5 - Training

Story by Burraku Pansa on SoFurry

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#5 of Something Interesting

I think I made the right choices with this chapter, like about what the Digi-Egg looks like and what the characters will be involved in. I'd appreciate some input after you finish it, though. Like just 'caus I think this kind of plot for a chapter is pretty good, the rest of you might not. And also, I am aware that digivolution is nothing like what I have written in this chapter, I just think it's a bit more realistic my way.

Speaking of digivolution, if you don't know what a Kyuubimon looks like, use this URL: http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/Kyuubimon.jpg

Mine is like that at first, but different colors and forget the rope and markings.

Furthermore, I would have named the egg the Digi-Egg of Destiny, but as apparently a Digi-Egg by that name already exists in one of the movies, and it looks absolutely nothing like what I had in mind for mine. What luck..

_ _ _ _ _

"Just one thing, as far as I can remember. When a digimon comes back, that egg? Well, it's not the only kind of DigiEgg. Some of them have powerful armors for the person who finds them first." Jason's eyes quickly shifted from amusement at his lover to a serious gaze. He reaches behind himself before saying:

"By any chance, would this happen to be one of those eggs?" Jason pulls forth a large, gray, elliptical mass. Four horns sprout from the top, each equidistant from one another, as North, South, East, and West would be on a compass. The protrusions come out at an angle, curving upwards and growing darker in color as they go. All along the egg are thin, sharp dips that form into odd patterns of lines, disrupting the otherwise smooth surface.

"Jason!" Fayth yells, so surprised she forgets her own pet name for him, "Where the hell did you find that!?"

"When you got hit by the Devidramon, did you see his hands? One of them had leather straps wrapped around it like gauze." She thinks for a moment.

"I don't quite remember.." Fayth takes the egg from Jason and runs her hands along it, appearing to be searching for something. "But then again I was a bit more focused on his claws."

"After I absorbed his data, the straps were still there. I went to pick them up, and that egg rolled out of them. The thing I don't get is; if he had possession of some kind of armor, why didn't he use it against us?" Fully satisfied that what she was looking for was most definitely missing, Fayth looked up from the egg.

"Jace, all Armor Digi-Eggs have a symbol on them representing some trait belonging to their owners, but this one has no symbol. I have no idea why that is, but as is I doubt it would be of much use to anyone. Besides, I don't think you can control that black fire of yours, let alone change forms." Jason looks to the egg, and then back up to Fayth.

"Is there anything we can do to change that, love?" Fayth sighs. Explaining everything to Jason is getting very tiring.

"It's not like learning to read or something, Jace. Changing forms or using new abilities just happens naturally as you go through your life, and there aren't any places you can go and learn to fight like on Earth; here when there's a battle, it's usually to the death."

"And what if you and I were to train together?", Jason said, grinning, "I promise I won't kill ya." If nothing else, Fayth submitted to keep Jason from asking her any more questions.

"Alright, alright. At least it'll give us something to do.. I can see walking around and fucking for the rest of our lives getting pretty boring." Fayth giggled as she went on. "But if I'm going to learn any abilities, it would help if you told me exactly what you did to make those flames appear on your paws."

"Simple. I saw you in danger, and I got really, really angry at the Devidramon. It wasn't like normal anger though, it was substantial, like there was literally a fire in my belly. I kept getting madder until the flames surfaced. After that, my arms and legs felt as light as air, and I started moving much more quickly. Next thing I know, I've just killed something larger than a bug for the first time in my life."

"So you think the black fire move is fueled with pure hatred? Sounds like that'd be pretty hard to simulate. How do you propose we train something we can't copy, let alone those moves we don't even know about?"

"Leave the fire up to me; I have a few ideas. As for those other attacks, you've lived here almost all of your life, you must have seen Renamon or Renomon using some of them."

"I can think of one.. The Renamon would jump up into the air, open their arms, and a million little shards would fly out."

"Well, just try things out. Eventually something's going to happen. After all, we've got all the time in the world."

After the discussion, Fayth had come to realize just how hungry she was, not having absorbed fresh data as Jason had. They walked for about an hour before discovering a new grove. Luckily for them, it not only had a small river going through it that was filled with freshwater fish, but it had trees with copious amounts of dry bark, as well as a multitude of stones surrounding it. Not and hour later they had set fire to some wood using sparks from the rocks, and were enjoying their catch.

"You know, Jace, this place might be a good spot to start practicing our powers." Jason was in the middle of downing a rather large bite of a native fish that had been unceremoniously jammed headfirst onto a sharpened stick and roasted, so he couldn't respond with words, instead grunting in agreement. When he was swallowed, he said, with a satisfied look:

"You kidding? This place is perfect! Have you ever tasted a better fish in all your life?" He set to gobbling down yet another.

"I wouldn't know, you hoarded most of it over there with you, you pig." Through the food filling his mouth, Jason made a sound somewhat akin to 'Oop! Ar'y go' as he reached out next to him for some of the fish at his side and handed a few over to Fayth before getting back to the one before him. Half an hour later, the two lay down together on the grassy ground, slipping easily into a verifiable food-coma.

They sleep, embracing each other out of habit, tails as entwined as they themselves. The fire dies down, and darkness takes the grove.

_ _ _ _ _

Fayth found no warmth when she woke, something the couple was getting used to. No matter how similar the two of them may be, they just never seem to wake up at the same time of day, much to their dismay. Fayth sits up, yawns, stretches her tired muscles, and looks around. She spots Jason sitting on a rock, legs crossed, facing away from her. She stands and walks over to him and around to his front.

"Huh?" Observing him, Fayth sees that his eyes are closed, and he appears to be in a meditative state. Naturally, her first response is to mess with him. She waves a paw before his face, claps loudly right next to his ears, and even goes as far as lifting his eyelids up and wiggling them about. Nothing.

"Jaaa-aaace.. Jaaaaaa-aaaason! Wake up, damnit!" Before she even knows what she's doing, Fayth slaps Jason hard across the face. The resulting noise brings her back to reality."Oops.." Even still, Jason doesn't budge. "Aww, c'mon! How are you not awake now!?"

Defeated, Fayth walks off towards the far side of the copse, attempting to perform the shard-summoning move. She nears an exceptionally large pine and, taking Jason's advice, simply tries things out. Fayth extends her claws, jumps straight upwards, and opens her arms. Just as she expects, nothing happens. Next, she thinks about a battle as she goes through the same motions, but yet again, her efforts are fruitless. 'This is going to be a long day..', she thinks, 'I wonder if Jason's making any progress.'

From the outside, Jason appeared to be deeply relaxed and calm, but in reality, his mind was in hell. He was struggling to fill his brain with the most terrible, nightmarish thoughts he could. Jason imagined the worst experiences he had ever been through, and all the people he had ever hated. He even envisioned the Devidramon attacking his woman, and yet, he felt like he was far from the level of loathing he had truly felt that day. Jason forced himself through his mind to find the most vile, horrible thing he could.

He found it. Jason saw the body of Fayth, mangled, bloodied, flesh barely holding to the rest of her being. Her innards were swarming with all manner of disease and parasites. But to Jason, the most awful thing of all was her eyes. There was no spark, no life, just as they had been in his dream those nights ago on Earth. Her abused carcass provoked that deep, hateful rage he knew so well, and it took him. He unleashed a deep, unholy roar, massacring the quiet air of the clearing.

Fayth heard it, as well as a very loud crash that followed. She quickly turned herself and ran to Jason's previous location, only to find the rock he had been seated upon. It had been cleaved cleanly into four pieces, and Jason was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly two paws, covered in black fire, wrapped themselves around her waist.

"Fayth.. Don't ever leave me." Jason moved around to her front, almost afraid to look at her face. But when he saw her eyes, warm and shining with her soul, he hugged her more tightly than ever before.

"Jace, what's got into you? And how did you manage to make the flames appear again?" Jason loosened his grip on her and looked once more into Fayth's black and silver orbs. Through tears of happiness at the fact she was alive, and sadness at the thought of her death, Jason responded.

"I've figured out how to use the ability, but the price is horrible..", he says, "I have to think about you.. Dead. Look, I don't care if there's a chance you'll come back; if I ever have to see you die, I'll go insane. Without your love, even for a day, I don't think I could survive.." Jason proceeded to rub his head against hers, sobbing the whole time.

"Jace.. I have a suggestion. Why don't you think about it like this: if you need me that badly, are you willing to make the sacrifice of thinking about my death every once in a while to help keep me alive?" Instead of answering, Jason kisses Fayth, the seal of their lips helping to calm him. Without warning, Fayth sat on the grass, grabbing Jason's fiery paw to pull him down with her.

They continue to kiss, licking, nibbling, sucking at each other's tongues as if in preparation for what's to come. With his left hand, Jason reaches under Fayth's scruff and gently massages her breasts, pinching at the the nipple every once in a while. He breaks the kiss to suck at her other nipple, loving the smooth feel of the soft mound of flesh in his mouth.

Fayth tilts her head back and pants, her tongue hanging out of her mouth like a dog at play. Jason inches down her body, and as his fur rubs against Fayth's he wonders how he ever lived without it. He reaches her crotch and undoes her belt before yanking her pants off of her legs. Jason moves his mouth to Fayth's slit and breathes air, first cold, but steadily warmer, onto it. The sudden temperature changes send shock waves of pleasure to Fayth's brain.

When he can't make his breath any hotter, Jason holds it and dives nose-first into her canal. He can only make it so far, but he extends his tongue out and moves it around within her, its heat along with his cold nose a strange yet enjoyable contrast for Fayth. He removes his hand from her breast and rubs lightly at her clitoris. It isn't long before Fayth reaches her climax, sending her hot essence into Jason's open maw. Out of breath, Jason removes himself.

As she recovers, Fayth hears the familiar clink of metal on metal of a belt being removed, and she feels a slight pressure between her legs. She looks up just as Jason was beginning to ease himself into her. Her walls still sensitive, she feels his penetration with extreme acuteness. Her muscles stretch and contract, and she is tortuously aware of each minuscule contour of his member, including the slowly-swelling bulb at its base.

Jason is in heaven, Fayth's depths as inviting as Sapphire Lake had been on his first day in this world. Her slippery tunnel is like a vacuum, pulling him deeper in, all the while adhering to him tightly. Jason moves inwards until Fayth's feminine chasm becomes too narrow for him to proceed. He starts to, with much difficulty, pull himself from her body.

At the last moment, he charges back into her, steadily repeating the process and gaining speed. Fayth, giving the occasional moan at his reentry into her pliant enclosure, thrusts back at him, trying to drive Jason's length as far into her as possible. She can sense his knot expanding at an alarming rate, and had Jason waited any longer to push it into her, it would surely have torn her apart had he tried later on.

When her hole clamps down upon the knot's entire girth, Fayth falls back into the searing, passionate throes of ecstasy. Her interior grows and shrinks rapidly, exciting Jason into a frenzied euphoria. He releases a torrent of his seed into her, both of them basking in its heat. Jason leans forward and nibbles at the nape of Fayth's neck before the two fall asleep from exhaustion, the fire on Jason's paws finally dieing down.

A few feet from their footpaws, a soft glow illuminates the night.

_ _ _ _ _

Jason does not wake of his own accord. A paw is grasping his shoulder and shaking him urgently. He opens his eyes to find Fayth, who appears purely ecstatic. All that his sleep-softened mouth manages to get out is:

"Whuh?" Fayth points in the general direction of their feet, and Jason sits up to get to take a better look. When his misted eyes focus, he sees the gray and black Digi-Egg, but where there used to be nothing, there is now a symbol. "Whoa, when did that happen?"

"I'm assuming it was right after we had sex." Jason seemed confused that Fayth had an answer, and even more confused at what the answer had turned out to be. She explained; "Look carefully at that symbol, Jace. What does it remind you of?" Jason took another look at the egg. It took him only a few moments to realize what she meant.

"It's.. It's like our markings combined. It's an entire circle, whereas each of us only have half, and it has two paths, destinies, right? It has them crossing and continuing as one.. What do you suppose that means?" Fayth was a bit surprised he had picked up on it so quickly, but she answered nonetheless.

"It means integrity, or completeness. I'm a little shocked, though; it's like this egg was made for the two of us.. Or as if we were made for it." As though enchanted by it, Fayth has yet to remove her gaze from the egg.

"So.. We now know that this egg is definitely meant for us to use, but how do we use it?" Fayth finally stopped looking at the Digi-Egg and instead stared at her lover.

"That's a very good question. You know, in all my years here I've only heard legends and such, I've never seen a Digi-Egg in use, and none of those myths really explain it.." Jason thought of once more offering the advice of 'Just try things out', before he remembered that Fayth, too, had been training.

"I forgot to ask you yesterday, did you make any progress on that shard move?" Fayth appeared to get a little frustrated simply thinking about her attempts on the day previous.

"No, but you can bet your ass I tried! Well.. actually something did happen when I heard you making all that noise", Fayth explained, "I heard that howl, and before I knew it had been you I got really worried. When I was walking towards where you had been I could have sworn that my claw.. It looked like it was leaving behind a black trail as it moved." She waved a paw about slowly in the air, as if trying to replicate the experience.

"Well, there you have it, I'm sure that was the start of something. Remember, the first time I used an ability was when I thought you were in trouble, too." Jason grabbed her paw. "I want you to try and think about me in danger, and then move your hand like that again and see what happens." Fayth closes her eyes and complies.

In her mind she sees some unidentifiable foe holding a sword. Before him is Jason, looking ragged and bloodied. The opponent raises his sword and tries to strike down at her wounded love, but before he is able, Fayth teleports herself between them. Without even thinking about it, she swings her paw at the space seperating her and the nameless attacker.

Back in reality, Jason watches as Fayth makes a similar motion, and he stands behind her in the off chance that his plan works. Just as she had said, a trail of darkness follows each of her claws as she moves them through the air. When her hand completes its movement, the blackness seems to solidify into millions of very small, very sharp-looking slivers of a dark, crystalline substance.

After remaining in place for a second, the shards flew swiftly away from Fayth. In hindsight, Jason realizes that he must some kind of idiot; he hadn't bothered to move the Digi-Egg. Before he can save it, the egg is shattered by the attack, and lays in pieces upon the grass.

"Shit!" His exclamation pulls Fayth from her head. She catches sight of the destroyed egg.

"What happened to the egg!?" Jason sighs, angry not at Fayth, but at himself.

"Good news; you were able to use the attack. Bad news; it destroyed our egg." Jason walks from behind Fayth and towards the broken egg.

"Oh.. I'm really sorry, Jace. Do you think there's anything we can do to fix it?" Jason nears the Digi-Egg and reaches towards it as he responds.

"Don't be sorry, it was my fault. I didn't remember to m--" When he touched the fragments, his body froze. The bits and pieces of gray and black matter disappeared, and shot up into Jason through his finger. He howled in pain and fell backwards, his entire body felt like it was being changed. Jason's bones were growing and shifting in ways that his skin couldn't handle comfortably. His muscles were becoming more dense, and more muscle tissue seemed to come out of nowhere. His spine and tailbone were rearranging themselves to that of an animal.

Fayth looked on in horror. She knew what was happening, but she had never imagined the process of digivolution would be as painful as what Jason was going through. His body was contorting and the snapping of his bones was audible. Fayth could see his face get longer, as was the fur on his neck, becoming a white mane. Suddenly, Jason's tail split into nine smaller ones, each of which quickly grew to the original's size. The tips of all nine, as well as each of his paws, burst into that familiar shadowy flame.

Another unexpected change occurred, armor as black as the 'whites' of Jason's eyes materialized along his back. It stretched out and covered all but his tails, his flaming paws, and the area encompassing his crotch, underbelly, underside of his neck, and his face below the mouth. It has two slits for his eyes, and beneath each one is the Half-Destiny insignia, as well as the Digi-Egg's symbol upon Jason's forehead, the three markings a shimmering silver. Also upon his head are two gray-and-black horns, between the eye and ear on each side of his face. All along the surface of the metal there are shallow carvings, just as there had been on the egg.

He lays panting on the ground, on his side. 'Great..', he thinks, 'Just when I get used to being covered in fur, I turn into a full-fledged animal.'

"It's not that bad, Jace." Jason looks up at Fayth, confused. When he tries to ask her if she just read his mind, all that comes from his mouth is a deep bark. "What the hell, you can't talk? But I just heard you complain that you're an animal.." His theory confirmed, Jason thinks his answer.

'I was only thinking that; I didn't actually say anything. So I can talk to your mind, huh?' A devious idea pops into his head. He tries to get a good mental picture of his new self having sex with Fayth.

"Ooh. We'll have to try that out now, won't we?" Fayth grins impishly. She walks enticingly over to Jason, but before reaching him, a rustle in the bushes nearby catches their attention. The last thing they would ever have expected in this world walks out at them.

"Hi there!", says the brown-haired human.

_ _ _ _ _

To be continued.

_ _ _ _ _

Well, I can honestly say I like how this chapter turned out much more than I did the last one. But not by enough.. It's a small improvement, at least.

Also, I'll be sure to make the next one longer.

Tell me what you thought about it. Comments. Votes. Hate mail. I'd actually love some hate mail; never gotten any before.