Roy and the lion

Story by naughtywolf on SoFurry

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Ok, so this is my second story, my first fur one. please, watch my grammar and such, so you can give good replies. this story contains m/m love so if you dont like it go somplace else. blah, blah, blah, and such. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

Roy and The Lion

It was a hot day, as the tall human traveler walked down the thin dirt path in Rome. he walked along cheerily soaking in the warm sun, daydreaming idly when he heard a cry for help! He ran towards the source of the obvious distress, over the small hill as fast as his sandaled feet would take him.

As he he stumbled over the hill, he found himself almost tripping over a tan lion. The lion was laying down at the moment, but he could tell he was tall even by lion standards.

He was clutching his foot and howling in pain, not to mention to the mans embarrassment, absolutely naked. the man tried to ignore the strong, heavily muscled lions maleness.

he stuttered keeping his eyes averted, "uh-hem, um, do you need some help their, uh...?" the lion finally seemed to notice him, for a moment he forgot about the pain in his foot as he took in the tall roman visage.

He has very dark tan with, with soft olive green eyes, a thin but close cut beard to match his short black hair and the partially exposed hair running down his chest. he wears nothing but a plain white toga and simple wooden and leather sandals.

"oh thank, goodness! my names Leon, can you help me? it feels like theres a stake going through my foot!" the man nodded "uh... sure i suppose.... I'm Roy by the way. let me see."

Roy kneeled at Leons feet, expecting the worst, as the lion slowly pulled away his massive paws. "be gentle, Roy..."

Roy blinked and had to force himself not to collapse with laughter, for all the lions cries, it was a mere thorn stuck into bottom of his footpad. taking a moment to control himself, luckily Leon was turned away his eyes squeezed tight.

Roy plucked the thorn from the lions foot easily, "there that was ea- oof!" his words were cut off as Leons foot reflexively kicked him in the gut knocking him on his back, and knocking out his breath.

"wow that feels much better!" Leon said cheerfully, "thanks Roy your a lifesav-, hey whats, oh yeah, uh, sorry about that. guess i dont know my own strength, heh."

as Roy lies on his back taking in air, Leon kneels on all fours on him pinning him down, his face only a few inches away, the tip of his flaccid cock to Roys dismay, touching his groin causing him to tent.

"you gonna be okay, there? hey, i owe you one!" Roy smiles nervously, trying to ignore the warmth of the sexy lions breath running across his face.

"uh i think so... just back up a little okay?" the lion glance downward and grins slyly, " I don't know, I'm enjoying this position..." he reaches down and squeezes the mans, now fully hard cock causing Roy to blush profusely.

"and you obviously are too" he says with a grin. "but, but i, i...i really don't think i want too" Roy stutters. Leon pouts mockingly "well then... i guess im just gonna have to ask you for one more favor..."

without giving Roy a chance to object he pressed his lips to the man mouth firmly stiffling any further replies. unable to resist while pinned he gave up, and gave in.

he kissed back lustfully, moaning softly as the lions tongue explored his mouth and vice versa. he felt the tigers maleness pressing against his own insistently through his toga.

Leon tries to rub his against the mans stomach but find the cloth getting in the way, with one quick swipe of his claws he tears the toga off.

Roy shivers as he feels the breeze blow over him but is quickly covered by the lions warm fur pressing against him. Leon grins running a heavy paw over Roy's chest.

"i think I'm gonna hafta ask you to turn over for me." Roy glances down at the lions thick meat hesitantly...

Leon chuckles and assures him "don't worry, I'll be gentle..." Roy turns onto his hands and knees feeling a little better now, as the hulking lions form settled back over him, but this time the tip of his meat pressed between his cheeks.

"i hope your ready for this" Leon mumbles, and with that begins pressing his thick meat into the tight hole. Roy winces, gritting his teeth as the lions thick seemingly endless cock continues to fill him. every time he feels he cant possibly take one more inch, he forces himself to take one more, then another, and another, untill finally Leons thick heavy balls rest against his ass.

Leon lets out a low and steady murr, as his cock finally hilts in the average sized human, he kisses roys neck softly. Roy groans, with the cock inside him pushing against the walls of his insides, hes never felt so tightly full.

Leon holds onto Roys sides tightly holding him in place as he slowly pulls back out murring lowly, Roy moans as he feels the sudden emptiness inside him. Leon thrust back in quickly, filling that emptiness again, but slowly begins pulling out again.

He continues doing this slowly thrusting in and out of the humans tight hole. Roy moans in ecstacy with each thrust, Leon reaches around grasping the humans smaller but still ample cock, and jacks him off in rhythm as he fucks him.

Leon murrs deeply as he speeds up his pace, Roy groans feeling the lions thick furry paw around his cock, loving the warmth of his hand and his cock as it continually fills his ass. Leon growls softly as he nears his climax, moving his fastest now, he continually slams ball against the humans ass, his cock seemingly finding new unexplored depthes with each thrust. with one final lunge Leon roars ferocously into the air as he cums hard in Roys ass, cum leaking around the sides of his deeply rooted meat.

As Roy is filled with Leons cum, it takes only one final squeeze to empty his own load, his cum splatters the ground and all over Leons paw.

Leon takes a moment to catch his breath, before wrapping his arms around roy and lyeing on his side, his semi hard cock still wedged up his ass. Roy moans contently, picking up Leons cum covered paw, he begins licking it off sucking each thick furred finger clean. Leon just chuckles running his other paw over Roys chest, murring softly. cuddleing the human gently, in the sun bathed grass the lion rumbles "i owe you one..." just before the two of them drift gently off to sleep...

to be continued...

alright well... let me have it. its kinda short but thats cause the first half is yiff only, and the 2nd contains vore. so anyway tell me what you think whether you like it or not and most importantly WHY. thanks a bunch i hope you enjoyed.