Commission: Beware The Singing Flowers

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Commission for draxdawn involving his snow leopard Scout, up to some more trouble. Warning, it contains something odd.

Renee was singing a jaunty little tune to herself as she padded along the trail. The fennec vixen was a pretty little thing. She stood nearly a head shorter than most people, if one didn't count her ears that is. Ears which looked to be a little mismatched for her body. Not that she took any steps to draw attention away from them. Each ear sported several piercings: some where simple rings, but others held small charms. If one looked below those, they'd see a pair of bright eyes the color of polished amber. Eyes that always shone with a little mischief and a promise of some kind of trouble. They shone ever brighter in the firelight, or when she was wearing her dancing outfit.

But she wasn't today.

No, today Renee was just enjoying a stroll through the forest. The caravan had stopped early, not wanting to pass up on one of the leader's favored spots. After securing her wagon, she had decided to come out and see what wild edibles that she might find. The forest was safe, they hadn't heard about any ruffians in the area. Even if someone did try to come after her, she had a nasty little dagger secreted in the sash around her waist. She'd never killed anyone with it, but people were less inclined to hold onto you when you stuck them. Or so she had discovered.

The vixen scampered off the trail, hiking her dress up higher as her bare feet found purchase on the hill. It only took a few seconds before she was up and over the crest. There was a spot she knew of, a private little grotto with a crystal clear pool just outside. It was a short hike from where the caravan usually camped, but she'd never found evidence of someone there. No bears or anything else seemed to make the cave their home either. Maybe the place was cursed. Perhaps it was charmed. But she'd never come to any harm there.

Her legs were just starting to ache, and her bare feet making her wish that she had brought along some boots, when she reached her secret grotto.

Just breathing in the clear air made the little aches and pains fade away. Renee stood under a tree, looking out across the pool and into the cave. Even with the screen of vines half-covering its entrance, she could see that the place was still unoccupied. A smile flashed across her muzzle as she skipped around the water's edge and slipped into the cave. Her small pack thumped to the floor and sagged to the side. She'd brought along some food, wine, and a bedroll. More often than not, she ended up staying the night here, leaving at first light to rejoin her caravan. No one seemed to mind, and none really questioned where she had been the night before. Which was perfect, the last thing she wanted was for someone to spoil her little slice of perfection.

It only took a few moments to set up a small camp. She swept out the cave, laid out her bedroll, and there was a small smokeless fire crackling merrily in the shallow depression near the front. She'd use it to heat up her dinner later, but for now she just leaned against the smooth wall and looked out. There were times, plenty of them, where she wished that she'd make it back to the caravan to find that they'd left without her. Not that she didn't love the caravan. Everyone was like family to her. Sighing, she crossed her arms over her knees and laid her head down on them. That was the problem. Everyone was in each other's business and they all knew each other intimately. Out here, there was no one to pry into her business. No one's night noises to seep through the boards of her wagon. There was just her, the pool, and peace.

Renee was just starting to doze when a soft whistle drifted across the pool and landed in her ear. The girl sat up and looked around, those tall dishes twisting around. The noise came again, both ears catching it and twisting towards the source. It was like a bird song, but at the same time it was completely different. It was hauntingly beautiful, making her fur bristle briefly. What could be making the sound? Her bright eyes scanned the trees as her ears just barely twitched. She shouldn't get up to investigate it. She should either slide behind the vines and wait for the noise to leave, or she should go back to the caravan.

Instead she followed the music.

The source was just a few steps from the cave. A brightly colored flower swayed in the breeze, the music coming from its blossom. "Hello there. I haven't seen anything like you before." Renee knelt, entranced by the little thing. The petals were just starting to unfurl, their outsides a rosy pink. Inside, their color shifted from a violet to hints of blue deeper inside. "Oh you are beautiful." Where had this thing come from? She'd never seen anything like it before. Certainly never heard of a flower that could sing in the wind. Her fingers traced the stem tenderly as she leaned in to sniff at the bud.

Just as she inhaled, the bloom shot open, unleashing a cloud of pollen.

Surprised, the vixen fell back with a yip, staring at the flower. Before her rear even hit the ground, vines shot out from the brush and grabbed at her ankles. Kicking her feet, she reached down to grab the tough flora. More whip-like grabbers burst from the brush and wrapped around her arms. Panic swept over the vixen, making her scream and thrash as she was pulled forward. She fought, kicked, and even tried biting at the things. More tendrils appeared, crawling over her limbs and wrapping her up tighter. Renee let out a louder scream, hoping that someone, anyone would hear her, as the plant pulled her through the screening undergrowth.

It pulled her dozens of feet through the underbrush, not caring as branches scratched and ripped at her clothing. Several painful moments later, she was in a small clearing. The spot was just big enough for the massive tree-like plant. Her eyes darted over the thing quickly, taking in its leaves, which were a green so dark they were almost black. Flowers dotted the canopy, all of them singing in concert as she approached. Several bundles hung from the thing's branches. Most were small, no larger than her pack, but one was larger than her. Judging from the bones littering the clearing's floor, it wasn't hard to guess what was inside of those leafy bunches.

She was panicking now, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. Now she knew why her peaceful grotto was always empty. With this thing hunting so close, there wouldn't be many creatures that would dare to venture too close. As she was reeled in, the vixen found her mind wandering back to her caravan. What would they think when she didn't return in the morning? They would certainly come looking for her, but would they find her? Could they save her? Even as she prayed that they would find and save her, her mind perversely offered images of her saviors all hanging from the tree like fruit.

When she was within a few feet of the trunk, thicker vines fell to wrap around her arms and legs. These were softer, molding to her limbs and supporting her better. The woody vines that had grabbed her slithered away as she was lifted into the air. Renee sobbed as several smaller limbs poked at her clothing, examining her. When they came to a rip in her dress's sleeve, one slipped inside and caressed her fur. Its partners grabbed the sleeve and pulled, ripping it off before examining the cloth. Deciding that it was separate from her, she was stripped of her ruined dress. Her ears pinned back as her tail curled up to cover her privates.

Several heavy buds descended from the tree and opened, revealing a mass of slimy vines that writhed and pushed against each other. Renee screamed again, her throat already raw, as the things unfurled and began to probe her body. She tried to wriggle free, but again the vines were holding her far too tightly. Distracted as she was by the feelers, the vixen failed to notice the blossoms descending until they brushed against her ears. Twisting in the vines, she tried to get away from them, shrieking with every little gulp of air. The flowering streamers tried to get closer to her tall ears, but she would jerk away at each chance. Overhead, branches lashed in frustration and several woody vines wrapped around her neck.

Renee's cries were muted to strangled whimpers as her head was forced back. The flowers rubbed over her ears, caressing them gently. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see them opening up, feel the petals brush against her ears. Her mind raced with how this would feel. Imagined pain flashed through her mind. What was it going to do to her? Steal her mind, scour it clean, make her into some mindless creature to feed on? The vixen whimpered, tears gathering in her eyes as the silken petals pushed against her ears. Shutting her eyes tight, she braced herself for the pain. They wormed in and she felt...

She felt...


There was no other word for it, and even that seemed inadequate. Every muscle relaxed as the purest, most beautiful music filled her mind. Renee opened her eyes and looked up, seeing the pair of vines trailing from her ears. She felt great, all the fear was gone. Every scrap of fear and dread was gone, replaced by this... feeling! It was almost like the time she had gotten into some wild mushrooms, but even that was like comparing a candle to the sun. The woody vines released her neck, letting her suck in a double lungful of the sweetest air she'd ever inhaled. It slid down her throat like a shot of fine liqueur, filling her body with a pleasant buzzing. The flowering vines pushed and she felt them slide deeper. Renee gasped as colors exploded across her vision. Shapes grew in her vision before exploding in a torrent of colors she couldn't begin to name. All at once, she understood everything, yet comprehended nothing.

The plant, called a Sirenvine, observed the vixen as its blossoms pressed into her ears. It couldn't truly see her, but it did get a sense of her thanks to several methods. She was calmer now that it was singing to her in a way that she could truly listen. The vixen was the first creature in many seasons that could really appreciate The Song. The one before her had named the plant Bard many times, so it took to calling itself that.

With his partner basking in the glory of The Song, Bard let his thicker vines trail along her body. Several slim feelers ran along her labia, peeling the lips apart and feeling inside. She wasn't moist and ready yet, but he could fix that. Pushing more sap into one of his vines, he rubbed it along her privates. She arched against the touch with a low moan, mumbling something as her head rolled. He spread the thick, but slick substance across her body before pushing the vine in. Aided by its natural lubricant, the limb easily pressed deep into her body. The vixen, his vixen, moaned louder as her insides gripped at him and her nectar began to join his.

His Song rose higher as the vine pumped in and out of her tightness. The semi-stiff tentacle getting squeezed and pressed by her muscles. As the one worked at her body, knot of others moved in to hover nearby, twining around each other to spread their sap. The first pulled out with a wet slurp, feelers gently holding her open. No sooner had the first vine pulled out, than a second dove in to fill her once more. It wormed in until it pressed against a barrier deep inside of her. It too came out, and a third drove deep into her. Again and again the motion repeated. The vines writhing against each other, waiting their turn to plow deep into the girl.

A second bud opened near her head, the thick vines sliding out to stroke her face. The girl's jaws opened readily for them, letting each one push into her long muzzle. She barely reacted when he pushed one down into her throat. The muscles spasmed briefly before settling into a soothing squeeze around the pliable length.

With buds on either end, Bard claimed the girl. Thicker vines were fed into her mouth, some stretching her jaws and making her throat bulge with their girth. He could tell when she needed to breathe, pulling back long enough to let her gulp some fresh air before he dove in again. She thanked him, tongue swirling over his vines to lap up their sweetness. Between her legs, her hole squeezed at his vines as well. Welcoming them deeper, begging them to stay. Even the barrier to her most sacred of places began to give way to him. Each plunge was met with gradually less resistance as her cervix began to relax and allow his sap to leak into her womb.

Bard moved budding vine lower, pressing against the tight little bud under the vixen's bushy tail. The muscle twitched against the pressure before relaxing enough to let it slide in. She squirmed as the bud spread her open, sap leaking out of her hole aiding its entry. It went deeper, stretching her wider and wider. The tight ring of muscle twitched around the hard bud, squeezing it as it passed the widest point. A little further and her muscle held tight behind it, the bud opening up and trembling in her rear.

He wasn't just paying attention to her holes either. He twined some thinner, soft vines around her body as if she were a living trellis. They wove and slipped around her, supporting her in a gentle net. He even wrapped them around those soft mounds on her chest, which she seemed to enjoy. The flowers at the end of the tendrils opened, brushing velvety petals against the vixen's firm nipples. Her breathing picked up when he did this, so he brushed them back and forth across the twin peaks for a moment. The flowers moved slowly, pressing their petals around her nipples and closing up as tight as they could before pulling off. She whined happily, the joy radiating up into his form as well.

Renee was pushing up as best she could, her body humming with the pleasure of it all. She'd had sex before, but never in all those holes all at once. Bard could feel her excitement, how her body was squeezing him harder. The scent of her arousal filled the air, sweeter than any fruit to the Sirenvine. She arched up, body clenching around him harder. Juices leaked out around his vine as her tunnel clenched and pulled at him harder. His vine was pushed against then through the barrier. Bard knew he could pull out and plant one of his seeds into her body, making her into one of his kin. But she was so soft and small right now. Maybe he should wait until she began to bore him before planting the seed. Mmm, but they could wait for days or months before he readied them to grow. Just thinking about planting in her made him spurt some milky white sap into her.

Bard actually shivered, leaves rustling, as the vixen gulped around the vine in her mouth. He would keep her around for a while longer. But she would need rest and sustenance if he was going to keep her around. Rest would come later, but there was an ache building in his vines that he needed to release. Plunging a vine deep into the fennec's throat, he held it there for a long moment. The Song rose in volume, radiating through the pair as he pumped a sweet, nutrient rich liquid into her belly. He drew back as it pumped the gel into his vixen, letting her taste it as it flowed across her tongue and down her gullet. Renee whimpered happily and licked at his feeder, even going so far as to kiss it.

The pair were far from alone. A snow leopard was seated in the branches of a tree nearby. His pants had been untied and his cock rested against his belly. Scout purred as he ran his fingers along his spines, shivering at the feel of the barbs as they flexed and sprang back. He'd been drawn here by all the ruckus the vixen had made. He'd arrived quickly, expecting that some sweet little thing might need rescuing from some bandits. And maybe that same sweet thing would be grateful towards him and give him some tail. Seeing the Sirenvine, he decided it might be more fun to get a show first.

He wasn't the least bit disappointed either. The woman, he knew she wasn't a girl despite her size, the breasts were a dead give away, had put up a bit of a struggle at first. Being the woodsman he was, he knew that the Sirenvine had a way to calm them down. When the flowers pushed into her ears, it had nearly killed his boner, but he stuck around. It didn't take long before he had to open his pants up to make things less painful for himself. He'd dealt with the vines before, but never actually got to see them take a female. Although one had gotten fairly close to getting his dear sister.

The leopard's ears perked as the vine began to pump something into the girl's mouth. He licked his lips as the milky substance leaked out of her mouth, oozing across her face. The ears rose higher as the vine at her pussy pulled out, another swinging into place. He knew that one, a seed pod. And here he'd been hoping for more of a show, but it looked like the Sirenvine was trying to decide what to do, rubbing the flexible tip of the seeder around her pussy. With a sigh, he fished a bulb out of his pocket and began to carve into it. Oh well, looked like it was going to be his turn now.

A gentle lob sent the slices of wild onion against the vixen. The Sirenvine let out a shrill whistle as its vines retreated into the canopy and dropped the fennec. Renee screamed as the vines were pulled out of her quickly, eyes rolling back in her head. She passed out before she even hit the ground, laying there like a discarded doll.

Scout dropped lightly to the ground, chewing on a piece of onion as he tied his pants again. "I still wonder why you plants don't like onions. I love them, even eat them raw sometimes." A wide grin spread across his muzzle as he crunched into the onion he held. "Delicious." The snow leopard easily scooped up the fennec, tossing her small frame over his shoulder. Overhead, the plant's leaves rustled and he could see vines shifting around. "Don't even think about it, or I'll toss this right into your leaves." Keeping an eye on the plant, he backed away, onion held up in threat. Damn, did he ever feel silly. Ah well, least he was gonna get some. Flashing a grin, he tossed the wild bulb up into the tree and turned tail as the vine shrieked.

He laughed all the way back to the grotto where Renee had set up her camp. It wasn't hard to guess that it was hers, since her scent was all over the place and the bag inside the cave. She was still unconscious when he went into the cave and dropped her onto her bedroll. When he saved his sister, Mika had been out for a couple minutes. But she hadn't been with the tree nearly as long as this girl. Ah well, it'd give him plenty of time to get ready.

Renee groaned as she came to, feeling strangely empty. The vixen rolled her head and let her tongue hang out, panting. Her whole body ached, her head most of all. She could remember everything that happened to her, but the memories had a hazy quality to them, like she was watching them through a fog. Running her tongue around her mouth, she tasted the delicious sap that filled her belly. Just that little motion sent a bolt of pain through her head. She moaned and curled up, rubbing her temples. Her eyes were hurting, so she shut them tight and took a deep breath. The familiar scents of her bedroll calmed her a little, and the familiar scents of her grotto eased her a little more. A whisper of fur on stone sounded behind her, making her head turn quickly. A stranger was coming up behind her, his body silhouetted by the small fire cracking at the cave entrance. "Who are you?!"

A deep purr rattled from the male as he moved in closer. "Name's Scout, and I saved you from that plant." Even his gentle voice crashed against her ears, making her pin them back and whine. "You're going to hurt for a bit, that thing did a number on you." Renee panted as she kept rubbing her temples, trying to will away the ache. "Oh gods, I hurt everywhere." Her attention shifted when the stranger pulled at her blanket, ripping it off her bare body. "Wha-what are you doing?" He was bigger than her, easily pinning her down to the bedroll as he slid over her. "I saved you, and I'm going to get my thanks from you."

Renee couldn't have stopped him if she wanted to. Her arms were pinned against her chest, pressed there by his body. She felt his hardness, so hot and firm compared to the cool vines that had been in her earlier. The fennec could only whimper as his tip was pushed against her body. Her large ears pinned back as the male's purr rattled away over head. He pushed against her a few times, just teasing her with that hot tip. When she didn't respond right away, he let out a snort snarl and drove in up to his root. "Fuck, even after all that you're still tight." His breath washed over her face, scented with wine and onions. "Gonna love fucking you all night."

Scout pushed his head down, locking muzzles with the panting vixen. His rough tongue plunged into her mouth, sweeping over her softer one as he began to thrust. The big cat groaned into her maw as she pushed at his chest weakly. Grabbing her wrists, he pinned them back against her bedroll. Drawing his legs up, he made her spread her legs wider. Pounding deep and hard into the girl, he savored the feel of her pussy, still wet from her earlier fun, grabbing at him. She managed to squirm out of the kiss and whine, "Please stop, you're too rough and your cock..." "Shut up, sooner I finish, the sooner you can relax."

Pushing deep, he jerked his hips from side to side, letting his flesh barbs tickle against her insides before jerking back. Despite her pleas, he could feel her body twitching under him. Not to mention the unmistakable scent of a turned on female. "Wanna make this easier?" He purred into one of her large ears. She nodded quickly enough, but he took a moment to run his tongue along the inside of the dish. He even took the tip of her ear into his mouth and suckled on it for a second. The leopard chuffed as he pulled back, cock rock hard and bobbing as he sat back on his heels. "Get on all fours."

Renee trembled as she rolled over for this stranger. Her limbs were shaking as she lifted herself up, bushy tail flopping over her back. The cat quickly grew impatient, grabbing her hips as her legs shook. In one quick plunge, he lifted her up and slammed in again. Scout leaned over her and growled into one of her ears as his hips peppered the vixen with short, hard thrusts. "Push back, show me how much you're enjoying this." Despite the whimper, his partner began to rock her hips back into his. She dropped her front, fingers gripping the sheet as she drove into him harder. Scout purred into her neck and licked over her fur. The tone of her pants changed, shifting from pained to more pleasurable ones. "Mmm, good girl. First you let a plant fuck you silly, and now you let a total stranger mount you. And I now you're just loving it." Her ears pinned back as his rough tongue combed through her fur. "Tell me how much you love it."

She tried to keep her mouth shut, but could only do so for several seconds before it fell open to let her pant again. Low, pleased whines began to squeak out of her mouth as he drove into her harder. Those barbs, oh gods those barbs. They'd hurt her some at first, but now they were simply bliss. They whispered against her insides when he drove in, then pulled and rippled across her insides on the way out. "I-I love it." His teeth bit at her neck for a second before releasing her, "Good."

Scout's fingers dug into her hips as he threw his head back. The snow leopard's roar echoed in the tiny cave as he pumped his seed right into her. Her cervix, loosened by Bard's work earlier, proved to be no contest to the virile male. The pointed tip of his cock nudged against it, spraying his thick seed right into her womb. In the excitement, Renee moved one of her hands under her body, fingers playing with her clit. The vixen's hips pushed back against him as she yipped, signaling her own climax. Both their finishes were short, but intense, lasting only seconds.

The cat purred as he withdrew from her tunnel, spines scratching over her insides. Renee started to lay down, but was stopped by the male. He closed a bruising grip over her arm and forcibly moved her over him. She yelped at the hard pull, but settled on top of the larger male, ears pinning back. His eyes glowed in the firelight as he rubbed his semi-erect cock against her pussy.


Just a single word, that was his only command. The fennec's cheeks and ears burned, but she found herself sliding down his form until he was housed inside of her again. He purred as his head lay back on the pillow. "Very good slut, now you stay right there. If I get hard while I sleep, then you ride it. Understand?" She nodded slowly and swallowed, "My name's..." He silenced her with a light backhand across her face. "Your name is Slut or whatever I chose to call you, understand?" Renee put a hand against her cheek, holding back tears even as she nodded. "Good, now I want to have you all messy by morning." His teeth flashed in the firelight as he grinned. Scout wiggled down into the bedroll, trusting in the fire and vixen to keep him warm. In a day or so, she might snap out of the obedient state the Sirenvine had put her in; but by then he might be bored of her. Closing his eyes, he purred as the girl began to roll her hips against him. Or maybe he'd keep and train her. Mm, that might be nice.

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