A Sleepover with Jane

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#3 of Jane Doe and The Secret

Jane Doe is asked to babysit three girls at the last minute for a sleepover. See what they do when the neighbor boy tries to be a peeping tom!

A Sleepover with Jane

Story by DoggyStyle57, October 2012

This is a story that I wrote to go with two pictures by RisingDragon, which resulted from an auction for 4 lucky cubs to attend a sleepover and orgy with Jane Doe. I got one of the positions, and turned out to be the only boy in the group. I wanted to write a story to explain how Jane ended up supervising a sleepover with three unrelated girls and one boy. So I have asked for and received permission from all the other character owners to use their characters in this story. I hope that RisingDragon and the other lucky cub's creators enjoy this story as much as I am enjoying the art that RD has created for us.

Note: While I have tried to stay as close as possible to the in-character activities of each character, this story shouldn't be considered 'cannon' for any of them. For example, Nini Diana Goldmane is normally older, as is Hans Bernerholdt. Some adjustments had to be made to ages and experience levels, to allow all the characters to interact in the same scene, since they all have different creators.

Cast of characters, and who owns them:

Jane Doe© RisingDragon : A lovely 15 year old doe who works as a babysitter

Nini Diana Goldmane © talon2point0 : A 12 year old domestic cat girl

Nikki Tana © Nikki23 : A 10 year old bunny girl, and regular babysitting customer for Jane

Karen Keating © bendover : A 10 year old tiger girl

Hans Bernerholdt © DoggyStyle57 : An 8 year old Bernese Mountain Dog boy


Nikki Tana looked at the clock on her classroom's back wall, and wondered for the tenth time in the last ten minutes if it was broken. The ten year old bunny girl couldn't wait for the school day to be over, but the clock stubbornly refused to zip to the time for the last bell of the school day. She knew the clock did work, but it still seemed to be taking forever for the class to end.

It hadn't been that great a day for Nikki at school today. For the past several weeks, some of the other kids had been spreading nasty rumors about Nikki, primarily making vicious comments about her sexual inclinations. She didn't really care if they called her a 'carpet muncher' or insinuated that she was a Lesbian, because that was true. Her only sexual experiences so far had been with girls, she had really liked it, and she couldn't stand the idea of sex with a boy. But some of the girls recently had gone way beyond mere name calling. They would trip her in the hallways, or if they trapped her alone in a bathroom or somewhere else, their abuse would come just short of beating her up. They never did anything quite bad enough for there to be proof that the teachers couldn't ignore, but it made some school days miserable.

Nikki didn't dare go to the teachers to complain, because the principal would then call her parents, and all hell would break loose when they found out what was being said about their precious daughter. So far, thankfully, her parents hadn't gotten wind of those rumors. Her parents thought she was still completely innocent, sexually. Oh, her parents knew that Nikki could be a handful. Until very recently, it had been really hard for them to find a babysitter that could make her behave. They had finally found one in Miss Jane Doe, a fifteen year old doe who lived in the neighborhood. Nikki would do anything at all to make Jane happy. But her parents would flip out if they found out that Jane was also Nikki's Lesbian lover!

Today, four of the bullies had ganged up on her, and would have beaten her up if two other girls, Nini and Karen, hadn't arrived just in time to defend Nikki. Fortunately, there were several girls at her school like Nini and Karen, who were older or at least bigger than she was, and who wouldn't put up with seeing Nikki bullied. Nini Goldmane was twelve, and the white-furred kitty girl was kind of big even for a 7th grader. Karen Keating was only ten, like Nini, but she was a tiger, strong for her size, and was the kind of girl who would never back down if challenged. Neither girl had ever asked Nikki if the rumors were true. They just appointed themselves her protectors, and wouldn't allow the other kids to harm Nikki. The other kids had tried to claim that Karen and Nini were Lesbians too, but that had fallen flat, since everyone knew Karen had a steady boyfriend, a wolf boy named Jake, and that Nini was actually engaged to be married already, to her boyfriend Alex.

Tonight, Nikki had gotten permission for Karen and Nini to come to her place for a sleepover, right after school. Her mom was going to make a nice dinner for her guests, and then had a whole evening of 'girl fun' planned for the kids, like playing with makeup and nail polish, playing dress up, watching movies together, and chatting until no one could keep their eyes open any longer. Nikki looked across the classroom at Karen, who patted her overstuffed backpack and gave her a 'thumbs up' gesture. She was ready to go, and had been watching the clock as much as Nikki.

What Nikki was secretly hoping for tonight was for her mom to go to bed well before the kids did. Nikki wanted to carefully and privately ask her two friends how they really felt about girl-on-girl fun. Neither girl had ever said she was into girls herself. And they both did have boyfriends... But still... they both seemed to like Nikki a lot, and the bunny girl really hoped they might at least be open to experimenting a bit with other girls.

Saturday night was going to be even more fun. Nikki's parents were planning to celebrate their wedding anniversary, and months ago they had made reservations this weekend for a romantic dinner for two, followed by an overnight stay in the honeymoon suite at a fancy local hotel. While her parents were getting lovey-dovey with each other, Nikki would have Jane as her babysitter, all night long! That meant she would have lots of sexy fun with Jane, and if tonight's sleepover went as she hoped, she could tell Jane all about the sexual inclinations of her two school friends. Nikki's mom had been bragging to Karen and Nini's parents about what a great babysitter Jane was, and if Jane could also have fun with those two girls when she babysat them, everybody would be so happy!

Nikki jumped when the bell finally rang. She waited impatiently for most of the other kids to leave, and then she and Karen went out into the hall, found Nini at the school's main entrance, and the three of them walked to Nikki's house.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Karen said enthusiastically. "I don't have to go home until dinner time tomorrow. My parents are taking my two little sisters to a kiddy amusement park that's almost two hours drive from here, so they plan to stay the night in a hotel and come back tomorrow, after everyone has had their fill of the rides and amusement park goodies. I'm too tall now for most of those baby rides, and this will be a lot more fun anyway."

"I'm looking forward to this too. My family is going to a wedding for somebody I don't even know, and won't be back until tomorrow around lunch time," Nini said. "I was soooo glad to have somewhere else to go! I love my family to pieces, but I really hate standing around in a fancy dress with a bunch of people that I don't know, and likely will never see again after that."

Nikki grinned and said, "Well, I think we'll have lots more fun tonight than you could imagine." She pointed at the next walkway that intersected the sidewalk, and added, "This is my place here. Come on, and I'll introduce you to my parents. Just remember, not a word about the trouble I've been having with those bullies and rumor mongers at school. My folks don't know about that."

"Mum's the word, my friend," Karen said. "Lead the way!"


"Hey mom, we're home!" Nikki shouted as soon as she came in the front door.

"I'm in the kitchen dear," said Mrs. Tana, appearing in the doorway with a dish towel in her hands. "So these are your new friends? I'm glad to meet both of you at last. Nikki can use some more good friends."

"This tiger girl is Karen, mom. She's in a couple of my classes," Nikki said. "And the kitty is Nini. She's in seventh grade, but we see her around school a lot and eat lunch together."

"Well, we'll have dinner in an hour or so," Mrs. Tana said. "Your father will be home soon, dear. Why don't you show your friends to your room? I left some sleeping bags in there for you."

Nikki's led her friends down the hall to her room. They rolled out the two sleeping bags on the floor beside her bed, and set their packs at the foot of the bed. Then Nikki started showing them her clothes, and they picked a variety of fun and sexy things to try on later that night. After that, both Karen and Nini rummaged around in their packs and showed Nikki the clothes they had brought.

Mr. Tana was just getting home when the girls came back out of Nikki's room. Each girl was already wearing at least one piece of clothing that belonged to one of the others.

"Hi daddy!" Nikki said, "These are my friends Karen and Nini. Girls, this is my dad."

"Pleased to meet both of you," Mr. Tana said, as he reached for the phone. "You girls go see if you can help in the kitchen. I need to call the hotel and confirm our reservations for tomorrow night."

"Sure daddy!" Nikki said, "Come on, girls!"

But just a few minutes later, Mr. Tana came into the kitchen with a very worried look on his face, still holding the cordless phone. "Ladies, I'm afraid that we have a really big problem," he said.

The girls all got quiet at once, and Mrs. Tana asked, "Oh? What's wrong, dear?"

"There's... been a mistake with our reservations for dinner and the hotel," he said. "Somehow they got recorded as being for tonight, instead of tomorrow. It's too late to change them now. The restaurant is very popular, and it's booked solid. So is the hotel. We either go tonight, or we won't be able to have our wedding anniversary celebration for several weeks."

"But daddeeee! What about my sleepover? My friends are already here!" Nikki wailed. She looked like she was on the edge of tears. "Your anniversary's important, but so are we! What are the three of us supposed to do, if you go out now? Can you even get a babysitter that fast?"

"That is a serious problem all right. Our families are already on the road by now, sir," Nini said. "We could call them on their cell phones, but they can't really turn around and come back for us."

"Umm, maybe I could call my boyfriend's family, and see if we could crash there?" Karen offered. "My folks wouldn't like it, but..."

"Now just calm down everyone!" Mrs. Tana said firmly. "We'll find a way to make this work. How long until our dinner reservation, dear?"

"Just two hours," Mr. Tana said. "I'm so sorry. I should have double-checked the reservations days ago."

"Give me that phone," Mrs. Tana said. She dialed a number and said, "This is Niki Tana's mother. May I speak to Jane please?" She waited a moment, and then said, "Jane? Is there any chance at all that you could babysit Nikki tonight, instead of tomorrow? And could you take care of two other girls, too? We had a mix-up with our reservations. We'll pay you at least double what we were going to pay you for just Nikki. Please? Nikki is very upset at this change in plans. She has two friends here right now, and they were supposed to have a sleepover tonight."

"Well?" Nikki asked.

Her mother listened for a moment, and then said, "All right. Thank you so much! You're a real treasure, Jane." Then she handed Nikki the phone, and said, "She can do it. Jane will get some things together and ride her bike over here. But she also wants to talk to you right now, because you're so upset. Make it fast, darling. I should still call Karen and Nini's parents, make sure it's all right with them for Jane to watch all of you, instead of your father and I."

"All right, mom. Hello, Jane?" Nikki said, with a quaver in her voice.

Jane said quickly, "Sweetheart, I know you're upset, but I'll make it all right, okay? I'll bring my special toys, and if there's any way to do it, we'll still have our fun this weekend. I promise!"

"Oh-okay. Hurry, Jane! And thanks!" Nikki said, handing the phone back to her mom and drying her tears with a dish towel that Karen handed her.

Mrs. Tana had already Karen and Nini's mother's cell phone numbers stuck to the fridge with a magnet. After two more calls, Mrs. Tana smiled and said to Karen and Nini, "There! It's all settled. You two can both stay. Your mothers are willing to split Jane's fee for each of you with us, and to consider this a trial run of her babysitting for your families. We'll cover the balance, since it was our mistake. Now, go watch some TV, while we get dressed."

An hour later, Jane was at the house, and Mr. and Mrs. Tana were on the way out the door, with a hastily-packed overnight bag, and dressed for an evening at a fine restaurant. Mr. Tana gave Jane $200 and said, "Thanks so much. You're a real life saver, Jane!"

"Bye girls! Have fun!" Mrs. Tana said as they went out the door.

Jane smiled at the three girls, and said, "Okay, dinner first, and then we all can have fun together!"

"Yay!" all three girls chimed in unison.


After dinner, Jane told the girls, "Well, since this is a sleepover, I want all of you to go get your pajamas or nightgowns on, right now. Then get your makeup kits and nail polish, and come back to the living room."

"Yes Miss Jane!" the girls said, heading for Nikki's room to change.

Nini was the first to return, wearing very modest lavender fleece pajamas with long sleeves, and a printed pattern of small flowers on them. She stopped at the door to the living room with her makeup kit in one hand, and asked, "Umm, Miss Jane? Why are you just wearing your bra and panties?"

"Because this is what I normally sleep in, Nini dear, and I don't want to get makeup or nail polish on my dress," the pretty doe replied. "Besides, I had no real time to pack, so I didn't bring a nightgown or pajamas."

"Oh! Okay," Nini said, blushing a little as Karen and Nikki came into the room, both wearing really short nightgowns. "I guess it doesn't matter anyway, right? Just us girls, here."

"That's right," Jane said. "It's just us girls, so we may as well be comfy." She spread out an old bed sheet to protect the carpet in the living room, and set a couple of serving trays in the middle. "Put your makeup kits and nail polish on the trays, girls, and we'll start by doing our nails."


In the house next door to Nikki's, Hans Bernerholdt stared out of his bedroom window and sighed. He was a very cute Bernese Mountain Dog puppy - eight years old, and still looking rather effeminate, with big brown eyes and fluffy, silky-soft fur that was mostly black, with white on his paws, tail tip, throat, chest and muzzle, and rich rust brown on his shins and forearms and cheeks. The white on his muzzle continued up in a stripe between his eyes, and he had a thumb print sized rust brown spot over each eye. His hair was glossy black, with bangs in front, and long enough everywhere else that he wore it in a pony tail.

Hans and his father had only moved in last week, and most of his comics, toys and other personal things were still in the boxes stacked in the garage. Hans' father was divorced. Hans hadn't seen his mom since he was six, and though his father had been seeing several girlfriends since the divorce, none of them seemed serious enough to stay around for very long. Most of them apparently didn't care for the idea of dating a guy that already had an eight year old son, even though Hans' father was relatively well to do.

Yesterday, Hans had managed to get himself grounded for a week. His father had a new girlfriend over for dinner, and he had sent Hans to bed right after the meal was over with. Hans had gotten up to use the bathroom about an hour after he had been put to bed, and he had heard a woman's voice coming from his father's bedroom. Curious about why his father's new girlfriend was still here, he had tried to peek in on them. All he saw was the lady's bare feet, at the end of his daddy's bed. Then his father had caught him and grounded him.

So now, here he was, locked in his room after a very early dinner, with absolutely nothing to do. He had been staring listlessly out the window since then, watching the neighbor girl arrive with some friends, and then watching a teenaged doe arrive on a bicycle, and the neighbor girl's parents leaving rapidly. What was the bunny girl's name? Nikki, that was it. His father had mentioned the girl's name in passing, but Hans hadn't really met her yet. He was too shy to introduce himself. He was pretty sure the other two girls also went to his school, but he didn't know their names, and he had never seen the doe before.

"I am soooo bored!" Hans complained, after re-reading the only comic book that he had in his room for the fifth time. "I wish there was something to do, or at least something interesting to watch out the window."

Hans was just about to lie down and try to sleep when he glanced out the window again, and saw something fascinating next door. That deer girl that had gone into Nikki's place was in the living room, just barely visible through a side window. And all she was wearing was her bra and panties! Hans had never seen a real, live girl in her underwear before, let alone naked. This was too good a chance to miss out on. So he carefully climbed out of his bedroom window, wriggled through the low hedge that was all that separated his yard from the next door neighbor's yard, and hurried over to that window, to take a peek inside.

There was a fairly large bush below the window, a few inches taller than Hans himself, and he could hide there without being seen from the street or from his own house. Hans' chin barely reached to the windowsill, as he carefully peeked inside. Wow! The doe girl sure looked sexy in her bra and panties! While Hans watched, the three little girls came into the room, all in their pajamas or nightgowns, and knelt in a circle on a bed sheet in the middle of the room. He strained to see, but couldn't tell if the bunny girl had any panties on. Nikki was facing away from him, kneeling on the floor. Then she reached forward, and BINGO! As she picked up some nail polish or other stuff, he got a beautiful flash of what looked like a completely naked girl's butt! He couldn't help himself... he unzipped his pants and started masturbating.


Inside with the girls, Jane caught a slight movement in one of the windows out of the corner of her eye, while she applied nail polish to Karen's toe claws. Deer have pretty good peripheral vision, so Jane didn't have to look directly at the window to see that there was a very young canine boy out there in the bushes, and that he was playing peeping tom. She grinned to herself. The kid was pretty cute, actually. And he looked to be younger than any of the girls she was babysitting. As a mischievous idea began to form in her head, she told the girls, "I have a surprise for all of you. Just keep doing your nails, while I get it from the kitchen."

Jane walked into the kitchen and put on the long raincoat that she had seen hanging by the back door when making dinner. She belted it carefully, making sure her underwear didn't show and that it looked like she had clothes on, and slipped out the back door and into the side yard.

As she rounded the corner, she could see that the kid was masturbating, and that he had a pretty nice sized cock for such a young boy. From his size, he couldn't be much more than eight, which was younger than she thought he had been. But judging from his full-blown hard-on, he was obviously mature enough physically to be ready and eager for some sexual stimulation. Better and better, she thought. She crept up on him silently, one step at a time, hoping to catch him fast enough that he couldn't shout and frighten the girls inside.


Hans had his eyes locked on Nikki's butt, as he frantically jacked off. He had only learned to masturbate about four months earlier, and couldn't believe his good fortune at getting this incredible peep show. The tiger girl did have panties on, but her butt and legs still looked just as sexy as the doe that was babysitting them. He was completely oblivious to everything but those two pretty girl butts, and his fantasies of fucking them up the ass, like he had seen in a couple of porn magazines that a friend of his had shown to him.

The poor boy almost fainted when he suddenly felt a hand firmly gripping one shoulder, and another clamping over his muzzle, holding his mouth closed.

"So, what do we have here? A peeping tom?" Jane asked in a whisper. "Don't shout, or someone is certain to see you. Just answer me quietly. What do you think you're doing out here, kid?"

Hans looked up over his shoulder, and saw that it was the doe from inside who was staring down at him, with what seemed to be an angry look on her face. He hadn't even noticed her leaving the room. He was too scared even to tuck his cock back into his pants. "Eeep! Oh God! Please don't tell my dad! I was just curious. I never saw a real girl in her undies before. I wasn't gonna do anything but look, honest!" he glanced back across the hedge at his open bedroom window, and added, "I'll do anything you ask. Anything! Just don't tell my dad! I'm already grounded for a week, and if he finds out I slipped out of the house, I don't want think about how he'll punish me!"

Jane looked down at the boy's still rigid cock, and licked her muzzle. "You were also jacking off, I see. So, you live next door? Tell me, why were you grounded?"

Hans blushed and tucked his cock back in his pants. As he zipped up he said shyly, "Well, yeah, that too. My dad and I moved in next door last week. I... got caught peeping in my dad's bedroom door when he had his girlfriend in there. That's why he grounded me."

"And have you been spying on Nikki's bedroom?" Jane asked, knowing the girl's room also had a window on this side of the house, but that Nikki usually kept her curtains closed when she was changing or doing sexy stuff.

"I didn't know I could see it from my place! Honest! I don't even know which window is hers!" Hans declared.

"But you would have, if you thought you could get away with it, wouldn't you?" Jane said sternly. She tried not to grin. This was just too perfect for her. "Hummm, so you like looking at other people when they are naked or partially dressed? I'll tell you what. If you promise to not touch any of us unless we ask you to, and if you apologize really nice to those girls in there, then I won't tell your father, and maybe, just maybe, you can continue watching us, from inside. Maybe even do more than just look? Do we have a deal?"

Hans nodded eagerly. "Yeah! Oh Gods yeah! I promise!"


Jane led the boy into the kitchen and had him wait there for a moment. She took off the raincoat again and hung it up, and then she went into the living room and said to the girls, "We have some unexpected entertainment tonight. I just caught a peeping tom. He's a cute puppy that lives next door, and he wants to apologize to you for looking at us through the window. May I bring him in to make his apology?"

The girls all shrieked and started talking at once. Nini and Karen were blushing, and Nikki looked decidedly pissed off.

"Jane! Why did you bring him in here?" Nikki demanded. "This will ruin everything!"

"Well, it could also make things a lot more fun, if we want it to," Jane said hopefully, and with a wink at Nikki that she hoped the other kids didn't see. "Now, he seems like a good kid. He's just curious. He's promised to behave, and to do absolutely anything that we want him to do, if we allow him to join us and just look. I can think of several ways that could be very entertaining, can't you? At the very least, since he saw me in my underwear, and he saw all of you in your nighties, I think we should all get to see him in his underwear. Fair's fair, right?"

The girls talked it over, and finally Nikki got a wicked grin and said, "Okay, he can come in and apologize. But it's my sleepover, and if he wants to stay, then I say he has to do all the stuff we're doing. Including the nail polish, makeup and dressing in girl clothes. And he doesn't touch me at all, okay?"

"Ohhh, you are a naughty bunny!" Karen said with a giggle. "I like that idea!"

Nini looked hesitant, but said, "I guess that's okay. Seems a little mean though."

"Well, we will leave the choice to him," Jane said. "If he doesn't want to obey Nikki, then he can just apologize, show us his underwear, and leave, all right? I'll go get him."

Hans was very contrite when Jane brought him in. He stared at the floor at first and said. "Umm, I'm Hans, an' I live next door. I am very, very sorry for peeking through the window at you girls. I... saw your babysitter undressed through the window, and it made me curious. I wouldn't dream of hurting any of you, or of telling anybody I saw you. It's just... you were all so pretty! Once I saw you, I couldn't go back to my room. I promise, if you let me stay, I won't touch any of you unless you ask me to, an' I'll do absolutely anything you say!"

"Tell them what else you were doing out there young man," Jane said sternly. "You were doing more than just looking."

Hans blushed, and said, "I... I was looking at Nikki's butt, and at the tiger girl, too, and I was... I was masturbating, okay? Nikki isn't wearing any panties! It was too much for me to resist. I'm sorry, but I'm not made of stone. You girls are really sexy, Honest!"

"What? You peeked under my nightgown?" Nikki shouted angrily.

"Well, I didn't plan to see your butt. I was mostly looking at your babysitter, but when you reached forward, you mooned me!" Hans said in his own defense.

Nikki seemed a little placated by that statement, and she had to admit to herself that she had intentionally not worn panties, hoping to use just that move on Karen or Nini, to get their reactions. She tried to calm down, and asked, "So, you'll do anything to make it up to us, eh? Even take off your own clothes? Not that I want to see a boy naked, but Karen and Nini might find that amusing. How about wearing nail polish, makeup and girl clothes for us? Will you do that? And if we let you stay, how do we know you won't tell every boy at school what you've seen?"

"I won't tell! I don't dare!" Hans insisted, looking directly at Nikki. "I'm supposed to be grounded and locked in my room. My daddy will be really mad if he finds out I left the house, and super mad if he finds out what I did. I promise, I'll do anything. Even... even taking off my clothes, yeah. Or playing with makeup and stuff like a girl. If... if I tell, or if I don't do anything you ask me to do, you... you can take all my comics and burn them! An' I really like my comic books, okay? Please? Will you forgive me, an' let me stay?"

"Oh, I suppose you can stay," Nikki said. "So, prove to me that you mean it. Strip to your t-shirt and underpants for us."

"I will!" Hans declared, as he slipped off his shoes and socks, and then shyly unzipped his pants and took them off too. He blushed fiercely, but stood there in front of them without trying to hide the stiffy that was starting to make a tent in his white cotton briefs underpants. He was just glad he had worn plain ones today, and not the more childish ones that had cartoon characters on them. "There! I did it, so can I stay?"

Jane laughed and said, "Well, it's clear you like having girls look at you as much as you like looking at them. I'm Jane, and this is Nikki, Karen and Nini. Let's play some truth or dare. Hans, we'll start with you, but I won't give you the choice of taking a dare this first time. Tell us the truth. Have you ever seen anyone else naked, or had sex other than playing with yourself?"

Hans blushed again, and said, "I've only seen naked girls in porn magazines. See, a few months ago, there was a bunny boy named Tommy. I guess he was about your age, Miss Jane. Anyway, he lived in my neighborhood. Sometimes he would take me to his room and show me porn, mostly magazines with girls getting fucked in the butt, and he taught me to masturbate with him." Hans paused, then said, "He... he also kissed me, and played with his fingers up my tail hole, and he even fucked my butt once. I... well, I liked it, but then we moved here. I've never done anything else, with boys or girls."

"Fair enough answer, Hans," Jane said soothingly. "You don't need to be ashamed of having had sex with another boy. Lots of people experiment with their own gender. Some even prefer it. Now it's your turn, and you can ask one of us to say a truth or take a dare."

"Okay. I think I know how this game is played. Miss Jane? Truth or dare?" Hans asked.

Jane smiled at the boy, and said, "I'll take a dare."

"Y-you will? Umm, okay... I dare you to take off all your clothes so we can see you completely naked!" Hans said hopefully.

"All right," Jane said. "All of you can stand close and watch me undress."

Jane closed her eyes and slowly unfastened her lace edged, pale blue bra. She peeked through her eyelashes at the children as she paused before removing it, and saw that Nini was blushing, Karen and Nikki were looking at her intently, and little Hans was staring at her with adoring puppy dog eyes that looked almost ready to pop from his eye sockets. She took the bra off, and tossed it to the couch, revealing her pert, shapely breasts. Then she slowly slipped off her matching bikini panties and dropped them on Hans' head. The boy reached up to touch the panties, as if he couldn't believe they were real, but he left them draped over his head like a hat.

"There you go, Hans, your first look at a completely naked girl!" Jane said. "I hope you like it. Now it's my turn again. Karen? Truth or dare?"

The tiger girl was still al little stunned that Miss Jane had actually undressed in front of all of them. She replied, "Truth," without really giving the decision much thought.

Jane smiled and asked, "Have you ever seen anyone else naked, or had sex other than playing with yourself?"

Now Karen blushed, but she said, "Yeah, I have. My boyfriend Jake and I haven't gone all the way yet, so I'm still a virgin. But we've done oral and anal sex, and I like butt play, like using anal beads, fingering, rimming, and dildos. I haven't done anything with any other boys, and I haven't ever tried sex with a girl, but it doesn't bother me that Hans did it with a boy. I guess I'm curious enough that I wouldn't say no if a girl I liked wanted to play around that way with me."

Karen thought a minute, and then said, "Nini? Truth or dare?"

Nini squirmed and replied, "Truth?"

"Same question Jane asked me," Karen said. "Have you ever seen anyone else naked, or had sex other than playing with yourself?"

Nini replied, "The only boy I've ever seen naked is Alex, my fiancée, and that was when we were both really little, and sharing a bath. He wasn't even as old as Hans is now, and there wasn't much to see, that I remember. Alex and I have been engaged for 4 years, but we haven't had any sort of sex. We're saving it for after our marriage. I've seen my big sister Ross making out with other girls, and I'm okay with that, but I haven't tried anything with a girl yet myself. I've touched myself a little, and I guess I would be willing to do a few sexy things, as long as I don't lose my virginity, and as long as I don't get a boy's seed inside me at all. I guess just touching and kissing wouldn't really be cheating on Alex."

Nini looked at the others, and then said, "Nikki? Truth or dare?"

Nikki grinned and said, "Dare!" mostly because she didn't quite want to answer the same question herself. Not just yet.

"Umm, I dare you to give Miss Jane a big kiss, like she was your girlfriend!" Nini said. Then she hastily added, "I mean, if what they say at school is true, that shouldn't be too bad, right?"

"Have I ever denied it to either of you?" Nikki replied. "It's true. I do like girls. See?" And then she stood on her tip toes and gave Miss Jane a very passionate French kiss.

Hans sighed, and started rubbing the lump in his briefs, which was threatening to poke out the top of the waistband by now. Jane's panties fell off his head as he leaned over to watch he girls kiss.

Nikki sighed happily, and said, "My turn then. Hans? Truth or dare?"

"Dare?" he replied.

"I dare you to take off your clothes," Nikki said. "Let everyone see you naked!"

Hans sighed, and said, "I thought you didn't want to see a naked boy? All right, here goes." Then he peeled off his t-shirt and slipped out of his undershorts.

"I don't. I'm daring you to do it to embarrass you. But I also think the other girls would enjoy it," Nikki said. "Who you gonna pick next, Hans?"

Hans was relieved that none of the girls were overtly staring at him, as his cock stiffened. He looked at each girl, and then asked, "Miss Jane? Truth or dare?"

"I'll take truth, this time," Jane replied.

"Was that the first time you've kissed Nikki?" Hans asked.

"No, it wasn't. Nikki is my very special friend, and we have fun together a lot when I babysit her," Jane replied. Then she looked at Karen and Nini and said, "Please don't let anyone know that, okay? I'm only admitting it to you because Nikki trusts the two of you and considers you her friends. We could get in a lot of trouble if her parents found out what we do with each other when I babysit her."

"We won't tell, will we, Karen?" Nini said.

"Not a word," Karen agreed. "Ummm, do you do sexy stuff with all the kids you babysit, Miss Jane?"

Jane grinned and replied, "It isn't your turn to ask a question. It's mine. But it sounds to me like all of us are feeling kind of sexy and open to trying new things. So I'll ask all of you this. Do we keep playing this game, or would you all like to get naked and play some new sexy games? Karen, Nini, I promise that I won't let anyone take your virginity. No one will have to do anything tonight that they aren't willing to do. Even Hans has the right to refuse a request and be sent home. But there are a lot of fun and sexy things we could possibly do together, if we aren't afraid to ask to try something new."

Nikki didn't even bother to reply. She just stripped and started digging around in Miss Jane's 'toys bag' until she found her pretty purple suede collar. She put that on, and then looked at the others. "I say, we play. But I'm sorry Hans. Even though you're being a really good sport, I still don't want you touching me. I'd like it if Karen and Nini would play with me though, and I don't mind if Hans watches us, as long as they don't mind."

"That's okay, Nikki," Hans said. "But I hope you don't mind if I still say I think you're pretty, and I'd still like to be your friend? I guess I can understand that you just like girls. I think I like both boys and girls, but I don't have enough experience yet to be sure. I guess Tommy, that boy I was with before, mostly liked other boys. And that never stopped him from being my friend."

Karen shrugged and undressed, saying, "Oh, why not? As long as I can say no to any request I don't like. I guess I like Nikki and Nini enough to do something wild and daring, and you seem pretty nice too, Miss Jane."

Nini blushed and took her pajamas off. She said shyly, "I guess I could do some kissing and touching, as long as no one else finds out. My parents would have kittens if they thought I was anything but perfectly chaste."

"Great!" Jane said with a grin. "And now I'll answer your question, Karen. Nikki is my submissive Pet and lover. It's not something I do with all the kids I babysit, but if a kid is open to the idea, I do like having sexy fun with them - boys or girls. If I'm ever your babysitter again, we can decide what we both like, and do that. Or not, your choice." Then she looked at Hans, and said, "Before we dress you up like a girl, I think you deserve a reward, for being a good sport about all this. Lie down on your back, and let me show the girls one way to have fun with a boy, without risking getting pregnant."

"Okay!" Hans said. "Ummm, what are we gonna do?"

"You'll see," Jane said, kneeling next to the boy and looking appreciatively at his stiff cock. He was all the way out of his sheath now, and in spite of being so young his cock was at least as big as some of Jane's favorite dildos and vibrators. She shivered as she imagined what the boy's father's cock must be like, or what the boy himself would have to offer by the time he was fifteen or sixteen. "You girls sit close and watch. Especially Nini and Nikki. I know you don't want to try a boy, Nikki sweetheart, but you should at least understand how they work."

"Oh, all right," Nikki said. "I'll watch, if that's what you want me to do."

"Now, has anyone ever used their mouth to please you, Hans?" Jane asked.

"You mean kisses? Tommy kissed me, and stuck his tongue in my mouth," Hans said.

"Oh, I think you're in for a treat then, Hans. I meant has anyone used their mouth like this, to please you?" and with no further explanation she lifted his cock away from his tummy fur, and took a long lick, from the opening of his sheath to the tip of his cock. Then she slipped his cock into her mouth, and started sucking on his sweet young tool.

"OOHHH! Oh wow! Ohhhh, nobody's ever done that to me before!" Hans exclaimed, arching his back and humping his hips by instinct. The poor puppy didn't last very long. Jane was very good at this, and in minutes his knot was throbbing and he was spurting his creamy seed into her mouth.

Jane swallowed several mouthfuls, and then pulled her head back and held the still-spurting cock upright for the girls to see, like a small red fountain, spurting cream. "That is what happens when a boy has his orgasm. The white stuff is his semen, and has the seeds in it that can make a girl pregnant, if they get in her vagina, and if it's the right time in her heat cycle. I think it tastes pretty good, but some girls don't like to swallow cum. Would any of you girls like to try a taste?"

Nikki watched in fascination but vehemently shook her head no. "Unh uhh! No way!"

Karen shrugged and said, "Maybe later. I've already done that with Jake, so I know what it tastes like. I will say, it's best hot and swallowed right as it spurts out. I don't like it after it has cooled off."

"You've done that?" Nini asked. "Ummm, I don't know. Not while that stuff is still squirting."

Jane wiggled a finger into the boy's tailhole and was rewarded with a renewed force to his spurting seed. She sucked it all up and and swallowed it herself, and then said, "Nikki sweetie? Let's show them how a girl licks another girl. Lay here, where Hans is. Hans, you just stand where Nikki is now, and watch."

As soon as her subbie bunny was on the floor, Jane made sure there was no more cum left on her own muzzle, and then she parted the little girl's petals and started delicately lapping at her slit.

Nikki reacted in almost the same way that Hans had, arching her back and moaning as Jane rapidly brought her to a climax. The panting bunny looked her girlfriends in the eyes and sighed, "Ohhhh, you have gotta try this! It's so much fun!"

"I'm game!" Karen said, lying beside Nikki and starting to rub her own slit. "Never did it with a girl before, but Jake likes doing that for me, and I love it. I guess it will feel the same, girl or boy."

Jane smiled and said, "Girls do it better, I think. The difference is, another girl knows exactly where to lick, since she knows what she would like to feel herself."

Nini watched with her eyes wide as Jane licked Karen to an orgasm. "Doesn't that taste nasty? I mean we pee from the same place!"

"It's kinda tangy and savory," Nikki said. "Changes a bit, depending on what the other girl ate recently. Jane tasted really spicy after she ate some curry rice one time. But it isn't nasty if the girl keeps herself clean."

Jane sat up while Karen recovered from her orgasm, and said, "The same can be said for boys. If they've been eating sweet, tasty stuff like blackberries, you taste that a bit in their seed. Bitter stuff like beer makes them taste bitter, like stale beer. Kinda yucky, then."

"You've had beer?" Nini asked, as she nervously took Karen's place on the floor.

"No, but I dated a boy who was old enough to buy beer once, and that was how he tasted if he had been drinking beer the day before our date," Jane replied. "Now it's your turn, pretty kitty!"

Jane licked the white furred kitty girl, taking her time since it was her first experience getting licked. She noticed that each girl had a different taste. Nikki's family, being bunnies, had an almost entirely vegetarian diet. Her taste was reminiscent of oil and vinegar salad dressing. Karen was a true carnivore, and most likely ate a lot of red meat. She had a taste that was strong, but not at all unpleasant. Nini tasted sweet and clean, and Jane wondered what sort of foods she favored.

Nini closed her eyes and moaned as Jane licked her. She tried not to talk, because she was certain nothing intelligent would result. It was wonderful, but she just had no words to describe it! Similar to when she fingered herself for pleasure, but so much more intense! As she came down from her orgasm, she gasped, "Oh wow. Now I see why Ross likes having her girlfriends do that so much! Thank you!"

Hans was shifting from foot to foot anxiously. When Jane looked at him, he pleaded, "May I try that? It looks fun, and the smell is driving me crazy! It smells so good! I know Nikki won't accept, but could I do that for any of you other girls?"

Jane lay on her back and beckoned to Hans. "Since I haven't cum yet, you can try it with me. But we're going to set you up with a butt toy, first. Nikki? Get me some lube, and the green butt plug."

Nikki fetched the items from Jane's bag, and watched as her favorite babysitter greased the boy's butt hole and then slowly inserted the three inch long, inch and a half diameter butt plug.

Jane turned the vibrator on when it was about a third of the way in, and then flicked it to full speed after it popped all the way into Hans' ass. "How does that feel baby?" she asked.

Hans' eyes were a little wide, as he replied, "Good. Weird, but good. Now can I lick you?"

"Umm humm," Jane replied, licking her muzzle. "Just lick the full length of my slit, like I did for Nini. Ohhh that's a good boy! Just like that! Now, see that pink nubbin at the top of my slit? That's my clit, and it's sensitive, like the tip of your cock. Suck on it. Ooohhh yeah. You're darned good for a first timer! Keep that up, Hans!"

"What about us?" Nikki complained.

"Straddle my throat, baby, and I'll lick my favorite bunny," Jane replied. "Nini? Why don't you straddle my tummy, and try kissing Nikki."

"Can I fit in there somehow and lick Nikki too?" Karen asked, as the other two girls got on top of Jane, facing each other over Jane's breasts.

"Sure. Nikki likes having her butt licked, if you don't mind doing that," Jane suggested.

"Yeah, I'll do rimming. Jake and I do that for each other sometimes," Karen replied. She started tickling Nikki's brown rose with the tip of her tongue, and then made the bunny gasp as she poked her tongue into that tight hole.

When Jane was good and wet, she said, "Hans? Try putting that pretty cock of yours in my cunny now. I'll let you fuck me."

"Really? Oh wow!" Hans said. He was already rock hard, and he didn't waste a minute getting between Jane's upraised thighs and slipping his young cock into the sexy babysitter's vagina, the way he had seen it done in some of Tommy's porn magazines. He held her thighs against his shoulders as he rapidly humped his young cock in and out of her. "I can't believe I'm really doing this! Ohhh, this feels even better than your mouth did!"

"Miss Jane!" Nini asked with a sudden rush of concern. "Won't he get you pregnant, if he keeps that up?"

"He might, if I was in season," Jane said between licks. "But I'm not right now, so it's pretty unlikely. I should be safe if he cums inside me. Hear that Hans? You don't have to stop and pull out. Just let go inside me when you cum!"

"Yes ma'am!" Hans replied with a huge grin. He humped harder and faster, watching Nini kissing Nikki, Jane licking Nikki, and it looked like Karen was actually shoving her tongue inside Nikki's butt hole, while fingering herself to an orgasm! Nikki came first, then Jane. Then Nini climaxed, and Hans realized Jane must have been fingering the kitty girl the whole time. That thought drove him over the top, and he groaned and flooded the teenaged doe's womb with his thick young seed, as his knot swelled and locked him in place. Karen climaxed while Hans was still stuck. The four kids finally collapsed in a heap, all on top of Jane, who said, "I think baths are in order next. To the bathrooms, kids! And leave a little hot water for me!"


When Jane got her shower, which she shared with Nikki, she made sure to take the shower head hose off the wall and let Nikki see that she had carefully washed every trace of the boy's cum out of her vagina. "See sweetheart? All clean and tasty for my lovey bunny!" she said with a grin.

Nikki looked up at Jane, and said, "It makes me kinda jealous, seeing you with the other kids. And seeing you do stuff with a boy really makes me feel weird. But it's pretty sexy, too, showing off in front of other people. Tonight's turning out a lot better than I had hoped it would."

"I'm glad, baby," Jane replied, holding the little girl close and leaning down to kiss her. "But just you remember - you'll always be my special subbie bunny! No matter who else I fool around with, no one can replace you!"


Once they were all dried off, the girls finished painting their fingernails and toenails, and painted Hans' toe claws and fingernails with a bright red polish. Then they applied crimson lipstick, purple eye shadow, and pink blush across the bridge of his muzzle, and dusted his cheeks with pale purple glitter. They took his hair out of the pony tail and brushed it and curled it with a curling iron, then put red bow barrettes on either side of his bangs.

"Oh, he is such a cute girl!" Karen said with a grin.

Nini giggled and said, "If we couldn't see his sheath and balls, I could totally believe he was a girl!"

Hans groaned, and said, "Let me see. Please?"

Nikki handed Hans a pair of Nini's pink panties, one of Karen's red training bras, and a pair of her own white knee socks. "Put those on first. I don't think any of our shoes would fit you, but the rest should fit well enough."

Hans did as he was told, though his sheath and the end of his cock poked up above the waistband of the panties. He was getting hard again. "Now can I look?" he asked.

"Just a few finishing touches," Jane said. First, she pulled down the back of Hans' panties, and put the greased vibrating butt plug back in his ass, turning the vibrator on and tucking the controller into the top of his left knee sock before pulling the panties up. Then she took some red hair ribbons, and tied his wrists together with a big bow, then took the loose ends up and tied those in a second bow around his throat, so his hands had to stay just under his chin. She took one more ribbon and tied it to the makeshift bow collar like a leash, and handed the end to Nikki, saying, "Now you can take your girly-boy Pet for a walk, Nikki, and let her see what a cute girl she is!"

Nikki paraded Hans around the room several times before stopping in front of a full length mirror and allowing him to gaze at his own reflection. By that time his cock was completely stiff, held flat against his white tummy fur by the elastic of the panties. "She does make a pretty girl, doesn't she? I bet her own father wouldn't recognize her," Nikki said thoughtfully. "It would be tempting to put a skirt on her, let her put her own sneakers back on, and take her to the playground in the park tomorrow morning!"

Hans groaned, but his cock twitched at the idea. "I... I guess I would, if I had to... But I gotta be back in my room in the morning when dad wakes me up for breakfast! If I'm not there, he'll get really worried."

"Maybe you can convince Hans to be your girly Pet some other time, Nikki," Jane said. "But I think we should let him go back home soon. Tie him to the bed post, and we'll let him watch us a little while longer."

"Oh, all right. I was really only teasing. If I started leading what looked like a girl around on a leash in public, the bullies would really have stuff to wag their tongues about!" Nikki said, as she tied Hans' makeshift leash to the bedpost so he had to stand, facing the floor beyond the foot of the bed, with his hands stuck just under his chin.

The girls gathered on the floor in front of Hans. Nikki put on her strap on with the vibrating butt plug, and Jane inserted a vibrating dildo in Karen's butt. Then Nikki used her strap-on to fuck Jane vaginally, while Karen and Nini 69'ed with each other beside them, with the vibrator still buzzing in Karen's ass. Hans fidgeted and shifted from foot to foot as his hard on throbbed and twitched.

Finally, Nini took pity on Hans. Without saying anything, she knelt in front of Hans, closed her eyes, and started to lick and suck the young puppy boy's cock. It was her first time ever to suck off any boy, but when she started tasting the first spurts of semen from his cock, she fell backwards and spit it out, crawling away on her hands and feet, belly up. "Yuck! He started doing that stuff in my mouth!"

Nikki was using her strap-on to fuck Karen's ass. Karen laughed at Nini and said, "Well, what did you expect? You saw what happens when a boy gets sucked off, and nobody made you do that."

"I thought he could have at least warned me!" Nini said, ruefully. "I guess it didn't really taste that bad, but it startled me."

Jane watched this take place as she and fondled herself. "Now you've left the poor boy with blue balls. Getting a boy very close to an orgasm and leaving him hanging like that can be painful. Someone ought to help him."

"Please?" Hans begged. "I can't do it myself, tied like this. If one of you will make me spurt, I'll lick you in return. Fair?"

Karen shrugged and said, "Well, it's rude to leave the poor boy with blue balls. I'll help him out." She untied Hans' leash and hands, and told him, "You can fuck my ass, as long as you promise not to cum inside me, okay? Pull out and spurt it somewhere else."

Nikki started to fuck Jane's ass beside them, while Nini fingered herself.

"Okay, I'll try. Thanks," Hans said. He thrust his cock into the tiger girl's butt, which was already well-greased and relaxed from the dildo fucking she had received. It didn't take long, as close as he was. He pulled out just as he was about to cum, looked around desperately as he jacked off the rest of the way, and ended up catching his cum in his own hands, so he wouldn't splatter all over Karen's backside. Then he stood there, panting and looking puzzled about what to do with the mess.

Jane suggested, "Why don't you just lick your hands clean, Hans? After all, I swallowed that same stuff, and you would have been willing to cum in Nini's mouth if she allowed it."

Hans blushed and sniffed his cum-smeared hands. Then he slowly started to lick his hands clean, while the girls watched him do it.

Once his hands were clean, Hans shyly asked Karen, "So, ummmm, would you like me to lick you now?"

Karen nodded, and lay on her back. "Go ahead, puppy girl. Lick me nice and make me cum!"

Hans eagerly licked Karen to a climax, but by the time he was done, he was fighting back yawns. Nini and Nikki had also yawned a few times.

Jane sighed, and said, "Well, all good things must end. Karen? Can you take Hans to the bathroom and show him how to wash off the makeup and get the nail polish off. We'll get his clothes together while you do that."

Hans ended up having to take another hot shower to get his hair to relax out of the curls the girls had put it up in, and to get rid of the last traces of makeup. Once he had his hair back in a pony tail and his own clothes back on, and thanked each girl, hugging everyone but Nikki, and bowing politely to the bunny girl. "Thank you all for letting me stay," he said earnestly. "I hope we can be friends after this?"

"Sure, puppy. You're all right," Karen said slapping him on the shoulder.

"Friends, yes, but don't expect any more sex with me, Hans," Nini said. "It would be too much like cheating on my fiancée."

Nikki shrugged and extended a hand to Hans to shake. "Yeah, we can be friends, I guess. Might do me some good for other kids to see me hanging around with a boy once in a while. Think I could ever talk you into that trip to the playground, with you dressed as a girl?"

Hans looked at his toes, then back at Nikki, and said, "M-maybe? If you'll share Miss Jane with me? And Miss Jane, would you be my babysitter too?"

Jane grabbed a pencil and a notepad and wrote her number on it. She handed it to Nikki, and said, "Give that to Hans, Nikki. Good. And now, Hans, you can honestly tell your dad you got the number from a friend you know from school."

"Thanks everyone!" Hans said, as he left by the back door.

Miss Jane watched the boy through the living room window until he had crawled back into his bedroom window and closed it again. Then she turned to the girls, and asked, "Well, what do you all want to do next? Watch a movie and chat? Or go to bed?"

"Aww, I don't want to go to sleep yet," Nikki said.

"Who said anything about sleeping, girls?" Miss Jane said, as she led them all to Nikki's bed.

To be continued?...