Alone, not alone

Story by forest elk on SoFurry

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My friend attracts all sorts of women. He is a babe magnet; but he is a very nice guy. He nows a lady who did drugs, she partied and drank all the time. She was a wreck, but then she met my friend, and began to better herself. She stopped partying and tried to stop doing drugs. It was incredibly hard for her, but she managed. Now my friend viewed her as simply a friend, nothing more, nothing less. But the lady wanted more, she wanted to marry and have children with him. He wanted to be friends, after realising that the realationship was not going to go anywhere, she broke down and told him not to call anymore. She was distraught, and he couldn't calm her down. He talked to her friends and they said she had been cutting herself, and that she wouldn't talk to anyone. She wanted to talk to him, but she also didn't wan't to talk to him. So the cutting got worse. Eventually he talked some reason into her, but she still wanted to marry. He said no, and she finally accepted it. This poem is about her struggles to come to terms with not getting him, and her need to finally get the word "yes" out of him.

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Dark, it's dark

Alone in the park

Alone, alone, so very alone

No home, No home

I can't go back home

You phone, you phone

I don't feel alone.

Please, don't leave

Don't hang up on me

Stay, stay awhile

I hate the tone dial

I feel for you

I wish you did too.

I laugh, I cry

You never stand by

I've lied, I've lied

I'm dead inside

Why, Oh why

I've no need to lie

I'm cold, outside

I'm fighting, I hide

The cut, the cut

It hurts me so much

The razor is red

I hurt now too much.

I bleed, alone

I just want to go

Go, away

You've no need to stay.

Your hold, your touch

I want you so much

I see, I cry

I just want to die.

I'm now, not alone

Pleas will you just phone

Don't leave, please stay

I need you to say

"I'll stay"

By Forest Elk

Hand for the light, Flower for the dark

Flowers bloom here Your fear so clear It makes them grow The hand that picks Has now been pricked Blood will bleed so very slow Hand for the light Flower for the dark Was always lost, but now you know For in the night You'll flee and...

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The hollow song...Immersed

Unleashed your feelings, now their soul, no hole, no need for song. Together we hope for our were the ones to leave destruction. Yours eyes we took, we took from thee...enforce the peace, and now we shape to suit our needs. No...

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Safe No more

Haven once, but now no more...This place you once would have adored...Sadness is too small a word...Laughter now cannot be heard...I hate for all that has been done...We fought this war we never won...The rage so red just grew inside...I cried the red,...

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