The world of Transformation #2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#17 of Exploration

You're back early. How was the trip, and what is this thing?"

"Extremely unbelievable."Draco replied,"You won't believe a word of what happened." Val laughed, and replied.

"You're probably right, knowing you. But try us anyway."

"Yeah, although I might asked where Simba is. Did he need patching up or something?" Silverine asked.

I put on my best look of confusion.

"No, Simba's here.By the way, Silverine, do you mind if I come over to your office tomorrow, to discuss a few things?"

"Like what?"

"Like what happened the day before the Hunt. I think we should go over that topic again."

"You're kidding. I know what happened. I did it to you."

"Yes, but it won't happened again, and not just because you know better."

"O.K., but where's Simba?"

"He's here. Simba, who is going to tell the story?"

The Cobra's grille spoke.

"Well, I know that Draco wants to.He told the glowers, after all."

"Why me?"Draco replied. Dev, Silverine and Val all looked amazed. So did the silent store.

"Where is Simba speaking from?" Silverine asked, slowly.

"Right in front of you." I replied.

"But that's a flying machine. Has he got a transmitter underneath it?"

"No."I shook my head."Simba, explain."

Neither me, nor Draco, nor Tufty blinked. Simba changed into his bionic form, and then stood on the table. Dev scooted backwards, Val rocked back on his chair, and almost fell over, and Silverine grabbed my arm tightly in fear. I changed into my bionic form, forcing his hand from it's grip. He let go in a hurry, as I stood and turned, my silver surface glinting in the soft light. Draco changed into his bionic form, the silver colour spreading across his frame from his chest, to each of his arms and legs. There were one or two panicked noises, and Dev jumped away in reaction to me. Tufty shot away from Draco, and Val jumped up and away from me. He was actually trying to take to the air.

I spoke to Silverine."This is why you won't hurt me, your claws can't penetrate steel."

Silverine seemed incapable of speech, as though I'd just grabbed his tongue. Val managed to speak first.

"O.K., what the devil happened to you?"

Evil joke played, we sat back down, and explained. The looks were disbelieving, incredified, amazed, I could go on and on.Finally we finished. Devlin looked at his cousin.

"Well, I suppose you did have a rough time of it. But just think what you can do now, erm," pause," what can you do?"

"The thing who did this to us thought it might be helpful too.As to what me and Draco can do, well..." I said, and then shrugged,"Draco, shall we show them?"

"Better idea. All three of us, into the form we have in common."

We stood, and all three of us changed into our cars. Devlin laughed.

"Alduin, that's definitely the coolest thing I've seen, save for Simba's aerial form."

"I'll show you my aerial form after this then." I replied, speaking from my radiator."Gentlemen, start your engines."

The Ferrari roared into life, me and Simba right behind him. As we lined up by the table, Devlin got down onto his knees, and held a hand in front of us. Val and Silverine had shifted, and all eyes were on us.

Devlin raised his hand, and we burst forward. As the most powerful car in real life, I took a lead of the line, but Draco kept me honest as we made two passes around the outside of the room. Everyone seemed completely gobsmacked, no surprises there, but Devlin seemed to be getting the hang off things quicker, and so when we crossed past him, he laughed.


I won, and then as we stopped, I went a long way through the room, and then aimed myself at the door. Draco changed, and shifted a table aside so I had a clear run. Then I changed into my jet.

There was applause, a few gasps, and a whistle of amazement. Devlin sat back.

"O.K., what are you being now?"

"This is a F-22 joint strike fighter, known as the Raptor." Draco introduced."One of the war planes on Earth.He thought it apt, given his name.Now listen to the sound it makes."

"Now that is seriously cool."Val and Devlin said, almost in tandem.

My jets whined into life.The thrust it produced tried to send me flying forwards, but I kept my brakes on. People held their ears to block out the sound as I ignited the afterburners, and let myself go.

It was like a bolt of lightning. I shot forward much faster than any car's acceleration, and took off half way across the food store.Keeping myself aimed at the door, I shouted.

"And Goodbye!"

I barrel rolled through the door, and pitched left to avoid smashing into the wall on the other side of the corridor.I heard the familiar drum of rotors, and realised Simba had fired up in his Cobra form, and then I was gone. Travelling at maybe four hundred kilometres an hour, I streaked down the corridor at just under roof height, two and a half metres.After a minute, I landed neatly, and taxied to a halt. I hadn't gone too far, and the helicopter caught up. Draco was still talking to Dev and Co., so we raced one another in our car forms back to our quarters. I won, only just, and I tooted my horn at the door.

It opened, and Gareth appeared. He looked around, and then down.

"Oh, what has Alduin gone and bought?"

"He's bought himself." I replied, driving past his feet and driving into the bathroom. Gareth looked puzzled on hearing my voice. Simba followed suit, and I nudged the bathroom door closed. We changed, and then walked out. Gareth jumped when he saw us.

"Alduin, how did you manage that?"

This took another long, tedious time of explaining.As we finished, Draco, Silverine, Val, Devlin and Tufty came into the room.

"That,"Devlin commented," was the coolest thing I have ever seen." he looked at me with a big smile on his face. I grinned.There was some serious conversation, and some more serious conversation. Arachno entered, and we showed him our bionic forms. He was very impressed, and promptly exclaimed that there is no way in hell he could fix us. What they have done is beyond what he could do. And this was coming from the best surgeon on Central. With a deep sigh, I suggested that we go to Earth tomorrow, Sunday, and go to the beach, so Draco can test his new form.

Then I realised it was getting on to ten o'clock, and promptly bid the others good night. We slept restlessly, or the three hybrids slept restlessly. I woke up in the morning in my own room, and found Silverine there.He was sitting on the chair, and was sleeping peacefully.The others were awake,I could hear them talking gaily, and I tip toed out. They were going to the food store,and Tufty asked me whether I want to come.

"Not yet." I replied.

As they left, I headed back into my room and locked the door.Not two minutes later, Silverine woke up. He was slightly confused, he must have had a late night. He turned and saw me, and he smiled. I smiled back.

"Morning Silverine. Sleep well?"

"Slept better."

"Now, the others have good to the food store, back in two hours."


"This time, you won't half kill me, so you have full permission to fuck me."

Silverine smiled, as I transformed into my bionic form. The steel spread like a virus across my frame, until even the tips of my fingers are covered in the metal.I took off my clothes, and as I straightened up, Silverine leapt at me. I deftly dodged, but fell backwards onto my bed. Silverine doesn't miss a gem like that, even on the worst of days, and landed on top of me.His claws screech against my steel body, as he tried to grip me tightly, and once satisfied, he forced his cock into me.

This time, I could only enjoy it. The Lupogriff was superb, his action and speed simply brilliant. I moaned in slight pain and pleasure, which increased his sexuality.His body brushed against mine, and I could feel his fur even through the metal.This was again conclusive that we could touch and feel things like normal, it's just we had steel skins.

After a good five minutes, Silverine started slamming my anus with immense power, and I realised he was about to cum.He did so with a ferocious roar, and I felt his warm, sticky fluid fill my insides to bursting. His claws raked against the steel again, and then he stopped, gasping in pleasure and excitement.He looked mightily pleased.

"Thank you Alduin."

"Not at all." I replied modestly, getting off the bunk.

After a few minutes of settling down, we headed off to the food store.I changed into my car form, and followed Silverine at a walking pace.As we got there, a miniature Ferrari came flying out of the door, skidded, and hit my side door.

"Owch! Draco, you're supposed to brake!"

I changed back and saw, to my interest, a large bruise on my side. Draco changed, and held his shoulder in pain.

"Sorry Alduin, didn't see you there."

A metallic voice called from the interior.

"Typical, useless driver."

"Oi!" I shouted." Don't make me annoyed." Simba was laughing merrily inside. We went in, and saw Grant, the black panther. He was flicking his tail in contentment, and he was sitting beside the Cobra.

"Hi, Grant." I called gaily to him.

"He was thinking of coming with us to Earth."Simba added, by way of a greeting.

"So is half the store."

"Hang on, we'll need an invisible marquee to cover all this lot, unless we've all got disguise necklaces."I pointed out

"Well, I do." Grant smiled."I should so love to see your planet."

"Well, a day trip to the beach sounds like a plan." I smiled.

Several of my friends in the store were coming also. Val, Grant, Draco, Simba, the three foxes, Silverine, and Devlin were coming.

We all changed into human form, the necklaces coming out from all the non human creatures, and then we teleported. I was given the option to choose the destination, and we arrived.

Bam.I looked around, and everything was quiet. I had teleported us to behind the Surf life saving club, and no one was about at this time. It was eleven o'clock, and I could hear over the crashing of the waves, the sound of playing children. Apart from Simba,who was a middle aged man, we were all teenagers, dressed in various snazzy clothes. Val looked at himself.

"I look awful."

I leapt on him for that.He laughed, and we described a backward roll into some bushes. I enjoyed his playful behaviour, and after a few rolls, we got off one another, and I spoke.

"O.K., Draco, change into your boat form, Devlin, can you carry him down? Simba, change into your car, or your gun ship, I don't mind. Me, I feel like a high speed fly by."

Draco changed into his jet boat form. He based his look on the Wave piercing boats, and his two stability controls on either side made him look awesome. He was two metres long, and his shaped prow was black and red and glinted in the morning light. Devlin, in his human form, picked him up with the help of Val, and they carried him towards the water. Simba changed into his Porsche form, and drove down the ramp which the Surf Club used to get their boats down to the water's edge.His engine sound echoed off the walls of the tunnel.

I watched from the building as Devlin and Val lowered Draco into the water, and heard him start up. His engine sound was mighty, the revs of the engine spiking past eighteen thousand. Then he surged forward, breaking past the surf and skimming across the water. I turned away, made sure no one was looking, and changed into the raptor form.

I took off, still no one had seen me. Then I was in the air, and lots of people turned. The beach was reasonably crowded, and they heard the Dopplered sound of my jets as I took to the air. I flew over to the Salt water pools, turned and dived, directly towards the bobbing Draco. My afterburners kicked out a long flame, and I pulled out of the dive about three feet from the water. I was doing about seven hundred kilometres an hour, and as I looked back, the water was being tossed and flung away by the power of my exhaust. I could see my friends cheering by the water side, and then I screamed over Draco. Draco bobbed violently in the water.

"You air pirate!" he shouted, and I laughed. I banked, and went back over the beach, still at about three feet. I aimed myself towards the party, and they ducked as I approached. I twisted upside down, and screamed over them.I pulled around, into the tunnel Simba had used, and made a rough landing. But before I finished rolling, I changed into the Reventon, and spun round, diving down the tunnel and onto the slippery sand. I came to a halt beside Devlin, as a teenage boy came over.

"Who is controlling these vehicles?"

Devlin smiled warmly."Oh, just a few friends. The boat is Draco's, this is Alduin's car, and the other car is another friend's. They just decided to come here and test them out."

The boy kneeled, inspecting my paintwork.

"Excellent look.Almost looks like a true Reventon."

I didn't move, for fear of laughing. Then he took a picture with a cellular phone, and then went over to Simba, who was busy doing donuts. Draco was riding the waves, and the others were sitting down comfortably and talking merrily about my planet, but in such a way that made them seem like they had been born here.

I raced Simba after the boy had finished inspecting him, and we churned up the sand down a good kilometre of the beach, the other bathers applauding. Draco roared along the water, trying to keep up, and he threw out a plume of water and spray behind him.My four wheel drive and extra power outstripped the Porsche, and we drove back. Simba whispered to me.

"I'll go change."

He disappeared up the ramp, there was two minutes lull, and then the Cobra hummed out of the tunnel. Devlin laughed.

"I know, let's have a race.Air vs. land, vs. sea." Draco caught this, and the race was agreed. Val ran down the beach with Alecto, and drew a finish line approximately half a kilometre away. Devlin stood where we could all see him, and then raised his arms. I revved my engine, and Draco did also. Then he let his arms fall, and we were off. My tyres scrabbled for purchase, and I could see Draco trying to charge forward, although he was the least powerful. Simba was slow, because of a helicopter's initial momentum change.

So I led. The whine of my internal combustion engine, with a super charger and turbo to boot propelled me along the beach. To my right, but a bit behind, was Draco. As I looked out the side window, he went ploughing through a wave without check, and was completely submerged for a second. And behind me was the drum of the rotors, Simba was catching up.All the bathers were cheering as I flashed past, Draco splashed past, and Simba flew past.

I must have beaten Simba by a foot and no more, because Val knew I had won, but Simba came very close. Draco was a slightly distant third, and we all headed back.Simba landed beside Devlin, who was lying back and sunning himself. I pulled up beside Gareth, and cut my engine. Draco cut his, and drifted for a few seconds until Val and Alecto got him out of the water and carried him dripping, and then gently set him down.A few more bathers clustered around, looking at the mini engineering. We were all oohed and aahed over, and even got a few requests. One bather spoke to Gareth.

"Hey, where's that R/C plane? That was seriously cool."

Gareth nodded."I'll go get it. It's Alduin's, so I'll just return him his car."

He reached underneath me, as if to turn a button on, and I switched on my engine. I drove up the ramp in front of Gareth, and once we were out of sight, I turned into my Raptor form.

"This is the funniest thing I've ever done."I commented to Gareth, and he picked me up. I had my engines cut, and So Gareth went back down the tunnel with me in his arms. He placed F-22 on the sand.

"Oh my gosh." the bather whispered."This is perfectly done. Where did you buy this?"

"Oh, he didn't mention where, I'm sorry." Gareth looked apologetically at the disappointed bather. As I lay there, I noticed the tide had come in, and that we were now a few metres from the water's edge. I could tell Val and Tufty were getting slightly bored, so I livened it up. I made the clicking sound that a jet makes just before catching, and I could see everyone back away.

"How did he do that?" the bather asked.

Devlin got an answer to that.

"It's completely remote. He fixed a G5 pathway that can remotely fire up the engines, providing they are full with fuel."

"Wow, completely automatic. That would have cost a lot."

"It did." Dev replied.

The engines ignited, and I felt the fire burning. I taxied forward, and then swung along the beach, with a kilometre of wet sand ahead, a reasonable airstrip. I burst forward, afterburners kicking in to give me a better burst upwards, and made a few passes over their heads.Then I made one last stunt. I flew as low as I dared, about one foot, and screamed over the water not ten metres from the edge of the sea. My exhaust kicked up a huge furrow of water and steam, and as everyone cheered, I banked away and over the building. I made a neat three point landing, and changed as soon as I was out of sight.

Then I walked back. Val turned, and saw me coming down the tunnel.

"Alduin, that was superb flying." he complimented.

"Thanks Val. I have a touch with a controller.Now, shall we go for lunch?"

"Sounds fine to me." Tufty said, leaping up.He and Alecto picked up the jet boat, and carried it ceremoniously up the tunnel. Gareth reached underneath the Cobra and pretended to flick a switch, and Simba buzzed into motion. He took off, and flew past everyone and away. Two minutes we saw Simba in his human disguise.

"I can't believe you beat my helicopter."

"Neither can I." the bather was following. "My car just has more power of the line.Still, your Cobra is pretty quick.Where's Draco?"

"Haven't seen him. I think he's a little shy." Simba replied.

"Pity, I think junior here wants him to explain the principles of the jet boat."

The bather laughed."No, I'd like to know about the fighter plane."I stopped, and let the others go ahead, so Draco could change.I talked with the eager bather, and made up a whole lot of fibs which he didn't pick up on.As soon as he left, I ran and caught up the group. Draco was human, and so after an argument, we headed to a cafe for lunch.This came out of my pocket, but seeing as the others would pay me back as soon as we got to Central, it was no problem. Grant munched happily on a meat filled roll, and spoke to me.

"You have a truly amazing planet." he whispered.

"Thank you, Grant. Most of the world is trying to ruin it, but it's nice to just sit back and watch the world go by."

"I've never seen such a curious blend of technology though. Petroleum vehicles, hydro dams and turbines for electric lights and indoor. Jets, rockets I hear.And when you have none of these, you have bikes, electric scooters, skateboards. It's quite incredible."

"What does your planet have?"

Grant laughed."We have developed the most amazing technology, some what more futuristic than this, but also more limited."

"I should come to your planet sometimes." I replied. After a good half an hour for lunch, Draco volunteered we head back to my house.This involved a good forty minute walk, so we lazy creatures teleported into my living room.

My house should have been empty.It shouldn't have had shifting noises coming from my bedroom. As we heard it, I quietened everyone, and drew my rifle. I crept towards the door, and twisted the handle gently. Then I kicked the door in.

I have never been burgled before, and if that thief ever tells his associates, I never will be again. I brought my rifle up and pointed at the thief's forehead. The thief gave a yell of surprise, and then put his hands up.

"I surrender."

"Good, then I don't have to shoot you.What the hell are you doing in here?"

"Writing a flute sonata." Draco commented drily.

"Stow it Draco. You and Dev can show him the door." The two disguised dragons shouldered past me, and took the terrified thief across the shoulders, first checking he had nothing of mine in his pockets. They firmly escorted him to the window, opened it, and then tossed him out. We were on the ground floor, but they tossed him fairly hard. He landed roughly, stood, turned, and ran.

I breathed out, and then sighed.

"Right, where were we? Ah yes. Welcome to my home, guys."They all removed their disguises, and started looking around my small house.

I brought out a game of Colditz, which was seven player. I shot gunned the Germans, and with a spectacular display of really bad German accents, explained the rules. Val, Dev, Draco, Gareth, Alecto and Grant all joined in, with Tufty heading to my library of books. Draco once again introduced a sexual rule, a failed escape meant the escapee strips, a successful escape, the guard does.After an escapee loses all his clothes, well, you can see where this was going.The game would end when the guard lost all his clothes.

This could only end well.We played for a good two and a half hours before a break, and Draco was naked, along with Grant, I had lost my shirt, and the others were in a variety of places in between.My rifle was beside me, and had no ammo in it, so it added to the chaos when I pointed it at the escapees, to the cry of "Hande Hoch!"Grant was responsible for me losing my shirt, rolling a natural twelve on two D6, and running merrily away.I had almost caught him, falling two short.

"Thank Central I got away.I don't want my virginity broken." he said, laughing in relief. I looked up in surprise.

"You're a virgin?"

"Virgin vis anal sex. I had to suck my captor off during the Hunt."

I shot a glance at Devlin. He had a thing for taking virgins anally.He caught my glance and smiled.

After afternoon tea, a few biscuits and a cold Milo each,we continued.Grant refrained from escaping, but instead starting helping the others.It still didn't work.A good ten escapees from four different nationalities tried a mass escape through one of the tunnels, except Alecto, who was at the front, and blocking everyone else from escaping, rolled a one and a three, and so held everyone in the tunnel. I consequently ran over there, and played my tunnel detector card.

Groans. Draco went over, Alecto went over, Devlin went over, and Gareth was completely stripped.Ten little counters in the cells.Alecto sighed.

"How's he supposed to fuck all three of us at once?"

"Simple."I replied."I'll keep track of who lost."Val then tried an escape with three men with a key, and met my arrest key holder.That sent him over.Gareth fell two turns later with one of my special appells, and Grant looked at his men, and surrendered without a fight.

As Draco packed up the game, I went into the bathroom. Devlin followed, locking the door behind him. I washed my face as he spoke.

"Well played, Alduin."

"I'm used to the game, and the Germans."

"Do you mind me here?"

"Not at all.Question, you want to break Grant's virginity?"

"Of course.Someone as good looking and clever as that, it's a shame."

"O.K."I nodded."Fuck me first, and then I'll lure him in here."

"Did you know, Alduin, I haven't fucked you at my rate. In fact, you haven't tasted my cock anally yet, have you?"

"No, and yet I wanted you to. Sorry about that Devlin, I guess I forgot. No worry, here's your chance to do so."

Devlin needed no second encouragement.We both stripped down,well, I stripped down, he was already naked, and he sat down on the seat beside the shower.I stroked his cock until it became full, and then stood astride it.He took my legs, and pulled them up and apart, and carefully lowered me on to him.Two feet of pure, strong and soft cock forced it's way up into me, and I instinctively kicked out sideways in pain.He confided he had one of the devices around his wrist which silenced anything in the room, so I could cry all I want, and Draco wouldn't hear me.Then he slowly started pumping me.

Oh boy, did I cry in pleasure. Devlin's tool was absolutely wonderful.He worked very slowly, yet every stroke went so deep I gasped in pain and pleasure, much more than I had with Draco. I held him by the shoulders, and I could see his face scrawled in concentration. After five minutes, I felt him tense, and waited for the inevitable ejaculation. The burning hot semen scorched my soft interior, and I cried loudly in pain, but that mattered less than the fact he had done it, and it was the most intense feeling I had had from a mortal.

After he finished inside me, I walked out, and came over to Grant. He was completely unaware of my intentions,and completely naked, because they hadn't gotten dressed after the game, so the opportunity couldn't be better.As the foxes went into my bedroom, I didn't need three guesses why, and Draco started discussing something with Silverine and Simba, I explained to Grant to follow me, just so he got used to what sorts of tools we used.

Dev hid behind the door, and Grant was unaware as I showed him the purpose of several bathroom tools. He was keen to learn, and then turned as Dev shut and locked the door. No one outside heard this, and Grant looked at Dev in slight fear.I spoke to Dev casually.

"Where did you spring from, Dev?"

"I've been here all this time, just you didn't notice." he replied, smiling slightly."Now, Grant, I hear you're a virgin."

"Er, yes."

Dev came over, and Grant instinctively backed away, but Dev ran a scaly hand down Grant's chest as I sat on the sink.

"You have the most enviable pecs for a panther.It's a pity that such a specimen like you hasn't experienced sex before."

"I have, just not anally." Grant looked down, and then up at Dev's smiling face. I chipped in at this point.

"Well, if you have to break it, I'd do it with Dev. Trust me, you can't get much better than him, and he's done it to me before."

"But.."Grant stammered. He backed into a corner, and Dev didn't follow.

"Look, I know you might be scared, but you shouldn't worry."

Grant shot a look at me. I shrugged.

"You seriously don't know what you're being offered. You'll enjoy it."

Grant came forward hesitantly, and Devlin kneeled down. He took the panther's rather well developed cock in his mouth, and wrapped his tongue around it.Grant lay back against the sink, next to me, and lost the tenseness as Devlin sucked his cares away.Devlin expertly manipulated the member, jerking and twitching it. Grant finally gained enough courage to use his hands, and started gently pulling Devlin towards him. Devlin responded, and soon was sucking the entire cock gently.Grant moaned, and tried to make Devlin work faster. Devlin obligingly started fucking him as fast he he could.Grant let go of his head, gripping the sink top in pleasure. Then he howled, and I saw a few spurts of cum disappear into Devlin's mouth.

Then Devlin stood back, and Grant, his fears assailed, turned around, his ass bobbing invitingly to the dragon.Dev came forward, and picked up Grant underneath the knees.Grant lay back against Devlin's chest as Dev pulled his legs at about one thirty degrees, giving me a full view of his wedding tackle.Dev spoke.

"Can you put your hands around the back of my neck, just so you can hold on. This was done, but Grant spoke.

"If you fuck me, I'll let go. Do you have something to keep my hands together?"

I opened a drawer, and drew out my pair of handcuffs. Well, Alecto's handcuffs, but he hadn't minded.I went around the back of him, and snapped the cuffs around the panther's wrists.He thanked me, and I sat back down on the bench.I watched in fascination as Dev lifted Grant above his own cock, and then slowly lowered the panther down.His cock gently forced apart the virgin lips of the panther's anus.Then he was in, and as the panther slid down the cock, he arched his head and moaned.


Dev went all the way down slowly, and stayed that way for a few seconds. Grant tensed all up again, his hands balled themselves, and his feet gently kicked out.Then, with a slow hypnotic rhythm, Devlin began fucking the panther very slowly.Keeping well out of kicking distance, I filed my nails. I couldn't leave the room right now, because that would break the silence on the room, so I just sat on the sink top, casting an occasional glance at the twosome. Grant's eyes were closed, but I could see a faint smile between the moans, and I knew he was enjoying it.

Devlin didn't rush, and Grant spoke.

"Oh, this is so good."

"Well, that is the whole point." I said, from my seated position."You have to admit he does a good job of it."

"Oh hell yeah." I could see Devlin smiling behind the enraptured panther, and slowly increased his speed. After a few seconds of this, Grant arched backwards, and howled. His swollen cock erupted semen, and the white liquid fell onto the white marble. As I watched, Devlin worked a bit harder, and Grant moaned frequently under the hell fire dragon's welcome intentions and efforts.

For four minutes to the clock Devlin fucked the panther at this increased rate, and then the dragon started fucking the panther at a fast rate. Grant no longer had breath to speak, he kept on gasping in agony and sensual bliss.Then the dragon roared, and flame spewed and hissed against the wet walls. The panther cried in pain, and I knew that Devlin had just ejaculated his burning load.They stood there for a few seconds, Devlin's cock all the way up Grant's ass, and then Devlin sat down on his knees, and Grant sat astride him, his knees on the outside of Devlin's.The dragon's member was still forced all the way up the panther's anus, and Grant seemed loathe to move. I went over, and unclipped the handcuffs. Grant stretched his hands, swivelled around until he was facing Devlin,and kissed him passionately.

Grant grabbed the dragon gently around the waist, and seemed to want to force himself deeper onto the dragon's cock.

"You were right, Devlin.Thank you."

He got off, giving a sigh as the walls of his interior subsided to normal as the dragon's member no longer stretched them outwards, and Devlin got up.He left, shutting the door behind him. Grant practically collapsed onto the toilet. I could see Devlin's semen spilling from his ass, and I stepped forward.

"You're a mess, covered in dragon cum.You need cleaning up."

The door was re-locked, and as Grant sat there watching, I spread his legs apart, and licked his balls. He laughed quietly.

"I do, but I'll let it stay there."

"It looked like that last part hurt."

"It did, his semen scorched me."

"Well, I think you need a bit more pleasure for that."I rubbed a finger up and down his cock.

"I'd love you to do so."

So I did. I lifted my head, and immediately went deep on his cock. Two of my fingers I forced into Grant's ass, heavily lubricated with dragon cum, and I fingered him deeply inside. He shifted in surprise.

"Hey, no, don't...ooohh, actually yes, that feels really good." he changed his mind halfway through speaking, and I started a rhythmic pattern between my fingering and my sucking. Grant was so warmed up from Devlin that he very quickly came to ejaculation, and when I knew he was about to do so,I thrust all four fingers of my hand as deep as I could, and deep-throated him. He cried in pain, and then howled in ecstasy, and I felt his semen plaster the back of my throat.