De-Evolution - NaNo Day 1

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#45 of De-Evolution

The story that MasterAaran and I are working on for NaNo 2012.

Total word goal: 100,000 words

Word count for the day: 4076 words


DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

Night of the Power Outage

Life was good for Tisha. She'd just graduated high school, and was preparing to enter college in the fall. Her parents were throwing her a graduation party and all her friends were coming. Of course, she told her friends not to dress up, since summer was approaching, and who needed the hassle of dressing up for a graduation party? She was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top, her traditional hoodie tied around her waist.

Halfway through the party, the power went out, and despite trying to flip the breakers, nothing worked to get them back on. The group of teenagers decided to take the party outside, someone bringing out candles and a battery operated radio. Someone popped in a CD, and the dancing and drinking and more continued.

After a few hours of partying, the group finally broke up and people started wandering back home. Since Tisha lived in a central location of her friends, and no one wanted to get pulled over for drunk driving, so they just walked home, or crashed over at Tisha's place. Teens sprawled everywhere in the house, upstairs, downstairs, even out in the grass around the backyard.

Day 1 After Power Outage

The next morning, there was still no power, and cars wouldn't start. Anything that had been cold in the fridge or freezer had gone bad overnight. Screams were heard coming from other houses as people found their food had gone bad and the stench was rising in their houses, especially since with the summer heat, there was no air conditioning.

Tisha, herself, was dressed in the right clothes for summer, and she knew that her friends that were still over would love to swim, so she opened her room to the other girls, letting them choose bathing suits. The teens weren't worried about the lack of food right now, just eager to cool off in the water. Tisha stripped down and changed into a bikini, then headed down with the other girls, swimming in the family pool. Soon a few boys joined them, and the group hung out in the pool, or by it.

After a while, the girls headed inside, and they got dressed again. While upstairs, they laughed and giggled and gossiped, like any normal set of teenaged girls. They decided to go to the mall and go shopping. Once they were dressed again, they headed out, the boys heading back to their homes, not wanting to get roped into mall shopping with the girls.

The mall was a few miles from Tisha's house, and the girls were all grumbling about having to walk there when none of the cars would start up, and one by one, the girls decided not to go further, instead heading home. Tisha kept going towards the mall.

No one suspected that this blackout extended farther and wider than any of them could ever dream. Even the emergency services had no power, and were having to resort to walking their patrols instead of driving them. This, in turn, led to the fact that the police were confined to rather small areas.

In one night, gangs and criminal organizations, realizing that they could get away with a whole lot more, began to loot spread themselves out, taking risk that they never would have before, stealing, killing, kidnapping even. While some stores were looted, most of the activity was more sinister than that. One such event was about to happen to young Tisha, as she walked through the town to head to the mall, though, of course, the mall would have been closed anyway. Her parents hadn't been informed where she was going, or they would have told her not to go.

As she walked along, further up ahead, a street gang was hanging out right in the middle of the road. They didn't have to worry about traffic, and already they had harassed and robbed two or three people walking along. Now they were looking out for something a bit more juicy to take for their own...that thing happened to be Tisha. A particularly far-seeing black panther turned to his mates and mrowled, "There's a female coming... I vote we take her.....been a while since we all had some fun."

Tisha kept walking along, not even paying attention to anything, other than watching where her booted feet went. As she drew closer to where the gang was, they could see she was wearing short shorts and a tank top, with her hoodie tied around her waist. Her brown hair hung down her back in a ponytail. The only thing they couldn't see about her yet, was the color of her eyes.

She seemed to be completely oblivious of the gang, even as she drew closer to them, since none of their feet or paws were in the line of her vision as she watched her steps as she walked. But soon, she saw the black paws of the panther in her vision and her head snapped up. Deep sapphire blue eyes peered up at him, her innocence coming through in the gaze she gave him as her steps slowed.

What she hadn't noticed was that the gang, five members strong in all, had slowly surrounded her while she watched. The Panther was their leader, undoubtedly, and he now stood in front of her. One human male was behind her, but there were also a tiger, wolf and fox in the group. "Hello..." The Panther purred, his smile looking rather oily and false. "What's a pretty like you walking down our street? Don't you know you have to pay a fine now to use our road?"

Tisha came to a complete stop, her eyes questioning as she heard his words. She'd never heard of anyone owning the roads before. She didn't even know that there was no more power anywhere. "Since when did you buy the road? Last I heard, this road belonged to the city. And as a resident of this city, I have every right to walk down this road." She flicked her head to the side, tossing her bangs from her warm chocolate brown eyes as she looked at the panther, not even aware of the other four males surrounding her, cutting her off from any escape.

He laughed and shook his head, "Darling, right now this road belongs to us, so unless you intend to pay, we'll have to take our payment from you... on second thought, my boys and me haven't had any fun in a while, so I think we'll take you anyway...come on guys!" He called out. The other males stepped forward, the tiger and the wolf came up on either side, with the fox approaching from next to the Panther, and the human behind. They hemmed her in, kept her boxed between them with no hope of escape. The Panther grinned and made a motion with his hands, at which point strong paws closed around her arms and lifted her, dragging her away.

Tisha screamed as they dragged her off the road and into a building. She struggled against them, trying to stop them from dragging her off, but there was no way she could dig her heels in to stop them. No one came to help her from her screaming, and as the door shut on the building, silence descended on the street outside once again. She kicked and struggled as they drew her deeper into the building, which was an office building, and in one of the offices was a couch in the reception area.

And on that couch is where they threw poor Tisha. They physically tossed her down onto it, then, once again, grabbed her arms and wrenched them above her head, holding on as the Panther looked on and laughed. He immediately began to disrobe, while the human pulled a long knife from his belt and moved toward her, "I would hate to cut you, little I would suggest you don't struggle too much."

Tisha landed on the couch hard and tried to scramble to her feet, but before she got more than a couple inches, her arms were pulled out from under her and yanked above her head, leaving her stretched out on the couch. Trying to get free, she kicked out as the human came towards her with his knife pulled out, her booted toe kicking the tip of the knife, but he had too good a hold on it for her to force it from his hand. Whatever game these... hoodlums... had decided to play was not one that she wanted to play, it seemed.

The Human laughed as she tried to kick the knife from his hands, but he managed to keep a grip on it. Clucking his tongue, he shook his head as the final two members of the gang stepped forward to arrest her legs and hold them as far apart as her body would allow. They held her like this, splayed open, while the Human stepped between her legs to access her better. He slipped the knife into one pantleg, and then sliced, tore or ripped it all the way up to her crotch, where he was forced to stop or hurt her. He repeated the process while she kept struggling, and soon she was down to just the fabric covering her precious center. At this point the guy holding her arms proceeded to pin her arms down while he leaned over her to untie and begin removing her hoody.

Tisha struggled as her legs were grabbed and pulled apart and another scream ripped from her as she felt the knife sliding up her inner thigh. They were scaring her, her eyes wide as she tried to free herself from them. Fear rose in her as the wolf pinned her arms to the couch as he leaned over her and untied her hoodie, pulling the arms away from her, leaving her ass to lay on it. Her black panties were visible through the opening the human had made by slicing across the inseam of her shorts, making them into an oddly hemmed skirt. The way the wolf was positioned over her kept any part of him just out of reach of her biting him. But she could see the two holding her legs apart were a tiger and a fox. It seemed that this little street gang was varied in who was a part of it.

Once the shorts were mostly disposed of, the human stepped back and swapped places with the Panther. The tall black cat sneered down at her and mrowled, then leaned over and hissed in her face. He watched her flinch and all the others laughed as if it were funny. The Human moved now to her torso, and the cold knife blade inserted itself at her belly and stretched the fabric of her tank top up until it tore and then sliced through. He kept working it, while the panther's deft paws unsnapped her shorts and jerked the remaining denim away. The shreds of it were tossed to the floor, and then his claws dug into the fabric of her panties, tearing and ripping them down as well. In his nakedness, his cock was emerging rapidly from it's sheath, lined with barbs and ready to tear into her.

Tisha screamed again as her tanktop was sliced open, her shorts pulled off and her panties torn to shreds. She even felt the cold metal of the knife pressing between her breasts and cutting her bra off, leaving her completely nude for these beasts. There was nothing civilized about them. They were just brutal beasts, taking what they wanted from the young, innocent girl. She struggled against their hold on her, trying to get free, to stop them from what they were about to do to her. Her fear escalated into pure terror, waves of it rolling off her and inciting the five thugs.

None of them cared that she was screaming, all of the thugs just wanted to rape this awesome little peace of young woman. In fact, the screaming and the fear only served to heighten their lewd inclinations. The panther's cock was sticking out proudly now, and he could smell the fear and the scent coming off of her cunt. The other males were making soft whistling or panting noises as they watched their leader get ready to fuck the little bitch there on the couch. She was going to be their toy for as long as they could possibly keep her.

Tisha struggled against them, trying to free herself. Hearing their wolf-whistles and catcalls gave her the strength to fight again. Whatever they wanted from her, she wanted nothing to do with. She wanted her freedom, her parents, her home. She felt her legs being pulled further down the couch, her ass hoisted further up the arm until her spread pussy and ass just barely hung over the far side of the arm with the panther right between her legs. The wolf moved down the couch with her, still pinning her arms over her head and she could see that something was growing under his pants.

Indeed, all five of the guys in the room had hardons in their pants. The canine especially was visible though, because his position put his groin just above her face where she could see it most easily. She was certainly not going to give up easily, but they had her, she was going to get raped if she liked it or not. This innocent eighteen year old, who was probably a virgin, was going to get plowed by this panther. The black animal spit on his hand and rubbed it over the head of his cock, then he used his hand to guide himself up to her slit. He poked at her and rubbed it up and down through her tight slit as she bucked and tried to get away, then, after grunting out for the guys to hold her still, he pushed hard.

Tisha struggled as they held her down, the males all getting a good look at her naked body as she was restrained. Feeling the panther running his cock through her slit, she squirmed and struggled even more, her fear rising in her as he got ready to rape her. Turning her head, she tried to bite the wolf, just as the panther gave that hard thrust, his cock tearing through her hymen as he stole her virginity as he raped her. That thrust kept her from biting the wolf as she screamed in pain, blood coming from her slit and staining the outside of the arm of the couch below her.

Her blood and the fact that he plunged right in gave all of them a perverse thrill. The bitch was still trying to wiggle free though, and so the human slapped her hard across the face, "Shut up and stop trying to get free..." The wolf above her laughed, "I know how to shut her up... hold her arms a moment." The human nodded and gripped her arms, while the Canine slipped off of the couch. He unbuttoned his pants and kicked them off, then straddled her chest and moved up until his knees held her arms again. This time though, his cock was in her face. The new position let the human be able to remove his hands from her wrists. He reached down and gripped her hair, jerking her head back and making her open her mouth so that the wolf could jam his cock inside.

Her mouth did open as her head was pulled back, a scream ripping from her just to be cut off as the wolf shoved his cock into her mouth. Luckily, he wasn't that far in yet, and she bit down hard on his cock, trying to stop what he was doing. The side of her face showed a red handprint from where the human male had slapped her. It had been hard enough that she could feel a bruise starting to form along her cheekbone from the hard impact.

The canine howled with pain when she bit down on his cock, and he growled at her in a mighty bellow as he jerked his member back out of her mouth. "STUPID BITCH BIT ME!!!" He yelled, gripping her hair for himself and jerking it around, then slapping her face again. "Fucking take this cock!!!" He screamed, this time jamming it in and plunging straight to the back of her throat.

Tisha screamed again as the wolf slapped her even harder, his claws leaving furrows on her cheek that immediately turned red, showing that the blood vessels under her skin had been broken, but so far, no blood was seeping from the lines. He cut off the scream by shoving his cock deep into her mouth, the tip hitting the back of her throat, but not quite enough to keep her from chomping down again. A slight twitch of her eyes gave her away, transmitting her intention to bite down again if he didn't get his shit out of her mouth. But despite the air of bravado she kept putting up, the scent of her terror rode high on the air.

He had been watching, and with disgust, he yanked his cock out of her mouth before she could chomp down on it again. "Fuck, this bitch needs breaking before anyone can get her mouth...I want first dibs on her ass." He stepped away, growling and vowing through curses that she would get hers. The other males stood around her, none daring to try taking her mouth as the panther plunged his cock into her again and again, fucking her solidly now, while her blood tainted his cock.

Slightly happier now that the wolf wasn't trying to force his shaft into her mouth, she resume her struggles against the panther, trying to make him stop. But the other three in the gang held her too tightly for her to get anything done to free herself and get away. Without that cock in her mouth to stop her, she started screaming again, trying to get help from anyone. This was so NOT how she expected to spend the day after graduating high school. Something else that seemed to have been forgotten was that the human male had let go of her wrists, so she balled up her hands into fists and started beating on his legs, then moved her arms quickly to start scratching the hell out of his arms with her nails. They were going to pay for what they were doing to her!

Nearly as soon as she begins her assault on the human, the two guys realize their mistake, and each grab an arm, wrenching it back to the side, yelling at one another that they were supposed to have kept a hold of her. The Panther growls at both of them and slammed his cock in hard, tearing her a bit with his barbs as he holds his cock in like that. "This is turning into shit...." he hissed out at his compatriots. "Now get your fuckin acts together... let's rape this bitch and do it properly!" He reached down and with one paw gripped her by the chin, forcing her to look in his eyes. "Listen...very bad things can happen to you today...if you don't stop hurting one more thing and I let him at your ass here and now... you think what I'm doing hurts? Wait until you feel his knot up your ass...and then we'll whip your tits at the same time..."

She struggled to pull her chin from his paw, getting nowhere fast. Hatred flashed in her eyes as she was forced to stare into the panther's. "You think this is a GOOD thing? You thugs are raping me! If you didn't want me to fight back, you would have picked on someone else! But NOOOO! You just had to rape me!" She spat molten bitch at him as she tried to struggle again. "At least what I'm doing is self-fucking-defense! You're just in this to get what YOU want. Every goddamn last one of you!" Taking a deep breath, she let out an ear-piercing scream, enough to trouble every one of the thugs with the high pitched tone.

While all the men in the room were busy either trying to hold her down, or in the case of the panther, raping her, outside on the street someone heard the screams. He had been walking along nearly a block away when he heard what started like someone yelling. He had turned toward the sound, walking slowly, dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. He was tall and muscular, with grey fur on the back of his head and down his back, and also on his upper arms. The rest of his fur was white.

As he drew closer, he heard other noises, his ears perked and he listened intently. They were quite now, muffled almost. He wondered what they could be, but since he didn't know for certain, he couldn't really do anything. He had just turned around to walk back the way he had come, when an ear piercing, blood-curdling scream ripped the silence all around him. NOW he knew something was wrong. He ran down the street and right to the front door of the building that he knew the sound had come from. Putting his shoulder to the locked entryway, he soon came stumbling into the silent office building. The sounds of thudding, struggling and now-muffled screaming were coming from one of the back offices. He jogged down the hallway and skidded to a stop in the doorway of the reception room where Tisha was being held down and brutally raped.

He felt a flame of anger flare up inside of him, just because power was out was no license for people like these scum to come in and rape people. He let out a bellow that ended in a snarl and charged into the room, using the element of surprise to great effect as he tore the fox away from one of her legs. He was much larger than the lithe anthro, and his initial attack sent the smaller creature reeling until he slammed into a table and went over. The burly husky spun on his heel, tail curled in defensively as he wrapped his arms around the human's chest and jerked him away as well. By now the others were reacting as well. The human was flailing about though, and the canine spun, bodyslamming him to the ground and into a sickening crunch. He got up only to be met by a clawed paw to the face coming from the tiger.

Both the tall striped feline and the wolf were on him now, leaving the panther still gripping her hips and rutting her. He was loathe to let her go and believed that his men could take this interloper. Such was not the case. The Husky had done fighting like this before. He laughed off the paw to the face, and gripped the feline's arm, twisting it and snapping it backwards before sending him crashing through a nearby doorway into the office behind the reception room. The wolf was the last of the mobile attackers now, and the two canines slammed into one another, battling it out in the middle of the room. Punches were exchanged, body blows were traded, but at last the husky got a hold on the wolf's tail, and after twisting it around awkwardly, he delivered a debilitating kick to his enemy's exposed groin before bashing his head into the wall. This left only the panther, who finally pulled away from Tisha and tried to flee.

The husky would have none of that though. He reached down behind the reception desk, tore the CPU from the computer there, and hurled it at the fleeing feline. It caught the cat squarely in the back, snapping his back and sending him to the floor in a heap.

Breathing hard, Tisha's savior approached the couch and knelt next to it, hoping he could do something for her and that the rapists hadn't harmed her too badly. There was blood, but only she could tell him if she was too badly hurt.