Snoring on the Welcome mat

Story by Thunderclap Echo on SoFurry

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#3 of First Echo: Beginnings


That's right, Echo gets it in like BLAM! I hope I didn't butcher the act of intercourse too much. I know! One of you should let me have research sex. Y'know, in the pursuit of research. So it's for a good cause. Yeah...Anyway enjoy!

Zecora led Echo thru the woods, occasionally stopping to teach about this plant or warn about that one. Echo carried the pot on his back for a couple hours till at last they came out on the edge of the woods, near the Apple farm. The earth pony dropped his load(heh, load) with relief, but he didn't know why they stopped.

"Hey um..what does AJ hafta do with traini-"

"QUIET! Just watch and see. Watch as this changes things for you and me." Zecora uttered some spells, and waved her hooves over the pot. All of a sudden, pink mist-like transparent fog started flowing out. It wafted onto the breeze and curled around the nostrils of Applejack, who they could see bucking trees nearby.

AJ's nostrils suddenly flared, and she looked up, snorting. "W-what is that?!" She was no stranger to the feeling of heat between her nethers, since she had herself a nice piece of Caramel thrice a month, but this was bucking crazy! AJ tried rubbing her flanks together, but that only made it worse.


Zecora pushed Echo forward with a cryptic "You know, go." , and seemed to disappear!

"Wait, but what did that d-aww, she's gone. Oh, hey AJ, I was just- AAACK!" The wild Pony used Tackle, and Echo landed on his back. Before he knew what was happening, the femme equine was straddling him, and grinding against his rapidly growing ponyhood!

"Ah don't know what ya'll put in the air, but you're gonna need to stay here for awhile an' Ah ain't takin' no fer an answer!" With that, she raised herself up, and crooned sweetly as she sank down on Echo's rigid pole.

Echo meanwhile didn't croon, but let go a rather unflattering whinny and bucked his hips upward, not quite sure what was going on but not quite sure what his name was either. Basic thoughts failed to register as the other earth pony's warmth enveloped his cock again and again. Even during the few seconds she wasn't moving, the mare seemed to be deliberately trying to milk him of his seed.

AJ moaned and doubled her pace, Echo was apparently well endowed, even for an earth pony. She bent down, and bit his chest hard, which was stimulatiin enough for him. His hips pushed upwards once, twice, and with another loud whinny and almost a growl from his partner, he let loose, millions upon billions of tiny foal-makers rushing straight towards Applejack's womb. The two ponies lay slumped together for a couple minutes before Echo neighed. "Th...think we can do that again?"


Three hours later, back at the hut, Zecora heard a loud bang. She opened the door to find a half-dead exhausted Echo flopped down, snoring on the "WELCOME" mat with a silly grin on his face. The zebra grinned the widest grin ever grinned in the history of grinning, and levitated the slumbering colt inside.

A change is coming

Echo hesitantly stepped over the threshold of the zebra's hut and looked aroud. It appeared small from the outside, but on the inside it was even more spacious than the library! "Whoa, whaddya keep in here? Whazzat? Ooh, Rarity had one of those....

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Thunderclap Echo's First Day

Echo braced himself. WHAM! 140 pounds of pent up Pinkie Pie potential energy transferred into kinetic, the bubbly earth pony almost knocking Echo over despite his readiness for impact. "WHOA! Lotsa ponies fall over when I run at them! But I'm just so...

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