard cringed and instantly unlocked the shackles from the captain. The captain smirked at me as a mutual understanding and respect passed between us. I asked him "Before you go captain I would like to get your name so I can remember the man who gave me this egg." He simply replied "Spirit."

The girl suddenly came back into my mind, "How is she?" I quickly asked the priestess. She looked puzzled then realized who I was talking about and brought me to her room. I knocked gently, when I didn't hear a response I said, "It's me, Can I come in?" I waited and when I didn't hear a response I said "I'm Coming in ok?" I slowly opened the door and saw her sleeping on the bed. I couldn't help but smile, she was going to be fine, I just knew it. I went in not even thinking and looked at the bloodstain on the floor. Maybe I was wrong, what if she wasn't fine? It was my fault for her getting in that predicament. I heard her stir while I was still deep in thought; I turned around to see her sitting up with the sheet wrapped around her bosom. I turned around quickly trying to be polite. She said, "It's ok, you don't have to be embarrassed." Then she playfully added, "I don't bite." I had to chuckle, I turned around to see her smiling. She was stunning; she had the most beautiful ivory skin, perfect well-defined curves. I must have blushed when I realized I was getting a hard on by looking at her, because she smiled wickedly. "I, um, just came to; uh see how you were doing." I must have sounded like an idiot, I wanted to curl up in a corner and die.

"Thank ... thank you for saving me. I ... don't know what I would have done if you hadn't ... if you hadn't shown up." I looked up at her. She was on the verge of tears, I tried to lighten up the situation by putting on my best western accent and saying, "Well I only wish I had gotten here sooner little lady." She looked at me very strangely. Then it hit me, they had No TV, no Westerns, no "Little lady" lines. I hit myself on the forehead, which brought back to me my senses and reminded me of exactly why I hadn't seen if she was ok sooner. My legs buckled underneath me, and I caught myself on the bed. She wrapped her arms around my arm to support me and said, "Sit down." She helped me to sit down and I then laid down on the bed. She looked at me in complete concern as I opened my eyes. In the excitement she must have forgotten about the sheet because she was bare from the waist up and the sheet was barely covering anything else. I couldn't help but stare; she had the most perfect round breasts I had ever seen, each being at least the size of a grapefruit. My jaw dropped and then she realized why. She dropped my head and grabbed the sheet around herself. My head hit the wooden post of the bed when it dropped; everything swam, and I must have blacked out again.

When I came to she was Listening to my chest and again not wearing anything. I groaned as I felt a new even worse headache hit me. She looked at me with true concern and sheepishly said "Are you ok?" I smiled, I didn't care if she hit me, I said, "I am now." and smiled looking at her beautiful elven body, the feline in her only making her that much more voluptuous. She turned crimson and turned around gathering up the sheet. "Don't look." She said. I tried to pry my eyes away but couldn't. "Such beauty as yours shouldn't remain hidden. Does a flower not bloom proudly and show the world its beauty?" She looked at me over her shoulder. She let the sheet slide down to her upper arm and stopped. She said, "You don't even know my name. Yet you're closer to me than I've ever willingly let any man be." I replied, "Then tell me your name and let our hearts decide the rest." "Lela, my name is Lela. And I'm scared of what you might mean." She's scared of me? She must have seen the look on my face because she turned her head towards the wall again. "Lela, you're ... you're scared of me?" I reached out towards her shoulder and cupped it gently. She replied as she took my hand "No not of you." Now I was even more confused. "If, not me then of what fear do you speak?" She looked at me, "I ... I'm scared that I'm falling in love with you and I've only know you for a day."

At the time I thought this was perfect I leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips. She didn't resist, and so I wrapped her up in my arms and just held her. I don't know how long we stayed there like that before she looked into my eyes and we kissed again gently. We lay back in the bed still looking into one another's eyes. We kissed again and she let the sheet fall from her shoulders. I gently ran my hand along her back and she swooned. She looked at me and began to unbutton my nightshirt. I kissed her and ran both my hands from her thighs all the way up the sides of her body and gently brushed them along her ears. Her whole body shuddered and she ran her hands along my chest. She braced her hands against my chest and pushed up looking into my eyes. She was beautiful and for now she was mine.

Her long silky hair fell down and I could smell a new scent in the air. I had no idea what it was and moved in closer to her neck where the smell was coming from. The smell was heavenly and almost drove me mad, this was her scent, and its erotic nature only drove my lust harder. I began to gently kiss down her neck, sending ripples of pleasure throughout her body. She wrapped her arms around me and began to run her hands up and down my back. I continued down to her chest and kissed down in between her breasts the smell was even stronger here. I began to lick and kiss around her breasts and finally licked her very firm nipple and began to gently suck on it while massaging her other breast with my right hand. She gasped as soon as I licked her nipple and moaned as I sucked on them. She began to run her hands through my hair and brushed up against my ears. I had never known just how sensitive they could be and I gasped as the pleasure radiated through my body. Now I knew where to go. I looked into her eyes and brought my head next to hers, I began to softly blow in her ear and lick the outside. Her breathing began to get rapid and short, as I licked more and used my hand on the other. After I had explored every part of her ears with my tongue I gently nibbled on her earlobe, she moaned out in pleasure and arched her back and shuddered, I reached my hand down and gently pinched the erect nub of her clit. She almost screamed in pleasure as her body rocked with her orgasm. She looked deep into my eyes with a look of lust and something else, but I didn't know what it was, and we kissed again, passionately this time. She rolled me on top of her and lay upon her back. When I looked at her, her eyes were full of longing. She reached down and felt my engorged member. I looked into her eyes and asked her "Are you sure this is what you want?" She looked back at me deeply and said "I want to make love to you. Please. Please make love to me."

I leaned down and kissed her passionately and then began to kiss down her chest to her stomach, and then to her flat, then I gently began to kiss her pink mound. She gasped and grabbed my head. I began to kiss the outside of her mound careful to avoid her clit. I began t make slow tongue thrusts into her soft mound as she pushed my head in deeper. She tasted like the sweetest nectar possible. I was no virgin where I came from, and I knew what that nectar normally tastes like, but then I was human and Lela is an elf. I carefully rubbed and pinched her clit as I licked and probed deeper and deeper. She came suddenly grinding my face into her mound while arching her back and screaming in pleasure. I quickly lapped up all of her delicious nectar. She looked at me lustfully as I kissed her passionately allowing her to taste her own juices. She then began to kiss my ears and rub my member. I can't begin to describe the feeling, I t was like heaven on earth; she began to kiss down my neck and then carefully took my member in her mouth. Not exactly an easy task considering it's 2 inches wide and 10 inches long. She swallowed the thing and only gagged once. She began to rub my ears as she sucked me off. It didn't take long since I was almost there from her earlier exploration of my ears. I came hard into her mouth, she gagged slightly but she swallowed it all. We both then began to passionately kiss and gently caress one another, paying attention to our ears. It wasn't long before I was rock hard again and she looked at me with a little fear. She lay on her back and looked up at me waiting. I looked into her eyes as I positioned myself at her opening.

I kissed her passionately as I slowly slid into her. Lela suddenly gripped my back as I carefully began to take her virginity. I stopped when I got the head in I looked into her eyes and asked her again "Are you sure this is what you want?" The look in my eyes was one of complete concern as I didn't want to hurt her ... I wanted to love her. When that thought crossed my mind it rocked my mind and I became scared, I was falling in love with her, and it wasn't like any love I had felt before. Was this true love? Was I truly falling in love with her?

She must have seen the look in my eyes because she asked me "What's wrong?" In my shocked state I said with a mix of fear and joy "I... I'm falling in love with you." She had the most confused look on her face I had ever seen. I didn't know what else to do, the moment of passion between us was lost, so I did the only thing I could think of; I took her in my arms and laid down next to her, holding her close. I buried my head into her hair cursing myself for my moment of ineptitude when I suddenly felt her crying. I knew that it was my fault and it tore at my heart, it was worse than any physical pain I had ever felt. I was tormented by it and didn't know whether I should leave or hold her. Not being able to decide upon anything I did nothing, I simply didn't move. When she stopped crying and I could tell she was asleep. I didn't let her go I wouldn't leave her alone. Her gentle breathing and warmth of body lolled me out of my previously confused and aroused state and reminded me of the throbbing in my head. After that realization I quickly fell asleep still holding her in my arms.

To be Continued...

Once again this is my first story, any comments, ideas, thoughts are more than welcome and please do not hesitate to state them or E-Mail them too me. Thank You.