Self Discovery 02 fire within

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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Wiessa- female Samoyed

Maggie- female German shepherd

"Self discovery: Joint expedition"

We are authors.

We create worlds, fora and fauna, bring beings to life from our own images. We desighn their destinies, their plights joys, and sorrows. We ellict who will live and who will die. We dictate fortunes and love, gain and loss. We rieghn surprime in the world of our making, every being we create was lived to serve only our purpuses. Cruel or kind they are subject to our whimsy. We can guide them thrugh peril, or abandon them in dire streights. We know the past, present and future and exist in all three. We are authors, or are we Gods?

There will be sexual situations and curiosities. There will be friends and secrets. This is as I declare, and thus Todd hath spoken, so let it be.

Morality nazis bedevel me not, be cast you your dark pit of censorship and disparing ignorance. Let your worshopers burn themselves in mind for the impurities of thought you wish to not exist. But as master of my own universe, I cast you from me. Be not in my light, It makes typing harder. ^.^

The worst part about it is, if I'm right, so are the methodists. Oh the tangled web of the uberverse.

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Weissa looked to her teacher with dark mohogany eyes rimed in natural pitch black riming her eyes mouth and nose stood in dark contrast to the white rest of her. She shifted her husky form a bit letting her already ample breasts rest on her folded arms on her desk. She looked to the clock on the wall in stolid bordom tapping her pencil on the desk lightly, letting the eraser dull the sound.

With an exaustive sigh the samoyd retrieved her books as the bell rang and headed out to meet her friend. It took her a sorrowful second to remember Maggie had to stay home this month. Maggie was having her first heat. Wiessa trudged to her next class, the only sighn of hope was when she could visit her friend after school.

Maggie sat in her bed squirming. Her heat was desturbing to her, frightening. She had aches and urges she could hardly comprehend. She had seen her mother in heat, her mother never seemed to be as destraught as she felt now. Her nipples throbed her labia were swollen, sensitive and red. She couldn't wear panties, it was too uncomfortable. She put her paw back under her covers to touch the swollen lips murring but still acheing at her body's changes. She cupped her vulva in her paw, trying to protect her sensitivity to everything. She whimpered and kicked a leg out and retracted it. All her other muscles seemed to become jelious of that legs movement and she had to streach long and hard, her legs spread as far as they could go her arms over her head her back arched and her tail trying to fold up behind her.

Still uncomfortable but tolerable now she sat up, letting her dress keep her modest. She headed to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. She imagined herself a wreck but the mirror despelled the lie. Other than her eyes being bloodshot, she looked as she always did, but the mirror did not reflect what was inside her. the torrents of emotion the cramps and the feeling that her flesh was aflame. She was not bleeding yet. Only a viscus clear fluid seeped form her fledgling sex.

She washed her face, but decided she wanted a shower, maybe that would help. But she ran a bath instead. The tub filling with hot water. The black shepherdess stripped off her clothes and immerced herself in the steaming waters. Her body tingled at the almost too hot sensations, but it eclipsed her cramps and aches. She breathed normaly but the heat should have had her at a pant. She pulled her head under the water, leaving only her nose above the water. She listened to the waters echo of her heartbeat. The pulce of her body the slip of her fingers into the tneder swollen folds of her labia. She inhaled deeply her back arching involontarily, water almost sloshing into her nose. She bucked back down the cool air making her gasp as much as the pleasure between her thighs. Hot water streamed form her muzzle ears and face to run down her breats, the water trickling into the water in the tub as she gasped, mouth agape at the sinsations her fingers played over her clit and vulva. She whined loudly as she felt, the sensations she knew of too little, but now craved more than anything. She lifted her muzzle to the celiing flinging water from her thick black pelt in a howl as her own fluids joined that of the tubs.

She relaxed, slowly sinking back into the depths of the tub, only the tops of her shoulders and head out, her breasts tiny islands in the distant waters. She rolled her head and sighed with contentment. Her cramps were gone, and her muscles cried out to streach no more. Now she rested.

She woke, woke being an improper term. she was still semiconcious but in a deep relaved state. The waters steam had given up to a cool chill. She hit the drain with her foot and stepped out of the bath relaved and satasfied. But still her body plotted against her. her pharamones raging with her desire. By the time she was dried off her body ached for attention again.

She sat naked on her bed. Her body still aching thrugh her changes. She flopped on her bed. She wished her friend was with her, someone was with her. A lythe form prancing in her room announced their pet dog's entrance. A siberian husky. His black and white coat contrasting smartly, with charming blue eyes. She smiled to the canine and petted his head. He jumped up on her bed and promptly gave her bare crotch a sniff. She gasped and batted his muzzle. "NO, boy!" she barked angrily, then suddenly felt bad and gave him a huge hug. She nuzzled to his fur. "sorry boy, I'm kinda nervous and you're a guy." She confessed to him. He accepted her appology with a lap of his tongue. He then laid beside her, his back against her side. She took him in her arms and curled to his body.his scent seemed to calm her. she rubbed her muzzle behind his neck and settled breathing deeply. She liked having her body against his. His feel and scent soothed her. seemed to bring her emotions and body to some control. She lay in the bed for hours just petting him.

She awoke several hours later alone. She felt fine, a little dizzy but she took it to be from skipping breakfast and lunch apparently, she thought as she looked to the clock. It was already one twenty. She got up, looking about she knew noone would be around for a long time. She walked into the kitchen, only hiding behind a wall until she could confirm all the curtains were shut. She made herself a sandwich. Vasa begging beside her. She tossed him a couple pieces of balogna and a piece of cheese. She wagged her tail as she sang softly to herself when she put everything up and carried her sandwich back to her room where she put in the cd that held the tune she was craving.

Maggie felt a lot better and managed to clean up a good portion of her room and redo some of the things she had been putting off. She cleared the space away from her sewing machine and began patterning herself a new corset to accentuate her new bousm, and keep fabric from her nipples. She put in a leather needle and began the inseams to the deep violet side pieces to the black front. She ruffled the edges with red lace up to her neckline in her mind as she sewed, detailed and fitted the forming garment to her body perfectly.

Not an easy occupation at all. She grew tired and had to stand. She used the opprotunity to go to the bathroom and take her dishes to the sink. She was washing her plate, with sudden force she tossed her head back in a chestburning gasp as her nipples hardened. Instincts had her spread her legs more as the hot husky tongue lapped her swollen vulva. She growled fiercely and turned her head, but her body would not obey. Instead the treaturus carpace lifted her tail bucking back against Vasas' muzzle. She gripped the sink edge as her knees threatened to give way, all her energy was spent on not taking to all fours, not with vasa.

Her knees hit the cabnets as her body tried to give way to the menstrations, the promice of breeding that vasa sent to it. She felt the thob of her heart and heat. She was so aroused he hardly had to push to have his tongue inside her. Her ears pinned back her face a snarl of betrayal as her arms protected her virginity and her tail encuraged its demise. Still deeper the firm husky tongue delved. Her rear paws lifting off the floor her knees against the cabnets, hips twiching with her tail so high. She shrieked as she could feel the canine tongue over her virginity. But still she dangled from the counter begging for releace as much as to control herself again.

And one was granted. The ripples over her body spasmed her legs to bolt outright kicking the lapping husky in the lower jaw. She lifted on her palms on the sink edge and howled, her toes spread as her body streached.

She finally slumped over then turned quickly around. She felt like she had run a marathon. Her lungs ached as her heart pounded in her ears subduing other noises, the scent of sex in the air. It was impossible! Her sexual arousal smelt as strong as her mothers. She fretted. She didn't want anyone to think she had given in to the dog. And she hadn't, not like that.

She opened the windows. She took a fast shower and was out. The scent of even her own heat barely detectable.

She fed vasa some food and cheese to cover the scent, her scent on his breath. She shook uncontrolably from nerves as she made sure every aspect of sex other than her soft phermonal fragrance, aws gone. She slipped on a loose shirt, her nipples betraying their location but that was the least of her worries. She put her previous dress back on.

The shepherdess shifted her tail out as well as her dress as she sat on the rug on her floor. She rested her back against her bed and began to cut tiny detailed flanges at the bottom of the corset.

She nearly jumped when her brother bardged into her private domain. Once over the initial shock of his presence she set her work aside.

"What I'm doing is none of your busness!" she shrieked in rage to his melodious asking. She hit him in the chest wich hurt her paw more than it did him, but she was not going to show that now.

"Hey, I just wanted to see how you were doing." He said laughing despite, or maybe to spite her anger she thought.

"Get out or I'll bite you!" she growled fiercely. "I mean it, then I'll tell mom."

Her brother put his paws out in surrender and stepped out the door still facing her, closing it as he left.

"Grrrrow!" she barked in frustration as she stamped her foot, her tail stiff lifting the back of her dress, it's leingt and weight would have kept her decent even in pupblic. She nurced her sore paw ftill frustrated beyond reson with her obtrusive sibling. She felt her pulce and a little lightheaded. She had no clue why of all the times he had done that, that now she would so viciously attack him instead of running him out with snide remarks or just rolling her eyes at whatever inane thing he brought to her.

She whiped tears form her eyes, why she was crying she did not know, but she was. She couldn't find anything she really wanted to listen to. She came across a euphoria cd and smiled.

Euphoria was what the music set for her, a distraction form her changing self. She stayed there until she felt the corner of her bed shift. She jerked up loosing her headphones as she opened her maw wide to bite the intruder. Suddenly she snapped her jaw shut and flung her arms about her mother.

"Everything Go allright today."

Maggie nodded her head to her mother. "pertty well, I started work on a new corset, but I have to finish it tomorrow."

Her mother nodded "your friend Wiessa came by and gave me your school work. She said she had to go home today but tomorrow she would visit."

Maggie the prospect of her best friends visit. She could talk to her a lot more than her mom about her heat. "Thanks mom." The shepherdess was greatful of the news, but not of the work and assignments left with her.

She began down the list and picked english first. It was her favorate subject after all. Next to science. She had whipped thrugh most of the work before her mother called her to dinner via way of her brother, who she found insasably obnoxious.

She kept a wary ear up for any sign that her parents or brother knew about the events of the day. But there was no sighn, no sideways glances other than from her brother, but she suspected for other resons. He was designated to do all the chores she usually did because of her heat. He had tweaked her ears on several occasions because of a precieved injustice. But she would have gladly taken all the work in the house to not have the things that her body was doing now.

After dinner Maggie hid away in her room again. Avoiding frustration. Her parents had gone to bed early. They had been ever sence she started her heat, and her brother was just obnoxious to the point of cruelty. She was glad she didn't have the pressures of life and school ouitside the house during this.

She stripped down. And invited Vasa into bed, an appology for kicking him in the face. She had noticed how little her body tormented her after his, well, help she would call it.

She nuzzled her belly to his back and took in the strong male scent. Finding ease and comfort as she dropped into a peacible sleep.


let me know what you think ^.^

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