
Story by Tazo on SoFurry

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Shift! Change your life and your lifestyle!

It wasn't as if this was something new to find on a long, thin soft drink can. The addition of various 'herbs' and 'vitamins' to the ingredients list in bizarre quantities also had no effect. No, it was two dollars for a six pack, so in the basket it went.

Jeff's apartment was tiny in comparison to the other vacancies around town. Consisting of a single room, a mini-fridge, microwave and a bed, there wasn't much room for the fox himself. Normally he was choosier with groceries but drastically reduced items were hard to resist on a meager budget. Besides, perhaps the five hundred milligrams of pure guana extract and thirty-five percent of his RDA of bio-flavinoids would improve his attitude and glossen up his rather shaggy gray fur. He shuffled his goodies away in their respective slots in the fridge and the shelves in his 'pantry' and flopped down on the single bed.

One of the cans of Shift loomed over his muzzle as he stared up at the ingredients. It didn't sound so much like a drink as it did the contents of some South American organic herb garden. Half the stuff listed wasn't even in English. The can itself said 'Dragonberry' favor so he decided to give it a try. He popped the tab back and took a large swig of the contents.

His newly purple colored tongue stuck out from between curled lips as the aftertaste brutally assaulted his mouth. The stuff tasted like berry antacid flavored wallpaper paste. He nearly gagged as he stared at the can, holding it like a dead rat. No wonder the stuff was on sale. He sighed and finished the rest of the can if for no other reason than frugality. The stuff just sat in his stomach like a lead weight.

He laid back in bed as he sucked on his tounge, trying to get rid of that horrid aftertaste. Perhaps it was better chilled. He shook his head. It would take more than a drop in temperature to make that stuff drinkable. He sighed and laid back in bed, closing his eyes. Before he knew it, he'd drifted off.

It was three hours before the weight was lifted off his eyelids. He blinked up at the ceiling a few times as a yawn stretched his muzzle wide. He'd had a long day but he didn't think he was that exhausted. Slowly he untangled himself from the covers and stumbled over to the tiny sink opposite his bed. He struggled with the knobs for a moment before turning his blurry eyes up to the mirror.

The face that stared back was his first surprise.

No longer his stubby muzzle, speckled with blond and gray fur; now it was sharp and angular. More importantly it was completely hairless and a deep purple. His eyes remained the same color, but the rest of his face had taken on distinctively reptilian features. He stood back a moment and looked himself over.

What was once a short, thin grey fox was now a muscular, sleek lizard. His fur was gone and replaced with taut, leathery scales. A strong, thick tail swayed lazily behind him and his headfur was now replaced with a set of bony ridges. He blushed a little as he stared at himself, running his hand along his firm chest and smooth belly. He flexed his arm and grinned as he posed in front of the mirror, watching every curve. He hiked his rear up and lifted his tail high, exposing the taut pucker between his hard buttocks.

His thighs twitched a little as he felt a familiar tingling in his groin. Looking down he was the tip of his shaft cresting from a moistened slit between his legs. Thick and pulsing, it too had adjusted to his new body.

He slipped back against the bed and wrapped his hand around the growing length, squeezing it firmly in his smooth paw. He began to stroke it steadily, his body quivering as the intimate touch. Lubricated by his own fluids, he began to paw faster long his length, urging more from the moistening slit. He whimpered as the felt his fluids trickle along his thigh and down between his rumpcheeks. He pushed his fingertips into the new opening, rubbing at the base of his cock still hidden within the folds of flesh. His hips arched as he thrust into his paw, eyes shut tightly as pleasure washed over him. He could barely control himself, so enraptured by this new form.

His tight ring flexed as the lubrication from his slit trickled over it. He gripped his thrashing tail with his free hand and arched the tip up against his sphincter. He snarled and forced the smooth flesh deep within his bowels, tensing his legs as he fed as much of his new tail into himself as he could.

His orgasm ripped through his body as he bared down hard around the tip of his tail. His cock erupted with load after thick load of cum, splattering against his chest and running down his belly. He whimpered and panted as his body convulsed, pushing every last drop out that he could. He went slack almost immediately, his tail slipping from his body as his head hit the pillow.


The alarm buzzed annoyingly next to his head. He reached over and slapped it harshly with a paw. His head was still pulsing even after he lifted it up. He pressed a paw against it and groaned.

He opened his eyes immediately as he stared at his arm. It was his arm again. Grey furred and everything. He scrambled back up to the mirror, staring into it for a moment. He was a scruffy gray fox. Everything was just how he'd remembered it. Had it been a dream?

He dipped his paws into the sink and began scrubbing them off, washing out the knots and tangles that a night's sleep had caused. After they were dry he turned back to the bed.

Everything was covered and glossy in dried cum. The sheets, the pillow, even splotches on the floor. The scent of something was linger over the smell of sex. Something very different from his own smell but still familiar... something reptilian. A smile crossed his lips as he glanced down at the fridge.

He really needed to get another six pack of that stuff.


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