Becoming Tundra***Chapter 5

Story by RubberFins on SoFurry

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#3 of Becoming Tundra


"This is unbelievable."

"I know what you mean."

"I don't think that there's anything that could explain this," the lion said as he wrote on his clipboard.

Snow continued to run on the treadmill. It was at full speed, and he had been keeping up for ten minutes. It had been a week since he had put the hole in his wall. His body was now closely resembling that of Tundra's. His shorts were too tight, but he told his mom not to worry about buying anything new. He knew that he wasn't going to be around much longer, and he didn't want to have his parents waste their money. His thick paw hit the stop button. Snow came to a stop and panted. He used his paws to hold himself up on the side rails.

"I think that you no longer need the rehab," the doctor gave him a smile as he signed on the bottom line.

"Again, doc, thanks for your help," he looked over at him and returned the smile.

After ten minutes of filling out forms, Snow was ready to go home. He walked out the doors and began his jog through the city. It was amazing how much attention he got now that he was built so well. Many female furs stopped to gawk at him as he trotted past them. He just smiled to himself, knowing that they could only dream. About a mile from home, Snow had to stop to wait for traffic. While watching the cars pass by, he heard a small yell come from the other side of the street. The light turned and he walked over to the alley. Turning in, Snow saw the Doberman and his gang circled around a small fox.

The fox was curled up in a ball as the leader held his large footpaw on his tail, "Next time, you will remember to kiss my feet."

The gang laughed and Snow stepped forward, "Excuse me, but I do believe that you are supposed to be kissing my feet."

They all went silent as the Doberman quickly turned and snarled, "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I'm the husky that you threw into the street a month ago," Snow cracked his knuckles and bared his teeth.

"Oh, back for another beating?" He took his foot off the fox and walked towards Snow. "I see that you're bigger, but that doesn't mean you're not a faggot."

"That's fine. Just be sure to tell Anubis that I say hi." Snow pulled his paw back and formed it into a fist as it met with the Doberman's jaw.

There was a small crack as he let out a yelp. Blood splattered against the brick wall as the brown dog fell to his knees. Without hesitating, Snow grabbed his shoulders and thrust his left knee into his chest. There was another crack and the Doberman slowly fell to the ground. Every muscle in Snow's body bulged. The rest of the gang was awestruck. At that moment, Snow noticed that the fox was now standing next to him. The orange and white fur was beginning to darken. The fox was growing taller and thicker. It only too a few moments for him to turn into Anubis. Towering over them all, the jackal looked down at the dying Doberman and then put a paw on Snow's shoulder.

"You did good, and as promised, you have one week to stay here," he gave a reassuring look at the pup.

"Yes sir," Snow nodded.

Anubis then leaned down and put his paw on the Doberman's back. In a flash of fire, the two had disappeared. The gang ran quickly; causing Snow to chuckle a little. He turned around and then continued jogging home. It only took him ten more minutes to arrive at his front door. He gave a small sigh of relief as he went to the kitchen and helped his mom with the dishes. He spent the rest of the afternoon with her. They made lunch together, played cards, cleaned the house, and finished by sitting on the swing in the back yard. They both sat and enjoyed the sunset. He loved his mom very much, and it hurt him to know that it would be the last few days that he would see her.

That night, Snow was listening to some of his favorite music. Right in the middle of a solo, his cell phone rang.

He turned down the volume and flipped the phone open, "Hello?"

"Hey Snow, it's Bandit."

"Oh, hey. What's up?"

"Umm, nothin' much. I was wondering if you could come over. I had something I wanted to ask you in furson."

"Yeah, I'll be over in a few minutes."

"Ok, see you then."

"See ya," he hung up the phone and then turned off his radio.

He was going to save the day for Bandit when it nearer to his time, but he wasn't going to deny him a chance to be together. Snow let his mom know where he was going and then started jogging towards Bandit's. It only took him a few minutes. He gently knocked on the door.

Bandit answered the door, "Hey," he said with a big smile.

"Hey," Snow smiled back and then walked in.

"Mom and Dad are gone, and I was feeling kinda lonely," Bandit closed and locked the door.

"That's fine. I really wasn't doing anything anyways," Snow replied as he made his way over to the couch.

Bandit sat at the other end and flipped on the TV. They just casually talked for a few minutes. Snow wasn't paying much attention to Bandit constantly readjusting himself and making his way closer to himself.

As the next commercial came on, Snow turned and smiled, "Oh, I see you're feeling lonely at that end of the couch as well?"

Bandit grinned and tried to hide his blush, "Yeah, it's not very comfortable over there."

At this moment, Snow realized what Bandit was doing, and he wasn't really sure what he wanted to do. He felt his face begin to warm up. Their eyes connected. For that brief moment in time, Snow saw a deep love within the raccoon's yellow eyes. He must have never noticed before, but it was very obvious now. Bandit reached a paw forward and placed it on Snow's thigh. A shiver ran through Snow's body. Bandit smiled and then moved even closer. He was practacly in Snow's lap, so he got brave and jumped up on the husky's powerful legs. Facing each other, breathing heavily, Snow licked Bandit's nose.

"I've always wanted to be with you Snow. I just never had the courage to say anything before. Now that you're so sexy, I can't resist anymore," he blushed more and licked the husky back.

"Bandit, I want to be with you too, but there are some things that are going to prevent that," Snow tried to keep happy, but his ears fell.

"Oh," Bandit lowered his head.

"I can't really explain, but there's nothing I can do to get around it," Snow looked away, but rested both his paws on the raccoon's legs.

"Then, can I ask one thing of you?" Bandit perked up a tiny bit.

"Yes?" Snow looked back at his loving eyes again.

"Kiss me," Bandit's cheeks turned a shade of pink as he said this.

Snow, also blushing, leaned in and kissed the raccoon with the lips of his maw. Bandit kissed him back, and they held it for some time. Snow wrapped his arms around Bandit, and the raccoon did the same. Slowly, both their maws began to open. Their tongues began to dance as they exchanged their warm saliva. Snow's paws began to go up and down his friend's back as the kiss got deeper. They were both bulging in their shorts as they continued. After what seemed like an eternity, they finally broke. Both of their eyes closed, Snow lick off some of the spit from his maw. Snow pushed Bandit onto his back and then got over him. They began to kiss again. Bandit reached up and began undoing Snow's shorts. Feeling the paws work at his waist, Snow used one paw to unbutton Bandit's while the other paw kept him up. Both of their shorts were loose. They stopped kissing, and Snow sat up and took his shorts off. He then took off his boxers to reveal a fully hard canine cock.

Bandit watched as his own began to throb in his shorts. Snow saw this and slid the raccoon's shorts and boxers off. He smiled as he saw the cock.

"The lube's in my room. First dresser drawer," Bandit said.

"Ok," Snow quickly ran up and grabbed it.

He didn't hesitate to apply it as he made his way back towards the living room. He practly dropped the bottle when he saw Bandit on all fours. His tail hole was facing Snow, with the banded tail raised up in the air. Snow leaked pre out of his freshly lubed cock. He got on his knees behind Bandit and then applied some lube to the tight, pink hole. His body shivered. Throwing the bottle aside, Snow grabbed Bandit's sides.

" ready?" Snow asked.

"Fuck me puppy," Bandit replied.

Snow smiled and then pressed his cock up against the raccoon's hole. He moaned lightly as he felt the pink skin wrap around him. Bandit moaned as well. Snow pushed in further and further. He got all the way down to his knot and then paused.

"God are you fucking...tight."

"Oh...I can be tighter," Bandit looked back and smirked.

Snow began to moan as he felt the coon squeeze his cock. He began to pull back, and they moaned in unison. It didn't take long for Snow to start pounding Bandit. Their maons filling the house as bandit dripped pre onto the carpet. The musk of the pup filled the room and only made them fuck harder. Before long, Snow's knot was fully formed. It pushed against Bandit's hole, both of them moaning loudly. Not being able to hold back any longer, Snow thrust his knot into the coon. He panted heavily as he listened to the raccoon's moans. Bandit squeezed as much as he could. It sent Snow over the edge, and with a loud howl, his seed burst fourth into Bandit. Bandit moaned louder as he felt the cum wash his insides. Just the thought aroused him to the point of him shooting his load into the carpet.

They stayed tied together for about three minutes. After which time, they had very little energy left. Snow slowly pulled out and they both began to clean up the mess on the floor. Afterwards, they went up to Bandit's room and fell asleep in each other's arms.


The image fades and you find yourself in the temple again. Tundra is standing infront of you with a smile on his face. The memories are obviously making him feel good inside. You begin to realize that this was the plan all along. His master wanted him to relive this so that the pup could