One Weird Night

Story by Zylen Andel on SoFurry

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Well this took me a long two weeks to get done, but I did manage to get it done by Halloween night. I hope that it's as good as I think it is, so I want you to see my hard work.

Feedback is always welcomed. ^_^

The kinks listed in the icon are:

M/M, Male Herm


Rough Sex

Oral Sex/Rimming

However, due to the lack of space on that icon I couldn't add what the other kinks are, so I had to just choose the main ones that i felt related to most of the scenes. But instead of listing them here...I'll leave them a surprise.

Zylen and the story are (c) to me, zylen_andel

Mint is (c) to

Hryssar Kulazak is (c) to

Darius is (c) to

Burst and Casper are (c) to Burst (on FA)

Apollo is (c) to Apollojay89 (on FA)

Birdie is (c) to Evilbirdie (on FA)

James is (c) to Jamesokonomi (on FA)

Epoh Violetta is (c) to Foxfurries (on IB)

One Weird Night

Written by: Zylen Andel

Zylen Andel stirred from his unexpected sleep.

His body felt normal with no injuries presenting themselves. In fact there was no real trauma to speak of. There was a strange pain in his left hip, but his hands wouldn't lift themselves from the dusty floor to investigate. His eyes finally fluttered open and he found himself staring up at a ceiling that had definitely seen better days. There was no sound around him, it was as if the whole world was muted and he felt a chill run down his spine - he didn't recognize this place. He turned his head to see what other details he could find about the room, being afraid to move anything else. There stacks of old barrels against the far wall, which seemed to be made of stone. He could smell the must and the dust, knowing then that this place had been left like this for quite some time.

Turning his head to investigate the other side of the room didn't make anything clearer for the confused peacock. There was a ladder tucked behind some boxes with storage stamped on them. He felt his heart beating faster, the fear of this unknown situation making itself known. It was dark, he was alone, and had no idea where he was - anyone would be afraid right now. Deciding to risk whatever might happen; Zylen sat up slowly, taking in more of the storage room with his senses. The wood creaked under his weight, but gave no indication that it would buckle or break. The creaking of the wood and his slow breathing were the only sounds that he could hear. He saw ropes hanging from banisters and the support beams, but none of it was used to bind his limbs. In fact, he found it quite easy to move.

That's when he noticed the bandages. They were covering his entire body - even his face. Only his right eye was untouched by the bandages. What had happened to him? Was he injured? Did he get burned? He didn't feel like he was in pain, but seeing these bandages were scaring him. He wanted to tear them off of his body, but he couldn't find the seam where the ended and every time he tried to push his talons underneath the fabric, they were stopped short - like something was protecting them. This scared him even more and his breath began to get quicker. Zylen looked around frantically trying to look for anything that he could use to get the bandages off, but there was nothing.



The fear was guiding his body now; he jumped to his feet, his muscles poised to strike.


Zylen looked up as the sounds got louder, recognizing them as footsteps. He could even see the heavy figure walking over the floor above him.


Zylen looked around again, seeing an axe leaning against one of the boxes to the left of the room. He picked it up and held it firmly in shaky hands, following the heavy footsteps and hoping to find a way out before he met whatever was making those steps.


Zylen jumped as that last footstep resounded louder than the others. He didn't know if that meant that he was getting closer to the thing or it was just walking harder. But he finally saw a dusty old staircase and smiled - until he realized that the steps were making a direct line with those stairs.


"AH!" The peacock screamed out in panic, but slammed his beak shut hoping that the things didn't hear him, but then his heart sank when the steps got faster.


"Oh god..."

Zylen was shaking, but there was only one choice now. He ran towards the stairs, axe still in hand.


The stairs creaked under his weight, so he knew then, that if the thing didn't know he was there before - it knew now.


Zylen made it to the door, reaching for the knob with one hand, but it turned on its own. He gasped loudly and picked up the axe, his heart beating a thousand miles an hour. The door was ripped open, or rather was ripped right off its hinges -


The axe dropped to the stairs behind him as he let go of the axe and wrapped his arms around the tall and muscular dragon that had ripped the door open. The large powerful arms feeling very comforting around Zylen's shaking body.

"Thank god, Darius. I'm so glad to"

Darius nervous chuckled as Zylen noticed that he too was not dressed in usual way. His normally deep green scales had been painted a duller shade, it was clear to tell that it was make-up. But from the looks of Darius' wet hair, he had tried to wash it off unsuccessfully. His bright orange hair was slicked back into shiny pony tail that looked like it was held by - nothing. Covering his strong and muscular body were clothes that one would expect to see in and old vampire movie, black silk pants and jacket over a white ruffled dress shirt. He even had a pair of black dress shoes on his large feet.

"You too huh?"

Darius' voice shook Zylen out of his observations and he was dropped back into his panic. The unknown situation they were in didn't seem comforted by the fact that they had found each other. In fact, they were more scared now knowing that whatever fate lay ahead of them - they would have to worry to each other as well. "Yeah, me too. What is this?"

"I don't know. But we'll find a way out. Come on, we've got to meet up with the others."


Zylen let himself be pulled along by the large dragon, lacing his fingers his mate. The cold fear still bit into neck, but his heart felt warmer in the presence of his current company. He didn't know why he was bandaged all up or why Darius was dressed as vampire, but a small part of him wondered if this was just some kind of Halloween prank. He hoped that it was just a prank, just someone trying to have some scary fun, but as he looked at the bandages again he knew that this was something far more terrifying.

Darius felt the peacock move closer to him, holding him tighter. He looked scared himself, but concerned for the other male as well. He wrapped a strong arm around the bandaged shoulders and pulled him closer as they walked through a dusty hallway. Darius suddenly stopped, looking forward, and then turning to look behind him.

"What? What is it?" The already frightened peacock asked, even more fear dripping out of his beak.

"This..." Darius swallowed the lump that formed in his throat, unsure of whether he should tell the other male what he knew he had to say. "This isn't the same hallway. This one was on the other side of the house. But I can still see the door to the cellar where I found-"

Zylen looked up at Darius and saw the horror that was etched on his face. His heart pounded hard in his chest as he turned slowly to see what he was looking at. The cellar had disappeared and transformed into a kitchen - where a lone figure stood in the blackness of the shadows. From the way it stood, it was not a normal man - it stood hunched over with its hands hanging unnaturally in front of it. Then they heard the breathing - hoarse and somehow inhuman. Darius reached down to the peacock and pulled him gently to his feet, but behind him. The two men began to back up, the shadowed creature remaining where it stood, bright red eyes piercing the shadows and looking at them - following them.


They had hit a wall, but there wasn't a wall there before. Was there? Darius turned to look at the wall and saw there was another hallway to the left. "Go on Zylen, down the ha-"

The creature with the red eyes was gone and the large dragon felt his heart skip a beat. Then it resumed its pace even faster as he heard a roar from the hallway to the left. Zylen came running around the corner, reaching out to grab Darius' arm as they both took off towards the kitchen. The heavy foot falls resounding through the wooden halls and making them run faster to get away. However, the creature with red eyes was faster than either of them and collided with them, sending them all flying forward into the table. The wooden table could not support the weight and a second later they were falling to the floor.

Darius kicked and pushed the creature away, grabbing Zylen and lifting him into his arms. He ran for the nearest door, but it wouldn't open - neither would any of the other doors. They were stuck in the room with the creature with red eyes. Darius put Zylen down and moved towards one of the corners to keep the peacock safe. The creature was grunting and groaning and then jumped to its feet, glaring at the large dragon, but the expression that was now visible on his the gray face was one of panic in its own right.

"Why did you bring me here?! I've never done anything to either of you!"

The creature with the red eyes was not a demonic entity after all, but a feral raptor. Both Darius and Zylen relaxed, but the raptor seemed frightened still. It was clear now why he had such heavy footsteps, aside from his thick legs needed for balance as he runs; his body is mostly covered with firm but flexible gray material. Though strangely enough they were brown leather bands over his tail, left leg, both biceps/triceps, his wrists, and his ankles. Each band had a few feathers sticking out of them and looked to a decoration of sorts. But what really caught the eyes of the other males was the gray latex that seemed to be tighter on his scales than it shoulder be - they could even see it pulsing with his increased heart rate.

"Whoa, wait. We're in the same boat you are."

"Really?" The doubts and suspicions leave the raptor's expression and he actually smiled despite the current situation that they all find themselves in. "My name's Hryssar Kulazak. But you guys can call me Hryssar."

The smile and jovial attitude exuding from Hryssar was enough to break the tensions that ruled Darius' and Zylen's hearts. The peacock let out a breath that he hadn't realized he'd been holding and Darius sighed himself. It was at this point that Zylen's mind relaxed that thought that he was burned somehow and he realized then that if the other two men in this room were dressed in costume, then he must be too. The bandages - that were wrapped around all of his body - were what one would expect to see when creating a costume for a mummy.

"Darius, you said that there were others. Can you ta-"

"There are others? So that's what I've smelled. Come on follow me." Hryssar took and only gave the pair long enough to look at one another before they decided to take off after him.


Burst sprang up into a sitting position, eyes wide and ready to attack. The last thing he remembered was looking up the lights, the crowd's cheering in the background. Casper had taken to the air and was attempting to drive his elbow straight through the gryphon/phoenix hybrid's heart. There was a flash of darkness and then he didn't remember anything between then and now. He was convinced that Casper had done something to him in order to win that match.

"Bastard." Burst sighed, taking stock of the room he was in. It was some a bedroom, but it seemed to have seen better days. The walls had holes in them, the ceiling and the furniture had cobwebs hanging from them, and the room smelled of death. He went to stand up and saw that he wearing plastic pieces of a costume that was made to look like a robot.

"What the...what is this?"

He stood up fully, moving towards a mirror to look over the costume. Whoever had crafted the costume certainly had a strange sense of humor. The bulging plastic pieces had the exact same colorization and patterns as his normal fur did, which he could still feel under the light plastic. The bright oranges and brilliant yellows looking like fire as it wrapped around his smoky chest and belly. The points of articulation in the costume were made of a thin layer of rubber and he was surprised to see his vision was clear, only a plastic helmet and this portion of more dense clear plastic ran over in a single piece of his eyes. His beak was left untouched and stuck out from the plastic. He brought up his tail and smiled a little as even it was covered in segmented articulated pieces of plastic and rubber. He didn't think that Casper had the kind of patience to create something like this, let alone put it on him when he was done. So now Burst was confused, he sighed and turned around, resting against the dresser with the mirror on it.

That's when he saw the bed - and something was on it. The covers were pulled up over something and he felt a lump forming in his throat. Whatever it was moving, but it wasn't making any noise. Burst breathed in slowly and then out, moving quickly, but silently to the bed. He wasn't afraid of what might be under the blanket; he was just getting himself ready to defend himself. The adrenaline coursing through him made his breathing and heart rate increase as he reached the bed. The blanket was shifting as the movements became more pronounced, a slow motion up and down - one bump - then two - then four. Burst took a step back, feeling a bite of fear, but the professional wrestler growled as he squashed his anxieties back down.

"Get a hold of yourself Burst."

The gryphoex stepped back to the bed and reached a hand up to the sheets, gripping it in his hand and ripping it down. On the bed was small wolf that to Burst looked more like a puppy - especially as his arms and legs move slowly in his state of sleep. There was no breast on the shirtless body, so it was clear to identify the person a male, but it also brought a small bit of fear back into Burst's mind. There blood stains and injuries all over the wolf, but he didn't smell any blood. Then as he looked up he noticed something that scared Burst to his core. The little wolf had had his throat ripped open, but he was still moving - and breathing. He let out a soft sigh, reaching a finger in to touch the fake bloody mass of his neck wound. A smile crossed his beak as he noticed the familiar feel of latex and rubber.

"It's just a costume." He moved his hand over to the lithe shoulder and gently shook the sleeping canine. "Hey, wake up."

The eyes fluttered awake and focused on him, he smiled warmly, "Wow, you're beautiful. Why are you dressed as a robot?"

"I guess for the same reason that you're dressed as a zombie."

"Wha...?" The wolf looked down over his fake blood covered body, "Oh cool! My name's Mint."

"I'm Burst. Come on we need to find out where we are, it's obvious that you don't know either. I think we should stick together, too." Burst lifted Mint off the bed and placed him on his feet, only now becoming aware of the scent of mint ice cream - and that the wolf looked the part, with soft mint green fur spotted and sprinkled with spots of a creamy brown. "Mint huh? That'll be easy to remember."

"Everyone says that."

Mint walked past the hybrid bird and actually started to skip out the bedroom door and down the hallway of this dusty old and forgotten house. Burst frowned after him, knowing that he'd probably get himself hurt if he left him alone. He growled at his situation and followed the wolf, unsure of what they would find as they walked deeper into the unknown house. The danger of walking so freely around an environment one was completely unfamiliar with was not lost on Burst, but with the excited little wolf almost running down the dusty and dirty hallway - what choice did he have?

"Hey Mint wait up."

The wolf slowed his pace and allowed the gryphoex to catch up to him. "Sorry, I get excited when I'm scared. Where do you think we are?"

Burst caught up to the wolf, smiling as he smelled the minty scents that seemed to waft off the canine. "I don't have a clue. I think we should stick together, though, okay?"

Mint blushed softly and smiled, lacing his fingers through Burst's and continuing to walk down the hall. He looked completely calm and somehow happy, even in this dire situation; mint seemed as if he didn't care where he was. Burst sighed, wishing he had that kind of optimism. "So, you don't remember dressing yourself as a zombie?"

"Nope. I'm not really a fan of those movies. Are you?"

"Hmm...they're okay."

"What was that?!"

Burst felt the wolf circle around him and hide behind him. He wanted to ask Mint what he had meant, but then he saw it - something moving ahead of them. There was a large black figure that jumped from wall to wall and then the ceiling. Burst stepped back, reaching a hand back to keep Mint behind him and moving with him. The figure was getting closer with every passing second, so they had to make a choice. They had to fight the creature or run from it. The choice was easy for Burst, but Mint was shaking to bad to fight. The avian hybrid looked back to the creature and saw it had sharp bleach white teeth as long as whole hand and he saw it - smiling at them.

"Well fuck that!"

Burst turned to the side, Mint turning with him, as he kicked another door open and ran inside. His heart was pounding in his chest as he heard the soul crushing roar of the creature. He reached out and grabbed Mint, pulling him into the room with him. A quick spin on his heels let him toss the light canine to the soft bed and pressed his back to the door. A second of two later, there was a hard knock on the door - then another one - then nothing.

Mint looked to the door after getting on his knees, shaking hard and expecting that thing to bust the door down and kill them. " it's gone?"

Burst sighed, wiping his brow with the back of his arm, feeling his own heart beating fast against his chest. His voice was much more calm, but it was clear that he was just as scared,

"Well...I'm not poking my head out to find out."


"I heard you! Burst you son bitch! Where are you hiding?!"

The tall lynx ran out of the room he was in, almost tearing the old wood straight off of the older hinges. Casper was furious and it seemed that Burst was the target of his rage. How exactly the little hybrid was able to knock him out and drag him to this place was still unknown. But he smiled as he imagined, beating the answers out of him. Taking the silence as a challenge to push forward, he did, moving with a slow and careful walk as he examined his current surroundings.

It was a wide open place with large tables spotting the floor. The layers of dust that covered the books on those tables would make someone that suffered from OCD die of shock. He wiped his hand across the surface of one of those tables, seeing the distinct cherry colored wood standing out beautifully against the dusty gray film. He looked at his hand and sighed heavily, not seeing a trace of the dust on the dull green make-up that covered his hands - and the rest of his body too. Whatever Burst had done to knock him out, it was obvious that it lasted a good long while because he had that same dull green paint everywhere. He growled as he remembered the soft gray color of his fur, the white underbelly, the black stripes coming down from the bottom corners of his eyes - he was gorgeous. Now he looked like he was going nuclear or something.

"Burst is gonna pay for this."

The room he was in seemed to be some a library and he frowned as he had to arch his neck to look up at the top of the bookshelves that sat as vanguards on the outskirts of the room. They were silent sentinels of knowledge, but they too had a large layer of dust on them. Casper looked at his hand again, the same dull and sickly green color staring back at him almost mocking him. He had tried everything he could think of to get that color off of his skin and fur, before he realized that he wasn't having any luck. He could tell what he had on his body was make-up, but there was something about it that made it very resilient.

"Damn you Burst. If I'm gonna make you pay for this, I've got to find a way out of this place first."

Casper kept walking through the library, his large ears picking up the faint sound of something cracking behind him. But he passed it off as something else; the foam head piece on his head could be messing with his ears. He managed to stop by a mirror and gave his reflection a disapproving growl. With the head increasing the size of Casper's forehead to a freakish extent, the dull green make-up of his body and now the very noticeable plastic bolts glued to his neck it was clear that the lynx was meant to look like Frankenstein. His clothes even reflected this, having a black suit jacket over a white shirt, a pair of black dress pants and pair of heavy combat boots. All of which had bits of dirt and dust and holes that seemed more like they were burned through with intense electricity.

While he was standing at that mirror he was thinking to himself that Burst really didn't have the talent to pull together a costume like this. So he had to be working with someone, which meant that he had more people to get even with when he got out of here.


Casper spun around quickly, balling up his hands and dropping swiftly into his fighting stance. He was ready to fight Burst...or anyone dumb enough to sneak up on him. It was obvious that this place was not a place that was used to be taken care of, which meant that he didn't have to be careful with his opponents. But as his combat haze diminished he came face to face with a - scarecrow?

The black feathered avian was shorter than he was, with less muscle too. Casper smiled a predatory smile, the kind of smile that told the prey that there was no escape. the black bird, however, didn't seem afraid of what was going to happen. He was wearing a light brown straw hat, blue shirt, and overalls, which were all filled with painful and itchy straw. He was too busy scratching the back of his neck to see the look on Casper's face, but he spoke to him anyway.

"I thought I was alone in here. Do you know the way out?"

Casper grinned, "If I knew the way birdie, you'd still be alone. What's your name, short stuff?"

"Instantly attacking my height? Hmm...interesting. Birdie's fine. I don't really have anything that you mortals would consider a name."

The lynx laughed openly, "'You mortals'? Who are you trying to fool kid?"

"It would be unwise to let my appearance fool you." The black bird slowly raised his head up and looked at Casper, who dropped his smile when he saw his eyes. They were orbs like anyone else's, but there was no pupil to speak of and both eyes were entirely were red.

"Wow. That...actually looks pretty good. But I don't think most scarecrows have blood red eyes."

"The eyes aren't part of the costume, but of me. We should go now."

Casper crossed his arms over his chest, smiling down on the little bird, "And why's that? You got some demonic ritual to attend to? Or a virgin to go sacrifice?"

"No. But we seem to be near their territory." Birdie pointed up, abnormally calm as three very large spiders descended towards them. Casper gasped, squashing his fear as he studied them for a moment. There eight eyes all blinked out of sync with each other, which meant that at least one of the spiders would always be focused on them. They had a door at their backs, so that was the plan. Casper grabbed the little black bird and pulled him behind him, backing up with him towards the door.

"Get the door open. They're gonna be on the ground before we get to the door. I'll keep 'em busy."

"Awfully brave of you mortal. I'll just use my powers on them." The bird raised his hand towards them and desires to destroy them, but nothing happens. That when the demon felt a very mortal chill run up and down his spine. "My powers...they're gone."

"Just focus on the door dammit!" The three spiders were on the ground now and moving towards the two. They were faster now and Casper noticed - with a knot in his stomach - that they were almost smiling as they made their way over. Their mandibles were wet with the venom they would most certainly inject.

Birdie turned and ran towards the door along the hallway, turning back to see the large lynx delivering on his promise of protection. He kicked one of the arachnids in the face, the heavy combat boots making the stronger kick even stronger. He heard the crunch under the boot and knew that he had delivered either a kill shot or a debilitating one. One spider down, Casper kept fighting.

"What are you doing? You've got room, let's get out of here."

"You want these things to follow us?" Casper grabbed a chair and broke it against the wall, picking up one of the jagged pieces of the old wood. His heart was pounding, but he'd never admit to being afraid. He was a professional wrestler, so he was used to feeling the effects of adrenaline, but fighting giant spiders really wasn't part of the show. He swung his weapon high and stabbed one of the giant arachnids in the face, hearing a satisfying crunch and screech. Then the last spider, struck his hard in the chest, knocking the air out of him as he feel to the floor.

It moved quickly towards him and he screamed in terror as it revealed it's dripping fangs. Each drop representing death and Casper was looking down the proverbial barrel. But just when the spider was about to sink its fangs in to the lynx, Birdie sank a piece of the wooden chair into his face. It lurched forward still trying to kill the men, but Casper got his senses back. He lifted a hard boot into the underside of that advancing spider and flipped him into the wall, making that piece of wood sink farther into its body. It fell beside Casper, unmoving and bleeding.

"Can we go now?" Birdie was shaking, terrified to be in this place now that he realized he had lost his powers.

Casper nodded and accepted the avian's help to stand. They both made their way to the door, with Casper wanting to tell this bird not to tell anyone that he screamed. He had heard Burst in this house already, so he knew at Least Burst was here. But when he looked at the shivering little black bird, he knew that he was more scared than he had been when facing down those giants spiders. He sighed heavily and allowed himself to be civil to the one that saved his life. "Thank you for the save back there."

"Your welcome."


"Where the hell is Darius?"

The voice was stern, but not angry. the panicked tone came from the fear that something horrible had happened to the big dragon. The voice belonged to an avian that many would not consider a threat to look at. James' body was not built for pure power, being trim and agile with a bit of muscle. His body is covered in a soft blue paint, which he had spent about a half hour trying to scrub off in the bathroom where he had awakened. there was a plastic sword sticking out from the front and back of him - making it appear that he had been impaled. He had no idea why he was dressed like this until he found the others. Darius had been dressed like a vampire - or at least a stereotypical one. And then there the other two in there group.

"He said he heard something and took off. I tried to follow him, but I lost him."

Apollo felt horrible for losing sight of the big man, but it wasn't entirely his fault. Apparently someone thought it was funny to put the white feathered blue jay in one of the joke headless costumes where it was made to look like he was holding his own head. The trench coat that was draped over the foam and plastic rigging over his shoulders reached the back of his knees and hid his normal body well. He was wearing a pair of normal jeans to cover his legs, with a pair of stylish blue and black dress shoes completing the look.

"You...did your best, Apollo. We can't fault you for that. These hallways keep changing anyway, but it's strange that the rooms stay where they are."

"You know what else is strange?" The two avian males turn to look at the small blue fox, named Epoh Violetta. He was standing in front of a large mirror on one wall of the sitting room that they had stumbled into before the hallways began changing again. The blue furred hand was up and close to his face as he studying the joints of his hand - where he saw stitches. The soft brown color tying with the soft blue of his fur. The stitches weren't just on his fingers, they were on wrists, the inside of his arms and legs, his toes, his ankles, his elbows, and even at the bottom of his neck. "I can't find the beginning of these stitches."

The blue fox turned to look at them, the black eyeliner making his eyes appear to be sunken into his head, with the same stitches over his lips and cheeks. To Apollo and James, he looked like a doll, and they both felt a chill run up and down their spine. Why were they in these costumes? Why couldn't they get them off? Where were they? How did the hallways keep changing? Were they all going to die here?

James sighed and decided it was time that kept moving. "Come on, you two. It's obvious that Darius isn't coming back. Maybe the hallways changed too much for him to get back here."

"We can't leave yet. He'll find his way back." Apollo blurted out with small fears circling his tone like buzzards over a dead carcass. He didn't want to give up on finding Darius, but he also knew that with the hallways shifting the way they were, it would be much harder for the big dragon to find his back to the same room. The only hope they had of seeing him again would be to venture into the house and hope they got lucky.

Epoh walked over to Apollo, looping his arm through his, "I'm scared too. Come on."

Apollo was pulled along toward James, who simply turned and walked towards the door on the far wall. The purple avian reached for the doorknob and grabbed it, turning to look at the other men to make sure they were ready for whatever might be beyond this door. He opened the door and saw nothing - there was no hallway, no house, just a deep dark. All three males felt the unsettling blackness enter their souls and chill them to their very core. Nothing could survive in such blackness.

But James gasped when he saw a light, a single beam of yellow light - like a flashlight. Apollo and Epoh saw it too and they felt their fear rising. They each grabbed James' side looking into the dark abyss and seeing nothing by that shifting ray of light. It was easy to tell that the light was waving in such a way that mimicked someone running with a flashlight. Then they heard something, a far away scream that sounded as if it was coming closer. The scream turned to words, barely heard, but instinctively understood.

"..y're th...or..."

James was trying to figure what the voice had said. But Apollo knew and as he spoke his voice was low and dripped with his fear, "They're coming. Close the door."

The other avian and the blue fox looked towards Apollo, then back to the darkness. They still saw the light, running towards them, but then they heard a very loud scream - which turned to gurgling and then nothing. Apollo and Epoh backed up, but James stayed, narrowing his eyes as he caught sight of something. The shimmering of faint shiftings that were moving very fast towards him. Then he saw what they were, disc like creatures with teeth running along the bottom. They all roared at once and James screamed himself, slamming the door shut and moving away. He looked at the shocked and scared expressions on Apollo and Epoh's face, knowing that he had one as well.

"What is this place?"


Zylen and Darius were doing their best to keep up with the feral raptor. Luckily for them Hryssar knew he would be faster and waited patiently for the two to catch up before he would run off again. But soon they made their way into what could only be described as the living room. There was a large fireplace to left, which made the room feel warm and lovely. It would be a nice place to sit if it weren't for the uncertainty of where they were. However they did notice they there were folded pieces of paper on the couches and chairs that dotted the room. Hryssar ran up and looked to them, excited for some unknown reason.

"Hey! This one has my name on it." The raptor said in front of chair with a large hole in the back for his large tail. He lifted the paper and the envelope he found there and sat in the chair. "Ahhh...this is the most comfortable chair I've ever sat in."

Darius and Zylen shared a concerned glance, but decide to investigate themselves. they went through the chair and couches and found their names on a couch. Darius picked up his own envelope and opened it, finding a letter and a bracelet. The bracelet was not remarkable a simple gold band, but what made Darius look at it with confusion was that it was just the right size for his wrist. The metal was slightly cold as he forced it down over his right hand, but he eventually got it on his wrist. The bracelet started to shift and then shrink just a little, enough so that it wouldn't fall off his large - or get pulled off.

Zylen shared his concerned expression and then turned to see Hryssar growling at his wrist. Wrapped around his feral wrist was a silver band with large emeralds circling around the band, his claws pulling at the band as it shrunk to ensure that the raptor would never remove it. Looking to his own seat and the envelope that sat on it, Zylen felt something pulling him towards it. He wanted to open that feel that band on his wrist...he moved slowly, but picked up his envelope. Darius looked up at the peacock and tried to snatch the envelope from his hand, but it tore open and the gold band fell out.

"Zylen don't put it on!" Darius tried to reach for the jeweled bracelet, but it moved on its own towards Zylen. The peacock had heard the words of the dragon, but they felt heavy and sank into nothing. The words he did hear rang in his head silent to the others, but filled with seduction.

"Zylen, please put it on."

"No...I don't want to."

"Yes you do."


Darius watched Zylen talk to nobody and knew that someone else was in his head. He went to stand up, but his right hand was yanked out from under him and he feel back onto the couch. It moved on its own as it covered the dragon's mouth. Darius looked over and saw that Hryssar was in the same situation. He looked back to Zylen, his heart beating quickly as he watched his

"You'll enjoy it. It'll make you feel very comfortable to have that bracelet on your wrist. You want to feel good, don't you?"

"Y...yes, I do want to feel good."

"Then put on the band,"

Zylen couldn't help himself, he wanted that bracelet badly and as he moved closer to it he began to feel warmer. The others too were getting warmer from their bracelets, but there moans were muffled as their hands were still over their mouths. The bracelet felt cool in his hands and Zylen smiled softly as he began to feel good - just as it was promised to him by the voice in his - head?

Clarity returned to the bird and he looked over at Darius and Hryssar who both had expressions of pleasure on their face. They looked like they were trying to resist the pleasure but every time they did it just got more intense. Zylen gasped as he felt a wave of pleasure wash over him and a quick look to his wrist told him why - the gold band with the shimmering sapphires mocked him as it shrunk around his wrist.


Zylen fell to his knees in front of the couch, clutching the cushion as he felt a very large wave of pleasure hit hard. He knew it was a reward for yielding to the wishes of the voice - even if he hadn't slipped on the bracelet himself. He smiled as he felt the familiar feeling of the dragon's tail rubbing over his side and back. He looked up and saw that Darius didn't have his hand over his mouth anymore and accepted the hand as the strong male pulled him up onto the couch with him.

"Well," Hryssar states, the nervous fear evident in his voice, "I guess we'll wait and see if anything bad happens, huh?" The feral raptor forced himself to smile despite his fears, it wouldn't don any one any good to see him acting afraid.

They all heard voices coming from a crowded hallway in front of them and then more coming from behind them. The doors opened at the same time and more men entered, they all stopped when they caught sight of the three men already in the room. Questions about their culpability in their kidnapping was instantly dashed as the mob noticed they too had costumes. So all that was needed right now was a calm and rational discussion about what was happening to them and what they all should do next-


Casper rushed forward and caught everyone - and Burst - by surprise with a strong punch to the bird's jaw. Burst fell to the floor, holding his beak, looking up the lynx with fury in his eyes. But before the gryphoex could react, Mint had stepped between them. Casper would have no problem taking out the tiny canine first, but there was something holding him back - well, someones. The lynx growled loudly and turned to see Darius and James holding him back, they dragged him back away as he fought to get away and teach Burst a lesson.

"Are you stupid or something?"

The lynx stopped fighting and turned to see Zylen staring at him with a firm expression. "He's in a costume too...and his name in one on of these papers...just like you...and just like all of us. He's in the same boat we all are. So whatever you two have going on between's done until we get out of here. Okay?"

Casper swallowed the words he wanted to say, that wouldn't make the others let him go. He glared back at the peacock, trying to put all his anger and hatred into the glare. "Sure." He looked back to Burst, who was being helped up by Mint and Apollo. "Until we get out of here."

Darius and James let the cat go and he instantly made his past the group, even past Burst to find his seat and his envelope. He opened in and saw a silver band with black gemstones around the circumference. He threw the bracelet to the ground and unfolded the paper to read the note.

"Good evening Mr. Onyx. Tonight you will be given a great gift, one of power and strength. You'll be able to do many things that you weren't able to do before.

But you have to pick up the bracelet up first."

"What? The hell..." Casper moved the letter from his vision so he could see the bracelet. He picked it up and looked at it for a second before sliding his hand into it. A second went by before the metal shrank around his wrist., "That's strange."

"I'm so glad that you're here Zylen." Apollo excitedly blurt as he hugged the peacock, "I mean, I'm glad to see you."

Zylen chuckled and kissed the white jay's cheek, "I understand what you mean, Apollo. Nice headless man costume."

Apollo blushed and smiled, "Well it wasn't my choice, but thank you. You looked pretty good as a mummy."

"Yeah, all tied up and helpless."

The voice made Zylen smile, both he and Darius were blushing as James walked up to them. "I think I'm supposed to be a ghost. Well it's better than wearing bed sheet I can't take off."

"Well you looked to me, master." Zylen blushed and smiled, bowing his head to the normally purple feathered avian. He felt Darius walk up behind him and gently pull him backwards against his chest. The hard muscles making him feel even warmer and for the first time, since he woke up here he felt himself rising into his arousal.

"Thank you, pet." James brought his hand up to look at the silver band that adorns his wrist, smiling as he beholds the large amethysts encircling it. Apollo did the same and grinned at the silver bracelet decorated with pink tourmalines, feeling very comfortable at having that bracelet on his wrist.

It didn't take long for the others to have their bracelets on. Burst had garnets, Mint had ambers, and Epoh had diamonds - all of which were decorating a silver band. Birdie had a simple silver bracelet with no gems or jewels and he wondered if that meant anything. Then he saw the gold bands on Zylen and Darius' wrists and his curiosity switched to focus on that nagging question. Then there was a sudden blast of lightning, the sound reverberating throughout the room and the house. The power cut out, dropping the room into total darkness, some of the men gasping others shouting out in fear. When the lights came back on, everyone did a head count and everyone came with the same answer - there was someone new in the room.

Standing near the fireplace was a tall and very muscular elephant, but rather than looking like a normal elephant - his skin was jet black with white skulls and tribal marking over his shoulders and arms. His eyes are colored with a soft purple color, but the sclera's were black with a white pupil. The black skin made it hard to see the outlines of his muscles, but his white thong made it was clear that this elephant was not here to strike fear into their hearts.

"Good evening, my new friends. I trust that everyone had a good time getting here? Halloween is such a fun holiday. Don't you all agree?"

Zylen stood up slowly, unsure of his statement at first, but he said it anyway, "It was your voice I heard in my head. The one that told me to put the bracelet on."

"It wasn't just you." All eyes turned to behold the small blue fox that spoken. He shied away from the attention, but continued to speak, his voice calm and flat. "I heard him too, guiding me until I found him."

The fox pointed to James who looked at the elephant, his voice was a little firmer in tone, "I heard him too."

All the other men nodded their heads as they were looked at, being asked with no words if they had heard the toned pachyderm in their heads as well. This was a very odd situation and many of the men felt their nerves being unsettled, but as the elephant stepped down from the mantle of the fireplace - his thick body shaking as his muscles absorbed the impact - they all forgot their anxieties.

"I can assure you of this. As it said in all of your notes, You are all going to receive a gift of power from me tonight. It will only last for tonight, but your memories of this night will remain with you until the day you pass from this world and we meet again. However, in order to receive this gift you will have to suffer great pain and trauma."

"You kidnapped us to torture us...then give us a gift? What kind of kind of messed karma is that?"

Casper had stood up in the elephant's face, his gaze strong and fierce, but the elephant just smiled and moved past him. The lynx followed him and saw that the same tribal marking on his shoulders were all over his back. His movements were graceful and full of purpose; it was as if every move he made was designed to show off how attractive he was. Each breath in and out, each little wink of his eyes, each twitch of his tail only made the other men want him more. They paid close attention to what he had to say, and the threat of great pain and trauma was met with some resistance - though not as much as one would expect.

"You see, in order to give you the gifts I want to give you, your bodies will have to change." He walks over to the blue fox, softly rubbing his cheek and then gently lifting his chin to match his gaze. "You'd like it if you body was changed right? Even if it involves pain...the end result will be worth it right?"

Epoh moaned softly as he was touched, feeling great warmth and arousal coursing through him, "Yes...I want to you to change my body, please."

"How can I resist such a handsome fox?"

The room fell silent as the group of males took turns glancing dumbly at one another. Each of them wanted this, they couldn't explain why they wanted it, but that didn't change the fact that their bodies were burning lust. the elephant was drinking in their expressions as he began to spin around the room, the scents of these men making his own lusts grow to the point they could no longer be ignored. Suddenly he stopped spinning placing his hands on the feathered shoulders.

"And it will all start with you."

James looked deep into the elephant's eyes and felt himself getting lost in those oddly colored orbs. His mind faded into almost nothing, but then he felt something - a far away cold that was racing towards him. His breathing began to quicken, his heart rate rising, and his vision blurring. With his medical knowledge still obtainable in his hazy mind, he knew what was happening. But he was powerless to stop it, Or rather; he didn't want to stop it. His skin fell cold and his eyes rolled slowly back into his head.

The sight of this caused the other men to gasp - and some to scream - but none of them tried to leave or help the purple feathered avian. The light blue paint of his faded and so did his clothes. his tight and muscular exposed for everyone to see. He began to shake, body resisting what was happening to him even if his mind wouldn't acknowledge the danger. His pulse began to slow down as did his heart and James finally realized that he was in true danger - but still didn't want to fight back. His body fell limp on the floor and hit with a thud. Darius stood up, surprised that he had just watched a man die from nothing but the touch of this strange elephant.

"What the hell did you do to him?"

"I told you the transformations are not the pleasant thing to watch, but what comes after is a bit more uplifting."

As if on cue, James rose again from the floor, but it was instantly clear that something was very wrong. The wispy blue energy the composed his body was what most would expect a ghost to look like. Zylen put his hand over his beak in horror as he looked down and saw the body of his master. They looked up at the avian ghost, his voice sounding the same, as he looked over his wispy hands and body, "This is...interesting."

"Let the shedding of your mortal bodies begin in full."


Everyone turned to see another avian, Birdie, struggling and scratching as the straw that was used to garnish his scarecrow began to burrow into his flesh. His clothes were stripped away and his body exposed as more straw buried itself into his body with his feathers molting off. He backed up until he hit the wall, tearing at his skin and body in a vain attempt to remove the straw. He felt the cracking of the straw as it wormed it's way through his muscles, replacing his flesh and blood with itself. He wanted to scream, but his diaphragm stopped working and he felt the breath leave his lungs. No straw was moving over his face, but his black feathers still fell of his head, leaving his black skin exposed. He gasped and screamed in pain as his skin was pulled away from his skull, the straw filling out the space between and making him feel even more pain.

The elephant turned and laughed while he watched the demonic avian clutch his head as the skin thinned out and became something with the same consistency as tanned leather. The pain of the straw digging its way through his body was excruciating, but as the elephant stared at him he began to feel a strange sense of pleasure. He felt both disconnected and at one with his body, this was truly a feeling he had never felt before. His hand moved and flexed but he wasn't sure if he had told his hand to move or if it had moved on its own. His clothes had not returned, so it was clear to everyone the bird's body was still trim and toned. The eyes remained the crimson orbs that had no other color in them. but as they studied his new body they seemed to be angry. The leathery face, still black and still had the black beak and the incense brazer hanging from the chain near the tip of that beak. The other were worried but they watched Birdie as he slowly turned his beak up into a smile, making them relax - at least for a moment.

"Beautiful. Who's next?"

"This is funny! What kind of monster are you?" Zylen stood up next to Darius, his eyes angry and defiant, but his body was still shaking with the buzzing arousal that was floating around the room.

"The mummy, right. You all probably won't want to watch his change...a lot of gross things happen. But no worries..." his gaze flattened as he looked straight in the peacock's eyes, "...I've got a solution."

The bandages that were still wrapped around his body suddenly let go and uncoiled - but soon wrapped around him again. His feet were brought together and he wobbled before falling forward, but Darius reached out and caught his arms, turning him over and laying him on his back. The bandages bound his legs tightly together, making him wince in discomfort. Still the advanced up, pressing his cock down against his abs, making an outline of it as the dusty bandages continued their journey upward. His wrists were seized and his arms were folded into an 'x' over his chest and bound tightly to his body. The same happened to his wings and tail feathers as they were moved to his back as they wrapped his whole body up tight. His head was left exposed and he looked shocked and scared as the elephant smirked down on him, "Wait. Please...I didn't mean to call you that...I'm sorry."

"You will be."

The bandages reached up and looped over his beak, closing it and biding it shut - even his nostrils. Zylen looked over as saw Darius looking very frightened, but unable to move towards him. Then blackness was all he could see as the bandages encased his body. Suddenly, Darius felt whatever was holding him back disappear and dropped to the side of the encased peacock, rubbing his body. He heard the muffled cries and tied to dig him out, but he found he couldn't. Then he heard more unsettling noises and felt his hand moving up and down over his belly in odd ways.

"What's happening to him?" Apollo asked, fear very clear in his voice as he had seen all this happen, but felt too scared to move.

Darius pulled his hand away, "I don't think we want to know."

The dragon stood up and wanted to do something, but his mind seemed unable to focus on anything but the pleasure in his body. Even while Zylen was encased with something bad happening to him, he couldn't stop himself from acknowledging the pleasure that was seemingly coming from nowhere. It was clear to him that the elephant was doing something to all of them, but before he could even open his mouth he heard a blood chilling scream. Hryssar was thrashing on the ground, trying to reach his back with his hands. The gray latex that had covered his body had all fallen off in one large piece - symbolically representing a cocoon. His scales were getting darker and his thrashes were getting heavier. The sounds of stones scraping against each other filled the room.

It take long for the others to figure out where the sound was coming from. Hryssar's legs were grinding against one another as he thrashed on the floor. His skin was becoming stone, but he was still reaching for his back. Then Apollo gasped and everyone looked at him, the elephant did so with a smile, "He's growing wings."

The second those left that beak was the second that they were proven to be precognitive. Hryssar screamed louder, the agony in his back was making him want to break his half if it meant that he could soothe that stabbing and throbbing pain in shoulders. But then when the bloody stumps pierced his back he suddenly and terrifying overwhelmed with pleasure. The pain persisted and so he was left between heaven and hell. The stumps kept growing; a large hand forming each stump and them more of the arms for the wings took shape. This brought more of the soothing pleasure with them. When the freakish new set of arms were fully formed, the skin and muscles grew over them; the thin membrane between those elongated fingers was the last bit to make him a complete - raptor flavored - gargoyle.

Hryssar stood, breathing heavily, but having a wide smile on his face. He still had the bands over his body, he still had the overall shape of a feral raptor, but his skin was made of stone and he felt heavier and more durable than he used to. He gave his wings a few flaps to test them out and he smiled even wider, his teeth flashing. The other cocoon began to move again, muffled screaming coming from inside the bandages. There were also very grotesque squishing noises and everyone was happy that they couldn't see what was going on. Then suddenly the body fell still and the screams stopped.

"Is he..." Apollo swallowed the word, not wanting to say it. his heart skipped a beat as the elephant turned to smile at him.

"Quite dead, I'm afraid. But worry not, for a mummy you see cannot be a mummy without first dying and then...coming back to life"

The elephant smiled and made a show of snapping his fingers. The bandage tore open and Zylen rose to his feet - literally. Everyone gasped when they saw him - more out of pleasant surprise then true horror. He looked normal, except there were sandy holes over some of his body; his left cheek, his right thigh. and a hole though his belly that exposed his spine. Zylen also had thick gold bands around his upper arms and lower legs with a gold accent around his right eye. He felt the pain of the transformation disappear almost entirely, but it was still there. Then he caught sight of James' body again and instead of being overcome with terror - he felt a strange and alarming sense of hunger fill his mind. He walked over to the body and knelt next to it, reaching a hand over it and closing his eyes, concentrating on his new magic. The purple feathered body twitched as bits and pieces of it were torn away and rose towards the peacock's outstretched hand. The others watched as the sandy holes were filled in the pieces that were being torn away from the dead body.

"There now, Good as new."

Zylen stood up again; the parts that he filled in on his body were the parts that were taken from James' body on the floor. The other men, six now, that hadn't changed were all afraid of what would happen to them, but one of them in particular was nothing short of scared to death. Mint recognized now that they were being turned into their costumes, which meant that soon he would become a zombie. That was fate truly worse than death, but in a way he was excited. He knew that magic was involved and he had certainly been around magic before. And the elephant made it clear that this would only happen for tonight, so he felt ready to accept hi changes with open arms.

Bur it was not his time - yet.

Apollo felt the foam on his shoulder detach from his body and felt a sense of relief wash over him. But that relief was short lived as he realized the only reason that costume would be removed was because he was about to physically embody it. He gasped loudly, but it turned into a gurgling sound, his eyes opening wide as the pain exploded in his mind. He had been in pain before, but this was different. There was a blinding and crippling pain, but underneath it his body told him that it was dying. Then his eyes began to roll back into his head - or so he thought. The panic crushed in around his heart when he saw the ceiling...then the comer of the room...then the wall and the upside down but horror struck faces...then the floor.

"OH MY...god...!"

Apollo screamed then realized that he could still scream. His beak hit the ground, but because of the momentum of his head it kept rolling back until the bloody opening in his neck hit the floor with a wet squish. Then the white jay slowly looked up and saw his own body standing in front of him. His expression changed from shock to horror, but with the faintest of smiles on his face. Something about this excited him, the primal panic he felt was somehow comforting to him, especially in a room surrounded by men that were feeling the same thing - or one that were about to.

About the time that Zylen had broken out of the bandages, Epoh had started to itch. His skin and muscles felt as if they were being ripped open, which in reality wasn't that far from the truth. The stitches that were on his joints failed and he literally fell apart, but even people gasped in horror they had the most morbid question on their mind and in their gaze - where was all the blood? Epoh himself was screaming in pain - of rather what he thought of as pain - but he too realized that was enough blood to fill his body. Then it all became clear in one shocking moment as the fox looked down on his belly and saw that instead of a mass of blood and gore there was - fluff. Like one would find in a stuffed animal.

"What...the fu...?"

To say that the fox was scared would be gigantic understatement. Epoh was terrified looking at his body all jumbled together into a pile covered and filled with pink fluff. The elephant grinned as he took in the shock and horror around him; he was delighted to be causing so much chaos. The stitches had left entirely, and they obediently began to slowly put his body back together again. Piece by piece, and limb by lime he was reconstructed into his normal body, except that his skin had be converted to a type of nylon with his fur remaining that same. He picked up his hand and gave it a few squeezes, watching as it responded like a normal body would, except that he could see the stitches much clearer now and even control them as he willed of seams open and shut repeatedly as a test.

"This is great." Epoh couldn't help but be excited, the transformation wasn't painful just traumatic, but somehow he had gotten over it very quickly. He found great pleasure new form and was very eager to try it out and find out the extent of his new body and apparently powers.

Mint couldn't take the waiting anymore, he jumped to his feet and stomped his foot. "Please! When's it gonna be my turn?"

The elephant smirked as he noticed that there was most definitely fear in that - he'd honestly be insulted if there wasn't - but layered in that exclamation was exhilaration. He was about to grant the minty wolf's request, but then Casper spoke up.

"Just give the baby his damn bottle, already."

With a furrowed brow that pachyderm addressed Mint without taking his eyes off the lynx, "My apologies Mint, but it seems that you'll have to wait for one more guest to get dressed."

With a wave of his hand the transformation starts and Casper instantly regretted his words. He had wanted to try to get everyone else to go before him, but his rude attitude had finally caught up with him. The paint on his fur and flesh melted away but he didn't have time to be happy about that when he felt the nerves in his skin dying. His pigments changed the fur and skin on his hands to that of the paint that used to be there; dull and sickly looking shades of green. The clothes he wa wearing were stripped away by some unknown force, but as the elephant grinned at him he knew who to blame. Casper turned away from the group, hiding his blush and trying desperately to stifle his cries of pain. The nerve damage was the most painful thing he's ever felt, and it came through him like a wave. The nerves in front of the wave gave off pain signals, the nerves in the wave sent and even bigger spike of pain, and then the nerves behind the wave were dead and fell silent.

The other saw his back and legs shaking, with even Burst showing the bully his sympathy. The cool gray fur died and turned to putrid green, the kind of color that elicited that feeling of being sick to all those that looked at it. The fact that the big and sexy lynx was naked in front of them, was little comfort as they watched fight the pain. They knew it hurt...he knew it hurt...but he still fought, not wanting to admit to the others that he was in pain. The transition of living to dead tissue was complete and he fell to his knees, breathing out a desperate breath - but not breathing back in. But just when he thought he was done, the forehead piece that he had been unable to get off fell to the floor.

More pain exploded into his mind as his skull was broken apart and reconstructed. No one could Cleary see what was going on, so the elephant lifted the lynx into the air and turned him around to face the group.

"Don't be selfish; share your pain with them."

Casper was craving the ability to shut that damn elephant up, but his thoughts were clouded with pain as his cranium was extend and reshaped into the large forehead that previously been only fake, but now was real. Then the screwing started. The scream of mechanical noises rang through the room as large bolts were screwed into his neck. This pain was something that even Casper couldn't make him bear in silence. He screamed out in agony as he felt his flesh parting and allowing the uncompromising metal into his body. Mint, Darius, and Burst all stared at the bolts being drilled into his neck by nothing and saw only the pain that was in there future. The others that had already been changed only marveled at his pain and knew that he would join them in bliss soon. Finally, the bolts stopped moving and Casper collapsed to the floor, not moving and still not breathing.

Darius stepped forward to see if he could help, but he felt arms being wrapped around his waist from behind him. He looked over his shoulder and saw Zylen with a lecherous smile on his face. "He's okay."

Zylen kissed the bigger male's cheek, moving around him and pressing his body closer to those big thick muscles. Darius looked at Zylen, and noticed that he looked the same as he always does, but there was something different. He was at a loss to describe exactly what was different about the sexy peacock, but it was there.

Then he heard a scream.

Darius looked up and saw that Casper was standing now, medical staples standing in a line across a large incision in his new forehead. But another scream made it clear that Casper was not the focus of the fear that he heard in those screams. He turned his head the other way - dodging the smiling face of his mate who didn't seem to care anymore that they were going through unimaginable pain. Mint was lying on the couch, clutching his chest and belly. He was convulsing and acting like he was choking. Then it hit Darius and Burst who were still the only left that hadn't changed - Mint was dressed as a zombie, which meant now he was dying from the infection.

Mint cried out in blazing agony as his systems were shut down. He felt his blood slowing his veins and he lungs stopped working. He was actually feeling what it felt like to die. His entire burned with pain, his nerves telling him to act, but all he could was lie there because his muscles wouldn't listen. The infection had spread to them first, taking away the ability to run away or find help. He was sweating and trying to breathe again, but it was useless. His lungs burned even hotter, and his brain felt key - filled with a haze that he could barely experience. then in one final gasp of air to try to inflate his lungs again, he died.

Burst watched with wide eyes, unable to move as he waited for the now dead Mint to come back from the dead. A second later he got his wish and the body stirred again, gently lifting itself up into a sitting position on the couch. Mint tried to say something, but his neck wound become real this time as the front of his throat fell open, luckily there was no blood. The wolf smiled at his new form, feeling oddly indestructible. "Cool."

Darius and Burst looked to one another, wondering which one of them would be next. The answer came with a stabbing pain in Darius' jaw. The muscles were getting slightly thicker, but the real pain was new fangs that were piercing his gums. They were sharp and longer then his normal teeth, but his lower jaw descended slightly to allow him to close his mouth safely. His scales returned to their normal bright colors only briefly before they dulled again, making them appear pale for real this time. His eyes stayed the same shape, but his irises turned to a scarlet color. His body was also exposed, but with Zylen still pressed to him, the view was limited.

"Down in front!" The elephant playfully called out.

Zylen moved away from his love obediently, giving the room a full view of the muscled male, his paling skin traveling down over his thick frame. Even the symbol on his left pec was still there, just in muted colors. His hair turned black, except the hair on his face which remained bright orange. Zylen smiled at the tribute shown to Halloween by Darius' hair colors. His claws on his hands and feet got a little longer and little sharper, but then it was over.

Darius grinned widely feeling very different, but still the same. He looked to Zylen and walked over to him, wrapping arms around the toned waist and pulling him into a deep kiss. The others cheered, and then turned to Burst to watch the final transformation.

The gryphoex saw all the gazes turn to him and he sighed heavily, not being ready but knowing that he had no choice. His arm twitched and he felt a stab of pain, looking down quickly he saw that the costume had fallen off. He knew he was naked now, but was entirely focused on feeling where the pain would come from. It started in his feet, his warm skin being cooled down and then hardened into a metallic substance. He screamed as he fell backwards onto his butt, his eyes wide with fear. his feet grew into metal feet, with rubber in the joints to allow him the same amount of articulation.

"Oh hurts...but..."

The others didn't need him to finish that statement because they knew what he was going to say. His toned legs converted slowly, allowing him to feel his blood vessels becoming the wires for his new robot body. There was a burning pain as he lost his organic body for a new inorganic one, but still there was pleasure inside that pain. He moaned and then collapsed in pain as his cock was converted too. The others watched as it was made into an exact copy of what it used to look like, but it retracted into his body. The robotic transformation moved up to his torso and he felt the changes picking up speed as they reached his internal organs. The pain was excruciating, but as he flexed his metallic toes and legs he felt the pleasure in just moving them around.

His heart beat faster and then stopped for one brief second as it was converted into a robotic equivalent of itself, then it began beating again. His arms were lust as painful as his legs, but he also noticed his increased weight and power. He had apparently broken the floor beneath him with his thrashing, but he didn't care about that. He brought his hand up to his face and watched as the skin and muscles were peeled away, leaving only the bone, but that fell away too. Then he gasped as a new skeleton was built in the exact shape as the one that was lost, over which a fabricated musculature was built and finally a new skin was rolled over the new arm. The real pain started as his skull and face and even his brain were all converted into robotic equivalents. He screamed in pain, this experience far more intense than anything he had felt before, but eventually it faded.

"Is it...done?"

Hryssar and Birdie come over to help the robotic hybrid to his feet. Where Burst looked over his new body and felt how it moved just as easily as his old body. They all looked to the elephant, not sure of what would come next, but he answered that with a soft smile.

"Now for the sexy parts."

There was a flash of bright light as he clapped his hands together, blinding everyone in the room except him. When the light faded, James found himself in a bedroom with large curtain and silk sheets hanging over the bed. He turned to see Birdie in the room. They both looked shocked at everything that had transpired so far, but their erect cocks made it clear what they were really thinking about. James wasted no more time as he flew towards Birdie, grabbing the avian's neck and throwing him onto the bed. Dying was painful, and he knew that Birdie had suffered during his own transformation so he was eager to get the pleasure started for them. He levitated over Birdie, who offered no resistance to his aggressive behavior, smiling down on him with dominance clearly in his eyes.

"You and I are gonna have some fun."

Birdie moaned as he was anticipating the fun that the other avian had just promised him. The wait was short as the black bird felt his legs get pulled over and held open as the ghost bird pressed his transparent cock to his ass. Birdie was surprised at first, but just because James was a ghost didn't mean that he wouldn't feel anything. In fact he felt the weight of the cock that was pressing into him and he moaned louder, making James grin as he began to thrust into the bird's ass. It was strange though, he felt the straw, but it was if it politely moved out of the way of his cock as it pushed in. Then he realized it was strange at all - it was still part of the elephant's magic. He could interact with the smaller avian and that meant that Birdie's ass was all his.

"Oooooh...fuck me..."

"That's exactly what I'm going do, little birdie."

Birdie arched his back as he was thrusted into, the firm rhythm making him feel great pleasure. James definitely knew what he was doing and because of that Birdie felt himself relaxing under the ghost. James leaned down and kissed the black bird, their beak rubbing together with James' tongue licking the chain that the incense brazer hung from. Their bodies responded to each other as if they had known each other forever and knew exactly how to pleasure one another. Birdie wrapped his legs around the ghost's waist and dug his claws into his shoulders. James grinned as his arms shrunk into his body and then out from his shoulder, having grabbed the avian's wrists. James pinned them above his head and held him still. A third arm growing form his spectral belly and wrapping it fingers around the shaft rubbing against him.

Birdie gasped as he felt his arms pinned above his head at the same time as he felt his cock being stroked. James was a fierce lover and Birdie was excited to feel his ministrations all over his body. He gasped again as he felt himself being lifted off the bed and then felt more pressure at his ass as another ghost bird pressed his cock into him, spreading him open even more. "Ahh...too...much..."

The second ghost bird just grinned and chuckled. The first one, now with free hands since the other was holding Birdie's arms behind his back now, rubbed his chest slowly, "'re not complaining are you, because I could stop."

"NO! Don't stop..."

Birdie moaned loudly until one of the ghosts kissed, he wasn't sure which one, but in the long-run it didn't matter. What did matter was the pleasure, but then something happened - something that should've been painful but wasn't. The ghost's removed his limbs, tearing his arms and legs off and tossing them the floor. Now Birdie hung suspended between two hunky ghost birds that were ravaging him and he was powerless to do anything now. The rising pressure in his body was something that he didn't even try to fight against. He was having too much fun to wish it away now.


The ghost both smiled and kept hammering the demon bird turned scarecrow. His straw body was surprisingly soft and felt almost like a real body but had a distinct weighted feel to it. It seems that the all the new pleasures were so intense that it brought both men to their new limits quickly.

"So close..." James remarked as he kept up the thrusts in both sets of his hips. There may have been two ghosts of him, but they still obeyed his one mind. And right now that mind was inundated in vibrant pleasure, so much in fact that was too much to fight against. Both ghosts shouted loudly and then filled the scarecrow with its wet warmth. The second ghost faded as they were lowered to the bed. James pulled out quickly and shot the rest of his ectorgasm all over Biride's cock and belly. It was very strange to see. It was the same color blue as his body was now, but the white outline around the cum seemed to be glowing.

James grinned down as the helpless bird, thinking about leaving him like this for a while, but that would not be very gentlemanly of him. So instead he scoops up some of his cum and uses it to lube his hand as he stroked Birdie's cock hard. Birdie moaned and thrashed - which was pretty much all he could do. But it didn't take long for James to coax out his orgasm, the cream being the same consistency as normal cum, but it was the same color as the straw that packed his body. The pleasure came and went, but the afterglow was amazing and left the two collapsed on the bed, tired and very satisfied.


Burst and Hryssar were already going at it as soon as they were left alone. Hryssar being a gargoyle now, he was made entirely out of stone that seemed somehow to be flexible like his skin and scales. Burst his robotic body to be just as agile as his own, but what was really making this sex fun was the fact that both of them are now much more durable and strong then they were before. So as Hryssar was on his back, his legs spread and taking Burst's robotic cock up his ass, the hybrid gave him a love tap under the chin that would've killed a normal man.

"You're gonna have to hit me harder than that if you want me to feel it."

Hryssar teased, planting his foot on the bird's chest and pushing with all his might. Burst felt him flying backward and he hit a dresser. The wood crumpled underneath his weight and collapsed on top of him as he feel into it. He rolled over onto his hands and knees to get himself up, but the raptor had chosen that exact moment to pounce. Burst moaned out as he felt that literally rock hard cock ram into his ass. He heard the hiss of hydraulic pressure as he clenched down on the cock, rewarding the raptor's tenacity.

"Oh're really hot...Hryssar."

The feral raptoyle leaned and grinned, baring his stony teeth and whispered in lusty but enthusiastic tone, "I know. You're hot too; Now keep working that robot booty of yours."

Burst did so without a second thought. It felt good to him no matter if he was topping or bottoming and in this one session he had topped and bottomed many times already. But right now he was content with feeling those rocky claws at his back, pushing his upper body down towards the floor, with the craggy cock pounded into his mechanical body. Each thrust was brutal, but his durable frame endured the blows with firm defiance. A defiance that Hryssar was too willing to test the limits of. However, he would never get the chance as Burst's robotic body provided him the perfect way to escape danger - turn to face it.

There were mechanical noises that rang out from his body and then Hryssar realized that he was now looking at the front of the robotic hybrid's upper body. Burst aimed a quick punch to his jaw to disorient him, and then launched a more powerful punch that knocked him away. The rocky cock popping out with a the sound of a rock hitting something metallic. Burst sprang to him feet, ready to strike, but Hryssar had a surprise of his own as he took the air. His wings flapping with the sounds grinding stones as he tried to connect a kick to the robot bird's chest, but it missed. He tried to launch a few more strong attacks, but Burst dodged them too, smiling the whole time as they two wanted to be on top and on bottom of each other, the contest was too who wanted which one more.

"Come on you robot chicken, just take the hit so I can fuck you again."

Seeing his opportunity present itself, Burst capitalized and grabbed the raptoyle's tail, yanking his body down to the ground. With a loud and sturdy thud Hryssar hit the floor and Burst was on him in a second or two. He grabbed the shoulders and held him still as he rammed his metallic cock back between the boulders of Hryssar's ass cheeks. They both groaned and moan, happy to be in this exact spots and so they didn't change again. Burst stood up, his sturdy body able to support the weight as he fucked the raptoyle standing holding his arms around his waist and pulling at the base of his tail.

"Ooooh..." The green gargoyle exclaimed as his tail was pulled, which in turn made him clench harder on the robotic cock currently making him feel some of the greatest pleasure he had ever felt in his life up until now. Moving towards the bed, Burst fell on his back on the bed - which broke under the combined weight of these two, but they never lost a beat. The robotic fingers moved to the rock hard cock and stroked it hard and fast, his other hand reaching up to rub the raptoyle's belly. Hryssar arched his back and groaned as he rolled his hips into the thrusts, roaring loudly as his climax hit him. Both mean are blushing and moaning as the warm green colored cum covered Burst's face and chest, making him reach his climax as well. It felt like a normal release, but the seed somehow felt heavier and more like oil.

" are...amaz..."

Both Burst and Hryssar fall asleep right at that moment, the feral raptoyle gently laying down over the robotic gryphoex. Neither of them saw the elephant in the corner of the room smiling at them and then fading away in ripple of light to find the next couple in the next bedroom.


Epoh opened his eyes, not knowing what he would see, but hoping that it was something good. Instead he was in a bedroom, but he didn't see anyone else, that was until he heard a groan from somewhere on the other side of the room. The boy fox walked around the bed and saw the white jay laying on his back - with his disembodied head on his chest.

"Um...are you awake?"

Epoh didn't get answer, so he waited a few moments and asked again...still nothing. She he reached down and picked up the head holding it softly in his hands, "Um...could you wake up please. I'd rather not be alone right now."

Apollo's eyes flutter open and when the blue fox - stitched together in a living tapestry of organic fabric - he gasped and his body jumped up behind him. Epoh yanked his hands back and Apollo's head fell, but was caught by his hand and brought back up to his neck. The jay tried to rest his head on his neck, but the magic wouldn't allow it - he was supposed to be headless after all. Having no other dramatic changes to his body, Apollo felt somewhat lucky, but having to look after his head and his body as separate entities was going to be a new experience. He had no idea how long he's be like this, so he didn't want to waste much more time adjusting.

"Your name was Epoh right?"

"Ew, that's kind of gross."

"What's gross?" Apollo guessed that he would be able to talk given that his condition was a magical one. But as Epoh turned away in what looked disgust he was worried.

"When you talk moves."

Apollo blushed and stood up, not wanting to upset him any more than he already was. But as Epoh looked at his back, he couldn't help but find him attractive. It was just the exposed neck that freak him out, but out of nowhere a sudden wave of warmth washed over them. So he kept his gaze down, but gently pushed Apollo towards the wall and turned him around. Epoh dropped to his knees and began to lick at the jay's cock. They were both feeling the sudden rush of arousal and Epoh soon started to suck on Apollo's cock, licking at the shaft. He looked up and saw Apollo's head further down then it should be and he shivered, trying to take his mouth away from the delicious member, but Apollo's hand moved to the back of his head and forced him back down.

Bending down over the doll fox, Apollo positioned his head at the vulpine's rear waiting until he could those cheeks quivering in anticipation before stopping it progress. Apollo leaned his body back up against the wall and pressed his tongue into the rump squeezing at his face. Luckily Epoh had dexterous feet, and was able to hold Apollo's head at the right angle and distance to keep up the rim job. Apollo controlled the speed and angle of the blow job, making the doll fox take him deep into his throat. The whole time that he has getting sucked off though, he was rimming this sexy little fox and it gave him great pleasure to be able to do both of them at the same in this specific way. He could watch the fox's back muscles flexing over the mounds of his butt cheeks while still feeling the warm wetness around his cock. Epoh reached his hands around and felt up Apollo's ass while he was pleasing this gorgeous jay bird.

The two normally meek individuals were ravaging one another with a passionate ferocity that made it clear that they weren't the one in true control. It was as if someone else was pulling their strings, but they had no reason to complain. And as Epoh felt the cock in his mouth throbbing he knew there wasn't that much farther to go. He heard his own moans rolling over that thick avian cock and blushed as he felt that skilled tongue licking his insides. It felt amazing and all he wanted to do was service this guy and make him cum - the ultimate power trip. He liked being a sub because to him it gave him some power...the power of pleasure and if a guy wanted to take him roughly that was more than okay. He still had the power to draw an orgasm from the people that he was with, and that was all the power he needed.

Apollo kept licking, tasting something that made him want go deeper. He was so high on his own arousal that he didn't think he'd ever truly come down from this. The foot pads rubbing against the back of his head was something that he never imagined could feel so good. The toes flexed at different times and it felt like they would cradle his head if they could. He blushed and moaned into the ass, making his tongue vibrate slightly which made Epoh moan louder. Apollo's hand ran through Epoh's hair, but kept tight control over how much of his cock that Epoh could take. They were working together and against each other in this most carnal of contests, both combatants would get pleasure, but the question is which one would be rewarded first? With both mouths being occupied there were no voice heard - only muffled moans and groans. But the scent of their sex permeated the room and surrounded in their own musk, which only them want each other even more.

Both men felt so close and yet so far from their bodies as if they weren't actually here and now, but were listening to someone tell them about it. It was an odd, but powerful feeling. The pleasure was suddenly so intense that Epoh fumbled Apollo's head and it hit the ground.

"Ooooh...fuck're tongue feels so good. Don't you dare stop."

Apollo's voice was firm and full of the aggressive command that makes Epoh blush - which he did. He sucked harder, licking longer, and even scrapping his teeth delicately against the sensitive throbbing cock. Apollo had had enough and with a mighty yell that surprised even him he felt the release in to the fox's skilled maw. Epoh drank it all down with gusto, keeping his hands on the jay's toned ass. He was groping it and feeling the muscles in it and the warmth still being pumped in this throat. Until finally he hit his own hands-free climax, spilling his seed onto the floor and against the wall. Epoh sat back on his knees; Apollo's body gently pulls him off and bends down to grab his head. Apollo felt a confusing sense of fatigue descend on him and knew somehow it was affecting Epoh as well. So he grabbed the Fox's shoulder and pulled him up to his feet and gently pushed him onto bed on his belly. Apollo lay beside him, rubbing a hand over his back and lightly smacking his ass before they both fell asleep.


Darius suddenly sat up, startled awake by - nothing. "I could've sworn I felt something touch me."

"I did."

Darius looked over in the corner of the room and Mint was standing there with a heavy blush on his face. It was at that time that the large dragon noticed that not only was he naked, but he was erect - not fully though. But even what he had now was bigger than most people would be able to safely take. But Mint had been standing there for a while as the bigger male slept, staring at the cock. He wouldn't move any closer and didn't dare touch it, Mint may be a sexual being, but he was also a respectful one.

Looking towards the canine again, Darius waved him over while he laid back and began to relax on the bed, "Well come on. You've looked at it long enough."

Mint didn't know how to respond at first, but his body moved anyway. The fact that he was now an actual zombie didn't deter how much he wanted to jump the dragon's bones, but he felt that it might have influenced how Darius would receive him. But apparently that was just irrational fears as Darius accepted him and never looked back. Mint climbed up on the bed and straddled the dragon's waist, that big fat cock rubbing against legs and making him blush. The sheer size of that cock would scare most people away but not Mint, he knew he could take it, so right now he spent his time rubbing absent to get both of them hot. Darius groaned and smiled up at the tiny canine, rubbing against his wide hips and using his tail to push his cock up against his back.

"Oh're so big. This is gonna be fun."

Darius growled and rolled to the side, making mint gasp in surprise, and suddenly he was on his back looking up at a very dominant dragon. "You have no idea."

The distinct scent of mint entered his nostrils and Darius grinned down on the dog, pressing the tip of his cock into his body. Mint whimpered and held his breath, gripping the sheets tightly in his hands. Then Darius felt something gooey and gummy and he thought that it was something rather unpleasant, but it turned out to be the canine's natural tailhole. It expanded and let the increasing girth of Darius's cock slide into his body with ever gentle thrusts. The bar on the ladder piercings popping into his ass as well and making him moan in a heated passion that he rarely ever got to. His exposed neck wasn't bleeding, but it was looking different...not scary...but appetizing. Darius felt a strange urge wash over him as he watched the fibers in the neck moving as Mint moaned and breathed. He felt a strong hunger drive his neck down, until his lips were at the exposed neck of Mint.

"What...are you...doing?"

"Shhh...I can hear you heartbeat...I can see it too."

Darius saw that with all the activity going on, Mint was experiencing very high arousal, so his blood vessel were dilated and his heart rate was very fast. All of which he could see and hear and almost feel as he watched the inner working of the zombie wolf's neck. Finally, he could the singing now more and Darius opened his mouth, exposing his fangs and biting down quickly on the other side of Mint's neck. For Mint it was painful in one hand and pleasure in the other as the fangs pierced his neck and started licking at his tainted blood, but that thick fat cock was now fully inside of him. Then the he felt it retreating, his ass hole shrinking back around it as the girth decreased, but then halfway out it suddenly rammed back in.

"OH MY...god..."

Mint was clutching tightly to the big strong dragon as he was fucked hard by the gargantuan cock. Each thrusts slammed hard into his prostate and withered his resistance with only a few thrusts. A savage cry of pleasure was heard as the canine's climax was reached, his cold cum splashing between their bodies. Darius gasped in surprise as he pulled off the neck he was sucking on, cold and coagulated blood dripping from his lips and teeth.

"Ooooh...It's cold. I'm assuming because you're dead now."

The joke made them both smile; wondering if this truly could be considered necrophilia. Because technically, Darius being a vampire and all, he was dead too. But as the vampiric brute continued his thrusts to get to his own climax, that thought was lost to both of them. Right now all that mattered was the pleasure and as Darius thrusted harder he heard loud crack, but never lost his rhythm. He was so close...almost there...the hard clenching on his cock was something that made even the big strong dragon whimper as he felt the crushing pressure.

Mint had already had his climax, but he still felt the same warmth all around his cold lifeless body. and he wanted to feel that virile spray of this man's cum inside of him. He knew he was going to get it; it was just a question of when. That question was answered as soon as Mint felt the top of the knot forming near the base of that colossal cock. He knew then that he'd have to take that knot in order for Darius to get his. He arched his back and gritted his teeth, letting Darius know that he was ready.

Seeing this made the dragon blush. He was so eager to take his knot that Darius resolved himself to giving it everything he's got. He gripped the sheets on either side of Mint's head so the on the pushes up into him his arms would stop the minty not-so-fresh body from moving too far up. He slammed forward and made them both cry out in pleasure. The thrusts to try to pop the knot in were much harder than the one that were just for sex. Darius growled, knowing that he had to be this rough to get his fat knot into such a tight hole, but he hoped that he wasn't being too rough. The fever moans were encouraging though that he was right on track and so he continued. Ultimately the two got it in with a well timed arch of Mint's back and hard thrust. The pressure that built up in both of their bodies was suddenly released in the of a mutual orgasm.

Mint once felt the pleasure of a release and the pleasure of getting filled by the potent dragon's seed. It felt like an hour before Darius' climax ceased entirely, but eventually neither of them had any energy left. So they both collapsed onto the bed and fell fast asleep. The elephant walked up and smiled as he petted Mint's head smile gin as the both of them. before disappearing into the final room where a war was waging.


Zylen whimpered in pain as he was pinned to the wall, a strong hand at his back. The other green and dead hand spanked him hard, trying to strike the fight out of him. But the peacock would not go down so easily. Casper was going to have to work for it, if he was going to make this peacock submit to him. A swift elbow caught the frankensteined lynx by surprise. So did the swift kick to his stomach, but it was all for naught it seemed as a well placed backhand, knocked the bird to the wall again. Casper reached a hand to his hair yanking his head back with on hand and punching him straight across his jaw with the other. Zylen whimpered to the strike, looking at the smug lynx.

"Are you gonna play nice now you filthy little slut?"

"Fuck you."

Casper grinned punching Zylen hard in the belly and driving the air form his lungs, dropping the bird to his knees. Casper goes over to the bed and tears some of the decorative silk away and returned with it in hand. He kicked the blue feathered chest to make sure he still couldn't fight back as he tied his hands and wings behind his back. Once he was sure that the peacock couldn't escape, he yanked him to his feet by his hair and dragged him to the bed. Another swift punch to the gut made his current struggling cease.

"Good boy."

Zylen growled wanting so badly to teach this bully some manners, but in his current condition that was very difficult. Casper was a professional wrestler, so even though it was fake to an extent, he still knew how to control a person by inflicted the right kind of pain. Casper picked the avian up and threw him onto the bed. Casper climbed up after him and positioned him so the his ass was up in the air and his upper body was pressed down onto the bed.

"There now, that's better. You were never gonna beat me anyway."

Casper rubbed over the blue feathered butt cheeks, moving the tail feathers out of the way before giving each of those sexy mounds a firm slap. Zylen moaned at the slaps unable to hide how much pleasure he was in. He blushed as he felt how hot and how wet he was. A scent rose up swiftly that Casper recognized instantly and looked down between the peacock's legs.

"Well look what you have there. Now I'm gonna have some real fun with you."

"No. Don't. Not there."

Casper gave the ass a hard smack, "Shut up slut! You don't get a say." Without preparing him in the least, Casper positioned he is cock at the puffy lips and pressed into the male's cunt. He gasped and smile at the familiar sensation of a vagina wrapped around his cock. The wet and quivering walls undulating rhythmically with everyone of his thrusts. He was the man here...he was in charge...and he was going to take his pleasure whether Zylen got any or not. The hard thrusts were making it very difficult for Zylen to want to get out from underneath this masculine feline. The degradation and rough treatment are exciting, but this guy makes them seem mandatory. As if there was no chance of Zylen being anything better than a receptacle for his tensions. This angered the peacock, but what made it worse is that right now, he didn't want to try to leave.


"Please? You don't want me to stop. I can feel it in the way your clenching on my and how much your pushing back against my thrusts. So just shut up and enjoy the ride, or I'll soften you up some more."


"Flattery will get you nowhere with me slut." Casper kept hammering away at the bird's cunt, feeling the flow of the juices each time he pushed in. Zylen squirmed under the rough touch, feeling his climax approaching despite Casper trying to avoid him getting one. Each thrust made the lynx grin as his climax got closer, he gripped Zylen's hair and yanked his upper body off the bed and held him there. In this position, his hips acted as the balance point for his body, which meant that all the thrusts hit a different spot inside of that tight hot cunt.


"That's right slut, say my name."

Casper saw the hands clenching into fists and thought it was cute that the peacock still thought he could fight him. Maybe after he was done with him he'd untie him and give him a real chance to show him what he was made of. But right now it was only about what he wanted. Zylen moaned despite not wanting to, but the pleasure being faced on him was too intense to resist for very long. He felt his resolve crumbling and finally gave up, letting go of his fists and relaxing into the firm thrusts. Casper noticed this instantly and tore the silk binding his hand away with his claws, with Zylen bracing himself with his now free hands on the bed. The thrusts forward being met with equally hard pushes back and the two began to actively enjoy one another.

"Oh fuck...Casper...yes."

The lynx just grinned, "Yeah, open this cunt for me, I'm close."

The pressure in his body was amazing but all at once it vanished in one loud scream of pure bliss. Zylen cock and cunt both fired at the same time, his fingers digging into the sheets. Casper smiled from ear to ear as he felt the wetness wash over his cock and then groaned into his own climax, claiming this cunt for now. Zylen collapsed to the bed, tired and used and he closed his eyes. Casper rolled over to the side of him, picking the blanket and covering both of them with it, a smug smile on his face as he too closes his eyes suddenly very tired.


There was another bright flash of light, but instead of blinding everyone it woke them up. They all noticed that they were normal again, which made some of them smile. But there were a few frowns, the magical evening being something that they wanted to last longer than it did. Zylen snuggled up close Darius, who simply wrapped his strong arms around his shoulder and hugged him. Burst and Casper gave each other a stern glare, but decided that now was the time to fight. Instead, Burst began to talk to Mint and Casper just looked out the window at the day that looked as if it had just appeared. Epoh and Hryssar were laughing and joking with each other about how they looked in their costumes. James and Apollo were both listening to Birdie as he told them where exactly he came from.

Suddenly there was a loud hiss and a puff of smoke that disappeared quickly, leaving the elephant standing there. He had a wide smile on his face and he spoke with a voice that lacked the mischief he had last night. "I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. I know I enjoyed watching you all."

"You were...watching us?" Burst spoke, blushing softly and smiling to Hryssar, who grinned slyly back at him.

"Yes. And I enjoyed the shows. You people are so colorful. It's so much to play with you all. Alas however, I must away."

"Do you...really have to go?" Mint asked making the elephant smile warmly with pride. "I had so much fun. We all did, I think."

"Yes, I'm sure you did. But worry not; I'll be back next year to cause a little more sexy chaos."

The elephant vanished in a puff of smoke that left everyone feeling oddly happy. The buzzing in their minds was met with buzzing in their hearts. They had just experienced one of the strangest Halloween's they had ever been a part of. And while some of the people here will never see each other again, some bonds were made deeper. The dusty old house had become one of rich substance and as the group left they all felt very connected to the fear they had felt in those last few hours. And as the memories played across their minds they all realized what the elephant had said true, they would never forget their night in these halls with their fears - and with each other.


Reptilian Aggression

**Reptilian Aggression** Written by: Zylen Andel The warmth of the dreams was long forgotten as the male's eyes fluttered open. Zylen yawned and went to stretch, but discovered he couldn't move his limbs. The peacock's eyes opened wider trying...

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Anything But Ordinary

**Anything But Ordinary** Written by: Zylen Andel Commissioned by: ApolloJay89 A knock on the door sounded and bounced off the walls of the large and spacious room. The high ceiling let the sound in and allowed it to run and jump from the...

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Confusion & Frustration

**Confusion & Frustration** Written by: Zylen Andel Commissioned by: Apollojay89 It was just another boring day, at another boring morning, and Apollo let out another boring yawn. He had just woken up and was sitting on his bed, looking out...

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