Wolf Hunter

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Werewolf Fur

This is a story about werewolves who are really weird. It's mainly a transformation story and it has some crazy ideas and extreme points in the story. You've been warned!

There weren't very many people that Randy didn't know in Magnolia. It was a small country town after all and not knowing your neighbors was almost an insult. This man though, Randy didn't know. He was easily the biggest man Randy had ever seen. Easily past 7 feet tall and over 300 pounds of muscle, Randy thought he was looking at some football player that had gotten kicked out of the NFL and wondered into the backwaters of Texas. "Can I help you mister?" Randy asked as the man closed the door of his truck and turned to look at Randy. A wave of B.O. hit Randy like brick wall; he nearly gagged, but Randy managed to compose himself.

"Yer Grandpa put an ad in the paper for a wolf hunter, I'm here to help," the man said and held up a piece of paper torn out of the local news paper. Randy didn't like the way the man was looking at him. The stranger's eyes seemed like they were eating into Randy, and they liked the way he tasted.

Randy was a healthy young man and had always been a hard worker. At age 14 he had joined the junior high football team and had bulked up from 145 pounds to a muscular 175. Randy had graduated last fall, and unlike his brainy younger brother he enjoyed helping his grandpa around the farm. Randy had a whole gym out in his grandpa's old barn, so he was still pretty meaty in all the right places.

The stranger's mind was happily imagining doing some exercises that he was sure Randy didn't have any experience in when Randy nodded and started towards the house. "If you'd like to come inside I'll get grandpa and you can talk to him." Randy led the man inside all the while feeling the man's gaze on his hot muscular ass. "Grandpa, someone's here to see you!" Randy called into the house.

Mr. Cooper walked into the living room and nodded to his grandson who quickly left. Randy went back out to the yard to fix the fence around the house while his grandpa and the stranger talked. "Can I help you?" Mr. Cooper asked the smelly giant standing in his living room.

"I heard you have a problem keeping animals away from your livestock, Mr. Cooper," the stranger said as he looked around the inside of the old ranch style house.

"And you plan to fix it Mister..."

"Wolf. Hunter Wolf," The man said and offered his hand to Mr. Cooper.

"This better not be a joke," Mr. Cooper said and shook the man's hand.

"Not at all, I'm a specialist. I've hunted all manner of wild creatures, but if you have wolf problems than I guarantee I can help you."

"I don't take in no free loaders; you'll help around the farm if you want to stay here. The whole town will talk if they here I've had wolves, so you keep your business quiet, alright?"

"Fair enough, I'm just another farm hand."


Mr. Cooper didn't like the man, but he had already lost three cows to whatever was out there stalking around his farm at night. Cooper's old farm hand, Mr. Dibble, had left on account of saying the farm was cursed. The old man had always been a bit touched, but Mr. Cooper had kept him on account of his service to Mr. Cooper's father before him. At least this Wolf fellow wasn't afraid of forest animals and spooks.

Randy was almost done with the fence when his grandpa told him to help Mr. Wolf get his stuff into the house. "He's staying with us?" Randy asked in shock.

"I've hired him to take Dibble's place, he'll be helping with the farm tomorrow, and I expect you to show him around." Randy's grandpa told him bluntly.

It didn't take the irate teenager long to find the smelly man and his truck. Randy grabbed the third of the three bags in the cab of the truck. He carried it to Mr. Dibble's old room and set it on the bed. "I guess that's it Mr. Wolf," Randy said as tried to avoid looking at Mr. Wolf.

As Randy turned around he found himself looking at a massively muscular chest with a good three inches of chest hair so thick and bushy that it tickled Randy's shaved face. "You can call me Hunter," the hairy chest's owner said above Randy. The teen couldn't help when he noticed a very large bulge in Mr. Wolf's pants, which were not too far below him.

"Wow," Randy said as he fought off waves of dizziness caused by the lack of oxygen to his brain. The man's body odor was so strong that Randy swore he could see the paint peeling off the walls. "You must work out," Randy said and staggered away from the massive man.

"Whenever I can," Hunter responded, "my whole family is naturally large, so it doesn't take much to get this big." Hunter flexed for Randy as he spoke. He looked like one of the men out of Randy's muscle and fitness magazines; only Hunter had a huge furry chest. Everywhere else he was pretty bare. His face had a shadow of stubbly red beard on it, but his hair was short like Randy's. Hunter's happy trail was thick and bushy, but not like his chest hair was. Randy shuddered when he noticed the bulge in Hunter's pants was still there. The man did't seem to shy about his engorged package.

"Wow," a young voice said as Randy's little brother walked into the room. "Who let Rambo into the house? He's bigger than you Rand!"

"Shut up Nick!" Randy said and lunged at his brother.

"You didn't say you had a brother!" Hunter said and grabbed Randy and Nick, putting them both in a headlock with one arm apiece.

"Can't... Breathe!" Randy said for reasons entirely different from the head lock.

"I'm Hunter," Hunter said to Nick as he released Randy and gave Nick a noogie.

"Oh cool! I'm Nick!" Nick said and stumbled away from the hulking giant.

Before anything else could be said between the three males the sound of shouting came from outside near the new barn and the pastures beyond. "The cows, something's got them spooked!" Randy said and looked at Hunter.

"You two stay here! I'll go outside and stop whatever is out there." Hunter said and grabbed the biggest shotgun either boy had ever seen out of the bag Randy had carried in.

"Where are you going?" Nick asked when Randy started off after the shirtless hulk.

"Duh, I'm going to help!"

"I'm staying here," Nick said as his brother rushed off.


It was a pretty short run from the old ranch style house to the new barn on the other side of Mr. Cooper's home. Normally Hunter didn't get involved with the families of his employers, but as he ran images of Randy kept sneaking into the man's head. "Gotta focus Hunt," he said to himself and shook the sexy throughts out of his head. "That monster won't care if you like that Randy kid or not..."

Hunter rushed past the shouting people and the frightened cows. Shotgun in hand, he listened in the darkness of the moonless Texas night for what he knew to be the sound of his favorite prey. Gross chewing sounds echoed through the pasture giving Hunter's heightened sense of hearing a trail to follow. He found his prey bent over its meal, gorging itself on meat and blood. "Good night you gutless furry piece of bull shit!"

The first shot Hunter fired from his shotgun missed, and as he pumped the gun for his second the beastly monster looked up from its prey and towards the super human a few yards away from it. The beast sniffed the foul odor of the nearby hunter and knew at once that this human was different from the others. Hunter proved that when he brought his gun up and managed to dodge the huge canine beast as it lunged towards him.

The two of them danced that way for a few minutes until the beast got the upper hand on his new prey. There was no way it was going to out manuver the super human monster hunter fighting it, but the beast knew he was stronger than the human. Hunter was caught by surprise when the beast slammed into him with its huge muscular arms and knocked the man into the air and backwards towards the wall of the new barn.

** ...**

The sight of Hunter being slammed into the side of the new Barn was the first thing Randy saw as he rounded the corner of the large red wooden structure. Hunter, who should have been dead, somehow got up and shook his head. "Are you ok?" Randy asked as he ran to the man's side helped him stand up.

"Go back to the house idiot boy! It'll kill you if it sees you!" Hunter said and pushed Randy away with enough strength to send Randy sprawling backwards.

"No!" Randy shouted angrily, "I want to help!"

"Fuck!" Hunter shouted as Randy turned and saw what looked like a truck sized black blur rushing towards him and Hunter. "Look out!" Hunter yelled and pushed Randy to the side. The blur and Hunter smashed into each other and rolled into the inky blackness of the night. Randy heard terrible unnatural growling sounds and plenty of cuss words too. A sudden gunshot, and a scream of pain like nothing Randy had ever heard, signaled the end of the fight. Hunter stumbled into the light clutching his giant shotgun in a bloody hand. He had claw marks across his chest and back and bite marks on both shoulders and his left arm. "Stay away!" Hunter yelled and pushed Randy away as the boy tried to support him, "Let me die!"

Randy knew the man would die if he didn't do something quick! Thankfully Randy knew plenty about first aid. He ripped off his flannel shirt and his under shirt and tied them around the bloody wounds. The bandages help stem the blood flowing down the wounded man's sides. "Help! Somebody please help!" Randy called desperately into the night.

** ...**

Hunter groaned as he sat up in bed. His wounds were mostly healed, but he was still quite stiff from his fight nearly a week ago. "Morning Mr. Wolf," Randy said as he walked into the room with a tray of food in his hands. I thought you might be hungry after sleeping for almost seven days straight," Randy said as he placed the tray down on Hunter's bed.

The muscular man grunted as he picked up the spoon and started shoveling food into his mouth. "Fucking shit, i'm starving!" He said between bites.

"I'll go get my grandfather," Randy said as he watched Hunter in mute facination. "He wanted to speak to you once you woke up."

Less than an hour later Mr. Cooper walked into the room and looked down at his newest farm hand. "I hired you seven days ago, and you've yet to do any chores Mr. Wolf." Mr. Cooper said and sat down in the small chair beside the bed. "My grandsons have enough to take care of without having to look after you, but none the less, my youngest grandson seems to have taken a shining too you. I don't like people who don't work for their room and board, but whatever you did to that thing out by the barn... Well, it hasn't been back around these parts since then."

"You should have just let me die," Hunter said gruffly and looked away from the old man.

"How ungrateful! I put you up for free, took care of you for free, and now you wish yourself dead?"

"I... I didn't mean..." hunter stammered.

"I spent over 7000 dollars on the medicine they used to keep you alive; not to mention the fact that you owe me for the nights and days of stay you haven't paid for! The work you haven't done, added to the work my grandsons haven't done keeping you taken care of, is quite a substantial sum. The hospital wants me to bring you back for more visits, and the damage to my barn and livestock wont be covered by insurance. Well Mr. Wolf, somebody's got to pay for that! It all comes out to a nice round 41,782 dollars. That's more than 10 years of work, without room and board. We're looking at a good round 16 years here on the farm Mr. Wolf, and I have it in writing that you would clear my ledger before you left my service."

Hunter grunted and tried to sit up but he was still too weak.

"Don't worry though you're more than welcome here. I'll just chock it up to my banker friends and let them tell me how much interest the loan for the repairs earns..."

"You're a shrewd business man Mr. Cooper," Hunter said and winced as Mr. Cooper pushed him back down into the bed.

"...And you're a bad wolf hunter, Mr. Wolf," Mr. Cooper said a she stood and left the room.

After two more days of lying around Hunter was ready to work again. "Take it easy Hunter," Randy said as the man attacked the fence with his hammer. It had been hard enough to get the man outside working on something that he couldn't break. As it turned out Hunter was pretty lousy with anything that required manual labor. Randy would have thought such a big guy would have been used to work like this, but Hunter proved him wrong again and again.

"I'm not built to do this shit!" Hunter shouted and threw the hammer down. Hunter immediately regretted the tone of voice he had used. He liked Randy a lot, but Randy hated him. Truth-be-told Hunter was only 2 years older than Randy, and he had a huge crush on him. Randy ignored Hunter as much as possible, even to the point of flat out telling him to go away. Still, Hunter loved being around Randy. Randy's voice, his even tempered face, and even the way he smelled all calmed Hunter down and turned him on in ways he'd never been turned on before. "I'm sorry Randy," Hunter said sadly as waves of pine scented unhappiness rolled off Randy. Hunter's senses had been going crazy lately. His wounds were gone and his strength was back. In fact, he felt better than he had ever felt before. He had earned Randy's hate by being better at liting and carrying things, but when it came to making or fixing stuff Hunter was useless.

"Cool it big guy, you get too impatient when you're working. Just relax," Randy said and almost smiled for the first time that day.

Hunter almost growled, a habit that was getting harder and harder to break, "I'm trying!"

By the time the sun went down Hunter still hadn't gotten anything done. "You two finish that fence yet?" Mr. Cooper asked.

"Nope, Hercules here can't hit a nail to save his life," Randy said only half jokingly.

"Looks like another day at half pay Mr. Wolf," Mr. Cooper said and laughed, "and with the way you've been eating lately I'm going to have to charge you for more groceries!"

Hunter suppressed the urge to growl as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. The itching was getting worse lately and Hunter knew it wasn't a rash either. Ever since he had gotten his strength back Hunter had noticed thick brown-red hairs growing in places he had never grown hair before. At first it had just been on his neck and back, but now it was spreading everwhere!

Even worse than the hair was the terrible gnawing hunger growing inside him. Every day the hunger got worse and Hunter quickly discovered only the taste of bloody red meat made it go away. Thank goodness this was a ranch and meat was everywhere in huge surpluses. After dinner he and Randy went and worked out in the gym/barn.

Hunter looked forward to working out with Randy every night. It was the only time he felt like he got to really unwind and talk to anyone. Lately though Randy hadn't been very receptive to Hunter's approaches. It was like the guy was homophobic or something. Hunter had even tried working out shirtless, but as soon as he noticed the strange brown hair growing from the scars on his chest, back, and shoulders he had decided to keep his shrit on. Hunter was paxking on some solid muscle, and he had to admit that he was starting to look ever bigger than usual.

Night came early, and Morning even earlier, on the Cooper Ranch. Hunter was in the habit of turning in early, but tonight he just couldn't fall asleep; he tossed and turned in bed and eventually gave up on laying uncomfortably amungst his sweat soaked sheets. Hunter felt like his body was on fire. He unlatched the door in his room that led out to the veranda and walked out into the cool night air. The sight of the full moon made him curse. "Fuck!" Hunter growled and doubled over in pain. He stumbled out into the yard and towards the old barn, all the while fighting the powerful urges and feelings growing inside him. Hunter always slept in the nude, so there was nothing to hinder his changing body as he stumbled through the yard. Fur shot from every pore of his skin and quickly grew to a good three inches all over his body. Muscles ballooned grossly underneath his fur and skin, twisting and stretching his flesh as they grew and allowed more fur growth to continue across his body.

Hunter's bones cracked and groaned as they thickened to match his 14 foot 2500 pound frame. Last, but hardly the least interesting, hunter's already huge cock and balls grew to match his new form. His balls became easily bigger than a basket ball and his dick grew to a good 4 feet in length; it was easily as thick as a small tree. Both his cock and balls were covered in thick dense fur, and, to Wolf-Hunter's delight, his cock was strangely muscular. He quickly discovered he could move it around. Un-aroused it slept in Hunter's giant three foot long sheath, but when aroused the furry monster would push out of its home and pulse with barely contained muscular delight.

Wolf-Hunter was hungry, but he could smell his scent on this place. He knew not to eat the herd here. Instead he loped towards another distant field. When, at last, Wolf Hunter found what he was looking for he growled in delight. The bull was witlessly frightened by the monster looking down at it. Wolf hunter pounced and began taking whole muzzle-full bites of meat out of the bull's site. He took great pleasure in eating the bull's cock and testicals. A rush of testosterone from the other male's parts made Wolf-Hunter super horny and he could smell the scent of the man he wanted nearby.


Randy was awakened by the sound of Hunter's door opening in the dead of the night. At first, Randy thought nothing of it, but then he thought Hunter might be making a run for it. Randy went to the other man's room and looked inside only to find that the door was still open and the room smelled worse than usual. Even the cool night breeze couldn't stifle the musk in the room. It almost smelled like an animal in the rut...

Randy walked outside and looked around. Hunter's bare foot prints led to the old barn, but the prints were lost in the muddy grass before they crossed the whole yard. His truck was still there, so unless he set out on foot he couldn't have gone too far. "Hunter?" Randy called out into the darkness, "You out here man?" Randy wandered towards the old barn thinking that hunter might have gone to work out some more. He had seemed pretty worked up that night at dinner. "Hey man, you in here?"

A warm breeze blew past Randy into the dark interior of the barn. There weren't any lights on, and Randy thought it was odd that the night was suddenly so warm. Another warm breeze, this one moist and smelling of raw meat, made Randy shiver despite the heat of the breath on his bare neck. Slowly Randy turned around and came face to face with a wolf nearly the size of a pickup truck. "Good doggie," Randy said and took a step backwards.

"Woof," the huge wolf said and stood on its hind legs, rising to a good 14 feet and nearly touching the rafters.

"Holy fuck, It's a werewolf!" Randy said and started running.

Not three steps into his run the wolf reached out and snatched Randy up off the ground with one large hand-paw. Randy felt the hard muscle of the monster's abs and the soft fur of its underbelly. "Grruff," the beast growled and began ripping Randy's clothes off as it made a bee line for the woods.

"Great! Of all the werewolves in the world I get eaten by the one that doesn't like clothes on its food!" Randy said as his night clothes were shredded. As soon as Randy was naked, and the werewolf was in the woods, it placed Randy in its lap with his face pointed down towards the huge furry sheath that was curently stirring to life. A tongue the size of a grown man's arm began to push into Randy's ass. At first Randy found it very uncomfortable, but as time went on his ass seemed to relax and he found himself actually enjoying it. "I can still get away," he thought to himself, fighting the urge to grunt and grown in pleasure.

Once his ass was stretched out the werewolf stopped licking and turned his attention elsewhere. Randy took his opportunity and kicked the werewolf in its nose. The beast roared in pain and dropped Randy, who promptly bolted. As he ran the monster roared in anger behind him. Randy had an advantage now, or so he thought. He could run in between the trees, while the werewolf could not. The sounds of the monster seemed to fade as Randy ran for his life. He stopped to breath and nearly fainted from the lack of oxygen as his adreniline died down.

"Woof," a very unhappy werewolf said as it dropped from above and landed on top of Randy.

"Shit," Randy said and started to run again, but the werewolf had him. Teeth closed in on Randy's shoulder as the werewolf bit into him. Randy was pulled back into the werewolf's arms and he began to cry. Not just because he didn't want to die, but because he felt like the werewolf was raping him! The monster licked Randy's bloody shoulder until the bleeding stopped and then pushed Randy into the thick fur of its chest with his face burried into the thick fur of the werewolf's stomach. Randy gasped as something huge and hot pierced his virgin ass. It felt like molten steel was pushing into his backside sending waves of heat surging through his body. The sensation was extremely relaxing and exciting all at once, and Randy quickly lost control of his mind and body. He moaned as the hairy muscular wolf cock pushed into his body, and its owner growled in delight.

** ...**

Wolf-Hunter loved every second of pushing his huge hairy cock into Randy. Even if his dick could only go in a foot and a half he was finally fucking Randy! He had wanted this, dreamed of this, and craved this ever since he first laid eyes on the boy. The Wolf began to take over, and Hunter happily gave into the mad lust for release. His muscle dick pulsed and flexed inside Randy and actually seemed to get bigger. Hunter's huge furry balls rolled and tightened under Randy as they got ready to push gallons of cum into his ass.

All at once something inside Hunter snapped and he was pumping into Randy. Cum shot so deep into the young man that it filled his stomach before eventually shooting back out and onto Hunter's balls and the ground. Hunter howled out his passion as he orgasmed for a solid ten minutes. Randy had passed out, but Hunter was still very awake. His huge dick was swollen and engorged, filling Randy's ass like a plug, and keeping Hunter's rich werewolf cum inside. The huge werewolf licked himself and Randy clean before loping back to the old barn and burrowing into the dry hay. He curled up around Randy and eventually fell asleep with his cock still burried deep inside the sleeping young man's ass.

Pack Mentality

... Morning had come swiftly for Tarn. He had risen to the sound of Finid and Mira cooking in the kitchen. After rising and joining the merriment that Finid's recovery had brought to the household Tarn had eaten and left for his training session...

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Birth of a pack

Ch3 Rad thought over the night before as he moved about the smithy. Everyone but Finid had left to do their day's work. He kept hearing Ambra's words in his head; echoing the idea of biting Finid. Rad had always been protective of his littlest...

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Swords, Sisters, and the she-wolf

... Tarn was up bright and early the next morning. Rad had already started on the guild work for the day and had the smithy going full blast to keep up with his efforts. The smithy pump and the stove pump were both working to pull the smoke and...

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