Chapter 5 - Starting again

Story by Sticky_Fingers on SoFurry

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#6 of Rainy Isles :

All the characters in this story are mine but use them if you want. I insist that you guys also use my concept as I would like to see lots of stories using the same universe though you guys dont have to crash a plane to get there. Otherwise enjoy. (note: any vauge mentionings of places and things are not ment to infringe on laws,copyrights, etc.)


The rainy Isles

Chapter 5 - Starting again

Rick started filling his pack with supplies. The furries back at the village had wanted his expertiese and he was going to need tools. The rocks were full of many different metals and ore. Perfect for using to make tools. He also went back into the cave and dug out some more flint. Eventually he was ready to go.

Kitten (he really wished he knew her name) was playing around. She looked like she enjoyed her new form to a degree but Rick saw how she cried at night. He had secretly vowed to help her.

For now he spent the day walking back towards the village. They got there faster on account that Kitten was actually able to carry him there. He dismounted.

"Thanks a lot" he said gently.

The village looked empty.

"Its alright, she's with me" said Rick with a smile. Slowly the old fox emerged from the bushes.

"We thought you would come back..umm..changed" he said slowly.

"We can speak about that later at your lesiure but for now I want to get started on helping you guys get a bit more technology into this place." said Rick

The fox's ears perked up and he yiped a command backward.

"We were actually a head of you. I hope you dont mind but we thought you died. So we started preparing to do it ourselfs." he said embarresed.

Rick was faintly amused.

They spent the rest of the day making basic bundles of bambo that would later get spear points. He stripped some bamboo in half and created gutters and riged many houses using the reeds at the lake as roofing. He even managed to get himself his own house by the river.

Rick basically did odd jobs improving everywhere he could before his real work started. While the furries followed his instructions. Rick planned his tools. He was going to make a proper hammer, knife, and saw. He also was cutting up wood bits to use as substitute screws in all the pieces of wood. Rick also found a sunny spot in the village where he built a sort of drying area. Using clay from the gully near by he crated plates and showed them how to make pots and various other things.

The counsel smiled approvingly. He wasn't a furry but the villagers looked like they liked Rick anyway. They all smiled except for the very white old wolf. He didn't look alive but his eyes studied Rick as if he knew something about him.

So on Ricks fist day on the job he had improved everyones life. His second day dealed with rigging up a wall around the village. The village people were a bit uneasy about being surrounded by walls but after an explaination of how bandits and other furries could just get into camp easily they submitted. Rick spent most of the day setting up just one wall. The clay ground wasn't helping this time, the wood was difficult to prop up. Rick had tp get help to cart stones to line the holes. The walls took four days to rig up and in that time Rick was also preparing a large wooden wheel. When the wall was finished Rick rolled the wheel out of the village and to the lake. There he had built his house.The wheel dissapeared on the other side. Some people followed to go look.


She purred heavily when she thought of Rick. Ginger pawed at the water in the lake. Rick had been really busy in the village. She had made sure to help out, even though he protested because of her wound. She purred more lying on the ground and rolling around on it. She was anxious. She wanted Rick to accept her as a female. All he ever did was be caring and good but he never showed any lust. This just made her hot all over. She wanted him so badly.

She noted Rick as we walked toward the house. She paniced. She didn't want him to see she was around. She sliped inside his house quickly. It looked barely like a house. Inside it was more of a tool shed. There were many odd things around as well: strange looking cones and sticks (Rick was designing a candlestick stand with a ceramic lampshade), a large bowl, (Ricks attempt at a bath tub), and a large stone slab in the middle.

The slab looked interesting. Above it hung a large wooden rod that came out of the ceiling and hovered two feet over it. She climbed on the slab and inspected the device. She sniffed it and then lay under it. Studying the ceiling. Shifting sounds were heard and the pole decended fast. Ginger almost yelped...frozen by her suprise.


Rick had been hungry for bread. So he decided to make a water mill. He was excited. He was almost done. He just had to fit the water wheel and put on the top piece of the press/grinder. He feared that the pole hanging over it was a bit dangerous. He went quickly to his door and locked it to make sure noone could get in before he had completed the machine.

Moving back to the water wheel, he sliped it into the water carefully and waded with it to the back end of the house. There was a large rod sticking out of the wall. He lifted the wheel there with a grunt. It fit! Rick smiled. Slowly it began to turn. Rick looked at it.

"Still needs a bit of work. It's not turning fast enough." he said


Ginger opened her eyes and moaned. The pole had impailed her in the sweet spot. She looked down at her pussy. She was embarresed. It was starting to get hot in her privates. This suituation went from bad to good. She licked her lips wickedly. The large feeling her her nether region was spreading up her body. She was getting aroused. She felt her body shift form a bit with a slight tingle. She looked at her chest. Her breasts were starting to grow she noted as nipples poped out of the fur.

"What?" she meowed. She felt her pussy clamp onto the pole hard as her body shifted back slowly into her old anthro form. She almost cried with happiness. She wanted to get off the thing now but it held her in place. Her nipples hardened. She decided to make the best of the situation. She touched her breast gently, it pressed down slightly sending a tingle through her pussy. The breasts slowly raised higher.

A strange clanking was heard, The pole lifted out of her. Her pussy became cold with the air rushing over it. She moaned as it excited her. She was so horny. The pole lifted up to its climatic point and came rushing down again.

She felt as if her insides were bouncing to meet the large object. Her new breasts jiggled with the force of the rod pushing in. She grabbed the sides of the slab for support. She pressed her hips up against the wood trying to get it to go futher in. Her pussy juices filling the air. Her boobs continued to swell. She felt her breasts. She could feel the blood rushing in them. Her boobs almost throbbed with her pleasure.

The rod went up and came back down. It was gaining speed. She moved her hips around while it was in her. Her walls stretched and pulled on it. Wanting it so badly. She gasped , her breathing became faster.

The rod now was moving like a piston. It was beating into her. She hunched up and stretched out with it in an effort to keep it in her longer. Her boobs swelled a bit more with the pressure. They had grown large enough to flop around. The extra weighty feeling on her chest aroused her more. She grabbed onto the rod and stabalized herself on it as it pulled on her abdomen sending strain to her pussy. She was pushing her clit into it almost as fast as it came down. Each time it rammed her buttock back onto the cold stone. The mixture of hot and cold sending ripples through her,.

"Ahh" she said. The rod was moving up and down every second. She felt a feeling grow in her. It felt as if her body was going to explode. She wanted it to. She wanted it. Her breasts jiggled as her purrs filled the air.

"AHh...ahh........ooh!" she screamed as she felt it move in her. It almost resonated the throbbing of her pussy. It was relentless.

She pushed herself. Feeling her now huge breasts and clutching them tight as the final moments came.

"YES....ohh...ooh.." she purred...her pussy opening and closing like blinking the piston moved so fast. She arched her back.

"AHHH! YES! YES!" she sceamed. The pressure so immense she felt her pussy contract.

"OHH!" she screamed as her pussy splurted. Her hips bent. Her boobs swayed as her orgasm hit home.

She collapsed on the tabled as the piston slowed down. Eventually it came to a stop. She purred softly ribbing her tits as they were shrinking again. Slowly she returned to being the large tiger-like ginger cat she was. Her face smiled. She would enjoy showing Rick her little secret one day.

She got up and snuck out one of the windows. Her large pussy dripping as she walked.


Rick started to swear. He had just finished checking on the top piece of the machine and had forgotten to secure the nut properly on the outside of the wheel. It has spun off. Rick slipped it on again after the rod ahd stopped spinning. Rick sighed.

"At least it didn't harm anyone" he said.

He waded out of the water and returned to the front of his house. He walked in calmly and proceeded to the stone slab with the top piece in both hands. His nose caught a strange scent. He ignored it. Walked over to the main gear unit of the water mill and pulled a lever. The pole coming out of the roof stoped moving. The wheel outside still churned. Rick walked over to the pole and looked at it. It was shiny and the stench was coming directly from it. He leaned close to sniff it again but instead licked it. The fact that it tasted good wasn't waht he was concerned about. It was the tension in his privates and at the base of his spine as he licked it all up that intriuged him.

He fall backwards with a jerk. The feeling was gone. He was normal again.

"What the hell.." he thougt.

He got up slowly and finally worked up the resolve to put on the top piece of the press. He smiled triumphantly.

He had managed to work it to do two things. When he flipped a switch it would pound up and down, good for pressing paper which was on his "to do list" and also the press would come in handy as a vice grip if he needed to bend things.

The other setting made the top piece grind in a circle. Good to grind out the powder need to make flour.

Rick sniffed deeply. The smell sure was good.


McKain looked at his hands. They were shaking. He was crying. He hated himself.

"Why did I hurt so many people?" he said.

Over the past week he had been becoming increasingly emotional. He figured that the gyser had somehow unblocked his emtotions. He could no longer kill and do what he pleased without him hating himself for it. He was also crying because his situation demanded a ruthless killer and right now he was not that.

"May I come in?" said a velvet voice from outside the back of his tent. He turned around. It was her!

His face straightened.

"What do you want!" he said with a growl to keep up the act.

"That depends..." she said touching her chest...what do you want?" as she lifted her shirt.

McKain burst awake. His dick painfully errect. A small scuffling outdside his tent faded.

This had been happening for the whole week too. It was good feeling but he knew it wasn't real.

He sighed and got dressed. He had more villages to conquer. He wasn't a general for nothing.


"That was close!" said the sleek weasle. Her "hobby" was becoming a bit dangerous. The wolfs body wanted more then just a handjob. She swore his dick was bigger every time she went after it. Her mind was filled with explicit images as she touched her pussy one last time.

"At least I got my fill" she though smelling the scent of her dripping pussy.

She put on her clothes properly and slung on her bow. She followed after the general. Her precious, muscular general.


McKain stood looking over a group of furries. He was in the command tent.

"This next village will be hard." said McKain after hearing all the scouts reports.

"They even have a wall set up around their village." he said...going through his ideas.

"We cant burn it because the jungle is too damp there." he said continuing his thoughts.

"I think the best idea is to send a spy." he said finally.

The other people saluted and with a silent shuffle they departed.

A few minutes later the spy was brought in. McKain almost burst out. It was his beauty.

"Reporting for duty" she said quietly.

McKains head throbbed with emotion.

"No!No!No!" he thought...he wanted her to stay longer. He wanted her to be close.

"No!No!No!" she thought...she didn't wat to loose her muscular play toy.

An arquard moment passed between them. McKain's sense of duty kicked in.

"You are to infiltrate their base. I recomend getting friendly with the locals. Learn their schedual. Learn their lives. Learn everything you can...everything!" he said in a whisper.

She nodded faintly.

Almost without thinking he added an extra line.

"And when you get back I'd like to have dinner with you..." he blurted.

She nidded faintly again but her heart skipped a beat.

McKain watched her body as she left. A large errection sprung up.

He was in love.


She cried out in agony. She hated this part of her plan. She had to willingly take a fall out of a tree. She figured that if she didn't break something in the fall she would still be badly injured.

Voices approached from a distance. Furries holding spears approached her. Theri numbers parted as a human walked out towards her. A large tiger-like animal walking next to him, easily double his size.

He bent down and picked her up. His arms were very gentle but a strange warmth flowed from him. It was similar to her love. Thinking of McKain made her pussy a bit wet. She blushed and then finding nothing better to do, she passed out.

Chapter 4.5 - the hyhenas (gay special)

Lol firstly I'm not gay. I'm just insane. So just for some of the people I know I decided to create a gay yiff special without asking. Warning its gay..dont read if you dont want to hear about gay stuff. Sorry if this story is pretty weak for the gay...

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Chapter 4 - getting back up

All the characters in this story are mine but use them if you want. I insist that you guys also use my concept as I would like to see lots of stories using the same universe though you guys dont have to crash a plane to get there. Otherwise enjoy....

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Chapter 3 - Built up to break down

All the characters in this story are mine but use them if you want. I insist that you guys also use my concept as I would like to see lots of stories using the same universe though you guys dont have to crash a plane to get there. Otherwise enjoy....

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