
Story by Draq on SoFurry

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#1 of Tough Herms Gym

This story was inspired by a picture that Daniel Kay created, seen here http://www.furaffinity.net/full/1134604/

The blue scaled dragon shivered slightly as he looked at the building, pulling his light jacket a bit tighter around his body, though it was more from nerves then from any sense of cold. It was actually quite pleasant outside, with a hot summer sun shining down on the large and quite courtyard. He looked nervously around, before retuning his eyes to the building that he was standing in front of, the large steel sign that was bolted above the glass door that proclaimed in wide letters "TOUGH HERMS GYM" and under it in slightly smaller typesetting but no less impressive was "Come in and get TOUGH!"

Mike had seen the add for the gym while surfing the web two days ago, and had been surprised to find that there was one in his area, he had never heard of the gym before. Though, he thought ruefully, its not as if I go to gyms anyways. Mike was not a bad looking drake, with shiny blue scales and a toned if slim body. But his sex life was next to nonexistent, and the web add had been so intriguing. It had proclaimed that persons who enrolled at the gym would enjoy such benefits as one on one training, private rooms if desired, and a guarantied increased in strength and sexual potency. But the fact that it proclaimed the word herm in its title had confused Mike and made him a tad bit nervous about visiting the gym. The add did not say that non-herms would not be welcome, but even so it had made him slightly worried about what he would find there.

Mike took in a large breath, and walked towards the door. He could see that the large set of glass doors was only the outer door, a second even larger pair of rich oak double doors seemed for form a barrier between the outer world and the gym itself. Bypassing the outer door, Mike reached out to pull open the inner one. But he was surprised to find out just how heavy the oak door was. It was clear that the door could swing in either direction, so Mike set his shoulder into the door and pushed hard, his toe claws digging slightly into the carpet that made up the entry way. He groaned and pushed harder, feeling the door start to move. Eventually however, he was able to force the heavy door open just enough for him to slip though, though he almost got the tip of his tail nipped by the door as it closed quickly behind him.

Bending over slightly and panting, his somewhat shortish black hair and mane slick slightly from the work, he looked around the room. Unlike what he had been expecting, maybe workout equipment or other furs, all he saw was a soft and carpeted if empty lobby with gentle music in the background. On either side of an vacant reception desk was another set of massive oak doors. Still panting slightly, Mike walked up to the large reception desk, the top edge of it almost reaching his chest. While Mike was not a short dragon at about 6 foot, the size of the desk was strange. Mike spotted a steel service bell, with a friendly sign that stated 'Ring bell for service, or if this is your first time to the Gym!'

Seeing as both applied to Mike, he did so, the bell letting out a loud and somewhat hard 'PING!' Looking around the lobby as he waited, he could see awards and letters of thanks to the gym, but he had yet to see anyone who worked at the gym, or even a picture of the people who exercised there. Walking over to a random framed letter, he read: 'Thank you Tough Herms Gym! Because of the training and support I received at your fine establishment, I was able to get my deadbeat husband to start doing his share of the work around the house, even if I can now do it fives times faster then he can! And my sex life has never been better, hearing my husband beg and whimper as I ride him is always an incredible experience, even after he passes out and I keep going! Thank you again!

Now even more confused, and even a tad bit scared, Mike backed away and starting to think that maybe this had not been such a good idea. But as he was starting for the entry door, he heard the sound of an opening door and the creek of the heavy oak. "Oh, hello there, sorry for taking so long to come out to greet you" said a deep but clearly feminine voice that was like dark melted chocolate.

Turning slowly, Mike looked at the source of the voice, and his jaw just about hit the floor. Standing near one of the doors and holding open the heavy door with a single paw, was a dragoness that made him both feel aroused and emasculated at the same time. But the first thing he noticed that she was not a she at all, and was naked save hir scales. Shi had healthy brown scales with a golden underbelly, hir huge breasts sitting firm and high with non-existent sag. Below the beach ball sized orbs was a thick, red and clearly erect dragoncock that would put even the most masculine dragon to shame. Hir entire body was toned to perfection, hir biceps large but not overly so, hir legs likewise but slightly thicker with a meaty tail that arced from above hir rump. Unnoticed at first by Mike, but slowly coming into focus as his brain rebooted, were the five or so golden piercing that were displayed proudly on hir cockhead, along with a thick gold cockring that was snuggled tight around the base of hir cock and pressed into hir thick abdominal muscles. If Mike squinted, he could read an engraving around the cockring that said TOUGH HERM SOCIETY.

The herm dragoness smiled, showing off perfect white teeth, as shi let go of the door and started to walk over to Mike. He could already tell that shi was taller then he was by almost a foot. But that difference seemed to be due to how shi walked, on the very balls of hir feet and nothing else. If anything proved to Mike on how strong shi was, it was this, as hir tendons alone had to be amazing. Mike found himself unable to move in the slightest, mesmerized as the herm walked. Hir beach ball sized breasts did not bounce or even move, there firm and taught surface keeping them always round and perfect. The only things that moved were the U shaped piercings that were on each thick black nipple. Likewise, hir massive cock barely bobbed, hir melon sized balls swaying slightly in there tight scaly sack. Hir entire body moved with amazing grace, hir wide and muscled hips swinging as shi stopped in front of Mike, giving him a wide close up of hir body and assets.

Shi smiled down at the blue male through hir high and firm breasts, hir body and posture confidant and assertive. "My name is Eris and I am one of the trainers here at the gym. Have you come to enroll with us cutie?"

Mike gulped and looked up at hir red eyes, though he couldn't keep his own eyes from wandering to hir other assets. "Uhhhh.....I..." Mike gulped "....yes?"

Eris chuckled a bit, one of hir hands reaching down to caress the blue's jacket covered shoulder gently. "Don't worry sweetie, I have this effect on everyone" shi said with a wink and a slight jingle of hir pierced ears and a shake of hir long blond hair. "Now, just follow me over to the reception desk and I'll get you signed in." Eris then turned around, either accidentally or intentionally brushing Mike with the tip of hir large dragoncock, hir heart shaped and muscular rump swinging in time with hir hips along with hir thick and graceful tail gently swinging in opposite direction. Turing hir head to look back and seeing that Mike had not moved from were he was rooted to the floor, shi gave him another flirtatious wink and said coaxingly "I don't bite, I promise."

Mike gulped, feeling his heart pounding in his throat, as he followed, eyes drawn to Eris's thick rump and the curve of hir bust that he could still see with ease. Eris walked behind the desk, hir eyes still watching the blue scaled dragon with interest. "I know it is a bit much sweetie, but there are no rules concerning clothing in the gym, given the space requirements" shi said with a smile, "you will get used to it soon. Now, I need you to sign this." Eris set a thick leather bound book on the desk, and gave Mike a pen.

Mike signed the register, and Eris took a quick look before closing it and setting it aside. "Mike then. Let me be the first to welcome you here. New members get there first week free, along with food and sleeping quarters if you wish. New members are set to a one on one bases with trainers for there first week" shi then gave Mike a wide grin "And that trainer will be me. Now, are you ready to get started?"

Mike gulped for what seemed to be the hundredth time since he came to the gym and said "W.....what do you mean sleeping quarters?"

"Most new members feel self-conscious for there first week on the training plan. So, we give them the choice to stay here. Now if you will follow me." Eris said, more of a command then a question, stepping out from behind the desk and placing a paw on Mike's shoulder and steering him in the direction of one of the double doors. Mike did not have much of a choice in the matter, Eris's grip felt like steel, and it was clear that if he did not walk shi would carry him. Grasping the handle of one of the doors and pulling it open with ease, shi guided him into a long hallway that rested on the other side.

Looking around, still a bit scared but over his initial surprise Mike said "Were are all the people and workout machines? I thought this was a gym."

Eris chuckled, but hardly eased up on hir grip, as shi lead him down the soft carpeted hallway. "Most of the rooms are private. There are public areas for exercising, but they are reserved for advanced members and staff. Ah here we are, your room" shi said, opening a seemingly random room. Inside Mike could see lifting weights, an all in one workout center, and a large bed. Curiously, the walls looked strange, with what looked like holes that had been plastered over in random places. Also covering the walls were posters of other muscle herms, each with large endowments posing and flexing, with similar piercing and cockrings.

"Now" Eris said, pushing Mike down onto the bed and closing the door. "As you probably have guessed, every member here is a herm. But more then that, we are Tough Herms!" Eris proclaimed, looking at Mike with a sultry lick of hir lips. "We are the hardest and the toughest people out there, and we show it!" Eris then flexed, showing hir bulging muscles, pushing out hir breasts proudly, hir thick cock throbbing. Mike gulped, feeling his own dragoncock starting to twitch in his pants. Even though Eris had surprised him, he couldn't help but admire hir muscled body with is still feminine looks. "We believe in the philosophy that things should always stay big and hard. If you wish to join, you will receive regular hormone treatments and special training that will harden your body" shi said. Walking over to Mike and taking one of his hands and pressing it to one of hir breasts. He felt his face blush purple, as his hand instinctively groped hir bust, finding that they were amazingly firm and taught. He couldn't even squish the breast in the slightest. Eris continued, hir other arm flexed into a powerful bicep that was the size of large rock "Our training regiment will condition your body to its peak. Beyond that, our piercing specialists and special crafted cockrings will allow you to thrust though a brick walls, and keep every part of your body rock hard. Of course, these treatments will also change your body into a herm since you area already not one. With that in mind, do you want to continue?"

Mike shivered, as he looked over Eris. He had always wanted to be this confidant, this amazing, and this sexy. He nodded hesitantly and said "I...I want to." Eris smiled, hir hands going to his shirt. Without asking, shi flexed slightly, tearing his shirt and jacket off with ease. To follow were his pants, leaving Mike only in his boxers. He blushed again, the tent in them would be obvious to anyone. Eris chuckled, pushing Mike over, and straddling his hips dominantly, hir sharp claws tearing quickly through the fabric.

"You wont need those for what you will be doing here sweetie" shi purred, "The first lesson is to show you just how powerful a Tough Herm is, and for a trainer to assess your physical prowess." Eris gently caressed Mikes blue scaled face, hir large red cock throbbing gently on Mike's chest, its thick head almost giving him a kiss. Eris leaned down, hir massive bust now hugging hir thick cock and Mike's body, as shi gave the male a deep kiss. Mike all but melted in that embrace, his hands grasping uselessly at hir rock hard nipples and super firm bust. He knew that he was at hir complete mercy, and he did not care in the least.

Eris finally broke the kiss, Mike panting for air while Eris looked perfectly fine, hir thick red dragoncock now wedged into hir firm bust, the huge orbs trapping the large cock with ease. Shi mirred gently, hir paws caressing hir own bust as shi gave hirself a tit fuck. Eris's thick and muscled thighs trapped Mike's hips as shi positioned hirself over his erect cock. Mike watched, helpless in hir hold as he felt the head of his own 7 inch dragoncock start to penetrate hir lips netherlips, which must have been behind her balls, as they came to rest on his own abdomen. Mike groaned and arched his back, shi felt so very tight and hot. As his own comparatively small cock fully entered, he panted, hir hot walls felt like a second skin around his cock. "E...E...Eris.....your..." Mike whimpered as he tried to pull out his cock in the slightest, only to find that he couldn't even budge his hips.

Eris smiled, hir paws roaming all over hir own body, one of them pausing just for a second to pat his cheek. "I see we will need to work on your hips and abdominal muscles. And we will need to get a starter cockring as soon as possible if you're already tapped out when my vaginal muscles are barely flexed" Eris said, still gently murring, one paw squeezing at hir throbbing cock.

"W...wha....what do you....oooh...mean....barely flexed? You feel like a vice!" Mike groaned, still tying to pull out his cock, and having no luck what so ever. Eris smiled wider, and shifted hir hips slightly. Almost immediately, Mike felt hir internal muscles clamp down on his cock, and he howled in a mixture of pleasure and pain. It felt like shi was going to suck his cock right off his body! He grasped uselessly at hir thighs, unable to even budge or dent the thick leg muscles.

"Oh, you baby" Eris teased gently, as Mike felt hir internal muscles relax, and return to the 'gentle' grip shi had started with "I hardly flexed at all. Yes, we will need to work on that." Mike panted, still feeing twinges of pain and pleasure as hir vaginal muscles still held his cock tight. He had never felt so emasculated, so helpless. But at the same time, he felt....alive. The power Eris had over him was both freighting and exciting, and the thought that he could become like hir made him shiver with anticipation. Eris clicked hir tongue, before leaning back down to kiss him again. "That was what I was looking for. You want this don't you? You want to be big and strong. You want to be able to make normal males squeal, females scream, as you grip and fuck them tight" Eris said, hissing gently at the end as shi leaned back, hir internal muscles now massaging Mikes's cock, squeezing the shaft hard and then letting go. Hir thick tail had wrapped itself around his own, and was doing the same thing, the thick cords of Eris's tail squeezing him tight.

Mike panted, as he groped hir breasts, whimpering as his hips twitched and shook. Eris was to much for him, and he arched his back again and groaned in acceptance as he felt his cock erupt within its tight confines. Eris murred, hir own cock only leaking slightly, a few drops of hir own fluid dripping from hir tight passage as it sucked up Mike's seed. shi watched as Mike passed out, though shi expected as much, hir body was always too much for new members at first. No newbie had ever made hir or the other trainers come close to orgasm, leaving such activates as assessment tools, even if it did feel good. Shi could tell that Mike would need work, but he had the determination that few other newbies had after there a assessment.

Even so, Eris kept the smaller male's cock deep within hir passage, shifting hirself and Mike so that they were laying side by side so that his head could rest on one of hir breasts. Hir thick tail was still wrapped around Mikes', hir powerhouse legs pinning his and keeping his hips closer to hir own. Eris rested the males head on hir uppermost breast, feeling the ever-present throb of hir cock. Shi could already see the effects of there time together, a small smile on the male's face, Eris knew that shi would enjoy there time together.

Chronicles of Silver years

Dawn, the first rays of light began to stream over the edge of the horizon, chasing away the shadow that had taken over the earth oh so briefly, but long enough to seem an eternity. I loved this time of day, the quiet, the soft chill in the air, and...

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