Elven Magic, Medicine and ... Furs? Oh My! Part 2

Story by Hunny on SoFurry

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Legal Jargon:

This story contains adult related material and sexual situations involving fictions characters. If you are under the age of 18 or the age of consent in your nation, DO NOT READ THIS MATERIAL! You have been warned, and responsibility is no longer upon me.

This is Part 2 of my first work, and is the much Yiffier part of the story. If you want to know the storyline you should really read part one first. If you're looking for the sexual scene then skip to about half way down and have fun.

Also, this is an original story created by myself. All characters, names and places mentioned in this story are creations of my own mind and please do not use them without my express consent. Enjoy and please leave a rating or send me a comment, this is the continuation of my first story and I really want to improve!

That night my sleep was full of dreams. Dreams that were long and meaningful. In every one I was with Lela, I didn't so much as see her as fell her. I felt her in my heart. In my dreams everything that had happened to me thus far replayed before my eyes. Then a voice spoke to me and I heard a song of such beauty that I knew it couldn't be music. The voice spoke these words. "Larian, child from another world, human turned elf. You were brought here for a reason which in time will be revealed to you. For now I am here to teach you. You have never experienced love as you will here. To elves love is very different, it is a life bond. When you fall in love here your soul will bond with the person whom you have fallen in love with. This means many wondrous things. One is that you will always feel the presence of your beloved. When married you will feel everything your beloved feels, every emotion, every physical sensation, everything. You must never fool with the heart of an elf as it will kill them. If you say you are in love with them you must mean it and should they tell you they are in love with you then you can not reject it. Lela loves you. That is all you need to know, you don't need to know how or why as it doesn't matter. That is simply the way it is, and though she may be only half elf kind she will die all the same should you break her heart. You have already risen above my expectations young one. You must forget what you knew of the human world, as it does not apply here. Your training upon that world will be necessary to remember but be warned, it is not to be divulged to anyone. For now you shall need to learn the sword and the shield and the ways of the warrior mage. When you awaken several days will have passed from whence you fell asleep. In several more a man shall arrive to teach you, I myself have asked him to go to you. Much depends upon you and I know you shall be successful, this does not mean it will be easy however, and through the most difficult times you must remember to never give up. I will be watching you. Now awaken!"

Upon those words I regained my consciousness to see light streaming through the window. I sat up and place my hand against my forehead; my head was still throbbing but not as strongly. I groaned and began to talk to myself. "Ohhh my head. What a fucked up dream. How long have I been sleeping?" I sighed and was about to get out of bed when I heard a voice in my room say. "You have been sleeping for five days milord. It is noon on the thirteenth day of the month of June." I spin to see who is talking to me thinking I was alone. Only to have my head swim and my eyes loose focus, as I begin to rock foreword I feel a gentle embrace and a steadying hand. "Careful milord. You have already been injured once this month, perhaps you should rest some more before getting up."

When my head stops spinning and my eyes focus I see the priestess holding me upright. I smile I should have known it was her. She always is at my side, I hear the door open quickly and I turn my head to see Lela run into the room. "You're awake!" I hear her say her voice overjoyed. Love in her eyes and all I can think of now is the dream. Was it more than a dream? Am I still dreaming? Why isn't she mad at me? Hundreds of questions flood my mind as she runs up to me and gently embraces me. I hug her back a confused expression upon my face. The words come back "Lela loves you. That is all you need to know, you don't need to know how or why as it doesn't matter. That is simply the way it is...."

I smile, whoever that was she was right. How or Why doesn't matter. I sigh and say "Yes Lela I'm awake." I gently take her chin in my hand and pull back so she is looking into my eyes as I smile warmly. "And I've realized something. I love you. I'm in love with you, and now that I've found this love I'll never let it go." The look upon her face warms my heart and I even when I see a few tears fall down her cheeks nothing can change the way I feel. Every word I speak is the truth. Then she speaks. "I ... I love you too." Our lips meet in a loving kiss. The love between us flowing like a river, overcoming our fears our doubts, because it is a true love. This moment is the happiest of my life and all I can do is cry. My tears streaming down my face as we embrace once again. I feel her tears as well. I turn to the priestess and nod dismissing her. She smiles and walks out, closing the door behind her. I pull back and look at Lela's face smiling happily.

She pulls back and wipes her eyes smiling. I have no idea where to go from here, I have expressed my love for her only to find out she is in love with me as well. I can feel something deep inside me growing. We sit there looking into one another's eyes for a long while before I break the silence.



"I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

I blink it suddenly dawns upon me what the priestess had said before, I have been asleep for 5 days? Where had Lela stayed? What had happened? The look on my face must have been hilarious because Lela suddenly started laughing startling me out of my thoughts. I smirk "Oh, you think I'm funny huh?" I say jokingly.

She can barely stop laughing enough to say "No, of course not." A wide smile across her face.

"No?" I grin mischievously and reach out and tickle her under her ribs. She bursts out laughing again and screams playfully amidst her laughter.

"Gotcha ya!" I say as I start laughing with her.

She begins to laugh so hard she is crying and she says amidst her laughing and gasping for air "Stop! Stop!" I do and just lay on top of her smiling and giggling. She just looks up at me as our giggles slowly fade finally just smiling at one another. I kiss her gently on the lips and say. "I've never been so happy in my life."

She replies "Neither have I. I never want it to end."

"Who said it will?" I say with sincere love in my voice. My love for her shining my eyes as I kiss her again with a love and passion like never before. When I break the kiss I ask her "Lela why don't you move in here with me? Then we'll never be apart again." She looks up at me with a smile that says she knows something I don't. "I already have. Milord asked me too whilst he was asleep." I blink dumbfounded. I must have looked like an idiot because she smiled and tried not to laugh. I speak then still in shock "Oh ... What else did I say?" She grins playfully and touches my nose then says. "That's for me to know and you to find out." I move my eyes from left to right "Ummm..." She smiles again and kisses me gently then says. "Maybe you should get dressed." I realize my state of dress and blush. She snickers at my blushing and I say with a smirk. "What it's not like it's anything you haven't seen already. Or is it you want me to cover it up so you won't be embarrassed." Now it's her turn to blush, leaving us both there bright red. I stand up dropping the sheets on me giving her a full view of my body. Her jaw gapes open slightly when I do so and she turns crimson. I walk over to the closet and grab a towel and clothes. I turn to face her and say as calmly as I can. "Perhaps you would like to join me shopping after I get out of the bath?"

I didn't think anyone could get to be that flushed in the face. In her shocked state she lets her tongue slip. "I'd like to join you in the bath too." She says it quietly but I hear it and I become even more embarrassed when I hear it. She on the other hand bites down on her tongue hard to remind herself to keep it under control but became a bit too zealous in doing so and bit too hard. I see her wince and I drop what's in my hands and move towards her quickly asking "Are you okay? Silly, what did you do that for?" in a concerned and shocked tone. She holds her mouth tears forming at the corner of her eyes. "Aw... Lela... Hun come 'ere let me see." She gently sticks out her tongue and I can see she bit it pretty hard as blood forms on the surface. I gently reach out my hand and cast a minor healing spell. As the blood stops flowing she looks at me teary eyes. I can't help but smile and shake my head. "Lela... don't do that again okay?" She shakes her head and looks up at me and can't help but smile as she says "It hurt... a lot." I can't help myself as I begin to chuckle and then laugh at how cute she looks right now. She smacks my arm and says while laughing lightly "Jerk. I'm not kidding it hurt." I sigh as I embrace her in a loving hug.

Then I remember my bath, a smirk coming over my face as I get an idea. I take her hand and lead her into the bathroom with me. Carefully lighting the coals under the tub before climbing in beckoning for her to join me. She blushes and doffs her dress and climbs in, I get to see a full view of her body. She is absolutely beautiful, I smile lovingly at her. I really get a good look at her and I notice the fur that grows along her tail. Being that she was part feline I almost would have expected her to have more fur, but I know also that elves for the most part are hairless. What hair she has is incredibly fine and almost translucent causing sheen to come to her skin that simply adds to her beauty. Then tell her "I love you my darling." And kiss her lovingly. We play in the bath but for the most part it is cleaning one another. It's only when we get out of the bath and are holding one another looking into one another's eyes. Hers are so full of love and I can only imagine that mine are too, I lean down and kiss her lovingly then pick her up and carry her to the bed. I lay her down gently and kiss her again passionately. There in that bed while we are so full of each others love, the passion of our hearts read across each others face. Slowly I run my hand along her naked body, starting just below her thigh, over the gently curve of her hip, along her side and up to her face at last. She covers my hand with hers and closes her eyes, leaning into the gentle caress. Again I lean to her, though this time lightly touching my lips to hers, she leans to me and I pull back gently. She looks to me and softly I kiss her lips, the kiss is so soft our lips barely touch, sending a thrill through her and me. Softly I kiss the corner of her mouth, then her cheek, trailing my nose along her soft skin as I move further down kissing as I go. First her neck, then her delicate collar bone, then the top of her chest.

Down further I kiss, each time just barely touching my lips to her skin, each as light as a feather touching, between her breasts I kiss then look back to her she watches me with anticipation and love. Lightly I trail my cheek up her right breast and across the nipple, lightly kissing it as I do so. Her nipples becoming stiff from her arousal as well as from the chill air of the room. Lightly I move back down the side of the breast to the valley between, and then repeat the process on the other side. After placing the soft kiss to her nipple I lean up, I can see that she is resisting the urge to press her body to mine, to stop the torturously gentle pace. Leaning to her face once more I press my lips to hers, my tongue darting out pressing past her lips to touch and glide about hers. My hand strays down her belly as I lean to my side, lower does my hand creep down in between her legs and I cup the flower between her legs with my hand. Her tongue dances around mine as she gasps lightly her hands moving about my neck. Softly I slide my middle finger down to trace along the petals of her sex, trailing up avoiding parting the petals. I also take care to have the digit avoid the tender nub of her clit. Rather I slide it back down parting the petals of her sex lightly, not entering. Her hands begin to roam my back as our passionate kiss ensues, the gentle ministrations of my hand teasing her further. Gently parting the lips of her sex I trail along stopping before I reach her virginity. I tease along inside her with the one finger, careful not to hurt her. Quickly her body responds to me becoming moist, and I stop resting my hand along side her body and pull away from the kiss. Looking into her eyes the unspoken devotion of love spreads between us, she lays back and I move atop her, my member already hard from her gasps and the feeling of her naked body.

I move and place the tip of my member at the virgin opening of her sex and look to her eyes. She gently places her hands around my neck and I lightly bring my hips foreword when she winces I stop and move back, she tugs at my neck and looks into my eyes. In one swift movement I press foreword, tearing her virginity and locking us together, she cringes and pulls herself to me and I hold her, our bodies resting as one. It is now that a bond forms between us, one which can never be broken. Our hearts link our love becomes complete and we give ourselves to one another entirely. It is far more than a mere physical connection it is a linking of our very souls. When she looks back into my eyes I know the pain has stopped, we are one and we loose our individuality and become a union as we look back, joined as we are. Our bodies act out of instinct from that point forward, as I draw my hips back gently and with tenderness move forward. She gasps this time rather than wincing, her body adjusting to fit my size, feeling our completed union. We lean to one another and kiss passionately, our bodies beginning to move in sequence with one another. As I withdraw she pulls back until I'm almost to the point of exiting her then we both move towards one another. She gasps each time as I hilt within her, our pace quickens and she lets out a soft moan of pleasure, I can feel her pleasure building upon mine and redoubling back.

The sounds of our lovemaking fill the room, the erotic sound of our bodies meeting, of her gentle moans, of our quickening breath, the smell of sweat, pheromones and of our arousals. All of these things act upon one another as we join and retract, each time we move in unison, the rhythm increasing in speed as we both bring one another close and closer to orgasm. I can feel my body, the pleasure from her tight virgin sex clenched around my member. Her breasts sway as we move beads of pearilescant sweat forms on her body and my brow. Her eyes close as she arches her neck to moan again her hands having trailed down to grip my arms. Her legs spread apart allowing me to enter her further, she moans out louder as we join. Her back suddenly arches, her sex spasms around my member clenching it. Her orgasm hitting and triggering off my own, her nails dig lightly into the skin of my arms as her body nearly writhes in orgasmic ecstasy. I hilt myself within her one last time and release my seed deep within her womb, in her euphoric state she feels me near her and leans to me as we kiss passionately once more. A few moments pass as we both catch our breath, her eyes closed softly. I gently move and stroke Lela's cheek, knowing she is awake and merely bathed in the afterglow of our union.

She smiles suddenly and opens her eyes looking deep within mine. Gently we wrap our arms around one another, as my member grows limp and I shift my hips retracting it from her, and we pull close to one another. Lightly I stroke her hair and sigh contently, her face being buried softly into my chest as she trails her hand down my side. It isn't long before I hear her breathing become softer as she falls asleep. Gently I move and grab the blankets which had been pushed aside and cover us up, the thought of shopping for a new wardrobe lost from our, once again, separate minds. She was having a pleasant dream, dreaming of us in the future, much as we are now only with a few little ones running around also. For the first time in my life the thought of children doesn't frighten me, so long as they were our children. With that thought I fell asleep, locked in each others arms, and dream of being with her in a small house in the forest where we can live together until the day when we would eventually find peace.

To be continued...

( Well that's it for this section of the story. I hope you enjoyed it, please send me any thoughts or ideas on how I can improve the story! Thank you.)