The Love Family: part one

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#1 of The Love Family

The Love family.

Part 1: First things first.

Prologue to the prologue: This story involves sexuality, pornography and personal feelings. This series has many elements that come from my real life, a lot of it is true. The names and species have been changed to protect the innocent. You should an adult to read this. Now to the first story.

Prologue: I write these things as my mate sleeps next to me. Her form so familiar, her touch so precious. I come from a tribe of native people to this land. We had a culture well before the new settlers came. There had been battles in our past, but the last battle had scoured the globe. It killed almost all peoples, The nations drew together afterwards in peace to face the reconstruction. I was the oldest ,and had only one sister who was only two years younger than I was. We grew up knowing the ways of our people and the ways of those around us. When we were on the tribal land our kind only wore clothes for protection and ceremony. The world around us mostly frowned on our ways, but accepted us in their society. Individually we were respected and loved by many.

Awakening from my sleep, I get up blinking at the morning light streaming in the window. It was already day, I normally did not get to sleep this late. Then I remembered it was a weekend. Not just any weekend, it was the first weekend of summer. I lay in my bed grinning. I knew school would start again, but not for several months of fun. I did not get out of bed until I had to pee. I go to the bathroom, and close the door. I look in the mirror and see the reflection of a fourteen year old wolf. My body just really starting to put the muscles on. In the last year I had grown like a weed. I was over five foot now, and it was obvious I was going to have my grandfathers strong build. My fur was gray, Dark around my nose and light on the cheeks. My two ears almost black. I stand at the toilet and hold my sheath. I pull it back a little to reveal the pick tip. My father taught me to do this to help keep it clean. I still needed to clean it often, but it did not taste as bad if I did this. I let my pee out in a stream, enjoying the simple pleasure.

I hear my mom call "Come down and get breakfast" .

I finish the job and come down stairs. My mother stood with her heavy breasts showing through her white fur. Her black nose, and almond colored eyes, and large pink teats the only thing on her not white. She was about five foot four, her heavy breasts and ample hips the only signs she had children. She was just now turning thirty, my father and her given to each other in the tribe when she was fourteen. This was the normal way for us. The father of the male chose another family, their family chose the female. The joining happened when he was sixteen. It would be the same way with me I thought. I was lost in thought, something had triggered my mind . My mom came over and gave me a kiss on the head. This awoke me.

"Welcome back." she said laughing a little.

There was some smell, that I could barely detect. For some reason it clouded my thoughts. I sat down, my mother brought the breakfast she had cooked. I ate like I was a fourteen year old boy: ravenously.

"Slow down." I hear mother say, "After you are done wake your sister."

I finished quickly, and went upstairs to my sisters room. I walk in to her room, and see her sleeping. She looks more like my mother, with white fur, but she has the gray of my dad on her face. Her tail was also gray. She was only two inches shorter than me, and was only twelve. Girls grow up faster than boys do, my dad said. Her breasts had not developed yet. But her form had taken the curvy shape of an adult female. She lays fast asleep, if I did not wake her she would sleep past noon. I pull the pillow out form underneath her head and hit her with it. She wakes up , and growls.

"Morning sleepy head, mom said to wake you up." I smiled as I said this.

My sister pounces on me, rolling us on to the floor. We wrestle with each other, my body weight and strength easily overpowering her. We break down in a tickle war. Finlay I get up after I win the battle, both of us grinning. This is a normal way for me to wake her up on a weekend. We both go downstairs, my mom had put a plate for my sister on the table.

My mother walks in ad says "Get some clothes on before you two go out to play. It is a too nice of day to stay inside."

We went to our rooms, did mom have to remind us like we were cubs? I put some clothes on quickly wanting to go over to my friends house. I ran to the door, but my mom stopped me.

"Be back by dinner time." she said sternly "And do not spend all day playing video games with Mike."

Mike was my best friend, he was the same age as me. We lived in the same neighborhood, only a couple of houses from each other. I shook my head and ran out the door. Mike was already outside, he was smaller then me. Dragons grow slowly as his father would say. He had some problems with school and kids messing with him, because of his size. As his family being the only dragons here and we the only wolves, we were friends as soon as we moved here from the tribal lands. His scales were a brown-green. He was wearing shorts and a teeshirt like me, when I saw him. We went to the woods near the park which was and the end of the street. We went there a lot, I would show him how we wolves stalk our prey, or we would climb trees. I would stalk and catch frogs and stuff. He always knew the names and such of the types of bugs and animals we caught. Of course we also scared all the girls with our prey, except my sister. My sister loved things from nature, she was mad we caught them. She wold take them and set it free. This day my sister wen with my mom to see the doctor. I did not know why or care. It just meant I was free to do what I wish.

Me and mike played until lunch time at the pond in the park and getting soaked in the water. We went to his house for lunch. There was never any question which house was his. The size of the house in proportion to dragon sized. His father sat in the living room. Even seated he towed above me. He had dark green scales, his dragon smile used to scare me with all of his teeth. He stood ten feet tall to his head, not counting his horns. His huge wings toping out at almost fifteen feet. Just about everything was over double sized, to accommodate the occupants size. His father just looked at us as we entered the house, and went back to reading. We went to the kitchen, getting plenty of food. After we ate and put the dishes in the dishwasher. We went to mike's room. He was the single child of his parents so far. Dragons never rush, as their life spans were much longer than other species. His parents were fifty when they had him, this being equivalent to most people being teens. His room was filled with all of the newest electronic toys. His dad was some kind of scientist, and his mother a medical doctor. As the only child of relatively rich parents, he was spoiled with the best. We sat on his waterbed and played video games for hours.

The phone rang and a moment later I hear "Someone is late for supper!" from his father. I dropped the controller and ran out the door!

I ran home. When I got home it was to my fathers scowl.

I heard "Rankil Mleka! Bata enti lita?"

My father speaking on our native tongue making me cringe. The meaning of it universal, why was I late? I looked down and said sorry. I came on to the room and sat down. My family already had started to eat. I joined in very quietly. My father's voice in my head " Swiftrunner Lover! Are you not come after the sun?".

This was the literal meaning, I was called Switfrunner or Swift by most. Our family name meant "one who loves" or Lover. We had been given our last name from my grandfather. Before his time the names were given by the tribe, now the parents choose them. I look at my family eating, thinking "Love family, yea right..." .

After dinner I was sent to my room for a punishment. This made me feel like I was still a child. My parents, I knew did love me. You did not want to be on my dads bad side. The next day I went down to eat, my mom smiled and kissed me. She said "Go and play again, this time make sure you do not come home late.".

She gave me a small box. In the box was a watch. She said "An early birthday gift.".

It was going to be my birthday soon, I was going to be 14 at the end of this month. The gift was appropriate and poignant. I was to not be late, but I was trusted to do right. I put the watch on, I saw it had already been set, this I knew was my fathers doing. It was a very new type of watch, this did not surprise me. My father always loved technology, something he passed on to me. The numbers seemed to float above the watch. The note said: "I will show you some interesting things about your watch later."

He wrote his name out very business like; Naltel Melka. { Strength Lover}

I rushed outside to show mike. The gift had obviously been purchased for my birthday, but after last night my dad must have thought it better to give it now. We played out side most of the day this time. Just doing boy stuff. All of a sudden my watch beeped loudly making me look at it. My dads face appeared and spoke: "Make sure you come home for supper on time."

Wow!, a holo-watch, I had only heard about them before. This was typical of my dad. The time showed I had enough time to easily walk home from wherever I would normally played. Mike stood impressed as I was. We walked home and tried to play with my new watch some, still not decided if it was a tool or toy. My dad was waiting at the door to the house, grinning.

"I see the gentile reminder worked well." my dad said. He took me in his arms and kissed my forehead. "You are growing so fast. It is time for some responsibility also." he continued "Try not to be late my son.". Then in our tongue " Melka anta D'kar Rankil Mleka.' : "I love you Mister Swiftrunner Love.".

Hearing my father call me "mister" drove it in hard. This term was used for adults. We ate supper, and afterwards my dad showed me how to use the computer interface to program alarms, notes and such. This did not take long. I was exited, but my parents seemed to be concerned about something else. When I went to bed, I heard them still talking, or at least some of it. I could only catch words and then it was in our native tongue. This made it a little more difficult as a lot of our words change meaning based on the context.

Dad: "You are sure..... little dog in life..."

Mom: ".....the last moons... we have ... enough food...."

Dad: " Yes , I desire....... a great gift..... I will ... the tent..."

Mom "...yes love... I will stop.... two more moons...."

This was the last I heard before they went to their room. I woke a little later by the sound of my parents making love, but that was not totally unusual.

A few days later it was my birthday. I had asked my dad for a boys night only for a special request. So, my mom and sister went to see my Aunt in the tribal lands. It was just me, my dad, and mike when the sun set. Mike brought some movie cubes over. My dad said "I know you two will have fun watching some horror movies. I will let you have your fun. Do not stay up too late."

He winked at us, leaving us to do anything we wanted. We did exactly that at first. Mike had brought three movies over. I looked at them I had seen them all except for one. It had a strange title "Vampire love". He tended to always bring some strange things on occasion. When I asked, he said "We save that one for last". He had a mischievous grin on his face. We watched the movies on the screen I had in my room. I still had the old flat video screen, the same one that was in the living room before my dad got the holographic player three years ago. The first two movies were like I had expected, a couple of scares. It was almost midnight before the last one was placed in.

We had already taken our clothes off and were ready for bed. I was tired, but exited not knowing the last movie. As it came on I saw a female mouse dressed as a bat. This was not strange in these movies. Quickly she found a male rabbit. Then the two started kissing, the music became a jazz tune. The male ran his hand on the female as they kissed. She unbuttoned his shirt. I watched this movie continue as it was very different from what I had seen before. Soon the two were naked. The rabbit's penis was erect. I watched as the mouse lay down and the male stroked her vulva with a paw. The camera moves in and shows her vagina clearly, taking up almost the whole screen. I felt stirrings in me I had not felt before. The movie continued and soon the male pushed his member to the females vagina. The feelings became strong, a heat built in me. I felt something happening to my penis. I looked down to my sheath and saw my penis poking out. As the movie continues the feeling becomes stronger. I feel my self harden for the first time, my shaft fully out of the sheath. I had seen my father erect before, with my mom, but never had I been hard. I had been taught this wold happen when I got old enough. The male ended up squirting his seed on the females fur. I could feel my cock hurts from being so hard. A clear fluid is leaking down my shaft . I touch the fluid and taste it. It is slick and a little sticky, the taste of it not being unpleasant.

I hear a giggle. I look at my friend on the floor, I had totally forgot he was here! I tried to hide my erect member. I see him sitting on the floor, as I look I notice his long red member coming out of a slit from between his legs. His member was much longer than mine. It was smaller around. His penis having a spiked tip, and little spurns running down it. I see a similar fluid dripping from his penis, I see him smile.

He said "I knew you wold enjoy it. Do not be embarrassed about getting hard. I have never seen a wolf's cock had before. Please show me."

I was shocked. But my friend sat there with his member proudly displayed. I took the pillow away slowly revealing myself. For the first time I was looking at my own hardened member. Although my penis was shorter , it was much larger around. The tip of mine was like a chisel , the shaft got larger toward the base. At the bottom of my penis, was a large knot. The smell in the air was strong with the maleness of us both. I touched myself, feeling my hard cock for the first time. A wave of pleasure came over me at the touch. I was embarrassed at the feeling. All of a sudden I realized I had to pee. I got up and went to the bathroom, only to find it impossible to urinate with the erection. I hurt so much. The hard-on and urge to urinate battling each other. I used all my strength and managed a trickle. The more I peed the less the erection held back. Finlay it went down far enough to urinate fully. I went back to the room. I smelled a different smell in the room, strong in male scent and slightly sweet. Mike lay on his mat he brought over with a smile of contentment on his face. I looked down and saw splatters of white sperm on his belly and chest. He got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back he was cleaned up. He looked at my face and saw the strange look I had on it.

"You have not cum before?" he asked. I shook my head no.

I looked at him and said "This is the first time I was hard." then I put my head down, looking ashamed.

He said "Well, it happens to all of us males. You can just wait for the erection to go down, or pee, or cum.". He smiled and said "It feels good to make the seed cum."

I was tired form the ordeal. I went to sleep, but at night I had a dream. I was fucking the mouse that was in the movie. I woke up to an erection. It took me a long time, but it did go down when I thought of something else. In the morning I woke up and it was hard again. I looked at my friend and he was erect also. My father looked into the room and saw us, he laughed and walked in with his member sticking out of his sheath.

My father said "It is almost always this way in the morning.". He winked at me and said "But your mom does find it enjoying."

My dad walked out of the room. I was wondering the things that would happen next.

Time would tell all.............

Playing With Prey

Make sure you are old enough before you read. Male tiger finds a female prey.... A lone tiger-man stalks slowly across the land as he had been following his prey for all this morning. His prey caught woke his senses this morning. He carefully...

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