Chapter 1: The Last Dragon

Story by Nevar Felrnn on SoFurry

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The following is the intellectual property of DKGrayWolf being hosted by Nevar as DKGrayWolf left

This story contains sexual acts described in detail and should not be read by those under 18 years of age. Also this story takes place during medieval times.

The Legion of Draco

Chapter 1: The Last Dragon

"John I just don't understand why you want to leave the farm so badly." Asked his mother.

"Mom I told you, I want to make my own life, I'm 18 years old now and think its time I went my own way." I replied, frustrated because this was the third time today she'd asked me that question.

"I understand that you want to be your own man, and there's nothing wrong with finding your calling in life but do you have to go all the way to Harrisburg."

"Mother we've been over this, Harrisburg is the largest settlement in this land and if I am going to try to make it on my own I want to have the best shot possible. That means going where there are a lot of opportunities." I declared.

"But it's such a long journey and you will be going through the mountains" his mom pleaded hoping to change his mind.

"Mother, I know what you're thinking, and it doesn't make any sense. Your worried about dragons, but no one has seen one in years. Not since the king started hunting them down over ten years ago." I replied.

"Well it looks like he's made up his mind honey." My father said as he came around the barn with my horse loaded up and ready to go, following close behind him. "There you go son, she's already to go. It's a long trip so I packed you some extra money for when you get to the city."

"Thanks dad." I said walking over to get on my horse. Pausing for a minute, I turned back around and walked over to my mother who was try her best to hold back the tears. Giving her one last hug "don't worry mom I will return one day."

"Just be careful and remember that you are always welcome back anytime." She said.

Letting go I turned to my father and with a firm hand shake said "Good bye dad."

"Good bye son" He said with a slight quiver in his voice.

Grabbing hold of the saddle I hoisted myself up onto my horse, turning to look back at my parents one last time before I left. "I love you guys and I will return one day as a man."

"I know son you are a smart, strong, young man. You will do well." My father said as he turned to comfort his wife who was began to tear up.

Turning my horse around and giving her a light kick we headed off on our journey. Moving past the barn and into the pasture she trotted along passing the cows grazing an in open field that was once my play ground. Stopping at the fence I jumped off and grabbing a hold of the rains opened the gate and lead her on through. Once through I closed the gate and hopped back on my horse heading into the forest.

The first few miles of trails I new by heart, seeing as this area was once my favorite hunting spot a few years ago. As we continued towards the main road the realization that I was really leaving home hit me. This is it I thought, as I mindless maneuvered the forest trails. I'm really leaving, and when I return I will be a man. A smile crept across my face as I though about all the possibilities for adventure and danger that lay ahead on this journey. Little did I know just how dangerous this journey was going to be.

After a few hours of riding I finally arrived at the main road heading to Harrisburg, exiting the forest I proceeded on my way to the next town. As I arrived in town I could see the sun starting to set, perfect timing I thought especially since my stomach had started complaining. Riding up to the local pub I hopped off my horse and tied her up with all the others standing outside the bar, walking in I grabbed a spot at the bar and sat down.

"How can I help you" the bartender asked.

"Just bring me a plate of meat and potatoes." I said. While I was waiting for my food I couldn't help but listen in on the conversation behind me.

"I told you man I really saw a dragon up in the mountains on my way back here from Harrisburg."

"Ah you're full of it, besides if there was a dragon it wouldn't be long before the king's men killed it."

"Yeah and why is it that the king is trying to kill off all the dragons I wonder, I mean they've never been a problem before."

"Hello, their dragon, you know man killers."

"Pay no attention to them" the bartender said as he set down my plate. "There ain't no Dragons around here no more."

"Oh" was all I could muster feeling ashamed that I was caught esdropping; looking down at my meal I realized just how hungry I was and the rest of the time I just spent in silence enjoying my food, afterwards I paid for my meal and a room for the night, it wasn't the nicest place but it was a safe place to sleep none the less. Raising up early in the morning I headed back out onto the trail. Letting out a sight, as I continued my journey, for this is when it got boring, cuz there where no towns for the next few days as the trailed wound its way through the mountains. Riding along I had lots of time to think about what I could do when I got to Harrisburg, but every now and then I would be reminded of the man in the bar who claimed to have seen a dragon on this road and maybe just maybe I might get to see one before their all gone. But instead I had the joy of riding alone seeing nothing but a few other travelers and some wild life. Except for the few times I though I heard what had to be some kind of a large animal rummaging through the forest.

As the sun started to set I decided it would be best to set up camp and get some sleep. So traveling off the main trail and into the forest a ways, so as to stay away from anyone looking for an easy steal during the night, I made camp in a small clearing far from the main trail. After enjoying a dry meal of bread and jerky I settled into my tent which was basically a large tarp and crawling into my sleeping bag I quickly fell asleep under the light of full moon.

Startled awake by a loud thud I sat up in my tent, frozen stiff with fear as I held my breath listening intently for any sound outside that might give me a clue as to what woke me. Listening ever so intently I could barely make out the sound of heavy breathing, whatever it was, it was big and if it was big it was something I didn't want to mess with. Perhaps it was even a dragon, as the thought rolled over in my mind, I found myself becoming more and more curious about what it was. My fear should have prevented me from looking out but the more I thought about it the more I had to know what it was.

As I slowly spread open my tent door just enough to peer out I could make out the outline of a large creature a little bigger than a large horse standing no more than 20 feet in front of my tent. Its outline frozen against the forest, as I was staring at the creature the moon peered out from behind the clouds revealing in great detail the dragon that stood before me. I opened the tent door more to get a better view of this magnificent creature, standing on all fours, its head lowered with a row of spines running down its back, and its leathery wings folded against its sides.

"Do not be afraid." The creature spoke in a soft yet deep voice that seemed to reverberate within me. "I will not harm you."

To my own amazement I found myself stepping out of my tent and standing in the clearing beneath the moons glow. As I stood there in awe of this dragon who could talk I felt some of my fear subside at the very words of this creature.

"I have been watching you and have come to ask for your help human." She spoke as she raised her head reveling just how big she was at about ten feet high.

"What do you need." I replied my voice quivering as I spoke.

Taking a few steps towards me she went on to explain, "I am the last dragon, I have search hard for another but have not found one. Our time is passing and we will soon be no more, I am asking for your help in the continuation of my species. But I will not force you to help, despite what you may have been told about dragons we would never think of harming a human."

Final my mind seemed to catch up with what was going on as my fear subsided and I began to think clearly, I had left home to find my own way, to become a man, Perhaps it was fate that lead me here. Perhaps this is my destiny. "What are you asking of me" I said wondering what help a human could possibly give a dragon.

"I am asking that you be my mate. But as a human your seed will not be able to fertilize my eggs. You would need to be transformed into something new first, there is an ancient secret passed down from generation to generation that will allow us to be compatible, it is a fail safe created to ensure our survival. An ancient ritual which will allow you to become something greater than just a man, but you must choose carefully for once it is done there is no going back." As she brought her mussel to within inches of my face, her eyes burning into my soul, "Choose wisely" she whispered.

"If I help you what will become of me." I asked as I thought long and hard about her request.

"I am not sure, but it is said that you would be able to walk freely among men and dragon. It is said that the one who is chosen will hold the fate of both men and dragon in his hands."

"But why me."

"I have been watching you; you have a good heart and are destined for greatness."

Overcome with the chose that was set before me, I thought about my life and the possibilities that were available to me at Harrisburg. In fact it was at that point that I realized that I had no plans, no goal, in fact I had no clue what I was going to do at Harrisburg. I had always thought that I was meant for something more than just working on the farm which is why I left in the first place. Then lookine into the dragons eye I asked "What is your name?"

" I am Genova"

"Genova, I am John and I will help you in anyway I can." Wait, what did I just say, it was as if my body responded before my mind could agree. But this was what I wanted, to be something great, so I guess I will help her. Not that I have a chose now, way to think things through, moron.

"Good I am glade." And with that I heard a snap and a pop as I watched her dislocate her jaw, and opening her mouth wide in front of me I saw a set of teeth in the very back pushing their way up through her gums. My mind confused at what was happening, she did say she needed my help, not she was hungry and need to east me, didn't she. Then without warning she opened her jaws wide and went to bite down on my shoulder but instead of tearing off my arm I felt two small jabs of pain as her two back teeth sank into my shoulder.

"Arghhh" I yelled out as I felt her pump some foreign fluid into my shoulder through here teeth like a cobra. Then as quickly as she bit me I felt her release and snap her jaw back into place. "what the hell was that?" I yelled angrily.

"I am sorry but it had to be done."

"Well you could have told me." Looking down at where she bite me I could see a small trickle of blood roll down my arm as I watched in amazement when the two holes healed over almost instantaneously. "Woe that's cool" I said as my arm began to burn a little where she bite me, then feeling it spread through my whole body I turned to face her once again as a surges of energy began to literally pulse through my body.

"Now we are ready to mate" she said, as she rolled onto her back, is if inviting me to jump on and mount her.

Unsure of what to do, being this would be the first time I had ever had sex, let alone sex with another species. But all my concerns just seemed to disappeared as I walked over to her and the smell of her juices hit his nose. The smell was so intoxicating, that it was all I could think about, then as if by instinct I quickly began to pull all my cloth off, then sliding off my pants I realized that though my mind might have been unsure of what to do my body was standing at attention ready to go. As I finished taking off my cloths, I was once again hit with another wave of her smell and it was all I could do to restrain myself from diving head first into her crotch.

Moving into position standing over her tail I was hit by her smell once more but this time I lost control, it was if my mind shut off and my instincts kicked in. With my cock fully erect I guided it to her cervix and began slowly working my way in and out of her. Man she was big, so big in fact that it felt as if my penis was just floating in there. As I continued my rhythm I felt my skin grow tight as if it was being stretched from within and either my penis was getting bigger or her vagina was getting smaller because as I began to pick up speed I could fell her getting slowly tighter by the second. Oh she felt so good as I began to pick up my pace, thrusting down into her looking down at my cock I could help but think that it seemed further away, then looking at my chest I realized that it was, I was growing taller and my skin had started to turn a blackish grayish color as it stretching trying to keep up with my ever enlarging body. Which was beginning to bulk up as new muscles began bursting forth from within. But I didn't care, my mind was fully consumed with one thought, her and as I began to pump harder and faster I could feel my legs realigning and strengthening giving me more power behind each thrust.

As I continued to grow I felt my meat beginning to grow until it fit tightly within her, stimulating her from within she let out a moan of pleasure as I continued thrusting harder and faster bringing me ever closer to my climax. Closing my eyes from the sheer pleasure I felt my weight shift as my tail bone stretched and grew to balance out my new stance as my legs continues to grow and change. Slowly she began to moan ever louder as I started to reach my climax, feeling my face harder and stretch I let out a roar opening my eye to gaze upon my new black snout as I rammed her on last time releasing my load deep within her. As I continued pumping the rest of my seed into her I felt a painful rip as leather dark wings literally exploded from my back. Spreading them wide I let out another load roar as I released the last of my seed deep within her.

Slowly regaining control of my own body I just stood there trying to catch my breath as my mind began processing all that just happened. Starring back down at my chest which was now covered in thousands of small scales so tightly knitted together that it felt like leather when I slid my hand over it. I began to remove my large penis from within her allowing it to retreat back into my new sheath. Stepping back off her I realized that my legs had a new joint as if my foot had been stretched, which took a little getting used as I continued to slowly backing up. Man I must be like 8 feet tall I though as I continued to admire my new body, when the shock of what just happened hit me, clenching my hand into a fist I discovered that I had razor sharp claws too, since it hurt when I squeezed my fist too hard driving the clawing into my palm. Then turning to look behind me I discovered that my head could now turn all the way around on my new neck giving me a close up view of a set of wings folded against my back and a row of spines going down between them and across the length of my new tail.

Turning back to Genova, who had righter herself back onto all fours by now and was looking me over just as intently as I had. I proceeded to open my mouth to speak, stopping in amazement at the new feel of my long tongue and sharp teeth; I began to run my tongue over them as the full reality of what had just happened hit me. Suddenly I felt very tired, so tired in fact I stared getting light headed. Taking a few steps forward my body gave out from under me and I fell face first towards the ground, my vision blacking out as collapsed into a dark oblivion sprawled out on the forest floor.