One Weird Night
**One Weird Night** Written by: Zylen Andel Zylen Andel stirred from his unexpected sleep. His body felt normal with no injuries presenting themselves. In fact there was no real trauma to speak of. There was a strange pain in his left hip, but his...
October 31st 202_3_.
Chapter 1 - The World
Date: 31st augsta location: everonth mountains â€" 500km north of new chentrilla island remmy fidgeted in his chair inside a brown tent which was just large enough to sit down in.
One of Us - Prologue
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **~ saturday, october 31st, 2020 -- 9:45 pm ~** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a party wouldn't just be one without playing flip-the-cup.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 47: I Love My Sins They Are All I Know
December 31st yoe 33 the entity as you call it- the synoptic or one, attacked the empire conquering the five cities, killing many including our leader." "no!" the little bear said, mesmerized.
One of Us - 1 - Gagged
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **~ saturday, october 31st, 2020 -- 10:30 pm ~** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "you should have gone with seb instead, lar." dimitri told him as the trio walked down the stairs.
Diary Of a Noodle
_ **december 31st, 20xx** _ been a month or so since i've written here. things have been going well, figured it'd be nice to write here for new years eve.
Demon willing to kill
Present day--october 26-31st 2011 desmond is in class it was a new teacher his name was filmore wilko since a recent teacher was killed a year ago so they found a new teacher quickly.
Mavis's Treat and Treat
.)**_ _**(date - october 31st, 2019...)**_ _**(time - 10:00 p.m....)**_ _**(timezone - est...)**_ light from the full moon glinted on still lake water.
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 1: Welcome To The End Of The World
Counter earth chronicles - fallen empire chapter 1: welcome to the end of the world day 1089 (december 31st, year of empire 033) i waited in that closet like a coward as the empire i had known for close to three years crumbled around me.
Trevor's Trials, Volume 3 - Trick or Treat
Saturday, october 31st 7:07 pm i looked at my phone, it was just past 7.