50 Shades of Bay: 1. - ADAM

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#1 of 50 Shades of Bay

The sexual adventures of the mare Mrs Gray, respectable headmistress with a dark secret.

This is the first installment, of what may or may not be more. Adam is a student, and aspiring reporter for the school paper. He is also about to find out the price for being stupid.

Yes the title is a bad joke, but I couldn't resist.

Please let me know what you think, feedback is the breakfast of champions.

50 Shades of Bay

  1. ADAM

She looked down her muzzle at the nervous colt, letting him stew for a moment, knowing the tension would make her job easier. After years as headmistress of the prestigious Equine Academy, she knew how to turn a cocky stud into a puddle of anxiety in under two minutes. A pity they didn't teach that somewhere, she had to pick it up as she went along.

Watching her prey start to noticeably sweat, she reflected on her good luck. She had her eye on this pretty colt since he had first stepped onto the grounds, but had never had a chance to do anything. Now he had practically trotted right in front of her gun-sights and mooned. It was a gift too good to ignore.

She let her gaze travel over his body, standing before her desk, weight shifting nervously from one hoof to the other as he waited to learn his fate. The years had been kind to this one, the tall but gawky youngster filling out to a strong lean stud. Finishing his penultimate year of school, he was in that delicious stage where she could see the stallion and colt at the same time.

A beautiful grey Arabian, tall with broad shoulders, he wore his mane long down his back. A single gold earring in his left ear hinted at rebelliousness, as did the discrete silver tail ring, worn in defiance of the letter of school policy, probably a gift from that filly of his. She snorted at the thought, momentarily angered. As if any mere filly knew how to claim one such as this. Time to put him in his place.

"Well Adam. It seems we have a problem."

"Ahh...Mrs Gray, if it's about my article in the last edition of the school paper, I ran it past Mr Davies first and he...."

The colt trailed off as she opened a desk drawer, and pulled out a small plastic bag, her eyes never leaving his nor losing the same mix of irony and disapproval they had worn since he entered her office. His expression did change however; recognition, shock, fear. She had his attention now alright.

"Would you care to explain this Adam?"

He gulped, tried badly to make something come out, swallowed again, then managed only to emit a high pitched nicker before lapsing into silence again. He kept searching for an explanation that could conceivably get him out of the shitload of trouble he was now in but kept drawing a blank.

"I always thought you were a promising one Adam. Good student, when you could be bothered applying yourself. Aspiring journalist. Decent athlete, also when you can be bothered. I realise with your looks you could easily be just another one of the vacant headed himbos that breeze through this Academy on their parents' money then crash and burn when life gets real, but I thought that would never happen, you were too smart, too fundamentally sensible."

"Then what do I see but you, outside the classroom in which I am trying to bludgeon some basic grammar into a bunch of mindless second years of all places, calmly putting a large and obviously suspicious plastic bag full of greenish vegetable matter in your locker. Your own fucking locker. Are you mad Adam? Or just stupid? Is that pretty little head of yours one big vacant space filled with hormones and smoke after all? You disappoint me Adam, that is the worst part. I thought you were better."

The colt dropped his head now, examining his hooves minutely in a search for some way out, each sentence telling him there was none. He was completely fucked.

"Judging by the smell, I would guess this is some pretty serious weed, hydro if I am not mistaken. And a large enough quantity to qualify as dealing."

He snapped his head up at that, the true enormity of his situation hitting home at last.

"Yes Adam, dealing. You will be suspended immediately of course, pending your expulsion. That is a given. But that will be just the beginning; the police really must be informed, we can't have a dealer on campus, and one who obviously is able to access some pretty hard core merchandise. I am sure a pretty colt like you will be very popular inside, Adam. "

"NO, please, I..I...it was just for a party, honest, I wasn't dealing, I got it from...I just wanted to make it a great party, oh God....no, please, please don't tell the police..please....."

She listened to the panicked begging from the clearly out-of -his-depth colt for a moment, though she already had pieced together the story herself. Adam was desperate to get into the cool set of final year students, and they were having a big party after the next football match this weekend. Adam's older brother was a known bad seed in his time at the Academy, and she assumed he was the source of the contents of the bag on her desk. This was probably Adam's price of admission, destined to be transferred to one of his seniors later today. It suited her to look sceptical however; she had her own game to play and this colt would be a fine prize.

"Alright Adam, try to stop blubbing for a moment. I can see that I shouldn't proceed hastily, and I should at least give you an opportunity to convince me that this was not what it looks like before I ruin your life, though why I should believe you I have no idea. I don't have time for it now though; instead, you should come to my residence at 5 pm and we can discuss your stupidity then. Do not be late Adam. Tell your parents you will be home late, it could take a while."

The colt was almost pathetically grateful, thanking her over and over before she dismissed him cooly. When he was safely out the door however she broke into a feral grin, wondering if he would still be as grateful after tonight.

At 5 pm on the dot, Adam approached the front door of the headmistress' residence. He tried desperately to calm his nerves, knowing that fear would not make it easier to lie convincingly, but try as he might he was struggling to come up with a convincing explanation that would get him off the hook. His nervousness was also driven by some of the wilder rumours that were whispered in corridors of the Academy; rumours about the headmistress herself. Trying to put all that aside, he swallowed hard and pressed the doorbell.

It was a solid old double story house, set in one corner of the campus. Relic of the days when the Academy was set in rolling countryside, suburban expansion had rendered it a quaint anachronism but it still served as the residence for the Academy head. Cut off from the rest of the Academy by a high fence and a stand of now well established pines, it was an oasis both in the suburban jungle of the expanding city, and amongst the clutter of functional but uninspiring buildings that made up this seat of learning.

She was the first headmistress in the Academy's history, an honour she was exceptionally proud of. While her husband was a success, she had earned this in her own right and by her own talents. Now approaching 40, she was in her prime, and yet it didn't feel that way. Her mate was rarely in the same country, let alone at home, and even when he was here he remained aloof. Probably banging his PA she thought harshly, though likely correctly. They were living separate lives behind the façade of a successful power couple. He had been a handsome stallion once, and hers, now he might as well be a stranger.

It had started almost accidentally, her hobby, but it had become more than that. Some days it was the only thing that made her feel alive. Whether he would know it or not, the young colt about to walk through the door was what kept her sane. Through what he represented, and what he would do for her.

At the sound of the bell, she trotted calmly to the door and opened it, beckoning the clearly strung out colt inside. She chuckled to herself, thinking how easy this would be. So young, and so dumb. And so easy to manipulate.

"Adam...come through to the lounge room. Now, you have a chance to convince me...go!"

One of her games had been to wonder what story he could come up with. As he began his halting explanation, she mentally congratulated herself on guessing correctly. Predictable, and unfortunately for him also implausible.

"So, you were trying to save a friend, who you cannot name, and you took the drugs off them so they could not use them. You were going to dispose of them, but I found them first. Adam Adam Adam...apart from the fact that your explanation is way too convenient to be believed, you forget. When first confronted, you yourself said they were for a party, and that you were just trying to make it a good one. So which is it now? Which lie am I to believe?"

He looked like he was going to break down any minute, she thought. Resisting the temptation to reach out and hug him, she instead scowled as he fought for control. Finally, the dam burst, and the whole story came out. It was just as she expected. When he had finished, he was seated on her couch, wringing his paws together and looking into her eyes with a desperate look close to tears. She knew she had him.

"Adam, suppose I believe you. What can I do? I have a duty to the Academy. I can't pretend that I never discovered the drugs..."

"Please! Please, I'm begging you Mrs Gray, please!. I will do anything, just please don't do this."

"Hmmm...anything Adam?"

"Yes! Anything!"

"Very well Adam...strip!."

The sudden change of tack caught the colt completely off guard, and for a moment he just sat there with a dazed expression, like a duck hit by a hammer. Finally managing to get his brain and tongue into gear simultaneously, he only managed to blurt out a strangled "what?".

"Are you even dumber than I thought Adam? I thought it was a fairly easily understood command. You said you would do anything, and I ordered you to strip. So, strip for me unless you would prefer to do so for a nice police body cavity search?"

Blushing furiously now, the colt got hesitantly to his hooves, brain spinning and ears burning. Oh shit...the rumours are true ! was all he could think, as he looked up and saw the frankly predatory look on his headmistress' face. Terror warred with excitement, with the excitement winning as was plainly evident when he began removing his uniform, hands shaking. Finally removing his boxers with difficulty, he revealed a stallion sized cock, already extended and swelling despite his mortification, to the obvious delight of the mare.

Watching the colt undress was a power trip she relished, his beautiful body revealed slowly for her alone. Finally naked, he stood uncertainly, paws trying vainly to cover his genitals as she let her eyes feast on him. Perfect, oh so perfect. Something about this mix of vulnerability and masculinity caused her juices to flow like nothing else.

Circling him wordlessly, she took his paw in hers, exposing his unruly cock, and kissed his paw, then along his arm, across his neck...and down his pectoral to his nipple. Suckling it in her experienced lips, she enjoyed his cry of desire, then with a slight grin at his arousal , led the quaking colt upstairs to her bedroom.

"Ohhh..." was his only exclamation, as on entering her room he saw that she had made preparations just for him. Inside the bedroom, a large bed filled one wall, but it was not the bed itself that drew his attention. That was reserved for the steel shackles attached to each corner of the bed, shackles whose purpose was becoming obvious.

Fear rose in him, as his heart threatened to beat its way out of his chest, but something else rose as well. Despite his obvious good looks and easy manner, the handsome stud was still a virgin, thanks to a filly who liked the idea of him as hers but wasn't yet prepared to give him her all. Something told the overwhelmed colt he wouldn't be a virgin much longer, and his stallion cock was doing its best to prepare for that eventuality.

He allowed himself to be led to the bed, then she lay him down and stretched his arms out above his head as she kissed him, her hot tongue leaving him shaking. He was only partly aware of his wrists being secured in the shackles, but realisation soon dawned as he attempted to bring his paws down to her but instead found himself trapped, unable to do more than writhe.

He forgot his predicament soon enough however as she continued her tongue bath, licking down the cleft between his pectorals, down the crease of his defined abdominals, to run the length of his fully erect cock, tracing the line of his shaft until her tongue nuzzled the crease between his churning balls. Head thrown back in ecstasy, he felt her strong hands parting his thighs but didn't resist, enjoying her ministrations too much as she teasingly rubbed him there causing his cock to jerk and throb. Before he realised what she was doing, she had taken each beautifully formed fetlock and secured it to the shackles at the end of the bed, leaving the quivering stud now spread and stretched, and totally at her mercy.

Now he was treated to his own show as she stripped off, revealing a body that made him gape. Under the suit, it was hard to ever know what she had looked like, but as she disrobed for him she revealed the hardened body of a mature shire mare, shiny bay coat with white flashes, large breasts, and surprising strength. Unable to contain himself he let out a whispered "wow" as he took in the full sight of this sexy mare. A mare obviously in heat, as evidenced by the swelling slick entrance to her pussy, hinting at the warm depths beneath. Bay mares always did it for him, but this sexy shire was a revelation. He tried not to look, not to have those feelings for one of his teachers, but hormones overwhelmed reason and all he could do was look in admiration and lust.

Seeing his obvious stare was the ultimate compliment for her, making her own arousal complete. She had gone too long since her last time, a hot final year quarter horse jock stud who she had mounted in this very bed. She had been tempted to call on him again but she was glad she had waited now. This one would be special.

Straddling his bound body, she teased his cock with her pussy lips, letting the swollen pink flesh rub against him, enjoying his futile attempts to move so he could enter her as he desperately wanted. Arousal building, she then moved just enough, bringing her swelling clit against the tip of his cock and began masturbating herself against the flared rim of his thick cockhead. His whinnies of lust drove her wild as she used him.

Sensing a building excitement, she slid along his helpless body until his pretty face was against her quim, and she lowered herself forcefully onto him as he tried unsuccessfully to protest.

"Now Adam, let's see what your filly has been getting."

Rocking her hips, she proceeded to ride his mouth, as he groaned helplessly and began to play his part, pink tongue extending and lapping at her. As he licked, rough tongue rasping at her sensitive skin, she threw her head back and let out a series of whinnies as the pleasure burned inside her, now pushing down harder onto him until he was fighting for breath, every sense filled with the taste, smell, feel of mare in heat. Realising the only way to end his discomfort was to bring her off, he concentrated on pleasuring her as well as he could, lips and tongue working in sync as she ground towards a shattering orgasm.

He tasted the evidence of her orgasm before he heard it, as his muzzle was bathed in her juices immediately before he heard her unrestrained cry of pleasure, her body shaking as her colt stud brought her off. As she remained in place, still panting with exertion, he allowed himself a small feeling of pride. For a virgin colt, satisfying a full grown mare was no mean feat, and his cock swelled at the hope that soon he would get to satisfy her the way a stallion should. He was both right, and wrong.

Moving back until she was now straddling his twitching cock, she looked down at the hot stud colt beneath her and couldn't resist touching him, her paws massaging his lean chest, feeling the hard developing muscle as she flicked his nipples with her fingers.

"Not bad little colt, not bad at all. So, have you mounted that filly of yours yet?

"Ahh...yeah, we've been ....ahh....doing it for months now and.....HEY!" this last exclamation came as the mare started squeezing his big balls, at first gently but now a hard punishing squeeze before relenting.

"Don't lie to me colt. I can smell a virgin, and I smell virgin on you. Besides, I know your filly. It's Samantha isn't it? I hear things Adam...and one of the things I have heard is your filly boasting that she has you wrapped around her paw on the mere possibility of a mounting. So, I ask you again...are you a virgin?" and with that she resumed her grip on his balls and tightened threateningly.

"Ok, ok...YES! We've done lots but never that, we were supposed to do it the first time at the party on Saturday...if I got the weed for everyone...oh shit!"

Touched by his naïveté, the mare laughed , unable to hold it in.

"Oh Adam...you really are dumb aren't you. Do you really think she would have? She is using you colt, but pretending not to. At least I will be honest with you Adam, I am using you all right but at least I will tell you that, and at least I am not afraid to use you properly. As this is your first time however, I think I need to take some precautions to make sure I am not disappointed."

Without warning, Adam's world exploded into a universe of gut wrenching pain as the mare suddenly squeezed down hard on his sensitive balls. He let out a wild scream as his tortured orbs were first compressed then released, desperate to curl up in a ball of misery but prevented by the shackles. His muscles went into spasm briefly as pain coursed through him, then he was left a moaning rag on the bed.

"I'm sorry Adam, but I had to get you to lose your erection, and well with a horny teenage stud there aren't many ways of doing that. Don't worry, you will be hard again soon enough, but first we need to prepare you."

Reaching for a drawer, the mare brought out a contraption that Adam didn't recognise, metal ring and leather straps. He tried to shy away as she took hold of his softened and partly withdrawn cock, ears flattened in fear, but she merely fitted the metal ring over him and slid it down before forcing his tortured balls through the constriction. His cock now contained by a sturdy cockring sitting back on his sheath behind his balls, the last step was to take the straps and fit them to the base of his scrotum and draw the leather tight.

All the attention to his genitals had the desired effect, blood now flowing back to his stiffening cock, but the mare decided to help him along, bending down to him and giving the now moaning colt a long slow blowjob, deep throating him until he was more erect than he had ever been, and precum started dripping from his engorged tip. At the taste of his sweet liquid, the mare sat back to admire her handiwork.

"Time for your dreams to come true Adam."

Sliding forward now, she rose up taking his thick cock in her paws and stroking, ignoring his groans, then brought him to her slit. Rubbing his head on her engorged lips, she could feel his precum on her , the slick feel so good. Fully aroused now, she held him just in the right spot, and pressing down took him into her all the way in one drive, the feel of the virgin stud filling her making her whole body shake.

For Adam, it was the most incredible feeling of his whole life, his first mounting, and the sensation was if anything doubled by being totally under the mare's control. His whinnies of pleasure filled the air as he felt his cock surrounded by an impossibly tight and hot feeling, then a startled cry as she flexed her pelvic muscles and clamped down from inside, like a hand massaging him.

Having sheathed the young colt inside her, the mare gave herself over to her own pleasure now, totally unconcerned by her partner. She started a wild ride, sliding all the way up the long thick stallion cock before slamming down, faster and faster until the sound of her ass slapping his hips matched the volume of their groans and cries.

Adam was only now beginning to become aware of the effect of the cruel strap and ring on his privates. The incredible sensations were too much for the inexperienced colt, and he felt his orgasm building inexorably to what should have been the climax of his life, but instead it stalled, and as he was ridden harder and harder his feeling of incipient climax turned first uncomfortable then gradually painful, the feeling in his balls turning to a dull ache as the need to cum started to overwhelm all other sensations. As she continued to ride him, he realised with growing panic that he was unable to cum unless she freed him and this could go on indefinitely.

Feeling his distress build as his body started to strain, and then hearing his babbling cries for mercy, the mare threw herself into the ride, reaching back now to play with the bound ball sack as she used him. An all-encompassing orgasm suddenly broke through and she gave vent to an unrestrained shout as she rode the waves of pleasure, before coming down again and feeling herself still needy, and her stud still hard.

Looking down at his eyes, full of frustration and fear, she began again, riding him in long slow strokes, every now and then stopping to caress his aching balls before starting again, all the while holding his gaze in hers. Finally, she had enough of the game and raised herself slightly, turning around till she was facing his hooves.

Prepared for the final lap, her tail now swishing across his chest and teasing his nipples, she started fucking herself on his cock without mercy, one paw now reaching down to rub her clit while the other squeezed his orbs in time with her thrusts. She felt her young lover shaking uncontrollably now and the final thing she heard before a cataclysmic orgasm smashed through her body was a screamed "pleeeease" as his pride failed him in the desperate need to find release.

It was her release that came instead, an orgasm that rode through her like an earthquake leaving her breathless and only barely conscious. When it was over, she slowly rose off the tortured colt, kneeling next to him before kissing him on dry lips, his eyes lost.

"Thank you beautiful colt. For a first timer, that was incredible. I guess you need to cum now, and don't worry, I will let you soon enough."

Ignoring his grateful babbling, she reached forward to his bound wrists. Releasing his left wrist, she brought it to his right, and instead bound them together before releasing the final link. The colt was now able to sit up for the first time, his knees bent and his back upright. Loosening the cruel strap at the top of his scrotum, he cried out in pain but soon felt the surge that meant he was close to the cum he needed so bad. Panting, he waited for the next stage in his release so he could touch his aching cock if needed and finally, finally cum. The mare had other ideas.

"Oh God. Please....can you let me cum?"

"I am not stopping you Adam."

"But my paws, they're still tied behind my back. How am I supposed to do anything like this?"

"Whoever said anything about your paws? An enterprising colt like you should be able to find a way."

It took him a while, looking into her grinning features, but then he got it.

"No...NO! No way, I am NOT doing that."

"Then I guess you will stay there like that with your balls aching Adam."

The poor colt was beside himself now, barely holding back tears. He had thought about doing it, fuck every colt had. Some of his mates probably had done it, of that he was sure. But not in front of someone, no way, not him, fucking never. And yet, he couldn't see another way and this demon mare was determined to make him suffer it seemed.

Not content to let him wait too long, the mare began slowly stroking his cock, her fingertips tracing his medial ring before starting a slow jacking motion, but every time the tormented colt came close she would back off, before resuming. He tested his bonds, looking for any way out, but they held and all he did was hurt himself in a vain attempt to escape. Eventually he gave in to the inevitable.

"I...I will need some help. I've never done it before." He whispered.

"Shhh little colt, I will help you." And with that, she took hold of his beautiful black mane, and drew his neck forward, further and further until his head disappeared between his bent knees and his muzzle came into contact with the tip of his throbbing cock.

Determined to get it over quickly, Adam now set to the task of tonguing himself off, with the active participation of his headmistress. Vision blurred by tears, he heard a slight 'click' but thought nothing of it. Licking at first, he felt the pleasure start to build, but she was not to let him off that easily. Pushing him down harder, she forced the end of his cock into his mouth and started a fast bobbing, until he was soon sucking himself off in earnest, now losing himself in the sensations of a long delayed cum.

It did not take long, and when the end came it was with little warning. Suddenly his abused balls drew up and he tasted thick ropey cum in his mouth as he unleashed spurt after spurt. The inexperienced colt was not ready for this, and he couldn't contain it, choking on the flood of cum and coughing it up while his cock, freed from his mouth continued spurting but now on his face, his neck.

Soon the eruption ceased, and he was left, his own cum dripping from his mouth, covering his face, as he panted and retched silently. Another 'click', and he realised she was taking pictures. He closed his eyes and tried not to weep, defeated and waiting for it to end yet still harder than he had ever been in his life.

Laying beside him, she kissed him now, licking up his cum as she ravished her colt. Yes, her colt, she thought. He was hers now, whether he realised it or not. Now against his warm body, she reached behind him and reattached his wrists to the corner of the bed. He didn't even resist, just hanging his head , ears flattened in surrender.

"Thank you my beautiful Adam, that was amazing. I know I'm not done yet though, and I doubt you are either. I know a fit young stud like you won't be satisfied with just one cum."

He looked at her pleadingly as she moved to the bedside drawer again, part of him wanting with all his being to escape and part wanting her to ride him again. She had a ride in mind, but not the way he imagined though, as he watched in growing horror as she took what she had removed from the drawer and proceeded to attach it to herself.

When she had finished, he could see her wearing what almost looked like a jockstrap in leather, except unlike any jock strap the young athlete had ever worn, this one had a long thick horse cock protruding from the front, more than a match in size for the colt's own. Oh fuck, she is going to fuck ME! hammered thorough his brain, and with that he broke entirely and began to beg.

"Adam, I am disappointed in you. You should know better than to beg. Just for that, I'm going in dry."

Kneeling between the spread legs of the colt, she went through a similar process again, this time freeing his fetlocks from the bed while binding them to each-other. This time the colt tried desperately to fight, but she had too much strength for him still bound by the wrists as he was, and when he got too rough, a quick squeeze of his balls was enough to quiet him.

Leaning over him, his legs now over her shoulders, she bent down to kiss him, letting her tongue ease his fears and stoke his lust again, one paw now stroking his cock. She felt him begin to relent, and chose her time. Sliding her hips forward, she brought the tip of the dildo against the colt's virgin pucker, and without waiting, rammed her hips forward.

His cry was lost in her kiss, whole body going rigid as he felt his virgin tail hole violated. She was not in a mood for mercy though, as she drove forward again, burying half the dildo inside him. He tried to buck his hips to free himself from the invader, but she was too far in and too strong to be thrown off. Eventually, his struggles lost their power, and she began fucking him in earnest, rutting her colt lover like a stallion.

The pain burned through him like fire, nothing he had ever felt preparing him for the pain of being fucked. Just when he thought it could not get any worse, she would drive in a little deeper and he would grit his teeth and moan anew, as he was stretched and filled against his will. Soon however something unexpected happened, and as she started a determined stroking of his ass, he felt a new sensation, a deep-seated pleasure that went straight to his balls and made his cock twitch.

Hearing his new cries, the unmistakeable note of surprised pleasure, she whispered in his ears. "There Adam, welcome to your prostate. It will give you incredible feelings if you let it. Relax now and let me do this, and I will make it so good for you little colt."

He tried to shake his head, determined not to let this happen, but she just kissed him and began plugging his nut on every stroke, and soon he was lost. Driving his hips up to meet her thrusts, the appalled colt realised he was trying to ram her invading dildo against this newfound part of himself harder and harder, willingly letting her breed him like he was the mare. Fresh tears burned his cheek, but the humiliation did not stop him working his body to try to chase that release.

Feeling his complete submission, the mare gave a triumphant whinny and began the final fast fuck. Every thrust bottoming out in the no longer virgin stud caused thrills to course through her as the nub on her end of the dildo rammed into her swollen clit. As she rode him ever faster, she could feel him and hear him losing it, climax rapidly approaching. Suddenly, as she slammed in one more time, she felt resistance to her drawback as his ass clenched down on her dildo, and then with a startled whinny he shot his second load of the night, ropes of cum splattering his face and neck, then his chest, before the final spurts were left to dribble on his clenching abdomen.

Seeing him lose it, the expression on his pretty face , and feeling the vibrations of his climax through her clit was the final straw, and she threw back her head and let out an unrestrained cry as she was overcome again, fire burning ever nerve in her body as the best orgasm of the night left her a shaking wreck.

She recovered her senses holding him against her body, her muzzle on his neck where she had bitten down, the colt now sobbing openly at the enormity of what had happened. Slightly worried, she released him, and let him curl up against her on the bed, her body against his as he shook still, eyes wide open, ears still flattened.

She held him like that for a time, until his breathing became regular again, and his ears started to slowly perk up. Stroking the fur on his muscled body, she felt him shiver at her touch, and reaching down, took hold of his still hard organ. He flinched at first, but as she stroked him with infinite care, he responded and soon was groaning in her embrace as she played him.

Without a word, she moved again, kneeling on the bed, presenting her rear to him. She had taken a lot from him tonight. Time to give him back his stallionhood. Raising her tail daintily, she offered an invitation he was never going to refuse.

Moving into position hesitantly at first, he kneeled behind her, his hands running along her fur as she shivered in anticipation. Taking his formidable cock in his paws, he raised it to her dripping pussy, pressing the blunt end against her and moaning as he felt the touch of her warm lips, trying to draw him inside her. He was only too eager to oblige.

Her cry was genuine and spontaneous as the youngster rammed in to the hilt in one thrust, determined to repay her treatment. She loved this, wild hard punishing rutting from a used and abused stud trying to reclaim his dominance. It always felt the best of all.

Adam would forever remember that final fuck as he tried to punish her with his cock. His hips moved in a blur as he rammed into her over and over, determined to breed her like no stallion she had ever had.

Surprised by his own control, unaware of the way the cock ring was assisting, he would slam into her until he felt the cum rising in his balls, then slow until he almost stopped and she would grip the sheets and cry for more, then resuming his pile-driving mounting of "his" mare. On and on it went, sweat pouring off his sleek body and moisture dripping from her pussy. Sweat would drip from her neck down her chest to her swaying breasts then pool on the end of her nipples before dripping to the bed, each time sending a shock to her clit. Still the fucking continued,the two equines, teacher and student now lost to anything else.

When he couldn't hold on any more, he let it build and build, reaching forward now to take her mane in his paw and pull back harshly, arching her back and causing her to clench down on him. That was all it took, as his sore cock finally released a torrent into her hot depths, his first breeding. Feeling his cock unload sent her over the edge as her own orgasm rose to match his, her own cries answering.

Like a wind up doll at the end of its run, he finally collapsed against her, more exhausted than he thought possible. Sliding off to lie on the bed, he felt her against him, holding him in her arms and regarding him with a penetrating stare.

"Adam...you have no idea how good that was. I know I treated you roughly, but for a virgin you were incredible and I think you enjoyed it too."

Too shattered to talk, he merely nodded as his cheeks blushed again. Damn, being a teenager was the worst, it's bad enough being embarrassed all the time without being embarrassed about being embarrassed.

"We may do this again Adam, but not for a while. For the moment, we will forget this ever happened, and I will forget your bag of weed."

"Thanks" was all he could say, genuine relief flooding him.

"Don't be too grateful yet Adam. I still have photos from tonight I doubt you will want distributed, and I can still rediscover the bag. If you ever say anything to anyone about tonight, you will wish you had never been born."

He gulped and nodded again, feelings of pride in his own prowess stilled for the moment.

Still...even though I can't tell anyone, that's not a bad way to lose your cherry. Though I would have preferred only one he thought grimly as the pain in his torn ass started to register on his still sex filled brain.

As he pedalled his bike towards home, a sudden thought hit him. Damn...how am I going to explain to the guys when I don't turn up with the goods on Saturday? That preoccupied him until he hit the driveway, and headed for his own door.