The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 7-The Park,2011

Story by Steven Dalma on SoFurry

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When he looked up to see where he was, he saw himself in a world. A world at a park, of course.

Stevo got himself up, grabbed his suitcase, and began wandering through the woods, trying to figure out where he was and what his mission was.

"Hm... I wonder where that figure took me this time?" He said to himself, while looking up at the sky, partly covered by the leaves and branches from above. But as he was just about to put his head back down, a paper hit him in the face. He removed it from his face and looked to see what it said.

Help Wanted: Park employee_ _

Will be payed weekly.

"Hm, maybe this is it." he said to himself again, while looking at a teal-colored house from a distance. He continued to walk towards it.

As he was getting closer to the house, he looked and noticed that 2 men were talking to each other beside a golf cart about something. He continued to walk unnoticed. But then, he heard yelling from them and they started chasing after him. He tried opening the door, but the tall one grabbed him and threw him down, knocking the suitcase from his hand.

"Okay, what are you trying to take from us?!" One man yelled at his face, which Stevo looked and forgot that he was still holding the flyer. He looked at him face-to-face and yelled back.

"I'm not trying to steal from you both! I'm only here to see about this job! Now quit your yelling!" Their eyes widened when he heard what Stevo said. They backed off as he got back up and grabbing his suitcase.

"Oh, sorry about that. We thought you were one of those thugs again. Hi, I'm Mordecai, and this is Rigby." Rigby said a little hello back.

"Well, it's nice to meet you two. And I apologize for yelling back at you when you two tackled me. I'm Stevo." he said as he shook their hands.

"So, where's your boss?" he asked.

"Oh, Benson? He's in his office." Mordecai told him.

"Okay, thanks." he said as he grabbed his suitcase and entered and went up the steps towards the hallway.

Meanwhile, in his office, Benson was working on some papers when Stevo knocked.

"I'm busy right now. Just a minute."

"I'm here for the job." Benson tilted his head up.

"Come in." Benson said as Stevo walked in with suitcase in hand.

"Uh, hi, I'm here for the job." Stevo held out the flyer.

"Do you have your resume with you?"

"Uh no, but I did spent half my life working on a farm." Benson stood up some, squinted, then sat back down.

"Okay, you've got the job. Now let me finish." Stevo looked confused as Benson continued working.

"Uh, am I suppose to have a tour around here?" Benson gave him a mean look, then opened his drawer and grabbed his walkie-talkie.

"Mordecai, Rigby, this is Benson. I need you both to give our new employee a tour around the park."

"On our way." Mordecai spoke back.

After they were done with the touring, they've gone quiet as they were driving.

"Mordecai, is Benson such a butt sometimes?"

"Yea sometimes, like that one time where he got all mad at us playing that video game against GBF."

"Hm..." Then Stevo noticed some quacking noises coming from the box between him and his suitcase. He opened to see a bunch of baby ducks.

"Uh, what's with a bunch of baby ducks?" Stevo said, with a confused look.

"Oh, we're trying to sell them to someone." Rigby said back.

"Oh." Then Stevo noticed that they were heading out the park by looking at the reversed sign behind the entrance.

"What are you doing? You're about to leave the park!"

"We're just gonna get some coffee. Mind if you want to?" Mordecai asked. Stevo thought for a little and spoke back.

"Eh, yea, I've been kinda drowsy lately." So they got quiet again and drove out to the street and headed towards the coffee shop.

At one of the tables, they sat quiet, looking around the place and staring at the small TV above the corner near the kitchen door until a waitress came by their table.

"Hi Margaret." Mordecai looked up and said to her.

"Hi Mordecai and Rigby. Who's your friend?" Stevo looked as she mentioned him, blushing.

"That's Stevo. He's our new co-worker." Stevo waved to her.

"Nice to meet you, Stevo. Mind if you all want our today's special?"

"Uh, no thanks." Mordecai said to her.

"Are you sure? It's Mocha Monday."

"Oh, uh, okay then, make it 3, please." He said. Three minutes later, she came with a tray of mocha's.

"Here's your-AGH!" Margaret screamed and dropped the tray, shattering the coffee-filled mugs.

"What's wrong, Margaret?!" Mordecai yelled.

"Your cart's getting robbed!" She pointed and and they all looked back to see an old man with a fishing hat and an orange lifejacket cranking the cart and taking off with it.

"After him!" Stevo yelled as they ran towards the door to get the man.

"Wait! Take my car! Be careful!" Margaret yelled as she threw the keys to Mordecai's hand. They barged out the door, got in her car, and began chasing after him.

They went after the man in her car down a busy highway. Mordecai tried to speed up, but the man was only getting farther away from them.

"It's no use! We can't get him with that speed!" Rigby yelled. Stevo thought of an idea.

"Mordecai, try to speed up a little more. I've got an idea!" Stevo commanded him as he rolled down the window beside him and began crawling out.

"Stevo, are you insane?! You're gonna get yourself killed!" Rigby yelled when he was pulling Stevo's leg.

"I don't care. If we lose that cart, we'll get all our butts fired! Now let me go!" Rigby did as he was told. They speeded up until they were behind the cart. Stevo carefully walked out of the side window, crawled onto the hood, & onto the back seat of the cart, accidentally knocking the suitcase out of the seat.

"Crap, there went my clothes." The man saw him from the rearview mirror and grabbed his knife, trying to stab him and fought for the wheel.

"Surrender now or else you creep!"

"Or else what, you little b****?" That angered Stevo quite badly. He scratched the man's face because of it, which bled a little. But then, an 18-wheeler came in front of their path. Stevo gave a evil grin as he quickly looked at the car beside him.

"Hey Duckman!"


"Look out!" Stevo said, grabbing the ducks and putting them in his shirt and landed onto the front of the car. The man yelled in horror as he tried to turn, but collided with the 18-wheeler, resulting in an explosion. Mordecai stepped on the brakes right after they avoided it and went on the grassy side of the road. Stevo fell off the front once it completely stopped. They got out to see if he was okay.

"Stevo, are you okay? Speak!" Rigby yelled as he was shaking him.

"Stoaaoaoaoaop shaaaakeieieing meeeee!" Rigby looked with a surprise on his face.

"Wait, where are the ducks?!" Stevo slowly took his shirt off, with the ducklings waddling out unharmed.

"Well, even though we've lost the cart, at least we've saved some ducks. Heheh, ow..." Stevo spoke softly while still in pain.

As Benson was walking down the steps outside the house to find the three, he saw a car rolling up in front of him. He wasn't surprised to see them getting out of the car instead of the cart.

"Mordecai, where's the cart?"

"Oh, uh... it got destroyed." Benson was furious with this.


"Some man stole it and wrecked it, so we had to use Margaret's car to get back here instead." Stevo said calmly. Mordecai and Rigby looked back, and then at Benson as he squinted his eyes at them.

"Well, since it's your first day on the job, Stevo, I'll let you pass. But if I see you pull another stunt like that again, YOU'RE ALL FIRED!" Benson shouted, then went back inside. They looked at each other.

"Mordecai, Rigby, it's been nice working with you two, but I must go."

"WHAT?! Dude, you just got here! Why are you leaving?!" Mordecai yelled at him.

"Look, it's been fun today, but after nearly losing my own life to that evil man, I'm not gonna take a job like this anymore. I just can't." Stevo started to walk back to the car.

"Wait! You're kidding, right?"

"No I'm not. Now, here's your ducks, I got to get going. Oh, one more thing: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAH!" Then they started to yell in union, waving their hands in the air.

"Bye, Stevo. And don't forget to drive the car back to Margaret!" They both said, waving at him. He waved back as he drove into the sunset... or the park sign, more like it.

That night, on the highway, he was getting a little sleepy as he was driving. He tried to stay awake, but it was no use. He even took off the ring, but that didn't work either. He fell asleep again, but when a horn honked at him, he woke up and screamed and had his life flash before his eyes. But instead of crashing, he fell through the car and saw himself falling out of the sky, crashing into some tree branches and landing hard on the dirt. When he woke, he saw a Combusken right in front of him. He thought, "What the heck?"