Chapter 3: Reality Sucks

Story by Nevar Felrnn on SoFurry

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The following is the intellectual property of DKGrayWolf being hosted by Nevar as DKGrayWolf left

The Legion of Draco

Chapter 3: Reality Sucks

By: DKGrayWolf

As the sun came up over the mountains a single beam of light shown through the one window in my room illuminating my face. Letting out a grown I rolled over, shielding the light from my face as I opened my eyes. Looking around the room I readjusted myself to my surroundings before forcing myself out of bed. Getting up I got dressed making sure to cover up the new rips and tares in my clothing from last nights little encounter.

After getting dressed, I passed for a moment while sitting on the edge of my bed to stare at my own hand in disbelief. As if by just thinking I could simply will it to transform into that which I had once become, to return to the powerful creature that was within me. Closing my eyes I concentrated all my thought on changing my hand into that of a dragon, I could feel my hand begin to tingle and I imagined it changing. But when I opening my eyes, my smile quickly turned to a frown for my hand was just as it has always been. "Man I must be losing my mind." I said as I rose to my feet and headed out the door. Heading down the stairs I had to wonder if I was really losing my mind maybe I am hallucinating, people really don't turn into dragons, right.

"Did you enjoy your stay sir?" Asked the lady cleaning tables.

"It was good thanks." I replied, then realizing that the dinning room was empty I figured that I was too late for breakfast and too early for lunch "Ah what time is it anyway" I asked.

"Almost eleven."

"Thanks" I said turning to leave, "Crap I've already wasted almost half of the day." I muttered to myself as I walked out the door. Maybe the past events weren't real, I mean yesterday I had super human abilities with smell and sight but today I feel normal, as if nothings ever changed. Once outside I took a good look around familiarizing myself with my surroundings seeing as how the last time I was here it was at night. "Well time to go find a job."

But where to begin, it seems that no one in town is willing to hire an outsider, I can't blame them though no one new me. Though perhaps I could get a job as a farm hand I thought. My dad used to hire drifters once and awhile, maybe I've got a chance. Then with that I headed off to the edge of town where I came in. But no further had I begun than my stomach seemed to stop me in my tracks as my nose once again seemed to come alive with smells as if awaken by my stomachs desire for food.

Then reaching into my pockets to grab my money bag only to find it not there. "What the crap" I said as I franticly searched all my pockets, where's my money I thought. I new I had it on me when I left the Inn. Shit someone must have stole it that little Bastered where are you, I thought turning to look all around me but to no avail. Who ever it was, was long gone by now. Dame it no money for food and I'm starving.

Beginning once again on my trek out of town I found it very hard to forget about my growing hunger as I passed what seemed to be an endless line of food stands. It all smelled so good, But I refuse to steal, that would just get me thrown in jail. Though I am very hungry, I thought as I began to ponder the best way to steal some food. Then just as I was about to give into my temptation the long line of huts ended and I found myself on the edge of the city.

Continuing on Down the road I found it becoming increasingly hard shack this hunger which by now was slowly consuming every part of my mind. So hungry in fact that I started tossing ideas around in my head about what I could eat, as I began to chew on sticks. Approaching a herd of cattle grazing in a nearby field, a began asking myself if taking a bite out of a cow would really taste that good. I mean it is meat, though I would never go up and bite one such filthy creatures all covered in bugs and crap. However it has been a while since I had eaten meat and mabey it wouldn't taste so bad. Then as if to actually consider that it might be even possible for a man to kill and eat a cow with his bare hands, I paused for a moment to stare at the juicy animals..

As I continued to stare at them I found myself forgetting about everything else in the world, except for my hunger, my mouth beginning to water, longing for the taste of blood. Shaking my head to clear my mind I muttered, "No I can't eat a cow, this is ridiculous." Then looking down at my hands I cried out, "What is happening to me why can't I control myself. The Dragon said it was my destiny, that I would be a hero, but instead it seems more like a curse to me. What was I thinking I never should have done it. I'm such an idiot."

So hungry though I thought as I gripped my stomach as the pain of emptiness returned to me. I just ate last night how can I be this hungry, I've never been this hungry in my life. "NO, I have to fight it." I said as I ripped myself away from the fence and headed off towards the first farm on the road.

My mind set and determined I headed up the path towards the ranchers farm, the closer I got though the more I began to wonder if anyone was even home, for there was no signs of movement or even of work being done. Then walking up to the house I nervously knocked on the door hopping someone would come quickly and offer me some food. Though after waiting a little while it became clear that no one was home, nor was I getting any food. Though with my stomach hurting more than ever I decided to take a look around, in the hopes that I could find some food.

Leaving the house I made my way towards the barn, only to freeze as the faint smell of blood hit my nose, causing my mouth to water, as if to demand that I eat something. Driven ever more by hunger I quickly proceeded into the barn. Once in I took a quick look around and sniffed carefully at the air. The few cows I saw where tied up and becoming very restless in there stalls, most likely do to the presents of a stranger. But I didn't care I was hungry. Turning I proceeding toward the first cow I saw, as I drew closer to it I could feel the return of power surging through my body again, my teeth began to ache with pain as they seemed to be the first to change growing sharper and longer as if to prepare themselves for the feast.. As I stared at the frighten beast I was overcome by my inner instinct to kill and eat.

Without warning I quickly jumping over the stall door and grabbing the cow by its horns I sunk my now razor sharp teeth into its neck. I could feel my teeth sink into its throat causing blood to pour into my mouth, blood that tasted so good. The bull attempted to rear up and throw me off, though to no avail as my body was growing stronger every minute due to the adrenaline now flowing through my system. I could feel it happening again, as my cloths tighten around my growing frame.

My jaws still firmly latched on the creatures neck as I continued to slowly crushed the life out of this innocent animal while my jaw began to stretch and lengthen. Then digging my newly forming claws into its body I through the dieing animal to the ground, and pulling back hard with my head I was able to rip its throat out. The animal dropped lifelessly to the grounded as the last of its blood poured out onto the floor.

As I began to chew down the flesh now in my mouth I felt the flesh on my body began to harden as my entire body bulking up in preparation for the feast. Swallowing the half chewed meat I began to ravenously rip into the Bull with bestial vigor. Driven by hunger and the taste of blood in my mouth. Running on auto pilot I began to devour this creature. Virtually unaware that my cloths had shredded off as a tail, scales and wings continued to grow transforming me once again into the beast. Until I was a full 8 feet anthro Dragon, gorging himself to quench this hunger. The meat tasted so good and I felt so alive as if I could take on the world. A true force to recon with fast, strong , and oh so sexy.

As I finished my meal I slowly began to regain control over my own mind as my instincts slowly subsided. But that was all cut short when a familiar smell returned to my nose. It was the smell of blood, though it was different. It was not until I had eaten my full that I realized this smell of blood was not of meat but of a cow in heat. And with that thought still registering within my head the battle for control of my body to which I thought I was winning was given over to another need, the desire to mate. Looking down at myself I watched as my penis began working its way out of its sheath, which only furthered the lust building within me.

Quickly I stood on my feet ducking as not to hit my head on the ceiling, I open the stall door that I was now in and headed towards the scent. Slowly, walking with my nose in the air I crept along seeking out that which I desired. Finding yet another terrified cow in the stalls, I paused to take in a deep breath, yes she was defiantly in heat, and I was in need of a release. As the last bit of rational thought was suppressed by my instincts, I opened the stall door. The moment it was open the cow bolted, attempting to escape. But I was to fast and too strong. Grabbing her quickly by the neck I jumped onto her back, sliding my hands down to here front legs, I pulled them back hard causing her to face plant in the dirt.

Then wasting no time while still holding the struggling animal down I began to work my enormous cock into her, poking and prodding for the desired hole. As she struggled to get free, I found it and with a few quick thrusts began to work my way deeper into her, though she continued to struggle to no avail, I found that it only increase my pleasure during this moment. I continued to work in and out of her humping harder and harder as I started to squeeze her neck to keep her down. Humping continually harder I could feel every part of her, as her body instinctively massaged my cock until I could take no more. With a final slam I drove myself deep within her and released my load, involuntarily squeezing her neck out of pleasure. Letting out a loud roar I heard her neck snap under the pressure of my squeezing as I released the last of my seed deep within her.

Oh that was so good I thought as I collapsed on her dead corpse and it was at that moment that my mind had finally caught up with my body.

"Holy Shit" I yelled as I quickly stood to my feet. Staggering backwards away from the dead cow I had just rapped as I stared in disbelief. "What the Hell just happened." What is happening to me, I thought as I began to look over my new body for the first time. Then backing myself into a corner I dropped to the floor, out of shock, "this isn't real." I said as I closed my eyes trying to wake from this nightmare. Opening them again only to find that what had happened did not disappear, the evidence was laying all over the floor.

Sitting up against a stall door I took the time to gather my thoughts and really look at what I had become, fascinated with my transformation as I began to exploring every part of my new body. Starting with my the sharp claws which now replaced my hand, down to my powerful tall which seemed to act as a counter balance for my massive upper body. Standing to my feet I balanced myself and spread out my wings. Then flexing hard I watched in aw as my body rippled with strength. Looking back at the dead cows I new I had to get out of this place. So I headed outside to test out my wings in the hopes that I could just flee from my problems as I could not just go walking around looking like this. So I stretched out my wings and began to field test them, and after a few tries I decided that I had figured out how to get them to work. Taking a few deep breaths I stretched out my wings to there fullest and with a few quick, hard thrusts I found myself 40 feet in the air. I continued to climb higher and higher realizing that not only was flapping my wings part of flying but also the angle at which I flapped them. After getting a good look at the village and its surrounding area, I reoriented myself with the surrounding.

Now I need a place to hide for awhile while I tried to figure out what was happing to me, I thought. Taking a good looking around I also found that I had regained my amazing eye sight for I could see further and clear then I ever dreamed possible. Final I saw an old abandoned barn, and decided it was as good a place as any to lay low for awhile. Then spreading my wings straight out I did my best to carefully glide down towards the old barn. Landing with exhaustion I found that I was a lot more tired than I though and my muscles where very sore even some new one in my back, which I can only assume are for my wings'. My stomach began very upset as I began to rethink everything that had just happened. "I had sex with a cow. What the Hell is wrong with me."

I need to sleep I though everything will be back to normal when I wake up. Then finding a nice place to sleep in the barn, which was also hidden from the view of anyone passing by. I curled up in a corner and laid down to sleep, attempting to forget about everything that had taking lace. I also began to try to figure out some way to change back, jut incase this wasn't a dream. The simple idea that this was real terrified me to no end, but I was even too tired to think about this and before long I quickly drifted off to sleep.