Strong Wolf Chronicles part 8 - Revelation

My head was searing, but the rest of my body felt.. no.. no, that was just it, I didn't feel a thing besides the throbbing of my skull. Not only that, but I couldn't see anything, either. Just light. I could hear, though. I heard Lapin yell my name. It...

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 7 - Fruition

"I don't think you realize just how lucky you are, Chris.." Anne looked on at myself and Lapin. We had just finished telling everyone about what we'd learned in Mauville City earlier that day, and it was getting quite late. Our group was at the...

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 6 - Unidentified

"Good lord.." It was late in the night, and Dr. Laurel, one of Mauville City Pokemon Center's finest in the area of diagnostics, was part of the small group of workers still awake in the labs. He was the man who had been given the task of analyzing my...

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 5 - Explanations

"C'mon, wake up.. Man, who's turn is it next?" All of us had been trying anything to bring Anne back to consciousness. I had thrown water on her face. Nexus and Leafeon had bitten her a little. Celeste spoke to her. Lapin tickled Anne with her ears....

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 4 - Arrival

"I'm curious, what was it that made you so sure that you loved me?" It was now morning, as indicated by the light surging through the portholes. We had been awake for a while, just reclining in each other's embrace. I stared up at the ceiling,...

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 3 - Compatibility

'Well.. this is unexpected,' I thought, 'But then again, why should it be? God I'm stupid.. I should've known this would happen sooner or later.. Whether I can talk with her or not, Lapin is still an animal.' I may love her, but I felt that by not...

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 2 - Plans

A sudden movement in my bed shook me out of my dreams. My eyes, reluctant though they may have been, opened all the same. Lapin was sitting up, clutching at her ears like they were causing her no small amount of pain. Slowly my sleep fogged mind...

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 1 - Warmth

Though this is part one, there was story before this. I wrote a prologue, and if you didn't read it, don't expect to understand a thing that's going on. \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ I got up out of the sand. My day is not yet done, and the next phase...

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Strong Wolf Chronicles Prologue - Habit

Welcome to my break from SI. If I was going to be lazy with that series, I figured I should at least start another one. This is just a prologue, so treat it as such. If it seems to be going quickly, that's simply because I wanted to set up a basic...

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5 - Training

I think I made the right choices with this chapter, like about what the Digi-Egg looks like and what the characters will be involved in. I'd appreciate some input after you finish it, though. Like just 'caus I think this kind of plot for a chapter is...

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4 - Adventure

For no reason I'm going to reveal just what inspired the character Jason Temple. It was two songs, actually; Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones, and Let's See How Far We've Come by Matchbox 20. Let's See How Far We've Come gave me a lot of ideas for...

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3 - Companionship

Here we go.. another one. Let me say, writing these things would be a lot easier if LMN (Lifetime Movie Network.. \*represses urge to vomit\*) wasn't the only damn thing the person I share this room with watches. It gets really hard to think when...

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