Left Upon the Battlefield

Story by Vlad Drago on SoFurry

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"As he gained consciousness, the wolf looked at his surroundings. He was surrounded my men... all speaking in a tongue he couldn't understand, he assumed either farsi or turkish, and all with automatic rifles pointed in his direction, his fatigues were torn and bloodied, so far he knew this was a bad situation. he was tied to a chair facing a video camera

"so this is how I die," thought the wolf as he gazed into the camera lense.

He looked down and saw his name tag had been ripped of his uniform as well as his ranks and his army patch. The leader finished his speech and said a quick word to the "executioner" whom centered himself with the wolf and looked down his sights.

"yours in eternity, Thomas," his life flashed before his eyes as he saw the first muzzle flash.

He went back to his high school days.

Carlos awoke to the sound of his alarm, grumbling as he had left a pleasent dream. He rose out of the bed and started dressing, he could praticly hear his bed beckoning back to him.

"whomever thought to start school this early should be strung up and have watemelons thrown at him," he muttered under his breath as he quickly snagged a piece of pita from the fridge. He grabbed his backpack and started to head towards the door, tonight was the homecoming dance and he couldn't wait, not because of the dances themselves, which he hated, but because he got a date with the fox he had his eye on for a while. the young wolf groaned as he heard his father's room open. he looked up and saw the older wolf glaring down at him.

"off to school ya fuckin fag," the older wolf growled

"just leave me alone"

"what, you don't want you friends to know how much you like sucking cock," with the last word pointed at his sheath.

"unlike you they accept me." spat the young wolf as tears flooded his eyes.

his father slapped him, "no one will ever accept you, you are just a freak and that's all you'll ever be."

Carlos fled from the house, unable to hold his tears back anylonger, he winced as a glass broke in front of him. "don't you turn your back on me, you piece of shit," the young wolf ran as fast as his legs would carry him, stright into the arms of Christine, a tigress whom he had been friends with since elementary. She caught the crying ball of fur and gently stroked his fur.

"what's wrong hun?"

He did it again," Carlos cried into the stripped fur.

she simply nodded and pet him, Christine had been haelping Carlos with his father for years. The sting of her own father's hand across her cheek rang forth as she thought back. She sat down and laid him in her lap genly petting his headfur.

"you hungry?" she asked as she held up a biscuit.

he simply nodded remembering he had dropped his breakfast running from his father.

"well I wanna see a smile first,"

"but i needs nummies," he protested

she split off half a biscuit and threw it up into the air, holding down the urge to tell him to fetch. they sat together munching and talking, about the upcoming elections, the deadmau5 show that they both wanted to go to, and about his father. before long the first bell rang out and they seperated for first period. he groaned and she giggled, he had AP psycholgy first thing and he wasn't looking forward to it, it wasn't that it was hard there was just way too much work. Carlos quickly worked his way through the day, having a slight setback as he helped the chemistry class dislodge a beaker which had frozen to the desk. he walked into the lunchroom, quickly spotting Christine towards the front of the line. the two exchanged greeting and waited for their food in silence. He overheard a couple of human sophomores that started making fun of his fur, which he rarely brushed. he winked at the tiger.

" hey chris, ever try human?"

the tiger slightly giggled, "yeah i have, a little to gamey for my taste but you might like it pup,"

the faces of the humans flushed white, they ran from them with gusto.

"did you see their faces, that was classic," giggled the tiger.

"well that teaches them not to talk about me behind my back," replied the wolf as he brushed the thick, grey fur out of his eyes. she pointed, "there he is Carlos," He looked and sure enough walking back to where he was sitting, was the tall mass of gold fur that was the wolf's fascination. He loved how he looked, from the black at his ear and tail tips, and the rich gold color of his fur, to the entracing pools of red that were his eyes.

"he's so tall," Carlos said as if that sumed up the fox's entire character.

giggling, "hun you're from peru everyone's taller than you, pipsqueak." she tossled his head fur as he growled softly.

"i told you not to call me that," she just giggled and pet him. "oh hun you couldn't hurt a fly, let alone me."

Carlos couldn't pay attention the the tiger in front of him, for the fox had captivated his mind. Others called the fox ugly, however the wolf thought he was beautiful. "are you even listening to me anymore," the tiger ranted on. she turned to where he was looking and sighed "a girl always has to do everything," she whistled for the fox to come over, Thomas got up and walked over to the carring his book. he sat down next to christine and smiled "yes what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong he just wanted to say hai, what'cha reading,"

he held up his book "hamlet, i have to read it for literature,"

Carlos eyes lit up, "i love hamlet if you need help i am always here,"

That would be nice, said the fox just as the bell rang. Carlos and thomas hugged and the fox gave quick directions to his house to Carlos. "seven-thirty, alright," the wolf nodded back and walked with Christine to their final class. Together they walked into the JROTC room, carlos wanted to be in the military and he had been the batallion commander for two years. The rest of the day pastg quickly as the wolf helped the sgt. get the first years ready for their final exam. When he arived home he was happy, first of all his father wasn't home, and secondly the dance was but a few hours away. When seven rolled around Carlos was just about finished dressing, he was wearing a black dress shirt with a blood red tie, black skinnies, and a pair of converse with little paw prints on the side. He grabbed the keys to his truck and headed out. He pulled into the fox's driveway and headed for the door. he knocked and a tall orange fur opened the door, Thomas's father resembled him little, except for the height they had nothing in common.

Hey, you must be Carlos, i'm Thomas' dad,"

Hello sir," replied the wolf as his paw was shaken roughly, "come in and have a seat," The wolf walked in and sat next to a female who looked more like the fox, golden fur, three tails, they even had the same red eyes. "he'll be out in a moment ,sweetheart." after a minute or so the fox walked down the stairs, he wore a jet black suit which looked great against his fur. the fox quickly wished his mother and father goodbye and the two teens drove off.

"so your parents don't mind if you are gay,"

"nah they don't really care, what about your mom and dad,"

"well my father doesn't really like the fact that i am gay and, well he isn't to pleasent, as for my mom she died when i was young."

You know anything about her?" asked the fox as he looked down at the smaller wolf.

" only that her name was Carmen and she was a dragon from italy, she gave me these paw those," he held up his slightly draconic paws. Thomas looked at his paws, and smiled, he nuzzled into the warm chest of the wolf and waited to reach the school. As they gt out of the truck they looked around at all the furs and human dressed up. Carlos looked around and spotted Christine, she was with her human date, damien, the varsity running back. Carlos giggled towards Thomas "as much as she makes fun of humans she finally fell for one," the fox giggled and together they walked paw in paw into the gym. The gym had been transformed into a jungle setting, complete with fake plants and vines everywhere. up on the stage the principal was making a fool of himself to a twenty year old rap song, both boys groaned at the sight of this. Tonight by seether started blasting and carlos grabbed the golden paw, "c'mon i love this song," he pulled the fox on the dance floor and started to jump around like everyone else, with a little grinding thrown in for fun. They danced together all night, laughing at their dance moves, and of those around them. finnaly the last song rang forth, it was a slow dance and Carlos held out his paw,

"may i have this dance,"

thomas hesitated, "i don't know how to dance this,"

carlos grabbed the paw, "it's easy i'll teach you," placing the fox's paws at his waist, and his around the fox's neck, " now just do what i do," together they swayed around to the music staring deep into each other's eyes, a couple of furs laughing at them, but they abruptly stopped when Carlos bared his teeth. at the end of the song Thomas placed a gentle kiss on the wolf's lips. the wolf looked up into the fox's eyes, and he felt at peace. they walked out and said their goodbyes to chris and damien, and drove off in the truck. Carlos stopped at a hill overlooking the orlando skyline and set down a blanket for the both of them in the bed of the truck.

"i hope you don't mind but i wanted to show you this,"

the fox licked the wolf's muzzle, "i don't mind it's beautiful out here,"

"I come here whenever i have a bad day," the fox smiled at him, " i can see why," the wolf smiled and leaned into the fox's fur and sighed, "thanks for the nice night," the fox scratched behind his ears,"no thank you," thee fox's paws moved down towards the wolf's mid-section "hun i want to try something," the wolf looked up and noticed the lust int the fox's eyes. "Thomas, i'm a virgin." removing the wolf's shirt "as am i," the fox looked down at the black pentagram on the wolf's stomach, "tattoo?" the wolf shook his head "nope i was born with that," The fox grinned and licked the center "I like it."

Thomas unbottoned the pants and slid them off. He massaged the grey sheath, the wolf murred and moaned as he was pleasured. slowly the red pointed tip slipped out into the air. Thomas took it into his maw, the wolf moaned out and bucked his hips. The fox felt the wolf grow within his maw, at full length the wolf was fairly well endowed, at around seven inches he was an average canine. He moaned softly as he felt the fox run his tongue underneath his shaft, pleasure creeping slowly within his body. Carlos pushed the golden head down on his shaft, his knot slapping against the vulpine lips. Thomas opened his muzzle wide and took the swollen ball of flesh into his maw. Carlos phone began ringing, Dota blasting from the small device. The wolf picked up his phone and turned it off. The fox smirked around the thick shaft, the wolf's face was in between pleasure and annoyance. as he licked the wolf's knot he felt him push up and knew he was close, Carlos pushed the head down and bucked up as his orgasm overtook him. The taste was new to the fox, it was sweet yet salty, and it was surprising good on his palet. Carlos pulled the fox off and smiled down at him.

"how was that,"

thw wolf giggled "that was amazing,"

"well then you're gonna love this,"

The fox flipped the smaller wolf on top of him, his tailhole inches from the golden muzzle. The fox lightly licked around the wolf's ring causing shallow pants from the canine. Carlos lowered the Thomas' suit pants and gently rubbed at his sheath, noticing the musky smell he couldn't seem to get enough of. The fox murred as his sheath was played with slowly pressing the tip of his tongue in the wolf's hole. Carlos gasped as he felt the tongue slip in. The fox's member growing in his paws as he rubbed the tip. Pushing his tongue in deeper, bucking into the velvet paw of the peruvian. the wolf took the tip into his muzzle and slowly went down to the base, gagging as the tip touched the back of his throat. The wolf moaned as he felt the fox's tongue press lightly against his prostate. Thomas pulled out his tongue aand flipped the wolf again.


The wolf hesitated worried about the pain, but he trusted the fox so he nodded lifting his tail. The fox put his tip at the canine entrance in and pushed in slightly with a loud yelp from the wolf. Thomas kissed the wolf as he pushed in all the way, the wolf felt the fox enter him twice, the thick member at his tailhole and the warm tongue slipping into his muzzle. Carlos tried to pull back up and Thomas broke the kiss

"hun, please allow me,"

the wolf nodded and relaxed his rear burning as the shaft was buried back in. The fox slowly pulled back out and pushed in even slower. Carlos panted and whimpered, the pain overwhelming him. Thomas slammed in making the wolf howl with pain, he went at a fast pace pushing in deeper and harder with each thrust. After a few moments of this the pain dwindled until the wolf only felt pleasure, he nuzzled into the fox's chest and moaned softly. The fox's knot slammed against the wolf's tail hole and he moaned loudly. With a determined thrust the fox buried himself within the wolf, moaning loudly as he came. the wolf groaned as he felt the warm flood enter his bowles. The wolf came between them staining their fur. As they panted tied in a most intimate way, the wolf nuzzled aginst the fox. Thomas pet the surprising submissiive wolf and sighed.

"uh, Thomas,"

"Yes hun?"

"i think i love you,"

the fox blushed and licked the wolfs forehead, "I think so as well Carlos,"

The round entered with a slight sting, the man resumed his speech, and the "executioner backed off," Carlos simply stared at the ground and said the only thing on his mind

"Yours in eternity, Thomas."