Prologue: The Report

Story by MaidenCoon on SoFurry

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#2 of Catalogue of a Fascinating New Species: The Morgani

Adults only all the stuff, nothing too kinky in this one, though I did try to lengthen the yiff for all you out there! Enjoy

It was the 9th of May in the 12th year of His Majesty, King Juca's, Enlightened Rule, may it be never ending, that a short, gray feline climbed the short flight of steps, his left leg twisted badly, causing him to limp. The eye on the same side covered with a dark leather patch. At the top of the stairs, stood a small marble pillar, not more then four feet high. The feline coughed, slowly, focusing his remaining eye on the crowd before him. He stood at the center of a large marble theater, all around him stood, sat, pushed and shoved various furs. Those in regal finery turning up their noses at the mottled peasants close by. Then entire room seemed to hold its breath. The feline sighed deeply, this was a trial, but more then that it was the event of the season. Somewhere, leagues away, furs were fighting and dying, a war was raging, but here... Here the only rage was from those stuck in the cheap seats located at his back. He cleared his throat, his voice carrying through the large room, and even further, propelled on by magic to the awaiting crowd in the streets. His eyes looked down at the older wolf, whose image was glowing faintly on the ground in front of the podium. The feline locked eyes with the wolf's image for a second, the feline's eye soft, almost saying 'I'm sorry' the wolf's eyes were rabid, insane. The feline noticed with distaste that the guards had chained the wolf in place, his legs pressed together, his arms held back. They had done this not to control a dangerous man, but to hide the wolf's swollen shaft from the crowd. The wolf had not gone a second without an erection since is capture. This trial was a joke, most everyone of any true intelligence knew that. A mere ploy to distract from the Kingdom's outside troubles, but still... there were not many of any true intelligence in this Kingdom.

The feline cleared his throat, and began to speak, "hear ye, hear ye, I, humble and lowly investigator of our king's guard, now do pronounce this trial in session. We shall begin by setting forth the evidence concerning the case of one Archmage Morgan Drythur, formerly of Ringweld province, currently of the Royal Dungeons. He stands accused of multiple crimes against the crown, these are, in order of offense: to be a known consorter of dangerous and revolutionary elements, to have willingly and knowingly brought forth and released many dangerous species of unknown origin and intent, to have, through the actions of these creatures, consorted to overthrow the Monarchy, to have knowingly consorted with enemies of our great nation." The cat paused catching his breath, he could almost here the low boos coming from the crowd outside. "He also stands accused of seven counts of rape, fifteen of adultery, five counts of failure to render payment at the royal brothels, two counts of public indecency, one count of sodomy, and one count of assaulting a royal guard." The feline paused, letting it all sink into the crowd. "We shall bring forth he evidence against you, Morgan Drythur, and it shall be your King who passes judgment. His word shall be final and shall be your fate. Once all evidence has been presented you shall have a chance to speak for yourself and your actions. Do you understand this, Morgan Drythur?"

The wolf's head lolled about, slowly coming up to regard the feline. His lips parted into a foolish grin. "Yes! Yes, tell us a story! Ohhh, but you can't ask Morgan, no no! You have to ask 'she!' 'She' knows! 'She' knows it all! Did Morgan tell you how 'she' taught him t-?" The crowd could not see it, but it was clear in the feline's only eye. Even thought he wolf had stopped making noise, his lips continued to move, related who knew what.

"Let it be known that the prisoner has understood his place!" The feline paused, again fancying he could hear cheering outside. "I shall, using the objects confiscated from the home of one Morgan Drythur, show that the prisoner before me cannot be innocent of these crimes!" The Feline heard more cheering in his mind. "This evidence shall be presented tomorrow beginning at noon. For now our most Royal and enlightened King has declared the rest of this day a holiday. He sends word that all his people should feast and make merry. Rejoice, for today a vicious traitor to our people and country has been caught, and within the week we shall have justice.

As soon as he had finished speaking the Investigator, backed out of the crowed theather, sliiping through the back hallways to a long hallway, with many unmarked doors. He smiled, opening the door to his private apartments within the court house. Before the door had even click shut behind him, the feline reclined back in his private room, feeling the strange non-sexual form of arousal that always grew from his trials. It was the arousal of pure power.

"Moving sspeach," came a rich sibilant voice from behind him. He knew instantly who it belonged to. Or to be more precess he knew the entity if belonged to, tall, lanky, covered head to toe in a heavy dark cape and cowl, its arms always folded into the sleeves of its robe. In short, the investigator knew absolutely nothing about the creature in his room, save that it claimed to represent the King and it would come and go as it pleased. "The magess... death is ssertain, then?" The feline nodded in reply. "Good. The Master wishess then to expresss... gratitude... I will... leave you to enjoy." The robed figure left the room without even a backwards glance. Withing a second, the door opened again, and in strode a single lapine woman. She was tall and sculpted, and wore only heavy iron collar around her neck. The inspector grinned feeling his non-sexual arousal quickly shedding its "non" as his good eye drank the female in. He gasped, her stomach was visible to the skin! His loins stirred as her glimpsed her pale pink neather lips, so prominently on display with out fur.

The inspector knew what she was in an instant, but that did not make it more believable. He knew even before she leaned over his desk, setting down the chest she had been holding in those supple gray paws, even before seeing the crowed branded across her shaven breast. She opened the chest, the sight of the glittering gems and golden coins bringing as much blood to his member as her body. He licked his lips, eying her massive breasts as the hung there before him with their proud erect nipples. A woman from the king's own harem! These woman, hand known nothing but sex and pleasure since they had been taken from their mother's teat! They shaved their underbelly fur off, from breasts to pussy, they were prefect, flawless sex goddesses, their bodies magically shaped and built for lust. In was said to be inside one was a more glorious feeling then heaven itself.

It was said that these girls only spoke the language of lust, and as the young, goddess of a lapine lifted the incestigator's robes he could understand her. His shaft felt more swollen and massive the it had in years, his thick barbs already flaring as the rabbit, slowly stroked her paw down from the head of his shaft, working the barbs slowly. Her paw seeming to find each and ever barb, catching it with her manicured nail, making the mail whimper in lust. Her paw felt like pure silk, as if the goddess herself were giving the inspector a handjob.

The rabbit smiled up at the inspector, taking his cock, rubbing it across her smooth furless breast. The inspector could do little but moan, as she gently stroked his urethra against her hard pert nipple. She slid her breast up and down the throbbing member, occasionally letting the small barbs catch on her perfect flesh. If she felt anything but pleasure, the Inspector could never tell. Her smile never faded, even as he began to slowly thrus himself at her breast. If the feline could think right at the moment, perhaps he would have felt silly humping the girl's tit, but he was in a stated beyond thought. The rabbit grinned widely as she slid his throbbing shaft into the valley between her pert, sag-less breasts, slowly pushing the two wondrous, full, lush orbs together. The inspector moaned, feeling his cock enveloped in warm soft goddess tit-flesh. He thrust lustfully into that valley, watching with a strange sense of pride as his cockhead rose and vanished between the pink flesh.

He screamed loudly, bucking his hips into the smiling girl as he exploded his seed onto her. He groaned deeply, a swelling sense of pride filling him even as his seed pumped out, bathing the face of the harem rabbit in his seed. It was the most massive orgasm he had ever felt, and the Inspector felt weak, drained. He lay back in his chair, a foolish, blissful smile on his face, as slowly his eyes closed.

The feline awoke with a start. He was alone in his study. Still naked, still sitting in his chair. He felt a deep massive sense of loss. He had not expected the rabbit to be here when he awoke. Even though he had hoped...

He smiled, standing slowly, still feeling slightly faint. He looked at his desk, the heavy chest and its spilled golden coins still sitting on his desk. The Investigator felt almost like laughing. Someone had written on the felt top of his desk; there in a childlike hand, letters about the thickness of a lapine goddess finger, "guilty." The words had been written in something thick, viscous and wet, his spent seed.

The investigator pulled his chair closer to his desk, looking at the mountain of evidence pilled in one corner. He opened the leather folder closest to him and began to read.

Chapter I: The Study Begins

* * * January 6th * * * I shall begin this journal, by a brief explanation of its form and method of recording so that no one later on shall accuse this study of being the result of falsehood or a deluded memory. I have set aside this unique text...

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