Lost Legend of Agrok

Story by Raust on SoFurry

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#1 of Lost Legend of Agrok

The Lost Legend of Agrok.

Ch.1 Severence.

Reyfis couldn't help but figit in distress and irritation as his mate tried to bargain with the high priestess of their village. He loved her with all his heart, she was his life and his world for the longest time. But her actions regarding their youngest daughter were seriously straining the limits he never before imagined in his heart. He was a proud gryphon of the Hencaney tribe of the slowly uniting wilds of Titania, strong brave, young still, even with two adolescent daughters. He loved them dearly, and would sacrifice anything for them for they were everything he ever wanted in life.

"Surely Agrok could join the priesthood, she is not suited for combat at all. I never wish to discuss this in her presence, but she could never attract a mate with her appearance. She's shaped like a broad wing yet as small and dainty as a taper wing. She is quite bright, she could do organizing or keep records.." His mate pleaded. His beautiful Tikhana, her falcon base gave her a small and fragile frame. But her white with grey wing markings made it the image of gryphonic beauty, and her personality was normally one of understanding and caring nature.

The elder priestess shook her black feathered head, "You just don't understand Miss Asreigh, I don't see book keeping and cleaning as any service to The Great Consorts. Further more, young Agrok is showing me a more physical nature. She is caring , loving, and most honorably humble, but she is not one for the path of a priestess. I suggest taking her to the warriors for training."

Reyfis wanted to leave then and do just that, he knew Agrok could at least find some happiness in protecting others. She had little other future to look forward to, where as he knew just how beautiful she really was, other males were not as open minded. The other males of their village only seen the strange differences in her, the small stature in a broad wing, the petite build to her body. She wasn't shaped like others of her size, and she wasn't large and strong as those of her shape. Her sister, a very lovely falcon based female, had already sampled a fair amount of the young males their age. Poor Agrok had yet to feel flustered under an admiring gaze.

"She is not built to be a warrior that's for normal broad wings!" Tikhana spat the words as her pride found it's way to being wounded by her daughters existence once again.

"Come dear heart, we must not get hot tempered in the sacred den," Reyfis half scolded, half pleaded.

"Your mate is most wise Madam Asreigh, your pride is damaging to your daughter, and can be lethal in the face of our gods. Go now before you anger them any further this day," the elder priestess said sternly.

Reyfis spread a wing over his mate and guided her from the sacred den of the consorts. He had feared this outcome, Tikhana had been trying to find a place for their 'forsaken' daughter. He knew what it was that made her act the way she did, and it hurt his heart so dearly that she had to endure it. His heart hurt further with what she did to young Agrok because of it. It was as if she were trying to hide her, where Reyfis was proud of their daughter and her kind heart. She was his pride and joy, both his daughters were. However his mate was his life and one of their daughters was causing her misery and distress because she was not as every other broad winged type, she felt she had failed as a female. It was ripping his heart apart, neither of them deserved what was happening.

The door to the sacred den was made of many many strands of tiny tiny sea shells strung together, as the two gryphons exited the den the curtain click and rattled softly. The weather on the plain was beautiful, nice and warm, with a gentle breeze that kept things comfortable. Reyfis found himself loathing the weather's beauty on such an ugly day. The people of his village were all milling about on their daily chores, every where about in the seemingly crudely built shelters of sticks and skins. Craftsmen cured hides and carved wood, gatherers came to store their seeds and nuts in the great leather storage tanks. He nodded to one of the young warriors, who served as hunters during peaceful times, as they passed. All seemed normal in Vantegaush village, except for the total lack of human life. Gryphons of the Kenjeya tribe had learned to function without their aid, and while thier goods and structures were not as fine or lovely, they worked just as well. Their own home was at the farthest west end of the village, a short flight, or a bit of a walk, but their lovely well planned skin house was always there, never been damaged by weather or their two younglings growing up. Yet as he gazed upon it on their approach, he couldn't help but feel it was broken.

"I can't believe they refused her, even the sisterhood wont have her Reyfis," Tikhana growled as her anger boiled even higher, "She just doesn't fit in any where, no crafts, no interest or skill in gathering, nothing! We'll probably end up taking care of her all her mate less life!"

"Tika, you know that's not true," Reyfis replied as calmly as he could manage, closing the door to their dome shaped home, "I'm sure if I talk to Krasen I can get Agrok into warrior's training, It's really what she wants to do. I see nothing wrong with her learning to fight, so she can go off and have her adventures."

"Reyfis we did not have a male child!" Tikhana snapped back at him before tears filled her eyes,"Agrok is causing so much trouble for our family, making our very bloodline a joke. Tahkra has been working on relations with other tribes and other villages, she has a vision Reyfis. A vision of a nation for our kind, not just a few scattered tribes in tiny villages. To never have to fear hunting parties or the loss of villages to other neighboring kingdoms, because our homelands are not marked by political borders. But such visions require a certain amount of credibility in the ones who wish to see them through."

Reyfis looked his mate dead in the eyes, his anger at her seemingly unreasonable actions finally showing,"What does any of that have to do with Agrok wanting to be a traveling warrior? Her desire to fight for those who can't fight for themselves? Tell me Tikhana! What does Agrok's dreams have to do with Tahkra's vision?"

"People are talking about our family, Reyfis," his mate replied with a trembling voice, "They don't take any of us seriously, not even our own blood. Maybe you haven't noticed, but Tahkra is part of this family and this is hurting her dreams."

Reyfis could not believe what he just heard, all he could do was stare at her in shock. She had a reason for her anger, her actions, and it was a good one. He felt a ball of ice grow in his gut, a cold lump of pain and realization churning in his insides. One daughter's dreams threatened the other's, and something had to change for either of them to achieve their dreams. If he let things stand as they were neither of them would come close to their dreams and goals. He had to do something, but he had no idea what he could do, everything he came up with felt wrong or had no hope of working. He lowered his eyes a moment to think, but finally raised them again to his mate, full of defeat.

"What can we possibly do Tikhana? Nothing feels right, but we can't let it stay like this or both our goddess' will lose their goals," Reyfis admitted rather woefully.

"Reyfis, I don't like it any more than you do," his mate began a bit sadly, " But we can't keep Agrok around any more, she is the source of the family's problems. She has to be sent out on her own, to cause her own name and tend her own needs. Only then can the family name be restored."

Reyfis closed his eyes tight at the suggestion, the very thought hit his heart like a hammer blow. He could see no other answer, his duty as a parent put him in a position to have to choose among his daughters. The pain that surged through his soul was far greater than he ever imagined he could feel.

Oh Great Consorts, where did Agrok go today? With Tahkra, that's right! Oh please let her stay out late this evening, I can't stand for this to happen any sooner than it has to. Just one excuse to have her stay one more night, so I can have my little kitten with me before I have to cast her out.

Tikhana quickly moved to his side and nuzzled his cheek, "Reyfis? Are you okay love?" her voice was heavy with concern.

Reyfis shook his head, tears escaping his eyes, " How can I be? I must cast out a third of my very reason to live."

Agrok walked about the strange camp, she was here to pretend to be one of her sister's body guards. Tahkra had arranged for herself to speak to the leaders of the Rentuh and the Kreestak tribes who were on the verge of war with one another. Agrok had fought a bit about her position, she had no training at all really. Her wish to stay with her beloved sister and only friend got the better of her in the end and she had agreed to go. If Tahkra succeeded in bringing the two tribes at least to a truce, she would easily gain the admiration and trust of many gryphons of many tribes all around the wild plains. Agrok was pleased to be there to support her sister, but she was getting some stares and not the appreciative stares either. Her watchers weren't being aggressive or threatening in their stares, they simply weren't the stares of interested suitors.

She was being followed by two males, they appeared to be twins, both of them having a lighter tan base color with white wing markings, and a white patch over opposite eyes. They stood patch side toward each other, as they turned they seemed to blend into one large oval. She tried to move to a different part of the camp, seeking refuge else where in the collection of quickly thrown up skin houses. Her twin shadows followed her at a distance, never taking their eyes off her. She started to feel a bit nervous and increasingly uncomfortable under their stare. The thought occurred to her that she may have been prey of sorts to these two, they may not have been accustomed to actually courting a mate or temporary lover. That made her heart drop to her toes, if they were to approach her and hint at or ask directly of such things she would have been happy to oblige, she had hungers she never had the opportunity to feed. They were both quite handsome and strong broad wings, but being taken roughly by force was not a fantasy of hers.

You're supposed to be a body guard Agrok, now play the part and fool these clowns into believing you could take them! She scolded herself before turning suddenly on the males who were now rather close to her.

She bristled and locked a steely gaze on them that showed in her voice as well, " Why have you two been following me and gawking at me? Have you never seen a female before?"

"Yes we have, but we have not seen a thing like you before," The ice in the deep voice of the twin on the right made Agrok's soft yet stern voice seem childish and silly in her threatening tones.

She couldn't back down now however, she pressed on," And just what is that supposed to mean? Are all the Kreestak tribe huge broad wings, that you would not know a smaller gryphon upon sight?"

"Yes, well as far as all of us being broad wings," the left twin said in a softer version of the same deep voice, the tones seemed curious and apologetic, " You are quite different to us, you have the shape of a broad wing and the size of a taperwing. You are also a female who is a warrior, we have never heard of such a thing."

"Is it really so wrong?" She snorted and nearly spat her words, feeling a little bad for the more polite twin, " I'm just as willing and capable as any male is to give my life for others. You'd be surprised at just what I can do."

The right twin growled a bit as he moved forward and grabbed her just above her wing joints with a forelimb, " Quite the disrespectful little wench, maybe I should show you how a female should address and serve a male!"

She gasped as he pulled her to him, her eyes catching the glint of light on his enlarging masculinity. She realized the thought of 'putting her in her place', aroused this male. That thought alone got him fired up, for he hadn't shown any signs of interest until he felt he had to do so. Agrok struggled against his hold, but he was far stronger than she and easily over powered her attempts to free herself. She was about to scream when the other twin gently held her beak, and grasped his brother's forelimb.

"Verikey, what are you doing!" he snapped at his brother with real venom in his voice, " This isn't right and she's a warrior, no way you'll get out of it uninjured. Then how will you be able to deny her claims. Chief Asmaht came to make peace, he would not fight her tribe over obvious wrong doing on your part."

Verikey growled a bit , but reluctantly let go of her, " What ever, she looks like a young male any how. I probably would have never shaken that from my mind."

The last comment was the straw that broke her will. Agrok turned quickly so neither of them could see the tears well up in her sapphire blue eyes. As her heart ached at all the self hating things that came back to her, she made a dark brown blur of herself. She ran as quickly as she could toward her make shift shelter, she thought she heard the more polite twin calling out after her. It didn't matter, he wasn't interested, and she was in no shape to be pestered about how different she was. She barely noticed, but she did happen to see the sun starting to sink over the horizon as she reached her door. She hurled herself inside, collapsing on her bed mat to quake in sobs as her heart bled freely. All the names she had been called, all the people who snubbed her, all the anguish she could see in her mother's eyes, it all pounded on her battered heart anew.

It had been at least an hour of painful heart wrenching sobs before any signs of life neared her camp shelter. Some one had stepped up to her door and was listening, she passed it off in her mind as Tahkra. She welcomed her sister's presence, her only friend and companion. Who ever it was came in, further suggesting it to have been Tahkra, faint fire light spilled into the shelter as they did. Her company sat and watched her as she shuddered in emotional pain that had built for years. After a few moments, they must have felt the need to comfort her for they reached out and ran their fore claw gently between her wing joints along her spine in a comforting manner.

She jumped with a start as she realized the claw was all wrong and too large to be Tahkra's, she turned quickly calling out before she could focus in the dark, " Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Shhh.. I'm not here to hurt or harass you," the face of the polite twin came into focus as his voice registered in her mind. His large yellow eyes caught the faint firelight filtering through the skins of the shelter, concern and guilt showing plainly in them.

Agrok was nervous, but not as much as she first was, he was the one who saved her after all," Why did you come here? Why did you track me down? Does my freakish build fascinate you that much?"

He shook his head slowly, " No, I came to apologize for everything today. It was rather rude of me to gawk at you like that and to say the things I did. And I must apologize for my brother, in truth he's never been like that before. We have been apart recently for several months, I had no idea he would try to do such a thing."

She closed her eyes and let her head slink down further as she sat before the large male, " You were actually very polite in your curiosity, if I had not been born so mis formed there would have been no problems today. I would have likely been with my sister taking our pick of the males out here, which she is undoubtedly doing as we speak."

"Your sister? She's not the one who came to speak to both our tribe's chiefs and help us find peace is she?" He asked curiously.

"Why yes, yes she is," Agrok replied a bit shocked," But, how did you know?"

"When Verikey grabbed you, it was painfully obvious that you had no warrior training," he replied softly, " No warrior would have been so easily subdued. And being a false warrior meant you were here for some one, since your sister is also the only female of your tribe here besides yourself things weren't exactly hard. And you don't by the way."

"I guess it is a little obvious," Agrok sighed as she relaxed a bit more in his presence, " And what do you mean I don't? I don't what?"

He smiled a little bashful smile, and even under the fire light she could tell he was blushing a bit at the nares, " You don't look like a young male. Now that I can see well in this light, I can see that you may be small for a broad wing, but you have a very lovely form. But I must be honest it does throw one off to see you so small, I can't help but wonder if you truly are matured."

She found his words tough, but they lacked the venom of others, so she was just as honest in return, " I have been mature for several years now, I am still young but fully mature and of acceptable age. To tell the truth all males are thrown off by my size and build, not only are they not interested in me they are cruel as well. Many times I've had my hopes up only to find some handsome fellow calling me a malformed sport. So long have I yearned for the affection and the touch of another, but I've come to accept that it will never be."

He reached out and caressed her cheek softly with the back of his fore claw as he began to speak , a voice she was beginning to like, " I'm Kenten, I just realized we never introduced ourselves. I find it is a must before we go on in this conversation."

She leaned her cheek into the caress, letting her eyes droop a little as she enjoyed a touch she had never had before, "I'm Agrok, but why is it so important for us to be introduced?"

He smiled as he moved closer to her, sliding his fore claw down her neck and around her to caress her right wing as he sat against her left side, "Because I wish to make things up to you for today, you don't feel as desirable as you should. I wish to show you how much desire you can bring to others. I wish to be the first to touch you in such a manner, and to share in that joy with you."

She began to purr softly for a brief moment then her ear tufts went from a relaxed laid back to a miserable flattened, "So you want to mate with me because you feel sorry for me."

"Actually, part of it is I feel I owe you something to fix the damage done today," He said softly right into her ear, stroking her neck softly, " The other part is purely selfish, I want to mate with you because you are truly lovely. If every one else is too stupid to see that, then I wish not to pass this opportunity up. We will never be able to again after these talks are done."

Agrok breathed in deeply, feeling rather warm in her belly at his touch, "But why not? Surely you or I could travel to one another, or perhaps take to living on the closest borders."

She was beginning to realize that she liked this handsome strong male who seemed to appreciate her like no other male ever did. She wanted to feel him against her, he ignited all those hungers she never hoped to fulfill. His touches triggered sensations and feelings she didn't recognize, but she knew inside it was the effects of the first steps to feeding her long neglected needs. She just couldn't see why she couldn't have him after this evening, he was actually attracted to her. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. She wasn't sure how mating was achieved, but she knew it had to do with a coupling of bodies at the obvious points of masculine and feminine features. Her heart raced as she began to wonder what he would feel like inside of her, how warm it would feel. She could feel herself preparing, a faint musk began to emanate from her. She was also aware he was putting off a similar, yet different scent. She decided it didn't matter if it would only be once, she wanted him. Her body was just too ready for it to really matter.

"I am promised to the gryphon lady in the court of Ranshin, I am the Chief's son, so I have no choice. This night is my last freedom to follow my heart and my desires. You are my last free choice in matters of mating Agrok," he explained softly to her ear.

She blushed deeply and let out a soft hum, "This sounds horrible but, how do I present myself for you? How do I do this? Because I want to have you inside me Kenten, I want to feel the coupling for what may be the only time in my life."

He breathed a little heavier, and she thought she felt part of him brush her hip a little," You can either stand up and just let me mount you, or you can lay down and hold your hind quarters a little bit up so I can reach your lovely flower. I have to tell you first Agrok, this is your first time so it will hurt, probably a lot, when I first advance within you. I will be as gentle as I can be, and I will wait till the pain ebbs to get started on things if you so choose to do this."

She didn't say a word, she only slid herself against him as she moved to her bed mat again, trailing her tail against his chest. She laid herself down on her belly and raised her hind quarters until she felt her delicate feminine region exposed to the cool air, instinct telling her to curl her tail out of the way. She looked back at him to make sure she was positioned right, it was then that she seen something new to her. As he stood up and moved over her, she could see his male hood fully exposed in it's masculine glory. She hadn't thought about how much larger the broad wing was compared to her, she began to get very nervous about his warning, even a little scared. But her desires were raging beyond her fear, and it only grew hotter when she felt his feathers against her, and the warm rigid tip of his male hood rubbing against her hind end, seeking entrance within her. She gave a slight shiver as his tip brushed over her sensitive lips, which turned into a small gasp as he pressed against her lips to part them and begin his penetration. It felt so wonderful as her body clenched and grasped his male hood, but that came to a stop as he seemed to meet some resistance. she didn't know what it was, she could feel it but she had no clue what it was. She wondered if perhaps he had reached the limits of her body.

"Alright Agrok, you feel the pleasure, it can increase if I go deeper," he said softly into her laid back ear tuft, " But this first time I'll have to do what they call deflowering, or popping you. There's something in you because you haven't been with a male before, a layer of some sort, it will need to be broken to open up the full ecstasy of a coupling. It will hurt at first, do you wish to proceed?"

She looked back at him with a brave little smile,"A painful wait makes the pleasure so much greater."

He nodded and tenderly pressed himself deeper, pushing more firmly against the barrier within her. She felt a bit of a painful straining as he pressed against it, then cried out as an intense burning spread within her as she felt the barrier give with a slight pop. He pressed quickly forward then until he had himself fully within her, then held there, gently stroking her neck and nuzzling her cheek as he waited. Her breaths came in heavy pants as the stabbing pain burned within her, she began to wonder if this would weaken during this coupling. She was aware of the dual sensation of pleasure and pain, though at the moment the pain was greater.

"Let me know when the pain is almost nothing, to where the pleasure is stronger. I'll continue then little angel," he spoke softly and soothingly to her, gently stroking her neck as he held his hind quarters perfectly still for her.

She nodded and breathed in quick gasps as she waited for the pain to stop. Her mind began to trail off to what they must look like from a rear angle, surely the coupling would be visible as she could feel the air against herself and his thick male hood, lodged deep inside of her.

The flap of her shelter opened and a voice that under normal circumstances would have been welcome sang from behind them, "Agrok good news, oh my! I'm so sorry, I'll leave!"

Agrok gasped in horror and mortification as she realized her sister had just revealed her most intimate state to any one who may have passed by, as well as herself, "No! Don't open the flap again, just um. Don't stare at us, close your eyes and plug your ears, or help me do this right if you feel the need! Just don't open that flap again, it's bad enough you seen us."

"You must be Tahkra," Kenten said cheerfully, "I'm Kenten, you must be rather close to your sister here to have her with you here."

"Nice to meet you Kenten," Tahkra replied, her voice seeming to move further away a moment then come closer, "Wow, very nice indeed. I see Agrok has quite good taste, you seem to have selected a prime specimen here little sister."

Agrok was so embarrassed she wanted to crawl under her bed mat. She did however, wish to take Kenten with her under the mat. Her beautiful moment had turned into a fool play, and she was the star.

"We're waiting for the pain to dull enough to proceed so she can enjoy this without so much pain," Kenten explained their situation to Tahkra.

"Well I want this to be a beautiful thing for my little sister, it must seem like a fools play to her right now," Tahkra had moved to her front and was smiling at her with true sisterly love. She took over stroking Agrok's head and helping to sooth her as Kenten caressed her left wing and her left side with a tender fore claw.

Agrok swallowed and nodded, "I think I'm ready to continue now Kenten, it doesn't hurt much at all now."

Kenten nodded softly and withdrew himself almost fully, leaving just the last quarter of himself within her. She gasped at the feel of his withdraw, the sliding giving her a wonderful sensation. She hummed a small moan as he pressed back into her slowly, though a bit faster than before. Agrok was purring with small moans as she was taken by a flood of pleasure like she had never known before. Her powerful steed withdrew and pressed into her again, picking up a little more speed. she clenched a little and caused him to stumble a bit in his thrusting.

"Oh try not to clench so much Aggy, you'll bind him up and you could hurt both of you or even drive him too far too soon," Tahkra said gently as she stroked her head softly, keeping her eyes on Agrok's.

Agrok nodded and tried to relax as Kenten continued to press deep within her, coupling their bodies in a working writhing union. She became aware of a scent filling the air, it was much like the scent she was putting off earlier only much sharper and seemed to have a humid quality to it. he fell into a faster rhythm, bringing her beak to part and a sob of pleasure to issue from her throat. She was pleased to find he was not done speeding up, and his thrusts were coming with greater force bringing more frequent and more forceful sobs of pleasure from her. Agrok became aware of her coat becoming rather wet around the point of coupling, she wondered if that had come from her. She had closed her eyes under the pleasure as Kenten worked away within her, she opened them for a moment to look into the loving white face of her sister. As her body began to tremble a bit with his powerful thrusts, now moving very hard and fast within her, she was vaguely aware of him groaning softly along with her loud passionate sobs of pleasure.

She felt her pleasure rise to an unimaginable level just before her body tensed up causing her to dig her talons into her bed mat. As she cried out one long loud cry of pleasure she became aware of him doing the same as his male hood rested as deep as he could press into her. She felt a new hot wetness within her, almost like small bursts or eruptions. she knew it must have been him releasing his seed within her, she collapsed beneath him. he reacted by sitting up behind her, allowing him to stay within her while his body finished planting it's seed. She turned her front half as far over as she could manage, which was only far enough to reach a forelimb toward him.

Kenten smiled as he panted and laid himself next to her, pulling her onto her side to remain rested in her, "Relish in this little Agrok, you deserve to feel this wonderful always. And I thank you for honoring me with your first mating, it truly made my last freedom even more special."

Agrok leaned back against him and snuggled into his chest, pulling his forelimb over her, "I wish I could have you for my own, you proved to be terribly kind and polite. And I'm not sure for inexperience, but I think you are an incredible lover."

Tahkra smiled and cuddle up to the other side of Agrok, against her belly, "Oh I'm a good judge of that, and watching his performance here I would say you are right Aggy. Only a truly skilled and caring lover would have been able to pull this night off so well. But why can't you keep him? Surely mama and daddy would help you move or help build a house for the both of you, they certainly would approve of such a handsome and well mannered fellow."

Agrok sighed softly, "One night of mating does not make true love Tahk, we would have to continue to see one another over this long distance. But that would be nothing for this sort of feeling, it's the other facts that keep anything more from coming of this."

Kenten nodded softly, "To be honest, if I wasn't the chief's son and heading to a prearranged mate ship tomorrow, I would find it worth the risk to come with you two back to your tribe. Agrok has the kind of heart I admire in a female, she came here just to be with her sister. That takes a lot of love and courage, I find that truly beautiful as well as her beautiful body on top of all that. She truly is a gryphon goddess, I only wish that one day some other wonderful male comes to see her for what she truly is. Then I can take heart in knowing she is happy."

Tahkra turned her pale amber eyes on Kenten, "You shall forever live in our hearts for this, you truly have shown Agrok what it feels like to be wanted. And to know that such a beautiful example of a handsome and charming male would want her should give her a new confidence. It means the world to me."

"Not to be a prude, but it's a bit creepy to have you cuddling me and talking to my chosen male while he's still embedded within me," Agrok said, blushing furiously just before her body forced his now softened male hood from within her, "Oh! Never mind now."

Tahkra giggled rather like a human girl and nuzzled Agrok, "Sorry for not waiting for him to fall out, I was just so happy you got to know the loving touch of a wonderful handsome male. Oh, and as I was saying before you put your coupling so nicely on display for me to see, the talks are going well and we've come to many compromises that seem to have every body pleased so far. We have a bit more to go over in the morning and I do believe we have what the humans call a peace treaty between the Kreestak and the Rentuh."

"You are quite the mover of people and solver of problems Tahkra," Kenten said softly, truly amazed in his tone and in his eyes, "I've heard talk of a female who might one day band us under one chief, give us a kingdom of our own like the humans. I now believe it is you they speak of."

"Queen Tahkra Asreigh," Agrok tested the title on her tongue, "That does have a nice feel and ring to it. And it would be so wonderful to finally be free of human invasion and attempts at forcing their rule on us. Who knows, maybe that perfect world would allow you your freedom again Kenten."

Tahkra's eyes burned with an authoritative passion, "You bet your sweet tail it would, that would be one of my first acts. His contract was to a chief who ruled a tribe for goods they needed from the humans. If there were a queen that would make the contract moot as they would not need the supplies, and Kenten would be free to come home."

Kenten nodded softly,"This is assuming that I have not come to love Lady Krintahl over this period of time. I've never met her, and I have no idea what she's like."

Agrok turned to face him, for this evening he was hers, and she had to say what was in her heart,"I can honestly say there is some love in my heart for you Kenten, enough that to see you go to another female doesn't hurt, so long as you turn out happy. That's what I want to see for you."

Kenten looked into her eyes with his twin amber eyes, "Agrok, it can only be until we part ways, but I would love to be your mate until then. Just to know I had a mate as wonderful as you, in case this is the only time I ever will."

Tahkra whispered into her ear tuft, "This is where you say yes, it'd be stupid not to."

Agrok elbowed her sister in the ribs as she made her reply, "I would be honored, you showed me something just as wonderful. Besides, if other males don't smarten up this may be my only chance to have any mate, let alone a good one."

Kenten only smiled at her and pulled her close to him to fall asleep. Agrok felt herself as rather drained and tired, though quite sated. She snuggled close under his strong forelimb as Tahkra cuddled against her back, and for one brief moment in her life all was happy and right. It was in that happy mating induced euphoria that she drifted to sleep to dream glorious dreams.

Tahkra awoke early, but oddly enough she found herself alone in the shelter. She was mildly surprised that Agrok woke up before her, as well as being able to leave the shelter without waking her. She wasn't surprised to see that she had taken Kenten with her, and that pleased her quite a bit. Though it brought her back to what she knew Agrok was not facing, and with good reason. The union was doomed to be extremely short lived, and Tahkra knew her sister wasn't thinking about that so she could enjoy what time she had. The political minded female gave a soft sigh and stretched to her feet and stared at the brown bed mat, which was nothing more than a thick rug.

As she spotted new stains from the night before, she smiled and said to herself, "Agrok finally got what she deserved, and in a lot of ways, how she deserved it."

Tahkra couldn't help but to think back to her first, nothing so magically or wondrously as enjoyable as what Agrok received from Kenten. Her first partner was well traveled and none too gentle, all he cared about was getting in and getting his release. She remembered crying real tears of pain that night, and being scared to try again with another male for some time. She wished a blessing from the Great Consorts upon Kenten, it was the least she could do for him in return for what he did for Agrok. Tahkra knew she would always hold a special place in her heart for that wonderfully kind and open minded male. Forever would he be a brother in her eyes, and she would have to keep in contact with him some how. If she ever came into power of any kind she would free him from unhappiness, even if Agrok had a mate already.

She poked her nose out the flap and looked into the grey of dawn, the sun was still climbing over the horizon. Her thoughts on what the night had meant for Agrok, or what it could mean, still rolled about in her head as she strolled through the quiet camp. Not a soul was up yet, except for what warriors stood the final watch, things were quite peaceful.

"Good morning Lady Asreigh," a black and light grey broad wing greeted her, his softer voice holding respectful tones.

She started a bit at the title, but looked him right in the green eyes to reply, "Oh, I thank you, but I do believe you are mistaken. A lady is a female of nobility in human courts, we have no such thing on the plains. I'm nothing more than the daughter of a mere warrior from a small tribe, certainly not nobility of any kind."

"You have been far more a leader here than any preening human peacock," the sentry replied with a wry smile, "In all honesty, you are the first gryphon noble to me and I for one will regard you as a lady of the Titania plains. You certainly do fit the part of the fair maiden so many humans make their noble females out to be, at least by gryphon standards."

"You do flatter me so, if i didn't know any better I'd say you were hoping for some company when you're post was over," Tahkra said with a smile and a slight blush, "But I wish to find my sister and see what she's up to before I take to any company this morning."

"Your sister, the small brown broad wing, she went just beyond the camp over the first hill with the son of the Kreestak chief. They seemed rather, well they are obviously fond of each other and not just for exercise," he gave a sly grin that touched those emerald orbs, "I think it best to leave them be in one another's company, as I can't believe you wouldn't know of his prearranged attachment already. As for my post ending, it is over as soon as the Kreestak warrior comes to take my place. I would be honored to escort you where ever you'd like after I am relieved Lady Asreigh."

Tahkra blushed again at the title and the flattery, she couldn't help it,"You are far more wise than the average warrior I've met, and quite respectful. You flatter me, yet you make no move to try and impress me. Then again your form is impressive enough on it's own, add in that respectful manner and sharp mind. Hmm, perhaps I'll have to get to know you better Sir, hey what is your name any way?"

He couldn't look at her now that she had mentioned getting to know him, almost as if the large smooth muscled broad wing felt unworthy, "Lady Asreigh, I am Malehk, Malehk Kentsa. I am merely a warrior, as I could choose what ever female I so desired, I am not worthy of the affection of one so noble and gods touched as yourself. I don't think there could be any who are worthy of you. But, I will escort you any where you'd like to go"

She couldn't stand his self depreciation, as his replacement came up she decided she would leave him little choice, "You will be relieved soon, I wish you to escort me to breakfast then lay out with me. If you are not tired I would also like you to escort me to the final signing of the treaties we came up with."

The Kreestak warrior was within ear shot and arrived as she finished, "The treaties are signed, you did a better job of pulling the chiefs together than you thought Lady Asreigh. They stayed up after you had all agreed to retire, they worked the last details out with one another. They had not a single heated word, it all went together smoothly. Go now Rentuh brother, this wonderful goddess has requested your company. We may feel she's sacred, but we are not worthy of refusing her wishes either are we?"

Tahkra stared at the big black broad wing in shock as Malehk replied, "I suppose it makes sense, if we are not worthy to touch or court her, we certainly aren't worthy of refusing her wishes either. Lady Asreigh, I am ready to escort you to your morning meal."

She stepped up beside him and followed silently, not sure what to make of the newest developments in her status. These tribes listened to her, really listened, and the warriors on both sides seemed to decide she was some kind of authority beyond tribal leaders. She had dreamed of a unified nation on the Titania plain, this is how it would start, but she had never imagined herself as any kind of queen. Only in jest with her sister and Kenten, she never truly believed she'd ever gain any power. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to handle such responsibility, but then if the tribes were to be a real nation some one had to. She began to wonder what precedence this mediation would set and how it would affect her life. As they walked and she thought, Malehk remained respectful and carried himself as the humans would call a 'gentleman'. His demeanor was great and respectful, he was handsome, and he was intelligent and wise. She was beginning to like this broad wing, all that remained was to get him to relax around her so she could tell if it was really him or his sense of duty to be so around her.

As they neared the cooking fires, Tahkra decided she should find out how much of his mind was his own, "Tell me Malehk, you feel I am a Lady of all the tribes. You called me a goddess of gryphons, do you follow me?"

"Lady Tahkra, you inspire those you meet. I would follow you if you were to lead. But, as of now, I follow your ideals and vision," Malehk replied with little pause, if any, as he filled a leather sack with fresh cubed meat chunks for the both of them.

"So you follow my idea's and my vision, but do you follow them blindly," she asked, seeking the appropriate answer for her piece of mind.

He turned his eyes to meet hers with a strong stern gaze that told the truth to his words, "I follow your idea's, but if it came down to hurting people or a civil war, I would be one of the first to try and stop you. A unified nation of the tribes would be a wondrous thing, but it is not worth the price if it costs a single drop of gryphon blood."

She smiled and put her hand shaped fore claws on his cheeks, "No more beautiful words could I hear, I don't want any one hurt. Our peoples getting hurt would be the reason I would like a unified nation of gryphons, to keep other races from hurting us and tribes from hurting each other. But I must admit, I was simply fishing your emotions and your mind set with that last question."

Malehk looked puzzled at her words as he asked his own questions, "But what were you fishing for, and why?"

"Quite simple Malehk of the Rentuh tribe," Tahkra said sweetly with a mischievous smile, "I, Tahkra of the Kenjaya tribe, find you to be a very handsome and polite male. You seem smart and wise, I had to make sure if your wisdom was real or just the result of having a cause to follow. You know, wisdom in the form of conforming to something wise. If that makes any sense. But you see, you gave a more proper answer than I had even hoped for. You follow the idea's because you yourself must have thought about the same thing, or at least something with the same effects. You even thought about how some one could go about it all wrong, I see a bit of leader in you."

He blushed a little at his nares as he began to protest in a bit of a nervous tone, "Lady Asreigh, I am most pleased you find me attractive. But surely there is some one much more suited to you, the son of a chief perhaps? Possibly even an unmated chief, some one of higher standing and worth who will have a future for you."

"My sister has the son of a chief," she replied sweetly, "She only gets to keep him for today, then he goes to a prearranged mate ship for political standings. I would have savagely protested, but he is the first male to genuinely find her attractive and like her for her as well. She deserves such a mate, even if for just one day. I do not want the pain she will feel when he has to leave her, it will be hard enough to watch her deal with it, let alone to know it was dug back up should it happen to me as well. Besides, I like you Malehk, you are charming in your gentle ways toward me. Now if we could get a little confidence towards me, I'd be a little shy about you. Because I wouldn't feel I deserve such perfection. Knowing how often I let myself be taken for recreation already weighs on me with guilt after hearing you speak of me as some sort of heroine."

His fore claws finally moved to rest on her sides and kind of hold her, "I am honored to be chosen for my spirit and my soul, it makes me different from the others and it means you are more likely to remember me after this day. You are no temptress harlot, you are merely mortal and have desires of your own sometimes. As far as you being a heroine, you most definitely are not a hero, yet."

"Oh?" Tahkra asked in reply,"What does that mean, 'yet'?"

The male slung the sack over his shoulder to hang on a carry strap over his back,"Just that you will be should you achieve the goals you have in your heart. Where are we to go for this meal?"

"We'll be joining my sister and her erm.." Tahkra fumbled a bit as she realized she didn't know what to call Kenten, she walked with Malehk a moment while she thought about it, "Well, he's her mate until he has to leave."

"A mate is a mate in the heart, no matter how short life may force their time together," Malehk said softly as he walked her toward the hill he had identified as Agrok's destination, "They have obviously captured one another's hearts to have entered such an arrangement. I've known Kenten for some time, he does not take the word mate lightly. If he intended to only mate with your sister for recreation he'd have made the intent of his attentions known."

Tahkra stopped and stared at him, "Wait, you know Kenten? Why haven't you mentioned it, and how did you come to know one another if your tribes were hostile toward one another?"

"Gryphlets are known to explore where their parents don't wish them to, Lady Asreigh," Malehk said gently with a sly grin, "We were both no exception, we met in the border regions of the tribal lands one day. We decided to explore and play together, had ourselves a wonderful time. Worried our families sick, luckily it was our mothers who found us. His father being the chief and mine being a mere warrior of my tribe, there would have been much trouble and possibly combat over the event. Our mothers decided to arrange to bring us to one another after we wandered off to our play spot a few more times."

As he talked, Tahkra noted that several of the camp guards they passed treated her as if she were some sort of command. They didn't bow or salute as some tribes were known to do, but they certainly gave the feeling that they had. None of them would take their eyes off of her, not that she wasn't used to that, but the look of admiration and respect was something new. She began to wonder just how much of a ripple her actions had made in the hierarchy of the tribes and the plain. These actions would have been punished normally, but now the warriors were not questioned about their gazes. She was seen as an authority to these two tribes, what would that mean to other tribes? She could only wonder how other chiefs would react to mention of Lady Asreigh, it could be everything of acceptance, to outright violent refusal of her perceived position to these two tribes. It could very well become a war if any tribe perceived them both as weak for accepting an authority to both tribes other than the respective chief. As her mind wandered, her feet carried her steadily out of camp and onto the hill they were to climb, leaving the eighteen other warriors and two chiefs behind.

"Tahkra?" Malehk's voice finally broke through her mental whirlpool to bring her back to the physical level of consciousness, "Are you alright? You suddenly got quiet and haven't answered me for a bit now."

She shook her head and hurried her apologies, "No, no I'm alright, sorry about that Mal. I just got lost in my thoughts about everything that's going on with me and this new thing of you folk calling me Lady Asreigh."

"What's this now Tahk? You get the recognition you need to make your dreams work and it frightens you now?" Agrok teased, her soft voice seeming to ride the wind and land directly in Tahkra's ears, "Silly girl, you should rejoice in the adventure this will be to gain such trust of all tribes. You knew it would be hard before you started, and you can't back out now so get used to having some kind of power. At least unofficially."

Tahkra smiled at her sister even as she glared at her, moving down the hill to join her and Kenten. Kenten had managed to find a large blanket to fit them comfortably as they watched the plains together, probably the sunrise as well. To see Agrok smiling, tucked under his tender caring wing, filled her with so much warmth and pride in her little sister. With what she had seen of his girth in the low light, combined with the glorious physique and plumage, Agrok had landed the cream of the Kreestak crop. It could only be proof of what she had said all along, Agrok was truly the prettier of the two, inside and out.

"It's not that Aggy," Tahkra began to explain, "I'm just worried this was too much too fast. I only wished to plant the seeds of unity within the minds of our species, not create a place of nobility for myself in a kingdom that does not exist. I'm afraid some reactions to all this may get people hurt."

"Tahkra come lay with us while you and Malehk eat," Kenten offered as an ice breaker, "And take heart in knowing that there will always be those who hold fast to the old ways, even some chiefs. But we as a people see your views and what you speak of, mostly those who have to fight each other in these petty tribal wars. We are the ones who have to lay open gryphons just like ourselves, to truly see that we are really no different other than which village we were born in."

Malehk guided her to a spot at his side so she was on Agrok's right side, "He speaks true Lady Asreigh, we warriors make everything happen for a chief as far as his power goes. If a new nation of gryphons is forming and he fights it, what do you think his people will do when his warriors leave?"

"I suppose they would have no reason or real desire to stay," She said after a moments thought, taking her place with Malehk as she leaned against him, "Their chief could no longer protect them with no warriors, not to mention the families of the warriors taking craftsmen and priestess' away. Warriors pulling out in a refusal to fight for him really would cripple the tribe."

"I'd never thought of that," Agrok said softly, "But how are you so sure the other tribes warriors don't like what they have to do?"

Kenten smiled and preened her neck softly before he answered with his beak resting in Agrok's neck rough, "We warriors talk when we travel, just like any other craftsman. Art forms are art forms, that includes the martial arts of talon to talon combat. Enough warriors would jump on a unified nation to leave the remaining chiefs scared to be out there."

"So just by existing the nation would force the chiefs to unite with it, simply because the warriors would go to it for the fact of not killing each other," Agrok observed aloud.

Tahkra shook her head, "I'd rather no one be forced, I'd like the chance to show every one out there what we could be and what freedoms we'd have as a unified nation.I want the whole to want it, not have to join it. Even gryphons forcing our kind to join a nation by such means is no better than the more tyrannical humans that take our lands."

Malehk looked at her, his eyes seemed to blaze a bit to her, but he was smiling a little. Was she gaining his approval as a political figure, or as a female in general? She did take note however, that he was right up to her side so that she could feel his warmth. He was definitely catching every word of the conversation, and she was growing more impressed with him by the moment. Though she started to get a feeling of dread for some reason, as if she were waiting for something horrible to happen. It was rather disturbing and it had just come from no where. Malehk managed to bring her mind back to the current situation with the sound of his voice. His smooth rich deep tones kept her attention quite well, even with the nagging feeling of darkness looming over her mind.

"That makes you the best choice for this unorganized nation of ours," He said with a smile, oblivious to her unease, "No more beautiful words or a more beautiful heart could come from any leader of this world of ours thus far. I do find you to be rather impressive, more than as a leader, but as a person as well. Your mind, your convictions, even your very dreams, they reach for the good of all as a whole. Every thing I've seen of you yearns for and seeks peace for our kind."

Agrok gurgled a little giggle, "Oh I know a few things about her that would make her seem far less than pure. Some of her escapades could get quite rough by her tones."

That must have been what she was sensing on the horizon. Her nares burned deep crimson at her sister's revealing jibe. She liked feeling pure the way Malehk made her feel, not as a pretty set of wings to mount. She enjoyed her trysts before, but had always felt a little guilt about them. Her goals would arise after her coming into maturity, though it seemed those days would tail her quite closely. She wanted Malehk to see her the way he already had, surely he must think her to be a too easily lifted tail.

But he would shock her again as he replied, "She may have given into her hungers of the flesh, but that could never take away her mind, heart, or dreams. All her past means to me on that front, is that if we should come to that end in our relations, then I am certain to enjoy what she does. But I will make her wait to sample my skills under her tail. I wish to know her a lot better first, she is already different than any of the ladies I've taken. Perhaps something better than just a bout of pleasure and exercise will come between us."

"Well this is certainly a change of situations. Normally I find the fast tryst and Agrok seeks real emotion. Now I find real emotion and Agrok actually finds a fast tryst," Tahkra was still blushing dark red when she made the jibe, "But I think I should like to get to know you Malehk, you are already quite amazing to me. I think it would do me good to look into my own male rather than picking up some pretty muscles for an evening. I shall not touch any male until we decide what we will become. It would be the more proper and Lady like thing to do."

Malehk smiled and gave her cheek a soft nuzzle,"Lady Asreigh, you may consider me yours until we truly decide what relationship we are to have. I will not allow any other female to give me carnal affections."

Kenten grinned at his once forbidden friend, "Aiming high as always Malehk? I mean your playmate was the son of the rival tribe's chief, you had to be the chiefs personal guard, and now you set to bond with who may very well be the future leader of our unformed nation."

Malehk opened his beak to speak, but was quickly cut off by the shout of some one new to them all, "You there! Have you warriors? There is a band of refugee's that desperately needs protection, they are being pursued. I left my mate to hold off the attackers as long as I could!"

They all looked skyward for the source of the very male voice, and Tahkra's beak dropped at what she was seeing. It was a creature they had never even heard of before, some sort of reptilian creature aloft on leathery wings. His body was white and, from what she could tell, well muscled under his scales. His bat like wings had a white leading edge with a deep blue on the inside that also appeared along the under side, starting at the chin and ending at the tip of his long tail. at least she guessed it was a he, it sounded male and seemed to have many masculine qualities.

Malehk and Kenten both sprang to their feet and bristled, taking defensive postures over Tahkra and Agrok. As they did so the reptile landed and bowed from a bit of a distance. Agrok stood and took a similar stance as Kenten, a little in a shadow position to her temporary mate.

Kenten being of the closest thing to rank among the tribes stepped forward and barked a command, "Who goes there? State your species, name, and business!"

The reptile seemed rather annoyed but in too much a hurry to argue, "I am a Drake of Skanshial, my name is Saltriss of The Eye, and I already told you why I'm here. People are fleeing their deaths into your lands, they need your help and your protection."

"People are invading our lands, and you wish us to help them." Kenten growled a bit, "What madness is this? To be invaded by those who take our lands by force and be expected to aid them?"

"It is no madness," the drake replied, "No matter what their armies have done, surely you would protect the few women children and non fighting males that remain. their kingdom came under attack not more than eight hours ago, and this fleeing band is all that remains of it. A war spanning many worlds has come to yours and swallowed it's first nation. If you don't rise up now and push them out of your lands they will take you next."

Kenten ground his beak a moment then turned to Tahkra, "Go and inform the chiefs, rally what few warriors we have here and send them after us. Make sure to get messages back to both tribes for reinforcements, this sounds big and no one tribe can do it alone. This will be the first time our two tribes fly together. Take us to the grounds of our glory Saltriss."

Kenten hadn't waited for her to do so, but Tahkra answered with a nod any way. She turned her back to the trio and the drake and rushed for the chiefs meeting shelter, shouting for a rise to battle the whole way. Her heart sank as the feeling of dread strengthened, and all she could do was pray that they all made it out of the day alive.

It was a fevered flight, furiously pumping wings carrying them all with great speed over the plains toward battle and those who needed them. With every wing beat Kenten grew more and more concerned about Agrok, she was no warrior. He had to figure some way to keep her safe, he knew he already cared enough for her that he would never be able to live with himself if something happened to her. He could not risk her cover as far as she was at the meeting camp, not even to Malehk. He had to get her out of ear shot of the other two, then he could tell her something. But even then, how would he keep her safe in a combat situation?

"Kenten," Agrok's lovely sweet voice caught him by surprise, "could you fly up high with me, I need to make a private request of you."

He nodded his ascension and great fully fought for altitude along side her. Kenten couldn't help but watch her form rise with more ease than he was having in the climb, so graceful and lovely in her movements and her form. He became convinced that any male to doubt her attractive appearance needed only see her in flight. The more he watched her, the more foul a taste this situation left in his beak. He knew he could be very happy with a lady of her values and bold nature, it only helped things that she was beautiful. Even in her shyness she was bold and strong in her love for her sister, she had to be to have played the part she did. A female warrior had never been heard of or even considered, yet every one seemed to believe she was indeed her sister's body guard. He admired her for her courage and her heart. It was going to be a painful shame to say goodbye to her for his prearranged mate ship to a lady in a court he had never met. To leave his beautiful plains for the life of human cities, cramped indoors that were small, confined and boxed in.

"Kenten, I'm scared," she admitted as soon as they were at a safe hight, "I've never fought before, and this sounds very serious. I don't want to get hurt, or cause anyone to get hurt because of my lack of training and skills."

"Why did you come then Agrok," he asked in reply as he looked strait at her eyes," You could have gone with your sister on an excuse of rousing others, yet you came along. And make no mistake, I do not see you as a liability."

She looked down with a bit of a sad look in her face before she turned her gaze back to him. A strong and resolute look blazed in her eyes. He could see a fire burning there that he had guessed at, but never thought he'd get to see. This was who and what she was, no mistaking it, her next words would bring the true nature and beauty of her soul.

"Because I may not be a trained warrior, but people are in trouble. I can fight much better than untrained and unarmed human women and children. So I will stand for them because I am stronger than they are and it is right that I do so," her voice carried a cold steel to it as she made her declaration.

Kenten felt his heart swell at such powerful words that came strait from her heart and soul, he was in the presence of the perfect warrior, female, and gryphon all in one. He was flying at the side of a daughter of the consorts themselves, a gryphonic Valkyrie. She had him by the heart and he knew it, he loved this brave and seemingly fragile little female. If there were more time he knew they would have been eternally bonded by the heart, he felt it in his soul.

"Stay close to me," he said with just as much strength and resolve in his voice, "By my side nothing will ever be able to even aim at you."

"Thank you Kenten," she said with a small embarrassed smile, "Not just for protecting me, but for making me feel precious. Around you I feel even more wonderful than Tahkra, and right now I need all the confidence I can get"

He smiled at her and shifted his flight so he took the weight of her left wing on his right wing, "You are far more than Tahkra could ever hope to be, love. The longer I'm near you, the more I find you to be truly precious to this world and even to the heavens. By all that is in my heart I will not allow anything to take you from the skies, for they are nothing if you do not rise to them. Before I go back down I'd like to speak to Malehk."

She nodded softly, her brilliant blue eyes seemed to have a moist glint to them as she did. He watched her graceful shift from kiting to a controlled dive so that she could rejoin Malehk and Saltriss. As he watched the trio below himself he noticed that the 'drake', as he had called himself, did a lot more kiting than the gryphons. He seemed to be more gliding than flying, though he had taken off just like they did. His heart raced as he watched Malehk climb, what he had on his mind would would test the limits of their friendship and just how deep the bonds ran. But Kenten had made his decision, and if Tahkra achieved her goals it would be a moot point any how.

"What did you wish to talk about old friend," Malehk called out as he came to a safe hight, " I believe it involves strategy with Agrok but I could be wrong. And yes, featherbrain, I'm as much a warrior as you are, I could tell she isn't."

"You would be correct, but your mind is not where mine is planning," Kenten replied with a gentle sigh, "Only I will watch over Agrok, easy to use our relationship to mask the protection. If we both do, it will be obvious that we are covering her. The real strategy is what I will do if we all make it out of this. She told me some things of herself and her family Malehk."

"I see, but what does that have to do with me Kenten," the Rentuh male asked in reply, "You and her are grown, you can handle yourselves."

"That's just it Malehk," Kenten returned softly,"I may not make it through this, and I want, no I need you to look after her for me as best you can. I realized on this trip, I love her. If we make it back I'm going to tell my father that I refuse to leave the one I love for a stranger in a place I could never be happy. She is the one Malehk, and I need to help her from what she faces back home. Her mother refuses to let her train as a warrior so she can do what she so desires."

"This is very dangerous ground Kenten," Malehk cautioned, " But I have been with you in defying our chiefs all this time for something as childish as a playmate, I might as well stand with you for something this worthwhile. And I will watch over her if you fall my friend, just as I would hope you watch over Lady Asreigh should I fall."

"You have my word on the honor we forged as friends and brothers in soul," Kenten replied with a grim nod to his friend.

As the two males dropped back to join the drake and Agrok, Saltriss added his own to the conversations, "I know she's not a fighter, and there must be good reasons to hide it. But what ever her status, she's much more capable and much more a chance for these people than they had without us four. I trust all that shifting was a strategy to keep her safe, so I'll leave it to you birds while I cover my own mate. And if things get too hot, you get to our position and cover the rear of the fleeing refugee's you hear lass? I'd like to think we can all make it out of this alive, or at least hold on till reinforcements arrive."

"Yes sir," Agrok squeaked a bit at being found out so easily, "I wish to get out of this alive as well, but I refuse to sit by and let people get hurt."

"That's good, because here we come to the battle, Kahlah has held them off pretty good but I can feel her power fading," Saltriss said with a point of his snout to the plumes of smoke rising from the ground.

Kenten could see them now, a dark blotch moving quickly and unorganized across the plains, fleeing the second only slightly smaller blotch. As he watches a huge ball of blue-white energy erupted at the head of the second, more organized group. He understood now what he had not earlier, how Saltriss' mate could be holding off a chasing pack of soldiers. She was a mage, and by the looks of that spell, even with fading power, quite the powerful spell flinger. He let his eyes trail back to see where her earlier spells had gone off, huge blackened rings where some sort of fire spell had been used, as well as a few places where the earth seemed to have folded up on it's self. he was impressed at the power display, and his hopes of surviving this encounter soared greatly.

He was a good warrior however, and as they folded their wings to join the fight, he did not let his sense of security rise in the least. This was combat after all, anything could happen at any moment. Even a tiny factor as simple as a pebble could spell the doom of the greatest of legends on the battle field. Kenten was surprised to see hope rather than fear in the eyes of the people who gazed up at the tight formation that buzzed rather quickly just above the refugee's heads. That did not bode well, for the gryphons of the plains were feared by the average human for their fierce predatory capabilities. What it meant was they had been pursued by such a powerful and savage enemy that the large predators of the skies over their neighboring plain were a welcome sight. they had seen something so terrible that the huge beaks and sharp claws of the wild gryphons were a thing of hope rather than fear. It could only mean that the gryphons would do one of two things in their minds, save them , or give them a much more merciful death.

As they landed next to another one of these so called 'drakes' Kenten felt his stomach tie in knots. He'd never seen such a look in peoples eyes before and it shook him to his core. He nodded to the very lean and lithe drake, it seemed to be female, lean and curvy with a rather feminine form. She was colored and marked much like the male Saltriss, but her wings and belly were a deep rich crimson. Her colors didn't help his shaken mood, it reminded him of blood to be spilled. He was scared for the second time in his life as he headed into a battle. What kind of savage beasts would make up thier foe's forces that the humans would welcome the cunning efficiency of gryphons over head?

"Saltriss! They are quite stubborn," the female drake spoke in a very soft and seemingly kindly voice, "I'm glad you found at least some help, but I do believe we will need much more to drive them back. I'm beginning to think they will fight to the last."

Saltriss took the female up in a tight embrace, though a quick one,"Kahlah, I have good news. They are merely an advance party, there will be more coming. I found a small camp for some kind of gathering, they have said their tribes will join this fight."

Kenten stepped up , taking that as his cue to speak, "We are of the Rentuh and Kreestak tribes, we have just come to treaty with one another and are eager to fight along side , rather than against each other. Our chiefs will be rallying all nearby villages for their warriors as quickly as they can. What can we do in the mean time?"

"You can take a defensive position just below me, keep them off of me while I pummel their forces," Kahlah said quickly, her voice never growing harsh, yet carrying strong authority, "It's really all we can do until reinforcements arrive, and I'm sure as hell not letting these brutes at the civilians. We're lucky, they weren't expecting aerial fighters. Your warriors will confound them greatly once they arrive."

"So what are we fighting today," Malehk asked as he moved ahead of the mage to take his position.

"Humans," Saltriss replied grimly, "They use weapons and armors that augment their speed and strength, they kill for a living and for sport. Very good at what they do too, these are the younger bucks though."

Kenten looked to the male drake, only then taking notice that he had produced an odd type of sword. The blade was just a tad thinner than an average long sword, and it had a gentle curve to it. He couldn't help but admire the efficient design of the weapon. The hilt down through the handle and up to the pummel seemed to be made of one smooth pearl, white leather wrapped the handle for grip. the pummel disturbed him a little though, the pearl seemed to be fused with a black gem that made it look like one sharp eye gazing at all things about them. He was able to shake it off though and take a position with enough room between him and Malehk for Agrok to fight, placing the two warriors on either side and close at hand.

Agrok thankfully took their meaning and sat between the two males, looking over at Kenten with a nervous yet determined gaze. Much to her credit she wasn't shaking, but he knew that was likely because this was her dream. she stood strong and confident, ready to lay her life down for those who could not protect themselves. In his life he had seen nothing so beautiful or powerful to behold. This small untrained female was going to stand against trained butchers to protect the innocent. it was decided then and there that if she lived, the day would be a perfect victory. She did something to surprise him however, she threw her forelimbs around his neck and buried her beak in his feathers. very much a human embrace, but he loved the feel of it, her lovely form clinging to his. He wrapped his forelimbs around her middle and held her close, returning her affections and wishes of luck. He found himself praying he would hold her like that again.

Saltriss nodded at the formation and took a place out in front of Agrok, "Excellent formation, this will leave Agrok in the least combat as she's the least experienced in this deadly dance. She can stop anything from getting to Kahlah. Now brace yourselves, they are about to meet us shortly!"

Kenten braced and looked forward as the dust came into view. His sharp eyes could make out details in the armor and faces of the men that were rushing toward them and the people they were protecting. they wore deep deep grey leathers, not quite black so as to show the black stylized dragons on their chests. They charged under a blood red banner that bore the same stylized black dragon. None of them seemed to carry the same weapons, they all had various tools of slaughter on them. Everything from viciously spiked maces, flails, thorned whips, pole arms, swords of many cruel designs, most of which were jaggedly serrated. he did note however, that they moved with too loose an air about them. they were too eager to do their work, obviously too much blood lust that it overcame their skills. They were indeed young troops out to finish off the none combatant survivors.

The evil human tide surged just before them, seconds from engaging the gryphons and the drake, when a rain of huge ice shards began to fall into their ranks. The deadly shower slaying many and confusing many more, though they still rushed forward into the waiting nonhuman warriors. Blades slashed at the feathery and scaled hides, talons and blade replied to the advances. Kenten dodges and easily slashed the throat from his first opponent, using the dying man to catch a vicious swing of a battle axe. he placed his fore claw on the back of the axe wielder's head and shoved down with all his weight, breaking the man's skull as it hit the ground. out of the corner of his eye, he watched Agrok fight. She seemed to have much natural talent, as well as a surprising speed and agility. She lacked the power to rip through the armor, but she was more than making up for it in dodges and precision strikes to exposed spots of her foes.

Kenten was truly amazed by her, now more than ever. Untrained, she was holding her own quite nicely and having an effect on the battle. He caught a glimpse of Malehk smashing two opponents heads together with the crushing force his powerful form could produce. Another spell on his side of the fray gave him a moment to look ahead to Saltriss, who was locking blades with three opponents at once. The skills the drake showed were remarkable, using blade, tail and talons to fell his foes in a blended martial dance. As Kenten returned to fighting the men who drove at his side, a bright orange flashed with a roar near Malehk's side. A huge fireball engulfed a massive amount of the rushing men. The scent of charred flesh was heavy in the air, giving a foul addition to the stench of blood and sweat. The heat was intense, even from Kenten's position, he wondered how well Malehk was holding up so close to it.

Sharp pain suddenly erupted in his fore limb, just below the shoulder. He had been stabbed, but thankfully it was only a dagger and not well placed either. The wound was not serious, and it didn't seem to slow him down by much at all as he lunged at the wielder. His bulk forcing the human to the ground, where he used his strength to jerk the mans head around and break his neck with his own body weight. He noticed that the bodies were beginning to get in the way of their mobility, Agrok and Saltriss had already had to fall back a bit. He decided to do the same, he hoped that Kahlah and Malehk seen the withdraw.

"Left bird fall back I'll buy us a short rest," Kahlah shouted to Malehk, thankfully having seen the withdraw.

As Malehk fell back, Kenten was able to see the terrible destruction that had been delivered by the drake's spells. Scorched and frozen earth, speckled with the remains of the would be butchers who they had come to throw back. He felt a little sorry for the men who's lives were instantly or very painfully snuffed out by a force they could not defend against. To watch their comrades fall to this force and know they would be next, what fear they must have felt. But then he remembered, they were going to do the same thing to the fleeing humans in a more mundane manner. What these men had gotten was far more merciful than what they intended to inflict upon those non fighters, and that thought filled Kenten with a savage joy to be disposing of them. When the next would be warrior stepped into his range and made a reckless attack, Kenten did the most savage thing he had ever done in his life. The man swung high and wide with a downward chop of his halberd, trying to catch Kenten's neck. He simply dodged the wild swing and struck the opening presented by the weapon's weight pulling the man forward and down. His talons struck with a savage force, catching the edge of the mans face and shredding the flesh, pealing most of it from the bone in a gory spray. the man screamed as his eyes, with no more lids to hold them in place, slid from their sockets to hang by the optic nerves. He simply stared at the man's ruined face as the wretch tried to hold the remains back to his exposed skull, no emotion showing in his face or posture.

"Kenten," Agrok gasped as she looked over at him.

Her attention turned completely to him, and so did her body. She was frozen in horror at what he had done, and how he was going to leave the brute he had irreparably maimed. That made his stomach lurch more than the sight of his victim's tattered face. What he saw next made his heart plummet to the bottoms of his fore claws. Just as some spell the drake mage had apparently been casting went off, one heavily built human leaped from the shoulders of the others. The earth behind him closed like a book in a pattern far larger than any of the others Kenten had seen from the Kahlah's lone defense. The man had leaped high, holding a spear in both hands with a downward plunge strait for Agrok, who would never see it in time.

"Agrok,no," Kenten shouted as he tackled her full on in the front to knock her out of the path of the spear.

His impact sent her tumbling away and onto her back, just as the spear sank into his own back. He could feel the sharp, jagged head of the spear shredding his vital organs as it passed through is body. Oddly enough they didn't hurt like one would think, it was the pierced flesh it's self that hurt the most. the spear was in the left side of his back, from between the wrist joint of the wing and the shoulder and sticking out just below his ribcage. he heard Agrok cry out, seen the man draw a heavy, jagged bladed sword and begin to rush the prone female, she could only stare at him beginning to fall from blood loss and exhaustion. He heard Malehk's fierce screech of vengeance as he pounced the unsuspecting man, tearing the spine from the back of his neck. though the kill was not made before Malehk took a wound to his fore limb from that sword. Kenten closed his eyes for a moment to choke back a sob for Agrok, for he was enough of a warrior to know the truth. He didn't fear it, what he wanted to weep for was leaving Agrok just when they had bonded by the heart so well that he was to defy his father and his tribe.

"Kenten! Kenten just hold on, we'll get you help," Agrok cried franticly as she scrambled to her feet and tried to stop the heavy flow of crimson around the spear, her eyes glittering with tears,"We've got to stop this bleeding some how, if we can do that you'll be just fine. You have to be."

"No, Agrok," Kenten corrected her sadly, "I'm so so sorry, but I'm bleeding inside too. Even if you stop the outside bleeding, there is no gifted healers any where near close enough or friendly enough with our kind to save me. I know you loved me Agrok, but I want you to be strong for me and survive this. I couldn't stand you not being okay, I love you too much. I want you to find a mate that will make you as happy as you made me, for you truly set me free. I can die as I should, as your mate."

She didn't say anything, she only stared at him in a choked up sob that would not allow her to make noise. Kenten pulled her down to him to hold her tight, he showed her one last loving thing. He pressed his beak to hers, parting it so that he could gently caress her tongue with his own, the closest thing a gryphon could do to a kiss. When they finally let each other go from the gryph kiss, he pushed her away from him a bit.

"Malehk, Agrok is going to need your comfort right now," Kenten said calmly to his old friend, "Saltriss, I do not wish to die with my foes weapon in my body."

The drake nodded and snapped the head form the spear, pulling it free as Malehk pulled Agrok's face to his strong chest to hold her tight, "Are you in pain?"

"Very much so, and this will be a slow cruel death," Kenten replied grimly,"I would be thankful for one last mercy."

Saltriss nodded with no look of pleasure about him as he placed the tip of his blade at an upward angle to the base of Kenten's skull,"It will be quick and clean my friend, you will feel nothing."

"Be strong Agrok, you set me free and let me go happy to have been your love," Kenten said as cheerfully as he could manage, just before Saltriss made his merciful thrust.

The blade slid with ease through the bone and flesh right into his brain stem, he never had a chance to feel the pain of the thrust. Darkness closed around him, the last image he would see would be Malehk holding Agrok from the sight of his death with Kahlah holding her to comfort her as best she could. All at once the pain was gone, save for the pain in his heart, that stayed with him as he fell to the here after to be judged for the sum of his life.

Saltriss felt that familiar ache in his heart as he used a fallen feather to clean the honorable blood of Kenten from his blade. The fact that it was one of the great warrior's own feathers was bitterly ironic. He hated delivering such mercy, not for the fact of stopping the pain, but for having to slay those who were comrades. Having the gryphon's lover present made this one hit especially hard, she didn't deserve to lose him. She had fought well for having no training, and she was rewarded for her bravery with a horrible loss.

"Sal, birds, they are not all beaten yet," Kahlah spat bitterly, "the rest of their lot are moving around the spell effect. They can't even let us mourn in peace!"

"Agrok, get behind Kahlah," Saltriss ordered to the surprised gryphons, "Your fighting is done here today, Malehk and I will hold this lot off as long as we can. Perhaps we'll get them all while we hold out."

"No," the stern reply brought Saltirss back around to face pain filled yet determined eyes,"Kenten died fighting them and to save me, I will not let this job go unfinished. I owe him at least that much, he gave me his love and his life."

The drake looked to the first few stragglers coming at them then back at Agrok, "Very well, but stay between Malehk and I. We'll honor him by making sure his sacrifice wasn't in vain."

As they took their positions, they seemed to only have about twenty men left to fight. They braced for the meeting of the two forces, only to see a look of fear spread across the faces of the men as they began to scramble over each other to run away. Saltriss wondered what else could be happening as he turned around to see the many many dark spots in the sky. What must have been every warrior from the two tribes that had met at the camp was there, two hundred strong at the least. The real battle was over, they had won and Kenten did not die in vain. But the men would have to be eliminated before they got back to their mistress, this much Saltriss knew.

"Malehk, who is in charge of these warriors," He asked grimly.

"The two chiefs out in front there, black one and the brown one with tan markings," Malehk replied as he curled a protective and comforting wing around Agrok.

"I see them, I have enough left to get the message to them," Kahlah said softly, her voice heavy with exhaustion.

"Make sure to let them know about Kenten," Malehk said softly, "His father should be allowed to stay with his son while the warriors deal with the remaining men."

As Kahlah put her clawed hands to her snout and sent the message on the winds of magic, Saltriss turned to Malehk, "What of you? Will you tend your friend's body, or will you join the rest of your brethren in hunting down the fleeing defilers?"

As they heard a grievous shriek overhead, Malehk shook his head,"Agrok needs to go to her sister, and I promised to look after her if anything happened to him. She needs a lot of care right now, after the vows of my friend and seeing her this day I feel the kinship of a sister in her. I must tend to her for my brother of heart and soul."

"A reasonable and noble deed comrade," Saltirss gave him a slap on the shoulder,"I think I shall do the same, she is a brave lady and I feel I owe her much this day. We all do."

Saltriss let his eyes linger on the quivering form of Agrok, her face buried in the feathers of Malehk's chest. His heart ached for her, he knew she would hold guilt along with the usual pains of grief. He had no idea how to comfort her, he couldn't imagine the weight on her soul. He had lost his family to the forces of GahlByrn as well, but not right before his eyes and certainly not trying to save him. All he could think to do was to rest a clawed hand on her feathered shoulder and cover her with a tender, leathery wing.

"Where is my son," a frantic voice boomed over the sounds of rushing wind and rustling feathers, "What have you done with my son!"

Saltriss turned to face a huge black feathered broad wing, his oddly rust colored eyes shimmering with tears that had not yet fallen. He decided to be the one to show Kenten's father what had become of his fallen son. He could really do little for Agrok any how, and if this fellow got out of line in hysteria he would be best to subdue him.

"Good sir, your son is right over here," Saltriss replied calmly, bowing to the gryphon,"Kenten is right over here where he fell. We need a messenger to go to the refugees and ask that they send a few to build a liter so we can transport his body to where you wish him to rest."

The big male let out a cry as he rushed to the lifeless form of his son,"How did it happen? Was he struck by surprise, or was he slain in a fight by a stronger fighter?"

"Now relax and keep calm when I tell you this," Saltriss cautioned before he began his tale,"Kenten died a noble death of self sacrifice to save his mate. He shoved her away from the fatal blow that he took instead. He was suffering, and he asked for his final mercy. I did deliver that mercy for him with an instant death rather than the slow bleeding death he was suffering. He was a great and valiant warrior and your people should be proud to have had him."

"He did not have a mate," the gryphon chief replied a bit darkly,"He was to be in a prearranged mating to a gryphoness in a human court. He couldn't possibly have had a mate."

Malehk cleared his throat and locked the chief in a challenging stare,"Agrok was his mate, and he had decided to defy your arranged mating for her, he loved her with all he was. Quite frankly I see everything he seen in her, and he was right for making his choice. She was perfect for him and he for her."

The big black male stalked slowly over to Malehk and Agrok, staring intently at Agrok who had turned her head to look at him. Saltriss let his clawed hand slide up to his blade as he watched the approach. Grieving or not, he would not let this male harm Agrok in any way. She was a brave and heroic soul who did more than her share of fighting, and she had lost Kenten as well this day. She needed no more pain, for the injustice of her being pushed to a death by heart break was something the drake simply could not stand. He found that he rather liked the spirit and heart the little gryphon displayed.

"He was to defy me over you," the chief spoke quietly in an almost dangerous tone,"He died to defend your life? You stand here before me, alive and uninjured? I have only one thing to say to you."

Agrok's eye's blazed with anger as she pushed away from Malehk and stared down the chief with tear filled eyes,"What? What do you have to say to me? I should have died instead? Or how I had no right to love or be loved by him? That I'm a temptress harlot who lured Kenten to his death? What, what is it?"

Kenten's father reached out and pulled her close into a tight embrace, Saltriss was alarmed until he heard him speak,"Thank you. thank you for setting his heart free and letting him die happy with his beloved rather than alone with his enemies. Thank you for letting him find his true love and not having to grow into a false love. You were his mate, and now you are as my daughter, for I owe you more than any one could possibly give for taking care of him. And thank you for ending his suffering kind warrior, I hold no blame to you for his death."

Saltriss bowed in reply and asked, "Are you alright to tend to his last remains? I feel it is important to get Agrok back to her sister so she can start healing."

The gryphon chief let go of Agrok and steeled himself, "Yes, I am over the initial shock and I can do what I must for my son. Please do see that Agrok is well, I do not wish to lose her before I can ever come to know her. If Kenten was willing to defy me and the tribe for her, she must be a spectacular young lady."

"That she is," Kahlah said sternly as she took to Agrok's side to stroke a comforting hand through her neck rough,"this world needs more like her. Sal, if you'll give me your imprint of where you found these wonderful warriors I'll gate us back to their camp to get her taken care of."

Saltriss nodded and handed his blade over to his mate. He watched as she touched the eye like pummel to her talon shaped amulet, the two materials were the same pearl like substance. Kahlah held out a hand with her talons closed in a point, spreading her hand and drawing the space it's self open to reveal her gate to the camp. Saltriss moved quickly to catch her as she started to stagger a bit.

"Love, did you have the strength to do that," He asked gently into her ear.

"Honestly or what I was willing to force through," Kahlah asked in reply.

He growled a bit before he looked to Malehk, who was at Agrok's side, right against her, "Malehk, Kahlah has far over exerted her energies, can you carry her on your back through the gate so we can get her to a resting place?"

"I would be glad to," Malehk replied as he started to crouch,"Just help her up to lay facing my neck and head.I'll get her through, but then I need a rest myself as well."

Saltriss nodded his thanks as he helped Kahlah climb onto the large gryphon's back. She seemed to snuggle into the thick coat of feathers as she lay along his back. He could imagine how soft and comfortable those feathers must have been, if he was right about it then a lonely drake gal or two would be glad to take to the company of a gryphon bachelor if he was willing. As they walked through the gate, he couldn't help but wonder how long it would take to see the first mixed couple or just the first mixed trysting partners for that matter. Such an unattached fellow would become widely popular among the single drake gals, these gryphons were indeed graceful and handsome creatures. It would also work to his advantage that these broad winged birds were large in size, that would also drive the lonely ladies back home wild.

He loved the fact that they were using one of Kahlah's gates, the transition was seamless. It felt rather like they simply walked forward across the plains rather than through a breech in the paths of magic. Any other mage's gate would have been even more traumatic to Agrok, and stressful on the strained mage and warriors. Every last one of them could do without that, especially poor little Agrok, she would need the most quiet and least stress right now. He began to look around and search for Agrok's sister, not having any clue where she would be.

He thanked the powers that be when he heard her calling out, "Aggy, Malehk! You're okay! But, where's Kenten?"

Saltriss and Malehk both looked her in the eye and shook their heads sadly. Tahkra's face went blank with shock, she clearly had not entertained the idea of any of them dying. This was not a good thing, Agrok needed her to be strong and help her pull through the blow she had just taken. He had no clue what to do, he had to help her regain her mental feet to handle the grief of Malehk and Agrok both. He did not know her in the least however, and this left him completely blind on the matter.

"We are going to get Saltriss and Kahlah settled then me and Agrok will take you back to my shelter Tahk," Malehk stated as a fact, and saltriss silently blessed him, "we need you Tahkra."

He didn't stop to see if it had snapped her out of her shock, Saltriss was amazed at the firm trust that Malehk had in her strength of spirit. His trust as not misplaced, for Tahkra nodded and got to work finding something. He couldn't believe the strength Malehk was showing, he and Kenten had surely been friends at the least. Yet as those around him needed him, he stood strong and kept going about the actions he needed to perform. It seemed like incredible strength, but Saltriss knew what it really was and it worried him. Malehk simply wasn't allowing himself to grieve, and if he didn't it would begin to consume him from the inside out. He dared not say a word as the gryphon lead him through the camp to a shelter, his strength was needed for the moment.

"This is Agrok and Tahkra's shelter," Malehk announced as he held open the door flap,"They will be staying with me until they are ready to head home, then I'll be accompanying them. In the mean time, you two should be able to stay here and rest up."

Saltriss helped Kahlah off of the gryphons back as he knelt for her to get down, "Thank you Malehk, I'll attend to Kahlah's power strain and rest up myself. Once I'm back up and running I'll come find you and Agrok."

"That is your choice," Malehk replied softly,"Not that you aren't good company, but Agrok doesn't know you or even your species. You could offer little comfort to her right now, I only stay with her because of the familiarity with her sister and my vow to Kenten."

"I would like for you to come see us when you are settled," Agrok said suddenly, "Brothers and sisters in arms should stick together."

She then grasped Malehk's wounded fore limb above the wound, "And what is this, an untreated wound? If you wish to be a part of my life such as you are acting, then you had better take care of yourself. Come along, we'll get you cleaned and patched up at your place before Tahkra holds me up so I can fall apart"

Malehk started to protest, but even Saltriss knew he was doomed to be nurtured and tended. Agrok confirmed this by opening a wing and closing it as best she could on the larger male's head, effectively cutting off the protest. He couldn't help but smile as he helped Kahlah to one of the sleeping mats and laid her down. She was hurt, that was clear, but her spirit was very much alive under the shock and pain. He had no doubts that Agrok would recover, and likely quicker than most as well.

"She's going to get caught up in tending to those around her and preparing for her own stand in the days to come," Kahlah observed.

"Agrok will have her one long crumbling cry," Saltriss said softly, "but she will indeed get caught up in helping others and training for her own stands in the days to come. I only wish this world and these people could have been spared the horrors of what GahlByrn and his lot will show them."

"We all wish every world GahlByrn occupies had never seen that vile beast or his minions," his mate said in a soothing tone ,"But the truth is, he's found them, and we have to help them push him back. They will need help to protect themselves from his dark blessings. Seeing Agrok out there today however, it gives me hope. These birds have a powerful spirit to them, and they are fierce fighters, even the untrained. I do not believe that what ever lieutenant GahlByrn sent is prepared for a foe as strong as these great birds here. They can't be easily routed, they obviously have mages about if the warriors and even Agrok were so comfortable around magic as they were. A will that can't be broken, an entire winged army that can drop from the sky at any moment, and they seem to live on the move so there is no central city to destroy and cripple the nation. This finding fills me with hope, we may have found our breaking factor. The one element and place that will consume so much of GahlByrn's resources that it will allow the colonies, and even the home world start to gain a foothold to advance."

Slatriss settled down with Kahlah and held her close as he let the his body sink into full rest,"The sight of Agrok in battle brings hope."

Agrok walked in silence with Malehk, thankful for his presence. She was hurt bad inside, and she really did not wish to be alone in the empty camp where she had met and even mated with Kenten. A collapse was coming soon, and she knew it. She hardly knew him any more than the convictions he had shown when they were found by Saltriss, but some how she seemed comfortable around him. She couldn't explain it, she didn't want to, she just wanted the comfort that feeling gave her. she finally just stopped walking without warning, drawing a puzzled look from Malehk.

"Why are you doing this," Agrok asked softly, with no hint of rejection in her voice,"Why are you taking care of me so kindly? You don't know me, you barely know my sister, and yet you have announced you're escorting us home. I don't mind in the least mind you, but I simply wish to know why. I really have done nothing but gotten your friend and soul brother killed, should you not be grieving instead of tending to me?"

Malehk stared back at her a moment before he let out the sigh that began his confession,"I have no family Agrok, never had siblings and my parents were slain when humans annexed some of our lands. Kenten was all I really had left, I have no one to help me back up if I crumble in grief."

"So you avoid grieving so you may continue on," Agrok asked in reply, her heart aching a bit for the lone warrior.

"At this point only two things keep me wishing to carry on," Malehk explained,"I vowed to care for you should anything happen to Kenten, and I would very much like to know your sister a hell of a lot better. But as of now I can't look to any one to grieve, and if I start I know I'll not be able to pick myself back up. I don't grieve because I can't, there is just too much to do."

Agrok rested her fore claw on his soft feathered cheek and stared right into his eyes. She could see through the facade to the pain that was eating away at his heart. She realized he was a male like no other, and was truly worthy of Tahkra in every way. She knew her sister well enough to know, this humble warrior before her would indeed capture her heart. But only if he survived this tragic time, and she was not willing to let those butchers take another wonderful male out of her life.

"Malehk you will listen to me now and you will not protest," she began sternly, still gently caressing his cheek,"You will show me where your shelter is, I will patch your fore limb up, and we will grieve together. I want you to succeed with my sister, and you can't do that if this loss kills you inside. I'm very interested to see what kind of friend you will become, and I've never had a brother, in-law or other wise."

"Well, no matter what becomes of myself and Tahkra," Malehk started then paused as if deciding on finishing his statement,"My vow to Kenten would warrant that I view you as my own sister, even if one day you become overwhelmingly lovely to me. My heart will always regard you as a sister. Now let us go meet up with Tahkra so we can get the business of closure in order."

Agrok nodded, not yet able to smile for the events she had just witnessed. She let him take the lead as he rested a comforting wing over her back, it felt good there under a caring wing. She was not used to some one other than her father or Tahkra showing any kind of tenderness or concern for her. She decided she liked having a friend, even if she barely knew him. As they walked she breathed in the scents about him, making a note of them so as to know at least something more about him. He bumped into her once on the way, it was an accident but she didn't mind if it wasn't. His form was solid, the powerful muscles coiled under his coat and hide were very well developed. All in all he was a fine, healthy, and rather handsome chunk of male gryphon. She blushed a bit as her mind drifted to other thoughts that came naturally now that Kenten had shown her what wondrous things can happen below her tail. Tahkra would be quite pleased if Agrok's imagination were nearly true, even the slightest bit.

He lead her right up to a shelter that was on the farthest side of the camp, pausing right outside the door, "Well here we are, will you be alright to wait for me to find Lady Asreigh?"

A wonderfully familiar voice came from inside the hide house,"That wont be necessary, I made sure to find out which shelter was yours before every one else headed out. I was prepared to tend to your physical wounds and kind of hoping that Agrok would have been doing the same with Kenten."

As she spoke, Tahkra opened the door and looked to them both with sad and sympathetic eyes. Agrok could smell the faint odor of a common numbing healing salve used for fighting infection. Tahkra must have seen the wound on Malehk's fore limb and trusted him to be okay until he reached her. She already had faith in him, a great trust that spoke epic tales of how she already felt for this strong and caring male. She decided the world would not be right if these two were not mated, and it became part of her life's mission to see it come to pass.

"Tend to Malehk first Tahk," Agrok said softly as she entered the shelter and laid herself down at the farthest end,"My breakdown wont come too early to tend his wounds, but infection threatens him every second he leaves that open. We lost one good male today to the blade that did that, I'd rather not loose another."

"Are you sure Talon sister," Malehk asked her as he entered the temporary dwelling, surprising her with the title,"A wound to the heart can be just as lethal if not treated in time.I can tend my own wound while Tahkra cares for your heart."

"Agrok has made up her mind Malehk," Tahkra replied to the questions asked to Agrok,"Her reasons are good enough in her heart to make this decision, she wont reveal them and wont budge. What ever she has going on she believes it to be right, and you seen the lengths she will go to for what she feels is right."

Agrok gave a stern look and spoke with a dangerously sweet tone,"Unless this big handsome fellow thinks he can change my mind. I'm in the mood for a good fight, or just to chew something up."

Malehk pretended to cough as Tahkra entered and started to check his wounded fore limb,"No thank you, I'll trust your personal judgment on this one. Besides, this wound hurts and I would be great full for painslayer extract on it."

Agrok was torn between her pain and the light giggle Malehk almost summoned in her. She decided instantly on a triumphant snort instead. her mind started wandering on what could have been with Kenten as she watched Tahkra patch up the surviving male. She felt her eyes begin to grow moist as she imagined herself doing the same for her fallen love. Even as her heart and soul tried to survive with the others, she felt it tearing and ripping more and more. thoughts of Kenten lead back to the wondrous pleasure he gave her, and to the glorious way it felt during that time when he touched and caressed her. those memories lead to painful fantasies of other encounters they could and probably would have had out on the plains alone, or even in the forests at the edge of the borders. It cut deep into her heart to know she would never feel his touch again, to never share in his warmth or the pleasure of their coupling.

Tahkra was making good progress in the deep wound in Malehk's fore limb, all her concentration on the tender task. He himself was preoccupied with admiring Tahkra's work and her form before him, only gazing at her head as she stitched the wound closed. Agrok was mildly great full as her vision was beginning to blur with the tears that were trying to fall. Her mind came to the most horrible thing of all, their children would never have a chance to come into the world. Her heart was absolutely ravaged by those thoughts, and her will finally broke to the pain of mourning her lost love and the future children they would have had together.

Not a word was spoken to her as she crumbled, she only felt the strong fore limb drape over her back and hold her tight to a strong body as a softer more tender form held tight to her on the other side. He body lurched with the force of her silent, pain filled sobs. The tattered heart that beat in her chest over flowed with a dual pain, she had lost her love and would not likely find one so special as to love her again. The loss of Kenten meant a return to a lonely life after having felt love. It only made her feel that the gods themselves wanted her alone and unloved, that they were together so short a time. For what seemed like days she could only lay there and weep, she was only partially aware of the two holding and caressing her in a purely soothing manner.

"He was the only one who would dare to love me Tahkra," she whispered quietly as she gained a bit of breath,"He dared to love me and the gods extinguished his life for it. No one can love me like that again, he was the only one who could see those things in me."

"That is not true Agrok," Malehk spoke softly and soothingly to her,"I see what Kenten seen in you, and I myself find you exceedingly beautiful as he did. You are easy to love, for your heart is strong, brave, and pure. If one only gets passed the stupidity of what certain types should look like and how big or small they should be, there's not a male alive who would be able to keep away then. I would stand at your side myself if I did not already have interest in Tahkra and my personal feelings about your bond to Kenten. But I have indeed come to hold you in my heart already dear Agrok, knowing you, seeing you risk your life so selflessly for those people. I find in myself I have to at least love you as a sister."

The words struck home, her heart stopped pouring it's life blood forth and slowed to a more manageable bleeding. Her battle, her grief, and her body wrenching sobs took their toll. As she lay in both their fore limbs, her sobs became soft moans of pain, then soft whimpers, until finally exhaustion seized her and dragged her down into a deep slumber where she would not dream.

It had been a long flight back to Vantegaush village, taking nearly half a day. Kahlah was intrigued by the size of the village, rather large in comparison to the tiny little outposts in the Kenjaya territories. This particular tribe seemed to have it's own city more than a system of small villages, it was no wonder Tahkra could envision her people living in vast cities and ruling these lands as a nation. As they drew increasingly closer to the village, she kept looking down at Agrok, flying at her sister's wingtip with Malehk's wings shading them from his highly protective position directly above them just out of wind distortion range.

The three had formed a strange kind of relationship that Kahlah couldn't guess at. She simply figured it as an after effect of grief, it could do bizarre things to people. But as she watched as they had prepared to leave, Malehk was very affectionate and tender toward Agrok;preening, nuzzling, and even at times holding her tight in his wings and fore limbs. To Kahlah's knowledge, Malehk was pretty much Tahkra's chosen male, yet she didn't seem to mind him being so focused on Agrok. she was further thrown by the look in Malehk's eyes when he watched Agrok, they held love, but not the same as Saltriss showed in his eyes when he looked at Kahlah.

She shrugged it off, as it seemed to be doing Agrok a lot of good. Even under all that attention and the improvements they had seen in her already, Agrok had been taking things hard and it was obvious. She never weeped in public, nor dashed off to do so. However, she never spoke or looked upon anything with any real happiness in her voice or her eyes. The drake mage had no doubt that she would bounce back and become something the people would truly need. Young Agrok had every thing in her heart and soul to become a hero of these lands, and Kahlah wanted so dearly to see her rise to such greatness.

All hero's face brutal heart ache and lonely lives until they rise to their greatness. I just wished that the loves that would come of Agrok's greatness would not be as hollow as most of those myself and Saltriss had to endure before we met one another. I simply couldn't stand to see this sweet lady of pure heart being used for status and simple mortal lust.

As her mind rolled over her hearts words as well as her tactical brain, the mage turned her eyes to Agrok once more, making use of her long range vision to make the gryphon look a bit closer than she was.

Fear not little Agrok, both Saltriss and I have made our decision. We will teach you the things you so desire to learn, and more if you wish.

She looked over to her mate, who looked back at her with a strait face as he always did. She knew he was smiling at her by the love in his eyes, he simply smiled so rarely that he had to remind himself to do so. He had once told her, when she had questioned him on it, that he forced himself to smile to her because certain things should be met with a physical smile. She couldn't help but smile back at him as they started their decent. Many of the village gryphons had began to step to the doors of their homes to watch the group fly in. it was no secret that the drakes themselves were causing quite a stir, they simply did not have drakes on this world. She still wasn't sure if she was pleased or offended by the fascination with her and her mate.

Agrok and Tahkra lead them down to what must have been their childhood home. As their feet hit the ground for their gracefully soft landing, Kahlah was pleased to note that no crowd had formed to gawk at the two drakes. There were onlookers who paused for a moment in their chores to eye the new winged reptiles, but they went about their business after a moments curiosity was satisfied. The mage closed her wings around herself as if she were wearing a cloak, only really covering her front and blending her colors to look as though it covered her back. Not that it mattered that her back was covered, Saltriss wrapped a wing about her shoulders from behind any how. They stayed a few paces back as the three gryphons approached the many hide domes that made the house.

Before they reached it, a very distraught looking male gryphon stepped out and fixed his eyes on Agrok, "Agrok, I'm sorry for this, but there is something I must do that pains me very deeply."

Agrok started at the sound of his voice, for she had been looking at the ground when he came out of the home, "Daddy, whats going on? What are you talking about, what pains you very deeply?"

Kahlah and Saltriss both moved in closer to Agrok as her father continued,"Your unique situation with your size, your skills, and your career interests have caused a lot of pain to your mother. As well it threatens your sister's dreams and goals by discrediting our family, that is one of my daughters and my mate being hurt by the presence of my youngest daughter. I must cast you from here in the interest of the family as a whole Agrok. Believe me I don't wish it had to be this way, but there is no other way. I will help you build a home for yourself and bring your belongings to you."

Kahlah's heart dropped as she watched Agrok's pupils dilate, the poor girl had actually snapped right before her eyes. The life had been extinguished in an instant, while at the same time a fury had been ignited in the drake's heart. Her own father had dealt the death blow to an already wounded spirit, the blood of her mate was still moist upon her fore limbs and she had been disowned by her family. She wanted nothing more than to slowly burn the beaten dog where he stood. The pain in his eyes was real, which meant the unseen mate was likely the one behind the casting out of their daughter.

None of them had a chance to react before Malehk exploded, driving the elder male to the ground with a vicious fisted claw strike to the head just where the neck met the skull. Before Kahlah could stop him, Saltriss joined the bristled and enraged gryphon over Agrok's father. The drake warrior held his blade to the prone gryphon's throat to discourage any movement or resistance.

"You craven, vulture spawned, spineless, scum bag," Malehk spat his words into the face of his victim. "Agrok has fought to protect these lands and peoples of the now fallen land to our former eastern neighbors. She risked her life to protect you and every one else here, she met and loved a great warrior. During her battle she lost her mate to the very foe we repelled, she must feel as though the consorts themselves hate her right now. Kenten's blood is still fresh on her heart , and you reward a returning, grieving hero by casting her from your family for the shame her existence brings to your perception? If I did not love Agrok like a sister, or Tahkra as a potential mate, I would slay you where you lay!"

Agrok still did not focus on anything, she had not moved a muscle or even breathed more than shallow choked breaths since the news was delivered. Tahkra was stunned and horrified at what had just happened, she didn't want her sister to be tossed out like so much rubbish. To make things worse for the poor female, her chosen consort had just throttled her father and was spitting curses in his face. Some one needed to do something to start this situation moving in some sort of direction other than violence and hatred. Kahla sighed softly as she realized she was the only one who was left to react to everything.

"Agrok, sweetling." The drake spoke softly and soothingly to the shattered gryphon as she held her head to look her in the eyes,"I want you to stay out here, I know where this came from and I plan to address it with some acidic words. I want you to stay out here so you don't have to hear them, for they are very hurtful things that I must say. I can see in your father's eyes that he loves you very much and hated doing this. However, I am gonna have Malehk and Saltriss hold him there and let him stew in what he has done. He needs to see what a foolish decision he was manipulated into."

She was rewarded for her efforts by a slight growth to Agrok's pupils and a soft nod of understanding. she held tight to the gryphons neck and nuzzled her cheek softly before she turned and stiffened her posture. The some what short, very lithe drake marched up to the large male gryphon and powerfully built Saltriss with every bit of authority.

"Malehk, Saltirss, keep this gryphon here to wallow in his stupidity, I have to talk to the bitch responsible for all this mess," Kahlah growled as she marched her way into the skin house of her new friend's childhood, seeking the source of her freshly gashed heart. The mage shrouded the skin house with a dome of silence to keep her conversation between her and her target.

"Who in the hell do you think you are to prance on in here uninvited?" a female voice demanded from her right.

Kahlah spotted her then, a pretty girl indeed, fresh for the icy tones the drake spoke in,"I am the great mage of The Tempest, one and only drake mage of the world of Skanshial. I am your daughter's friend, as well as the friend of your disowned daughter Agrok. The brave young warrior I watched fight hard for people she had never seen before, or possibly even heard of. This day she lost much and became a hero to the remains of a lost nation. I want to know how you can possibly find shame in such a magnificent daughter. I personally hope my children grow to be half the great person Agrok has proven to be."

The female gryphon snorted before she gave her reply,"Agrok is malformed, she is far too small for a broad wing. She seeks a career only for males, and as a result of all this she will never be mated and bring us grandchildren. The shame she brings to this family is great, and it harms us all, especially Tahkra. Her dreams require absolute integrity, and such a shameful sibling as Agrok greatly undermines that."

Kahlah bared her teeth as she clenched them tight fore a moment to calm down before she spoke again,"We are taking Agrok far away from you, so she may get the training she needs and desires. Tahkra already has benefited from Agrok's bravery this day, as even the cheiften of two of your tribes now refer to her as Lady Tahkra, sister of the great Agrok. Your misunderstood daughter will grow and become far greater than you could have imagined, and it will all be said in history to be in spite of you. I'll return for Agrok's things later, we need to find her a new home for now."

Kahlah started to turn to go before she paused to add one last warning,"Oh and if you try at all to stand in Agrok's way again, I'll make short work of you."

She launched a fire bolt into the fire ring for emphasis on her rage just before walking out to face Agrok and deliver the news. The poor gryphon had not budged, though she was now free enough of shock to silently let her tears fall. Kahlah moved to her front and held her tight, giving a gentle kiss to her cheek.

"I do have some good news sweetling," She whispered into the feathered ear tuft,"Saltriss and I are going to stay near , if not with you and train you to be a warrior so you can help others if you like. But we will be taking you away from here, to where ever we can find shelter."

Malehk stepped off of Agrok's father and stepped up beside the pair, who was now joined by Tahkra,"She will live with me among the Rentuh tribe. I made my promise to Kenten to care for her, and I owe it to her sister as well as Agrok herself. I will see to her base training as well to see she learns to fight as a gryphon."

Tahkra held her sister tight and asked her softly,"Does that sound alright Aggy?"

With out urging or request,Kahlah risked a gate back to the area of the meeting camp as soon as Agrok nodded her acceptance of their offer. As they stepped through Kahlah noticed for the first time what she would note the entire trip, Agrok never looked back.