Jack's Girls - Chapter 3: Comforting a broken heart

Story by TheLoneOne on SoFurry

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#3 of Jack's Girls (Transformers Prime fanfiction)

Third chapter in the Jack's Girls story.

EDIT 17/08/15: Made a couple of more edits, the date of the concert that will feature in chapter 6 is now accurate.

Jack's Girls

Chapter Three: Acquiring Relics comforting a broken heart.

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

A/N: This chapter is LONG! 63 pages (14,086 words minus the Author Notes and title.), it's the longest chapter I've written for any fic (the original document was only 23 pages (5,251 words) before I started editing)

A/N2: WARNING! This chapter contains scenes of Incest, if you are offended by that, or are uncomfortable reading that, then don't read beyond "I'm not going anywhere...", if however, you don't mind that sort of thing, then feel free to read the whole chapter. PLEASE let me know what you think, just remember, no flames please.

ADITIONAL EDIT NOTE: After some consideration, and some advice from the original author and a friend, i've decided to leave June in the story, I'm sorry if that will unsettle some of you (I'm one of those people who tries to please everyone :p), but in the end, like my friend said, it's my call.

Enjoy the chapter

By TheLoneOne (full credit goes to Auumaan for the original story)

Jasper, Nevada, the following morning.

Jack smiled contentedly as he and Arcee rode along the desert road heading towards the Autobot base, only this time he had a noticeably bright smile on his face, but then why shouldn't he? Only the previous day, he and Sierra had finally hit it off, and boy would he remember it. It wasn't just the romance, it was the fact that she herself had wanted to be his girlfriend for some time. Not only had they finally struck up a relationship however, but they'd also had sex. Wild, passionate, fantastic sex, right there in the Chemistry Lab, on the teacher's desk. Jack felt like he could die right now and go out on a good note, not that he was planning to do such a thing anytime soon of course.

"Okay, spill it; what are you so 'smiley' about, Jack?" Arcee said to him while they cruised along the road at a modest speed of 35 mph.

Jack blinked a few times before looking down at her dashboard perplexed. "How can you tell I'm smiling? I'm wearing a helmet that covers the lower half of my face."

"I can tell, we've known each other for a while, Jack, and often enough partners can practically read each other. I am certainly sensing an almost scary level of positivity coming from you." Arcee joked a bit and left him to answer.

"Well if you must know, Sierra and I are well...a couple now. She and I got together just yesterday and it was...just wow."

Arcee didn't speak for a couple of moments leaving Jack to worry a bit, they were soon within range of the silo base when he spoke again. "Arcee? You okay? You're going all Soundwave on me here."

"I'm fine, Jack." She said stiffly. "I'm just thinking, I always thought humans were a little more patient when it comes to choosing your companions. Though, that would explain why she was limping a little when she came out of the school's main door. I had no idea Interfacing could be painful for humans."

"It's not, if it's done right, if 'Interfacing' means what I think it means, though for girls and women, the first time can be a little painful, and they usually are a bit sore afterward, it's kinda complicated, ya know. Some humans do wait until they seek out those they're interested in, others rush it and end up in a predicament, and some just fall into it at the same time as the partner. Life is short afterall, at least for us Earthlings anyway."

"I see, I think." Arcee responded taking his words into stride as they drove up to the unassuming entrance.

"Well, concerning what happened with you and Sierra," she continued, deciding to tease him a little, "That would explain a couple of things yesturday when I dropped you off at work." She said, her smirk evident in her voice. She saw Jack's eyes widen, and assumed he was blushing under that helmet.

"E-Err...whatareyoutalkingabout?" he said rapidly.

"You were 'poking' me." She said in a low voice, almost a whispering purr, and damn, to him, that sounded good. He bit his tongue to force himself to concentrate, and not for the first time, was immensely grateful she was the one doing the driving.

'Frag! I was hoping she wouldn't notice!' his mind screamed. A snort sounded in the back of his mind, and a voice that sounded suspiciously like Ratchet, replied,

'Of course she noticed, you were sitting on her, after all.'

'Ok, WHEN did I develop MPD?' Jack silently asked himself.

"Urm...sorry?" he said, a little nervously.

Arcee chuckled lightly. "It's ok Jack, from what I understand of humans your age, it's perfectly natural, especially considering what you'd just been through."

'Besides, that last look you gave me before you went in last night, I'm betting some of that was my doing.' She wondered to herself.

Then it hit her, they were flirting. Sure, they'd done it before, very briefly teasing one another in that forest on the day he'd met Airachnid, but they'd never really done anything like this. She looked at him hard now, and her sensors picked up a very faint, almost undetectable energy field surrounding him, and at that moment, he reached down with one hand to gently stroke her paneling, trying to re-assure her he was sorry, and again, she felt that strange sensation she'd felt the night before.

'What the scrap...?' she thought, then she decided to alleviate his worries.

"It's ok Jack, you didn't upset me, just try not to make a habit of it, ok?"

Jack sighed in relief. "Sure, no problem." Then mercifully, he decided to change the subject. Looking ahead, he could see the Silo coming up on them, they were approaching the main blast doors.

"Wait do Cybertronians have boyfriends and girlfriends? I've always wondered about that." Jack asked looking down at her dashboard again.

"We call them 'Sparkmates', or 'Bondmates' and though romance and relationships are similar to human practices we don't exactly have 'parents' or 'children', in most cases, Sparklings were formed and given life in the Well of Allsparks, but there were instances, rare ones, where a femme possessed all the internal components necessary to create and 'birth' a Sparkling in a similar way to Humans, all they required was 'contribution' from their Sparkmates."

Jack blinked "So there were femmes who could conceive and give birth the same way humans do?" he asked, his mind trying to wrap round the concept of a living machine producing another internally and giving birth to it, exactly the same way humans, and most other forms of life on Earth do.

"Yes, they were called Makers, and they were extremely rare. The female population of Cybertron at its peak, was roughly 40% of the total, and of that 40%, only 5% were Makers, just over 10,000 in all. But back to your original question; we do share some similarities to humans in most respects, and we are capable of something you would consider 'sex', though if I were to describe it to you, you probably wouldn't think that. Also, we do possess some form of Techno-Organic components, our ability to heal minor injuries for one, and our T-Cogs are another example."

"Yeah...I learned that back when we first met and again when Arachnid first came to this planet." Jack stated as the Silo base blast doors opened up for them, letting the duo hastily drive their way inside before any onlookers noticed.

"So...did you ever have a 'Sparkmate'? If it's too personal i unde-"

"No, haven't really shown interest in one." She interrupted before mentally adding 'Until very recently.'

"I've always been a soldier and a dedicated one at that, things like the concept of 'love' don't really come up as important in the midst of a civil war, y'know." Arcee summarized brightly.

"Heh, I can understand that, honestly I think a tough and cool femmebot like yourself would have no problem landing a Mech whenever this war comes to an end." Jack added as they drove into the main control room. He looked around to see Miko and Raf were on the raised platform that led to the elevator shaft, sitting on the couch busying themselves.

Ratchet was in his lab, working on the Pink Energon Cube, Jack sucked in a breath, wondering if the Medic had noticed anything had changed with the Cube, but he didn't seem agitated about anything. The Cube was glowing just as brightly as it had been before Miko took her picture, and if anything, looked a little bigger. Then as Jack watched, Ratchet smiled and opened some sort of device, and lifted out a small Cube of regular blue Energon, before carrying it over to the work bench that the pink Cube sat on, before gently injecting it with some sort of syringe, but before Jack could get a look at what he was injecting into the Cube, the bright blue glow changed to a faint pink.

Bumblebee was watching Raf and Miko playing a racing game, and occasionally buzzed and whirred at Raf, and the boy smiled back. Optimus was at his usual station, working on decoding the Iacon Database, the Prime had informed them that the work was going slow.

Jack dismounted his Guardian and took off his helmet, allowing Arcee to revert to her normal form. 'If only you knew, Jack. If only this war would end sooner rather than later.' Arcee thought silently as they walked around greeting everybody.

Miko practically bounced out of her spot on the couch when Jack arrived and peered down at him while leaning over the railing. She was mildly annoyed that he made it with Sierra, but even though she would blame herself for it being her idea she also resented the fact that it happened. Sure, he had told her he was 'going for it' with Sierra, but she'd just assumed he was going to ask her out, it hadn't occurred to her at the time that the two of them could have ended up having sex. A wry smile came across her face when she thought of sneaking in some 'alone time' with him after they left base later that day, the only question was, 'Where?'.

"So Ratchet, what's the word on that project of yours?" Arcee asked professionally putting her hands on her hips as Ratchet emerged from his lab.

The medic turned and regarded her with a stoic expression on his faceplate. "No progress yet, I have may have isolated the 'key' to controlling the Insecticon hive aboard Megatron's ship, but I have yet to determine how we can utilize this asset at will. Though I have managed to synthesize another Cube for further testing."

"In other words: no." Arcee flatly stated before looking into the medical bay, and beyond to the laboratory holding the pink Energon Cubes on a stasis pedestal.

"It's a science that hasn't truly been perfected yet, but hold no worry for this is most certainly not beyond my skill." Ratchet added with pride and turned back around to the terminal.

'That weird pink Energon thing? What does it have to do with controlling Insecticons?' Jack thought in slight worry. Seeing as how his status with the opposite sex took a noticeable change right after he was hit by a surge of the said item he wondered if his health was at risk. He certainly didn't fancy having any kind of potential influence over, or anything to do with, the Insecticons.

"So what does that thing do anyway, Ratchet? Is it some sort of weapon to use on bugs?" Jack asked clearly curious as he looked upward at the tall red and white Autobot.

"Nothing yet, but with a few changes made as well as some more work put into it we can use the Phero-EN, as I've called it, to manipulate Megatron's insecticons into wreaking havoc aboard his warship." Ratchet explained in utmost simple terms, Jack thought the name over, 'Phero-En' certainly seemed to fit, given that it seemed to make his body produce them in spades whenever he was in prolonged close company with a female, though part of him did wonder if it only had an effect on those he actually felt emotion towards, he figured that was the case, since every teenage girl and possibly woman he'd passed in the street this week would have tried to rape him otherwise, he reasoned.

"Thus giving us a significant advantage in our war and perhaps the chance to finish it for good." Optimus Prime's baritone voice intoned as he stepped forward. "Our hopes are that Megatron's forces will be thrown into disarray and that there will not be any reinforcements of his vast armada coming to his aid when we confront him. The science isn't tested yet and may well prove unpredictable if not dangerous, so we must have patience and continue challenging the Decepticons at every theatre of war they open. I have faith in Ratchet's abilities and that he will succeed when the time comes."

Jack nodded and took in what Prime had said, casually watching as Optimus returned to his previous position. Arcee meanwhile had tagged Bulkhead to help her with inventory duty.

When Jack to the platform where he, Raf, and Miko usually spent most of their time, he was immediately confronted by a stern looking Miko who had her arms crossed as she stood next to the couch.

"So I see you've been busy, huh. How's Sierra doing?" She asked tensely which was actually unnerving Jack a little bit given her usual hyper, fun-loving demeanor.

"Fine I guess, we have plans later this week for the movies." Jack answered before his left hand was seized by Miko.

"Then you're going out with me Friday night to the rock concert. 'Slash Monkey' is back in town and I want to go see them. Since I missed their last US tour last time." Miko said, effectively staking her claim over a currently confused Jack Darby.

"W-wait are you serious? Miko that's--"

"Completely reasonable? Yes I agree, also you're buying the tickets. It comes with the perks of having me as a 'special friend', right?" Miko cut him off and finished her sentence with alluring tone and suggestive gaze as she placed Jack's hand over one of her breasts momentarily. She was definitely using her 'Sex friend' idea to get what she wanted alright.

Jack stammered and blushed a bit, feeling the Energon effect take its toll on him he felt his blood flow surge, but thankfully, he was getting good at slamming the proverbial brakes on his libido, so he managed to stop himself from making a complete ass of himself in front of the 'bots, but at that moment, he still felt like he was at the mercy of the Japanese girl. Miko has him around her finger and she knew it.

'Scrap......What have I got myself into?' he thought 'I definitely think she wants more than just a 'friends with benefits' arrangement, I just don't think she's realized it yet.'

'It hasn't even been a week since me and her did it, and now she's acting this possessive with me while using her 'rights' as a self-proclaimed sex buddy.' Jack thought in mild dismay before reluctantly agreeing.

"S-sure thing, Miko." He sighed before she quickly snuck her lips forward to press against his. He felt a little bit of tongue prying his lips apart before she hastily removed herself so that no one noticed.

"Suh-weet, Friday night then, eight o'clock, Jackie." She said smiling sweetly in self-satisfaction before walking back to the couch intentionally swaying her butt slowly within Jack's eyesight.

She sat down and continued playing games with Raf while Bumblebee watched in amusement. He didn't seem to notice what they had done, fortunately, Jack realized with a faint sigh as he sat down on the opposite end of the couch, but one spectacled little prodigy had.

"Whipped." Raf chuckled to himself. Not much slipped past him.


After about an hour, as Arcee and Bulkhead re-entered the main room, the main computer bleeped, and a map flashed up on one of the screens, with a set of co-ordinates marked.

"What is it?" Arcee asked, approaching their leader as he studied the map, even Miko and Raf paused the game, turning to look.

"A set of Co-ordinates from the Iacon Database." Optimus replied, his voice full of determination.

"Where?" Jack asked. Optimus studied the map.

"A mountain range known as the Himalayas."

"Great. High altitude and unstable terrain. Just what we need." Bulkhead said sarcastically.

"Also, I've detected another Energon vein in an area of the North-Eastern United States known as the Mohawk Valley." Optimus added, his voice turning grim. They'd have to divide their forces.

"What's the terrain like there?" Arcee asked.

"Mainly forest, but there are a few scattered human settlements." Ratchet replied as he pulled what information he could on the Valley from the internet.

"A forest will be easier for me and 'Bee to navigate." Arcee replied.

"You and Bumblebee would also be more adept at climbing a mountain." Ratchet replied.

Thinking this matter though, Optimus made his decision.

"Bulkhead, Bumblebee, you're with me, we will investigate the artifact, and hopefully, we'll recover it before the Decepticons detect it. Ratchet, Arcee, I want you to scout out the Energon source and determine its viability. Jack, Miko, Rafael--"

"Bridge Crew." Jack said with a smile, Optimus nodded, also smiling. As Ratchet punched in the first set of co-ordinates, Miko turned to Bulkhead,

"Watch your step ok? Don't want you getting attacked by any irate mountain goats." He grinned back at her.

"Heh, don't worry, I'll be careful."

"Be careful, ok 'Bee?" Raf said, the scout buzzed a re-assuring affirmative.

"Autobots, roll out!" Optimus ordered, and quickly transformed, followed by Bulkhead and Bumblebee. Once they were through, Ratchet entered the second set of co-ordinates, and reactivated the bridge, then he turned to the children.

"We'll let you know what we find." Ratchet said as he grabbed a scanner then walked towards the portal.

"No wild parties while we're gone." Arcee said, smiling playfully, while at the same time, fixing Miko with a meaningful look.

'And no messing around.' She mentally added, then as she approached the open portal, she turned as Ratchet went through, looked back at Jack, gave him another playful smile, and winked at him, before stepping through the portal, her hips swaying ever so slightly as she disappeared.

Jack blinked, his mind trying to figure out what he'd just seen. Fortunately, Raf hadn't seen her playful smile, flirtatious wink or eye-catching hip-swaying, unfortunately, Miko had.

'Jeez......I guess I was wrong before, it's definitely starting to effect Arcee, she's NEVER been like this before. NEVER!' Jack was suddenly worried about what would happen if Miko ever tried challenging Arcee, and he hoped to Primus that she wouldn't.

Miko, meanwhile, was gawking, staring at the now empty Ground Bridge generator.

'Who the FRAG does she think she is?! Does she even KNOW what she's doing?!' Miko inwardly seethed, she couldn't believe what she'd just seen; Arcee, one of the bravest Autobot warriors she'd ever met, second only to Optimus and Bulkhead of course, and just winked at Jack, openly flirting with him, and if that hadn't been bad enough, she'd actually sauntered into the portal, swaying her hips in that 'come and get some' way she'd used not 60 minutes earlier.

'I'm SO glad Raf didn't see that...' Miko thought, as she wrestled with her emotions. Maybe convincing Jack to go poking around Ratchet's pet project hadn't been such a good idea after all. Sierra, fine, she was ok with that, but if that _radiance_Jack was still giving off, and quite strongly to, as she felt herself being drawn to him again, was now starting to effect Arcee, who knows who else it could effect. And since Ratchet had said the purpose of the project was to influence and control the Insecticons......

An image popped into Miko's head, unbidden, of Jack running down a street, a terrified look on his face, while an amorous Insecticon bounded after him......

She shuddered. Violently.

'Eeeewww.........' she thought.

Jack meanwhile was currently still dumbfounded, trying to wrap his brain around the fact that Arcee had just winked at him, then given him what he could only describe as a 'come and get me, stud' walk as she'd entered the Bridge.

'Scrap...and I thought this stuff was wearing off...' he thought.

Then his phone bleeped, he fished it out of his pocket and looked at the screen.

It was a message. From Sierra. Jack smiled, but at the same time, groaned inside, part of him had been dreading this, mainly because he suspected he knew what the contents were, and he really didn't want to look while Raf and Miko were around.

"I'll be right back guys." He said, as he made his way down the stairs and across the main room into the hallway that led to the storage areas, and human habitation section, where the former occupants of the base had set up rudimentary quarters and bathrooms.

Once he was safely inside one, he flipped open the phone and opened the message.

He'd been right. It was a clear picture of Sierra's smooth, firm ass. It looked like it had been taken in a mirror, she was clearly standing. Apparently she didn't have the racy streak Miko did when it came to explicit photos, something he found himself somewhat grateful for. One self-proclaimed porn-star was enough.

Under the picture was a caption, it read;

"You get to have that next time." And she'd followed that with a winking smiley.

Jack was actually glad Sierra wasn't being as saucy as Miko, it proved the girl had a bit more restraint, either that, or she was still a bit shy.

Typing a quick reply, he sent the message, then went back into the main room, and as he climbed the stairs to the platform, he saw Miko sitting on the couch, her eyes fixed on him like a Hawk.

He looked to Raf, who had his back to both of them, manning the Bridge controls. He noticed Miko cast Raf a quick glance, then snapped her eyes back to him and grinned devilishly, before winking at him and then doing something that made Jack's breath catch, and his blood run south.

She spread her legs, and hiked up her skirt. Jack gulped.

She wasn't wearing panties. Her smooth naked pussy was there clearly on display for him to see, and he had to admit, he liked what he saw. He felt sweat start to bead on his forehead, and down his back as he felt his shaft begin to harden, then he looked up at her face. She was looking right at him.

She was grinning.

As he watched, she winked, before reaching down with her right hand and slowly drew her index finger up the thin crease where her two outer lips met. With a start, Jack snapped out of the lust induced haze he'd suddenly found himself in, and his eyes snapped past Miko to Raf, who still had his back to them. Sure, even if he turned round, all he'd see was Miko's back as she'd turned to face Jack on the couch, but Jack couldn't take the chance that the younger boy might see something he shouldn't.

His face hardening, Jack lifted an arm and stabbed a pointing finger over her shoulder. The grin faded from Miko's face as she turned and saw Raf, still with his back turned. Actually managing to look disappointed, she closed her legs and lowered her skirt, then looked up at Jack who nodded in satisfaction, before he joined her on the couch.

He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"I know you want a repeat performance of Monday, but if you ever try anything like that again while Raf is around, then there won't be a repeat. Ever. Got it Miko?" he growled, his voice clearly showing his disbelief and displeasure of her actions.

Thankfully, Miko had the common sense to nod in agreement.

"Good." Jack said, as he stood, and made his way to the stairs and down to the main floor.

"Where you going Jack?" Raf asked, looking away from the screen, while he'd simultaneously been in contact with 'Bee and Ratchet, Ratchet and Arcee's Energon excursion was going well, no sign of enemy activity, Bulkhead, 'Bee and Optimus had not been so lucky.

"Clear my head." Jack said, as he let his feet carry him in the direction of the medical bay, and through to Ratchet's lab.


Bulkhead skidded backwards from the punch Dreadwing had just delivered to his chestplate, he dug his left hand into the loose soil to slow himself, he was dangerously close to a 500m drop.

"Woah..." Bulkhead said as he stood and looked behind him, he then looked back ahead of him and quickly ducked an uppercut that would surely have sent him over the edge. Quickly strafing right, he turned and swung his Energon Mace at the Decepticon SIC, who effortlessly side-stepped it.

"You're not gettin' this Relic." Bulkhead growled.

"I was about to say the same. For someone who recently suffered massive exposure to Tox-En, Wrecker, you seem to be handling yourself rather well." Dreadwing countered, swinging at Bulkhead with his sword, the Wrecker caught the blow, and deflected it, slowly moving himself away from the cliff-face.

Bumblebee meanwhile was dealing with a handful of Vehicon troopers, while Optimus was busy trying to keep Megatron from the large metal canister that sat half buried in the ground.

The ground shook as the two warriors charged each other, and with a loud resounding clang, their swords locked. Both leaders leaned into the other, each trying to use their weight to unbalance the other.

Megatron's red optics were glowing bright with hatred, his shark-like dentia bared in a furious snarl. Prime's own blue Optics were narrowed, his face mask firmly in place.

"Your Autobots have already managed to get their hands on one of the four recently revealed Relics and the Spark Extractor, and your lumbering oaf of a Wrecker managed to destroy the Tox-En Hard Shell was sent to retrieve, and Dreadwing let Starscream get the Apex Armor, but you WON'T claim this Relic Optimus!"

Optimus said nothing as he pushed Megatron back, and the two separated, only to take battle stances again.

"And I cannot allow you to claim this Relic Megatron." Prime said, his voice low and stern, he still regretted loosing the Apex Armor to Starscream, and that had only happened, because he'd been occupied trying to fend off Dreadwing at the time.

"Keep thinking that all you want Prime, the simple matter of the fact is; I can call in re-enforcements at a whim, where as you can only call upon, at most, 3 more pairs of servos to help you. And I highly doubt you would call upon your human companions, to assist you, given the current situation." Megatron taunted. He was trying to get under his mesh, the Prime realized.

He hoped Bumblebee was able to deal with the troopers soon, he needed either him, or Bulkhead, to grab the canister, or break it open and take what was inside while Megatron was distracted.

Bumblebee, meanwhile, was doing considerably better than his teammates, of the 8 troopers who had arrived on the scene as soon as they had reached the Artifact, he'd managed to scrap about 4 of them, leaving only 4 left.

Side-stepping a swing from one, he turned and kicked another towards the cliff-face, before spinning round and ducking as the third fired, hitting the one he'd just punched, causing him to stagger back further to the edge.

"No!" the trooper cried as the weak ground gave way under his pedes, and he toppled over the cliff.

Five down. Three to go.

If Bumblebee could have, he would have smirked as he praised himself for that little maneuver. He came to his senses just as another Vehicon tackled him to the ground and started punching him. Glaring, 'Bee swung out his right fist in a feint strike, his assailant predictably blocked, then Bee brought up his other hand, deployed his arm cannons, and shot the trooper in his mid-section.

"Gaarggghh!" ST3V3 grunted as he staggered back "Autobot slag! I'll turn your piping inside-out for that!" as he clutched at the burning wound with one servo, while deploying his other into his weapon.

Bumblebee replied with, what was for him, a snort of amusement, and rolled to the side, and with a swing of the leg, knocked the 'Con's feet out from under him. As he went down, 'Bee got to his feet and side-stepped another punch from one of the other two remaining troopers. Punching him in the side of the helm, the trooper staggered sideways, allowing Bumblebee to quickly grab him and reach into his shoulder joint, grabbed a few wires and an Energon circulation tube, and pulled.

There was the sound of ripping metal mesh, and the sound of sizzling electricity, and the wires and severed vein came away in 'Bee's hand.

"Hey!" the trooper cried in alarm as his entire right arm went limp, which unfortunately meant he couldn't use his weapon.

It was then that his internal comm link chirped, it was an encrypted ping from Optimus.

*"Bumblebee! Megatron is distracted! I need you to break open the canister and take whatever is inside, don't hesitate! Grab it and go! Once you have it, alert Rafael and tell him to open the Ground Bridge!"*

Bumblebee pinged back his reply, before grabbing the Vehicon he'd just maimed, before shoving him in the direction of the last one standing, while ST3V3 was still nursing his wound, Energon seeping between his finger servos.

Casting a quick look over at Bulkhead, he saw the Wrecker was in a stalemate duel with Dreadwing, and Megatron's back was to the canister, if he moved quickly, he could grab the contents before the Decepticon Lord knew he was there.

Moving quickly, Bumblebee jumped over a blaster shot, and ran towards the cauldron-like canister, and, with all his strength, brought both fists down on it, smashing it open. Not even pausing, he reached down and grabbed the contents, as well as a good portion of smashed container, and turned towards the edge of the cliff, and ran.

Megatron heard the container shatter, and spun around 180 degrees just in time to see Bumblebee grab the contents, and run towards the cliff.

"WHAT?! NOOO!" the tyrant roared, as he started to pursue the scout, but had to stop to deflect an incoming blow from Prime that would have taken his head.

As 'Bee reached the edge of the cliff, he didn't even pause, he quickly sent a ping back to the base, telling Rafael to open the bridge at the base of the cliff, directly below him as he jumped. As he did so, he heard a crash behind him, and Optimus call out to Bulkhead.

"Bulkhead! Fall back! Follow Bumblebee!" he didn't have to look back to know the Prime was hot on his heals.

"NNNAAARRRRGGGHHHH!" The primal scream of fury that was Megatron's battle-cry could be heard as 'Bee looked down at the swirling green-white portal 450 meters below him.

300 meters.



*A few minutes earlier*

Jack was idling wandering through the medical bay, and soon found himself back in Ratchet's lab, he stared curiously at the two cubes of Phero-En, as Ratchet had called it.

Part of him wondered what would happen if he actually touched one of the cubes, and another part firmly reminded the first part, and the rest of him, what happened the last time he went near the stuff. That first part firmly reminded the second part, what happened after he'd gone near it, specifically with Miko and Sierra.

'Maybe nothing will happen if I physically touch it this time...' he hoped. As he climbed up onto the table, he approached the largest cube, and gently set his left hand against the smooth surface.

At first, nothing happened, then a tingling sensation that started in his hand, traveled up his arm, until it infused his entire body. He could feel the latent Phero-En in his body reacting with the cube, drawing more out, the tingling effect was getting stronger, and as he looked down at himself, he noticed his body, or at least, the exposed parts of his skin, were starting to glow faintly.

'Uh oh...time to stop Darby.' He told himself, he then started to get down.

'Feels just like it did on Monday, jeez...what did I just DO?! I hope Miko doesn't jump me as soon as I get back in there.'

He was just making his way through the medical bay, when he heard the Ground Bridge activate. Picking up his pace, he made into the main room just in time to see 'Bee come flying through the portal, spinning in midair, and landing on his back, skidding along the floor, cradling something in his arms. Bulkhead and Optimus appeared an instant later, and Raf quickly shut down the Bridge.

"What did you guys get?" Raf asked, turning to face the Autobots.

"Don't know, I was too busy keeping Dreadwing occupied to see what 'Bee grabbed." Bulkhead replied.

All eyes turned to Bumblebee, as he sat up, and allowed the fragments of the canister to fall from his arms.

In his hands, he held a large book, it's bindings covered in ornate runes and symbols, and on top of it, was what looked like a stylus pen large enough for a Cybertronian to hold.

He slowly looked up at Optimus, his optics going wide in shock and awe, and his made I high-pitched whirring sound.

"Optimus....is that......what I think it is?" Bulkhead asked, barely a whisper, almost like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Jack stepped forward to get a closer look, Miko joining him on the main floor.

"The Covenant of Primus...and the Quill..." Optimus said, his own voice full of owe.

"The Covenant of Primus...isn't that the book the Prophecy about Unicron was written in?" Jack asked as he stared at the book.

"Indeed Jack, this book contains the entire written history of Cybertron and its people, as well as dozens of prophecies, all written by my Mentor, Alpha Trion, Iacon's Chief Archivist, the one who encrypted the Iacon Database and one of the Thirteen. It is the closest thing my people have to religious scripture."

"Woah..." Miko breathed.

'You can say that again...' Jack thought.

"We need to tell Ratchet and Arcee, Raf, call 'em back!" Bulkhead said excitedly as he helped the scout to his feet.

"On it." Raf said, as he turned back around and opened a channel to Ratchet, then, an instant later, he activated the Bridge again, and the Medic and SIC stepped through, both looking slightly confused.

"Optimus, I'm glad to see you're all unharmed, Arcee and I were just starting to make preparations for minding the Energon when..." Ratchet trailed off as he noticed what Bumblebee was still holding.

"By the Allspark......" his voice was barely about a reverent whisper, his optics wide in shock. Arcee's optics had also gone wide, and her mouth had gone slack.

"So what's the funky pen do?" Miko asked.

"The Quill was one of the tools fashioned by Solus Prime, it belonged to Alpha Trion, who, as I mentioned, was one of the Thirteen original Primes, he also possessed a certain 'gift' that was uniquely his, just as all the others possessed their own unique abilities. Alpha's gift, was the gift of Prophecy and foresight. He could literally see through time. Using this gift, he wrote down the entire history of our people in this book, which Solus had also made for him. The Quill has the power to affect the fabric of reality itself in a limited capacity. Anything written with the Quill will come to pass."

"Whoa...whoa...This thing can alter reality?" Jack asked, skeptically.

"Indeed, though only in a limited capacity, and the changes it implements never last, since time is not fixed, the future is never set in stone, and free will can change an individual's path at a moment's notice." Optimus replied.

"What about the prophecy about Unicron? That happened." Miko pointed out. Optimus nodded.

"According to legend, whenever Alpha Trion used the Quill to write his visions into the book, he wrote them into the fabric of space-time, in essence, making sure they were guaranteed to occur. Unfortunately, when he had these 'visions' they were always written down in the language of the time and place that they referred to, and since inter-stellar translation programs were not common at the time, it was nearly impossible for Alpha to understand and properly interpret what he saw."

"So the prophecy about Unicron..." Jack said,

"Was written in your language." Optimus replied.

"We better put these in lockup immediately." Ratchet said, as he moved to take the book and stylus from 'Bee, who gladly handed them over.

As Ratchet carried relics out of the room, in the direction of the 'volt', which was nothing more than a storage room with a heavy duty lock on the door, the others talked amongst themselves, congratulating Bumblebee for yet again getting on over on Megatron.

"So what would happen if say, we wrote in the book, that Megatron surrenders 3 days from now?" Jack asked.

"Then that is what would come to pass, but as I have said, the changes the Quill implements do not always remain in play. Once we had Megatron, he could easily escape, or one of his followers, most likely Dreadwing or Soundwave, would either take his place, or attempt to rescue him. And since I do not possess Alpha Trion's gift of foresight, I would not be able to see the consequences or possible outcomes of such actions. For now, it is best that he Covenant, and the Quill, are both put in storage, and left there." Optimus replied.

Arcee approached her partner, "Come on Jack, your shift starts in 40 minutes, need to get you back into town." Before she swiftly shifted into her vehicle form.

Jack groaned, he'd forgotten that he had an early shift that day.

'I can't wait until I'm free of that place...' he thought as he mounted Arcee, he could feel Miko's eyes drilling holes in his back, he'd suspected his second encounter with the Phero-En had increased the affect of his new 'pussy magnet aura' as Miko had called it in one of the texts she'd sent him, but now he was almost certain.

"Arcee, when you return, I want you, Bulkhead and Bumblebee to return to the site of the Energon vein and begin mining preperations." Optimus stated.

"Will do." She replied as she started up her engine.

"See you later guys." Jack called, Miko, Raf and 'Bee waved at him, though he noticed Miko was raking him with a very hungry look.

'Maybe touching that stuff wasn't such a good idea after all.' He thought.

As they sped out of the base, Arcee noticed the tingling feeling that she'd gotten before, only this time, it was stronger, it made her whole frame tingle slightly, it was all a bit un-nerving.

'What the scrap is going on?' she thought.

Jack noticed it too, and as they set out onto the desert road, he let go of one of her handle-bars, and gently pressed his palm against the paneling that formed her right 'wing', as he did so, he felt her shudder, and at the same time, a strange sensation ran through him, and he felt the Energon field that suffused his body kick in.

'What the...' he thought, as he felt his heart rate increase, and despite his best efforts, he wasn't able to hold back the flood of arousal that hit him, he grit his teeth as he tried to stop the erection he felt growing, knowing full well his partner could feel it, and as it did, an image flashed through his mind, of Arcee laying on her back in her normal form, while he straddled her waist, and pressed himself against her, and in his mind's eye, she was smiling at him.

He shook his head to banish the thought, but the sudden, and quite clear moan from the bike he was riding brought it, and his full erection, back in full force.

'Oh frag...I really didn't think this whole thing through...' he bemoaned mentally.

"Mmmm......" Arcee purred, before she even realized she'd done it, then it hit her full force, and on top of that, she also felt something inside her change, running a quick diagnostic, she was so stunned by what the readout showed her that she almost lost control, and would have sent them both flying.

Her Sparkling gestation chamber had activated, as had her interface components, not that they were any use in her current form.

'What...the...frag?!' she thought 'What the frag was THAT? Did I just......Did I just PURR? And why would Jack touching m--' her thoughts were interrupted as she felt something poking her saddle again, focusing her scans on her passenger, she almost slammed on the breaks when she realized her partner's state, and something in the back of her mind told her she had just caused it.

'No way. How could I? I'm not human...' Mercifully, Jack saved them both from further awkwardness.

"Erm...so...you and Ratchet found some Energon?"

"Yes..." Arcee said, her voice strained from sudden sensory overload, and even to her, her voice sounded 'husky', she made a sound of clearing her throat, then spoke again.

"Ehem, yes, we did. Not much, but it'll tie us over for a month or two. The sooner Ratchet perfects that Synth-En, the better."

Jack nodded. "That's good." He'd given up and trying to suppress his erection, and instead, decided just to let it burn itself out, but the constant vibration from the Autobot he was riding didn't really help much.

Fortunately for him, Primus seemed to be in a good mood, as by the time they'd pulled up to the K.O Burger joint, his arousal had mostly subsided. As he dismounted his Partner, he gently ran his hand over her armor again, and felt her shudder a second time.

"Oohhh...Priiimuuusss..." she whispered, and even leaned into his caress. Thankfully, she composed herself as her Sadie avatar appeared.

"I'll see you later tonight 'Cee." Jack said, smiling at her.

"O-ok......" she said, she sounded a bit breathless, but he knew she didn't need to breathe. Smiling, he turned and walked to the main entrance, then turned and smiled at her, giving her a wave as she flashed her headlights, then turned and headed out of the parking lot.


The next morning, it was a Sunday, as soon as Jack awoke, he discovered he'd received a text message from Miko telling today was the last day to get the tickets for the concert.

'Scrap, really? You can't be serious about this.' He thought when he received another message from her, this time it was a picture of her pushing up her night-shirt and pulling down a pair of shorts to her knees, before a mirror reflection. She was using her chin to keep her bunched up shirt in place above her breasts, while her left hand held her phone, while her right reached down between her spread legs, and he could clearly see her right index and ring fingers on either side of her labia, spreading the lips wide, while her middle finger rested just above her exposed, and clearly erect clitoris. He nearly suffered a stroke as he looked at it then read below the image where it said; "Pleeeasseee."

'Yep, she's serious. I guess it really is the last day to get those tickets, I can't believe she has me by the balls like this when she knows I'm dating Sierra. Miko is Miko after all.' He thought before getting out of bed, his mind rewound to the previous evening, after the strange, and very enjoyable ride to the K.O Burger, his evening shift had passed relatively peacefully, Vince and his cronies hadn't shown up to give him grief, and when his shift had ended, the journey home had been relatively quiet and uneventful.

_'Man, that was weird......I can't believe I actually got hard thinking about Arcee......and she purred when I touched her, and shuddered......I wonder if...No way, it's impossible...right?'_he thought as he got ready to leave, but when he noticed Arcee wasn't in the garage he figured she must have been called to a mission. That left him with only one other option of travel; his ten speed.

"Today's just not starting out on a high note." Jack grumbled as he worked on his bicycle in the garage. His mother came out of the kitchen door into the garage to greet him, she wasn't wearing her usual nurse garb and instead wore a sleeveless light beige turtleneck with dark pants and heeled shoes.

"Morning, mom." Jack greeted in his usual friendly manner to a smiling June. For some reason he could feel some level of sadness coming from her as she greeted him back.

"Morning to you too, sunshine. I'm going to be out to the store to pick up a few things, mainly some ice cream." She said holding her purse at her side.

Jack cocked an eyebrow and watched her walk to her car, she was about to open the driver side door when her phone buzzed meaning she was receiving a text. She read it and sighed drooping her head a bit. It always pained him to see her that way.

"Scratch that, I've just been paged to return to the hospital in an hour and a half to cover a call-in's shift. I guess I'll go change into my scrubs." She said back to him with a false smile before walking back to the door.

Jack stood up and readied himself to ask a favor. "Uh Mom wait, can you give me a lift? Arcee is out on mission duty again and Miko is making me buy the tickets to the rock concert that's on show on Friday night. Maybe you could drop me off at the ticket office?"

June chuckled a bit. "Miko sure is one controlling friend, of course I'll take you, just give me a few minutes to get ready." She answered warmly before retreating back inside the house. June's expression changed to one of confusion when she walked down the hallway; as she'd locked eyes with her son, she'd felt something strange stir within her, she couldn't really understand it. 'Hmmm, that was weird, I felt like my insides just stirred. Was probably nothing. Better go get ready.'

15 minutes later Jack was in the passenger side of her car while they drove to the stadium where the tickets for the concert were being sold. Jack spoke up when he remembered why she needed to go the store, sure she liked ice cream a lot, but there were occasions where she made it a worrying priority to get a large amount.

"Mom are you alright? You definitely had your heart set on snack shopping on your supposed day off." He asked concerned and looked at her.

"I just like ice cream." She lied unconvincingly and shrugged smiling at him, Jack's face then grew serious.

"It's the anniversary, isn't it?"

'Damn it, that's not fair Jack! You're not supposed to use the "Serious Face", that's my look!' she thought.

June frowned sadly and looked at him with a nod. "Of when your father walked out on us? Yes, its ancient history at this point but I can never just forget this day. Ice cream can be a gal's best friend."

"Mom..." Jack reached over and put a comforting hand on her right shoulder.

"I'm okay, Jack. I'm stronger than I look and I certainly never wish to see his face again. It's just on these days I get a little depressed is all, nothing to worry about." She said reassuringly to him as they pulled up to the stadium. As she stopped the car, she felt Jack wrap his arms round her in a loving hug, and she closed her eyes and smiled. He knew just how to cheer her up.

After waiting in line for 5 minutes Jack finally got up to the box office and whipped out his wallet to unwittingly drain it for the two tickets. Once that was done he and his mother headed over to a nearby ice cream stand in the park behind the stadium where Jack bought ice cream cones for the two of them.

"My my what a gentleman. I bet the girls at school can't resist you." She said lightening the mood with humor as they sat down on a table set. It was only just over an hour until her surprise shift would start and they had time to waste, it was a small town after all.

"Funny you should say that, but how's your cone tasting?" Jack said taking another bite of his own cone.

June delightfully licked hers patiently and nodded. "Not bad for a mix of rocky road and cookie cream, but ice-cream aside this is really nice. Us spending time together like this once in a while, I can't remember the last time we did this."

"Well our jobs, my school, and the 'science fiction club' I usually hang out with tends to fill up our schedules, but I'm glad too actually." Jack answered feeling a bit more upbeat now that she was genuinely smiling.

Ten minutes later they finished eating and went over to the far end of the park where they stood by a small pond, among some trees, Jack noticed how the shadows did a pretty good job of obscuring them. June simply looked on at the waters remembering her first date with Jack's father was at this very spot, Jack didn't realize it until he noticed her solemn frown.

"No matter how many times you try to forget it, it keeps calling back to you." she said to him, her voice cracking a little, Jack noticed she was close to tearing up and took the initiative by pulling the surprised woman into a loving hug again. She gratefully accepted and buried her face in his shoulder, mewling quietly and sniffed, the tears started to fall.

Jack hugged her tightly, rubbing his hands up and down her back gently, he buried his own face in her neck, then gently kissed her, before whispering to her.

"Shh...It's ok mom, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere...It's ok."

After a few minutes of comforting, June finally got herself under control, and as she rested her chin on Jack's right shoulder, she felt her depression and sorrow fade, only to be replaced by that strange feeling she'd felt in the house when she'd looked at him, only this time, it was stronger.

'Wha-what the...?' she thought.

June couldn't figure out what was going on; first she was depressed and now she was completely calm, the strange warmth that had spread over her the instant she hugged Jack had all but nullified her sadness. She felt a little more at peace now, when she pulled her head back she looked into the steely blue eyes of her only son and noticed that he had indeed grown up.

'Mmm......in more ways than one...' a voice in the back of her head said as she casually ran her hands up and down his back.

'Wait...What?' she thought to herself.

It was then that she noticed the odd feeling of calmness that had settled over her, it had been replaced by another feeling, one she hadn't felt in years. Yearning. Longing.

Her breath caught and she felt her cheeks flush as she felt her heart rate pick up speed, a faint tingling sensation was now starting to run through her body, starting at her hands, it quickly spread up her arms then down her body. As it passed over her chest, she felt her breasts swell a little, and felt her nipples suddenly harden in arousal.

'WHAT THE...?!'

She felt her body temperature increase, as the tingling sensation spread further down, and as it passed over her hips and down her legs, she felt the unmistakable tingling and warmth between her legs that she knew, both from experience and medical training, meant she'd suddenly become very aroused.

'!' she swallowed hard, her eyes open like saucers as she looked into Jack's eyes, and in those eyes, she saw a swarm of emotions; love, compassion, sympathy, anger, no doubt at his father, but also she saw, to her surprise and trepidation, the same illicit emotions she was feeling.

'This can't be happening...I'm getting turned on by my own SON?! What the hell is wrong with me?! Sure, I haven't been with anyone since he left, but still...' her eyes slowly traveled down Jack's body, and she hesitated at his waist, she wasn't sure she wanted to look lower, she had a pretty good feeling she knew what she'd see.

As Jack gently stroked her back, she lost her battle with her self-restraint, and looked further down.

She felt her cheeks flush as she saw the firm bulge, and for a brief second, an image of what lay beneath flashed through her mind, and she felt her vagina moisten even more, she could already feel her panties getting uncomfortably wet with her pent up desire, her labia pressing fully against them.

She licked her dry lips and looked back into his face, she saw the maturity there that she'd seen growing the past few years, the experiences of a young man coming into his own, she also saw the concern in his eyes, the compassion.

'He doesn't need me anymore...eventually he'll grow up and move on. I'll be on my own again, but I'll manage. I always do...' She thought with tinge sadness and pulled him close in a tight hug, her grip on her emotions slipping a second time.

"Mom?" Jack asked with worry as his mother sobbed in his shoulder. He wasn't going to lie; her chest pressing against his own shouldn't have been causing the reaction he was feeling, but it was. He was already painfully hard, but he'd managed to hold back his Phero-En fueled libido so far, but he knew he'd lose the fight eventually.

He could also see, and correctly guessed, that she had already started to feel the effects of the Phero-En radiation he was giving off, the fact that he had recklessly given himself a second dose only seemed to make it's effect stronger, and although it probably wouldn't have affected her before, it definitely was now.

He saw the flash of arousal and lust in her eyes, and in the same instant, beat it down.

'She's actually doing a better job of fighting it than I am.' He thought.

"What's the matter, why are you crying?" Jack asked when he raised her head up to look into his eyes again. It broke his heart to see her with such a sad face, especially when it belonged to a beautiful woman such as her.

'That's a face that should never show sadness...only joy and pleasure...' a voice in the back of Jack's mind said, he found himself agreeing.

'And you can give her that.' The voice added.

'What...? But that's...' Jack replied.

'Wrong? So what. Sure, you're her son, but you're also a man, and that's what she needs right now in her life. Besides, she has needs, needs that probably haven't been fulfilled in quite a while, and who better to do that than someone who knows her, loves her with all his heart, and trusts her completely? Let's face it, YOU are the ONLY good thing that bastard ever gave her.'

'Did Ratchet fill that Phero-En with intelligent Nanites or something? I find it hard to believe you're part of my psyche.' Jack thought.

'No, I'm part of your sub-conscious mind. Now quit talking to yourself, you have a beautiful woman to cheer up.'

Jack focused back on his mother's face, she sniffed a bit and wiped her face with her right arm as if to shrug it off. Beneath the sadness, he again saw the desire, the bottled-up lust, the years of feeling neglected all boiling to the surface. Suddenly, he didn't care that it would be illegal or socially wrong, he was going to give his mother what she wanted, what she needed. The best sex of her life, and he was going to make sure she loved it.

"It's nothing, I'm fine." She lied.

"No, you're not fine, you can tell me." Jack protested, though he already knew what was bothering her, after all, he could see it in her eyes. June looked hesitant at first, but for some reason she felt her sudden state of arousal starting to get the better of her, and with a mental sigh, surrendered the fight with her inner demons, and she felt all her inhibitions and confusion fade, and decided to take the plunge, and be more open and honest with him.

'He deserves to know how I really feel. What really worries me now.' She thought.

She looked directly back at Jack before she spoke out in all honesty.

"Jack, I'm just feeling like I will be alone again pretty soon, because of how fast you've matured and learned from teaming with the Autobots. I hold nothing against them of course, but I always fought back the fear of when you might walk on me just like your father. Lately it seems like that time is getting closer and closer, maybe it's just fear and paranoia talking, but on days like this I just can't help but feel this way. I don't mean to be a downer, especially around you."

Jack looked at her, his eyes full of fierce determination. "I'm not going anywhere mom, I'm not like him, I will never abandon you. You will always have me. So just relax, and breathe." Jack said as she wrapped her arms around him affectionately. Little did either of them know, the heightened emotional state she was in, was making her even more susceptible to the Phero-En radiance his body was giving off, that had already saturated her, and triggered her seemingly unexplainable bout of sexual arousal, and was now starting to fill her mind with thoughts and feelings she knew she shouldn't have.

'The hell with it.' She thought, and decided it was now, or never.

She leaned her head back a bit then moved forward to kiss Jack fully on the lips, looking deep into his eyes the whole time, silently pleading with him not to reject her, like the man who had sired him had.

Jack pulled her fully against his body, wrapping his arms tightly around her in a loving embrace, gently, he started to let his hands roam up and down her back, even letting one of them drift down and lightly run over her buttocks, he felt, and heard her moan into the kiss.

The kiss that was fast becoming more passionate as she tentatively opened her mouth and let her tongue emerge, only to hesitate for a second when it encountered no resistance, and slid delicately into her son's already open and waiting mouth, where his own tongue met hers, and the two organs began the age old dance.

The two of them stood in the romantic embrace, before they finally broke the kiss, and June pulled back, smiling lovingly at him, she felt his hands at the hem of her shirt, and nodded her approval, though she wore an anxious expression on her face.

'Hhhmmm......he's a very good kisser......he's had practice...' she thought as she closed her eyes and started to run her hands up and down his back, under his shirt.

Jack's hands meanwhile, were starting their tentative exploration under her own shirt, moving up, he gently ran his fingertips over her ribs, before moving up to gently cup her breasts. Her white laced bra came into view before Jack's eyes while she maintained her anxious expression.

'Primus......they're beautiful...' he thought as he gently cupped them, and started to caress them through the lace cups. They were firm, warm, and yet soft at the same time.

Jack was impressed by the size of her breasts, they were a rather modest low to mid C size. How she hid them in her scrub shirt was beyond him, but all thought was tossed to the wind at this point. At this point, he didn't care that what they were doing was wrong, he figured with the Phero-En radiance causing both of them to act without inhibitions, he'd rather she be with him, than someone else.

"Come here baby." June breathed, her voice thick with lust and years of unsatisfied desire, as she pulled him against her in another passionate, deep kiss, that Jack welcomed with all his heart. Part of him was still unsure of this, but with circumstance comes active response. Would it really have been better if he let his mother be? "No" he decided, not after the heart wrenching emotional breakdown she'd almost had. Besides, he'd already promised her he wouldn't leave her, and he meant it. Regardless of the circumstances the Pink Energon ensured that things would fast be becoming even less normal, though for a kid who spent all of his free time hanging around giant robots, 'normal' didn't really enter the equation anymore.

June's lips curled and sipped on Jack's mouth, their tongues once again dancing while the two of them remained shrouded in shadows near the pond. Jack continued to gently yet firmly caress her breasts with one hand, while his other hand slowly moved round to her lower back, where he gently pressed her body closer against his.

He could practically feel her body warmth against his torso even through her clothing, the older woman relaxed as they continued and soon her elegant pale hands trailed down to his zipper.

Jack reluctantly pulled himself away from her face, he saw the look of uncertainty, the look that was asking permission.

'We've come this far...no sense stopping now.' He thought. "Are you sure you want to do this mom?" he whispered, his own voice think with need.

June slowly nodded and lightly placed a sweet kiss on his lips one more time before letting her fingers go to work; her hands shaking a little, she unfastened his belt, then gripped his zipper and pulled it down. Holding her breath, June reached in with her right hand and gently wrapped her delicate fingers around the hard, warm flesh she sort. Her azure eyes admired it as she really studied his penis for the first time, running her fingers gently up and down, she circled the ridge at the crown with the tip of her index finger, before gently wrapping her fingers around it again, and giving it a very gentle, exploratory squeeze, she then began to move her hand up and down its length, she noticed, with a small smile, as the glans started to peak out of the cowl of foreskin as she moved her hand back towards the base.

Jack's face was flushed red with embarrassment and arousal, he was so hard it was actually a bit painful, though the soft touch of his mother's hand on him helped a lot. When June looked up into his flushed face, she smiled with equal parts amusement and hunger, her eyes dark.

"Hmm......now this is what I call a dick..." she giggled as she saw his cheeks brighten even more. Then she said in a thick voice, "It's been so long...I don't care if you ARE my son...I want this...NEED THIS...--" she emphasized those two words by giving his shaft a firmer squeeze, "Need... YOU ......" she finished, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jack's length brushed against the clothed surface of her inner thighs and June eagerly pushed up against making him lean back against the tree that was behind him.

"Mom?" Jack asked, his mind still full of sexual heat. June simply blew him a kiss, then with a wink, lowered herself down to her knees, roughly tugging down his pants and boxers, leaving them around his ankles, she then reached behind herself and undid the clasp of her bra, tossing it aside, letting her breasts free.

Jack's eyes went wide when he saw the perfection of her breasts bouncing free of their confines, her body could easily be mistaken of that of a woman in her late twenties despite her given age of thirty-four. Simply put she was gorgeous.

"You're going to enjoy this, baby." June said with eyes ridden with lust as she leaned forward and clasped her soft fleshy mounds around Jack's sensitive shaft, looking down, she saw the head peaking at her from her cleavage, she smiled, taking note of the small amount of moisture that had already gathered at his tip, she then looked up at him, smiled, and began to move her breasts up and down, while rocking her body. She felt a sense of perverse pride well up in her when she heard her son gasp in ecstasy.

As she worked her breasts up and down his penis, June leaned forward and pursed her lips, planting an open-mouthed kiss to the tip of his penis as it started to emerge from his foreskin, already wet with pre-cum, she giggled as she lightly licked the highly sensitive tip, teasing the small slit with the tip of her tongue, smiling as she felt his body go rigid with pleasure.

'Mmm...he tastes good...' she though.

Jack started to claw at the tree behind him as she continued massaging his member, a few seconds later June released her breast hold on him, and moved her head forwards, taking him deeper into her mouth, she used her lips to push back his foreskin, and his full glans landed on her hungry tongue, and she tasted him fully for the first time.

"Mmmmph..." she moaned, the vibrations traveling down his shaft.

She closed her eyes and started to hum as she also started to move her head back and forth along his shaft, letting her tongue dance over its length, examining the texture, savoring the taste, she lowered her head more, until the head touched the back of her throat. Her long dark hair tossed back and forth along with her head as she started bobbing up and down more enthusiastically.

While her mouth was busy, she decided her hands needed to be occupied; she gently reached up and started to massage Jack's swollen sac, gently stroking the orbs inside.

June continued to suckle and stimulate him, her experience showing as she passionately made love to her son using her mouth, while her hands gently massaged his swollen testicles. Testicles that she knew were full of healthy sperm, that she suddenly found herself wanting to taste, and even wanted inside her. Before long, Jack felt like he was going to blow.

"I'm...gonna..." he growled in warning.

In response, she lifted her mouth off his erection, though keeping it close enough so she could breathe heavily on it to provide more stimulation, she started using one hand to gently stroke his, while the other cupped her breasts, ready to receive what he had to offer.

With a groan, she felt him tense, before she felt his penis throb, and a spurt of warm liquid splashed against her mouth, some trickled inside, and she hungrily caught it on her tongue, moaning as the rest tricked down her chin and onto her breasts, a second spurt hit her chin and neck, before she angled his shaft down at her chest, letting the third and fourth spurts go where she wanted.

As the spurts stopped, June licked her lips, collecting more of her son's semen on her tongue, moaning at the taste, before tracing her left hand along her breasts to scoop up the rest of her son's semen and bring it to her mouth.

Jack watched in wonder, his eyes fixed on the fingers that were coated in his life-giving essence as she brought her fingers to her lips, hungrily licking and sucking them clean.

'Wow...I don't care if this is wrong...it feels amazing, even Miko and Sierra didn't feel this good, though they were close...' Jack thought as he watched the lovely older woman finish licking up the cum coating her fingers.

"Enjoying the show, Jack?" His mother purred and crept a little closer, getting to her feet, she pulled off her beige jacket and scrub shirt, standing proud, naked from the waist up, she wrapped her arms around him. His face was at the crook of her neck as she wrapped her arms around his back as they embraced, he breathed in her delicious scent. He kissed his way up until he reached her cheeks kissing the left side of her delicate face while stroking the other side with his other hand.

June was enjoying the romantic attention he was paying her, it had been far too long since any man made her feel this special. She wanted it to last and wanted to savor every moment of it regardless of what ever consequences that followed.

"Jack..." She started with a low serious tone as she pulled her face back to look him in the eye.

"Yeah?" he asked in a low voice as he was still dazzled by her close up natural beauty, and his body was still reeling from the blowjob she'd just given.

"I-I need to know if you're sure about this." June asked hesitantly, she knew he was dating Sierra, she didn't even know what to think about Miko, or even this whole situation. All she did know was that this circumstance was beyond strange, but she didn't want it to end with her being alone again.

'What if you get pregnant?' that voice in the back of her mind said again. June already had the answer.

'Then I will be happy knowing that the father will never abandon me, or the baby, like the last one did.' She was surprised at her own thoughts, since she'd never thought she'd ever want something like that to happen, though, she then realized that if it did happen, it wouldn't be long before their secret was out, and that would be disastrous, not to mention the fact that, at the moment, their finances were just terrible.

"I'm absolutely sure, I wouldn't think otherwise. I said I'd be there for you, and I meant it. In every way. You have needs, needs I'm more than comfortable taking care of, whenever you want me to." Jack said with finality as he gazed into her teary eyes with a warm smile before she pulled him forward to wrap him in a deep embrace. Their lips sensually pressed together, while their tongues once again danced, June holding onto him, never wanting to let go.

They continued like that for nearly ten minutes while June gently stroked his cock back to full mast, soon it was ready for her affection and attention, and she certainly intended to give it.

Gripping the hem of his shirt, she lifted it, until he got the hint and raised his arms, and with a warm smile, she pulled of his shirt. Dropping it on her own clothes, she ran her hands appraisingly over his slightly muscled chest.

'I'll say one thing for the 'Bots, they're certainly keeping my young man in good shape.'

Nodding to herself, she gently pressed down on his shoulders, coaxing him to sit on the ground, where he quickly pulled off his shoes, pants and boxers, leaving him naked, except for his socks.

Looking down at him, she smiled and winked, before turning round, and looking over her shoulder, leaned forward and pushed her hips back towards him as she slowly slid down her scrub pants and panties, slowly letting her perfectly shaped, smooth bare cheeks reveal themselves to her partner.

Giggling to herself, she wiggled her hips playfully as she slid her pants down her legs, then quickly slid off her shoes, and stepped out of her pants and panties, then slowly stood and turned around, running her hands provocatively over her cheeks, hips, stomach and breasts, before standing with her legs slightly parted, making sure he could see everything.

"You're shaved?" he asked, his voice quivering with emotion.

"It's purely for hygiene." She replied, gently running a hand over her smooth lower lips. "Plus it feels better. And men seem to like it more."

"No argument there..." he whispered, his eyes fixed between her legs. Making up her mind, June decided to tease him a little, give him a little show before settling down for the main course. She started to move her fingers back and forth across her lips, before pushing two of them inside. She started to gently rotated and rock her hips, thrusting them forwards and bending her knees, closing her eyes and leaning her head back as she moaned, and let out little high pitched gasps. She also made a point of spreading her lips, so he could watch how she liked to play with her clit, her index finer rubbing over it in circles.

She then spun round and bent over, bending her knees, she reached back and started rubbing herself with her left hand, while using her right to steady herself as she continued to masturbate in front of him.

Jack, for his part, was staring hungrily at his mother's body, his gaze alternating between the firm globes of her ass, which were slightly parted, allowing him to see the inviting valley between them, and further down, to where her hand busily rubbed away at her swollen, dark pink pussy.

'Holy frag...this is incredible...I never imagined the day would take this turn...' he thought, then he heard something that really got his adrenaline flowing.

"Jack...oh Jack..." she was moaning his name, her eyes were closed as she undulated her body, her face and chest flushed red, her nipples hard and erect, while the fingers between her legs glistened with wetness.

Jack quickly remembered back to his little session with Sierra, and remembered wondering what it would be like to properly play with her ass, he hadn't really got the chance at the time but now...

'Could I...? Should I...? Would she mind...?' tentatively reaching up, he gently placed his hands on his mother's cheeks and started to rub in small circles, the response was immediate and encouraging, she moaned quietly, and started to push her hips back towards him, he then gently ran a finger between her cheeks, feeling her jump a little. Taking a chance, he got into a kneeling position, then, using his hands to steady her, he gently spread her cheeks wider, until he could clearly see the small puckered ring of muscle.

'Here goes nothing...' he thought, then leaned forwards.

June's eyes flew open and she gasped, her body going rigid for a moment, before she relaxed, and growled in approval. She felt a rush of excitement and arousal as she felt Jack's warm breath of her buttocks, before his warm, probing tongue made contact, and she pushed back against him rhythmically, coaxing him on.

"Oh...yeeessss......" June purred, she couldn't remember the last time someone had eaten her out this way, maybe that one time she'd experimented with her roommate back in medical school, but nothing since, even Jack's father wouldn't do it, but Jack, he was an apparent natural. She relaxed her muscles, and in a lusty-haze filled state, she shuddered as she felt his tongue push into her, at the same time, she felt one of his hands join hers between her legs, and she gladly let him take over.

Jack gently slid two fingers into her, gently thrusting in and out, paying special attention to her G-spot, while using his thumb to gently stroke her clit in small circles.

'I never thought she'd let me do this...' he thought.

June loved the attention, for the first time in years, she was finally getting the attention she'd been denied, either through time constraints, or other reasons, but now, all that didn't matter. But as much as she wanted to continue this, she was mindful of the time, she still had to be at work in 30 minutes, so she needed to wrap this up quickly.

Reluctantly, she pulled away from Jack's face, before standing and turning round, looking down at him, she gently cupped his face with her hands, before guiding it between her legs. She threw her head back and gasps as she felt his mouth come into contact with her hyper-sensitive pussy, and she spread her legs a bit more as she felt him start to work his magic on her.

Jack took a deep breath as his mother's wet pussy was pressed into his waiting mouth, and he moaned at her delicious scent, and equally delicious flavor. She was different from both Miko and Sierra, tangier, but also a bit sweeter too, he also caught the scent of something that smelled vaguely of chocolate.

'Well, I did find that bottle of chocolate scented body lotion once...' he thought, as he eagerly dove his tongue into her depths, he could sense her urgency, and he briefly wondered if they were running late, so he decided, against his inner wishes, to make this quick. He started to vigorously thrust his tongue in and out of her opening, tasting her juices as they flowed into his mouth, while using his hands to steady her.

"...Ugh...Ugh...Ugh...oh yeess...that's...it...honey..." June panted, she could feel her climax fast approaching, and gently pressed his head harder against her as she ground her hips, she felt this was going to be a big one. Jack seemed to sense her looming climax and started to suck on her flesh, drawing her labia into his mouth, along with her erect clit, sucking them gently while running his tongue over her opening, teasing it. When he ran his tongue under her clitoral hood, that did it.

"Aaah...!" with a passionate cry, she felt the orgasm they'd been building towards for 10 minutes finally crash over her, she felt her legs shudder, felt Jack's tongue work at her as her juices poured into his mouth, she felt him swallowing, and that turned her on even more.

She shakily looked at her watch and saw that they were running out of time, she had to be at the hospital in 20 minutes, part of her told her to get dressed now, and take Jack home and go, but she ignored it. She wanted to end this properly.

By making love.

Still panting, and sweating, she looked down at her son, his face covered in her essence; with a happy sigh, she leaned over and caught his lips with hers, tasting herself. As she pulled back, she whispered, "Ready for the big finish...stud?" before gently pushing him back until he was sitting on the grass, and she was kneeling astride his legs.

Reaching down, she gently took hold of Jack's still hard shaft, then, shifting forwards until it was directly under her, she started to lower herself, until she felt the head brush against her wet lips, she grinned at him hungrily, before easing his tip into her still sensitive entrence, her pussy still tingling from her orgasm. Taking a breath, she lowered herself the rest of the way, hilting her body on his, wrapping her arms around him and moaning his name as she felt his pubic hair press against her wet lips. He as in, and he felt big. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt this full.

Jack moaned as he accustomed himself to the feeling. He'd never imagined being in a pussy that was so hot, so wet and yet, so tight, she was just as tight as Miko and Sierra had been, if not a little tighter, but by Primus, it felt incredible. He couldn't believe he was inside the very woman that had carried him and suffered through the pain of birthing him. He got a sudden feeling of guilt for causing her that pain, sure, it had been pain she'd naturally been designed to handle, but still, part of him wanted to make it up to her for that painful day those 16 and a half years ago.

'I can't believe I'm doing this, it feels so intense...!' Jack thought with his eyes closed. He felt movement and opening his eyes, he saw his mother begin to raise herself up, until only his crown was left inside, then with a sigh, she pushed herself down, and at the end of the downward stroke, she rocked her hips. His eyes moved up to her face, where he was met with the lusty smile of June Darby as she picked up a steady rhythm and repeatedly impaled herself and swayed back and forth on top of him.

His hands moved to cup her breasts as she went on, enjoying every minute of it she bit her bottom lip and began moving faster. Jack's face was flustered and dazed while June's expression was the very picture of bliss.

"Jack..." She breathed hard and leaned forward so she could capture his lips once again. Her hair tussled about while she undulated against his body, Jack could feel himself reaching his peak, but held out with more endurance, his experience with Miko and Sierra paying off, he could also sense her climax approaching, and since she'd only just cum, he knew it wouldn't take long.

The older woman then felt her body tighten and she arched her back before letting out a loud cry of pure orgasmic bliss. Jack thrust his hips upward one final time as he felt her body convulse, felt her pussy muscles clenching and squeezing him, and he felt his own body tense, and his shaft pulse, and with a warm rush, he felt himself release deep inside her, knowing she'd feel every spurt.

Jack held on to her tightly, both of them sweaty, as they each rode the waves of their intense climaxes. June soon slumped over and cuddled comfortably on top him with a hand trailing along his chest, his shaft still nestled deeply inside her, she continued to squeeze it with her muscles trying to milk out a bit more of his life giving seed. She nuzzled his neck lovingly, breathing deeply, she whispered into his ear.

"Thank you Jack...thank you...I needed that, I really did...god, I love you so much, so so much." She said as she kissed his neck.

"You're welcome mom. I love you too." He replied, nuzzling her neck in return. When the heat of the moment wore off the two then looked at each, each seeing the unbridled love in the other's eyes. Smiling, Jack pulled her down for one last kiss. She accepted with gusto and remained like that with him for a few more minutes, before they got up, dressed and left the park, heading back to her car.

June felt happier than she'd ever felt in years, sure, she might not understand why 'this' had happened or why she wouldn't mind if he had already begun dating, but now she felt like she wanted this to continue between them, she didn't care that it was wrong, she now had a new, happy, loving relationship to look forward to after her long years of feeling alone. This day started out as a grim reminder of unpleasant memories, but now, thanks to her wonderful son Jackson Darby, those bad memories had been washed away.

She smiled as she looked at Jack, the poor guy looked exhausted, but happy, she suspected she looked the same as they approached her car and got in.


Little did they know, a Cobalt blue Ducati custom had just happened to bridge herself to the location in the hopes of finding her wayward partner, but when she'd found him she'd been struck speechless by what she saw.

'I may not be familiar with how humans participate in the practices of romance, but I'm pretty sure this is...' Arcee thought driving up behind them silently, and at a fair distance so they wouldn't notice her. She'd finished her patrol early with no enemy sighting, and had hoped to take Jack for a ride later that afternoon, but when she came across the two of them enacting the art of lovemaking Arcee inwardly felt very human emotions; uncertain jealousy, and confusion.

'Well Jack, looks like you took your mom for a 'ride' this time...Things have just gotten...complicated.' She thought as she turned onto a side road, taking a shortcut, she knew she'd beat them home.

One thing was clear to her: Jack had some explaining to do.

End of the chapter

Next chapter: Beyond bounds (Arcee and Jack)

Once again, thank you for reading (sorry this one is so long!) please let me know what you think, and remember, no flames please.

Thank you.

Jack's Girls - Chapter 4: Beyond Bounds

**Jack's Girls** **By TheLoneOne (Original story by Auumaan on FF\*net)** **Disclaimer: I own nothing.** **AN: Ok, first off, I'd like to say a few things. A: THANK YOU to all those who have watched me/faved my story since the last update. The last...

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Jack's Girls - Chapter 2: Impressing Sierra

**Jack's Girls** **Chapter Two: Impressing Sierra with 'after-school activities'** **Disclaimer: I own nothing.** **A/N: Here's part 2 of Jack's Girls, the main focus of this chapter is Sierra, As I said in the Author Note for the previous chapter,...

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Jack's Girls - Chapter 1: Pink Energon and an Amorous Miko

**A/N: This story is a repost of a story called "Jack's Girlfriend's" originally posted on Fanfiction\*net by an author under the penname of Auumaan, unfortunately, due to that site's new (and frankly ludicrus) policy towards any story containing...

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