Switching Allegiances

Story by senn on SoFurry

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A wolf gets a text from his friend, recent victim of a dragoness - specifically, their lecturer. The wolf heads to her house - but not to help his friend...

1K One-Shot: SMS SOS

THEMES: F/m, implied willing & unwilling vore, D/s, suddenly switched allegiances.

CHARACTERS: *** Peter, a martinet, recently devoured. +++ Joshua, a timberwolf, and college classmate with Peter. and Mrs Venus Beauhart, dragoness, lecturer, and predator.



+++ Huh?

*** IS ANYONE GETTING THESE *** oh thank fuck dude you have to help me

+++ What do you mean ate

*** THE LECTURER< MRS BEAUHART *** FUUCCkk¬¬ you have to come NOW dude RIGHT NOW

+++ the dragon? +++ What do you mean ate


+++ dude what that's crazy how are you alive still lol +++ sorry for delay am driving

*** BECAUSE SHE JUST *** SWALLOWED ME WHOLE *** SHE GRABBED ME *** AND STUCK MY HEAD IN HER MOUTH AND SWALLOWED ME OK??? *** Now can you COME and DRIVE TO HER PLACE on *** shit she's moving *** and talking to me *** THIS IS FUCKED UP WHATTTTT *** THE HELL, I seriously CAN'T BREATH IN HER *** 1389 Maple Leaf Drive, San Dimas, CA, USA <---- Her address

+++ how did it happen?

*** WHAT *** DUDE I SAID HOW!! NOW COME THE FUCK HERE RIGHT THE FUCK N{ *** NOW *** I CAn't get through tyo anyone else or 911

+++ dude relax im coming there now +++ but how did it happen +++ ? +++ come on you have to stay focus on something tell me

+++ hello


+++ saying what?


+++ come on man stay with me what was she saying +++ i am very close now dont worry

*** ffs look *** I've been yelling at her to let me go *** and she didn't say anything, but then I stopped to txt u *** and she kept saying peter, peter *** and when I said what she said *** doesnt it feel nice to be where you belong *** and i said so let me know so I can go there *** let me go* *** and that I couldn't breathe and my eyes are stinging *** THIS IS SERIOUSLY BAD DUDE PLEAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE CO HERE NOW *** I CAN HARDLY BRE$ATH *** I THink i already said that *** are you nearby

+++ what did she say +++ i am turning around unless you tell me what she said


+++ i'm almost there just need to know one more thing +++ Watson say

*** WHAT *** DUDE

+++ sorry, autocorrect. i meant what did she say before she ate you? i'm right outside, i'll come in if you tell me

*** fffFFFFFF *** we were just having a progress meeting *** and in the middle of a sentence she stopped *** looked at me and said *** "You know, I'm hungry."" *** DUDE ARE YOU COMING IN NOW I CANT HEAR YOU

+++ fucking +++ ... +++ hawt

*** WHATTTTTTTT *** no *** DUDE *** DUDE NO LISTEN TO ME I HAVE TO GET OUT I CAN HARDLY SEE OR BREATHE *** Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *** //////////////////


Josh Fredersen pulled his white sedan up to the curb on Maple Drive, and for a moment sat, in silence, flexing hands upon the steering wheel. A little smile grew on his lupine muzzle - then the wolf turned off the engine, took a breath, and got out of the car. His phone kept buzzing, till he turned it off, and walked up to the door of 1389.

When he rang the bell, it took a good five minutes for the door to open, and for Mrs Beauhart to appear dressed in a long silk shift that coruscated prettily across her tall, and buxome frame - not least the rather notably protruding belly, moving with the odd soft wriggle. The dragon, charcoal-scaled and auburn-haired, regarded him with confident, but challenging demeanour, heavy tail behind her brushing over wooden floor.

"Something I can help you with?" she rumbled neutrally, not letting on at all that she'd just eaten someone. Josh knew, though, that his friend was pressing out that fulsome stomach, and the feeling of confronting such a casually proficient predator was every bit as thrilling and electrifying as he'd been imagining while driving here. He didn't know he had this in him, but it seemed that yes - the wolf could not resist the situation, knew he had to come here, do this...

"After you've digested Peter, you should eat me," Joshua said out loud, bold and frank, surprising even him. He knew he had to throw himself into this fully, to commit to everything he knew he wanted, had to do. "And until then, I'll be your slave, I'll do whatever sick stuff you want me to, or just, you know, clean for you or whatever. I know you ate him, he's been texting me. But I won't be able to tell anyone, if you eat me too. I... I wanna be your bitch, your toy, your food. I bet... I bet others have said the same, right? And I bet they ended up in your stomach... and I want that too. Let's... just do it. Take me."

Mrs Beauhart simply stood through all this, fixing Josh with glinting golden eyes - not quite smiling, but not frowning either. And when he'd finished, further silence greeted him, the towering female - over eight feet at the ears - simply holding him within a moment where he stood there, feeling judged and like he'd maybe made a massive fool of her, himself, or...

Just then she interrupted him. "Take off your clothes," she said, her voice a little smoother now, but still just level, maybe even cold.

"I... uh," he said, and cursed himself beneath his breath when the door swung shut in his face, slamming loud. A couple of the neighbours from across the road began to watch him, murmuring curiously.

He paused, and fidgeted and looked from side to side, and at the neighbours - but within a couple seconds he was stripping fervently, discarding sweater, pants and shoes and socks and underwear, and standing naked as a buck within the flow of cooling autumn air. The wolf ignored the sudden gasping mutterings across the road, simply standing straight and rapping upon the door again, regular and confident - not letting his resolve wind down. He was sure about this. He was sure about this. He was-

The door swung open - he slumped a little in relief - then straightened up again, just looking up at her, the predator who stood there watching him, her golden irises drawn tight, eyes passing over him. He threw his shoulders back, and kept his buttocks tight, his sheath engorged with half his length of aching, growing lupine hard-on, dripping pre already.

She didn't smile, exactly, but she tilted up her muzzle just a little so it almost seemed as if she did. Her gaze not once relenting, finally she told him, "So you want to be my little puppy bitch, huh? But I don't see you rolling on your back, begging and whining for me to let you pleasure me, like a little puppy bitch would."

Before the dragon even had a chance to shut the door he'd rolled down to the doorstep, hope and lust and the need to not be wrong on this ensuring that he dug up every single bitchy, subby, deferential scrap of obedience he'd never really thought he had, his previous girl and boyfriends usually being fucked by him... but now he needed this. He whined, and mewled, and rolled around and stroked and squeezed his hard-on desperately, trying to prove himself, knowing that she knew that HE knew he was being watched by those across the road, and trying to scare him off, or rather test him, through this shame. So it was on a strangely subby, exhibitionistic high he stopped, as staying in the shadow of the door-frame, the lecturer reached down to lift her gown-hem, showing off the fat, protruding clefted mound that marked her sex, and too the swelling, rolling bulk of dragonstomach occupied with prey above.

"You'll be my breakfast, then. So come..." she drawls, now with a little warmth, hard-earned, and turns and walks inside.

Practically cumming then and there, the wolf rolls up onto his knees, and in a rising, rushing waterfall of energy and almost disbelieving knowledge of the things to come, he follows.

The Dog Owner

1K One-Shot: The Dog Owner * * * Themes: M/f, vore, animal, unwilling, coercion A 1,100-word sequel to The Dog-Park, since it was so popular! Characters: \* The Dog - Huge, energetic, virile, hungry. \* The mouse - Shy, female, 20. \* The Horse...

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The Dog Park

1K one-shot: The Dog Park Themes: Vore, Animal, Unwilling. Characters: \* The dog - Huge, energetic, virile, hungry. \* The cat - Grey, male, 22, unsuspecting. He'd noticed the dog when he came to the gate of the park - hard to miss it as it...

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"I love it! It's... well, very you," said the colliedog - tail, as ever, a-wag - now, though, with particular enthusiasm as he stared around the long, low-ceilinged room. It was bathed in bluish light from the numerous watertanks and aquarium displays...

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