Part One: The Prom

Story by t-ster on SoFurry

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#1 of The Choices of Fate

"Wake up, Kevin You'll be late for school!" A female voice calls.

"Crap, what time is it?" I mumble, looking for my clock. I can't believe I fell asleep at my computer again. Those online games are too addicting, but it's not like I've got better stuff to do.

"I won't be late, Mom. I've got 45 minuets 'till first period!" I call downstairs after I find my clock. I go to the bathroom to freshen up and change clothes. Looking in the mirror, I see the reflection of a six foot two inch, jet-black dragonmorph. Changing out of yesterday's clothes to throw them in the laundry hamper, I turn the water faucet on in the sink and splash some water on face and brush my teeth. I then put on my clothing selection for the day, dark navy camo pants and black shirt that reads 'my other car is a tank', both slightly baggy.

Running down the stairs to grab some toast and juice before heading off to school, my mother asks "Do you want a ride? I've got an appointment this morning."

"No thanks, Mom. Today's a good day for flying."

"Well, be careful, and have a good day at school." my mother says as I pick up my backpack, sling it over my shoulders and behind my wings and head out the door. Taking a deep breath of crisp spring air, I spread my wings and take to the skies above Blenburg.

"Aaaaah, I've needed this," I murmur, gliding along to school. I haven't had a good flight since Autumn, and I wasn't the only one enjoying the clear spring morning. Scanning the horizon, I notice a familiar shape in the sky. "Hey! Emelia!" I call out as I fly closer.

"Hey, Kevin. Ready for the history test today?" The ruby colored dragonness replies as we fly side by side.

"WHAT!? I don't remember hearing anything about that!"

"Hehe! Gotcha!" she giggles.

"Why did you have to ruin a good morning flight like that?" I pout.

"'Cuz it's fun!" She does a little flip when she says that, giving me a good look at her figure and clothes. she was wearing a tight fitting pair of blue jeans and a pink t-shirt that showed of her moderate chest. I gave a mental groan and I was happy I chose baggy pants today. I had fantasized about her before and was working up the courage to ask her out.

Plandon High comes into view and we land in the parking lot. Emelia checks her wrist-watch. "Fifteen minuets to spare!" We walk to first period together and sit in our usual seats. I always sit in the second row of seats, Emelia sits in the fourth. Next to me, though, are my friends. Trevor, a brown furred otter in a black trenchcoat, sporting his usual sunglasses; Jason, a tall, wiry grey stallion in a basketball jersey, and Benson, a mottled black and white stallion in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. We all talk and joke until class starts.

The morning announcements start the class. I don't really pay attention, there's some announcements about the lost and found, a couple of fund-raisers, a field trip for the underclassmen at the end of the week. The last announcement catches my attention, though. "The Junior/Senior Prom is coming up. Buy tickets and Sign up for the prom and after-prom in the office before the end of next week. Tickets are..."

I stop paying attention to the announcement as my thoughts drift back to Emelia. 'That's it! I'll ask Emelia to the Prom! I just need to talk to her alone. If only I remembered the Prom While flying to school.' I think to myself. I picture Emelia in a midnight blue strapless dress, and once again I'm happy to wear baggy pants to school.

I somehow manage to pay attention in class, but nothing interesting happens. Really, you would be bored to hear about it. After first and second periods, English and history(there wasn't a test), I have two study halls before lunch. I love advanced classes at the community college, when I don't have class, I am pretty much free to do what I want.

I had all but forgotten about the Prom and I wanted to check my email and several internet forums while I had some free time, so I went to the computer lab. Unfortunately, the lab was locked. The teacher who watches the lab must be subbing for somebody, I thought. Oh, well, I can spend a couple hours in the lounge, and catch up on some shut-eye.

I walk into the lounge, grabbing for my wallet. I put a couple dollars into the vending machines to get some candy and drink. I then sit down in a booth, pull out my cd player and listen to some punk rock while enjoying the vending machine's fares. When I was done, I lay down on the bench, still listening to the cd, and drift off to sleep. I woke up to find that my cd had run out, and a shapely pair of legs were occupying the bench on the other side of the booth and were resting on my lap. I'd recognize those red scales anywhere.

"Good to know I can serve as a foot rest." I say, sitting up.

"Oh, didn't mean to wake you, it's just too comfortable to resist." Emelia said, moving her feet so I could sit fully upright.

"What period is it? Also, why are you here? Don't you have class?"

"Fourth period just started, Math today is a study session for tomorrow's test, and I got permission to study here in the lounge."

I look around the lounge, noting that no one else is here. "What, no one else wanted to study here?"

"They all went to the computer lab," she scoffs.

Remembering that I wanted to go to computer lab myself, I move to start packing. "Wait, could you help me with this?" Emelia asks as I pick up my bag.

"Oh, sure. No prob. What do you need help on?"

"Just all of math." She rolls her eyes, "I can't believe how hard this chapter is, it's on harmonic analysis." she groaned.

"Oooh, I loved harmonic analysis! I even solved some problems that weren't required when I got to that chapter."

"Then you should be able to help me understand it then, right?"

"Easy!" I exclaimed as I moved to sit next to her so I could read the problems and text easier. While I was helping her though, I couldn't help but notice her scent and the odd little touches that sent electricity racing through my body. not even the baggy cargo pants could really hide my erection while I was sitting there so close to the center of my affection and lust. My thoughts drifted back this morning and I remembered that I wanted to ask Emelia to the Prom. After helping her understand harmonic analysis, I decided to take the leap of faith.

"I was wondering, did you want to go to the Prom with me?" Huh, that was easy, but why did I sound like Emelia?

Then it hit me, SHE asked ME! "Uh, yeah! Of course! I was about to ask you the same thing!" I beamed,. the look in her eyes made my heart skip a beat. I could swear that if we weren't at school she would jump up and mount me right there, and part of me wanted to do the same thing. I didn't know I could have that affect on females!

"Mind if I ask a question?" I ask, nervously.

"What do you want to know?" she replied, distantly.

"Why do you want to go with me? I'm far from the most attractive male here, even if we are the only dragons who are upper-classmen, let alone seniors, You could have your pick of any of the males in the school, why me?"

"Hmm, you're right, I should ask someone else instead." she commented dead-pan but then burst forth laughing. "Because, you are kind, sweet, and far from ugly. Sure, you may not be athletic, but there is more to a good mate than looks." I'm not sure if her hand on my thigh was intentionally moving higher or if it was a side effect of her trying to sit facing me on the bench.

"Well, I must be doing something right if I got you interested." I reply, putting my hand on hers as much to have the bare-scale contact as to keep her hand from moving any higher. The rest of the period we spent in small talk. At lunch, I announced to my friends what happened.

"Dude! Score!" Trevor exclaimed upon hearing my announcement. "You two are great for each other. You are going to have a great Prom, and an even better 'after prom'." he adds with a wink.

"Not everyone sleeps with their prom dates, Trevor. You two do make a great couple, though, Kevin. Congratulations" Jason comments with a scowl towards Trevor.

"True, but a lot do end up spending the night together. If I'm not mistaken, this is gonna be a big night for you, Kevin. You sure you up to the task?" Benson asks.

"Come on, of course I'm 'up to the task', but that is not what I'm after. Prom will be special enough as it is. Have you ever spent time just being with a female and not tried to score?" I reply.

"Of course, I spend time with my mother and sister and some ugly femmes. Don't try to tell me you aren't interested in yiffing her. I know you better than that" Trevor remarked.

"I'm a male who's interested in females, of COURSE I want to yiff her, but I'm not going to force the matter on Prom night. If she wants to, we will. If not, we won't." I replied with a low growl.

"Whoa there you two, no need to bite heads off over this."Jason said, stepping between the two of us as we walk down the hallway. "Good for you that you have a prom date, Kevin. If you let people like Trevor, who are worried about whether they are going to get a date for Prom, get to you, however, you need to reconsider something somewhere. And you, Trevor. Stop giving Kevin a hard time because you wanted to go to the Prom with Emelia too."

The rest of the day passes without much incident. For that matter the next few weeks pass without much incident. The only interesting part is when I went to pick out my tux. I asked Emelia if she had any preferences as to what she wanted to see me in on Prom night. She simply said to wear red. At the tailor's, I found a tux that was almost the same color as her scales. I matched it up with a light blue shirt to compliment my eyes and a black vest.

Before I knew it, the night of the Prom had arrived. I paid for a limo and got a corsage of two daisies and a single rose blossom. I walk up to her front door holding the corsage and feeling the butterflies weaving around in my stomach. Reaching the door, I push the little button by the door. Hearing the chimes inside the house, I take a deep breath. "I hope she likes the tux," I think to myself. Just then the door opens.

"Kevin, right?" The tall dragon says, holding the door open with his tail, holding his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Yessir, I'm here to pick up Emelia." I hastily reply. I hope the tailor's won't mind some sweat stains on the tux.

"Well, come on in. She should be down shortly. Have a seat" Emelia's father said while motioning to the worn, yet somehow pristine looking sofa.

I sit down. "Nice place you have here." It looked to be about upper middle class style furnishings. You know, the mix of modern electronics and media centers with basic bookshelves crammed with books. Sparse wall decorations led me to believe that they were fairly no-nonsense in their world view.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Kevin, Dad." Emelia said behind me. I turn around only to stop as soon as I lay eyes on her. Standing in the doorway wearing a strapless but conservative dress made of black sequins. Every slight movement was exaggerated by the reflective beads in her dress. I thought she looked stunning on a normal day, but in that dress breath-taking is an understatement. She is drop-dead gorgeous. "Like what you see?" She calls, giving a slow twirl where she stood.

"Most definitely. I can only think of two changes to make." I answer.

"What would that be?" she replies with a worried look in her eyes.

"This," I declare, holding out the corsage. After she has the corsage on her wrist, "And this." I say, offering my arm.

We walk out the door to the limo, the chauffeur holding the door open for us. When we are settled and the limo starts moving, I ask her "So is this what you had in mind when you told me to wear to red?"

"I thought it would be fitting; A red dragonnes wearing a black dress being escorted by a black drake wearing a red tux. You look absolutely charming in that, by the way."

"T-Thank you, tailors can do wonders, huh?"

"It's not just the suit, you seem different, happy."

"Well, you are just so beautiful. Though I am worried that all the guys are gonna be all over you."

"Then it's good I have you to protect me, then." She says with a giggle.

"I'm serious. I don't deserve you."

"Hey, I asked you, remember? I just want to be with you tonight and no male will change that, Kevin, I love you."

"Uh, you really mean that, don't you?"

"Why else would I say it?"

"I don't know... it's just... well, I have loved you since I've known you. You are the most wonderful person I know."

"Same here, now enough of this sappy stuff, We have a dance to get to."

The limo pulls into the parking lot of the country club where the school hosts the Prom every year. Emelia and I get out and find our spot in the Grand March. I couldn't get over what we said to each other in the limo. She loves me, and I love her. This is already the best night of my life, Anything else that happens is bonus. As we walk to our spot, I must have a silly grin on my face, since Emelia turns to me and says, "What's got you on cloud nine?"

"What you said in the limo. This is the best night of my life, and it could only happen with you by my side."

She gives me a quick kiss on the lips as a reply. Fireworks instantly fill my head. Unfortunately the kiss could not last since at that exact moment the Grand March started. Emelia turned to move forward with the line, and I tried as hard as I could to pull myself together. I must have not done a good enough job, when we walked through the door into the country club, the photographer commented, "You know, you're supposed to wait until after the Prom to fool around." That sobered me up pretty quickly, at least in time to have my picture taken with Emelia.

Then we sit down at our table and wait for the food. I'm not sure how much I am going to eat, considering how much my nerves made me sick to my stomach. I surprise myself by eating a good portion, at least enough to not arouse suspicion. Then came the dance. I confessed to Emelia, "I'm not that good of a dancer, I hope I can get through a few dances without embarrassing you."

"No worries, how could you ever embarrass me? I don't really like dancing either, but I just want to spend some time with you."

The dance goes well enough (I didn't step on her toes too much) and the Prom is wrapping up when a couple of cool cats (literally) walk up to us.

"You two seem to be having a good time." The black one said.

'Yeah, how desperate did you have to be, Emelia, to take a wuss like Kevin to the Prom?" The white cat added.

"Watch it, Jose, Jose. I don't want to put up with your crap today. Just leave us alone and you can have your fun tomorrow." I retort with a low growl.

"Please, this night was going so well, don't ruin it for anyone." Emelia added.

"Seeing you two so happy together is ruining my night." Jose white replied.

"And mine, I think we should do something to make this night better." Jose black added, taking off his dinner coat.

"You two do not want to get into a fight here, and I do not want to fight you. Lets just let bygones be bygones." I reply.

"I don't think we can, and if you are worried about getting in trouble, HEY! This fight is started by us, the Joses! Kevin is just defending himself!" The white cat called out. This announcement also drew a crowd. I guess people always like a fight.

"I was not worried about getting in trouble, I just don't want to hurt you." I note, shifting into a more balanced stance.

"Hah! You actually think that you stand a chance, let alone that you can actually win." black Jose replied.

"You know I study martial arts. I may not be a black belt, but against you two, I don't need to be." I retort, taking off my dinner jacket, and taking a full fighting stance. "You may want to stand back, Emelia."

"Just be careful, Kevin."

"I always am." I grin. "So, shall we begin?" I call out to the Joses.

"Of course, Kevin." They reply in unison. They both charge, White then black. Whitey reaches for a punch, which I anticipate. When he was expecting to have his fist meet my face, instead the ground met his face. I then focus on Blackey. He takes a swing with his right, I dodge to the left. He punches with his left, I dodge to the right.

"Come on, can't you hit me?"

"Stand still!"

"Okay." I stop dodging his punches, resorting to blocks. I keep blocking his punches until I am about ready to end the conflict. Unfortunately, I got cocky and forgot to keep an eye on Whitey. He grabs me from behind, locking my arms in place.

"Serves you right, asshole." Whitey sneers.

"You shouldn't have played around so much, You can't impress Emelia like that. Now you will be going home in pieces." Blackey tells me under his breath.

"You should take your own advice." I reply. I bring my head back into the face of Whitey. He instinctually brings his hands up to hold his face, freeing my arms. I then deliver a single punch to Blackey, right in the solar plexus. Blackey drops in pain and breathlessness. I then turn to Whitey. "Give up, you cannot win." Whitey then turns to run away.

"Sorry you had to see that, Emelia." I say after making sure that they won't try anything else.

"You were amazing, Kevin. How did you do all that?"

"I said I study martial arts, I guess they thought I was bluffing."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, they didn't hit me. Shall we take our leave?"

"Okay." Emelia replies, distantly. I wait to ask what she has on her mind.

The limo was only for the ride to the Prom, so we fly off into the night sky together. After a couple of minutes, Emelia still looks like she's somewhere far away.

"I know that look, what do you have on your mind, Emelia?"

", I was just thinking about what happened back there, it's all my fault."

"How could you even think that? The Joses started the fight, you had nothing to do with it."

"Well, they would not have done anything if I had gone with one of them."

"Come again?"

"They asked me to go with them to the Prom, but I wanted to go with you. The day I asked you, I didn't get permission to study in the lounge, and no one was in the computer lab. They had asked me in the hall, and I ran away. I saw you sleeping in the lounge and thought it was safe to go in there."

"So you went to the lounge to ask me to the Prom? And you turned down the Joses to go with me?"

"Yes, and if I had gone with one of them, you would not have had to fight them."

"That may be so, but I would take on as many Joses as I needed to in order to have this one night with you."

"Oh, Kevin."


"Follow me for a little bit."

"Sure, where are we headed?"

"It's a surprise." With that we fly on in silence. but it is a short flight, since we fly to the nature center, a wildlife preserve and local park.

"You want to look at the animals?"

"I want you to take me."

"Take you where?"

"Here. I want to lay with you."

"What? Are you sure?"

"Kevin, you said you love me, you fought for me, and we have had this wonderful night together. I wouldn't want any other ending tonight."

"If you are sure, then I have no problems with it."

"Why would you? In your words, I could have my pick of males, and tonight, I pick you."

With that, she moves closer to me and locks me in another kiss. This one, however, is more than just a peck on the lips. I feel her tongue probing my lips, and allow her in. Our tongues wrestle inside our mouths, savoring each other's taste. I thought the short kiss at the prom was heavenly, but this was a completely new ballpark. Emelia pulls back, a look of surprise on her face.

"What's wrong, Emelia?" I say, the joy of the kiss quickly fading.

"Is this your first time?"

"Is it that obvious? I was trying to hide it."

"Well, you did hesitate a bit, and you didn't quite seem to know what to do at first."

"Yes, it is my first time. I have been waiting for the right female, and for her to be interested."

"Oh," she says with a grin, "What makes you think I'm the right female?"

"I told you in the limo. You are the most wonderful person I know. It was love at first sight."

"Well, in that case..." She says as she moves closer. "Time to let you have some -real- fun."

With that, she pulled me into another kiss. I was more prepared this time, and took full advantage of the situation. I darted my tongue into her mouth and got a full blast of her taste. It was a sweet mix of various berries. I never wanted the kiss to end, but I also had to breathe. I broke the kiss, gasping for air. "That good? I must have underestimated myself." she coos.

"You're that good, but I still want more."

"Then how about this?" She asks, reaching for my hand and placing it on her chest. I knew what breasts felt like -prosthetic devices were a pretty good replacement- but this was the real thing. The moans that came from her mouth added to the sensation. She was driving me into a lust-filled frenzy. I then squeeze gently, moving my other hand up to find her nipple. I pinch and pull at her nipple as I move in for another kiss. When her mouth opens for a moan I place my mouth on hers. Her tongue is greedy as it instantly shoots into my mouth and moves over every surface. I keep on tweaking her nipple and squeezing her breast even after she breaks the kiss.

"I thought this was your time?" She asks, breathless.

"It is , but I have done my homework. It is amazing what you can find on the internet." I reply, emhpasizing with a twist of the nipple I was not pulling.

After another moan, she remarked, "You always do well on your homework, don't you?"

"How else would I be on the honor roll?"

"Well, I guess it's time to take a test." She replies, coyly. She then reaches behind her to unzip her dress.


Seeing Emelia there, completely bare since she wore nothing under her dress, left me breathless.

"Like what you see?"

"Gaaahh." I want to say she is the most beutiful person I ever saw, but the words just won't come out right.

"I'll take that as a yes, now how about you give me a show?" She says, wiggling her chest a little.

"O-okay" I reply. I try to steady myself while I take off my tux, one piece at a time. I try to hurry, while still giving her a show. It seems to work while working on my coat and vest and belt, but my pants prove a challenge. I try to think of how I would take them off without stopping her show or tripping.

She must see my doubt, since she says, "It's all right, just get out of that tux so we can have our test."

I then get out of my pants and shirt as quickly as I could without tearing them. As I stand there, bare and erection showing, all six inches of it, I feel a little embarrassed. She moves to inspect me, like someone would do to a horse or mule.

"Not bad, I think I am going to enjoy this almost as much as you will." she remarks, coming back around to the front. "I've seen bigger, but this will do just fine." she comments, grabbing my erection.

I can't believe this feels so good! Just to have here touch my penis is amazing. I have to keep myself from coming right there. I let out a satisfied moan, though.

"Heh, this really IS your first time, I bet no one has even seen you naked before, have they?"

"No. Please, don't stop." I moan, adrift in the sea of pleasure.

"Oh, what do you want me to do?" She said, mock innocence in her voice.

"R-rub it."

"Rub what?"

"M-my d-dick."

"Are you sure?"

"Please, rub my dick."

"Okay!" She replies, happily, greedily.

Her paw starts moving up and down my dick, giving a little twist with each stroke. I immediately leak pre-cum and she uses it a lubricant to help her paw me off. I feel the pleasure and pressure start to build, and she could tell. "It's okay, come for me" She says, almost a growl. At that moment, I come. Streams of white shoot from my cock as Emelia continues to stroke. I fight to stay on my feet, but the drain is too much. After my cock stops shooting cum I fall backwards onto the ground, panting.

"Th- *pant* that was wonderful" I comment, drifting back to reality.

"Just you wait, we are just getting started." She replies, bringing her head to my cock tip.

As her head reaches the tip of my dick, I let out a very pleasured moan. I give her one last spurt of come that was left in there. "Were you trying to hold back on me?" She asks, cleaning off her muzzle.

"N-no, it just felt so good when you kissed it." I reply, weakly.

"Hmm, I wonder if I can make you come again with my mouth?" She asks, a devilish grin on her muzzle.

"Why don't you find out?" Huh? Where did that come from?

"Ooh, finally getting into it, aren't we? Well, I guess I'll have to take you up on your offer, then."

Then she stops talking since she places my dick in her mouth and sucks happily. She also moves her tongue in circles around my cock head, licking at it like a lollipop. I moan with pleasure, and feel another orgasm coming on as she continues playing over my dick like a piece of hard candy. She must have felt my eruption approaching as she moved her mouth to the end of my piece and used her hand to stroke the rest of it, her tongue still flicking my cock head. I then spurt more seed into her awaiting maw, which she quickly gulped down. When my cock was done leaking my seed, and she had given one last suck to get any remaining cum from my last peak, she lets my member fall from he muzzle, slick from her saliva.

"Hmm, you taste pretty good." She says, moving up to give me a kiss. "What do you think?"

I ponder the taste of my juice, mixed with her saliva. I can pick out what part is mine though. It was a it salty for my taste, but the bit of muskiness and sweetness was very pleasant.

"I am inclined to agree with you, pretty good, but I wonder what you taste like?"

"Well, find out for yourself." she says, moving further up to give me access between her legs.

I sniff her, getting a nose-full of her unique musk. I then start to go on auto-pilot, my tongue giver her crack a lick along it's entire length. This causes Emelia to let out a moan. I guess my body knows what to do, so I let it go on, just watching her responses to my body's instinctual actions.

She tastes better than I do, at least to me. My tongue moves deeper into her to get more of her juice and a hand moves to a little nub at the top of her opening. My hand starts rubbing and she starts to shake, I take that as another sign that my body knows what it is doing. Only a few moments of that and a torrent of her cum flows from between her legs, drenching my muzzle despite my best efforts to catch it all in my maw. "I think you taste beter than I do" I tell Emelia, smacking my lips.

"Thanks. Do you think that you are ready for the main event, then?" Emelia asks, moving down my body again.

"What do you think?" I say as I give my hips a push towards her, letting her feel my erection. When did I get so lewd?

"Mmmmmh, I think you are, and so am I." Emelia says, lowering her hips so her nether lips kiss my cock head.

"I love you, Emelia."

"I love you too, now lets get to the rutting."

With that being said, she impaled herself upon my manhood. The warmth and tightness of being inside her, her flesh gripping and rippling around mine, I was surprised I didn't come right then and there, but maybe that's because I just came twice in the last hour already. I didn't have long to bask in the feeling of being in Emelia for long, as she started pulled off my dick until I was just barely in her, then impaled herself again. She repeated, going faster this time. She soon set a rhythm that had us both gasping between moans of pleasure. It got to be too much, as I started thrusting when she came back down, but whenever that happened, she stopped and waited for me to calm down a bit before going on. After a few cycles of humping and waiting, however, she got too excited to stop.

"I....t-think.....I-I'm...gonna....c-cum!" I exclaim, felling my peak draw dangerously close.

"M-me...too! Cum... inside... me!" She replied.

I then felt the most powerful orgasm I have ever had. I shot my load deep into her quivering sex, just as she arched her back, letting out a bellowing moan, spreading her wings out almost as if she were about to take off. I feel her pussy gripping my dick even harder now, milking it for every drop of seed, which I gladly give. As her milking and my dick slow, she collapses on top of me, both of us basking in the afterglow.

"Thank you." Emelia manages to utter when she catches her breath.

"For what? You took my virginity, I should be thanking you."

"You should, but that is not what I'm talking about. This whole night has been wonderful, and it was all because of you. If you hadn't taken me to prom, I don't know what would have happened." Emelia blurted, then started to cry.

"Hey, no need to cry, what happened is what happened, no need to think about what could have happened, because you will never know. Instead, we should think about what to do now. Right now, I could use some sleep. It has been a long day."

"Yeah, I could use some sleep too, uhm, I did reserve a hotel room...if you want to, that is."

"I couldn't think of a better way to spend the night than in your arms."

"Me neither."

We get dressed and fly off towards the town, headed for the hotel. We land and get our key, apparently Emelia had used her father's credit card to get the room and charged it to the same card. We went up to the room and got undressed. "I guess we should take a shower." I comment absently, thinking about the way the clerk looked at us when we signed in.

"I guess so, want to join me?"

Even after yiffing her, I couldn't imagine sharing a shower with her. It sounds fun, but I also want to get SOME rest tonight. "No, thank you, I don't think I'm ready for another round just yet."

"Suit yourself." She replied, swaying her hips a little more than normal on her way to the bathroom.

I sat on the bed and turned on the television, noticing that only the local news channel came in. "Cheap-ass hotel room, but I guess we weren't planning on watching TV anyway." I turned off the TV and laid back in the bed, thinking about the day. I got to the time spent in the park and my mind wouldn't let me get off that subject - that is, until I started thinking about Emelia in the shower. Before I knew it, I was walking into the unlocked bathroom and pulling aside the sower curtain.

"Just couldn't resist, could you?" She said, mock anger in her voice.

"There wasn't anything on TV, so I thought I would enjoy the show."

We cleaned each other in the shower, paying special attention to each others private areas. A few minutes of scrubbing and we were both clean. We went back to the main room and laid down in the bed together. I had gotten a bit of my energy back from before and I got the feeling she was ready as well. I moved in for a kiss, and she mt me halfway. Our tongues met and danced around each other. One of my hands found her snatch and one of hers found my member. After a bit of groping, she guided me into her. This time, she let me set the pace. I quickly found my stride and kept it steady while keeping my muzzle on one of her nipples, tongue playing over the hard nub. I quickly had her murring and moaning with pleasure.

"Come with me!" She cried, nearing her climax. She tightened her hole around me, making me give up her nipple in a deep moan that lead to a roar as we came at the same time. Her pussy quivering around and milking my cock, which was giving her spurt after spurt of my seed.

After I caught my breath, I found her spooned against me. I leaned in, and whispered, "I don't want this to end."

"Neither do I." She mumbled in reply.

I closed my eyes and sleep soon found me. I dreamt of the ruby-scaled dragonnes who laid in my arms, and a life full happiness.