Shades of Gray

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#7 of Tales of Ethorian: Legends of Alchemy

A cool summer breeze filled the room from the large hole in the chamber wall, the scent of smoke from a dozen hearth fires filling the air. Asleep in his bed, Alexander lay curled up beneath the hide blankets, his cloths folded neatly on a nearby chair. So soundly he slept that he didn't hear the footsteps approaching his bed or feel the hides lifted away from his form.

His body tensed slightly as a warm tongue caressed his balls, gliding over his sheath tenderly. Still the newly crowned king slept, sweet dreams betraying him as his inches slowly slipped from their fuzzy sheath.

A sudden pressure on the bed finally wake him, jarring him from his slumber as he felt a slender form straddling him. His eyes opened suddenly as he felt soft lips take him in, swallowing his inches into the depths of their warm, moist passage.

When the blur finally left his eyes he saw them, a slender white vulpine form set atop him, their beautiful violet orbs peering into his own. A smile game to the king's lips then as his paws ran up Vael's legs slowly, coming to rest gently on the tips of the slender young fox.

Vael's soft panting broke the silence then, the soft sounds carried in time with the rhythmic rise and fall that brought the swordsman's length from hilt to the very tip and back again. Still somewhat dazed, Alex could only murr quietly as the fox leaned down, brushing a tender kiss over his lips before straitening again.

As the daze of a dream left his mind, Alex took hold of Vael's hips, thrusting hard up into him as he fell, driving him deep into the slender fox. Vael bit his lip suddenly, stifling a moan as a wave of pleasure traveled his spine and before he could think, he felt himself falling. Strong hands guided his descent as the tables turned, his mind swam as he felt Alexander pull his hands above him, pinning them to the bed as he pulled himself almost entirely from between those velvet lips.

A quiet murr escaped Vael between pants, smiling up at the king, his violet eyes still staring into his. "You such a t-" he began, but his words fell away into a moan as he felt Alex bury himself to the hilt into his waiting passage.

"You have no idea," mused Alex, picking up a rhythm of slow, powerful thrusts, reveling in the moans of his lover escaping with every thrust.

Vael's inner walls pulsed, clamped slightly as he felt each loving intrusion, dull vulpine claws scratching at soft pillows as he cried out in fits of ecstasy that sent waves of pleasure up his spine. The sensation around his inches only fueled the swordsman's lust and steadily he picked up speed, his slowly growing knot slipping between those velvet lips every few thrusts.

Over and over Alex pounded into him, every thrust bringing another gasping moan from the slender fox until Alex could bare it no more. With one final, hard thrust he buried his growing knot into him, the wet pop drown out by a loud moan as the king burst through the slender fox's inner-most barrier. His warm seed spilled into Vael, filling him completely and still his body begged for more with every pulse; his inner walls gripping his lovers knot tight.

Curled up together, the lovers spent what felt like an eternity in each others arms, whispering sweet professions of their eternal love for one another. Vael fell asleep easily that night, entwined with the man he loved, nestled safely in his arms. Neither of the two could have known of the watchful eyes peering at them through the veil, nor the wolven paws which weaved through the threads of existence as they slept. Neither could have possibly known the impact this night would have on their world.


The duties of a king know nothing of time nor of patience, to them the rise and fall of the sun and the movement of the heavens are only things of beauty. Had the figure scaling the walls of the castle of Meronna known these things, perhaps their focus would be on the western walls.

Alas however, the slender otter knew nothing of the duties of a king, knew only the simple truths of their trade. The figure rose up through the gaping hole in the wall of the highest chambers - the Royal chambers - in utter silence, giving only a brief moment of pause to take notice of the figure asleep beneath soft blankets of woven deer hide.

The figure made not a sound, not even the silk-lined leather armor that formed so perfectly to their feminine figure - fitted perfectly to the feint hour-glass figure and beautifully sculpted breasts - betrayed them as their daggers slid effortlessly from sheaths along the small of her back.

Not a sound was made but something caused the sleeping fox to stir, to awaken at the very moment a dagger drove down; aimed at their throat. Without a thought, Vael's paw waved up, glancing the encroaching blade harmlessly off a streak of unseen energy. In the blink of an eye and as if aided by the wind itself, Vael leaped from the bed, narrowly avoiding the strike of a second blade.

"Who are you!?" came a demanding growl as Vael glared at the armed otter. Not a word was spoken in reply however as the assassin leaped, diving the distance of the room itself swiftly, coming up swinging with those wicked daggers. Vael matched the otter strike for strike, paws trailed by momentarily crystallized winds sending the blades harmlessly wide, time and time again.

With his question unanswered, Vael dodged the next two strikes and leaned in, slamming his fist into the otter's ribs in one powerful strike, knocking the air from the assassin's lungs. The otter leaped back, gathering herself for another strike but as she went to lunge again, Vael's right paw opened and a plume of fire burst forth from his palm, swallowing the assassin in a bright blaze that carried out through the chamber wall; leaving a cloud of black smoke to drift away in the night air.

The air around her had caught flame and when it cleared? The assassin stood panting, lungs crying out for air. Smoke wafted in thick tendrils from her scorched armor, her exposed armor charred black as she glared at Vael.

"I'll ask again," Vael said calmly, visibly lowering his guard and waving the flames away from his still burning paw. "Who are you?" he repeated, watching the otter's moves carefully. The assassin just snickered, a paw flicking violently, sending one of her daggers flying at Vael's throat.

Vael's gaze left the assassin only for a moment, only long enough for him to sidestep the flying blade and when his eyes fell on the assassin again? she'd leaped backwards out of the hole in the chamber wall. Vael rushed to the edge, just in time to see the wings of a glider sprout from the back of her armor and carry her off into the distance.

Finally able to relax, Vael gave a soft sigh and turned, eying the dagger now embedded into the chamber wall, driven more than an inch into solid stone.


"An assassin attacked you?!" Alex snapped, his words echoing off the walls of the castles western hall, a look of absolute shock overcoming him as his maw fell agape. It took him a moment to recover his sense but as soon as he tried to speak again, Vael cut him off with a sigh.

"I think they thought I was you at first," a moments pause followed his words and Vael reached to his hip, pulling out the dagger he'd retrieved from the wall. "I don't recognize the symbol myself, but-"

Lyran snatched the dagger from Vael's hand as he approached, studying it for a moment before giving Vael a studious look. "You're lucky to have survived," he mused with a thin smile, though the look faded as swiftly as it had come. "It's the seal of the Thieves Guild of Reialla." he stopped, studying the dagger a moment more before handing it back to Vael. "Didn't think they still trained assassins."

Vael just stared a moment at Lyran, then shook his head and gave a long, agitated sigh. He turned on his heels, starting off towards the central chamber. He only made it a few steps before Alex was beside him, grabbing his shoulder gently and giving a tug, spinning him around to face the young king.

"If you're going to Reialla, I want you to take Lyran with you." Alex said, a worried look in his eye which he desperately tried to hide behind a stern gaze.

"You'd send your General on a scouting expedition?" Vael asked, his left ear folding to the side at the notion. "Alex, I can handle myself well en-" His words were cut short but not by a snap, nor a royal command but by the fear he saw creeping into his lovers eyes more and more with every word. A soft sigh escaped his ebon edged lips and the arctic fur along the back of his neck rippled slightly as he gave a resigned nod.

"I'll take an escort, but /not/ General L'Sadrith. He has more important matters to tend to." Vael said at length before brushing a soft kiss against the side of the king's muzzle.

"Dante then," Alex said with a smile. "I know how well he fights and if anything does go wrong it'd be a good test of his abilities." He'd seen the squirrel in combat before, though he still couldn't be sure if the power he saw so skillfully wielded were an illusion or real.

Giving another nod, Vael turned again, glancing over his shoulder with a smile as he mused, "I'll be back in no more than a week."

The thought of being away from Vael even for a ten day stretch made Alexander's heart sink, but he hid it well behind a warm smile and a faint nod. For the last week of the Month of Souls it seemed, the castle watch would be on high alert.

Two Kings

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Home and Harth

The last fading rays of sunlight cast their eerie glow over what once had been a beautiful city, teeming with life. Meronna now stood in ruins, the smell of death, decay and burning flesh filling the air. What few had survived the battle had already...

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Distant Dreams

Peering into the vastness of what seemed to be an endless, empty expanse of white marble floors beneath a sky of amber and burning orange hue, Vael could only gaze in awe as he walked. Beside him, towering far above him was the form of a massive wolf,...

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