Truth and Consequence 2: The Meetings, Parts 2-4

Story by Drakeil Braega on SoFurry

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#2 of Truth and Consequences 2

Truth and Consequences 2

  1. The Meetings, Part 2

Feih and Sarah stared open mouthed at the large thick veined deep red penis that protruded from Freerah's groin; it was of a size would have made any male Dorzeli on the planet proud or jealous (or, if they were in the right mood, lustful).

She gave her organ a gentle pat and it throbbed and further stiffened. "As you can see your love making has excited me to the point that I'm in need of some assistance getting rid of this thing."

Sarah was the first to recover from her initial shock. "I knew Dorzeli Primes were shape shifters, but I didn't know you could do that."

"I knew it was possible," added Feih, "but I thought I'd never see it for myself."

Freerah, with a hint of impatience in her voice, asked, "So, who will be first? "I have another appointment to keep."

When the two females turned and looked at each other a smile came to Sarah face and she cocked her head in Freerah's direction. Feih shook her head and indicated that she should go first. Sarah turned back toward the Dorzeli-Prime and moved toward her on all fours.

She was almost upon her target when Freerah cautioned; "I only do this to myself on special occasions so it'll be highly sensitive...AHHH!" An expression of intense pleasure came over her face the moment Sarah's tongue enveloped almost half of her maleness. She then engulfed as much of the phallus as possible and made sure her sharp teeth did not make contact with it, but its sheer size hampered her intentions.

Feih looked on and tried to remember where she had seen such a sight before while her right hand wandered down to her still very moist folds. She searched her memory and found it in several pictures she had obtained from Jason's vast database from when she had linked with Matt's communications implant the night before his change, but she stopped when a loud cry from Freerah startled her. She looked at her groin she saw that Sarah had managed to get her long Dorzeli tongue by the massive organ and had stuck it deep into Freerah's slit just behind its base.

Freerah hissed with joy when Sarah used the full force of her swallowing reflex to take in more of her member into her almost snake like gape, then gasped, "I've never had anyone be able to take in this much...before." She placed booth her hands along Sarah's neck and stroked it. "But I am also here to please you too so please turn over." Sarah seemed to know what the larger Dorzeli had in mind and, again being careful of her sharp teeth, twisted herself upside down.

Freerah went down to all fours, darted out her tongue and thrust it deep into her partner's sex. Feih heard Sarah's muffled cries of bliss as Freerah pumped her tongue in and out of her. Sarah in turn increased her own efforts in an attempt to bring her larger partner off.

Feih had already started to use one of her tails on herself when an idea came to her. She went onto all fours as Sarah had and moved forward.

Freerah followed her with one eye until Feih disappeared to her rear. She gasped when a large tongue joined Sarah's and paid special attention to her (hir?) clit.

Feih's efforts were rewarded by a surge of the Prime's nectar onto her face and a throaty roar when the Prime lifted her head from Sarah's groin.

Sarah felt a huge torrent of cum pump directly into her stomach. She also felt what latent powers she had had from before the battle returned to her: fed directly from Freerah's fluids.

She pulled herself off of the huge organ when the flow stopped, swallowed what she still had in her mouth and grinned when she saw that, like all male Dorzeli, Freerah was still very rigid.

Feih was startled when Freerah stood up, turned on her and growled, "I could have lasted a lot longer if you hadn't interfered!"

Her fear disappeared when she saw that the larger Dorzeli was only annoyed not angry.

Freerah pointed to a spot by Sarah's head and said, "Lie down on your back and prepare for your punishment." When her order was obeyed, without question, she moved into a four footed position that placed her phallus at Feih's entrance. She then bent her head down so that their eyes met and asked "Ready?" The moment she nodded yes the Prime plunged halfway in and dipped her face into Sarah's groin.

Moans of joy escaped the Desslat's matriarch when Freerah began to pump her and Sarah soon joined her when the Prime's tongue gave as good as she had recently received.

Freerah soon had both females squirming and screeching with pleasure as both her tongue and penis worked their way into them.

They switched partners and positions several times over the next two hours, at the end of which, the two Dorzeli-Ki fell onto their backs and panted as the best afterglow of their lives overtook them. Both of the females also saw that Freerah 's penis had barely begun to soften.

Satisfied, but not yet fully drained, she leaned over Feih's prone form and licked her between her eyes. "Thank you for allowing me to please you." She then lifted Sarah's head so that their eyes met. "Was it all you hoped it would be?"

"Yes it was. Thank you." She smiled when she was also licked between the eyes, but before she was released she asked, "Is it true that you're going to keep your promise to everyone?"

Freerah nodded yes. "I intend on revisiting all of those that I touched before I left Earth; you're the third." She looked back at Feih.

She did not wait for the question to be asked; "I won't mind."

Freerah bowed to her. "Thank you."

Sarah looked at her in astonishment. "You're actually going to..." She cringed when Freerah looked upon her with a raised eyebrow, but was relieved when she saw no anger in her face.

Feih glanced at her limp organ as it retracted into her body and, with some apprehension, asked, "Are you really a..."

"I think I just answered that" interrupted the slightly annoyed Dorzeli Prime.

Both females remained silent while Freerah dressed. When she was finished she looked at Feih. "I have one other request of you; don't hold back tomorrow and use that special technique that the Dorzeli-Ki are so famous for."

Feih was shocked by Freerah's suggestion. "I-I can't; he'll retaliate at full power if I do that."

"Do it," ordered Freerah, "I'll make sure he doesn't get carried away." She grinned. "I want him know that this is not a game."

Feih, although reluctant, nodded in agreement.

Freerah grinned and turned to leave then she hesitated and returned her gaze to her recent partners. "You two surprised me with your enthusiasm. I'll have to return and give you two the workout you truly deserve for helping bring our peoples together."

Both prone females stared at her in astonishment, not only at what she said but that, as tired as they were, they wanted to be with her again as soon as possible.

Freerah unfurled her wings and, after a running start, took off.

Sarah looked at Feih. "What technique was she talking about?" Her jaw almost unhinged when Feih told her. After a few seconds she recovered and said, "If you weren't my brother's mate I'd say 'Nice knowing you'." She looked in the direction that Freerah had flown then back to her. "Are you sure you want to go through with that?"

Feih frowned. "I haven't a choice now, it's not wise to go against even a request by a Prime as powerful as her, but since Jason's not as powerful as she is it just might work."

Sarah thought for a few seconds. "I think I know of a way to give you another advantage. Excuse me." She closed her eyes and after a minute reopened them. "I just made contact with someone I know on board the Thresher Kone; he'll be down in about six hours with the necessary equipment."

Feih looked worried; "You know I can't use any external weapons and aren't you worried that he'll consider you a traitor for helping me?"

"What I have planned is well within the Kroon treaty and Dorzeli customs, well in the spirit of them, and I'm part of your family now so if he follows Dorzeli traditions he should understand (I hope)." She then told Feih of her plan.

Feih smiled. "At least we'll die together if Freerah can't stop him in time." She gave off a wide opened mouth yawn then held out her right arm. "I think we should get some rest until your friend arrives."

Sarah agreed, embraced her in a tight hug, rubbed the left sides of their faces together and lay down in each others arms.

Daihas returned moments later and when he saw them like this he paused in his approach. While what he saw was not unusual for his people he still sniffed the air (the wind had been blowing from his direction) for possible problems before he would approach them. When he recognized what had recently occurred and who was responsible he growled, "Why do I always miss out on all the fun?"

Both of the females smiled then fell into a deep sleep.

  1. The Meetings, Part 3

Jason directed Matt to sit on one of the four large cushions that was near one of the three large off white containers against the wall opposite the former Mendallian evacuation ship's entrance. He pulled another near him, sat on it and, once he saw that his subordinate was comfortable, began their meeting.

"There are three reasons why you're here today. The first concerns what happened on the bridge of the Pressat.

"I know that you thought you were protecting Feih from me, but, as I said then, it would've only been a ritualistic fight. We may have caused a few minor injuries to each other but they wouldn't have been anything life threatening. All you did was post pone the inevitable."

"But why do you have to do this," pleaded Matt in anguish. "Can't you two talk this out?"

Jason snorted, "When Daihas challenged you: did you back down or try to reason with him?"

Matt shook his head to reflect the truth. He also wondered how Jason had found out about their dominance battle.

His commander grinned. "I thought so." He became serious once more. "As a Dorzeli Prime and the commander of the Alliance forces, I can't afford to back down from any challenge to my leadership; especially where it concerns the Pressat. That's why I have to go through with this." He leaned forward, exposed his upper canines and hissed, "And this time I won't tolerate any interference."

"I-I understand," responded a fearful Matt.

Jason sat back up and appeared to have regretted what he had just done. "I didn't mean to frighten you, but you had to know how I felt about the stakes that are involved here." He looked at the containers to his right then back to Matt. "This battle may decide the fate of this planet, the Alliance and our fragile relationship with the Kroon Empire. If we can keep them appeased and neutral we'll have a chance to win this war or maybe even bring them in on our side."

Matt shivered at the thought of what could happen if hostilities were to occur with over twenty billion omnivorous and carnivorous predators, the smallest of which was over half a meter taller than the human average.

His twin tails twitched and he glanced at the main doors. "What's the other reason you wanted to see me, sir?"

"There're several rumors that have been circulating about me and anyone that I have changed, even temporarily. One among them is that I've devoured anyone that stood against me since my change." He leaned forward again, pointed his right index claw at the floor and thrust it downward with each subsequent word; "That is absolutely false."

Matt's eyes narrowed and his ears laid flat against his skull. "What about Captain Haroldson and the four government officials that disappeared from earth soon after Freerah changed you?" He was surprised that he was so bold to bring up those incidents even though he feared a possible hostile response from Jason. He was surprised when he saw him smile.

"I am glad that you mentioned that." He turned toward one of the large white containers and said, "Display cages one through three and activate the main screen." The sides of the containers retracted and revealed three individual cages.

Matt recognized the scent that came from them and, despite having eaten earlier that morning, copious amounts of saliva began to drip from his mouth: each one contained a Driksa, Dessla's large moose-like grazing animals which were the Dorzeli's main prey (next to the Soriss). All three were asleep.

His concentration was so focused on the occupants of the cages that he did not notice that the wall above them had turned into a large flat screen monitor and that a newscast from earth had begun to play, nor did he see several dozen United Nations Security officers escort four of the individuals he had mentioned as missing into a prison transport until Jason ordered the volume turned up. It looped three times before he was able bring himself to look to Jason for an explanation.

He licked his drool own drool back into his mouth then said, "Before you say anything tell me what did you heard about what happened in the Thresher Kone's landing bay after I woke up from being shot in the back by the ship commanded by Captain Haroldson?" He looked at Matt with a slight grin on his face.

He was silent for a few seconds before he spoke; "You ordered him brought before you then ordered everyone out the bay and when some balked you told them that they would share his fate if they refused to leave him alone with you."

Jason half smiled, "I was a bit melodramatic, but it worked." He stared at him and asked, "Tell me what else you've heard about that incident."

Although his nervousness had returned Matt felt that it would go better for him if he told Jason everything he knew; "After they left all of the cameras malfunctioned just before the hangar doors opened and you flew out. It was reported that no sign of a body or blood was found when they went back in and searched for him." His fear grew when Jason shook his head in agreement.

"Well, I didn't eat him if that's what's worrying you, although I am large enough to have swallowed him whole." He turned, looked at the cages, and then turned back to Matt. "It's best if I show you what happened."

He turned back to one of the cages and removed its top. The sleeping animal within awoke, stood and gave off a loud crooning call when it saw the two large predators. This alerted its two brothers who joined him in sounding the alarm for a non-existent herd.

Jason stepped back from the cage and focused on the first animal. "Dorzeli Primes can consume food to produce energy in the conventional way or we can do this."

His power horns glowed and fired two blue beams of energy that struck the frantic animal. It glowed for a brief moment then vanished. The others went silent, as if they had gone into shock over what had happened to their brother.

Matt figured it out and thought, "So that's how Freerah was able to cause such widespread destruction with so few casualties during the rebellion!" He looked at Jason's smiling face and said, "You converted it to energy and absorbed it?"

Jason winked at him. "You got it on the first try. Best of all, technically, it's still alive and will stay that way as long as I make a conscious effort to keep it so." Jason fired his beams again into the cage and the animal reappeared. To Matt it seemed no worse for wear. "As of now: I can do that with up to thirty individuals at a time and transport them anywhere for up to twenty-five hours. Freerah can do that with up to a thousand for about five days, more over shorter periods."

He turned back to face Matt who, with a tremble in his voice, asked, "And after that?"

He saw that his commander was reluctant to answer, then, after a few seconds he admitted that, "If I, we don't restore them by then they'll become a permanent part of us." He sighed. "The problem with feeding that way is that is that there is no 'taste'. Well, not in the conventional sense."

Matt tried to keep his face expressionless after he heard this newest fact about Jason and Freerah's powers, but failed not to show his astonishment or quell his worries.

"In Haroldson's case, I did threaten him with that possibility and it worked." He pointed to the video loop on the wall with his thumb, "He gave up the ones who gave him the orders to kill me if I became what I am now. I later returned to the 'Kone after I ordered it into radio silence and deposited him on the hangar deck to the surprise of the entire crew.

"He was later court-martialed before we found you along with the others that ordered your unit and the others down to this planet against my orders, but unlike them I decided to make his punishment unique." Jason showed off most of his teeth in a wide grin.

"You mean he is still alive?" Jason nodded his head yes. "Then why is it that no one else has seen him since then?"

"So you've been asking around?" Matt became flustered which caused Jason to laugh. "Well, no harm done. Since he turned states evidence against those four I decided he would live, but I've banished him from ever returning to earth for life and, for the time being, forbidden him from any contact with human beings." A new smile came to Jason's face.

Matt's eyes widened. "You changed him didn't you?" Jason nodded yes. "But what could he have turned him into that would not allow any human contact?" pondered Matt. Then it hit him.

Jason laughed at the shock he saw in Matt's face. "In your case I did it as a reward. In his...well it's best if you see for yourself." He turned to the screen, ordered it to shut down and issued the controller a new order; "Send in the former Captain David Haroldson please."

A small door near the cages opened and a nearly four meter tall, extremely well endowed, Dorzeli-An female, with similar coloring to Matt's own, walked into view. He recognized her as the pilot of the large Kroon shuttle that brought him to the base earlier that morning who had resisted all attempts at conversation during the trip. She stopped a respectable distance away from them and bowed her head.

"Come closer" ordered Jason as he pointed to a spot between himself and Matt.

When she did so he leaned down and greeted her in the same manner as he had with Matt with the addition of several added several licks to her face that looked very affectionate to him. He then raised his head and asked, "How are you doing today my dear?"

Her true voice surprised Matt even more than anything else had that day when she answered. "I'm well enough, thank you." It matched that of the same Captain Haroldson he had met for a brief moment during the liberation of the Klavar colony world.

"Good. Now strip down." Jason's order was obeyed without question.

When her uniform fell to the floor Matt could not believe what he saw: a very large male bulge in her groin. He also observed how embarrassed shi was. This was an unusual reaction as the Dorzeli were all very proud of their bodies.

"Did you know that over seven percent of the Dorzeli are born functional hermaphrodites?" It was a rhetorical question as Feih had told him about that fact about the Dorzeli's heritage since before his change. "They're highly coveted as bed partners by both sexes. Just ask hir two mates." He looked to hir.

Still stunned by this revelation Matt asked hir, "Did, did you agree to this?"

Shi just nodded yes, then looked up at him and explained that; "It was either this or transportation back to earth for execution," hir eyes darted in Jason's direction, "or worse." Shi looked back at the floor. "I chose life instead."

Jason added that, "It also helped that Haroldson was already bisexual, so, except for a few minor problems, shi's made the transition fairly well." He addressed Haroldson; "You are enjoying your new life with your new mates aren't you?"

"Yes, they're very kind to me." When shi looked up at Jason Matt saw a genuine smile on hir face. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. You can go back to them now."

Shi did not bother to dress before shi turned and left.

Matt believed that he has seen the bulge in her groin grow larger at the mention of hir mates.

Jason turned toward him and indicated with his right thumb the doorway just used by Haroldson. "I can't be all that bad if I can forgive and make happy someone who tried to kill me."

Matt kept his anger in check when he asked, "How could you do something as sick as that to him?"

Jason leaned toward him and, in a calm tone, answered; "What would you have had me do? Kill him on the spot? Actually eat him?" He leaned back, a move that Matt appreciated, and sighed. "I'll admit that I was tempted to do something that horrible to him, but I think we both know what the consequences to the war effort as well as my already 'tarnished' reputation would've been if I'd acted on those impulses."

Matt noticed that he sounded depressed when he looked back to the main doors; "It's been so hard deal with people since my change. If they're not afraid of my physical presence, they're afraid of what I might do to them and sometimes I think they might be right." He returned his attention to Matt. "But I have no choice now. I just have to keep myself under control for my sake as well as that of the Alliance. At least, with the passage of time, it's getting easier to deal with my situation as it should also be for you too."

Matt wanted to comfort him, but was unsure as what to do, or what the consequences could be if he did. Before he could think of anything to say Jason looked back to him; "I've been so busy talking about myself that forgot to ask how you've been doing."

"It's been easier since the incident with that soldier," admitted Matt. "Feih has had a lot to do with it, but I don't know if I can do that again." He turned his hands palm side up and looked down at his claws. "It was terrifying and at the same time it was so..." He had not realized that he had smiled until he looked up and saw Jason smile back at him. The small bit of drool that had leaked from his slightly parted lips also betrayed his stated feelings on the matter. He licked it away and tried to pretend that nothing had happened but he did not fool his superior.

"There's no use in denying the fact that we'll want do something like that again in the future, it's a permanent part of us now, but as you saw with my treatment of Haroldson that we can resist certain temptations when it comes to our original species."

"I-I hope so" said Matt in a low and weak voice. After a few seconds of silence had passed he saw Jason grin in a way that made him feel even more uncomfortable than the subject they had just discussed and he pulled his legs closer to his body.

Jason noticed this and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Matt opened mouth then, after a few seconds, closed it and looked away.

He heard true concern in Jason's voice: "No matter how much I've tried to make you feel comfortable you've seemed to have been nervous since we've walked in here." He looked Matt over. "Do you fear me for some reason? Is it about what happened at Aybabtu?" He leaned forward and placed his right hand on Matt's left shoulder. "Despite what happened and the way I acted that day I'd never do anything to hurt anyone that's loyal to me."

Matt said nothing, continued to look away and curled his tails forward to protect his groin.

Jason removed his hand, sat up and frowned. "I see." In a voice that Matt found calmer than expected he said, "Despite the unique nature of Dorzeli biology and culture I've no personal interest in you in that way and even if I did I'd never use my position to take advantage of you."

Matt looked up at Jason and, his voice shaky, asked, "Are you telling me the truth? I've heard that it's custom for all Dorzeli to have to submit them selves to Primes whenever they demand it."

Jason became uncomfortable. "That's true, but as I said I would never make that request of you. And if you're wondering about the way I acted toward Haroldson: I tease hir like that as part of hir punishment because I know that shi wants me." A slight grin appeared on his snout.

Matt did not know how but he sensed deception in his commanders intent and voiced it. "Please, don't lie to me, sir, because I-I won't...I can't..."

"Do you want the whole truth?" Matt just stared at him in silence. "You've indirectly hit upon the final reason that you're here." Jason grinned again.

Resigned to his fate as he would never be fast enough to escape pursuit or find anyplace on the planet where he could hide, Matt raised his hand to undo the hidden fasteners of his suit. Then, as if on cue, a soothing four tone alarm sounded and the doors unlocked. Jason's grin broadened.

Matt's eyes widened in recognition of the familiar scent that hit his sensitive nose. He looked at Jason and in a state of near panic said, "No. I can't betray Feih's trust in me."

"Who said you'll be betraying her?" asked a friendly feminine voice.

He stood, turned and saw Freerah in the entranceway to the building. She walked in and the doors closed. Her eyes did not waver from him until she passed him and greeted Jason in the proper fashion when she arrived by his side. They gave each other a tender hug for a few moments as the doors relocked. When they released each other she turned to him.

He stood and bowed. He also wanted to run but found that he could not move. Not because she was somehow holding him in place with a never before revealed power, but because his long held desires refused to let him leave her presence.

She looked down from her ten and a half meter height into his eyes, took his right hand into both of hers and said, "Hello Matthew. It's been a long time," then greeted him by rubbing her left cheek with his.

He wondered how she could have remembered him out of the eighty-six people she visited that week so many years ago as a very intense feeling of joy washed over him.

She guessed at what he was thinking; "I have a very good memory and if you remember the last time I was this close to you I made a promise that I now intend to keep." She leaned down and licked him between his eyes.

His legs became weak then a new strength came to them and his loins. He looked to Jason for any sign of disapproval and saw none.

"I guess I'll leave you two alone to discuss old times." Jason turned for the doors.

Freerah swung her head toward him and growled, "You will stay with us."

Surprised by her order he protested. "But I..."

"I intend to please you both."

His ears perked up at this statement and a smile returned to his face. When she saw him start to remove his uniform she turned back to the awestruck lieutenant and brought her face down to his, nose to nose.

"But Feih..."

"She gave her consent to this when I visited her and your sister." She caressed his neck with her left hand. "As you can smell they were both very cooperative."

Matt did not want to believe that he had smelled Feih and his sisters sexual scents on her, but his senses and in his heart he knew it was true as much as the fact that he had always wanted to be with her.

She licked him again before she added, "I'm also going to visit all of the survivors from my last week on earth who made it out this far; you're number four." He heard a growl of protest from behind her. "Okay," she giggled (if that is what one might call the harsh sound), "number five." She traced a razor sharp claw along his carotid artery. "But you must understand that this will be a once in a lifetime experience and that afterwards," another lick, this time to the right side of his face, "you must never approach me for this again."

Tears welled up in Matt's eyes. She licked them away then placed her mouth to his ear. "Well, if Jason screws up, I might reconsider."

He thought Jason heard that then he realized that the message had come over his implanted communicator.

When he once more thought of Feih and his sister together with Freerah and he was flooded with a series of images and sensations that revealed the full extent of her many talents; one of which poked him in his abdomen as she pushed him down onto the cushioned floor. The last thing he had a clear memory of was the image of Jason with a sly grin on his face and an erection that was almost as massive as his mate's.

  1. The Meetings, Part 4

Matt could not tell if it had been a dream when he came out of the feral haze he had descended into. Had he made love to Freerah or was it something else? Then there was the taste of Driska blood in his mouth. Before he could sit up he heard Jason scream, "Yes, harder, unngh!"

He sat up, turned to his left and saw that Jason was on all fours with Freerah at his rear. When she saw that he was awake she smiled, pulled back then thrust herself forward again which caused Jason to hiss with pleasure. The brief glimpse of the thick purple shaft that was between her legs caused him to realize that it had not been a dream; the insertion and the delicious pounding; the power behind each thrust, the overwhelming filling after he had climaxed three times around her when she (shi?) released into him; an experience that had been so strong that he had passed out; a memory so arousing that he become hard once again.

She saw this, raised her single tail high and snarled, "This is your chance so make the best of it while you still can."

He looked back at Jason and saw that his penis was also at full erection and dripping huge amounts of pre-cum onto the padded floor. The residual soreness from his other organ confirmed that she had done the same thing to him and what surprised him was that he did not feel any revulsion from the act. Instead he felt a sensation of joy and happiness that equaled any time he had made love to Feih.

He was brought back to the present when Jason cried, "Free', I can't hold it anymore!"

She growled, "You will hold until I tell you that you can cum." Then she glared at Matt. "You'll never get your chance if he cums before you're in me." She then redoubled her efforts on her mate.

Her threat was all the incentive he needed; he jumped to his feet, moved behind her and pushed his way into her waiting depths which caused her to utter a guttural "Yesss!" from deep within her throat.

Matt could not believe how hot she was, almost as hot as was Feih on their wedding night, or that he was doing what he had always dreamed of doing. He hoped Feih would forgive him and began to thrust into her in earnest.

He had gotten into his own rhythm when Jason screamed again, but the repeat of her threat and growls made him hang on. Then it was her turn as Matt let himself go and pounded her with all of his strength. Each of his thrusts pushed her and Jason closer to the edge of ultimate ecstasy.

Jason screamed, "I can't stand it anymore" and tried to pull away from his mate.

He left deep gashes in the soft floor when she growled, wrapped her arms around his torso and pulled him backward and lifted him into the air where she bounced him upon her shaft.

Matt had to reach around her wings and grab hold of Freerah's large breasts to keep from falling from her. That was all it took.

She roared out and climaxed within her mate who did likewise seconds later.

Their mutual flows spilled from their bodies. Hers and ran down their legs while Jason sprayed his load into the air with such pressure that it hit the high ceiling of the former evacuation ship.

She lowered Jason onto the floor then fell forward under Matt's increased, real weight. The growl by her ear and the sight of his face next to hers told her that he had released all restraint.

Matt was fully aware of what he had just accomplished and that he had matched Feih's size that night back in the forest.

He grinned, took a firmer hold of her breasts and sped up his rhythm with such vigor that Freerah's still rigid maleness resumed its motions within Jason who smiled; his mate's plan to let Matt experience the full intensity of Dorzeli sex was working. He also did not want it to stop for selfish reasons; he was enjoying it too much.

Her organ pulsed with the beginnings of a second orgasm within minutes as Matt continued seek his own release with powerful, rapid and very deep thrusts. She roared and shot a second load into Jason. Matt followed seconds later and joy overwhelmed him as he emptied himself into her for the first and possibly last time in his life.

Never had he felt anything so good, even when he was with Feih and what amazed him was that he felt no guilt when, exhausted from their multi-hour session, he withdrew from her and fell onto the padded floor, face up.

She pulled herself free of Jason a few seconds later, turned to Matt's prone and normal sized form, leaned down and gave him a tender kiss on his snout. He smiled then fell back into another blissful state of unconscious.

He awoke an undetermined number of hours later and thought, "Was that real?" The soreness he felt in his groin indicated to him that indeed it was. Then a sound to his right caused him to turn his head. He saw that Haroldson was cleaning out one of the opened cages. He looked down at his torso and saw that there was still a slight bulge there.

"I'm glad to see that you're finally awake." He turned back and saw that shi had finished and had faced him. "There are only two hours left before your mate meets Jason in combat. If we leave now we will arrive with time to spare."

Matt synchronized his implant with the base's computer and was surprised that he had slept into the next day. "How long has it been since they left?"

"About three hours."

Matt stood, picked up his uniform and, with his sensitive nose, noticed that all the scents from the night's activities had been cleaned from it.

He dressed and asked, "Why are you so talkative today when you were hard pressed to even say hello when you flew me here yesterday and how did you get in here?"

"I'm sorry about that but Jason ordered me not to give myself away before you met him and one of my new duties is to take care of this facility and everything (and if necessary everyone) within it; the security system is programmed to let me in when Jason or Freerah are not here. The other is to shuttle various Kroon dignitaries about the planet." Impatient shi again pointed to the doors. "We should leave now."

Matt agreed, put on his uniform then walked toward the door. Just as Jason had promised they opened upon his approach.

He was caught off guard when Haroldson sprinted in front of him, turned hir head around and, in Dorzel, announced, "One last thing: you must call me by my new name, Kreesak, once we're outside." Matt paused and looked down at hir. "Jason does not want it known to non-Dorzeli what he has done to me although he wants it known that I'm still alive."

Matt acknowledged the name change just as the doors opened to reveal that the same large Kroon shuttlecraft that had brought him to the base the previous morning was parked outside. He saw that it was guarded by a large black Cherrodon with grey spots who had a matching armored battle pod on its back. The large fox-Doberman like long necked being left the moment it saw them approach.

He followed Kreesak into the bus-shaped craft and sat in the same seat he had used before and noticed that it had been moved so that it was closer to the two pilot's seats that, like his, could adapt to the various sized races of the Kroon Empire in the spacious one room eight seated (two for the pilot and co-pilot) cabin.

Kreesak jumped into the smallest pilot seat, powered up the two large circular outboard gravity units, asked for and got priority clearance from air traffic control. Seconds later they were airborne.

Matt looked out a side view port when it turned and moved away from the base and discovered that the Pressat was no longer where he had last seen it.

"It's in low orbit over the battleground now," explained Kreesak. He looked at the back of hir seat. "Freerah and Jason decided that that was the best place for it when they went to get witnesses."

He knew that that it was a necessary part of the ritual, but the idea of others seeing the coming battle still disturbed him. He decided to start a conversation with Kreesak in order to take his mind off what was about to happen. "So, how was your night?"

He regretted asking the question when she answered with, "About as eventful as yours I believe." He could not see if she had smiled but he heard it in hir voice. "My mates, Gracsa and Loidas Treyais, are very understanding about my situation, considering that they and all of the Dorzeli-An knew of what I had done." He heard a hint of sadness in hir voice when shi added, "Despite of my alleged desirable status, most rejected me when I was dumped in among them."

Matt detected the spicy nutmeg-like smell that indicated shi had become aroused by talking about hir mates.

Shi activated the autopilot, turned hir seat around and leaned back with hir hands in hir lap. "The only sad thing is that they're bound by the agreement Jason made with them to terminate me if I make any unauthorized contact with humans. That's why my duties have been arranged to avoid any accidental contacts."

"Was that why a Cherrodon was guarding this ship?"

Shi nodded yes. "A Mendall was in the pod." Shi became further depressed. "And believe me they will do it if and when the time comes. And now that you know about me you're also bound by that same agreement."

"I could never do that," stated Matt as he became uneasy under hir gaze.

Shi smiled. "Just like you couldn't do what came naturally when you took out Field Marshall Grahdal?"

Matt became dismayed that that information had gotten out. "If other humans ever found out about that..."

Shi eased his fears, "Only the Dorzeli know about that and believe me they can keep a secret." Shi looked down at his groin and smiled. "Sorry about that." Shi looked back up into his face. "I haven't learned how to control my pheromone emissions yet."

Although he was embarrassed by his body's reaction to hir, he had to admit that shi was attractive for a Dorzeli and that, under different circumstances, he probably would have accepted any offer shi made to him.

"If you want I can relieve you of your problem there." A hopeful look came to hir face.

Startled, he growled, "No."

Shi continued despite his implied threat. "Even though I didn't witness it I could tell from the scents and expression on your face when I saw you sleeping that you enjoyed Freerah's and Jason's company." Shi again looked at the ever growing protrusion between Matt's legs as he squirmed. "We both know that once a Dorzeli becomes erect it'll take nearly an hour for it to go down by itself so it won't due for you to show up like that just before such an important event, especially with all the human and Mendallian officials that'll be there."

Feih had always been there for him whenever this had happened to him (she usually was the cause) so it had never been a problem, but if he was not to embarrass himself he would have no choice but to allow Kreesak to 'relieve' him. But how, he thought, could he justify doing it with hir after already being with Freerah, even if Feih had approved of what they had done, and be with a former human male that had tried to kill Jason? At least his memories did not include Jason taking him, only Freerah as he had.

"I know what's bothering you," shi began in a sad, almost desperate tone of voice. "But you must understand that they would've killed my family if I hadn't fired on Jason. But since he saved them I've cooperated with him or I wouldn't be alive now." Kreesak looked down at hirself and Matt followed her gaze and saw that shi too was very aroused.

"Just look at this," He saw the most pitiful expression he had ever seen on a Dorzeli's face when shi looked back up at him. "Jason didn't tell me that Dorzeli herms have hyperactive sex drives before I agreed to this; that's why they...we're so popular in some Dorzeli sub-cultures." Shi gave an ironic laugh, "Can you believe that I actually wore my mates out last night and that I'm still this horny?"

Matt considered how long and how many times he and Feih could go at it and the knowledge that the Dorzeli-An were just as virile and was amazed. But he still found hir claim to be a little unbelievable. On the other hand, he thought, Jason could have given hir even greater endurance and the inability to be satisfied in full as an additional punishment.

"Please lieutenant," begged Kreesak, "We can help each other or humiliate ourselves when we land."

His choices were limited: attempt to masturbate with claws that could penetrate laminated armor or have sex with a former human male assassin. The unbearable tightness about his member made the decision for him.

He stared at hir and looked as serious as possible when he said, "All right, but if you try anything weird this ship will be landing on autopilot too." He did not know if he could carry out his threat and he hoped he did not have to find out.

A smile came back to Kreesak's face. "Thank you."

Shi removed hir safety restraints and then hir uniform. It was then that hir became fully erect.

Matt was amazed at how large shi was; proportionately much larger than himself or even Jason or Freerah. He speculated that shi might even be able to suck hirself off if shi tried as the head of hir penis looked as if it could fit into the lower half of hir abundant cleavage. "How in hell can hir mates take that?" he thought.

Shi saw the startled look on his face, smiled and cupped hir enormous right breast in one hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Dorzeli herms are much larger in everything than either of the single sexes." Shi gave off a small laugh. "My mates do have some difficulty in taking me but I don't think you'll have any such problems."

He undid his restraints and hoped that shi was right. Then he caught himself. Did he really want hir to go where only Feih's tail and Freerah had been? The memory of how good she (shi?) had felt caused him to give off a sign of pleasure when he stood up and he freed his more than meter and a half long organ when he undid his suit's lower half. He sat down with his tail laid out in front of him. In fact it felt so good to have such freedom that was not able to move fast enough to stop hir when she straddled his tails and inserted hirself into to his pseudo-vagina.

Startled by the sudden intrusion he reached down to remove hir. Shi embraced his penis with hir arms and generous cleavage and stroked and licked at it. When shi paused and saw how angry he was at hir sudden rough intrusion, shi frowned and closed hir eyes.

"If you must, go ahead: I'd rather you do it than Jason."

He made no further move to remove hir. Shi just felt so good and so hot. He was also puzzled that shi felt a bit larger than hir apparent size would indicate. "I won't harm you. Just please get it over with."

Shi opened hir eyes, thanked him then continued what shi had started.

He had to admit that, after a few seconds, felt much better than Feih's tails, but was not quite as filling as Freerah had been. Shi felt so good, in fact, that he soon forgot his revulsion at having sex with hir and found himself wishing that they were equal in size so that he could properly return hir affections. Then instinct kicked in.

He positioned one of his tails under hir femininity and thrust it in. Shi pulled her mouth from the head of his organ and screamed out in joy. He then drove hir further into sexual bliss when he gyrated his tail as Feih had done with him on several occasions. Shi in turn rose up and squeezed her breasts around his engorged cock head and thrust into him harder and faster than before.

Hir heat flowed around his tail along with an exponential increase in the intensity of her wonderful pheromones. Hir vagina gripped his tail as hard as Feih's ever had and she roared out in a violent, body shuddering climax.

Supported only by his tail Kreesak used both tails and breasts to grip his throbbing organ with a strength he did not believe was possible and vibrated him with hir near violent orgasm as hir seed rushed into him. He closed his eyes and roared as this triggered his.

Matt looked down moments later and saw that, in an attempt to stop him from spraying the entire cabin, Kreesak had blocked his entire load with hir body; shi was covered from hir horns to hir bountiful chest with his cum.

Shi proceeded to lick hirself and his shaft clean a sight that turned him on even more, especially when shi paid attention to his still very hard shaft and, when shi withdrew from him, his dripping fem slit.

He found that he could not resist the urge and reach down and hug hir the moment shi finished.

When they parted shi drew him into a deep, passionate kiss, which caused his member to throb with renewed passion. A passion that grew higher when shi beat down and licked at his exposed chest.

Matt had always enjoyed Feih's tongue baths and it felt as if both she and Kreesak had learned from the same teacher, but after a few seconds his guilt returned and he and pushed hir away.

Shi backed off with a look of disappointment on hir face. "It looks like we'll still be embarrassed." He looked down and saw that, like him, shi was still very hard. He leaned forward and lifted hir from the floor.

Fearful that Matt was going to follow through on his threat shi cringed, but was pleasantly surprised when he said, "I'm sorry about that, but I didn't want to be engaged with you when we landed."

Kressak sighed, "I understand."

He glanced down at hir organ and a new urge came over him, one that he never thought he would feel. He looked back into hir face, "I-I'm uncomfortable enough with this as it is, but I know it's the Dorzeli custom to reciprocate any favors given." He paused for a moment then brought his opened mouth downward.

Kreesak stopped him with a gentle upward push on his snout before he could accomplish the act. "Please, I know it had to be difficult for you to do what you've already done with me; I won't push you further and make you feel even more uncomfortable." Shi leaned forward and thanked him with a quick kiss on the right side of his face then jumped off his body when he released hir.

He still felt that he should be thankful that he did not have to go through with what he at one time would have considered a distasteful act, but he could not help but feel that he still owed hir something. That along with a level of affection he felt for hir, that surprised him, and the rebuilding need within his loins caused him to bring one hand up to his face and deposit a generous amount of saliva upon it.

Kreesak was startled when that same hand wrapped around hir penis from behind and another around hir chest before shi could get back to hir discarded uniform. Shi relaxed when Matt started to pump hir and massage hir bosom.

"Ah, you're so good. T-thank you." Shi raised and turned her head and lick-kissed him.

Any resistance he had broke down and he returned hir friendliness, but instead of the side of hir face he licked her between the eyes; a Dorzeli sign of combined affection and dominance over another.

Shi hissed in pleasure and raised hir tails. "I'm all yours."

Matt hesitated; "But I might be too big..."

"I'm a Dorzeli herm" shi growled, "Jason's made sure that I can take anyone." Then in a softer tone, "Please, I-I need it bad. He keeps teasing me but never follows through; please don't be like him."

"I won't" said Matt.

He carried hir into the wide center aisle, laid hir down on all fours, positioned himself behind hir. He found hir to be tight, but not terribly so, as he pushed just over half his length into hir.

"Yes!" shi cried. "More; go deeper!"

Hir tightness and the feel of hir throbbing maleness in his hand turned him on more than he thought possible and soon he became so lost in the act that he no longer cared about his previous feelings about having sex with hir or how much time they had left before they arrived at their destination. All he cared about was the act itself.

He also did not notice anything unusual until he felt her left breast overflow his hand and the back of hir head butt up against his chin.

He hilted hir and thought, "So that's what shi meant that shi could take me? Shi's just about Daihas' size now..." He stopped moving with this realization.

Shi cried out, "Please don't stop. I can't maintain this size without..." She cried out in pain, which was matched with a severe tightening around his member and her overall shrinkage. The moment he resumed his thrusts shi returned to hir previous size.

He growled with delight at how tight shi was about him took hir as had as he had ever done with Feih, except instead of having both hands on hir breast his right stroked hir shaft at a pace that was as furious as his deep thrusts into hir.

Between cries of sheer ecstasy he heard her gasp, "...cum.....closerrrr."

His Dorzeli instincts kicked in; he reared up, leaned his head over hir shoulder and opened his mouth wide just as shi came.

Nearly all of hir spunk went into his mouth and down his throat and to his amazement and pleasure he found that it tasted no different than Feih's emissions. When shi finished he swallowed, gave hir few more humps into hir and shot his second load into hir with a roar of joy that almost deafened them both.

When he was finished he lifted hir off of his softening penis and lapped up what little of hir cum that remained on hir organ. When shi was clean he released hir.

Kreesak stood up and turned to thank Matt, but stopped when he said, "I think you should be able to put your pants on and get back to piloting this shuttle now; we're almost there." He glanced at the controls then back to hir and smirked, "Or we should have been twenty minutes ago."

He saw a nervous grin appear on hir face. "I-I set the ship to circle here in case you said yes. I would have taken it straight in if you had refused me." Shi bowed to him and said, "Thank you" before shi did as he had first suggested. He noticed that shi did seem happier than before by the way she bounded over the back of the pilot's seat after shi had dressed.

He put on his suit back on, returned to his seat and wondered if this whole incident was a pleasant accident or a setup that Jason and Freerah had arranged so that he would feel more comfortable with his new Dorzeli sexuality. He became a little angry at this possible deception and how much he had let himself go. Then he thought about Daihas and his obligation to Feih's family to "impose" himself on their former alpha male to ensure his leadership position. He licked his lips which caused him to taste some of Kreesak's cum he had missed and decided that maybe he could do it but that he would not come to a decision just yet. He then leaned back in his seat and thought of a how to explain to Feih what he had done when they landed.