Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 3

Story by Firus Lupinalos on SoFurry

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#3 of Fire From the Darkness


Three hours later, when the three wolves finally made it to the Temple, Firus saw that Tabol really was mad. In fact, he was livid that Firus had taken "as soon as possible" to mean "when you get here".

"Dammit Firus" He said as they were walking down the hall to his "office" as Firus thought of it, "I didn't say "as soon as possible" because I missed you. It was because the person you are about to meet is not someone who should be kept waiting."

They reached the unmarked, rather ordinary door for his "office". He whispered to all three of them, "And if any of you offend this person enough that she decides to report back to her superiors negatively, I will personally skin you and hang it to dry on my wall."

"I thought you weren't afraid of political persecution." Said Firus.

"We're not, but these people can do much more than that. They can send us back to Xiacanta PERMANENTLY, and while me may love and revere our home world, we're not exactly the most loved people since we decided to stay here."

"Oh, I see then. Kanto, you behave now." Firus said, looking down with a smile at his brother.

"Me?! Why do you think I'll have to try harder than usual to behave myself?"

"Because I'm the older brother and it is my sworn duty to tease you." Replied Firus.

Muttering something to the effect of "Gods, how I love these two." Tabol opened the door to the room that had been affectionately dubbed "the Nest" by the other Wols in the Temple. As he did so, a very sensual looking vixen with fur the color of a sunset was revealed to them, as she huriedly made a show of examining the books on the shelf. As she turned to actually examine the new comers they noticed that she was dressed in a long black robe with gold runes around the cuffs, hem and hood. They also saw that she was wearing what seemed to be a locket pendant in the shape of a paw print around her neck, as well as several rings on her fingers, none too big, mostly just small stones. What stood out the most however were the three small crystals, each no bigger than a finger joint, that were floating around her head that seemed to do nothing but orbit around her.

Firus had to hide a smile as he nudged Kanto with his elbow when he noticed the younger wolf starting to stare at the beautiful female. "I told you to behave yourself." He said with a wink.

"I'll behave myself, I'm just not sure which 'self' will control how I behave. My higher 'self' or my lower 'self'" Kanto returned, making Firus have to cover his muzzle to hide his silent laughter.

She looked at them with a severely stern look on her face, showing that she was rather displeased with what she saw in front of her. "Are these them?" She asked Tabol with a strict sounding voice.

"Yes, these are Firus, Sayuri and Kanto." He said as he pointed to each of them.

"Well then," she said with a huff "I suppose that the only thing for me to do..." She let her face slip into it's more accustomed good natured smile and her eyes lit up with happiness and excitement, while her voice changed to a more high-pitched close to bubbly tone. "Is give each of them a hug for finally coming."

She crossed the room and grabbed up Firus into her arms, even though he was a little more than a head taller than her, who simply stood there, stunned at the sudden change of her attitude. Then she turned her attentions on Sayuri who was equally shocked, but managed to recover enough to slightly return the hug. When she finally turned her assault to Kanto, he stood up on his hind legs and placed his paws on her shoulders as she pulled him in, giving her a lick on the cheek before he got down to earth. The vixen then stepped back a little and took them all in. "Don't worry, I'm not really the mean scholar type, I just like to put on the act when I meet people. Makes them realize that I'm not a bad person when I show them myself. And I don't offend easily, so I won't be reporting back negatively no matter what Tabol fears. And I didn't mind the wait, I was able to learn a lot more out the Wols and their fascinating culture." She looked at each of them in turn, letting her gaze linger slightly on the quadruped. "Well, I know about all of you, time you met me. My name is Hatako, and I am not a vixen like you think of them. I am of a race that can assume bipedal or quadrupedal form at will. In fact just so I don't startle you later on, I'll show you what I mean."

As she said this, her form started to shimmer a little, and was replaced by a white light. when she was engulfed in the light, they could see her form start to change and alter, as she started to become smaller and her front paws became fixed and lost their apposable thumbs. Her clothing and jewelry also appeared to change, seeming to meld into her body. The only thing that remained the same were the crystals, which continued to float around where her head should be at all times. When she was finally on all fours and seemed to have stopped changing, the white light dissapated. What was left where Hatako had been standing was a very sleek and rather cute vixen, albeit one that was of an obviously abnormal size, since she stood just slightly under Kanto's shoulder. "There, and to answer the questions everyone asks, yes my clothing and jewelry melded into my form, no the change does not hurt, yes I can talk in quadrupedal form, and no, I do not do shows at festivals. Any other questions before we proceed?"

"Just one." Said Sayuri, "What's with the floating rocks?"

The fox looked up above her head. "Ah yes, I forgot I had them out. These are not rocks, they're actually finely crafted magical crystals that each do a certain thing. For instance, the clear half sphere that seems to have cracks in it gives me extra sensitive hearing. I make these crystals, though I have to have a specific purpose in mind when I create them, and it takes a lot of energy, time and money to do so. And yes, I did say they were magic. Anything else before we get started?"

Firus and Sayuri looked at each other, while Kanto just continued to watch Hatako as she started to groom her fur with her restless paws. When the couple shook their heads, Hatako said "Then Tabol, I think it's time you finally told them why they are here." She rose to her paws and padded over to Kanto, where she whispered in his ear so that no one else could hear, "Meet me at the north side of the hot springs after we're done here, I'll show you how to behave yourself." She then just sat on her haunches beside him, showing for all the world that she was enraptured in Tabol's explanation.

"Before you begin," said Firus, "Sayuri and I were attacked in the forest by a man with a magic knife, would this have anything to do with the mission?"

"Actually, it might, if you leave the knife with me I'll examine it a little and tell you if I learn anything in the morning." Tabol then switched to the matter at hand. "Well, as you have probably guessed," Tabol started, "Hatako here is one who is actually able to use wild magic. She will be accompanying you to a research station a few days south of here. They have reported some reports about, unusual occurrences, such as storms with no clouds, acid fogs, things of that nature. Now I know this sounds odd, but I know no more about it than what I've just explained. Also, there will be one more joining you on your journey, my son Travol, though you will have to meet him tomorrow, since he is in deep meditation right now. You will of course be provisioned and supplied by our own stocks, and you will all be paid for this mission as well. A sum of a thousand gold pieces to each of you. Now, I suggest that you relax, and get a good nights sleep, it's going to be a hard journey." Tabol then opened the door and let them all out. "You will each be shown to your quarters any time you wish, just ask one of the senior clerics. And with that, I will say good night to you all, and I shall see you in the morning."

As Tabol closed the door, the small group all looked at each other as Firus and Sayuri said their good nights to Kanto and Hatako, and they separated into two groups. Firus and Sayuri asking to be shown to their quarters and Kanto and Hatako going to visit the hot springs. All of them smiling at what the night might offer to them. It was not going to be a dull evening, of that they were all certain.

Alright, here we go, moment of truth, time to let any fans speak. yiff, or no-yiff? I'm content either way. It really all depends on if you the readers want to see it or not.

And I know it looks like I threw Kanto and Hatako together very quickly, but there is a reason for it I assure you (if anyone even cares how quickly they were thrown together lol).

Fire From the Darkness Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 The citadel was cold, dark, damp and reeking of mildew and rot. Exactly how Orgnul liked to keep it, except for his private chambers of course. Those he preferred warm, dry, and smelling lightly of a certain very "useful" oil. He...

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Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 A couple days later, the couple was walking down a path that eventually led to the Temple, the title the Wols gave to their home. Firus was thinking over the strange knife they had found and what it might mean, when he heard a branch...

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Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 1

Fire From the Darkness CHAPTER 1 _I hate drunks_, the male thought as he walked into the Lion's Claw Tavern. "Ale," he said in his deep almost growling voice as he approached the bar. Everyone in the tavern stopped...

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