Kira's Education

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A story I wrote in one go to get it out of my head.

Warning: This story contains violence and rape of minors. If you're the faint of heart, run away now.

Share and Enjoy!

Shivering the girls stood in a row on the yard. It was a cold morning, and the sun just dawned at the horizon. The girls weren't allowed clothing, and the bit of fur was not really a protection to them. They were about twenty, of different species and between ten and fourteen years old.

Kira was among them. The vixen was just barely thirteen and of a red colour. She pressed her tail between her legs, shivering and sniffling. She hoped this would be over fast. Usually they waited until the sun was up and then they were led to the eating hall, instead of the yard. She had a bad feeling about this.

Victor was a horse, and their guard. He had an assistant, Igor, a very nasty little bum. While Victor was sensible, but cruel, Igor didn't have either patience nor temper. He was always buckling at the horse, but he could be a real ass if his boss wasn't around, and not just because he was a donkey.

"This night," Victor began and walked up and down the row of girls. "I had to notice there was someone at the fence. A shadow tried to cut through. Well, I'll make it easy for you: The culprit comes up to me and nobody gets hurt. Well, except her."

One girl coughed, and then looked scared, as if she just admitted all of it. But Victor wasn't like that. He was smarter. "Okay, I gave you your chance, Miranda. Your last one." With incredible speed he leaped out and grabbed the lapine girl next to Kira at the neck. "Three times I let you go with punishment. But you don't want to learn, do you? Igor, make sure everyone watches carefully."

The donkey grinned. "Yes, sir."

"You know," Victor continued as he pulled the choking girl to a little stage, made of wood, in the centre of the yard. "Disobedient girls cannot be sold, they ain't worth a damn. We cannot afford to keep someone like you. But!" He threw the hare onto the stage. "You won't die virgin, my dear." He unzipped his pants.

Miranda panted while the horse stroked his shaft. He was a horse and well hung. The girls were told they would be sold as virgins, meaning nothing entered her vagina yet. But also she had no idea but the ones they had taught her during the education. That it hurts. "Don't scream," the horse said calmly. "We don't want the other's to wake up, do we?"

He forced her legs apart and stroked over her pubic fur and vulva. "What a waste," he mumbled, then he thrust his fifteen inches into her. Miranda's eyes went wide and filled with tears as he moved himself into her his entire length.

The other girls gasped and saw the blood drip into the sand. The hare yelped in pain while the horse thrust more forcefully. "I said don't scream," he yelled and slapped her face hard. He continued that until he grunted and came into her.

Miranda sighed in relief, but sobbed as the pain continued, even has he left her. "Stand up," the horse snapped and the hare obeyed, just to get a forceful kick into the belly. She coughed and sobbed. "And that was for being such a lose fuck."

The horse turned around. "Igor, get my shotgun." The donkey set off fast. "I hope you still watch carefully, 'cos that could also happen to you. Learn better than her!" He took the weapon out of his assistant's paws. "Well, Miranda, head or... between the legs?"

Miranda glared and then spit into Victor's face. The horse remained calm, grabbed her left foot, shoved the shotgun into her bloody vagina and pulled his gun's trigger. Miranda didn't even scream in pain, she just coughed up some blood and began crawling.

The horse turned to the other girls again. They watched Miranda in shock, as the crawled, bleeding from vagina and coughing. With her last power she tried to crawl off the stage.

"Three chances!" he shouted. "Each one of you has three chances. And I'd like you to obey. Keeping you costs us a lot of money we can only get back if we can sell you. And now, to the eating hall."

Miranda wasn't quite dead. She still fought with death, taking her last breathes. Victor ignored her. "Now, go on! Time is short and we've got to cover some test today."

A tear streaming down her face, Kira stood there and stared at the hare. The stage and the ground was full of blood. She stood there until Igor slapped her and pulled her to the others.

The vixen stirred in her food. It was a stew of meat and vitamins, specially made for her metabolism. But she couldn't eat today. It would be her only meal, as almost always, unless there are cooking classes. But she just couldn't.

She hadn't known Miranda that well, actually. She just had tried to get out of this... school as often as she had been able to. But it was very hard. And for herself, Kira had figured it would be easier to just do what they wanted her to do and stay low. So far, there hadn't been more punishment for her than a slap in the face here and there.

"Well, girls, in about a week, there will be some customers showing up," Victor said aloud. He stood on a table. "They'll take a look at the legals among you. As it is tradition, there will be one little test for the ones who just turned thirteen. The others get the day off, you can spend the day in the playroom."

That also included Kira. The School's trade was easy: They bought girls from slave traders and educated her. They were taught cooking and reading, a bit of maths, not too much, but most of it was sexual education and physical training. To make the girls more tolerable for pain and keeping them in a good shape.

For slaves, there were some regulations. For example, owning children was legal, but sexual intercourse was illegal to minors under thirteen years of age. A bit of a strange law, seeing that violence was legal, as well as killing slaves. They were only property on that matter.

Victor was always keen on keeping it a clean business, with a lot of discipline. They had had to watch films, pornography, and to practice on toys, but making sure the girls remained virgins. One for legal matters, but also because customers liked the thought they were the first breaking them in.

They came here to buy pets, not slaves. You could get a slave at about every backyard in town, someone for raping and beating up. But the knew what sex is, yet they were virginal and unused, and they also knew cooking and cleaning. However, what to do with one was about the owner.

Kira and three other girls were led over the yard. The School was divided. The other half belonged to the boys. That was something they knew, no girl had ever seen a boy from the other side. For Kira, she had only seen them once or twice on the yard, peeking out of a window.

Victor tied each girl's paws together. "That helps you to keep them to yourself," he commented.

The other side looked almost the same, apart from the fact it wasn't their side. "Okay, the rules are usually those: This is the first time you're to perform oral sex on a real boy. Each one gets a boy and suck him off, with mouth only. The one who gets her boy cumming the first gets extra cake this evening, the last one will get punished with five whips. Got that? Oh, we want you to swallow."

All girls nodded, and Kira felt her heart pounding. She found herself more frightened than anything. Victor opened the door, there was a bit male wolf standing. "A there you are. My boys are ready for you."

"Well?" Victor said.

Each girl kneed down before a boy. Kira found herself before an otter who was also tied up on a chair, blindfolded. "Hi," she said nervously, but the boy didn't answer. She stared at the mustelid penis, it was the first time she saw one that didn't belong to Victor or Igor.

"Hey, what you waiting for, Kira?" Victor said impatiently. The others had already started and Kira knew she didn't want to be the last one.

Her crotch went a bit wet, but she couldn't focus on that. She started with kissing the maleness in from of her, as she had been taught. For one make it stiff, somehow. They'd told her it would almost work by itself, but now it seemed a lot more difficult. And she didn't know a boy's crotch would smell that much.

It was an eternity of two minutes until the boy's penis was hard and hot in front of her muzzle. She kissed the tip and then took it into her mouth, playing around it with her tongue. But there was no grunt of passion from the boy.

"Well done, Liza. Cake for you," she heard Victor say.

She clenched her eyes and moved faster, up and down the shaft. Was that a groan? From her boy? Or from someone else? Why wasn't this working? She tried to work only on the tip for a moment, while she heard someone else's boy cum.

The otter squirmed a bit as she worked on, faster around the tip and the shaft, again and again. But it seemed to late. The last girl just made her boy cum, and she stopped.

"Hey... I thought I taught you to finish your tasks?" Victor whispered right next to her ear.

She started and licked again, even faste, until the boy quirmed and finally came, spraying his hot semen into her muzzle. She didn't like the taste, it was somewhat bitter, but she swallowed it obeying, trying not to cough it up again.

"Well, done, girls. Well, apart from Kira. I mean, fifteen minutes? Gosh... Let's go."

The rest of the day she had to spend with the pawcuffs in a separated room, a film running on the screen, to show her the right way of performing fellatio. But actually, she was just scared of what will happen to her in the evening.

Later then, Igor came to drag her off, to the yard. Only Victor was there, none of the other girls. Well, apart from Miranda's corpse. The body was still on the stage, where Victor stand, between two pillars.

She knew what would come now, but usually Victor liked audience. But it didn't matter. "Hope you had some time to learn," the horse said while tying her up between the pillars, arms and legs spread widely. Then he also fixed her tail to the ground. "I'll also give you time to think, okay?"

The vixen clenched her teeth and eyes as Igor got the whip ready. He grinned, she could practically feel it. He grinned every time he was allowed to hurt the girls.

"One," he said, and it was worse than Kira had expected. The whip cut through her fur und skin like butter.

"Two. Three." Each one worse than the ones before. She began to cry arbitrarily. "Four. And five." The donkey sounded disappointed it was over already.

The wounds burned on her back.

"Well, we'll leave you alone until tomorrow, little one. Think a bit." So horse and donkey left the yard. "Oh, and Igor, you can remove the corpse tomorrow..."

Kira stared down on the puddle of blood and the lapine corpse. Somewhere, some girls are enjoying cake and laughing whilst looking down from the windows.

The vixen tried to sleep, but that was hardly possible hanging from her arms. Her wrists were very sore, as were her feet, and she was freezing cold. She couldn't do much apart from shiver, as the ties kept her from hugging herself or anything.

A figure crawled up the stage and woke her up from her doozing. It stepped into half-dried blood and cursed quietly. Just for a flash of a moment she thought it was someone to untie her, but then she recognised Igor's voice. In the middle of the night, that can't be good.

A paw touched her crotch. It was a weird feeling, the very moment it made her body tingle all over. She didn't know where it was coming from, but as the paw stroked over her fur and her sex, waves of heat went through her entire body. And she found herself wishing he would continue.

She felt his muzzle and then his tongue, licking all over her crotch. Usually, this would have been revolting for her, but she liked the warmth it was giving of. And some other kind of feeling she hadn't known before. It was like a tickle, a good tickle. And it made her moan quietly.

"Too bad I can't enter you..." the donkey whispered. "You taste good." He heard a noise and jerked back. "Gotta run," he said and did so.

Kira was left again, panting. And she was wet between her legs, as if she had peed. Now she was getting chilly again, as the wind stroked over her wet crotch. The vixen cursed the donkey.

"... and we keep them from any temptations," Victor said and unlocked the door. The five girls sat on the ground while the customers entered. "Stand up girls," he said.

Kira also stood up. There was a wolf among them, who immediately went up to her. He took a long wolf at her. "Hmmm..." he said. "Can you talk?"

"O-of course, sir."

"Looking good, yeah... I hope you can cook."

"Yes, sir..."

"Hey," the wolf said and waved at Victor. "She's got small breasts, will they grow?"

"Unfortunately, sir..." Victor mumbled. "We don't know," he shrugged.

"Ah well, I think I will take her."

"Are you sure? She may be the only vixen, but..."

"No, I am. She's got something in her eyes. She'll be perfect."

Kira blinked in surprise. "Why, thank you, sir..."

"Let me get my cheques..."

So Kira ended up in the wolf's car. It had seat of leather and smelled nice. And there was the unused feeling of clothes on her body. Just some very short pants and a long shirt. But it was just too different.

"Well, you will see I am home not often. I bought you because I wanna know there's a warm meal when I come back and someone to talk to. Oh, and the sex, of course. I'm fair, Kira."

She just whimpered a bit.

"There will be easy rules in my house. Hey, are you listening?"

She thought how difficult it would be to open the doors. They were not locked. But the car was too fast. "Y-yes, sir."

"Good. See, I might like spankings and bondage and that stuff, but I am not a pervert." He stopped for a traffic light. "And I'd like you to know... hey! Hey!"

Kira opened the door, took a deep breathe and jumped out of the car. Right next to the street was a hill and trees she fell into. Behind her, the wolf yelled and shouted, but she ran on and on, between the trees and the little plants which cut her legs.

The wolf didn't follow her. It had been her chance. She had taken it. In a clearing, hundreds of yards away, she stumbled, fell and kept lying. Panting she smiled upon the sky. Her chance.