The Dog Park

Story by senn on SoFurry

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An unfortunate cat meets a huge, hungry mutt at the dog-park. Can you guess what happens?

Themes: Vore, Animal, Unwilling.

A 1,000-word one-shot while I work on a couple of longer stories.

1K one-shot: The Dog Park

Themes: Vore, Animal, Unwilling.

Characters: * The dog - Huge, energetic, virile, hungry. * The cat - Grey, male, 22, unsuspecting.

He'd noticed the dog when he came to the gate of the park - hard to miss it as it tore around the trees and football-goals, barking with exuberant delight at all the sights and smells that rushed around it as it ran. Some kind of unclear breed, a mutt - deep-shouldered like a german shepherd, boxy like a rottweiler, tall as something like an Irish Wolfhound or a Belgian Shepherd. Its fur was black, and shaggy, and there wasn't any obvious owner watching it. But Kyle the cat had not come dog-watching - just passing through, he headed for the shop across the park.

The morning sun was bright, and he was still a little shattered from the night before. As well, walking direct across the open field would just mean getting jumped and barked at by the roaming dogs - so he cut across into the shade beneath the heavy oaks that line the park-edge, along a high brick wall. Quieter, and cooler, Kyle huffed in sleepy pleasure at the pleasure of not being in a rush, ears perking at the smaller sounds that could be heard away from all the barking dogs.

But then a louder, thumping gallop sounded, drawing near. Kyle, puzzled, turned around to try and find the source - and found it when he saw the massive dog he saw before approaching, loping heavily through fallen leaves, and with its nose quite clearly pointed at him. The housecat didn't feel a stir of nervousness until the mutt drew near without a sign of stopping - indeed it sped up, letting out a playful WHOUFF! as it leapt forwards, catching his front with its shoulder and toppling him back, undignified, onto his ass, then circling around him, gambolling.

Kyle hissed softly, beetling his brows and reaching back to rub his bruise, and shook his head. "God damned owners..." he complained, and started pushing up to stand - only to find that dog approaching closer, massive tongue askew from grinning canine lips, its tail raised high and wagging, slobber dripping from its fangs as the cold skin of nosepad pushed against his face, almost pushing past his lips, until a thick, warm tongue did just exactly that, curling in to 'kiss' him, shocking him in greeting. "A-PFUH! Get off, you stupid..."

But the great, enthusiastic dog would not obey - instead it seemed to get excited further, pushing in against him, and raising up a heavy forepaw on his chest, claws digging in to scratch. "You-.. bad! Get off.." he tried to say -- until that friendly muzzle pushed in once again, but this time spread, and spread, and showed him for a moment all the pink wet curves inside its yawning muzzle. Then, before he knew it, it had surged forward over him and trapped him in that hungry maw, lips closing round his neck, his eyes presented with the rippling muscle of its throat ahead. Its fangs pressed to his neck, but didn't seem to want to press or cut - but quickly now the dog was pushing forwards already, Kyle not even having time to move or struggle as his face was kissed by sloppy gullet, heavy, doggish, hungry noises bellowing around him amplified by the presence of the dog's neck wrapped around his head.

Though merely angry first, the cat now felt a surge of fear - he tried to lurch back off the gorund, but sat like this with all the dog's weight pressed above him, it just wasn't happening. Feet scrabbled, tried to kick, but then he panicked, tried to raise his hands and pry the dog's jaws off him with his hands. The dog did not comply, though, and he felts its cheek stretch out around his shoulders - his view darker now, the breath hot, rank and doggish, the creature's throat contracting round him in tight surges as it grabbed and gripped its prey. Now he started struggling earnestly - drawing in a lungful of the meaty air to try and shout out, "HELP! S-.. somebody!" His voice, though, sounded echoey and muffled, drowned out by the thumping, rumbling slurping of the canine swallowing him down - now hunching forwards to slide its jaws down over skinny housecat torso - finding it far more easy than the cat would like, the silky, wet enclosure dragging down around him like a sleeping bag he entered head-first. Already he was bent far over, starting now to panic seriously, struggling and jolting.. fruitlessly.

The dog had half its body full of cat now, feeling every wriggling jerk inside its neck - but not the least perturbed or put off from its meal, gripping now around him so that it could lift its head, and tilt its throat back straighter. Kyle found not just surging jaws but now a gripping, pulling, peristalsing throat ensuring that he couldn't move back by an inch - just forward, through those surging, tugging walls and now into the tighter, hotter, blacker space inside its belly. "Gvd... nrrrr.." he mewed with weakening resolve, flexing his fingers and toes in trying pointlessly to find a grip to stop himself from being eaten - but he'd passed the point of no return, by now, left only with his calves out in the open world, and those soon disappearing down the ravenous canine's throat. Even as his feet still passed down its throat, it shifted, ran and set to galloping around the park again - jostling poor Kyle, who only made the big doog look that much bigger.

He could feel the walls of his predator's belly shaking and jumping round him as he tried to come to terms with what had happened - the thumping, rumbling gurgles round him, and the bellow-hissing of the canine's lungs in drawing breath, the booming of its barks, confirmed the obvious - he'd been made dog-food of, just a snack to keep the big dog running, barking, jumping, playing - drowning out his quieting cries of protest and entreaty to be rescued - even the unsuspecting passersby who stopped and petted at the dog, and stroked its bulging side, could never hear that little noise above the canine's panting and his heavy, thumping steps. He fell quiet before long, eyes closing as his struggles faded out - wishing that he hadn't tried to shortcut through the dog-park.


"I love it! It's... well, very you," said the colliedog - tail, as ever, a-wag - now, though, with particular enthusiasm as he stared around the long, low-ceilinged room. It was bathed in bluish light from the numerous watertanks and aquarium displays...

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Fresh Goods

Hogtied under the hot sun, jostled and bounced like a piece of luggage on the horseback of her new owner, the girl desperately tried to get herself off, closing her eyes to ignore the glances of the passersby. Her hands, jammed tight between her...

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