A Night of Darkness - A BlackRena2.0 Short Story

Story by AGaruna on SoFurry

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Aye, `tis a short story taking place on just another normal Garuna household day...it's not like only epic things happen, and then only when recounted in stories. There are mundane days everywhere, of course.

WARNING- there is absolutely no epic shooting scenes ahead with blood or gore to any degree! Proceed with extreme uncaution and enjoy the humor.

A night of DarknessA short story from the eyes of DarkRena2.0_____"Ergh, Mondays are the worst..."I say, moaning and turning over while getting up. Groggily fumbling to the bathroom, I fumble with the shower before turning on the hot water and, without thinking, reaching into it."Yeow!"Too hot! Much too hot! My hand flying away from the heat instantly, I shake my hand in pain. Reaching for the cold tap, I turn it just enough so I can slip into the jet of water with a sigh. Ugh. I hate waking up. I'm always too tired....Scrubbing my fur with my herbal shampoo, I lather my head and rinse it. After some thorough conditioning, I reach for the towel. Hey...where's the towel? Fumbling for it a few more times, I finally look around the curtain. Aw, crap. It was all the way across the room. That's just dumb! Like, who in their right mind would put the towel hook on the opposite end from the shower? Squeezing the water out of my fur as best as possible, I slosh over to the towel and dry off. Ugh. Gonna have to deal with Anymys bitching me out, but, whatev. Styling my hair up, I go over to the TV. Turning down the volume, I flip through the channels, and they were so boring that I dozed off for a few hours. I awoke to Anymys yelling "Nuuuu!" Right after, I hear a bang, then Rena chiming,

 "Tee hee,you're an all-powerful robot warrior and you STILL can't cook eggs! Let me over there. "Opening my eyes, I see Anymys burning eggs. Just another average day in our house. Ugh. Why does he even try? No matter what, he ALWAYS ends up burning the eggs."I'm up, I'm up, what did he blow up this time?" I call out, fumbling out of my chair and into a wooden one in the kitchen."Ha ha ha, he blew up the pan. Fifth one this week." Rena laughs. "Is Decavou up yet?" I ask."Yeah, he's performing some sort of dark ritual in the basement. I think he was muttering about packets of some sort? Might wanna go check on him to make sure he didn't blow any fuses. After breakfast, that is." Anymys sighs, sliding into his chair dejectedly."Hey, why doesn't DarkRena make our breakfast?" He half complains."Check your facts, Anymys. Dark here probably would make it poisonous by adding even the simplest of peppers. She's got the Touch, hun." Rena says,masterfully flipping the eggs."What touch?" Anymys asks."You know, the Mark of the Anti-Chef. She's got negative culinary skills. You can eat her food...but it might kill you. A delicious death." She says, smirking.

 "Hey,I'm not THAT bad!" I protest."Oh really? What about those fanboys you ACCIDENTIALLY poisoned?"I knew she hit a homer, but I still protested."Hey that was TOTALLY a complete accident!I didn't know that the guys were deathly allergic to menthol! Honest!""Uh huh. So you just RANDOMLY slipped a few crushed

up Halls in their food?""Uh...no...but! I! Ah....okay,you caught me..." I raise my hands in the air in a form of surrender."But they were being creepy stalkers so I had the right...ah...never mind...""I bet you'll be glad to know that they made it to the hospital in time. I bet they're never going to try to touch your tail again though. Not after it burned them!""Hey, you know I didn't even do that! It's my quick reaction fight thingie... hell, I hadn't even known I could do that until then." I argue."Oh, hush up hun. We both know that Any here didn't want his first co-operatively made Realised Mesh to be beaten easily..I think we both know he added far too many layers for anyone's good."A quick look exchange from Rena to me was telling me no, but I did it anyway. Curling my hands into fists, I yell,

 "RAAAAAAAGE! WHY DID YOU MAKE ME LIKE THIS?! I CAN NEVER HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR HOLD HANDS OR ANYTHING CUZ OF MY STUPID REFLEXES!"Anymys shrunk back in his chair. Rena couldn't help but to burst out laughing."RAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!" I continue,waving my fists in the air like a psycho idiot."Okay, Dark, that's enough. You've already bitched him out for it HOW many times?""Ehh...about twenty..." I say, lowering my fists and pointing at Anymys. "You owe me a makeover next time you go to to DOSmart.""Aww...c'mon...you know they don't have any videos on reprogramming a Realised Mesh! Besides,it could damage your core.""Anymys, you KNOW anything is better than being unable to touch people!Besides,do you really want to keep buying me titanium forks?""Uh-uh. Think about Cherise for a moment.You wanna end up a girly girl?" Rena says."Ehh-"I start, cut off by Ian yelling,"AAAARGH! WHO GOT THE BATHROOM SOAKED!!!??""Ehe..." I say sheepishly. So Anymys didn't get to it first...heh...."Sorry!" I yell back to him. "Uh. You mad?""Ergh...just...don't do it again...." I hear him fumbling with a towel. After a bit of swearing in symbols, I see a flash, and smell melted linoleum, and hear

 more swearing."Whyyyyyy!?" He yells."Hahaha! You didn't try to dry it with one of your Lightspheres again, did you?"I yell, doubling over laughing. He had done that a while ago, it had boiled the linoleum."AAAAARGH!" He yells. I hear Rena snerk. Her free hand raises to her face, trying to conceal a smirk. I feel a cold wind,and then a sigh."Let me guess," Anymys call out."You froze the linoleum?"He fumbles out into the kitchen,cursing under his breath. "It was the only way. It won't last." He mutters."And you!" He says,pointing at me." You need to stop taking showers that get the entire bathroom soaked!""Ehe.."I say, putting my hands up in mock surrender."I h4v3

4rr1v3d...."A voice says. Everyone, including me, jitters at the creepy voice.I call out,"Ah, Decavou? Your voice..thing..is glitching again."I hear a crunchy cough, and then Decavou pipes up. "Eh,s0rry about that,I'm experiencing a bit more techn1cal difficulty since my n3w recru1t ah...shall we say, dropped his du5t."Anymys bursts out laughing. "So you really did end up vaporising that old coot of a Virus?"

 Decavou shrugs. "Ehh..." he says,hands in the air."H3 was trying t0 1nf3ct my v1d30 f1le5...th3 0nly w4y to s70p him was t0 term1n47e h1m.""What did you expect?" Anymys starts. Hearing what he said, however, I choke on my food."What videos might you be talking about, DECAVOU?!""Oh..n07hing much...."I stand up and spin around, slamming my hands down on the table."Decavou, you delete those videos right now, or so help me, I will STRANGLE YOU!!"Decavou looks at me, fright apparent on his face. I hear Anymys and Rena talking behind me."What video files might these be, Rena?""..Every date failure she's ever had....I though he got rid of those remotely when one of her other dates were on the computer...he is SO going to get it, I feel bad for him."Lunging at Decavou, he scurries away quickly, leaving a cloud of corrupted words in his wake. "D3l371ng!!I'm sorry!!"I snarl at him. "BETTER BE GONE BY THE TIME I GET ON MY EMAIL!!" Damn Decavou, and I bet he got those other ones too...."SH1T!!"And just like that, the day had started. We all went about our own business; it's not like all we ever do is beat the living crap out of bad guys. Of course, most of what we do isn't normally that important; I mean, hey, compared to saving a world from being nuked, what we usually do is ice cream and cake, you know what I mean..?

 ...?"DECAVOU!!!">>New email notifier: DecavouVires has uploaded 22 new videos to playlist "Worst BlackRena2.0 Dates" in the the P-Net Interlink. View now?

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