Night Hag

Story by J Kitch on SoFurry

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Aaron sighed quietly as he shuffled back to his room in MacArthur hall, numb to the eyes on him, numb to the shadows they cast as he stared at the floor. No-one mattered to him anymore... nothing mattered to him. On the day of his would-be first anniversary... Clara dumped him. His whole world, torn asunder with but three simple, cold words. "It's not working."...

He paused for a moment in the common room of his floor, spying a trash bin. Padding over to it, the eighteen-year-old shrugged the meager boquet of flowers he had selected for her out of his paw. He scrounged and saved up for two weeks in order to afford such a little luxury that could be thrown away, a gesture too insignifigant for Clara to recognize.

Money... popularity... those were the things that mattered most to her. She hid it well, too, using him for every cent he earned with promises of keeping his love... but when the money ran out, she found that financial and social security was much more easy to come by when the clothes you wear cover as little as possible. He cursed himself for being so blind, so naieve... cursed Clara... cursed the whole world as he scratched slightly at the metal knob that led to his room. Finally jamming the lock open with fumbling, angry movements of a key, he shoved his way into his room, and flopped his body heavily onto the empty matress... the pillows still smelling slightly of her... the scent repulsed him, sickened him. He tossed it with great prejudice onto the floor, away from his senses... away from his heart. He curled up upon himself, the grey wolf staring at a single crack in the ceiling. He always noticed it... where the ceiling had been patched up many years ago.

A sizeable hole had been blasted into the ceiling, apparently, and for some reason, whenever he slept... that hole was the last thing he saw... it reminded him then, of himself... a hole... an empty, lonely hole... one that would eventually be patched up, in time... but at the moment, he thought... he wanted to be there. He reflected for a few hours on his relationship with Clara, and he determined that he SHOULD had saw that day coming... she was always pressuring him to work more hours, buy her the most expensive meals and clothes... never went dutch, never treated HIM to anything. His whole life was centered around hard work with no return. As the bud of rage grew and blossomed in him, he winced and flinched as the light in his room flickered, flared, and popped. Bathed in darkness, he grumbled to himself. "Typical." he thought, sitting up. He didn't even have the money for a new box of lightbulbs, unless he wanted to go without lunch the following day. His attention then was turned to his old laptop as it flickered to life. He raised his brows, and padded over to it, hearing the familiar jingle that sounded it's readiness. He shrugged then, and clicked on the link to a violent game he kept on his computer.

Killing pixelated bad guys was theraputic, and for once, his computer-generated ally was actually helpful. He smirked at the self-generated name it went by. "Silent Anne." He found the prospect of a female being by his side proposterous at the moment... yet... she really came through for him... acted almost as a real player would. The most shocking of it's actions was to actually step in front of him when an enemy had him in his sights. Selfless acts definately weren't part of the program normally... still, he chalked it up to luck, and went on to finish the level, noticing that it was getting quite late. He yawned then, and shut the computer off, before rounding the desk to reach his bed. The moment, however, that he stepped out from behind that simple wooden frame... he found the floor ice cold. He yipped, and became aware that the room itself was freezing too. He hid his paws under his armpits and whimpered his way to his bed, tossing the covers over him and shivvering softly. Aaron huddled under his covers, wondering if there was some kind of conspiracy going on to make his night miserable, until he felt the chill pass, the cold air moving, apparently, about his room. The chill was worse around his legs, and when he pulled his feet up, he felt something brush against his buttocks... thinking it some kind of pest, he kicked furiously, and threw off the covers to inspect what had invaded his bed... but there was nothing in the darkness.

Aaron tried to settle himself again, glaring at the wall beside his bed. His eyes stayed open, alertly surveying his room for any movement. He waited... sitting up in his bed, ears stiff and anxious... waiting to hear the telltale skitter of a little pest scavenging his room for anything edible. He listened for rustling, but what he heard was something very different. A hushed voice called his name in the darkness... and while he was sure it was coming from the foot of his bed, he wasn't about to submit himself to an overactive imagination. Aaron quickly tossed his legs over his bed, and stomped his way to his door, his temper reaching it's boiling point. He yanked open his door, only to see the flickering flourescent lights of the empty hall outside. He scanned in both directions, but didn't see a single soul. He sighed softly, and thought that he was starting to go crazy with grief, and shut his door once more. His neck ruff stood on end at what he saw then; the door was glowing softly from the light his laptop was shedding once more. Only, this time, it wasn't in the operating system... it was in the simple text prompt that he normally only saw when starting it up... and the prompt itself was what made his eyes wide.

"Hello." the screen read.

Aaron froze in place, thinking this some kind of paranoid delusion, but he approached his computer cautiously, inching his way over, afraid that the computer might... bite him... or something...

Finally Aaron worked up the courage to touch his fingers to the keys in a response. "Who are you?" he requested, thinking himself now completely mad. The cursor blinked several times, before it responded, "Anne."

Aaron could only guess now that it was a hacker somewhere toying with him. Fear was slowly dissolving into curiousity as he typed, "ASL?" the standard web-savvy inquiry for information. The cursor again winked at him several times before it responded, "I'm twenty one... female... and I'm right behind you."

Aaron wheeled around, his stomach now churning... this wasn't funny, and again, he felt that cold chill, now touching his nose. He could see his breath, though the thermostat was well above 70. He swallowed hard, and his pupils dilated dramatically as, to his surprise and terror, saw the whisps of his breath seem to be falling upon the shape of a face... which was drawing closer. He yelped, trying to move... but his body was clutched with fear, and he could only inch himself away, as he felt his cheeks caressed by unseen, gentle paws. He wanted to scream, but his throat was blocked by panic, and his muscles just did not obey him. Eventually, he leaned too far over, and he crashed to the floor, where he felt a weight pressing down on his body. It wasn't cold this time... but rather... warm... warm as a living being... laying fully upon him, though he still couldn't see his attacker... and that's when it occurred to him that he wasn't being attacked at all. He could feel soft, welcoming hips descend upon his own, followed by the sensation of feeling heavy, well-fed breasts pressing into his neckfur. He felt his ear then, traced slowly around the rim by a warm, wet tongue. It sent electricity down his spine, causing him to shudder with the sheer wanton lust it instilled in him. The embrace lasted for what he perceived as an eternity, that slow, teasing caress of a hot organ over his left ear, then slowly, it moved to the other. He felt this phantom writhe slightly above him, grinding it's feminine curves into his prone form... and when he was certain he was not meant for harm, he moves his paws up and found that he could place them on a physical form; he still could not see it, but he could definitely feel the short hair in his fingers; her fur was short as a horse's pelt, although the curves were far more voluptuous than any mare he'd ever seen... he ran his fingers over her form, until he found her buttocks, which he experimentally squeezed. He heard a soft moan then, and his ears flattened against his head.

"Oh shit, oh shit oh shit... this is real." He whispered quietly.

"Yes, yes it is, Aaron." came the response in a hushed, deep, feminine voice. "More real than that bitch ever was to you."


"Shhhhh..." the ghost whispered, and he felt her body shift above him, until he felt her lips push a caressing whisp of cold air into his face, before her cool lips found his own. He felt himself being drawn up into this invisible presence, as her lips ground down against his own, slipping hard across them with a fierce passion. She suckled his lower lip into her mouth, and bit it just slightly as she moved against him. Slowly, she began to buck her hips against his jeans, which were now tightly hugging a bulge as his body responded the only way it could. He felt her lips slowly part from his own then, and he felt teeth dig slightly into his shoulder as her body continued to slither against his own, causing him to become tight with building, wantful tension, his stomach muscles bunching up as he fought the urge to thrust up against her... she moved then, and he felt her take the back of his head, pulling it up from the floor. He felt the soft, sweet flesh of a nipple against his face, so he took it into his mouth and suckled gently, his eyes closed to take away some of the strangeness... though it was like he could almost see her, as he mapped out her body with his fingers. As he suckled from her breast, she groaned lowly and thrust her hips more forcefully against his bulge.

"Mmmf... and SHE dumped YOU? What a foolish, shallow girl..." she said quietly.

Aaron didn't respond, merely kept suckling as he used the encounter as a way to 'get back' at Clara... using even this ghost to get 'over' her, by letting himself be put under this spirit who hungered for him. He felt his head get shifted over to her other breast, where he found the nipple to already be fat and krinkled with arousal.

"Yes... you have such a nice mouth... mmmf... love the way you suck my tits." She gasped, digging her smooth, hooved fingers into his scalp. His mind was racing now... he could feel his arousal being stroked firmly by unseen hips, and suddenly, he felt his pants being tugged off... already his fly was undone, and he felt his pants getting wiggled off, one side at a time until his hips were fully naked, his cock laying rigid against his tummy.

"More... it feels so good..." her voice begged him, and he continued to suckle at her breast while an unseen hand stroked at his cock, keeping it rigid, keeping him tense and ready. His lips pressed down on her flesh, and he could feel her nipples swell in his mouth, hard as little pebbles while he worked at them with his tongue. She shuddered against him, and he felt her shift atop him, her hips lifting above his body, to press down on the head of his cock. He felt her moist pussy lips spread around the head of his cock as she descended, sinking him in inch by inch, slowly, torturously, until finally, her buttocks met his thighs.

"Mmmmm... that feels great." She moaned softly, hungrily, as her pussy flexed, and he could look down at his own cock... see it coated with a yellowish fluid... see the flesh being pulled back and forth as her hips began to work atop his own. He began to thrust in response, flexing his back hard to push up as much as he could into her needful depths. He gripped her buttocks powerfully, pulling his invisible lover down on him at a pace he felt comfortable with... that is, until he felt his hands grabbed, and, with an undeniable strength, pinned against either side of his head.

"Now now... I didn't come this far to have you hold back on me." Her voice said teasingly.

Aaron blinked, and then felt her weight press down fully on his own... his head was trapped between the floor and the breasts of his ghostlover, and his arms were kept immobile. Her arms wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him into the warmth of her cleavage, where he struggled to get a clear breath of air as he felt her hips work harder at his cock... he grunted as her hips slapped down against his own, pumping his cock hard and fast with her tight, wet tunnel.

"Oh fuck, Aaron... such a good cock... ooooooh.." she moaned lustfully, moving with a feverish speed. She gasped as she felt his cock flex within her walls, which caused her to move faster, twisting her hips a bit as she plunged down his length, then bucking at the bottom to grind her clit against his pelvis. He thrust up into her, trying to match her speed, but he felt his pleasure building rather quickly as she jacked his cock into her waiting, hungry cunt.

"I can feel you... mmmmf... oh yes... you're gonna cum..." she breathed heavily against his ear as she continued to cradle his muzzle between her breasts.

Aaron could only respond by grunting and struggling harder, not wanting to end this encounter too quickly, but her quickly working hips were making it nearly impossible to hold himself in check.

"I can feel your cock... throbbing.... Mmm.. yeah... gonna fuck the cum out of you... gonna jack you off into me... fill me... do it... I want you to cum so hard.. so deep... oh shit!" she moaned sharply, as her cunt started to flex further, her orgasm beginning to form in her hips, causing her to pick up her speed to a vicious, pounding pace.

Aaron grunted harder, gasping for breath between the ghost's breasts, his muscles straining urgently under her movements, his cock swelling, throbbing harder insider her rippling, squeezing pussy.... His muscles locked up, he trembled hard, and suddenly his cock exploded in hot, white spasms inside the ghost's waiting, milking passage. He couldn't see where his cum was going, though... it seemed to disappear the moment it spurted from him. It was then that he saw a feint, misty outline of a female...making her instantly less like a dream and more like reality... however, there was no trace of relaxation in his face as the ghost either didn't notice him cumming, or simply didn't care... for her hips kept up their angry, fierce pace, jacking every last drop of cum out of his body, taking him for all he was worth. He felt her back arch, and finally he was able to take in a good breath of air, which he used to whimper.

"S...stop! Ungh! I ... I came!" he groaned.

"I know..." the ghost smiled, her body vaguely visible, though still no details could be made out. "I want to be sure... I got it all." She groaned, and then yanked up his hands, dragging him up to a kneeling position, his cock still buried deep into her. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms locked around his shoulders. She started banging her hips against his own as he weakly returned the thrusts, his body taking completely over as he drove himself into her... determined to satisfy this ghost, and he could already feel his balls recovering. His thrusts became wilder and wilder, until he felt his sack tighten up against his body, and felt the walls of the ghost's vagina clamp down on his cock, fluttering and spasming violently as she finally came, gasping and groaning out his name as she rode his cock recklessly, bucking and keening ferociously against him as her pleasure exploded inside her like a reactor. Aaron lasted just a few more minutes after the ghost came, shooting a second load of cum into the ghost's body... which again, as with the first time, made the ghost seem to become more real. He stared at her fuzzy image for a second, before he fell back onto his butt in utter exhaustion.

"Who are you?" he asked breathlessly, heaving and now only curious, no longer frightened at all.

"Someone who'll be back for you again." The ghost replied, smiling warmly at him, caressing his cheek. "You've got a lot to learn."

--End of Chapter 1