Assassins: First Target

Story by SniperSpartan-977 on SoFurry

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#1 of Assassins


He couldn't find the words to express his fear. He couldn't find the will to go on fighting. He couldn't even find a weapon with which to repel this demon.

"No." the young man said very simply, his gloved hands shaking slightly.

The young assassin shivered slightly under his chainmail shirt. His boots scraped softly on the rough cavern floor as he slowly backed into a large pillar where an ancient stalactite and stalagmite met. The sheath on his belt was empty, the glistening blade that was once his lay in several shattered pieces beside the large bed of gold that shined in the dank cave.

His hood had fallen down to reveal he was almost nineteen, had short cropped hair and young, green eyes filled with a hidden arrogance. The toughness of the dragon's scales had shattered both his sabre and wrist-blade, leaving the young assassin with only his beating heart and a pair of legs that could carry him faster than the wind could blow. His name was Saren, and he was standing petrified in front of what looked like a very horny dragoness.

"No?" her deep voice reverberated through the cavern, sending an odd tingle through the young assassin's chest cavity. "You would dare say no to me? Deny me the spoils of this battle?"

Saren swallowed as the black figure slowly rose from her bed of gold. "You haven't won yet..." he said in a small voice. "Technically." He added, wishing he hadn't used the word �yet'.

The dragoness stood half a meter taller than the young assassin, but not much broader. She had a humanoid sort of build, powerful bands of muscles hidden beneath the slender shell of inky black scales that shimmered and reflected the torchlight that lit her cavern. Her golden eyes with black slits for pupils pierced through Saren's, sending a chill of fear down his spine. The young man shrank against the pillar at his back as the dragoness stood to her full height, shimmers of heat wafting from her muzzle. The two glassy, crystalline horns that curved elegantly close to the back of her elongated skull refracted the light and cast small rainbows on the cavern walls as she swivelled her head, her eyes scanning every inch of Saren's body.

He felt exposed. At a severe disadvantage. He looked at the four fingered claws on each hand... yup. Definite disadvantage. Saren glanced left to the tunnel he had followed into this mess. The exit to this nightmare. A nightmare that wouldn't have happened if he had only taken Seraph's advice and had more patience.

"W-what are you going to do?" Saren suddenly asked in a soft tone as the dragoness stepped closer.

"What am I going to do?" the dragoness repeated, her voice edged smoothly with smoky seduction. "I'm about to do to you anything I desire. The real question you ought to ask is what are you going to try and do to stop me?"

�Now!' Saren thought. �While she's in a monologue. MOVE!'

But his legs reacted a second too late.

He curled and dashed, arching his back and keeping his head as low as possible, just like his master taught him. Just like dashing through a tight crowd to escape pursuers... only this time it wasn't a crowd he was dodging, but a dragon capable of turning him inside out with little to no effort.

He pulled in his arms so she'd have less to hold him back by and sprinted as fast as he could for that narrow gap between her and the cavern wall, aiming directly for his road out of this situation. For a second, as he moved alongside her, he thought he may actually be home free... but he was wrong. Horribly so.

The dragon grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and swung him around, her claws digging painfully into his neck. The young man cried out, flailing his arms and kicking desperately, but is was no use. He only struck air, and the worn down soles of his boots refused the grip the ground as he was flung headfirst into the dragoness' bed of 24 karat gold items and pillows cocooned in silk. He hit the pile of gold coins with enough force to knock a full grown man unconscious. It was only a matter of luck that his head landed in a pillow that he remained conscious.

Quickly rolling onto his back, Saren could do nothing but watch as the dragoness jumped on top of him. Her wings unfurled as she glode down upon him, her powerful claws grabbing his wrists and pinning them to her shiny bed of riches as she straddled his waist. Her large powerful wings slowly folded on themselves again, hugging tightly along her slender back. She leaned forward, almost pressing her breasts into Saren's face as the boy perspired profusely. His heart was about to explode as fear of what was about to happen gripped him. She would have her way with him, which probably wouldn't be much of a punishment. But it's what would come after that what worried the young man more. She wasn't just going to let him go. No doubt she would kill him in some painful fashion then feast on his flesh. Or even the other way round. Feast on him while his flesh was still warm, then put him out of his misery when she had her fill.

Saren's stomach flipped at the thought. He didn't want to die. He didn't like pain. He remembered back when he was an apprentice, the mildest injuries would incapacitate him. He had hidden himself away in a barn one time, pretending to be sick just because he had a paper cut and it hurt.

"Now, my little assassin," the dragoness said in a hushed tone. "Listen and listen well. If you try to move. If you try to run, cry out or stop what is about to happen in any way, I will hurt you." An evil grin flickered her muzzle as she licked her sharp teeth with her thin, lizard tongue. "If you just hold still and at least pretend to enjoy, you might just live to see tomorrow. But..." she licked the human right up along the side of his face. "No promises."

Saren swallowed hard, not daring to move as she unclamped her claws from his wrists and seated herself lower on his body while her hands moved to the front of his trousers. He could feel the sweat run down his forehead as her hands started to rub the mild erection he was getting. He couldn't help it. His eyes refused to unglue themselves from her perfectly formed body. He scanned right down along her slender neck, past her breasts, along her waist and to the moist region between her legs. He slowly lifted his head to get a better look, but was stopped as the dragoness'' head darted forward.

Saren choked on a breath. His heart skipped a beat as he caught the glisten of her sharp teeth. He had triggered the pain... or so he thought.

The dragoness locked her lips hard against the human's and probed her warm tongue down his throat. Saren couldn't fight the gag reflex and retched, feeling her tongue lick the back of his throat. Her saliva mixed with his, hot air filling his mouth as he tasted a mingle of herbs she had probably recently eaten. His chest rose and fell more rapidly as she withdrew her tongue from his throat and rubbed his crotch harder with her hands. Her tongue now swirled his, wrestling it against the inside of his cheek. Saren felt dizzy, like all the blood had drained from his brain. Like he had jumped out of bed way too quickly. He thought he was about to pass out. Was draconic saliva narcotic? He wondered.

The dragoness' surprisingly nimble claws now undid his belt and worked the buttons that held his trousers up. Saren gasped as her hand moved under his clothing and grabbed hold of his now completely erect member. Her other hand slipped under his chainmail shirt and racked almost painfully along his chest. Saren wanted it to stop, but found it scarily stimulating.

The dragoness finally broke the kiss while one of her hands continued to rub, and the other raked. As their lips parted, strands of saliva hung between their mouths. The dragon's golden eyes were shut, her face fixed with an expression of lust while Saren panted for breath. Her left hand tightened and started to rub faster now, while her raking hand left his skin and moved to her own body.

She suddenly moved, sliding down her bed of treasures and positioned her mouth right above the head of Saren's throbbing shaft. The human swallowed, trembling at the feeling of her hot breath on his sensitive meat. Her tongue suddenly slipped out from her muzzle and slithered around his head, caressing his senses and spiking his desires for a split second before she retraced her thin whiplash tongue.

Saren gritted his teeth for a long while, feeling her hot breath blow over him, before his eyes widened and he gasped for breath, feeling her muzzle close over his erection and her lips slide all the way down to it's base. Her hot tongue wrapped around his member and slithered around, the intense heat driving him almost insane.

And then there were the sounds, further driving his senses insane. While her head bobbed slowly up and down on his crotch, one of her hands ran down along her slender body and came to a halt between her legs. Her tail lifted slightly and her fingers began to probe her now wet pussy. As her fingers squelched softly in and out, her breathing became harder and more intense, broken up every so often with a small moan of pleasure. Juices started to flow down her inner thigh, tingling her sense of touch as she suckled harder on the young assassin she now had full control over.

There and then, the dragoness had the power of a God. She could leave the boy hanging and have him begging for more, or go all the way and grant him the mercy of release.

Saren started to moan audibly now as he felt waves of pleasure rack his body harder and harder with every time his shaft was thrust into the dragoness' mouth. Something was coming, and he knew exactly what.

The dragoness suddenly suckled harder, bobbing her head faster on his erection, licking it's head with her tongue and pumping her fingers in and out of her own pussy with more vigour. It was amazing. Saren's eyes involuntarily clenched shut as his mouth fell open, his body stiffening and spasming.

She was close too. She wanted to taste him. Feel him cum in her mouth. And he did...

His hot seed splurted into her mouth, coating the inside of her muzzle with hot sticky cum. She savoured its taste as she let out a long moan, cumming at the same time all over her hand. Her juices flowed freely over her hand and down the inside of her thigh. The human kept going though, his body twitching with every spurt he shot into her mouth. She swirled the mixture of seed and saliva in her mouth before swallowing and licking the young assassin clean.

Saren was torn in two. One part of him was overcome with unimaginable pleasure his mind failed to comprehend. The other half was overcome with fear of what was about to happen next. No doubt she was hungry now. No doubt she was going to kill him.

It was all too much. His heartbeat skipped and fluttered, his breathing grew irregular and the blood drained from his head. As soon as he released his last spurt into the dragoness' hot maw, his eyes rolled into the back of his skull and he lost consciousness, unable to feel the dragon to continue suckling his softening member.

The dragoness opened her eyes and looked up seductively, smiling as she sucked up the last dregs of cum from the young assassin's manhood and licked her fingers clean. She knew he was unconscious. Now was her chance to eliminate him... but she didn't. She couldn't. To kill him would make her to stoop to his level. Besides, her desires had been fulfilled... until next time.

Happy, she crawled up onto the bed of gold beside her unconscious little assassin and wrapped her wings around them both. His breathing slowed and his heartbeat settled. The dragoness gave the unconscious human a soft lick on the cheek and rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart.